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No. 241862
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>>241857>>241859Achieving the typical model look from the 2000s doesn't necessaily include an eating disorder, anon…
It's more about the simple and girly look, without trying to be sexy.
Wearing little makeup, sticking to your natural features, not feeling like you have to be tan and exotic to be attractive.
No. 241865
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>>241862It was Snejana Onopka and Vlada Roslyakova era Anon, Victoria Beckham had a super skinny body with disgusting implants, I don't miss it at all.
No. 241866
>>241865But anybody with just a little brain knew, that trying to look like this is not realistic…
And it's not like any less teens get ED's nowadays.
No. 241867
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>>241862In what world? Paris Hilton was considered an “it” girl.
No. 241871
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>>241865Yep, the rise of Victoria Bolted on Boobs Beckham. Thank god she got these removed and went back to brunette.
Early 2000s is like the 80s of this century. It ain’t pretty. I’m sure in the future people will pick out a few nice trends, like people are doing now for the 80s. But yikes. Choppy highlights, bad ps, skelly bodies, denim on denim, etc
No. 241889
>>241874Because popular beauty standards are made up bs to make you buy things to get closer to the ~goal~.
The concept of having "trends" based around body shapes is ridiculous anyway. Girls like Kylie Jenner that get lip injections, butt implants, etc (basically trying to emulate "black" features) will just look like idiots in a decade or two when the next "trend" comes along, but some people will still like them, just like some people are still obsessed with Paris to this date.
No. 241928
>>241919I think the word you mean is
standard, anon.
No. 241942
>>241935I’m in my early twenties and have a friend in her forties (I used to babysit for her in highschool). We were clothes shopping and I tried on some shorts. “Wow you have such a small bum!” She said it like it was a compliment. I ignored it. Tried on another pair, “your bum looks small in any of those!”
I literally had to “wtf” her cause I was getting a wee bit offended. She was shocked because to her small = tight, good, slim. She thought she was complimenting me. But because of prevalent media mocking woman, saying small = flat, shapeless, unsexy, I thought she was being rude.
It’s crazy how much has changed in just a generation or two. But it’ll swing back again. In the 70s, black women and their curves had a moment, in 2010s it was all about the ass. Just like how fitspo is in right now, very 80s fitness trend. Then it’ll be 90s thin all over again in a few years, which itself was a nod to the 60s Twiggy figure.
No. 241966
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>being this dumbThat's also why in old paitings we only see ana-chans.
No. 241971
>>241956>using the word classy unironicallyAlso ever hear about a lady named Marilyn Monroe? Her waist was small, but she was pretty curvy or "vulgar" as you put it.
>>241952You specified anorexic skinny, so they gave you anorexic skinny. Ffs, even Diana, a literal princess, looked like shit when she had an eating disorder.
No. 241977
>>241956thank you for agreeing!
>>241971Princesses aren't magically good-looking, so I don't see why it's a big surprise that she was ugly at some point.
>Marilyn Monroe she wasn't classy at all.
I think this is another case of jealousy. shame that it's so prevalent on this board.
No. 241978
>>241974>>241947So, women who happen to have tits and ass are just inherently vulgar?
That's some impressive internalized misogyny right there.
No. 241983
>>241978yes, it looks vulgar. that doesn't say anything about their worth as a person. Some people actively try to look that way.
No. 241985
>>241977>jealous of girls with EDsOh anon, please seek help.
Not to mention, you were the one who invited the criticism by putting down non-ana-chans. You can't seriously call people jealous for pointing out they find it unattractive when you did the exact same thing.
No. 241987
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>>241984It's disappointing and embarrassing
No. 241989
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>>241983>having a life-threatening psychological disorder is superior to having curves because it looks "vulgar"Oh anon, I prefer the thinner side too, but you're being a psycho.
No. 242016
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> There's a reason why slim women have been revered since the beginning of time and will not change no matter how hard trends hit. Are you a troll or really that ignorant?
No. 242019
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>>241830 and when I said '''looking like a model''' I meant pic related not anorexic jfc
No. 242025
>>242016You're a moron.
>>242024Then that anon can take a good look at the small woman on the right with tiny wrists by her logic.
No. 242026
>>242021>slimThat's not how I would describe the subject of that painting, especially by modern standards, but okay.
Also, not sure what art history courses you were taking where chubby women weren't the majority in paintings for centuries, but again- okay.
I'm team slender ladies (though I personally prefer them with boobs and butts) but to act like that's been the ultimate beauty standard throughout human history is simply factually incorrect.
No. 242030
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>>242026Are you retarded? It was literally hard to get fat in the medieval era and most paintings during that period and older looked like this so where the fuck are you going with your point? Never were fat people seen as desirable which is why no one sees it as desirable now. Read some books.
No. 242034
>>242030But that's for germanic women.
Women from latin cultures, specially italians, where often depicted as more full bodied.
>it was hard getting fatThat's why chubby was more special back then, it meant you were rich and not a dirty peasant.
No. 242037
File: 1523664765634.gif (2.01 MB, 275x202, 1520117605112.gif)

I know this is a crazy concept, but bare with me…
What if… your personal preferences for the ideal body type were your opinion and not fact? What if… there was room for multiple body types to be celebrated and considered attractive?
For a website that despises sexist men so much, a lot of you in this thread sure are acting exactly like them.
No. 242038
File: 1523664785779.jpg (71.57 KB, 800x444, la_grande_odalisque (1).jpg)

Are you arguing Botticelli was a Pre-Raphaelite painter? He's from the 1480s. The Pre-Raphaelites were a group from the 1800s inspired by the Renaissance. The fact you used that term so incorrectly says a lot. You can't have "Pre-Raphaelite paintings in the Renaissance era."
So the 1400s-1500s Renaissance pieces are out, apparently, because it was "a short period of time" kek
Here's a piece from the 1800s.
Not to turn this into an art history thread, but get a damn clue, anon.
Unless these women with curves, thighs, breasts, and visible stomachs are your idea of "slim" and "anorexic." In which case, I suspect your perspective is way off.
No. 242040
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Here's another of my favorite paintings, again from the 1500s.
>What if… your personal preferences for the ideal body type were your opinion and not fact? What if… there was room for multiple body types to be celebrated and considered attractive?Most people in this thread are pushing back against the notion that "tiny, thin" or "anorexic-skinny" women have always been preferred and are more desirable. I think there are only a few people in here being dumb tbh.
No. 242042
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What's up with pick related hair tough? Or is it a hat?
No. 242043
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>>242034The women were painted just like that down in Italy too. I have more paintings from other time periods as well if you really want them in the same region. Not sure why you're still trying to argue with me with fiction and irrelevant bullshit as if one location mattered whilst ignoring the rest of the entire world.
>>242033Obesity has been linked to stupidity. Fat women will always try to delude themselves into thinking they're desirable so they don't lose it while spewing nonsense.
No. 242044
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>>242030Oh, honey. Like someone previously pointed out, fatness was considered hot because it was a sign of status and wealth. Since when has the average body type ever been considered the ideal? The fact you say that shows what an uneducated moron you are. And lmfao at the fact you're using one of the minority paintings of thin women to prove your point.
>>242040I wasn't talking about the people pointing put historical facts, but the girls salivating over ED sufferers.
No. 242047
>>242043>Not sure why you're still trying to argueI was not the same anon darling.
No. 242049
>>242046No, I'm asking about her hair.
Hair stykes are relevant to beauty standards.
No. 242050
>>242047Never said you were. Why do all
triggered fatasses say honey and darling in a condescending way when they're mad? Someone mentioned it on here before too and I thought they were joking but it looks like it's true here. Yawn.
No. 242052
>>242044Nta… but minority? that was seriously how all paintings looked back then and was the prominent art style. There's other periods where the wome are drawn thin too in more recent styles.
History anon is blowing you guys tfo.
No. 242054
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>>242044Sorry, did you want more?
No. 242056
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>>242044Damn, how am I so easily finding these small, minority images. Hmm…
No. 242061
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I hope they find out lip injections cause some kind of serious damage and they die as a trend just like tanning beds did.
No. 242062
File: 1523665840898.jpg (127.27 KB, 707x756, Rubens-The-prey-of-the-daughte…)

I don't understand why anon is so triggered.
Anyhow, some baroque fat ladies.
No. 242063
I don't know why you girls can't let shit like this be, sometimes.
No. 242067
>>242054This is the only one that looks genuinely slim.
>>242055Her stomach is bulging, she might be pregnant but either way.
>>242056These look like average bodies, and the robes are draped around them in a way that doesn't create a clear body silhouette to know how slim or not they are. Clearly not an image that's trying to show off female beauty or the female body especially either.
No. 242068
>>242063There's no chill in the Art History fallacy game silly anon.
Also, I hate the cultural apropriation thing because it keeps me from wearing things that would suit my type of hair a lot and make it much more manageable.
I hope we reach a place in history when hair scarfs and brades will be more widely used, regardless of ethnicity.
No. 242069
>>242067Why's that anon cropping the paintings? That's so unnecessary.
You don't have to apply yourself so much for a silly tabao image board.
No. 242070
>>242048You mean out of your heavily cherry picked examples? Yeah, some paintings had thin women, doesn't change the fact they're the minority. Also, what the fuck kind of history books are you reading? Fatness was a symbol of wealth. This is indisputable historical fact. At the very least Google this shit before sounding so sure of yourself. I am, even though I know this shit already, and it's confirming you have no idea what the hell you're talking about.
>>242066Samefag, but I meant "folder" not thread
No. 242071
>>242070The main problem here might be that anon is confusing "fat" back then and "fat" now days in Murrica.
Maybe chubby or full figure would be better since Americans only consider Obese as actually fat.
No. 242073
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>>242055>>242056>>242054It's almost like there were countless pieces of art during a period of several centuries, so finding some paintings of thin women if you look for them isn't that hard.
Sarcasm aside, though, minority=/=nonexistent and you're an imbecile
No. 242076
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Just because someone painted it, doesn't mean it's attractive.
No. 242086
How many hamplanets keep derailing this thread even though they were presented multiple in-your-face proof paintings, come on now. You guys are extremely sickly and sound unhealthy mentally too.'all remind me of this thread a few years back and yes I know it's leddit.
No. 242087
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Anyways. Imo elegant, classy and cultured women are the best looking when it comes to all races and ethnicities. Being obese or skelly is not beautiful. But one can be elegant in most healthy body shapes and height.
Also I think both natural and man-made beauty can be beautiful but insta-thot is a big no form me.
I don't understand the discussion with all these old paintings, imo most of them would pass as normal but on the bigger side. Which at least where I live, does not mean obese.
No. 242091
>>242089>people who are skinny = anorexicWow you sound really jealous. Is there any thread where people can openly admit thin women are the most beautiful without
triggered overweight anons screeching about how they're so much more sexy?
No. 242095
>>242092Neither do you constantly throwing around the word skeleton. That wasn't the original anons point anyway as they seem to have no in between.
Where were the fat men in paintings if being chubby was considered beautiful and wealthy? Why are they all muscular and fit?
No. 242096
>>242089One anon said this and I honestly think they were baiting.
>>242091Literally no one is saying "big = beautiful and sexy!", they're just trying to make a point about beauty standards in history. I think a lot of them, myself included, think thinner is more attractive.
No. 242102
>>242091What? I just came in here one, it just seems if theres any thread pertaining to looks people throw around the fatty card to anyone
What even are you on about? I call them ana because they seem batshit crazy, and you are further proof of that.
>>242096Well true, I see this so much on different threads, the plastic surgery thread, weight gain thread, and now this thread, it seems you can't say anything about bodies or weight anynore on lolcow without having the jealous fatty card thrown at you
No. 242104
>>242061Wait, what are the dangers?
Also am I wrong for thinking that being overall /fit/ will always be attractive? I think throughout any decade having a tight body with a flat stomach but cute butt and boobs will always look attractive and healthy.
I do kind of wish there could be support with all body types. I'm so tired of guys praising women for their natural curves when it's a buttlift or two boob jobs.
Makeup nowadays legit remind me of some of the stuff you see on Rupauls drag race. I'm a victim of it myself sometimes where I have so many steps to my makeup but feel like my face would be incomplete without them
No. 242106
>>242091>Wow you sound really jealous. Is there any thread where people can openly admit thin women are the most beautiful without triggered overweight anons screeching about how they're so much more sexy?You're on a website that is almost solely dedicated to calling women fat or skinny fat. Most anons here have eating disorders and BDD. You are not oppressed, on lolcow, for finding thin bodies attractive.
This thread is embarrassing and I think some of the anons on here need to step away from the internet and social media and pay attention to how the women in their lives dress and look.
No. 242108
>>242104In the original X Files series from the 90s there's a scene where a prostitute is in the street (a guy kills her/saves her from being killed?) and her makeup was very similar to what's fashionable now. Watched it a few years ago like "huh…so it's literally prostitute makeup"
Also was another episode where Mulder/Scully are staking out a location frequented by prostitutes (watching out a window to look for a particular guy) and they are quite disparaging about it all.
Interesting to see how things change
No. 242109
>>242091>where people can admit thin is the most beautiful That's never been a problem on this website and it is, in fact, a common opinion here.
Why don't YOU work on not being so
triggered whenever fat figures are brought up in conversation? Nobody here said obesity today is sexy and beautiful, you just got mad when anons tried to calmly explain how full figures back in the day were a class status and considered desirable.
Nobody oppressed you.
No. 242113
>>242112They did, lol.
iirc he had big obese man calves and it became popular to say that was attractive.
No. 242114
>>242091>is there any threadUhh anon do you not remember the several thinspo threads, underweight weight loss goal thread, goal body threads, etc etc
Its not about "not being able to call thin women attractive"
Its screaming "JEALOUS FATTY" anytime anyone says something you disagree with
I dont know what "overweight anon is screeching" at you like you insist, but the screeching fatty at everyone and everything is ridiculous and becoming a problem
No. 242200
Speaking of beauty standards:
Forgive me because I've vented this awhile ago–it makes me really pissed that transwomen in many cases are covered by insurance or sponsored by charitable (and gullible) people for fake tits, plastic surgery, hormones, etc.
Usually they excuse this as trying to look more feminine in order to be comfortable in their 'social role.'
But who defined bolt-ons and certain facial features as the 'true' female look anyway? Afaik many adult women have flat tits, masculine faces, deep voices, man hands, unwanted hair, etc.
I'm sure some are insecure about not fitting societal beauty standards, so where's their money to "fix" these issues?
Most mainstream trannies are getting instathot looks done too, so it's not even about finding what feminine features fit them. Just what's trendy.
No. 242236
>>242213but anon muh dysphoria, they'll literally kill themselves!!!
tbqh i'm just waiting till this seeps into other forms of cosmetic surgery, because that's all it is, and other forms of dysphoria do exist, and they're exactly the same, only the delusion is less ridiculous than trannies who need to look like the sex they believe they are even though they already feel like it. kek.
No. 242245
>>242236Exactly. Either all dysmorphic conditions are legitimate enough to warrant the 'corrective' cosmetic surgeries, or none of it is.
Because frankly, none of it is technically essential to live.
No. 242259
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>>242042I believe the Venus of willendorfs face is curly hair that represents fertility.
>>242110Actual women in power is rare to come by but most are chunky during the enlightenment period.
>>241956Nigger you failed AP Biology.
No. 242353
>>242266yes, I did.
btw thanks everyone for all the discourse, I love seeing arguments on here
No. 242370
>>242056>>242055>>242054>>242043>>242030Ugh, I'm all for being slim and all, but medieval idealization of slender women didn't actually stem from material status, but from the religious views of the time, that is that ascetism and fasting are virtuous things to do. Slightly protruding bellies vere also in vogue, because they brought pregnancy to mind.
Admittedly, some female saints famous for their fasting habits are nowadays considered early examples of anorexics. This phenomenon even has a name now:
No. 242470
>>242108lol thats sad. if i had a daughter and she did her makeup like that, i'd kms.
Honestly, it looks horrible on everyone, young and mature. It can look good on photos, but in real life it's so ugly. I'm happy that most girls don't do their makeup like this
No. 242561
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It's ruined because you fuckwits always gotta play this tribalistic argument of ~*~*~*FATTIES VERSUS SKINNIES~*~*~ while the rest of us sane folk recognize that it's fruitless. You get your emotions involved because the reality is you come to these threads to low key neg who you personally feel is ugly, instead of discussing actual trends.
No. 242567
This place is a literal nut house, anons obsess over other anons and the most obscure shit, a lot of infighters have the same writing style and attitude, I wouldn't doubt if it was the same few people
No. 242582
>>242580Yeah seriously. I was the anon who posted Botticelli’s Venus, explicitly replying to people saying “anorexic” and “tiny thin” women were the most attractive of all time always.
No one was arguing for fatness or obesity. They were just arguing against anorexia. Only here would that be a controversial opinion.
No. 242593
>>242586I totally do that and it's clear from all the threads I'm in that I'm far from being alone.
A thread like this is especially gonna be a magnet for that kind of shit.
No. 242594
>>242580"Concave ass" for one. Yeah, it's one thing to point out bodies begotten from mental illnesses shouldn't be glorified. Yet I don't see how shit like that is any different than an ana chan reeeing about cottage cheese thighs on overweight people just because she doesn't think they're healthy, when high key it's really about her not finding them attractive.
Some people are attracted to anas.
Some people are attracted to obese people.
It really doesn't matter.
No. 242662
original anon here who got everyone upset.
Anorexia counts anything below a 17.5 BMI. Technically someone 5'2" at 95 pounds, which is a totally acceptable weight for that height, would count as anorexic and wouldn't look sickly.
I believe that if you're going to be that thin, you should take care of your hair, skin, and nails. it doesn't look nice to have any of those look bad, even when you're skinny. so if you're thinking of sickly-anorexic – no, that's not beautiful at all. think more "heroin chic", twiggy, audrey hepburn, etc.
No. 242680
>Anorexia nervosa, often referred to simply as anorexia,[11] is an eating disorder characterized by low weight, fear of gaining weight, and a strong desire to be thin, resulting in food restriction
>The severity of disease is based on body mass indexJust being skinny doesn't make someone anorexic. It's an eating disorder, the BMI is just to establish severity.
No. 242820
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>>242662I personally think Twiggy looked like a drug addict and Audrey Hepburn wasn't anorexic skinny, her upper body was very tiny but she also had some great toned legs, very little people actually look good at such a low weight.
I think it's dangerous to say shit like "bing anorexic skinny is beautiful and elegant and anything else is vulgar" the natural body of women is not vulgar, it can be beautiful, sexy and elegant, on the other hand an anorexic body might look alright dressed, but naked… Come on it's not a nice sight.
spoiler for blogging. I'm acting triggered because as a teen I gave myself and ED like an idiot because I wanted to be skinny delicate and elegant. No. 242823
File: 1523772188416.jpg (80.97 KB, 493x604, Bk28vUoKLXM.jpg)

>>242820>>242820Don't want to sperg but another pic of Audrey's pretty legs they're just full enough and very feminines.
No. 242824
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>>242823Yeah Hepburn was thin up top, but she had lovely legs. She did ballet and walked over five miles everyday.
She also survived WWII by eating nettles and tulip bulbs. She almost starved to death when she was pre-pubescent. Starving during puberty can permanently stunt your growth.
No. 242833
there's a reason why instagram is the worst social media for mental health. this is a great example of why!
get off there, ladies. it's ruining your spirits.
No. 242851
>>242014Wanting recognition and approval from your peers affects people in every age group and social bracket. Considering women get judged largely by their appearance, it's not surprising.
That said the constant "lol fatties u all ugly!!" "No u, anas!!" is embarrassing as fuck.
No. 242864
Why is everyone arguing? Can't we all just agree that there are shitty standards placed upon us by men and encouraged by other women which often include dangerous, expensive and excessive trends such as plastic surgery, shockingly thin and tall heels, eating disorders, heavy makeup, skincare products with dodgy ingredients etc. and that's bad? It doesn't really matter what the trend is, does it? It's always guaranteed you'll fork out a lot of money or do something invasive or something that risks your safety/comfort.
It doesn't matter what standards are in your culture/nation/circle of friends. Whether it's big asses/lips or heroin chic, it's all over the top and dangerous. Even in circles where "body positivity" and "loving your natural self" is promoted, there are still ott trends like being dangerously overweight and dressing what some might consider "slutty" in order to "prove" that you're comfortable with yourself.
You're being hit from all sides with stupid standards and *you'll never meet any of them. That's the point. Trends will constantly change, especially with regards to weight (during the world wars and the ancient times, it was positive to be overweight because it meant you could afford good food but in recent times it's seen as positive to be skinny because it means you can afford all of this organic/gluten free/vegan shit and a personal trainer but the most recent trend of having a big ass/lips with a tiny waist means you can afford lip fillers, lipo and implants all over your body). Can't we all just agree that no matter how fucking hot you look by some people's standards, there will be people who think your lips are too thin and you're too pudgy and your eyebrows aren't "on fleek" and Forever 21 looks shit on you because you don't have Asian proportions???
If you think your standard of beauty is the "correct" one and everyone else is "jealous" or you have some magazine or old paining that proves your standard was popular at some point in time for one part of the world, then you're part of the problem. Help your sisters by showing that everyone has features that can be considered beautiful or exotic or coveted. Bring some positivity into this thread. Assume anyone who expects you to adhere to some stupid, dangerous trend is part of the robot infestation and ignore.
Let's get back to talking about why ott standards are bullshit.
No. 243070
>>242013Underrated post.
Being skinny does not equate healthy.
After years of constant restriction, I have finally reached the maturity to say “I’d rather be a few pounds overweight and mentally sane than underweight and batshit neurotic using thinness as a competition because I have nothing else to bring to the table.”
All in all, who fucking
cares. Trends come and go, it’ll always be like this, but focusing on your own health both physically and mentally beats obsessing over what’s going on around you
No. 243757
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>>243741There are plenty of thin celebs who are held up as sexy and beautiful. Ignore Instagram trends. As this thread shows, there isnt just one beautiful body type.
No. 245776
File: 1524838039791.jpeg (458.88 KB, 750x1201, D0328571-CFB5-474B-AD00-431F61…)

is this waist even possible? this was posted by a pretty well known photographer (clint on IG) and it doesn’t seem like he usually photoshops his models’ waists so I don’t know why he would shop this picture. This is like my goal hip/waist ratio but I can’t tell if it’s even real.
No. 245780
>>243741lol you know there are so many thin people who are popular on ig right? and even then it's "slim thic" that's really the trend. women who have amazing curves and flat stomachs aren't really that thicc.
i might be bias but growing up i always felt fat, just because im a bit wider, and didn't really see a lot of curvier/bigger girls, so i think it's nice to see more representation.
no offense tho, on every single picture/meme about thic girls i see this comment, like every single photo there is some lame skinny girl saying "omg what about thin girls" i just want to know…..why?
No. 245782
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>>245776Yeah based on the other pics and her page, it’s real. It’s not a look you should strive for anon, it doesn’t look healthy at all
No. 245783
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>>245776It's her pose; the lumbar lordosis pose, which makes her waist look tiny, since she has that IG model look I assume she has had fat placed on her hips or ribs removed/liposuction, she is stretching her arms up, which makes her fat more stretched out.
>>245780Thick in my language just means that you're a fat bastard. I think it's weird how Americans can willingly and proudly call themselves that. Pic related is what comes up when I write thick in my language.
No. 245788
The thicc trend never caught on with me because of all the cosmetic surgery and photoshop.
Getting liposuction on their 'problem' areas like double chins, arms, and thighs. Fat transplants on their hips and ass. Breast implants. Fillers.
Photoshop for the rest of what these procedures don't cover.
It never felt like homage to being bigger. It's done nothing except heap on more unrealistic expectations.
>>245783At least they look like real people. As far as I'm aware, thicc is often used as a tongue in cheek way of saying someone's fat.
No. 245831
>>245830>leave your hicktown for onceYou already sperged about this exact subject not too long ago using the same exact wording. (about that ugly photshoped instahoe violet-whatever)
You're so fucking embarassing.
I'm so over people calling each other ana chan and fatty at the drop of a hat.
No. 245833
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>>245830Awwwww. Called me a fatty. Feel better now?
Sorry you're delusional, but the only way you get rib bones like that is if you're starving.
Overweight people eat a certain amount of calories for their bodies to be how they are, and it's the same for people who restrict to be underweight.
No. 245836
>>245835She has bones ON HER CHEST. She's clearly underweight. That's like every ana chan's hallmark, even Aly had the same bones poking through back when she wasn't eating.
Again, it's 'attainable' of you restrict and eat like a bird.
No. 245841
Obesechans claim genetics and metabolism because they either don't realize how much they're eating, or they don't want to admit it.
You either eat enough calories, or you don't. That bitch ain't eating and it sounds like neither do you.
No. 245857
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>>245811I didn’t say it wasn’t attainable, I said it didn’t look healthy, which imo it doesn’t.
And if you’re honestly claiming you have this body naturally while eating a healthy amount, I’m sorry but I highly doubt it.
No. 245858
>>245857Agreed. "Attainable" is a dumb word anyway.
I mean it's 'attainable' to be morbidly obese or anorexicly underweight, it doesn't mean that's the common standard.
No. 245859
>>245858>>245857I think when people say "attainable" they mean attainable without surgery and keeping a fair or healthy diet
Her tits look fake though, at least in that picture
No. 245868
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>>245811>have you guys never seen a skinny person before? uhh yeah, I’m the one who posted her and I’m just as skinny as she is, I wasn’t talking about that I was referring to her hip to waist ratio. She has a tiny tiny waist and full hips that jut out. I don’t consider that “normal” most skinny girls are less curvy in that area like pic related (not to say it’s impossible to have a hip to waist ratio like that but most women do not)
No. 247315
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Seeing a pic of Vlada in the Cute Girls Thread make me miss the 2000s aesthetic even more.
I kind of feel like it was destroyed by pc culture: nowadays everything has to be "exotic" - tan, dyed hair, big boobs, ass and lips, way too much and unnatural looking makeup… Just so that nobody feels offended by white or thin or whatever priviledge.
No. 247318
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>>247315>t nobody feels offended by white or thin or whatever priviledge.I don’t think that’s it, anon. People have different tastes and fashion is cyclical. Being a thin white woman will come back around again, as it has before
No. 247321
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>>247315Samefag to add
Right before the 2000s aesthetic you’re talking about and concurrently with the start of the heroine chic look, Latinas like JLo and round asses were in, songs were made about big asses “I like big butts and I cannot lie,” etc. but this goes even further back. The 1920s had thin flappers in response to curvy Gibson Girls. Then we had the slightly curvy Hollywood Golden Age, then the angular bodies of post-war, then back to curvy for the fifties, then Twiggy of the sixties, and so on.
No. 247339
>>247338Kris Jenner is not Armenian, Robert Kardashian in.
Kylie's parents are two whites - Bruce and Kris
No. 247390
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>>247385nta but I think its because of the makeup, styling, and dead gaze in her eyes. And tbh I think that was part of why she was so popular. She usually got really strange styling and they always emphasized that "dead in the eyes" intense look. I think she's really beautiful when they're not styling her to look so stark.
No. 256197
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Speaking of hip-to-waist ratio, is this girl's waist real? I've never seen an asian with a waist like this and since she's Korean I'm suspecting she's done some kind of surgery, just not sure what. No. 256205
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>>256197Weird waist to hip ratios are a trend on IG
I think it looks too creepy and uncanny valley tbh
Who would actually want to look like this?
No. 256222
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>>256221She has videos and it’s the same waist. It’s surgery not photoshop imo.
She looks like a cartoon. And every photo on her insta has her waist center frame so I’m betting she wants to get her money’s worth out of the surgery.
No. 256239
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>>256197The way her waist is shaped looks weird and unnatural…considering her thighs are somewhat soft, I don't think her waist should have these straight, harsh angles?
No. 256244
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>>256239very obvious shoop. her waist also looks different every picture. her finger slipped off in this one kek
No. 256257
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i stand like this as well
No. 256263
>>256244Isn't a shoop she has videos up too
>>256257she's clearly sticking out her ass in this pic, she doesnt have much of a butt, if it was natural wouldn't her ass be more wider to fit the hip line?
What kind of surgery would get you these results, do hip implants exist?
No. 256264
>>256263she doesn't have wide hips, just look how small they are compared to her shoulders when she's not shopping herself to death
>>256245she just got surgery on her waist.