File: 1523623062975.png (60.11 KB, 1113x769, 1523621192058.png)

No. 241842
Survey inspired by OP image:
>No Kids/Has KidsIncome
>No College/College/Grad SchoolEthnicity
>Caucasian/African American/Asian/Hispanic/Other No. 241849
>No KidsIncome
>In CollegeEthnicity
>Caucasian No. 241967
>>241943Usually surveys indicate ones entire household income, not individual.
>>241957Malibu woodland mountains region mansion in the middle of absolutely nowhere. I'm on spring break, but all of the typical beach surf bonfire bikini volleyball things are just my regular weekends (I actually prefer staying in to study lol). My college friends live far in LA, so I'm bored as hell. Dad is property and real estate developer; mom is business investor and home flipper but they haven't worked in about 5 years. It's definitely NOT as great as you imagine and a 3rd of my income goes to rent/bills.
No. 241969
>No KidsIncome
>Caucasian No. 241981
>>241965>diversity your portfolio, anon.Okay…?
2 million is definitely a lot, no matter where you live.
No. 242001
>>241981it's a sum but you don't have to be ~famous~ to make it, was my point. as
>>241967 clarified.
>>242000are you that mum whose daughter was trying to transition lol
No. 242012
>No kids100-150k
>are you that mum whose daughter was trying to transition lol
>No kids No. 243422
>>242694>high society womenpeople with good paying jobs are probably the first to get bored and get involved into gossip. rest is working non-stop?
>No KidsIncome
>Grad SchoolEthnicity
>Caucasian No. 243425
>>243422btw… couldnt lolcow do an official survey with asking more information?
im volunteering for creating one.
No. 244244
>18-24, No Kids, $0-50k, College: 2
>18-24, No Kids, $50-100k, College: 1
>18-24, No Kids, $0-50k, College: 1
>18-24, No Kids, $50-100k, College: 1
>18-24, No Kids, $0-50k, College: 15
>18-24, No Kids, $0-50k, No College: 3
>25-34, No Kids, $0-50k, College: 6
>25-34, No Kids, $0-50k, No College: 2
>25-34, No Kids, $50-100k, College: 2
>25-34, No Kids, $100-150k, College: 1
>25-34, Has Kids, $0-50k, No College: 1
>45+, No Kids, ยง100-150k, College: 1
>18-24, No Kids, $0-50k, College: 1
>18-24, No Kids, $0-50k, No College: 1
>18-24, Has Kids, $0-50k, No College: 1
>18-24, No Kids, $0-50k, College: 1
>18-24, No Kids, $50-100k, College: 1
>25-34, No Kids, $0-50k, No College: 1
>18-24, No Kids, $0-50k, College: 1
>18-24, No Kids, $0-50k, No College: 1
>25-34, No kids, $50-100k, College: 1
In total:
>18-24: 30
>25-34: 14
>45+: 1
>No Kids: 43
>Has Kids: 2
>$0-50k: 37
>$50-100k: 6
>$100-150k: 2
>No College: 10
>College: 35
>Asian: 3
>Black: 2
>Caucasian: 31
>Hispanic: 3
>Mixed: 3
>Other: 3
Note: I left out the two pregnant girls, since i had no idea whether that already counts as having kids or not.
No. 244247
>No KidsIncome
>No collegeEthnicity
>Caucasian No. 244305
>>244296>>244299>>244303The reason i used
>Caucasian>African American>Asian>Hispanic>Otheris, because the pic of the thread i was referring to also used that, i'm not a native speaker, so how would i know? If i put "arab" as a separate category people would bitch at me, saying that arabs are also white (or not) etc.
Btw, writing "folks" screams dumb american…
No. 244309
>>244299Caucasian, mongoloid, negroid, and australoid are the human races. Makes 0 sense at all to put "Caucasian" (A scientific term) next to "African American", fucking shit. What do you call Bantu living in the Congo, an African American? lmao
Here's a better list with more colloquial terms
White (European descendant)
Black/Sub Saharan African
Mestizo/indio/native American/"hispanic"
East Asian
Southeast Asian/Polynesian
Dravidian/South Asian
Saying "folks" is not indicative of being a dumb American. Unwittingly revealing that your racial education has not extended beyond public elementary schooling is being a dumb American.
No. 244311
>>244309So, you're suggesting only one term for Whites and Blacks, yet distinguish between East Asian, Southeast Asian and South Asian? lel
Why don't you make your own thread if you don't like this one?
No. 244316
>>244311You are deliberately not even reading what I wrote.
European descended Caucasoids and sub Saharan Negroids. Colloquially called "white" and "black" in society, and understood by everyone not trying to be obtuse.
South Asians aren't even the same race as East or SEAs. Of course they'd get their own category.
No. 245156
>No KidsIncome
>No CollegeEthnicity
>Caucasian No. 245164
>childrenNo kids
>income0, should I include pocket money?
>educationStill in highschool