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No. 243744
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i wouldnt say i LIKE this so much as i spend hours poring over how it could’ve been so much better, but apparently even seeing potential in this book makes me racist :y
the racism isn’t really the problem so much as it is the fact that for a book that centers around such a hot-button topic in a fantasy setting no less, all of its characters are annoyingly one-note and the morality is LAUGHABLY black-and-white
still, with a few tweaks it could be a decent read.
No. 243780
>>243737Agree. I'm not even mad when fujoshis get hate even though I technically am one because so much bl/yaoi resolves around rape as a for of love. It's difficult to find bl that DOESN'T fetishize awful things.
I love king's maker as well exactly because it doesn't romanticize this type of shit.
I used to read 19 days but he tian and mo guan shan have such a disgusting relationship that I just had to stop
No. 243781
>>24378019 Days is my guilty pleasure as well… But I just can't get over the whole bullying-into-sex shit, and He Tian is such an asshole it's really hard to imagine anyone falling in love with him despite the whole retconning him into an abusive family shit the author pulled in the later chapters.
The main couple isn't much better, tho. The whole humorous "Zheng Xi beats up Jian Yi for being a dumbass" is just disgusting imo.
No. 243793
>>243780Yeah, I still read 19 days but it really bothers me. Violence as romantic comedy is a trope that pisses me off about Manga in general though, a lot of Shounen Manga do this too with the girl beating up the guy. I can perfectly understand people hating Fujoshi though, all of the hate is deserved considering Junjou Romantica has an 8/10 on MAL.
My favorite BL series is Canis by ZAKK, it's been free of gross bs and pretty interesting story-wise.
No. 243818
>>243799I'll never understand either. The story is literally what anon described in
To not derail this thread completely into BL, I will admit that I didn't hate reading Twilight. I don't think I could re-read it, but when I was 15 it was pretty entertaining. It's a stretch to say that it's good, but the intense hatred some people have for it seems unwarranted.
No. 243841
>>243821what’s similarly the sun?
or is it just the sun and i’m reading this like a dumbass?
No. 244395
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Probably every fantasy/paranormal young adult novel I've ever read.
Most of them are chock-full of cliches, bad plots and characterizations but I still enjoy them.
Apparently, Vampire Academy is widely considered a guilty pleasure read but I thought it was one of the better books in the vampire YA genre.
No. 244399
>>243841thesun dot co dot uk, a British tabloid famous for its photos of nude women.
It's okay anon, take comfort in the fact that you don't read this crap.
No. 244529
>>243780> It's difficult to find bl that DOESN'T fetishize awful things.It really isn't, romantic rape has gone out of style along with yaoi hands.
I read Kings Maker because of this thread and it was pretty enjoyable but doesn't really stand out compared to most other webtoons and BL out there these days.
No. 244544
Besides BL, I like true crime shit. Guilty because it's trivializing victims for my entertainment. It's not as embarassing nowadays to admit, but there's a lot of "think about the victims!" posturing and I don't really care, I just wanna know what happened, how and why.
>>243754You can't just say that and not post some recs anon!
>>243821Do you read starcasm?
No. 244557
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I love twilight lol. A few years ago I threw out my copy from when I was eleven and I miss it tbh. It's not good literature of course but it's so comfy to go back and re-read. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest so I love the cold rainy setting.
No. 245701
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>>244395I reread all of these last summer and still loved them just as much, though I did think the plot dragged on during the last 3 or so books.
I think they also had a hold on me for the taboo teacher-student/older man romance that was actually done right instead of like in the House of Night seriesI do have to say that I hate the cover redesigns, though the girl on the original cover seems too pale and pug-nosed to be Rose in the first place.