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No. 2412752

>family hates me
>no boyfriend
>never been asked out
>out of shape
>men have looked at me and laughed like the scum they are
>barely any friends(shit thread/read the rules before posting)

No. 2412754

Go back to crystal cafe.

No. 2412755

Deader than a fucking doorknob + trannies

No. 2412757


No. 2412758

Yeah, 90% of "femcels" are trannies. That's why they love it on CC. Stop calling yourself one.

No. 2412761

:/ i come in peace, im not a tranny

No. 2412763

Go colon forward slash on TikTok or some shit. Get out of here.

No. 2412767

Sometimes I just sigh and know this is going to be a long decade, like seriously.. I can only imagine the types of mutants that are being raised from this gens equally retarded parents

No. 2412779


No. 2412797

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No. 2412802

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