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File: 1741295818193.jpg (33.51 KB, 500x500, weed cat.jpg)

No. 2432034

for all your stoney baloney needs

previous thread https://original.lolcow.farm/ot/res/1366720.html
smoker salt goes here https://original.lolcow.farm/ot/res/1307162.html#1307162

No. 2432037

Love how kitties are slowly taking over all the threadpics

No. 2432044

Well they rule the world and us. We must pay tribute to our leaders

No. 2432054

File: 1741296495753.jpg (46.05 KB, 736x717, 1699221990569.jpg)

edibles and wine tonight. A fitting end to getting my hair, hands and feet done.

No. 2432465

the fact that this thread was doubleposted is very in keeping with theme.

No. 2432853

love the thread pic, thanks for the new thread

No. 2432855

sounds like a perfect day, love this for you. Inspiring

No. 2432879

Triple posted actually kek

No. 2432882

Does drinking wine while high do anything, or is this to flex on us kek

No. 2432884

File: 1741356782791.gif (356.61 KB, 200x150, 1000019983.gif)

Crossfaded, baby. Cowabunga.

No. 2433297

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Sorry about the shit thread nonnies I was indeed high as fuck.

No. 2435782

Does anyone have any good tips for quitting weed? I'm applying for a job and they drug test for marijuana, but I think it's a saliva test. I'm having a hard time stopping for the test.

No. 2435788

I think those are the easiest to pass. My job does pee test. It sucks.

No. 2435798

I don’t think OP was a newfag, I just think she was high and that’s why the description is fucked kek

No. 2435808

Agreed. Give her a break kek

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