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No. 239140
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I mean it boils down to genetics, but I think older men are disgusting. I don't understand the appeal.
The only reason I can see why someone would want an older man is because they have money/famous or because the person themselves have some deep seeded issues/daddy issues
I think women age better because they actually make an effort to take care of themselves, but because standards can be so high and impossible for them to meet it's harder for them to be accepted, standards for men aren't as insane.
Also I hate that people act like men aren't affected by age related/health problems, like who wants to lewd with a balding old fart with a limp wiggly dick that has to take a pill to get hard,
young men are definitely more appealing and have more stamina
but all in all, aging can be rough for both since society doesn't really like old people in general
No. 239151
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>>239146Even if they're not American they'll be at the very least balding.
My ex is 23 and is slowly starting to look like pic related and get a beer gut.
No. 239157
I think it depends on your genetics, where you live, what you eat and how you have taken care of your skin.
I live in the arctic so we don't have much sun here which is good, thus both my parents and all my grandparents have aged quite good + we have sami genetics which helps.
If anyone lives a life with lots of sun, alcohol, cigarettes, partying, bad food, too much makeup etc etc it's going to show.
>do women really prefer older men?
women prefer MATURITY in men. Not old age. People, men in particular, conflate this with women liking old men
No. 239202
>>239151Isn't it depressing?
Well maybe not since he is your ex but it makes dating harder when so many guys are chubby and/or balding. I don't need muscle at all, just no chub.
No. 239266
>>239205> Men say this shit because they're insecure assholes who want to make women feel shitty.This. And then they get old and realize that it's not true.
>>239207It's not red pill. A lot of men think that being old(er) is attractive. I had older men ranging from in their mid 30s to even 80s hitting on me ever since I turned 20 (when I was in my teens it was even worse) and they would be really pissed when I told them that I had no interest in old men.
And this is a problem because it's constantly perpetuated by the media.
No. 239332
>>239133Eh, depends.
I'd say we all age like milk.
It's just that young girls will still go for older guys because they're gold diggers. Or if you wanna put that nicely they're attracted to a successful man. There's also the fact women tend to settle down in their late twenties to early thirties, so you won't see a lot of younger men who still want to enjoy freedom dating older women, especially if you add the fact society is still stuck in the "male breadwinner" mentality.
No. 239334
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Pic related is what annoys me even more…
No. 239337
>>239334Also, as a non-american i can't get behind aave, it sounds just plain wrong and annoying to me.
>honey…just sayinSaged for ot
No. 239343
welcome to the 21st century
No. 239345
>>239332unless you're east asian
Holy shit how do they do it No. 239347
>>239346I want to believe
I don't want to age
I feel like I wasted so much time and I'm still a virgin at 21.
What if I start losing hair now?
No. 239348
>>239334Annoys me too. Whites age good if they live in Europe or an area with similar UV rates/climate, where they evolved to be. Europeans manage the long dark cold winters, forests, clouds, the mild summer sun much better than blacks will. Thus Africans will not age good in Europe because they did not evolve to be in that climate.
Its really not difficult to understand. However I know most people that say this tend to be Americans. And no offense, but your education system seems like shit.
No. 239349
>>239348It annoys me to no end…
>Black don't crack>Asian don't raisin>Men age like wine, women age like milkWhite girls are fucked, should we just off ourselves, or what?
No. 239350
qt azns are superior anyways
No. 239353
>>239349They're compensating because white women are widely regarded as the most beautiful in most part of the world. Most black women, latinas and italians get gigantic as they age, having no wrinkles but being a landwhale isn't cute.
Not trying to racebait.
No. 239355
>>239337That's not even aave lol.
The average white person just isn't as anal about skincare as blacks and asians (on top of having more fragile skin the paler it is). According to the skincare threads on here, people are supposed to put sunscreen on every time they go outside. It's the same as the men aging meme. The average man looks like dogshit because he doesn't take care of his skin or body.
>>239349Just live your life anon. Take care of your skin, if you want to.
No. 239357
>>239353Actually I wouldn't say it's compensating, just casting a more critical eye on white women
because they're the standard of beauty.
It isn't accepted for women in general to age, but even less so for white women to age because you guys are supposed to be the world's pretty trophy objects for the rest of your lives.
No. 239364
>>239349Take care of yourself. Dont sunbathe, don't drink, smoke, eat shit food.
Either way, you need to stop worrying. Everyone will age no matter what their skin tone is. And death is coming for us all lol.
Try to spend your time with something else. Something that will last/make you a better person.
>>239350To who? Asians evolved to be superior to the Asian climate, Europeans to the European, Africans to the African..
>>239357To me it seems like compensating. Black girls always hear how light skinned, and white girls (white latinas seem to be very popular atm) are the most beautiful. So doing the thing people do when they're jealous, they try to bring (in this case) white girls down. I remember seeing an IG user that posted pictures of pretty European girls (keep in mind, there was no racism against blacks on that user). It got flooded with angry black girls, saying the most horrible thing the could think of concerning how these blonde girls will age.
That is not being critical. It's being rude, racist and generally a shitty unlikable person.
To me it's the exact same reason why some men say things like 'women age like milk'. It's because they're hateful, and hold a grudge against women for whatever reason.
No. 239370
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yeah no
look at how many divorces are initiated by men.
We still live in society where men are made breadwinners
do you really think there's a man who'd give half of his property to "upgrade" to a trophy wife?
No. 239371
>>239367>It's never women shitting on each other>everywhere is full of black women shitting on white women>black feminists shitting on white feministsthis meme was probably not made by a guy either
>>239334I have literally never heard a guy say "women age like milk"
No. 239387
>>239383>mean girls don't exist>It's 100% male indoctrinationwhy don't you just admit shitty women exist
>>239375That's bull
wasn't MILF last year's hot thing?
And I get you with the point you make about movies, but I see Jennifer Anniston being paired with younger men fairly often. She's 50, she just doesn't look like it. But I think the trend is changing not to portray young women with older men at least.
No. 239390
>>239379I think you're right. Especially in America. However in Europe, European men are starting to prefer white women again, over anyone else. I think it makes sense if you look at the political ans social climate in Europe atm.
Also disclaimer I am not saying that European men treat European women good. Just that they prefer their own kind.
Anyways. It disgusts me so much how women can go in and out of fashion, like we're a dress or a pair of shoes. I don't understand how cultured Asian women and Middle Eastern woman can go for lazy american men.. ugh
No. 239395
because women completely lack agency and have to be told what they like by men
unless they're the enlightened sages of lolcow
No. 239397
>>239383>>239384>>239385I'm not denying that, but just because men do it too and dark girls only have been indoctrinated doesn't make me feel any better or excuses their behavior.
If you look at the comments of this video it's over 90% women simply bragging how young they look, that this wasn't a secret and that every race ages slower than whites - and there are many videos like this
No. 239401
>>239398Praising the form of relationship you're pursuing isn't shitting on others
Believe it or not, most of the time things people do aren't specifically aimed against you.
No. 239408
>>239403literally nobody is fighting to make their own race looking more attractive to men. Believe it or not most women aren't retarded.
It's not pitting women against each other anymore than the 2D vs 3D "debate"
No. 239413
>>239411I don't know any women like that. I'm glad I don't
>>239412>women glorify "dadbod"people glorifying slobs are cancer. But just look at how many fans Momokun has. Same thing except "dadbod" men don't post their lingerie shots all over social media, than god.
No. 239421
>>239419>Fin WolfhardHE'S 14
Greer, is that you?
No. 239422
>>239408Idk, I've seen and heard lots of Asian women cry about muh orientalism and racial fetishisation, "I'm not your China doll" etc and then turn around and say they want a white bf to make cute babies and brag about being better wife material because they're "more traditional".
The koolaid tastes good if it works in your favour I guess.
No. 239425
>>239422I see a lot of asian women crying anything in particular tbh. Mostly americans.
I mean you haven't forgotten Ema Sulkowicz aka Matress girl who carried matress around campus accusing someone of rape and then just went
"oh it was just my art project"
When it comes to asian girls who are immigrants from their countries, there's the "shufu" horror stories, where the man in these culture usually brings home the money, but doesn't decide what to do with them, and gets shit if they don't bring enough.
White guys who sign up for that probably deserve it tbh. Just leave them be.
No. 239430
>>239400>And who was the video produced by and who is the company run by?most likely a white man.By that logic commenting 'deus vult' underneath an alt-righters video wouldn't make me a racist either, since afterall that video wasn't produced by me, but a white man and i'm just a stupid impressionable woman being influenced by him…
There are over 5000 comments, mostly from black women who applaud the content of the video, no excuse for that.
Women are not just mens puppets, so if you do shit, you have to own up to your actions.
No. 239458
>>239400Yeah sure, produced by "white" man.
90% chance his last name ends in -berg or -stein.
No. 239462
>>239348This. White women in Europe age just fine. Human skin is very sensitive to the sun. In Europe having white skin is not a problem since there is less sun exposure.
If you are white and living in the states or Australia or south Africa you HAVE to wear sun protection.
The way I see it is… the people native to these areas were brown (or black) skinned if you're lighter than them you better slather up.
No. 239463
The "fine wine" concept pretty much only applies to celebrities. Theoretically, it can apply to anyone with the resources, genetics, and discipline to take extremely good care of themselves, but most men refuse to do this. For some reason, men love to ignore the fact this is not a thing common among normal men and act like celebrities like Robert Downey Jr are representative of how most men age. It truly shows how deluded they are.
They're happy to point out it's pretty much only a celebrity thing when you mention all the hot 40+ women in Hollywood, though. They only apply this logic toward women because if they applied it to themselves, they would have to accept the reality that they're not destined to look like George Clooney when they're fifty, and will most likely be hideous.
I mean seriously, how many 40+ men do you guys see in the real world who are actually hot? Most of them are fat, balding, and have gross faces. In the real world, you see waaay more attractive 40+ women because we've been conditioned by society to obsess over anti-aging and work for it. Men are fucking delusional and think they can drink beer and eat cheeseburgers every day, but will still look like some dashing Hollywood heartthrob.
Also, most men tend to think they're much more attractive than they actually are. These men in Hollywood who they see as representative of how men age were already exceptionally hot in their youth. If you're ugly in your 20's, you're gonna be hella ugly 35+.
Not to mention sexual performance in men greatly starts to decline in their mid-thirties. Doesn't matter how hot you are if you can't fuck for more than 10 minutes at a time without feeling like you're gonna die.
No. 239556
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>>239549I present exihbit A, It doesn't mean he's not GOAT , just that skin be doing what skins wants to do
No. 239645
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>>239545Picking on germans is always easy…
>Genes be gene-ingPlease tell us more about how italian americans are genetically superior kek
No. 239662
>>239419Yeah, I've seen them. They're usually not the types people who post on imageboards like this interact with often though.
>>239463Men seem to like to hide behind the top 10% of men in anything and look down on others because of that.
>>239432It's a fairly big social problem in the black community where the men will put down black women in this and many other ways and lust after nonblack (or very light/mixed black) women heavily. Maybe they don't go screaming at randoms on the street, but they make it known in other ways.
>>239454It's crazy how there's almost an expectation for black dudes to lust after white women. I knew this black dude and everyone treated him like he was weird for saying he wasn't really attracted to white women and preferred dating black girls.
No. 239663
I don't believe this at all. I've always thought men aged more poorly. Women that spend too much time in the sun/drink/smoke/get fat are often the ones that are claimed to look terrible, but of course, the sun damages everything, so does excessive weight gain, smoking, etc. Also, I do think there is something to the idea that like, german/english/irish/Scottish genetics are shit for aging. They look really bad as they age. Mediterraneans seem to age a lot better, imo. There are honestly so many attractive women I see at age like 55, tbh. This is nothing but a dumbass meme, imo. If you take care of yourself, you'll still be hot, imo.
No. 239678
>>239645What the fuck are these people? Is this why Americans think Italians are pee-oh-cee? I'm third gen italian-south-american and I look one hundred percent white in comparison to this
sage because kinda unrelated, I'm just really shocked
No. 239695
>>239663Sadly that's true…
I'm german and we really do age like shit.
I look a lot older than my age and so do all my friends. I could easily pass as somebody in her 30s. (Being on imageboards a lot and into kpop definitely was a huge blow to my self esteem because of that… plus we do have the reputation of simply being ugly in general)
Even when i was still a child foreigners already thought i'm a teen/adult (and creepily hit on because of that…)
Saged for blog
No. 239702
>>239686Oh… That explains it. So they're like the brits' chavs in trashiness?
Didn't know that about tanners, but then again why the fuck would you go out of your way to get a tan, sun or not? It can be cute if it's mild but the extremely tanned look doesn't suit anyone of any race
No. 239722
>>239718I'm only 22 and already look somewhat haggard.
That can't be because i already was in the sun too much or that i took not enough care of my skin, since after all i still am 'young', it's sadly simply shit genetics…
No. 239729
>>239718Yep, most of the 'white women age like milk' examples posted online (and seen irl) are American or British college girls with Anglo genes, who eat like crap, party all the time, wear lots of foundation and use scrubs and peels as their only skincare.
As for my country, whole 'French girls age elegantly' thing is a meme because for every pretty Parisian you have 5 girls with the typical French 'look', aka skeleton kings with super thin lips, hooked noses and limp dark hair. The difference is even those women end up aging somewhat gracefully because they use better skincare, don't eat as much crap and (perhaps most importantly) act like they're hot shit and it's a privilege to be with them. That's it, I think that's the secret, this last bit. Don't let losers tell you to be ashamed for just existing and going through normal life changes that everyone goes through.
No. 239739
>>239729But many girls in many countries live an unhealthy lifestyle, yet still look young as fuck naturally. I'd argue that southern europeans actually like to party a lot more.
I also don't get where the 'french women age better' thing came from; britains and germans age like shit, so why would the french who look like them, live in the same area, with similar climate look any better? And the stereotypical white bread + wine combo isn't exactly a healthy diet either, so i don't see how there could be any differences.
No. 239744
>>239739i think it's primarily because french women stay thin as they age, typically more so than americans or the british, and tend to be more active than women in the uk and us. i don't know that that meme has an emphasis on actual skin quality/youthfulness of their skin. from what i've seen though, french women age just as bad. people that have pink undertones age the worst.
No. 239747
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>>239739>look like themWe really don't, we're not as pasty in general. And we tend to walk a lot more and eat healthier, yeah there's bread and wine but that's not the only thing we eat lol. I'd actually say British cuisine is way unhealthier because of all the pies and cakes and custards and meat, which we generally consume less of.
But that was kind of my point, 'French women age well' is a trope started in the 1800s to sell American housewives fashion and skincare since Paris was the fashion capital. French women are actually kind of ugly imo, we mostly end up looking like pic related and are in general kind of horsey looking to begin with.
No. 239749
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>>239744>i think it's primarily because french women stay thin as they ageLol, no
No. 239769
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>>239751Agreed. The only difference might be that french people tend to have brown hair more often than blonde, but other than that nothing really.
Pic related the average face of each country
No. 239834
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Kind of gross, but true. Probably based on some interplay between genetics and culture.
No. 239838
>>239837>don't wear makeup to feel pretty today and aging your skin for tomorrow.Are there any actual studies to show makeup causes premature aging? We have plenty of science to prove that sun exposure, smoking etc are major causes, but I cant say I've ever seen any evidence that makeup is. Just seems like people make assumptions because makeup can worsen acne.
Maybe pulling at your skin to put makeup on can cause wrinkles, but there's extra sunscreen and moisturizer in a lot of foundation so you'd think it could possibly even help. I haven't seen any proof that ingredients cause any problems.
No. 239861
>>239837Maybe an old wives tale but I heard olive oil helps with skin preservation and usually Mediterranean women do it hence why they age so well
Also water, moisturizer, exfoliating, good diets,exercise staying out the sun getting enough sleep, no drinking and smoking and whatnot, try not to stress a lot, just your usual dont treat your body like shit stuff
Also are collagen pills/powder/csndy/soup a myth?
No. 239863
>>239842 said and, more often likely, bad practices when it comes to makeup. Not cleaning it all off your face, even sleeping in it/wearing the same makeup for days, not cleaning your tools regularly, not throwing out old and expired make up are all common things that happen that might needlessly irritate the skin.
No. 239871
>>239868They also have the advantage of thicker skin, more collagen etc which ages better.
That said in reality they do not age better because they ruin their skin more than women do even with their natural advantages.
No. 239910
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I just found out he's only 27…
So, this is what the so called superior poc + man genes will make you look like lol
No. 239946
>>239747Florence just isn't a beautiful woman but for a 44 yrs old she look fine, her skin don't sag and she's isn't covered in wrinkle.
But I guess if you're not conventionally attractive you can't win and should off yourself at puberty.
Also about the horse face, maybe you do look like a horse but most of my friends have normal to cute faces, they aren't the incredible elegant and beautiful women some people think frenchies are but they don't look like horses, and I don't look like one either.
No. 239949
>>239946Okay, good for you? I obviously wasn't speaking for every single one of the 66 million people in the country, many of whom aren't even white, but there still
is a particular look and it isn't very conventionally feminine, objectively speaking.
No. 239953
>>239952>German anon: Generally speaking, I don't find Germans particularly attractiveNothing happens
>French anon: Generally speaking, I don't find the French particularly attractive"REEE I don't look like a horse, you look like a horse!"
This is why people hate us, you're just as bad as Turkish men who can't take a yo mama joke without threatening to beat you up.
No. 239957
>>239952She wasn't shitting on the entire nation, she was just being realistic.
Most people, no matter what nationality, are kind of ugly.
Yet french people often claim that they're somehow an exception, e.g. being thinner (even though studies show the opposite), aging better or being "incredibly beautiful and elegant" - and so did you.
Video titled "Why are french women so thin & the food so good?"
Let's be honest, more bragging is not possible. Can you imagine a person from another country being that delusional?
>>239953Exactly. Just shows how self hating germans are and frenchies the complete opposite…
No. 239958
>>239957Jesus I didn't want to
triggers you guys so badly by saying that people in my country look normals and not like centaurs.
No. 239960
>>239958Lol, you're accusing us of being
triggered after writing a gem like that?
>Also about the horse face, maybe you do look like a horse but most of my friends have normal to cute faces, they aren't the incredible elegant and beautiful women some people think frenchies are but they don't look like horses, and I don't look like one either. No. 239965
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>>239962No need to drag Anne Hathaway either.
Most french women would probably love to look like her…
No. 240100
Central European anon here.
The ''white women age like milk'' meme is mostly an American stereotype; many white women in Europe age very well. But it depends on the country's culture, I think.
People in my country are obsessed with tanning, laying in the sun and going on sunny vacations. It's sort of a status symbol and a tan is considered beautiful. Also, drinking (a lot) and smoking is very normalized. Skincare really isn't that big of a topic here. Whenever I tell people here that I wear sunscreen daily, I often get very strange looks.
in general, Asian women tend to age well because 1) east Asian cuisines incorporate a large variety of vegetables/healthy foods 2) skincare is very important.
Wearing a sunscreen daily is basic knowledge for lots of east asian women. That has a lot to do with pale skin being favored, I know. But that's one of the main things that prevents premature aging. I don't know what it's like in the US, I'm just speaking from my perspective.
(Also keep in mind factors like face shape, facial features, illness, diet and lifestyle play a big role in the aging process as well.)
No. 240214
>>240211Where I live people mostly just fake tan. Still obsessed with tans, still hate pale skin, but they're not necessarily sunbaking and I don't know anyone who uses tanning beds. Though it's more for convenience than out of concern for their skin.
I don't really find it depressing because honestly, if I have to spend my youth listening to other girls whinge about how pale they are and how hideous it is, I'm gonna enjoy my maturity with my pasty but gracefully aging skin.
No. 240223
>>240211>>240214I do think it's rather sad.
When people with darker skin bleach theirs it's immediately so awful, a product of white supremacy and whatnot, but if a white girl excessivly tans because of what society expects you to look like, she's just a dumb bitch who deserves the skin cancer she's probably gonna get in a few years time.
Luckily most of my friends wear hats or sunscreen, since they recently started to prefer looking pale.
No. 452593
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No. 452594
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No. 452597
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No. 452623
>>452605Wrinkles happen to everyone eventually but there's no good reason to let them occur prematurely. It's not a coincidence they are caused/exacerbated by things that are objectively bad for you (excessive sun exposure, smoking, drinking, stress, dehydration, pollution, being rough with your skin etc), and due to migration most people don't live in their 'natural' habitat anymore, and therefore aren't getting the right amount of sun. Take Australia for example - the UV intensity is appropriate for dark skinned aboriginals, not pale white people with English ancestry, so there's extremely high rates of skin cancer.
And regardless, I feel fully within my right to shit on men for aging badly. They think women expire at 25 and believe themselves to age like wine despite the fact that they don't take care of their skin at all. They deserve all the judgement for being wrinkly and bald.
No. 452667
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>>452649about 1 in 4 African American men have a Scotch-English Male Ancestor often of higher status and on Average an African American Individual will have between 20-40% European ancestry
No. 452678
>>452667White Americans are still mutts though especially those living in cities,however certain white American ethnic groups have remained genetically distinct
those living in the Appalachia region are mainly Scottish,those living in the far north and Mid-West of the United States are mainly of German and Scandinavian ancestry but black Americans came from radically different ethnic groups in west Africa even If 2 Black Americans have little to no Non-Sub Saharan African Ancestry they would still both be genetically very distinct to each as one both their ancestors vastly different regions of West Africa
No. 452694
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>>452623+1, there is no reason to sit in the sun and roast your skin til the cells become irradiated and die (literally what happens when your skin tans) and i smh at all these people with premature wrinkles due to their obsession with "looking healthy" aka tanning which only fucks them over in the long run. combine it with smoking and you've got pic related
these are twins, both 61
No. 452705
>>452695except it doesnt really. most things in america, take for example the vast majority of the food, is just shitty, bland rip offs of other countries cultures. every country on earth has borrowed and exchanged things from other cultures, but no other country has done it to the extent america has, except maybe the other anglo countries.
imo, the only legit american culture is that of the natives.
to be on topic, i think that while women do get more wrinkles than men do, since we have thinner skin, men age far far worse on average. ive yet to see a middle aged woman with a beer gut whos also balding. idk how to explain it, but they always become so fat and bloated and repulsive, wile this doesnt happen much to women. compare the pictures of male actors when they were in their 20s to when theyre older, their faces always become so bloated, rough and repulsive. the first example that pops into my head is leo dicaprio. id rather have a thousand wrinkles than age like a man tbh.
No. 452707
>>452705>bland rip offs of other countries cultures.That's literally how culture is made dumbo.
Culture is not inherit to native people, it's an ever changing evolving thing and you thinking that only folk that was geographically isolated or is alien enough to you have a culture makes you sound uneducated d and very stereo-typically North American.
No. 452711
>>452705Like the person you're responding to, literally no person outside of the US thinks Americans don't have culture(s). You have very distinct culture, and are very different to the countries you migrated from. It's not indigenous to America - that's because you're a migrant settler-colonial country, but that is like all countries of the Americas. (Do white South Americans not have a culture either, or are they sufficiently exotic? Does this state of being the human default and not having a culture only apply to American WASPs? It's a pseudo-woke Ameri-centric claim.)
And all countries (including native american cultures…) are based on the movement of people over time. Does England not have a culture because it's heavily based on the Anglo-Saxons and the French?
No. 452720
>>452718none of these are unique to the u.s but in general cultural traits and features are rarely completely unique to one place. i would say stand-out features of american culture for me as a eurofag are:
extreme, enthusiastic patriotism, like the pledge of allegiance. that sort of stuff would be seen as insanely creepy and very tacky in most european countries.
extreme christian and/or jewish influence. a lot of european countries, particularly in the west and north, are mostly atheist, so hearing u.s politicians talking about jesus or people getting so worked up about jewish people in hollywood or banking feels very different.
american food uses a lot of additives, and you guys seem to seriously put cinnamon, cheese and/or butter on everything. i had a friend who swore blind when she went to new york that most of the cafes smelled like butter.
trends seem to last longer in the u.s. i mean music trends, fashion trends, that sort of thing. like how old town road has been at number one on the chart for forever, and in general songs seem to stick around much longer on american charts, and things seem to stay in fashion longer. in a lot of european countries even popular songs drop off the top 100 charts completely after a month, and clothing trends change drastically after 1 - 2 years.
No. 452721
>>452718Everything is sweet, you smille(teeth) too much, you care a lot, I mean a lot, about white teeth, putting flags of your own country outside the house is weird, American football, baseball, weird hotdogs, a weird obsession with dead presidents, thinking having a great grandparent from some europen country makes you from that country, the whole greengrass suburb thing, fascination with serial killers and psychopaths in general, same thing for natural disasters, having only two political parties and thinking about everything in terms of opposites, thanks giving is really weird, same for hallowin door to door candy, what's up with the whole Christmas culture, leaving home after being 18, houses with basements and turning those basements in flats with bathrooms and stuff, everything has a convention, musical theater on schools, college choirs that are competitive for some reason, everything being a competition, the Kardashians, being weird about race mixing, Elvis, blues, rock,rnb, country music, cowboys, etc.
No. 452880
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I live in a major US city, but I've spent my fair share of time visiting other places in the US, including the rural area.
Most people are nice, they love their families, and they work hard to put food on the table. I believe that's human culture and we should all stop nitpicking each other and worry about ourselves.
No. 453689
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jennifer tilly is 60 years old
No. 453709
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>>453689Holy shit, that means she was 40 when Bride of Chucky came out. I thought she was like 25. Girl gives me hope.
No. 453733
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>>453728People act like it's a fucking miracle any time someone like Anne Hathaway ages decently AKA what should be seen as normal. They expect her to look like a bloated lich at age 36 and treat her like a special case when in reality, in terms of aging she looks like every other woman that age who eats right, works out, avoids tanning, and has some kind of skincare routine.
No. 453749
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No. 453801
>>453759its probably why all his relationships with those barely legal models last for a year at most kek
they wouldnt take a second look at him in his current state if he didnt have money. he looks fat, bloated, and wrinkly.
No. 453810
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>>453759>>453801he makes my skin crawl.
No. 453834
>>453811He looks like a real life Final Fantasy character. What the fuck happened kek.
I remember watching Romeo + Juliet in high school and fawning over his whole appearance. I can't believe he's 44 now.
No. 453840
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>>453836Sadly, I don’t think River would’ve aged well either if he was still at. He’s 23 going on 30+ during what would be his last film before that fateful day… RIP
No. 453886
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>>453811>>453810why wont someone tell him he wears an extra 20 lbs horribly and can't pull off 'classic' 50s male styling? he has to be thin to look okay, his face is just so round and squat. why do people not tell some men they don't have the features to pull off the 'refined' styling? he can't pull off the facial hair, tanning, and gelled hair. he just looks like a fat, rich raconteur. he looks fucking terrible and he's gross.
No. 454012
>>453823that's not me but i'm happy to see someone continuing it
post these things on r9k and other incel spaces for maximum efficiency
No. 454072
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us filthy roasties could never
No. 454073
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No. 454074
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>muh superior male genes
No. 454076
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No. 454080
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This thread makes me so sad that I'm straight and the man I'll end up with will turn to this in 15 years. Why.
No. 454097
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No. 454117
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lmao is he okay
No. 454133
>>454117people want to praise this because its a man in a lady like outfit but even as a look that a woman would wear, it fucking sucks. the waistband is at the nips, the cravat is messy and does nothing but add to triangulating the man boobs. and those 1920s tapered fat man pant legs are desperately unfortunate.
there is nothing yass qween about this and i hate it so fucking much
No. 454145
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No. 454147
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>>454137>stage 1 Macaulay CulkinOof and kek
speaking of which guess who hit the wall a second time
No. 454149
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>>454148men truly do age like wine, they become smelly bitter vinegar
No. 454403
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>>454072He looks like he's gonna explode. if this photoshop!? Jfc, i just rewatched Tombstone and Willow.
No. 454584
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No. 454585
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(I’m still in grieving mode…)
No. 454597
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>>453811>>453810This is the most painful one for me because he was my #1 celebrity crush since literally age 5. I expected him to be fine wine as an older man, but got rotten milk instead. He hit the wall so early too and solidly stopped being hot in just his early 30's. Oh well, at least we'll always have the late 90's.
No. 454607
>>454597I feel strange for only ever having crushes on younger versions of actors, like I'll never get to enjoy a new pic of them cos it's the twenty year old pics that I'm into
That and I can't enjoy any newer dicaprio films cos seeing him now ruins the fantasy
No. 454615
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David Gilmour.
He peaked between 1969-1977, then he turned into a typical white dad in the 80s and then into some adorbs grandpa.
No. 454645
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>>454628Why yes, and this is him in the 80’s
No. 454674
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No. 454675
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Balding is hell of a drug.
No. 454685
>>453886Good analysis, he creeps me out now.
No. 454689
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>>454097God, he was beautiful!
Winona is aging beautifully imo
No. 454692
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>>454689Winona is a goddess.
(Slightly off topic, but i hated her 'love interest' in stranger things in an ugly fat man who gaslit her all through the 3 seasons. she deserved better)
No. 454706
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No. 454709
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>>452597>>454072i don't know what's real anymore
No. 454730
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No. 454749
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No. 454753
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No. 454770
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>>454760put your glasses on
No. 454785
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heroine is one helluva drug.
No. 454791
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>>454785this is from 2016.
No. 454797
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That fucking wig and mask makeup
>>454749Never say Jim as handsome, but his eyes are very striking
No. 454807
This article on the subject
of male vs female aging double standards in Hollywood is absolutely enraging.
>By the time Ryder returned, she had “aged out” as a potential love interest. She turned 35 in 2006. Even Anne Hathaway admitted three years ago to losing out on parts (at 32) to “new” 24-year-old starlets. Jennifer Lawrence has made a career out of playing characters who are supposed to be a bit older than her current 28-year-old self. When the 25-year-old (or younger) actress gets cast as a love interest to the 45-year-old actor (or as a muse to the 73-year- old dude), 35 is near the expiration date.
>If I may offer an example, let’s look at Johnny Depp. In 1990, the 27-year-old Depp was cast in Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands. His love interest was a teenage girl played by then-19-year-old Winona Ryder. But cut to nine years later, and Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow cast 37-year-old Depp as the heroic detective and then-19-year-old Christina Ricci as his love interest. It’s no secret that leading men can get older while their love interests tend to stay the same age. Depp was 48 when then-24-year-old Bella Heathcoate played his Dark Shadows love interest. No. 454863
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No. 454871
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No. 454897
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>>454146indeed shopped, this is actually him now.
I used to fancy him, he has this greasy, creepy vibe I was into. Not sure what I saw him in to
trigger this though.
No. 454920
>>454898That was a good movie but that age difference in a romantic couple, what were they thinking. As>>454904
says her face looks like a toddler's.
No. 454932
File: 1566996622406.jpg (115.59 KB, 780x621, shutterstock_10053106d.jpg)

>>454898That's so disgusting. She absolutely could pass for a middle schooler. If you told me she was 13 im this pic, I wouldn't question it for a second.
Speaking of Ricci, she is yet another example of a woman who has aged wonderfully. This is what she looks like at 39.
No. 454935
File: 1566997015577.jpg (292.05 KB, 1920x1080, As_Good_As_It_Gets-208700649-l…)

>This is what she looks like at 39.
So now she has finally reached the age Depp was when he was considered a good love interest for her 19-yo self.
I don't think that Jack Nicholson has ever been handsome but I want to vent about how much it disgusted me to see this repulsive mofo play the love interest of the lovely Helen Hunt in As good as it gets. Both ugly and terrible personality yet still gets a pretty girlfriend in this male fantasy movie.
No. 454944
>>454935>>454807This shit is why men have such a huge tendency to feel entitled to women a zillion leagues above them. Regardless of what anyone says, Hollywood DOES impact people's perception of the real world. Their whole lives, men are exposed to movies showcasing male hypergamy, whether it's "geek gets the hottest girl in school" or "older man gets woman 20+ years younger than him". Meanwhile, whenever there's a movie about a geeky girl getting the hot guy, she always has to change EVERYTHING about herself before she is " worthy" of him. The message is clear that men are just entitled to hot women. Now, the real world result is incels committing mass shootings because they're learning the hard way that super hot girls aren't going to date their average boring assess when they have far superior options in reality. They could just, you know, lower their standards, but they've had it so deeply ingrained by the media that this is what they deserve.
Hollywood is such fucking trash.
No. 454946
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Jude Law is up there with DiCaprio when it comes to aging like wine.
No. 454953
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Pass the bourbon bitches, I’m gettin’ thirsty!