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No. 2458663
Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!
Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!
Remember that everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!
Last thread
>>>/ot/2442637The "rules" are:
>no racebait You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!>no infightingThis one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!>don't reply to bait This whole thread is bait so you can still reply to bait!>rest of /ot/ board rules applyThey should, but no, they dont>farmhands are always watchingThey only watch for 4-6 hours a day because they're lazyDO NOT ENTER THIS THREAD IF YOU HAVE AN IQ ABOVE 90!Remember that everyone that uses this thread is: fat, ugly, mentally challenged or otherwise low IQ, attention-starved, juvenile, and generally a loser! Have fun!!! No. 2458724
File: 1742756466209.png (1.18 MB, 748x532, 18938623.png)

I don't know if it's unpopular here but series like Winx Club, Bratz, Monster High (maybe a bit less because of the fashion focus), etc. unconsciously (or maybe intentionally) groom very young girls into treating oversexualization of the female body as a normal thing, if not the default and set a very bad example for girls of that age. I remember the men in these shows having normal, less exaggerated proportions and were wearing normal, modest clothing in comparison to the female characters. I'm not sure how shows for prepubescent girls are nowadays but I've hoped they've changed for the better.
No. 2458765
>>2458745Both of these push for oversexualization of women
>>2458747You fucking moron, the women in Winx dress like literal hookers in their fairy outfits and the fact you're making an excuse for it because "w-well social media does the same thing!" proves my point. You won't become a prostitute or some shit over it but shows like Winx or Bratz unconsciously condition young girls to treat women wearing skimpy clothes and being caked in makeup as the standard. I watched all these shows and collected these dolls as a kid
>purity politicsThis is the same argument troons use whenever someone criticizes their coomer fueled obsessions
No. 2458772
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>>2458765Huh? How are Winx outfits skimpy and caked in makeup?
No. 2458797
>>2458724Eh, you're better off focusing more on the fact it commodifies girls and their bodies as well as glorifies being underweight and looking like anime dolls, but pretty any fashion-orientated show for girls does that. Seething like
>>2458765 is a coping mechanism for the fact the stuff that's way more likely to cause real damage to girls is harder to restrict. Winx is just a cute show that completely depends off on marketable its mains look mostly rather than what they do or their adventures…in the meantime, there's several mainstream apps and sites that will cause far more damage to a child's self-perception and prefrontal cortex in a matter of weeks or even days than all of Winx will do to the average viewer.
>>2458788I love that you're trying to defend watching Winx, but you've compared it to a site that is actually generally terrible for children and does in fact have real predators and groomers on it.
No. 2458852
>>2458804 >>2458724I watched winx as a kid and it was no different than other shows of the same type that were popular at the time in terms of normalizing sexualization of young girls, which is to say not at all. Neither me nor my friends thought they looked like real girls with realistic clothes, they were very clearly stylized just like characters from Witch, Totally Spies and Bratz dolls. They might as well have been Powerpuff Girls with fancier clothes, we liked the show because it was pretty and the plot was interesting to little girls but we were very aware we can’t look like that just like we knew we can’t look like Barbie, the clothes we liked were still sparkly Justice tees and pink Skechers, not micro minis and crop tops. Kids are naive but I don’t think we give them enough credit, they can tell what is a toy or cartoon and what is real.
It’s nowhere near as dangerous as TikTok, the internet in general or if we want to be period accurate, teen mags like Bravo who had buck naked teen pictures in their personal advice columns. Or even tabloids papping normal looking women at the beach and calling them fat right on the front page for kids to see.
No. 2458853
>>2458724It never affected me in any way, though I think it has to do with teaching kids to seperate fiction from reality than the show itself.
That's my unpopular opinion, it should be taught heavily at a young age that fantasy isn't real and that those that believe otherwise are deranged and a danger. Yes, others can't tell the difference, and that's why they're insane. I just dont see the advantage of giving your kid the same mindset that convinces crazies to murder people because they saw cartoons.
No. 2458854
>>2458852My post
>>2458804 is saying the exact same thing, were you mistaken in its context and meaning or am I mistaken in your meaning of linking my post? I feel like I probably worded it wrong but I was saying the same thing you did.
No. 2458879
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>>2458852>BratzWomen who grew up watching bratz have a specific and horrifying form of BDD beyond my comprehension
No. 2458884
>>2458854She's agreeing with you. The same way I was agreeing with pro-conservation anons with my reply about the white rhinos, and the next anon replying to me.
Not every interaction on this imageboard has to be an argument.
No. 2458906
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>>2458897And what was so bad about Bratz? Like genuinely, because they were never as skanky as everyone fearmongers about. This is like blaming monster high for Eugenia Cooney's eating disorder kek.
No. 2458910
>>2458879She’s way more beautiful on the right in my opinion. I hate the bbl Instagram face so much, even with the new added feature aka buccal fat removal.
Might be a retarded opinion but heavy makeup that almost looks like drag along with enhanced , almost to the point of comical, features is a in part a psyop to make trannies blend more.
No. 2458913
>>2458906NTA, when I was a kid I used to pretend the Bratz dolls were teenagers and the Barbies were adults because I thought they looked
less mature/realistic in comparison (also I think Bratz dolls were smaller but still). They never convinced me I had to dress like a hooker kek
No. 2458919
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>>2458906bratz faces are so fucking ugly but the clothes are so well designed and super complex for such a small doll. I feel like they did so poorly in japan because of the ugly faces.
No. 2458925
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>>2458906Right, like you didn't just pick the ones with the more tame looks (and I'm saying this as someone who likes brats but I'm not conning myself)
No. 2458927
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>>2458919I like the repainted ones
No. 2458931
>>2458928>>2458925These were 60-70 dollar limited time collector dolls only available online.
>>2458927>>2458928These are so fuck ugly you have to be kidding.
No. 2458932
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>>2458919I remember owning this one and thinking she was so glamorous because the skirt was sparkly kek
No. 2458942
>>2458937The reason why monster high ended up looking cheap and why bratz had such a long stretch of decent clothes is precisely because only doing different screenings on the same body in different skintones saved them money for fabric whereas monster highest face molds took up a pretty portion of their budget. Bratz are cute anyway.
>>2458938I'm so sorry my like for a toy makes you want to cry and sob.
No. 2458958
>>2458953I mean the clothing quality of the dolls circa mid to late generation 1, anon.
>>2458957Sorry to offend you anon.
No. 2458967
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Repost for misgendering this woman, there used to be a gay moid on etsy who repainted dolls to look more like drag queens or maybe he trooned idk
No. 2458968
>>2458951I think the big proportions of the face evens out the bobbleness of the body so by making the eyes so much smaller it makes them look a little sinister.
Watching the video, some of them look nice but that thumbnail was a bad choice.
No. 2458971
>>2458724>I remember the men in these shows having normal, less exaggerated proportions and were wearing normal, modest clothing in comparison to the female charactersWow, it's almost like this fantasy show geared towards
girls gives the flashiest, most complex designs to the female protagonists so they standout easily.
No. 2458972
>>2458932>>2458925>>2458919This discussion is funny to me because I had MH, Bratz and Barbie dolls as a kid and I didn't really notice their facial/body differences kek. Well, obviously I DID but I wasn't consciously looking at them like "oh these have smaller lips, these have a sharper jaw, these have bigger eyes", they all just registered in my mind as "pretty ladies"
>>2458927>>2458928I actually like these, they'd be cute for a line of cottagecore dolls or something.
No. 2458983
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>>2458968Idk if they're related, repainted dolls is somewhat popular on etsy. This doll comes from spain
>>2458927 and the woman in the vidrel is in australia I think. The slightly retarded ones are called "coquettedolls" and I think that lady isn't a very good artist bc they all look a bit off, whereas the ones in vidrel look fine to me
No. 2458990
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>>2458928Barbie repainted doll
No. 2458995
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>>2458971Winx did
attempt to make the Specialists attractive, but whether they managed it depends entirely on your opinion of the art style.
No. 2459000
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>>2458724You forgot the part where they listened to parents' complaints about this very topic and started covering them up from s5 onwards. As well as againg them up in the spin-off.
No. 2459006
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>>2458927>>2458928Wtf these dolls look weird as hell
No. 2459007
>>2459006I think the eyes just need to be
slightly bigger or less round.
No. 2459027
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>>2458927>>2459007>I think the eyes just need to be slightly bigger or less roundLike this?
No. 2459043
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>>2459023Nah, they're the superior designs and art style. That one anon who said enchantix is cheesy and overdesigned is right. The s8 redesigns are an improvement for some of the girls.
No. 2459175
>>2459169This isn't true at all. I was 9 years old when I first spotted a Bratz doll at the local Toys R' Us. When I saw it, I felt a djinn entering into me through my nostrils and I cried until my mother bought me the Bratz doll. After I started playing with Sasha, I would hear voices coming from Hell telling me to do drugs and to commit crimes. By the time I was 12, I had already smoked my first marijuana cigarette. By the time I was 13.5, I was snorting cracked cocaine and magic mushrooms. My teenage years are a blur now looking back, as I spent most of my time in a daze from the various drugs I smoked and snorted and such. I would often steal cars and crash them into daycare centers as well, all while clutching my Bratz doll in my left hand. By the time I was 21, I had already had over 45 abortions and I had every STD, including the new ones and limited edition drops. My Bratz doll would often whisper things into my ears like "Shaytan owns you!" or "Consume more cracked cocaine!" and so on and so forth. Luckily, when I turned 27 my Bratz doll was lost when I was running away from Forever 21 after they caught me shoplifting crop tops and short shorts. No longer having the evil doll nearby, the curse was ended. I found comfort in Allah SWT and mashallah Allah SWT saved me from the djinn and now I am reverted to the one true religion mashallah. Bratz dolls aren't a joke, they're serious business and inshallah all of the Bratz dolls and the evil kaffir that produce them are wiped off the face of the Earth!
No. 2459179
>>2459175Happens to the best of us sister
nonnie. A djinn once possessed my mother and she made evil soup and I had diarrhea for a whole week.
No. 2459180
>>2459169a lot of times the satanic panic pearl clutchers are shitty
abusive parents who believe in beating your kids anyway, I'm trying so hard not to blogpost about my parents rn but they wouldn't let us watch anything with magic in it (even innocent shit like sword in the stone) but they treated us like shit in so many ways and damaged us more than any toy or cartoon ever could
>>2459175holy fucking kek
No. 2459188
>>2459181He was a pedo and she got fed up with him, not because he was a pedo since she was apparently pandering to him , but because she couldn’t keep him. She’s not an icon, she’s a pick me who got lucky she killed a pedo.
Her blonde hair is superior though, I’ll give her that.
No. 2459208
>>2459181I think if we had to meme some "criminal" woman, it should be that one kpop trainee who got groomed and forced into sex work and drug dealing, so she went and ruined the public images of male idols and expressed
TERF and 4B opinions unapologetically and called all males rapists.
No. 2459212
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What a coincidence I stumbled upon this when this thread had the "male characters in winx aren't as sexualized" discussion.
No. 2459286
>>2459212I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about, but they should have had lengthy shots framing these dudes' beautiful, washed locks and handsome pecs.
Verdict: Not sexualized enough.
No. 2459297
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>>2459260Kek you're not wrong, but it's kinda funny and a change of pace from the usual arguments itt.
>>2459286Fair enough. I hope picrel is to your liking.
No. 2459368
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>>2459297As a kid I was always freaked out by the head shapes in Winx and Code Lyoko. Your picrel reminds me of the elongated skulls of Paracas, Peru.
No. 2459397
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>>2459368>freaked outIt is good and healthy to fear your leaders nona
No. 2459421
>>2459358Lol, I guess it's part of the sexualizing because they're wearing permanent waterproof makeup.
>>2459368KEK was that natural?
No. 2459433
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>>2459421Nta but maybe sometimes? It's kind of a mystery but most people like this were found with rags on their head bc they used them to tighten/elongate their skulls from birth
No. 2459444
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>>2459414This too but with "doomers". Almost all of them I met are upper middle class kids who think working at Burger King while going to college at 26 and vaping makes them a doomer. You're not a doomer you're normal
No. 2459493
>>2459475>>2459488There is nothing based about being attracted to cheeto-fingered, greasy little boys who smell like BO. There's a middle ground between wall and child, you know. Also, she's married, so she
did settle for a walled scrote, who was also involved in the crimes. He threatened to kill one of the kids in front of the others if they tried to report her. I wouldn't be surprised if the Nigel was watching the molestation and getting off on it, he belongs in prison too.
No. 2459522
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>>2459504Nothing happens. Men in that age range are either already taken, trying to live the fuckboy lifestyle chasing barely legal girls because manosphere grifters told them they are now in their prime, or looking to settle down because all their friends are pairing off and they start to get desperate. The latter will try to lock down the first woman that shows interest regardless of what she’s like and whether they’re compatible, which either ends with kids and a divorce some years later or cheating and whining about hating his bitch wife later.
Hairlines continue to recede like the tide. The beer belly is now a permanent addition and gym bros start showing insecurity because “just CICO, bro” isn’t making their dad gut go away. One step closer to unc status but most are in denial about it.
Just as a leaf gently falls on the ground, a man’s hair falls off his temples. Gentle sounds of a Brazilian Jiu Jutsu class in the air to heal the bruised self-esteem. A passport bro is born somewhere over the horizon. Eternal melancholy of the Y chromosome.
No. 2459609
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>>2459568>Has disorder>Not taking meds>"I feel powerful and unstoppable"From one basket case to another, you're kinda screwed kek
No. 2459641
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>>2459632>trendy tiktok wisdom, again for the millionth fucking time this weeknta but stop saying this omg I hate trendy catch phrases from therapy yt omg omg
No. 2459704
>>2459689Gen X's parenting style is truly the biggest form of "not taking accountability". Beat their kids and blame video games for violence, give their kids eating disorders and blame bratz for it, take their kids to hooters and shove movies that might as well been porn like American pie in their face and then blame everyone but themselves
And now it's fun watching them all come down on millennial and gen z parents whining about how "they can't ask for help or they're bad parents! Don't even ask for a bathroom break because you shouldn't have had kids!" As if they didn't tell us to fuck off outside until the streetlights came on or dropped us off at our grandparents just cause they wanted to go for a beach vacay by themselves, whining about what food people feed their kids as if they weren't giving their toddler fucking pizza bagels, little Debbies and juice with a million grams of sugar and rice in the bottle at 2 weeks and whining about how gentle parenting is bad even though if they were to see how their own kids were acting when they were in one of their "go play outside so mommy can paint my nails and watch soaps " sessions they certainly wouldn't have any room to talk
No. 2459723
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>>2459713Yeah, why the fuck did our parents expose us to so much sexual content? Like now they're auditing parents over drag queens or whatever but they had no problem putting playboy in easy reach and blasting songs like "I like big butts" in our face? It's so so creepy how much sexual shit kids were exposed to way back when
No. 2459754
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Whenever I see black athletes/celebrities and their white trophy wives I just look at them and think “what do these people have in common? What do they even talk about?”. They always pick some white girl who looks like she loves Taylor swift and yoga and he looks ghetto as hell and they just don’t look like they have anything in common. At least when you see black girls with white guys, the couple looks like they can have a conversation. >inb4 race bait, I’m black(racebait)
No. 2459759
>>2459754About 50% of the interracial couples I've personally seen/known where the woman is white and the scrote is black was either
abusive or on "working terms" (AKA they share a kid but they're not together). So my guess would be nope. They're together for the benefits and they both know it, so after banging and sharing a few pictures together in public, they both just fuck off from each other most of the time.
No. 2459794
>>2459783I think they're cringe terms and that female gaze doesn't have any significant meaning because women don't have the same stranglehold on media that moids do
(and women routinely disagree on what constitutes media tailored for our tastes. inb4 ugly moid psyop I just mean normal crap.) But I do use male gaze as a pejorative observation that a work is too moidy and oversexualizes female characters.
No. 2460105
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>>2459783No. I think anyone who uses those terms online should be forced to read the original essay because they’ll realise pretty quickly it’s a load of Freudian bullshit. Even the original author admitted it was cringe later on.
No. 2460155
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>>2460141see also, Red Bottoms and Louboutins, very sought after by women, but are car2restaurant2car heels and they're arched to look like a woman's feet during orgasm, but do women care? no. when do men endure such pain to look attractive for women? they get roided and go gymming for hours just to get groped by men and a fellow scrote's approval must mean this is what women should want and that "this is the pain men go through for the male beauty standard".
No. 2460249
>>2459921Kek my mom blamed the computer and TV for my anxiety despite screaming at me and beating my ass for existing in her line of sight since I was 5. She also claimed Fergie was the reason I was slutting it up (I wanted to pluck my unibrow and shave my stache) and not the fact that kids bullied me at school because mom didn’t let me shave. Fergalicious is still a banger too, she can go eat shit.
I can probably narrow it down even more by saying that religious parents, and more specifically retarded religious parents, are a bigger safety hazard for children than a pitbull at a toddler’s birthday party. Any success their offspring have is in spite of them and not because of them.
No. 2460291
>>2460155>they're arched to look like a woman's feet during orgasmTruly a design choice made by a moid who's only ever seen women
pretend to climax and not the real thing.
No. 2460349
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>>2460301I dislike it when the side pieces come down too close to the jaw. It looks like you tried to cut your own hair and failed.
No. 2460356
>>2460349That looks fucking retarded anon. Will one of you who likes it post a good version? (
>>2460336 )
No. 2460367
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>>2460349Nta but I thought everyone was talking about this hime cut…I'm getting old
No. 2460379
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>>2460366Each day we try our best nona
No. 2460395
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>>2459500Honestly Flora's boyfriend was pretty cute so I understand
No. 2460443
>>2460429I'm confused about
why lip procedures look so bad/fake and don't stay in place. You'd think, considering how common the procedure is and how much money it generates for surgeons, someone would have come up with a better solution by now.
No. 2460449
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>>2460429>Chin shaving surgery, also known as genioplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that reduces the prominence of the chin by removing excess bone tissue. >Jaw Reduction surgery is performed on patients with a prominent, masculine jawline. The purpose is to make the face more feminine and slender. When the jaw appears to be too wide from a frontal view, the outer half of the bone is shaved off. This procedure is performed from inside the mouth.They should just get the excess bone shaved if it is genuinely distracting and causing them issues (like being a celebrity kid/rumer willis), not add weird shit into their body that will end up migrating around their face (especially in warm weather)
No. 2460504
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I’m neither black or white (before you start a race war in itt) but white Americans are kinda evil tbf(racebait)
No. 2460511
>>2460504There's a
very long and well-documented history of surgeons treating minorities/women like guinea pigs to be butchered on a whim. It's absolutely fucked.
No. 2460566
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It doesn't matter that nothing explicitly sexual happened. This is verbal sexual harassment.
No. 2460582
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>>2460566I never want to hear an old man say "I'm a dirty boy" ever again.
No. 2460588
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>>2460566This is horrifying holy shit. Hope he got fired and executed for that. Feel bad for all the kids getting exposed to that.
No. 2460603
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>>2460521No. Burgers aren't just statistically stupid by sweeping numbers, but I feel like Americans are raised and groomed to be sociopathic or apathetic at best with other people. Look at how hard America made it look to even give women the nation-wide right to abortion. Look at how little American scrotes even care, or better yet taunt the women about it. Burgers love to try rebuking this criticism of their societal sociopathy by saying they're the first to abolish slavery, but that's not even
true. It was
France, if not then
Haiti. They're not as bad as the Chinese or the Koreans in terms of absolute apathy towards other human beings. Far from being as bad. However, the apathy is clearly there with how they love blaming economic issues on a generation that relatively JUST entered adulthood, or telling women to "just shut the fuck up and close your legs" when it's time to discuss women's reproductive rights.
No. 2460611
>>2460603I agree with the rest of your points, I just wanted to add on that even the British had a complicated relationship with slavery and did more to stop the slave trade or impede it's workings long before the U.S. or France passed their laws abolishing it.
Obviously they are complicit in many ways, but Americans pretending like England was this evil slavery loving monster they valiantly fought against is so ahistorical, it's funny.
No. 2460663
>>2460516This isn't unpopular, it's just factually incorrect. Addictive behaviors do tend to run in families, though it's difficult to ascertain whether it's environmental, genetic, learned, or a mix of all three. Another anon mentioned that a person's ability to get clean depends heavily on their life circumstances, and she's right. For some people, like celebrities, they really have no excuse not to get clean given the resources at their disposal. But some people are dealing with really fucked up circumstances, for instance people who use drugs to cope with ongoing physical or sexual abuse. There's also a point in an addiction where a person doesn't even get high anymore; they have to use just to feel normal and avoid withdrawal, or dopesickness. Idk. I don't personally view addiction as a "bad life choice," I view it as a mental illness.
No. 2460686
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Using the crying emoji for laughing is nonsense, you have two other ones to convey that. It never comes off as laughter it always comes off as “I’d feel too bad actually laughing at anything because I don’t want to be seen as cringe”, and less of a genuine “I find this funny.”
No. 2460701
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I hate men(not an unpopular opinion)
No. 2460718
>>2460708I think very specific forms of censorship (such as of gender critical views) occur on certain social media. I do agree that most socmed have no problem with
problematic media, and of extreme views on both sides of the spectrum. When I think of censorship I’m thinking more of Reddit, and how you can be every “ist” under the sun but you can’t form any sub being even neutral on gender.
No. 2460750
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The meanest women I've known over the years have been obese or overweight (usually white) middle-class girls, while some of the conventionally attractive "Stacy" types have been really decent people, some of whom were actually lonely because other women feel threatened by them and don't want to be friends. I think we're a little to quick to assume that attractive people (or even just ones who wear a lot of makeup) are Regina Georges and unattractive people are wholesome and kind of if you just give them a chance. I find that some unattractive people are incredibly mean because they've been mistreated for their ugliness and want to take "revenge" on society. Obviously there are attractive people who are cruel because looksism allows them to get away with it, but I honestly think that behavior is more common in men than women.
Now that I typed this all out, I guess "assholes can look like anything and you should make assessments of people based on their character" isn't at all an unpopular opinion. But I do think that fat suburban girls have an unusually high incidence of jerks, I've only met a few (out of many) who weren't two-faced, temperamental, or petty, especially toward women who are skinnier than them.
No. 2460947
>>2460750The meanest most entitled person I've known was obese.
The most racist person was chubby and ugly.
No. 2460992
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>>2460750This is surpringly accurate for my life. Come to think of it, all of the people that bullied me the worst were either manlets, ugly scrotes, ugly women, or overweight at all. It's almost like lashing out to have a "tough exterior" is a cope for when people like that feel like they're going to be picked apart for their "short comings". Like if they can't get one up on you in the long run, they'll try to at least get the "first punch" in, y'know? Amazing how it even works when you apply this to jobs. IME, the ugliest bitches were always the first to gossip or talk the most shit. Granted, it doesn't always go like that. There'll be jackass conventionally attractive people, and sweetheart ugly people. But like you said, exceptions don't knock the rule.
No. 2461004
>>2460999You responded
>Most of my posts aren't gossip or lengthy vents about people I personally know or even celebrities.Meaning you absolved yourself of being someone who gossips, which meant you were applying your og idea to farmers
>the ugliest bitches were always the first to gossip or talk the most shit. Now you're backpedaling and trying to gaslight me bc I asked you a simple question about your own beliefs
No. 2461023
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>>2461021i played the demo and in terms of customization you can make characters look like ANYTHING
No. 2461194
Fyi, carrey-chan is known for sperging about hair colour.
>>>/g/445536Of course I don't know if she's ITT, but it's good to know.
No. 2461419
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Performance art is actually really interesting. I like seeing people do weird shit. I wish i could have seen Marina Abramovic's perfomances.
No. 2462131
>>2462119Absolutely horrid thing to say, I’m sorry nonna. Some women are really just awful because humans can be awful and women are clearly no different. If we don’t call out poor behavior from women (
toxic femininity/misogyny and general shitty behavior) women themselves will never be able to progress. I’ve noticed that autistic women in particular here tend to get super silenced here too on that note.
No. 2462132
>>2462098It’s not that it’s only anorexic women who make fun of fat women, fat women are vilified by everyone, even by fat scrotes. Proanas can made fatspo mean threads solely for that reason.
Making fun of a skinny woman isn’t a big deal because being skinny is the beauty standard almost everywhere, unless you’re talking about the kind of skinny that isn’t acceptable, aka being flat.
No. 2462142
>>2461675Like this
>>2462133 how you come out most of the time kek
No. 2462156
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>>2462147Nta but I think it's the fact that many anons come to lc as a refuge away from forced the teaming and insincere kindness they're forced to participate in every other aspect of their life. So they feel pent up aggression or even vitriol from that sometimes. Seeing a particular bpdemon-cow or behaviour that
triggers one of these anons is really not a problem for most of us. Many anons understand the reason we enjoy gossiping and excluding others here (like troons) is bc we are forbidden (legally and socially) from doing that irl and having a "thicker skin" and understanding nuance (like why we do this in the first place) is pretty crucial. It's kind of like what scrotes say about their pedophilic porn and stalking tendencies but actually advantageous to society since our sperging is so confined and obscure. Many nonas are able to vent here instead of quitting their jobs or accidentally castrating coworkers. Everyone seems pretty unified in being inclusive to other females in the workplace, school and female-only spaces. I think "the incident" involving the delusional anon bragging about bullying an autistic female coworker and how that sent waves across the boards
for weeks made that pretty self-evident
No. 2462176
>>2462171It was a long time ago, there was this nonna who was faking to be the friend of her new coworker but in reality she was making fun of her behind her back with the other coworkers and she said that it was “Becky” behavior or something, whatever.
We named the autistic woman medieval girl, because the nonna said that she loved sperging on medieval history kek.
No. 2462187
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>>2462171KEK there were anons posting about how bad they felt for medieval girl in vent or maybe confession threads for a few days after too. It happened between last dec.-feb maybe?
>>2462181Nta but this is how we all felt and wished we could be her friend or at least defend her from the evil self-proclaimed becky
No. 2462389
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Some exceptions apply obviously, but most nerds do not make good friends and are bullied for reasons other than having dorky interests or being introverted. This goes double if they carry a bitter victim mentality past their twenties.