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No. 243469
After making fun of Coldplay my entire life I actually sat down and listened to their debut for some reason and it actually wrecked me. I feel bad for not giving it a chance before, it's perfect sad music.
>>243463I've been avoiding listening to this after I listened to Phil on Marc Maron's podcast talking about his wife's passing. I knew it was going to be so raw and invasive in a way and it freaked me out. Might give it a try now though, thanks anon.
>>243464Thanks anon, you too. It's my go to album whenever I need to cry.
No. 243733
>>243456Wanted to see what PhemieC was doing after her Homestuck days (thank the fucking Lord)
Ended up finding “Changeling” and crying like a little bitch at the last line.
No. 246665
For You Only - Trading Yesterday Beneath My Wings I know, it's old and overplayed, but there's a reason as to why this really gets me.
My granddad's favourite song, who said it was about my nan. It was played at his funeral and as the second dance at my auntie/his daughter's wedding, with my nan after the bride & groom did the first dance.
When I was younger I didn't really understand what he meant, but now I think I do - she provided him with the family he had always wanted, looked after the kids a lot, while working also - so my granddad was able to devote a lot of his time to trade union work, socialising with friends, etc. At his funeral they had to leave the church doors open at the back because not everyone could fit inside as he'd had so many friends. Nan never complained or resented him, instead quietly supporting him for the rest of his life. So I think he meant it in that sense - that she'd enabled him to do that.
So yeah I cry my eyes out when I hear this song.
Cure My Tragedy - Cold about his sister who was diagnosed with leukaemia (I think?)
Maria & the Diamonds - Immortal video makes it even more tense.
Celldweller - Great Divide No. 247320
cried at least a few times to these (not anymore though but I hope it's okay to post)
The Smashing Pumpkins - Soma Smashing Pumpkins - Galapogos - Il y a ton sourire
(only live I think) (btw frenchfag here,the lyrics are beautiful)
The Smiths - Asleep Chemical Romance - Desert Song - Soothsayer made me cry really but put me in a weird emotional trance.
you all have good taste,btw a lot of these are very powerful emotionally
No. 247322
>>247320samefag bc clicked too fast
Steam Powered Giraffe - Soliton - Don't Leave me Now Straits - So far Away No. 247456
>>247325I know they're considered 3dgy and such but their older kind of acoustic stuff wasn't bad.
except for Soliton I can't stand their new stuff though.
No. 247507
Reminds me that I'll never have anyone truly love me, they'll only settle.
So does My Kind of Woman by Mac DeMarco. No. 248638
>>248637omg me too anon. for real.
I even limit myself to not listen to it too often so I don't get desensitized lol
No. 248777
>>248757I didn't know there was someone else that appreciated modern neoclassical music.
I could listen to Michael Nyman all day, I first got introduced to his music through the movie Piano:
This is my favorite of his tracks: also like Arvo Part and Philip Glass, I listen to them regardless of my mood but when I'm depressed listening to their works just makes my nihilism and existential crisis worse.
Arvo Pärt's Fratres with piano and violin is just something out of this world. else do you listen to usually? I don't encounter many people irl or online that are into same artists.
Also, another composition what makes me tear a bit is Maxence Cyrin's piano version of No Cars Go: No. 248782

>>248777Same! I saw The Piano, loved it and loved the music. I’m also a big Erik Satie fan, which probably completes the circle. I have almost complete collections of all these composers, I’m a dork.
There used to be this amazing video on YouTube of Arvo Part attempting to explain his feelings about…argh let me go find it. He’s talking about composition to a group of music students and every time I watch I’m in awe. He’s trying to explain something in words that he can really only truly express through music.
Do you know Nyman’s score for the movie Ravenous? He did it with Damon Albarn of Blur and it’s super quirky and great.
Have you seen any of these pieces performed live? I’ve been lucky enough to see the Estonian Chamber Choir doing De Profundis, and also MGV. I sobbed both times, really beautiful and powerful stuff.
As for other music I like sort of old stuff. Radiohead, Kate Bush, some Peter Gabriel, I used to love Elbow but the last few records didn’t do much for me. Asleep in the back is still my favorite.
Nice to meet a fellow modern neoclassicist lover!
No. 248788
>>248777A couple more quick songs for you, anon!
Mazzy Star is always a favorite Obel is very hit or miss for me, but this song is a great one. to get too far ot, but for music in general, I love Aphex Twin a ton and there’s someone who just popped up on my radar called Sylvain Chauveau who’s pretty good. I like Austra and Aimee Mann too. Antonio Carlos Jobim makes me weepy sometimes, depending on the song.
I have no idea why the A’s are the ones coming to mind right now!
This last song I can’t help loving, I heard it on Air’s Late Night Tales and then went on a bender for this guy’s music. Hope you enjoy some of these.
No. 248802

>>248782> I saw The Piano, loved it and loved the music. I’m also a big Erik Satie fan, which probably completes the circle. I have almost complete collections of all these composers, I’m a dork.Same. I love Erik Satie! Do you play an instrument as well? I play piano and when I reached a decent level I thought that playing Satie was going to be easy peasy. I was soon proved wrong. While technically it seems easy to play Satie, it really takes time and practice to play some of his works like Gnossienne properly, to convey that mood that you often associate with his music, like melancholy. It made me appreciate his works even more as I think his works and a lot of other music belong to minimalism genre, in general, is not taken seriously due to its minimalistic structure and repetitiveness. To add, I'm surprised and saddened at the same time how little popularity Michael Nyman enjoys when you compare him to Ludovico Einaudi and Yann Tiersen who are both overrated and terrible "composers" imo.
> There used to be this amazing video on YouTube of Arvo Part attempting to explain his feelings aboutI've only found this interview with Bjork. I really liked the relaxed conversation between the two without any pretentiousness. Arvo seems so down to earth. you do find the video you mentioned, please do let me know.
> Do you know Nyman’s score for the movie Ravenous? No! I thought I got through all of his works and now I discover this. I've been through some part of the Ravenous score and I love it.
> Have you seen any of these pieces performed live?Sadly no. I wish I had the chance.
> I’ve been lucky enough to see the Estonian Chamber Choir doing De Profundis, and also MGV.I'm jelly. Can't imagine what kind of magical experience that is, to hear it live.
> As for other music I like sort of old stuff. Radiohead, Kate Bush, some Peter Gabriel, I used to love Elbow but the last few records didn’t do much for me. Asleep in the back is still my favorite.Awesome eclectic taste you got there. I like old stuff too and I'm a fan of Peter Gabriel, his Steam was my morning jam for a long time.
> Nice to meet a fellow modern neoclassicist lover!Nice to meet you too!
>>248788Thanks a lot! I'm going to go through these now. Btw I also love Aphex Twin, I like ambient and electronic as well, for example, Floex/Dvorak, Vangelis, Aphex Twin, Royksopp, Chris Clark, Depeche Mode. There are too many great artists to name.
No. 248803
>>248757>>248777>>248802I love modern classical stuff! I'm partial especially to Max Richter, Nils Frahm and also a lot of Icelandic stuff - Olafur Arnalds is my favourite musician right now. He did the soundtrack for Broadchurch and has loads of wonderful music available. and I also love the late Johann Johannson - his scores for Prisoners and Arrival are lovely, and IBM 1401 is especially gorgeous. I can't believe he's died at only 48.
Also I like Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, as well as great music (I like the soundtrack Angels of the Universe) he is like a chief pagan druid. Iceland is an awesome place.
also Aphex Twin is a great call. I love him too.
No. 248917

>>248802Good morning! Sorry it took me so long to see this but yesterday was a long day. It made me so happy to wake up and see this!
It looks like we might have pretty crazily similar tastes in music, at least when it comes to purely instrumental—I also love Dario Marianelli’s score for Jane Eyre and think it’s beautifully sad and romantic.
I envy you your ability to play an instrument. I would love to have the discipline but I can only enjoy others’ talent. I’ve sung in choirs all my life but truthfully I’m an amateur. I’d give anything if I could be a part of a group that performed any of Arvo Part’s work, but I’m know I’m nowhere near talented enough. I often envy people who can play because it seems to be one of the purest forms of expression. Music has such command over emotions, sometimes when I’m depressed it’s the only thing that makes me feel. It’s really an amazing thing and I’m fascinated when I watch musicians getting caught up in the emotions of a piece.
Erik Satie is so deceptively simple! I think it would be terrifically hard to play and have it sound ‘right’.
I forgot to mention John Cage whose compositions for Paris and In a Landscape are gorgeous pieces of music, and also Meredith Monk who can be crazy fun to sing. Gotham Lullaby and Memory Song are some of my favorites. This is Anthony de Mare singing Memory Song, it’s not for everyone but I love to sing along, and also a bit sad in it’s strange way. and electronica are also favorites of mine. Royksopp are terrific. You mentioned Bjork, who I like very much. Depeche Mode was my first concert!
I looked and looked for the Arvo Part talk with the students, but the only bit of it I could find is the short version that I posted at the header of
>>248782, I believe it’s an entire video’s worth of him discussing his music.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the score for Ravenous! is probably my favorite piece. The movie’s is actually strange and fun, but I probably wouldn’t have left it on if I hadn’t heard those clarinets and oboes! His style is so unique and distinct.
>>248803I was just introduced to both Nils Frahm and Olafur Arnalds and I like them both! I think I might favor Nils Frahm a tiny bit more, but they’re both very good at writing these sometimes melancholy, always relaxing pieces.
I hope we can all share some more songs that we enjoy, this has been the nicest time I’ve spent here at lc.
No. 248938
more sadness from movie soundtracks, this is Anne Dudley. some of her string arrangement reminds me of Bernard Herrmann, who also makes me cry effortlessly.
another favorite from the Jane Eyre soundtrack: No. 264376
>>250309>>250310karen dalton is amazing and i feel like no one knows her, i'm so happy that’s not the case
not a sad song, but do you know driftin’? song by vashti bunyan is really sad, though
No. 264382
>>264375This song is reminding me of a horribly sad documentary about terminal patients in Oregon who are allowed to end their own lives using prescription drugs given them by their doctor.
Most of the movie followed this lady who had liver cancer and she was doing really well for most of the film but then began to get really sick, you could see it taking its toll on her. She held out as long as she could and then her whole family came to the house the day she was taking the pills. She had made sure her sons knew how to cook the recipes they loved, all that. At the very end, the cameras aren’t in the room with her, to give the family privacy, but they taped sound and her family is singing songs to her. She’s really quiet and then you hear her voice, it’s so light and happy and surprised, and she says ‘Oh, but this is easy!’ That movie devastated me.
No. 264386
>>264371I’ll leave you with this excerpt from a poem
‘or like the eyes of Laika,
Soviet space dog,
in an old drawing
I remember, the stunned,
not yet distrusting but
no longer trusting look
from within the comical
glass bubble of the gawky
helmet tilted atop
the comical white spacesuit,
as the spaceship hurtles
out toward the stars, the earth
a star behind it, the earnest
dog eyes fixed on black
space like a door
the masters have walked through
and will return from, surely.
Surely they'll come to get me.
Surely they didn't love me
all that time for this.’
No. 471312
Some more songs that make me cry like a bitch:
The Funeral Party by The Cure: of 2013 by Mitski:, Destroyer by Angel Olsen: by Roar: No. 483869 by Stevie Nicks
recently had a good cry because of this timeless song
No. 483882
>>483877Nostalgia I guess. He's such an icon of childhood.
>>483879Legendary kek