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No. 2432184
Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!
Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!
Remember that
everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!
Last thread
>>>/ot/2425206The "rules" are:
>no racebait You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!>no infighting This one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!>don't reply to bait This whole thread is bait so you can still reply to bait!>rest of /ot/ board rules applyThey should, but no, they dont>farmhands are always watchingThey only watch for 4-6 hours a day because they're lazyDO NOT ENTER THIS THREAD IF YOU HAVE AN IQ ABOVE 90!Remember that everyone that uses this thread is: fat, ugly, mentally challenged or otherwise low IQ, attention-starved, juvenile, and generally a loser! Have fun!!! No. 2432504
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>>2432488Is this the last time he was seen in public? It's from 2022, I figured he would lose access to whatever treatments were keeping him sparkly during his degenerate years
No. 2432724
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Not sure to post this here or the fandom thread but I personally didn’t care for how they portrayed Nurse Bendy in Alone. Like I get that it’s meant to look theatrical and vaguely unnerving, but it comes across as ‘no more wire hangers’ and semi-campy. Her development in Dumb was nice though
No. 2432848
>>2432845I thought that was more of a meme in media. Ameritards unironically shit on gingers even in casual conversation? Holy shit, they're so fucking obsessed with race, they invented
hair racism.
No. 2432859
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>>2432845It's not about race. I'm not white and I think ginger moids usually look freakish. They tend to have a weird martyr complex about it too. Ginger women usually look fine and can be very pretty, it's just the moids that look all red like fire demons
No. 2432921
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I’m so glad I was born in the USA. People always try to make Americans feel ashamed but I’d rather live here than their shit holes. I know men and their tradthots slaves are working hard to change that though so I won’t speak too soon. I’m proud to be American.(ban evasion)
No. 2433172
>>2433166I think this is such a naive take. Locking a man in marriage doesn't change their disgusting nature. You can't win with men whether you get yourself a virgin or one who casually sleeps around and everything in between. Men's sexuality is inherently filthy.
Even more true now that men have unbridled access to unlimited amounts of porn. What does being each other's first and only even mean anymore when your man is emotionally cheating on you every night.
No. 2433189
>>2433168Even if that's true (doubtful), a nonvirgin man is even more likely to get bored and cheat because he remembers all the past women he's slept with and wants to go back to sleeping around.
>>2433172>Locking a man in marriage doesn't change their disgusting nature. I didn't say marriage changes an individual moid's nature. But guys who are naturally better are more inclined one way than another.
>>2433178>They usually break up to have their whore phase in collegeThat's why you wait until marriage, so you know he's committed.
No. 2433192
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I like Chapelle roan's music. I like that its not as crass as other modern music.
No. 2433202
>>2433195>5ever (sometimes spelled 5eva or 5evur) is a slang term meaning “more than forever" and the superlative form of its SMS shorthand "4ever." Believed to have originated from a copypasta story that began circulating in early 2011I will never read this as anything but "sever", I prefer 5eva
>doja cat>i hate straight up obvious sexual tones and slursShe seems like and is a 4chan coomer, so that makes sense. I won't talk about how her unhealthy appearance alludes to that with this particular anon but it does
No. 2433256
>>2433248First you say that no moid waits until marriage, now you're saying you've seen lots of them who have? Something's not adding up here.
>>2433252I'm not a moid, don't be rude. I just don't like the idea of premarital sex.
No. 2433261
>>2433233except statistically what you're looking for is very rare, more if you don't want a super religious man–and even then, you have to factor for all the other stuff that's super important in a partner.
so, you announcing this to random people is more like a weird vanity project fetishizing virginity than anything else because the actuality of it happening to you is low unless you're the type that'd ignore abuse, cheating, other kinds of degenerate behavior, etc, which is still very common in countries where waiting till marriage is more expected. of course it's fine that you wanna do it, i support it better than not having any standards, but your obsessive mindset about it makes me wonder what you'd do if your man acts out after marriage.
No. 2433266
>>2433257>Finding a cute guy who is never going to look at pornI would accept a guy who sometimes looks at porn, since I do to.
>Don’t get your hopes up.Hope makes it happen.
>>2433261>what you're looking for is very rareIt's not as rare as you think. Media likes to portray everyone as promiscuous and involved in casual sex, which skews people's perceptions. Or maybe because you yourself aren't looking for it that it seems rare.
No. 2433346
>>2433267Agreed. It pisses me off when men try to play the
victims and pretend rapes affects them too. They live extremely privileged lifes where they can walk alone without the fear of being raped and insteaf of being glad about it they prefeer to play the
victim card like faggots.
No. 2433417
>>2433410So long they dismiss
victims of rape and gossip about them in their cute little offices I only wish them horrible things. If a woman actually becomes a cop, she is a traitor to her own gender. By nature she is filth and trash. You don’t know how much of a womanhater cops are.
No. 2433426
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Reminder that all men are pedophiles.
No. 2433441
>>2433426Stuff like this is extremely sinister to me because, even ignoring the obvious, men will see this and go "see how little it takes for us to be happy!" completely ignoring the fact they're
never happy until they feel like they've subjugated their broodmare.
No. 2433469
nonny said she'd rape your 3D husbando, didn't she.
No. 2433474
>>2433469Ayrt Nah kek
im into waifus.
No. 2433484
>>2433447it's probably the context. most fantasy posts like that turn out almost always they feature very young women or even what might be girls, almost never putting out women that clearly are over 25…even when they are, they try to twist it somehow. saw some super right-wing account praise pewdiepie for his idyllic family life and success, specifically praising his very "young" wife. marzia is near his age.
most mothers looking barely like this and are in their 30s. nevermind how this is being said by a blue checkmark account, which are infamous for being run by bots. yes nonna we're paranoid, but isn't like there's an army of trad men running around whipping the endless men obsessed with youth in their circles.
No. 2433485
>>2433477i kind of agree and i dont know why its such a weirdly sensitive subject that a lot of women in their 20s look similar to how they did as a teenager. in fact i think this makes it even more weird when an adult moid goes after teenage girls because theres hardly a difference between a 16 year old girl and a 24 year old girl's appearance (atleast for me and my friends i've known since then, besides the ones who got on drugs)
>>2433478sad and shows how moids only care about appearance and fantasies and not reality
No. 2433486
>>2433267Not even medfagging but a lot of men with "women raped me" stories give
strong cluster B vibes.
No. 2433487
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>>2433422Yes I’ve seen this happening, and it’s logic too, I believe 100% that men just hire them to capture female criminals easier this way. Ultimate cuck job to have just because you can’t find a real job.
>>2433437>This is whateverAre you a female cop?
since when are you deranged if you just giggle on an imageboard?
No. 2433498
>>2433491Well if you must know I typed every shitpost with an angry face that’s how much I despise them.
turns off angry modeWait just one more rant, I hate the system.
No. 2433501
>>2433499yeah, we’re talking about the
tweet…not the random accounts responding to it…also what i was questioning op’s belief that there’s something pedophilic about wanting to get married and have a baby.
No. 2433514
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>>2433484>saw some super right-wing account praise pewdiepie for his idyllic family life and success, specifically praising his very "young" wife. marzia is near his age. I have seen moids talking shit about pewdiepie "settling" for Marzia instead of having a harem of japanese women considering pewdipie is "a white chad living in japan" , it's super disgusting and shows how those gross coomers should never get a wife. Pewdiepie is a great role model for men, but the "trad" internet dudes could never get a life like pewdiepie's because they would cheat on their 30 yo wives. So it does not matter if you gift them a perfect 10/10 waifu they will always want younger women since they feel entitled to "18 yo virgin aryan girls".
No. 2433518
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>>2433426Replying twice but the responses are just classic
No. 2433556
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Why are we obsessed for having “great role models” for men? Why are we not advocating their non-existence? Oh, that’s right, hettie women are trapped to their bio sexuality towards their favorite rapist class of people kekkekkekekekee which is why they go on a performative misandrist world tours desperately trying to dissociate from them by talking shit about them but engaging in NAMALTing until they find a perfect little hubby to settle down with and finally shut the fuck up with their bullshit. If you’re attracted to cocks then stop coping and trying to be apart of “the club”, you’re attracted to men and that’s what it is, stop trying desperately to make yourself seem better than men because you just happen to be the bottom, not the top (bottom = can feign victimhood/being prey and top is the predator) LOL. You’re attracted to all men, hence the reason why you clutch your pearls whenever people write stuff like this because it’s addressing ALL men and not specific little men, you view it as an attack on your female heterosexuality because you know you’re attracted to the class of people you constantly call trash, pedophiles, rapists, abusers but are engaging with the class of trash, pedophiles, rapists, and abusers because you’re “attracted” to them. Heterosexuality is your attraction towards a CLASS of people which happens to be men. Self-pwning by female hetties every single day, I feel bad for the amount of mental gymnastics and mental loops you have to do to be able to sleep with that
No. 2433612
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>>2433566That's so nasty I hope that is not true, marzia is very wholesome and has been dating pewdiepie for more than a decade. Imagining dating a moid for many years, having a baby with him and then getting cheated on by hookers sounds like an absolute nightmare. Their relationship seems wholesome but you could be right, sometimes their japan lo-fi cutesy vlogs look kinda forced.
No. 2433791
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>>2433777Thought this was funny.
No. 2433832
>>2433805Literally this but the jannies love them so much that criticizing them and their beloved moid is grounds for a ban kek. They’re also the ones who’ve been shitting up the amerifag thread for months
>>2433811If only you could post it in their thread to troll, of course no fun is allowed
No. 2433834
>>2433817Contrarian-chan you can just admit it, you belong to us luigischizos. Come home
nonny, we miss you…
No. 2433867
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'Hero' by Nickelback alone mogs every single song ever released by Nirvana. Especially since Kurt had the nerve to make multiple songs about rape when he almost did exactly that to some mentally disabled girl.
No. 2433871
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>>2433817>You complaining about luigisimps is just as bad as the luigisimps themselves!Hmm . . .
No. 2433924
>>2433890I meant that Nickelback had a more "cringe but free" approach to them. I never said they were good though. They just did what they liked and believed in despite all the hate. While Nirvana, and specifically Kurt Cobain, were trying to be some profound prophets and something and it was actually cringe because they're horrible people and it nullifies their supposed "deep" messages. And they also sucked.
My unpopular opinion is the political and social believes of 20 yo somethings in music and art shouldn't be taken that seriously because they're just retarded self-righteous people and are eventually gonna grow out of it. You shouldn't treat them as role mdoels or authority over any topic. All their shit ends up aging poorly, too. I came to this conclusion because of the System of A Down line "was fashion the reason they were there [talking about political activism]", fast forward a decade later and being a political activist is actually trendy and fashionable and retarded believes are celebrated because you're on the majority "right side" ot things. Hilarious.
No. 2433935
>>2433924>were trying to be some profound prophetsKurt felt extremely alienated by that status, if not outright resented it. That's pretty well documented in his immaturity towards interviews that felt "too serious" and probably part of the reason he became so depressed. Their music is much less
insincere and performative, maybe that's the word you're thinking of
No. 2433964
>>2433924Kinda cute you use SOAD, the universal 20-something nu metal band, as an example of not trusting 20-something fans of music.
No. 2434970
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Paying for a gym membership is unnecessary, and can be a waste of time/money. You can exercise at home or at a park and buy your own weights. It's not a bad thing, but I can't stop thinking that the kind of person who unironically pays for a gym membership or to go to a pilates studio is flexing status and wealth and/or looking for a certain community more than they're seeking to get fit.
No. 2435217
>>2433777Honestly, the moment it became clear he's worse than the average scrote it should be at least autosaged, nobody wants to see that fetishist anymore.
>>2433805The anons in that thread think it's 1 singular anon, too. How insane can you be to think everyone except one person is in love with a misogynist?
>>2433828Based and same. If they want to defend a porn addict moid so bad they can go to Twitter and Reddit where they belong.
No. 2435262
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>>2434272>>2435251It tastes like picrel
No. 2435312
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>>2435029Warrior skirts had pleating, so they could ride horses. You don't think it's a weird coincidence that males are usually the ones who wear pants with complicated belts/buttons/zippers?
No. 2435421
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Nicki Minaj is so cute, especially in alt and J-fashion. I wish she wasn't a retarded pickme.
No. 2435422
>>2435410Oh, definitely. I've been saying this for ages. The Mormon church dickguards
abusive moids all the time, it would be 100% in-character for them to throw the women in the situation under the bus to protect themselves. Mormons are also obsessed with their public image so they would still say "YEAH THE PROBLEM IS SOLVED NOW THE KIDS ARE FINE" even if it wasn't true. In the
best case scenario, he knew Ruby was abusing the kids and ignored it. In the worse (and more realistic) scenario, he was an active participant. He should be held accountable too.
No. 2435443
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A lot of mainstream musicians and other celebrities are attempted witches/occultists. IMO it's not even a conspiracy theory, they often brag about it for edge points. What most people who dismiss this don't comprehend is that whatever rituals they do don't even have to be "real" or effective for them to keep doing them. These people are theater kids on steroids, mentally ill individuals looking to ~*cope*~, drug addicts, rape victims, rapists, rape apologists, nepo or non-nepo babies who watched their weird parents do drugs and abuse eachother and then act normal outside, people who had their parents pimp them out, etc.
Many kinds of individuals do fucked up, weird and retarded things in the name of art, or just because it feels right and "affirming" all the time. I believe this becomes even more concentrated and true in certain lines of work. They often cause harm to others, too, and it's pretty easy to do bad things and cover it up if you have money.
No. 2435469
>>2435448Lady Gaga hanging out with Marina Abramovic at a "spirit cooking" event where they strip a woman naked, cover her in bloody-looking substances and people eat off of her.
Abramovic is a self-proclaimed witch and a performance artist. She likes testing the limits of the human body and psyche, Lady Gaga has discussed going to her to get into that sort of thing. and she's connected with other celebrities like Jay-Z. She's used pig blood for other "spirit cooking" rituals before.
No. 2435638
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Getting older rules and being young sucks shit straight from the sceptic tank. I feel only pity for adults that say that their teen years were the best time of their life, what a depressing existence they must have.
No. 2435659
>>2435638Teen years were hands down the worst years of my life. I had to be around teenaged moids and there was constant drama and the friends I had were circumstantial rather than the authentic friends I have today.
Getting older rules. I can't wait until I'm 90 and senile and can get away with wandering off and stealing shit and molesting any cute guy I see.
No. 2435704
>>2435689Pretty much, actual lesbians don't obsess over bis because…they are lesbians lol. It's very easy to mind your own gay business when you are gay.
The problem remains weird self-hating straight and bi women claiming to be lesbians for the trend, political reasons, etc while insisting their constant lust over moids (fictional or not) is "j-just comphet".
No. 2435738
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Listening to an audiobook is not the same as reading. I say this based on the literal meaning of the words. Reading a book and listening to an audiobook both mean you’ve consumed the content, and that’s fine. However, I’ve always believed that the processes of reading and listening are completely different, even if you end up with the same information.
If listening to an audiobook counts as reading, then does watching or listening to a video essay mean I’ve "read" an essay? I know this is purely a semantic issue, and those who argue that consuming audiobooks is reading are referring to something slightly different. Still, I can’t help but find it frustrating when people insist that they’re exactly the same.
Additionally, I’d like to know if there’s actually a difference between reading a book and listening to it, beyond just the action itself.
No. 2435758
>>2435738>I’d like to know if there’s actually a difference between reading a book and listening to it, beyond just the action itself.I've heard a couple authors make the claim that writing/reading and listening/speaking do not have a complete overlap in the brain and are to some extent distinct mental processes that need to be trained separately. They claim that their verbal and written communication styles and even vocabulary are very different and also say that they have an easier time recalling facts and names when writing versus when trying to speak.
This should of course be taken with a certain level of scepticism as writers are, as a class of people, full of it.
No. 2435765
>>2435738Reading and listening are absolutely two separate skills but I think it's pedantic to say someone who listened to a book hasn't 'read' it, chances are they're getting mostly the same experience as anyone reading a physical copy - they get the same plot, the same vocabulary, the same sentences, they just aren't improving their ability to spell or comprehend writing with accuracy/speed. As long as you're already decently literate, switching to audiobooks is mainly only different in convenience or concentration etc which are just personal preferences.
I would never say I 'read' a video essay because they don't even come in a written format to begin with, it sounds totally unnatural. It's natural to say you 'read a book' even if it's technically not true, it still conveys the same information - you have consumed the content of the book. It's not like you tell people you read something to prove you know the alphabet, you say it to indicate you know what's in it.
No. 2435909
>>2435638My teenage years fucking sucked, it was just nonstop mental illness kek. I question anyone who claims
that was the best period of their life.
No. 2435918
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Society's idea of "morality"/"fairness" relies on everyone ignoring their instincts, aka our best indicator whether someone is a complete unrepentant piece of shit who would be better off dead. I'm talking exclusively about female instincts though, scrotes would just use this as an excuse to sperg about the age of consent because they mistake their paraphilias for thoughts.
No. 2435938
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Sometimes I wonder if people would, in the long term, be less lonely if we were more openly rude to each other. It would suck booty, but people could find their true "tribe" who genuinely wanted to hang out with them instead of navigating a bunch of fake politeness. Plus it wouldn't bother you that much if someone insulted you because we'd all just be used to it.
No. 2435988
>>2435765Yeah it might sound pedantic but I think theres definitely a difference, just like
>>2435963 said.
If we accept that reading books and listening to audiobooks are basically the same, does a person who listen only to audiobooks could be considered an avid reader? I do agree that it's pedantic to make a difference in a normal context, but it's stupid when I see these random women on TikTok talking about how great readers they are because they listened to 20 audiobooks in a week.
No. 2436008
>>2435738The only reason there is even a ‘debate’ about this is because of people that are either too stupid or lack the attention span to sit down and read a book getting offended when they are reminded that they in fact have not read the book. Most people consider reading books in and of itself to be what makes someone intelligent, instead of the reality of it being what you read and how you engage with and analyse what you read. Audiobook listeners want all the perceived benefits of being seen as a ‘reader’ without having to put in any of the work required.
>>2435765>>2435892It matters because they didn’t read the book, they listened to it. It’s not the same thing at all. It’s just another example of how the meaning of words gets changed and watered down to suit people.
No. 2436017
>>2436008Ntas, but kinda cringe opinion.
>Most people consider reading books in and of itself to be what makes someone intelligent, instead of the reality of it being what you read and how you engage with and analyse what you read.This is why I hate bookfags and readingfags. They all read retarded TikTok/Wattpad tier stories and think they're geniuses for it. Instead of reading about scientific topics and things that actually benefit you somehow. If I wanted another corny romance, I'd watch a day time soap opera.
No. 2436022
>>2435918Very true. I just saw a reel explaining how women often ignore their instincts to avoid offending others (e.g., going in an elevator alone with a strange man rather than taking the next one), and it was eye-opening. Ignoring instincts and patterns just to be nice and fair is how women end up in a ditch, yet it's expected of us.
>>2436017You're literally agreeing with anon that the contents of the book matter, not just the act of reading. How is it cringe to say that reading and listening are different actions? Some of you take this way too personally. It's fine that you don't read.
No. 2436053
>>2436008>Most people consider reading books in and of itself to be what makes someone intelligent, instead of the reality of it being what you read and how you engage with and analyse what you readI agree, except this would completely support the idea that audio books ARE functionally the same as physical books. It doesn't matter how you 'read' a book, it matters how you engage with the content - which is exactly the same whether you listen to it or read it, providing you pay proper attention. You are absorbing the exact same words, the exact same information. What prevents someone from engaging with the writing by listening to it instead of reading it? Putting the act of physically reading a book on a pedestal makes it clear that you DO think that 'reading books in and of itself' is what makes you intelligent, or 'a reader'. What really matters to you? The story itself, what the author came up with, or the fact that you have the 'attention span' and 'put in the work' to complete the task of reading it? That's completely and utterly performative.
Reading written language is extremely important to developing literacy, it can't be entirely replaced by audiobooks. But oral storytelling has always been part of the way humans communicate and it's absolutely bizarre that you think someone can't engage with or analyse something that wasn't written down.
No. 2436070
>>2436053Nta but this only partially supports that idea if we pretend that most people listen to audiobooks while sitting down with their eyes closed which they don't. People listen to podcasts and audiobooks while doing the dishes or driving, which makes it very different from reading and much less immersive. You can't do anything else while reading, but nowadays a lot of people can't feel satisfied focusing on one thing at once - in fact that's precisely why they pick audiobooks over books, because it requires less concentration and because they can do something else at the same time.
>>2436058She said that it's what people believe. Your opinion makes sense because you have reading comprehension issues.
No. 2436087
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I pick my nose and eat it and I believe this is why my immune system is so unfuckwithable. I can not get sick
No. 2436103
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Right wing beauty standards for women are inherently pornbrained, fixated on the unnatural and trannylike. Even their "trad" fantasies don't feature strong women without makeup or artificial/cosmetic procedures, but IG models and slavic women with lip fillers, botox and breast implants in "sundresses". The only "natural females" they venerate are underage girls, and they still love to compare them to little boys (who right wing men also want sexual access to) anyway. There's a reason so many right wing scrotes hang out on Grindr and turn out to have AGP, why they claim to "hate" porn but refuse to actually stop watching/funding it and venerate sex traffickers like Andrew Tate, etc.
No. 2436109
>>2436107Nope, otherwise republican men wouldn't be malding and seething about leftist women who keep their natural features (like Kamala's daughter lol). It's not even political or "sperging", it's an unpopular opinion on a specific culture. Republican women are socialized even more than women as a whole to dislike their natural female bodies, revile things like body hair and aspire to an artificial concept of womanhood under the guise of "tradition" (it isn't even traditional, it's aggressively modern,
abusive and gauche). It's disgusting.
No. 2436120
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>>2436075No it's ok anon ♥
No. 2436132
>>2436103This implies that lib men are somehow less into porn and trannies which is definitely untrue. Men of all political opinions mean "youthful and conventionally attractive" when they say "natural", they don't care if makeup and cosmetic surgery are involved. Young women who identify as feminist but still do just a "little bit" of filler and botox may look good and natural today but they will also look unnatural and trannylike when they age.
>>2436116Makes sense but women dating pimps can't be that common, I think a lot of people feel attacked because they watch porn or know OF girls personally.
No. 2436200
>>2436103They always want to perpetuate the idea that conservatives are beautiful blondes or beauty and brains while liberals are ugly
woc with ugly brown features. As annoying and retarded as they are I'd rather be around male feminist chubby chasers or whatever libmoids act like
No. 2436243
>>2436053>I agree, except this would completely support the idea that audio books ARE functionally the same as physical books.They aren’t.
>'reading books in and of itself' is what makes [you] ‘a reader'Yes that is true.
>What really matters to you? The story itself, what the author came up with, or the fact that you have the 'attention span' and 'put in the work' to complete the task of reading it? >That's completely and utterly performative.The story is important sure, but what I want is to discuss the story with people that have actually read it. Not half-listened to it while doing other tasks. Which audiobook listeners frequently admit to doing, almost as if they don’t have the attention span to focus on one thing at a time. It’s not ‘performative’ to want people to actually do the thing necessary for a hobby. And yes I do think that people that can’t focus on one thing at a time, or comprehend the written word (baring some disability) are stupider than those that can.
>But oral storytelling has always been part of the way humans communicate and it's absolutely bizarre that you think someone can't engage with or analyse something that wasn't written down.Never said that people can’t analyse with things that aren’t written down, but that it is the most important part of reading, which listening to audiobooks is not. Reading is the decoding of physical symbols and characters and comprehending their meaning. When someone is reading to you, you are not decoding. I’m well aware of the long oral tradition that all of humanity has, but again, speaking is not the same as writing.
No. 2436266
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There will always be a nonnie who will judge your media consumption, call you a pick-me or a moid and you can never be perfect to a group of internet strangers. That's why you shouldn't take it too seriously.
No. 2436331
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>>2436307Your post reminded me this post.
No. 2436368
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>>2436307Oh I get it. You're mad because your "boyfriend" is a confirmed asian woman fetishist who likes trannies. Now you're lashing out at random autistic women on the internet instead of writing an angry letter to the man who's not even into 90% of his fanbase,
white women. Funny tantrum, anon.
No. 2436382
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>>2436368The husbandofags have been spiraling and blaming women here ever since the screenshots and photos came out. At least one of them is shitting up the /g/ thread accusing anyone and everyone being some tranny or a scrote for not defending him anymore.
I'm tired of it. Nobody cares about the fucking healthcare shit, everything melted into ball worship and irrelevancy.