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No. 2423051

Gonna ask something weird or controversial mayhaps I dunno. Just to preface I am not inviting anyone anywhere as its just a thought experiment. Active misandrists, mena women and just sisters that are fed up with this world are all especially welcome to contribute.
Let say there was an isolated island somewhere in the pacific, at least 10k km from any major continent.
On that island there would be matriarchal cult. Not entirely wild, as in there would still be electricity and basic machinery, but stuff like internet, medicine and in general connection to the outer world would be extremely limited. Women from all ethnicities would be welcome to take refugee from patriarchy there, but men would only be able to enter if they renounce their human rights and get branded. However, men and women alike will need to work tending to community needs, but you as a woman will be free to choose which work you will be doing. Additionally - this is a CULT, there will be heavy emphasis on rituals and spirituality and various codes of conduct.
On the other side you will never need to hear a man talk without being addressed first ever again. And you will have a tight knit community with a motherly leader dedicated to recreating the earthly paradise (just for women tho).

Would you go there? Yes/no, no need to explain why but would be welcome.(shit thread)

No. 2423054

go back to crystal.cafe, nobody wants to participate in your female harem rape island fantasy

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