File: 1524586744158.png (63.29 KB, 702x340, incels.png)

No. 244882
File: 1524590047206.jpg (109.67 KB, 576x432, TwoDoors.jpg)

Just put an anime bodypillow inside and shut the door whilst they're fighting over it
No. 244902
>>244869I just don't understand why they center all their worth as a human on getting laid, like women are just objects that only exist to serve them(or "chads).
When I read the rant threads here in this site the girls, or most, have very real problems going on in their lives and don't act like it's all about "tfw no bf".
Why are men so fucking vapid? It's really disgusting.
No. 244905
>>244902LOL Incels are so fucking odd. They are obsessed with the idea of sex with a woman, but have any of them actually envisioned talking with one?
Imagine the cringe.
No. 244926
>>244918For real though, is this some crazy mother complex? Because it seems they are just looking for a mother surrogate they can fuck.
Didn't their mother loved them or something? And why so many of them are half asian?
No. 244937
>>244923yet they don't have the confidence to socalise and integrate with society, I can't see them being able to throw a woman around in the sheets lol let alone get a moan out of one. Like I am trying to understand their expectation if they fantasise about it enough.
When I was 14 and coming to understand my sexuality I fantasised about Orlando Bloom. I never expected anything fo Orlando Bloom or ever envisioned I'd pursue him. Luckily in school I was surrounded by other boys and developed crushes and got to explore how the real world works. Expect nothing. There will always have to be effort put in for something, fuck even if one of these nerds had the courage to hang around a pub enough they might get kissed by a loose bar chick or at the very least strike up a conversation. No one is obligated to be interested in you, you've got to sell yourself.
No. 244961
>>244960I've read somewhere that women can instinctively tell from a facial expression if a guy is a narc or psychopath.
I guess that's why no girl, or at least the healthy ones, will never approach incels lmao.
No. 244979
>>244976No I don't understand why girls date abusive guys. I've never have had a problem with it myself. But I guess it's a case of "no real girl dates an abusive guy" then?
>>244975This study is somewhat flawed. The way the researchers determined someone who had psycopathy or narcissism was based on a self-reported survey. Then they morphed the people with high scores onto control faces. Overall I don't think the study is definitive.
Regardless I think the results in real life show that some women can detect shitty men and some women can't.
No. 244982
>>244979Yeah, it would be insteresting to read a better study that also touches the women mental health.
My mother was very depressed, and a bt suicidal, when she got with my father, who is 30 years her senior and has a lot of narc characteristics.
No. 244992
>>244990Do you know what openness is? It's openness to new experiences and ideas. Definitely a lot of frat guys do not have high openness.
I think it's a looks/social awkwardness thing. For example, a lot of people used to think my ex was creepy because he had a neckbeard and was really socially awkward even though he was very sweet. He's cleaned up and become less awkward since then and people's perceptions have changed.
Look up the Halo effect. But I think ugly girls get just as punished for their bad looks as ugly guys if not more.
No. 245007
>>245000I'm still not convinced it's all that simple.
A lot of women avoid mental health care for inumerous reasons, yet they don't go on violent rampages.
No. 245010
>>245004They try, but they often try to fix their problems in destructive ways. Look at PUA/Red Pill/MGTOW etc
It's a bunch of men trying to find solutions to their problems, but in the worst manner possible.
No. 245035
>>245012all this stuff is going by reported statistics, and most people, especially men don't report it.
tbh i think a lot of social obligation bs weighs into why these people become like this, mainly because of their parents. having really normie parents causes outcast children to be more and more closed off. of course i don't think it's
my or any of your job to fix it, but the whole "manly" shit that is pushed on these guys needs to stop. too bad incels are too busy irrationally hating everyone and trying to kill people than standing up for themselves for real.
No. 245070
I love how they always blame women for everything but in actuality it's other men that punish and push the hyper masculine shit onto them.
But no, let's look for an easier target to hate. Gosh I hate incels.
No. 245075
>>245058>>245070i explicitly said that. it's family dynamic, their fathers. what the fuck, i'm not an incel.
i even said
they need to fix it, as in men.