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No. 242473
>>242467According to this users have until May 10 to request to download their sets and until May 15 to download them. So it’s something but hopefully the reason they’re not responding is because they have too many emails from the takeover (their own fault of course) and will get around to replying to everyone especially regarding their data downloads.
No. 242483
>>242473Yes, I found the website for it after searching for a bit (also where you can opt out):
However, you can only download your sets in .jpg format, literally everything else is in useless .csv data.
So basically, if you didn't actively search for it, you'd have no knowledge of your data being used by another company and this didn't know about the opt-out website. Isn't this illegal?
No. 262156
Why did those retards shut down without a notice and sell the site to idiots who in turn sell overpriced garbage? Anyone have any info/ideas?
>>256103I use the Pureple app for listing and keeping track of clothes/accessories/cosmetics I use but the outfit creation function is completely worthless. It’s far too small to fit a full outfit. You’re lucky if you can fit a dress and shoes in the same frame. In conclusion, I only use it to keep track of stuff I already own or have on a wishlist and sometimes get ideas while I scroll down.
No. 279252
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Anymore suggestions for similar sites? I never used Polyvore and it's unfortunate that it's no longer around because I'm in need of something that will help me figure out my wardrobe. I want to look at other peoples wardrobes that they put together (like pic related but with descriptions/tags with links to what each item is/where2cop) so I can get an idea of what I want for myself and reorganize and configure my clothing accordingly.