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No. 244301
>>244294I never had Asian envy though I wanted to be Asian when I was a weeb (a long, long time ago) for a brief period of time.
Also that girl looks weird.
No. 244310
>>244308Stay mad.
You can have your "shining moment" with your beta yellow fever incels and your plastic kpop models.
No. 244315
>>244308So you're angry that other people are happy with themselves…? Are you really that thirsty for validation?
Not even white btw
No. 244319
>>244308white girls have been "Ass kissed" in mostly white countries just like asians have been "ass kissed" in asian countries, africans have been "ass kissed" in african countries and so on, I don't know why it blows your mind that the majority race often gets put everywhere if thats what you mean by ass kissing
anywho, if we're referring to kpop,j culture, jav, etc etc, if you really did care about ~asians getting uplifted uwu~ then why the fuck only glorify what most asian women will often never look like without surgery or skin whiteners? it's like those weird yellow fever incels who claim to only like asians so much but only like the ones that look white, the problem isn't with "asians being seen as attractive!!" like you insist, if people were really that upset about that then most asian fetish shit would be taken down about now
No. 244323
>>244318>bottom tier weeaboo menTrue, I'm hapa but the guys I've seen that are "exclusively into asians" are almost always either fat old farts like the ones from 90 day fiance, weebs or lonely losers whining about how stacy didn't sleep with them on command so go to thailand or china, sometimes even Japan and pump and dump ugly asians, not in means of asian women are ugly but the thing about these men is that they convinced themselves no matter how fucked the girls face is, no matter how chubby or inverted triangle shaped she is, if shes asian shes a default uwu goddess to these people, even other chinese, Japanese, etc etc talk about how westerners come in sleep with ugly asian women, which is good that they get to find someone that likes how they look and whatnot but pumping and dumping is a huge problem especially if they're from a different country and end up getting her pregnant
Western sexpats are cancer around asian women, especially the ones that assault them and get them pregnant and leave them
No. 244325
I've always been super envious of east Asian features, even before I became a weeb. Especially the thick, dark hair. My stringy ass white girl hair doesn't compete.
>>244319>white girls have been "Ass kissed" in mostly white countries just like asians have been "ass kissed" in asian countries, africans have been "ass kissed" in african countries and so on, I don't know why it blows your mind that the majority race often gets put everywhere if thats what you mean by ass kissingTHIS.
No. 244328
>>244323You're acting like these uggos don't want to be pumped and dumped by a white sex tourist.
Having a hapa baby in the third world is basically ensuring your child to have a better future.
No. 244330
>>244325Your white self-hatred is pretty pathetic.
>omg im soooo ugly i wish i was another race>gee i sure am glad that us whiteys are getting what's coming to us xD its the asian's time to shine!I cringed.
No. 244333
>>244331I know people who have lived in the Philippines and it is common. Women will prostitute themselves and specifically look for white men to have a illegitimate child with. Having pale skin and white features means having a higher social status. Poor women will try to have hapa kids so when they grow up they'll be successful.
I've seen documentaries about it too, and there are some super scummy sex tourist youtube channels I've watched who talk about it to. The channels I've seen were mostly from Thailand.
With Japanese and Chinese women it's probably not as common, as there aren't as many impoverished people living there.
No. 244334
>>244333That doesn't mean "poor asian sluts begging to be pump and dumped by white chad to have a hapa baby!!!" Though, it just means they wanna a white kid, not that they wanna be pump and dumped
Also if they were so poor wouldnt they want no kids no matter what race they are? That makes no sense
No. 244339
>>244329>Fortunately, for me I found weeabooism at a young age and avoided boys and my peers to watch anime so know I'm 24, 96 pounds and childless. Thanks anime!Is this sarcasm or not…?
>It's probably harder for white women because they're use to being on top.Can't speak for all white anons here, but seeing that we have "Losers" threads etc i guess it's the same for them as it is for me -i was never on top…
No. 244363
I do find it really creepy. I've seen the Asian envy, or rather yellow fever, come from people I assumed would be better than that.
I know this girl I went to high school with who is pretty quirky and loves to let everyone know what she's up to online. She used to be a scene kid, is now a weeb, naturally twiggy. I just remember her mostly because her best friend and I have had this weird ongoing "we want to be friends" connection.
Anyways, this happened about a year ago. This girl tried so hard to become friends with this half Japanese girl who happened to really like Ghibli movies just like her, but everything else she liked was obviously not to her taste. It was so apparent on social media. She was commenting on half of her statuses and photos, all of these showed up on my Facebook and Instagram timelines.
Eventually, she got to hang out with her and she would not stop taking pictures of this girl and her together. I just saw it creepy since she has never done this with other people she's hung out with, even her best friend and boyfriend. She's talked about meeting new friends a couple of times too and we never saw photos of them together so that made it double creepy. The good thing is, the half Japanese girl hasn't hung out with her since, she probably noticed what was going on since I could tell it's happened one too many times.
I think after that thing going on I started noticing a pattern with some of these people who like anime "a little too much", who ended up treating their new Asian friends like accessories.
Unfortunately, I can relate with being treated like an accessory. For me it's because of having brown skin. Me and a few of my friends have talked about the things we used to do to avoid being fetishized, including avoiding the sun and whitening our skin. We never have the intentions to "become" white, we just wish we weren't seen as a diversity quota or the "dirty little secret". Looking back at that girl from high school, her best friend happened to be Mexican, so she was definitely thought of as her "dirty little secret". Not in a sexual way, but definitely a secret.
Representation my ass, a good chunk of these people have a fetish. I have definitely noticed these US acting places and publications who try to shoot for a diversity quota to match the population, looking for more Asian, black, Latino, and Native American/indigenous people act/write for them. They always exceed the quota for Asian people by at least two or three times but somehow the quota for Latinos never gets met despite there being more Latinos than Asians and black people in the US combined, but they say it's OK. Not that the quota even matters, but it's usually the places who try to shoot for these quotas end up having some staff outed for sexual abuse.
Either way, Asians and Native Americans/Latinos deal with some similar shit, but it seems like we're getting opposite ends of the shit stick. Overall, it's still shit.
No. 244388
exactly, it seems theyre praised for being ultra feminine but only ones who have gotten v line surgeries and nose jobs and skin whitening but people act like its in their gene pool to look this way, not to mention not to long ago asians were made fun of for being indistinguishable from each gender as well as their eyes being small, being boring, their skin colors especially darker asians, looking alike then out of nowhere they're getting hyped up, there are even people who insist that super pale white skin is natural
honestly, I do not get the appeal of anime, yeah I watch it but to me it's just like any other show, anime fans are batshit crazy, people invest in thousands of dollars in their "hobby", try to look like and be anime characters, have to put anime in everything, obsess over it and where it comes from, no other fanbase takes things as extreme as anime fans do, not even sports fans, twilight fans or whatever teen drama fans were this cray cray, however I have seen those adult barbie fans who go out their way to look like dolls, even then a lot of the time those people have lives
No. 244414
>>244403Would you have dated him if he hadn't been Japanese but another type of Asian?
I used to have a Japanese boy fetish, too, but there were none around to feed it.
No. 244447
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>>244425>don't have Asian envy but that's probably because I already have the traits people envy about Asians.>Especially when it came to hair, wrinkles, femininity /youthfulness, weight, heightWhat the fuck did I just read
No. 244471
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I used to, yeah, but then I realized it's way cooler and more novel to be myself (a black girl with her own sense of style/aesthetics) than a walking archetype. I'd rather be a prettier version of myself than another kawaii uguu Asian chick who perfectly fits a mould.
I still think a lot of Asian alt fashion is way ahead of the west in almost every way, though, and the Asian standard of beauty is a lot more natural looking, youthful, clean and approachable than the west's and its obsession with pure sexuality. I don't like the typical "Gangnam unnie"/pointy nosed K-pop singer plastic surgery look that's been going around, though. Stuff like pic related and 80s/90s Japanese idols and models look better.
No. 244478
>>244469> I envy like the fact that a lot of East Asian women have small frames (I'm broad-shouldered)> Plus I already have dark hair and dark eyes and it's pretty boring lol.This. I'm european myself, pale with dark hair and unfortunately dark eyes but I'm envious when it comes to scandinavian beauties, or nothern european women in general. Many that I have met were natural beauties with elegant facial features. They could have easily been on a cover of any magazine.
That being said, I have nothing against asian women and I can say that some are indeed gorgeous. Also, I don't see why we should have any petty fights over who is most desired by some internet folks.
And if I have learned anything from interacting with men irl is that they have dynamic taste in women, so any internet polls or trends are not to be taken seriously or as a personal achievement/insult.
No. 244480
>>244470But being cute isn't an Asian thing, no? Many white girls are short and cute.
>>244474>>244476Are you only talking about Korean idols? Most Asian girls I've seen in real life either look boring and nothing like plastic Kpop idols or they look as "fake" as their white friends, as in they wear make-up and maybe have their hair dyed. The majority of Asians don't have that Kpop look.
No. 244483
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>>244474You can appreciate the art without liking the artist, anon. Even if he's a creep, I like the obvious appreciation for a girl's natural, simple beauty in his work, and I kinda wish more media worldwide focused on that rare sublimeness instead of being flashy or grossly sexualized. Idealized forms of natural beauty being normalized > painted on, fake everything.
I'm not really sure what the whole of Europe's beauty standards are like, but what I have seen just seems like the usual IG aesthetic, with maybe less tanning and more of a minimalist slant in fashion in the more Scandinavian parts. I recognize regular people probably don't walk around like that, though (and I definitely wouldn't say "most natural Asians" wear a lot of makeup, either, unless you're only in large, materialistic cities full of wannabes, and that typically applies everywhere).
No. 244486
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Upset that they can look like they're in their teen when they're actually in their 30s.
No. 244487
>>244480are you american/canadian anon? usually makeup and whatnot is a popular thing for women of all races in america and canada, especially since alternative styles are big there
>many white girls are short and cutetrue, I see the typical "petite, pale, dolly" look in white girls all the time, if anything I've seen more white girls with that look than I've seen asians, in real life at least, then again most asians here look more islander, they're pretty and everything but not the kawaii ugu aesthetic that you'll usually only see with asians in east asia
No. 244491
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Ngl I was a bit Pixyish at one point in my preteen life.
Not because I was necessarily jealous of asian features, but because my own ethnicity (the whitest of wonderbreads) seemed so boring, or maybe it was the vapid importance my parents placed on one minor side of our ancestry but not on the major ones (which would have been actually interesting).
Regardless, I mystified asian culture and the tiniest sliver of me always wanting to be "part asian" just so I could feel like I belonged to something that my sheltered mind thought was unique. I used to get giddy whenever some fellow dumb non-asian mistook me for asian just because I'd do cateye makeup with my squinty almond eyes, for example. I would get really upset if pictures were taken of me and they didn't come back looking asian. To look like me and not asian was boring and inferior.
I'd develop anime husbandos and be legit upset if they got hurt and/or died. I'd extrapolate that the anime watching was helping me learn Japanese. My best friend and I would talk on our landline after school while watching our Toonami shows and we'd completely sperg out.
My parents indulged me too. They bought me bamboo plants, cheap charms (often not knowing the diff between Chinese/Japanese characters), calligraphy sets, books on asian culture, fake swords, etc. Whenever I'd go on a trip to a major city, we'd have to make sure to stop someplace asian. We'd have to get asian souvenirs. My dumb white ass bought this paper umbrella in NYC and I didn't even open the old thing to check if it wasn't broken first. Got home, and guess what? My overpriced umbrella was, indeed, busted. It had holes too.
Anyway it was more towards high school and college that I realized how delusional my behavior was. Not long after that, I discovered PT and that's when I made the conscious decision to stop being such a weeb.
I realized that if nobody else in my family was going to give a shit about my actual heritage, then I couldn't wait for them. It was time to stop putting asian culture on a pedestal.
Just this year I took a DNA test and found out I was mostly Slav with a bit of Iberian thrown in. Thus completely eliminating any possibility I was even remotely asian.
The End.
Bonus Blog: My boyfriend also took the DNA test with me. His mother was kind of a ho and his father passed early from a disease and didn't have contact with his paternal family after that. His retarded mom fed him bullshit lies about being partly asian.
Like myself, bf entertained the idea and was heavily into asian culture. Until he got older and realized he was pretty damn white.
Well, well, well. Bf's DNA test came back similar to mine. No asian ancestry whatsoever. It was just another cherry on top to his shitcake family.
No. 244494
>>244491Why cant you just be proud if being white? Seriously all this white self depreciation gets on my nerves. You're not bland or boring or without identity. Your ancestors were some of the greatest people on earth and your race has accomplished more than any other.
You think that Asians are the only one with an idnentity, and you wanted to cling to it… just rediscover your own. You dont have to wish you were someone else to feel like you belong.
No. 244495
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>>244480>>244483Most asian schools forbid makeup yet girls go out of their way to wear "no-makeup" makeup. Europeans could wear bright red lips if they wanted yet barely anybody wears any makeup at all. Nobody tans or dresses up either. Pic related is what your average european college girl looks like, even more natural would mean going naked.
Also "a girl's natural, simple beauty" - that's an adult wearing elementary school sports clothing…
No. 244500
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What i hate the most about being white and envy about asians is good skin and soft facial features.
I don't have any acne, but i always have this red undertone.
My nose, jaw and cheekbones are very prominent and my eyes are very deep set, so i've always looked a lot older than my age.
Also, fine lines are already forming…
No. 244501
>>244497>I realized that if nobody else in my family was going to give a shit about my actual heritage, then I couldn't wait for them>It was time to stop putting asian culture on a pedestalWhat about either of those statements would indicate an abhorrence for my identity and bemoan not being asian?
Nah, if you read you'd realize my young mind couldn't relate to the minor ancestry my entire family decided to magnify with shallow knowledge, which probably would have turned off any kid.
No. 244503
>>244500Start wearing sunscreen for fucks sake, that's why you look so old.
Asians are religious about skincare… plus their complexion is naturally light and evolved in the land they occupy now. If you're an American white you NEED to wear sunscreen. The natives here were brown.
No. 244507
>>244501You didn't ever confirm you were interested in your European heritage, just that you no longer pursued Asian heritige.
Then you talk about how disappointed your bf was. Of course I am going to assume you became nihilistic about your identity instead of being proud of who you were.
No. 244509
>>244483>and I definitely wouldn't say "most natural Asians" wear a lot of makeup, either, unless you're only in large, materialistic cities full of wannabesThey bought into the meme that most Asians have the plastic Korean look when that's far from reality (and not in a positive sense, sorry).
>>244495>nobody tansWe live in two different Europes kek.
No. 244511
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>>244499I was referring to the bloomers in her first post
>>244471Like in this pic
No. 244512
>>244508East asians. Yes, they are naturally light. If they stay indoors long enough they become pale. If an African stays indoors long enough they don't become light.
Sure they tan better than white people, but they areally capable of being naturally fair skinned.
No. 244513
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>>244498Didn't mean to exclude dark-skinned Asians, they're pretty too. Anyone who doesn't think pic related is beautiful is lying to themselves, honestly.
The only dark Asian model I really know of is Chanel Iman, though, and she's half-black, so.
>>244495I posted
>>244499, but I forgot to add
I don't know of any Asian colleges that outright forbid makeup. Maybe high schools do, but with how strict the culture tends to be, I really doubt a high number of teenage girls decide to go out in "no makeup makeup" on the regular, or at least any more than girls in America or Europe might.
>>244511The ones in
>>244471 just look like sports shorts to me, and they're clearly not the focus of the photo, unlike the one you just posted.
No. 244514
>>244509Okay anon, i admit it.
We Europeans are tanned, caked in makeup, hair daying insta-whoring roasties and all asians girls are pure and natural…
No. 244515
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>>244514I'm very confused. That's not what I meant to say at all.
No. 244516
>>244514You just seem a little bitter about Asian women. Chill out. Appreciating your own beauty does not have to come from trying to undercut or misrepresent others.
There is a line between weeb/koreaboo who curses the gods that they weren't born Asian/hapa, and full "All European women are elfen beauties who wear absolutely no makeup and don't know what hair dye is, the Asians are fake whores!".
No. 244523
>>244330Wait what?
>>244327Note the word "especially". There are other feature to be envious about, INCLUDING the hair. I'm a nordic bitch with shit hair, the Asian "straight as an arrow yet still thick" type is miles better than what I have to deal with. And I don't know what's this about east Asians having thin hair, they definitely have a very strong, thick hair type, especially compared to Caucasians. So calm your bitter ass down.
I don't even get why it's "fetishization" if you think other races have beautiful features. Plenty of white people have monolids, I think they're beautiful on them too. This thread is just full of frothing anti-weebs screeching autistically and thinking everyone who likes Asian features is a psychotic weeb pulling off yellowface and claiming they're 1/10th Japanese.
No. 244525
>>244523>east Asians having thin hair, they definitely have a very strong, thick hair type, especially compared to Caucasians. So calm your bitter ass down.what? I was just pointing out "thick dark straight hair" isn't necessarily an asian feature, in fact it's most latinas hair types as well, if that makes me bitter then…
>This thread is just full of frothing anti-weebs screeching autistically and thinking everyone who likes Asian features is a psychotic weeb pulling off yellowface and claiming they're 1/10th Japanese.who?
No. 244526
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>>244519No one's denying that, it's just the obvious sperging and black and white thinking going on. It's like
>>244523 said. There is nothing wrong with liking other types of beauty than your own, and only an insecure loser is attached to the sort of "all asian women are fake, natural asian beauty doesn't real, look at these random college girls from an unspecified european country" bullshittery going on ITT.
Pic related is very pretty, and she's not any more fake than a Swedish model. That doesn't make other people ugly, lmao.
No. 244552
>>244516>>244520>>244526First of, no i'm not the anon saying "all of Europe is totez natural desu" that you think you saw in other threads as well…
I also posted here because i
do envy asian girls.
>"All European women are elfen beauties who wear absolutely no makeup and don't know what hair dye is, the Asians are fake whores!".If i wanted to prove the "superiority" of european girls i would've posted some models and not some plain ass college girls, wouldn't i?
Why do you assume that natural = better?
I look similar to the girls in the pic i posted and i don't think that's particularly attractive, just lazy. No makeup or skin care, zero effort, etc.
Most east asian girls however manage to still look cute and "natural" while actually wearing makeup - they might seem younger than their european counterparts and more innocent, but they in fact wear subtle makeup.
(Also, no i didn't fall for the "all koreans had ps"-meme, there are stats that prove that many of them actually did - again, that in itself is not negative.)
What i'm trying to say is that i wish i was born shorter, with a smaller build and softer favial structure AND in a society that puts more emphasis on looks. Growing up with everybody giving jack shit about their appearance was comfy, but then suddenly seeing all these perfect girls on the internet made me realize that me and all the other girls i know are shit in comparison to them.
The anon i originally replied to said she doesn't know about Europe, so it seemed that her view on white girls is very much a la some teen movie, high maintainance etc, when in fact it's the complete opposite, very natural, but also not very attractive.
No. 244553
>>244503No, i'm not american, i live in a rather cold country actually.
And i don't see how sunscreen could change my two biggest problems, the skin tone i was born with and my mature bone structure…?
No. 244640
Ngl, I used to be really envious of pretty asian girls. I was a weeb growing up and it's a real blow to the self esteem to see the ugliest, most busted people being idolized just because they had squinty eyes (and I do mean squinty eyes, I have seen more than a few people of native descent that have them and they were treated the same way asians were on the weeb scene).
Then again, I also have an almost pretty face and I wouldn't trade it for a random asian face if given the chance. Ugly asians are some of the worst uggos out there. I'm thankful for my body frame too, asian girls tend to be short and stocky and although I find that attractive on others, I don't think it would do my body dysmorphia any good to be built like that.
The envy's gone away these past few years. I'm seeing more and more pretty black girls around, and the instinctive envy I feel when I see them made me realize it's not about race, I'm just envious of pretty girls generally speaking. I was jealous of asians simply because that's what everyone around me touted as the ideal and I wanted that kind of attention too.
Another thing that made me feel better is troons. I might not have the prettiest face or the hottest body, but I look extremely cute, pretty and feminine in comparison to them. Knowing that they're jealous of my small waist, undoubtedly female face, natural C cup breasts, etc, gives me life.
No. 244663
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I think I became obsessed (as a teenager) with the stereotypical uguuu asian beauty standards because they suited me better. (cant wait for the replies to bitch and moan how I'm humble bragging but here it goes).
I'm petite and short, and a pale white girl. I am told I have a baby face and get mistaken for being younger. (like a million other anons, i'm sure you've heard before).
So I just felt drawn to this aesthetic because I can love my self in a similar style. I can wear proper fitting clothes in the sizes they have. Clothes here in the US tend to be a hit or miss with fitting. I learned to like my features instead of hating them. Because when I was in school; the norm was tan skin, looking a little older was seen as cool, and being tall is ideal. People would point out that I am too pale, or too short. It never bothered me to an extreme degree, but I never felt like I fit in with the norms where I live. So seeing an entire different light on it in Asia really helped me feel comfortable in my skin.
I don't want to be asian per say, but I strive for the aesthetics. It changed my perspective a lot.
No. 244665
I used to be jealous and a bit of a weeb, but ironically that changed when I actually moved to Japan. I learned most of the beautiful Asians you see on Instagram or whatever are photoshopped and have a lot of makeup on, and the whole "ALL Japanese women are beautiful kawaii goddesses who look 18 when they're 35" was false. The average girl here looks no more attractive than the average girl anywhere else, there's a lot of plain women, and it's not that difficult to guess somebody's age within 3 years or so, and I'm usually bad at that.
Also to comment on what some people have been arguing about: google it, Asians actually have the fewest hair follicles of anybody. But I believe the individual stands themselves are thicker. And not many Asians are naturally pale, that's another misconception I had until I moved here. I've never seen one as pale as myself (which admittedly would be a challenge even for a white person lol) and most are at LEAST light tan-medium tan, many are deep tan. Dunno why most photos you see online are paper white, must either be Photoshop/skin whitening and/or the models are specifically chosen for being exceptionally light.
(Blog) I've changed a lot since I got here bc I'm not a jealous weeb anymore and stopped the whole gradient lip, ruler straight brows, aegyo sal(sp?) shit, doesn't suit my face at all. And I'm toning down my wardrobe from uguuu kawaii to more sporty-cute/casual. I still take some inspiration from Japanese Makeup looks and clothes, but tweak it to suit my features better. I get a decent amount of compliments here so that helped me realize I'm fine just being white and don't need to be uggu kawaii Asian to be attractive here.
No. 244672
>>244665It's the same in a lot of other Asian countries. I recently met an exchange student who was a model and actress in her own country and she looks nothing like she does on music videos.
I'd love to learn how to edit photos to make them look like they do in those Japanese magazines cause they always look really pretty.
No. 244675
>>244665People who fetishize japanese don't know much about how japanese people actually look, the same applies to other types of fetishization as well, like when people fetishize indian women or scandi women
If we're being honest here, most people aren't going to be attractive, good thing its not a wide spread belief and is almost always exclusive to just neckbeards and weebs who think japan is filled with perfect 5 foot 90 pound milky white kawaii ugu models
No. 244760
>>244755I disagree, most just have that "nothing special" type asian look, theyre not ugly but theyre more of background people if that makes sense, nothing notable, nothing special
Imo the most attractive average women are Mediterranean women
No. 244764
>>244763Shit my bad, and you're right, most racial fetishists will think no matter how fucked someone looks if they're of that race theyre hot by default
Also this video is cancer to, it seems yellow fevers treat dating asian women as hobby than you know, dating, they're obsessed with something that shouldn't even matter that much to begin with
No. 244819
>>244481this. i don't get it.
it's usually the yellow fever types of guys who sperg about white girls dating black guys too kek
No. 244821
>>244819Agreed, as much as I hate racial fetishization, asian women going for weeb guys who more than obviously have yellow fever only enables the gross obsessive behavior, especially amoung the ones obsessed with "white worship"
>sperg about white girls dating black guys too kekNot just black guys. Im hapa and look white, I usually just call myself white since it aint all the important to me, I get a lot of shit for dating a middle eastern guy, especially from the same losers whining about how much they hate western women, if you hate western women so much then why the fuck do you care if they date men who don't look like you? If anything shouldn't you be happy western women aren't chasing you?
No. 245013
I know a lot of white women are slightly bitter towards asians (don't pretend like it doesn't exist lol), probably the same way I feel slightly jealous of Korean and Japanese women and probably SEA women are jealous of east asians in general. As a chinese woman, there's a tier list between asians and I'm in third place. I might dismiss it as people being autistic weeaboos and they overrated the japanese, probably the similar feeling you feel is that asians are a completely different beauty standard than you, you don't get why they're attractive, so you're slightly annoyed because you feel they're overrated and the attention is unwarranted. i'll make this point short and say eurocentric beauty isn't the law and there are many forms of beauty.
To continue on with my point, similarly, when a guy has a weird racial hierarchy, I just shrug and avoid him because he's dead set on a japanese waifu that doesn't exist.
Many women in this thread though are chill about it and not bitter, just self aware, and I mean no ill will towards anyone nor did I imply all white women are bitter about asians, just that I've seen it in real life and online on more than a few occasions.
No. 245026
>>245025I mean, did I misunderstand your post??
>Lol no, you wishsounds very passive aggressive. I take it as you saying I'm not even 3rd place for asians, that I'm even much lower, which is fine. It just seems rude but apologies if you had a different meaning.
No. 245028
>bitter anon comes here and pretends it doesn't.I honestly have never met a white woman who is bitter towards Asian women because she's jealous. And I don't see how asking "why would they be" makes me bitter.
>you don't have to get it because the world doesn't revolve around you. People have different standards of beauty, nuff said.I didn't ask "why are Asian women seen as beautiful," I asked why white woman would be jealous of Asian women and bitter.
>all of you orbiting this thread when you don't sage a reply, it bumps the thread. No one is orbiting. They're browsing ot and seeing you sperging out about some bitter white women I don't even think exist.
No. 245029
>>245026No, that's exactly that i meant then.
You were the one "autist who made tier lists about asian races" to begin with, i only played along.
>It's rude to indicate that i'm not even 3rd place, but even lower on my imaginary list of asia's most beautiful nations No. 245032
>>245028>I honestly have never met a white woman who is bitter towards Asian women because she's jealous.Assuming you're not asian, tell me more of how a white/non-asian woman knows the experiences of asian women. Please do tell. I'm sure you were formerly an asian woman right? Surely, it doesn't exist in the world because you /claim/ you've never seen it right? that's your logic. Your experience isn't valid.
> I asked why white woman would be jealous of Asian women and bitter. Because they are not attractive themselves. That's why they particularly single out asian women and be like "I don't get why a guy would find them attractive." It's incredibly self centered to think your opinion matters because you don't get to choose what defines beauty.
>They're browsing ot Yeah, I'm sooo sure everyone here is just passing by. But I bet if I tried to talk to you more, you'd feign innocence of not caring yet argue with me for eternity, passive aggressively.
>>245029And you're acting catty for a reason, little ms. jealous white girl.
I won't derail the thread further, I'll leave it at that.
No. 245036
>>245032You are the one who thinks it's an insult to deny your claim that you Chinese are the 3rd most beautiful in Asia, wth is wrong with you?!
Some might call that racism, insinuating that all other nations are beneath you.
>>245034>Peace.I feel like vomiting…
No. 245044
>>245032>the experiences of asian womentopkek, please tell us more
>little ms. jealous white girlYou sound like the stereotypical extremely short and angry chinese granny, but that makes it even funnier
No. 245059
>>245032> tell me more of how a white/non-asian woman knows the experiences of asian women.Bitterness towards asian women by white women isn't an exclusively asian experience. White women probably interact with each other far more than you do and would have ample opportunity to discuss it, and if anon hasn't ever met someone who gives a shit about asian women then that's a valid contribution.
It's absolutely a thing, but mostly only with weeaboos/koreaboos. Your average white girl doesn't give a shit and wants to look like Kim K rather than a kpop idol. She might think asians are ugly, but that's just typical racism rather than jealousy.
No. 245060
>tell me more of how a white/non-asian woman knows the experiences of asian women. Why are you trying to tell me what I as a white woman feel? By your logic, you shouldnt assume the experiences of feelings of white women unless you’re white. We’re talking about how white women feel about Asian women. You’re arguing they’re jealous and bitter. But now you’re pulling the “I’m a poc you don’t know my experiences” card when we’re not even fucking talking about your experiences, we’re talking about the feelings of white women. You just argued against yourself. If you have to be a race to have an opinion on the experiences of that race, then you can’t say shit about what white women feel.
Jesus Christ, anon. You’re sounding pretty dumb.
>Because they are not attractive themselves. So 1.) you’re assuming these fictional white women you’re arguing with aren’t attractive and 2.) as a result they are resentful towards Asian women as if 3.) there aren’t ugly Asians. This is astonishingly stupid.
>little ms. jealous white girl. What the fuck is wrong with you, dude? I hope you’re an insecure teenager cause this is some immature, illogical shit.