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No. 2458663

Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!

Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!

Remember that everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!

Last thread

The "rules" are:
>no racebait
You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!
>no infighting
This one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!
>don't reply to bait
This whole thread is bait so you can still reply to bait!
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
They should, but no, they dont
>farmhands are always watching
They only watch for 4-6 hours a day because they're lazy


Remember that everyone that uses this thread is: fat, ugly, mentally challenged or otherwise low IQ, attention-starved, juvenile, and generally a loser! Have fun!!!

No. 2458724

File: 1742756466209.png (1.18 MB, 748x532, 18938623.png)

I don't know if it's unpopular here but series like Winx Club, Bratz, Monster High (maybe a bit less because of the fashion focus), etc. unconsciously (or maybe intentionally) groom very young girls into treating oversexualization of the female body as a normal thing, if not the default and set a very bad example for girls of that age. I remember the men in these shows having normal, less exaggerated proportions and were wearing normal, modest clothing in comparison to the female characters. I'm not sure how shows for prepubescent girls are nowadays but I've hoped they've changed for the better.

No. 2458734

Schizo opinion, little girls should all be interested in the stock market and bugs or some shit I guess. I loved bratz and monster high and I didn't turn into a monstrous slut with 5 abortions and 3 baby daddies. And also shows for girls nowadays are soapboxes for gendie millenials so it's even worse now.

No. 2458741

How's your OF going libfem?

No. 2458745

Low-cut jeans and a bare midriff was the standard fashion for teenage girls in the 2000s. I don't think it pushed the sexualization of women as much as being 2000s anachan levels of skinny. Winx never caused me body dysmorphia and I loved their outfits but seeing people call Britney fat did

No. 2458747

Never sent any nudes or opened an onlyfans either. Some girls like sparkly fashionable fairy girls and that's okay, we don't need to get into purity politics because we didn't like the sparkly fairy girls and instead liked raggedy anne or something. Bratz, Winx Club, Monster High and Barbie are not any worse than the social media that exists right now on our phones.

No. 2458755

Honestly the biggest flaw of all of these is being too overdesigned and cheesy. When i was a kid i liked shera and jem because they looked like gigastacies. All of these anachans looked too beta and childish. Shera could crack their skulls with her gigastacy chin.

No. 2458763

Nta but I respect your opinion, however the Shera and Jem toys were seriously ugly and as a young girl all I wanted were cute dolls to use in my evil murderous witch in a boarding high school storyline.

No. 2458765

Both of these push for oversexualization of women
You fucking moron, the women in Winx dress like literal hookers in their fairy outfits and the fact you're making an excuse for it because "w-well social media does the same thing!" proves my point. You won't become a prostitute or some shit over it but shows like Winx or Bratz unconsciously condition young girls to treat women wearing skimpy clothes and being caked in makeup as the standard. I watched all these shows and collected these dolls as a kid
>purity politics
This is the same argument troons use whenever someone criticizes their coomer fueled obsessions

No. 2458772

File: 1742757566841.png (525.48 KB, 809x1234, Bloom_(Human).png)

Huh? How are Winx outfits skimpy and caked in makeup?

No. 2458775

I don't think we should care about animals going extinct. So what if a bunch of animals disappear? If they're dying out then it's natural and we shouldn't interfere. I always see people using crazy examples too like panda or hippos or polar bears, as if those animals matter? Nobody has seen any of them in years and years they've probably already gone extinct but the environmentalist scammers keep using them to get more donations to fund their drug habits. It's embarrassing. If animals want to stay alive, then they have to adapt. Squirrels aren't gonna go extinct because squirrels live alongside us and they learned to adapt and change with the times, they're hip and urban unlike a lot of these obviously autistic animals like pandas or rhinos.

No. 2458788

Just because it negatively affected your psyche doesn't mean it negatively affects the psyche of other women. Anyway, women in makeup is kind of the norm anyway. These are products of capitalism, pushing capitalist propaganda because we live in a capitalist society. It's not grooming girls to send nudes to predators more than allowing tiktok on a 10 year old's mobile device is.

No. 2458794

Mobile games are all bad, unfun cash grabs and anyone who supports that garbage through microtransactions are directly responsible for the decline of the video game industry.

No. 2458795

But they're going extinct because of humans, right? Shouldn't we take responsibility for that?

No. 2458797

Eh, you're better off focusing more on the fact it commodifies girls and their bodies as well as glorifies being underweight and looking like anime dolls, but pretty any fashion-orientated show for girls does that. Seething like >>2458765 is a coping mechanism for the fact the stuff that's way more likely to cause real damage to girls is harder to restrict. Winx is just a cute show that completely depends off on marketable its mains look mostly rather than what they do or their adventures…in the meantime, there's several mainstream apps and sites that will cause far more damage to a child's self-perception and prefrontal cortex in a matter of weeks or even days than all of Winx will do to the average viewer.
I love that you're trying to defend watching Winx, but you've compared it to a site that is actually generally terrible for children and does in fact have real predators and groomers on it.

No. 2458803

How do people like this even know how to type!

No. 2458804

Anon my entire point in comparing Winx to tiktok is to highlight how dangerous tiktok is for children while also calling attention to how low-stakes Winx is at the same time. I might have worded it wrong but I was basically saying what you said in this exact post.

No. 2458810

I think there are a few exceptions to the rule, but generally I agree. So many of them are slop and riddled with ads, which thankfully are removed when I use them thanks to my VPN. But I can't imagine how fucking obnoxious the apps are to someone trying to use them without paying.

No. 2458820

Yeah but humans are animals like them. It's not our fault that the endangered animals have a lot of skill issues and refuse to get better. Why should their failings be our responsibilities? They need to either evolve right or die off. It's been happening since the dawn of time.

No. 2458824

Animals going extinct because of our actions is something we should care about and be responsible for.

No. 2458826

Humans are animals that use tools like automatic weapons to hunt animals, it's not the same. We actually are the only animal that has this skill to this level, which is why we didn't die out. Evolution takes hundreds to thousands of years, and humans are killing off animals far faster than it takes animals to evolve, so us being preoccupied with keeping animal populations normal and neutral makes sense.

No. 2458836

And restoration of extinct species is definitely possible to achieve now! The genetic cloning of the white rhinos is turning out to be a huge success, I'm excited to see where this goes.

No. 2458839

They better be working on elephant variants too, elephants fucking rock.

No. 2458852

I watched winx as a kid and it was no different than other shows of the same type that were popular at the time in terms of normalizing sexualization of young girls, which is to say not at all. Neither me nor my friends thought they looked like real girls with realistic clothes, they were very clearly stylized just like characters from Witch, Totally Spies and Bratz dolls. They might as well have been Powerpuff Girls with fancier clothes, we liked the show because it was pretty and the plot was interesting to little girls but we were very aware we can’t look like that just like we knew we can’t look like Barbie, the clothes we liked were still sparkly Justice tees and pink Skechers, not micro minis and crop tops. Kids are naive but I don’t think we give them enough credit, they can tell what is a toy or cartoon and what is real.

It’s nowhere near as dangerous as TikTok, the internet in general or if we want to be period accurate, teen mags like Bravo who had buck naked teen pictures in their personal advice columns. Or even tabloids papping normal looking women at the beach and calling them fat right on the front page for kids to see.

No. 2458853

It never affected me in any way, though I think it has to do with teaching kids to seperate fiction from reality than the show itself.
That's my unpopular opinion, it should be taught heavily at a young age that fantasy isn't real and that those that believe otherwise are deranged and a danger. Yes, others can't tell the difference, and that's why they're insane. I just dont see the advantage of giving your kid the same mindset that convinces crazies to murder people because they saw cartoons.

No. 2458854

My post >>2458804 is saying the exact same thing, were you mistaken in its context and meaning or am I mistaken in your meaning of linking my post? I feel like I probably worded it wrong but I was saying the same thing you did.

No. 2458879

File: 1742760493732.jpg (741.23 KB, 1200x675, tmp-name-3-2631-1681822944-0_1…)

Women who grew up watching bratz have a specific and horrifying form of BDD beyond my comprehension

No. 2458881

Personally I did expect to look more adjacent to a bratz doll as a teenager when I was growing up but I ended up on the opposite end of the spectrum for reasons unrelated

No. 2458884

She's agreeing with you. The same way I was agreeing with pro-conservation anons with my reply about the white rhinos, and the next anon replying to me.
Not every interaction on this imageboard has to be an argument.

No. 2458885

This is a woman born to millionaires. Most women who played with bratz or any dolls for that matter were not born into misogynistic millionaire families addicted to plastic surgery who encourage their daughters to leak their sex tapes…

No. 2458888

I was literally just asking for clarification. I wasn't expecting an argument I just had trouble understanding.

No. 2458889

Yeah, look at her family. She never had a chance.

No. 2458893

File: 1742760819617.gif (966.91 KB, 500x500, 1000034040.gif)

>Why should their failings be our responsibilities?

No. 2458897

Anon she started a worldwide trend that is still going and bratz was the psychic anchor that's made it stick for so long. It's why you see women in their 30s with no eyelashes left and spending their rent on fillers for their wonky/lopsided lips. Bratz were a scourge on zoomer and slow millennial women

No. 2458906

File: 1742761116171.jpg (46.17 KB, 700x600, 1000012535.jpg)

And what was so bad about Bratz? Like genuinely, because they were never as skanky as everyone fearmongers about. This is like blaming monster high for Eugenia Cooney's eating disorder kek.

No. 2458909

How do you not see these all have "instagram face" or the face kylie jenner posts online? Haven't you seen any other dolls, movies or people before this event?

No. 2458910

She’s way more beautiful on the right in my opinion. I hate the bbl Instagram face so much, even with the new added feature aka buccal fat removal.
Might be a retarded opinion but heavy makeup that almost looks like drag along with enhanced , almost to the point of comical, features is a in part a psyop to make trannies blend more.

No. 2458913

NTA, when I was a kid I used to pretend the Bratz dolls were teenagers and the Barbies were adults because I thought they looked less mature/realistic in comparison (also I think Bratz dolls were smaller but still). They never convinced me I had to dress like a hooker kek

No. 2458914

Thin lips are so shitted on for no reason when they are cute in my opinion

No. 2458917

Big eyes and lips? Instagram didn't exist when bratz were trademarked and first debuted. Are you telling me young girls are getting skull expansion surgery to get giant bratz bobbleheads too? And they're getting skeleton shrinking surgery to make their heads look like bratz? Next you'll tell me they're amputating their feet in exchange for pop socket shoes! The horrror!

No. 2458919

File: 1742761405356.jpg (1.52 MB, 3801x2479, l9qe3s0v0py81.jpg)

bratz faces are so fucking ugly but the clothes are so well designed and super complex for such a small doll. I feel like they did so poorly in japan because of the ugly faces.

No. 2458920

>little girls should all be interested in the stock market and bugs or some shit

No. 2458921

Not to sound like a fag but there are pretty lips that are thinner and fuller, it's more about the shape. Which is the very first thing that is ruined when you start using fillers

No. 2458923

The faces aren't ugly, everyone just likes to be contrary because something something Kylie Jenner is a demonic whore or something. Their faces are cute.

No. 2458925

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Right, like you didn't just pick the ones with the more tame looks (and I'm saying this as someone who likes brats but I'm not conning myself)

No. 2458927

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I like the repainted ones

No. 2458928


No. 2458931

These were 60-70 dollar limited time collector dolls only available online.
These are so fuck ugly you have to be kidding.

No. 2458932

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I remember owning this one and thinking she was so glamorous because the skirt was sparkly kek

No. 2458935

These dolls were so cute, it's really laughable how everyone thought they were turning five year olds into sluts because these were so modest kek.

No. 2458936

I had so many adults tell me playing with bratz would make me grow up to be a slut, now im a misandrist with a passion for fashion.

No. 2458937

they look demonic to me, something about the features being so unbalanced. I think MH did faces right. I really dont like bratz faces, they also all look the same. In MH most of them had different face molds and that was so cool.

No. 2458938

I'm not kidding and find your perspective really sad

No. 2458939

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these look so fucking ugly

No. 2458940

>demonic whore
Or ruined her face. Why are you bringing demons into a discussion about botched plastic surgery

No. 2458941

They look like children who aren't jon benet ramsay

No. 2458942

The reason why monster high ended up looking cheap and why bratz had such a long stretch of decent clothes is precisely because only doing different screenings on the same body in different skintones saved them money for fabric whereas monster highest face molds took up a pretty portion of their budget. Bratz are cute anyway.
I'm so sorry my like for a toy makes you want to cry and sob.

No. 2458944

They look like they're missing a chromosome and whoever painted them is probably missing one too.

No. 2458946

It's just weird how they look so much like natural faced kids and you hate that but not the terrifying sexualized drag queen dolls

No. 2458947

I like customization and the idea of repainting to look more natural but these are scary.

No. 2458950

No. 2458951

She did nothing but make the eyes and lips slightly smaller and remove the hooker makeup

No. 2458952

They don't look like children they look like scary extra/missing chromosome demon elves.

No. 2458953

MH doesnt look cheap though? the hell are you talking about.

No. 2458955

Ayrt, other anons have pointed out bratz was before instagram. But am I wrong, or is that Kylie Jenner? I'm partially faceblind, but I'm pretty sure that's Kylie. Her older sisters and mom got plastic surgery before her. I don't think she's the one who set the precedent, and I think she was always doomed to follow in their footsteps.

No. 2458957

Okay, I'm fine with liking the doll that looks like a slightly weird child and you can appreciate and defend the one made up to be a child hooker

No. 2458958

I mean the clothing quality of the dolls circa mid to late generation 1, anon.
Sorry to offend you anon.

No. 2458960

Why would I be offended that there are people attracted to this on the internet? Pretty typical

No. 2458961

It's okay, anon. I also think they're cute. They look like dolls that would've been popular in the 90s. Vaguely remind me of American Girl dolls.

No. 2458963

She said "ended up". I'm in the consoomer thread a lot, and a chief complaint I see from fans of the line and anons are that the dolls have become noticeably worse in recent times.

No. 2458965

I'm not sexually attracted to a fashion doll lol.

No. 2458967

File: 1742762578948.webp (108.94 KB, 1140x1626, il_1140xN.6732026931_8l2d.webp)

Repost for misgendering this woman, there used to be a gay moid on etsy who repainted dolls to look more like drag queens or maybe he trooned idk

No. 2458968

I think the big proportions of the face evens out the bobbleness of the body so by making the eyes so much smaller it makes them look a little sinister.
Watching the video, some of them look nice but that thumbnail was a bad choice.

No. 2458971

>I remember the men in these shows having normal, less exaggerated proportions and were wearing normal, modest clothing in comparison to the female characters
Wow, it's almost like this fantasy show geared towards girls gives the flashiest, most complex designs to the female protagonists so they standout easily.

No. 2458972

This discussion is funny to me because I had MH, Bratz and Barbie dolls as a kid and I didn't really notice their facial/body differences kek. Well, obviously I DID but I wasn't consciously looking at them like "oh these have smaller lips, these have a sharper jaw, these have bigger eyes", they all just registered in my mind as "pretty ladies"
I actually like these, they'd be cute for a line of cottagecore dolls or something.

No. 2458978

>they'd be cute for a line of cottagecore dolls or something
They are a little ugly to my eyes at first glance, but I agree. Before I realized they were repaints, I thought they were a cottagecore/american girl styled line.

No. 2458983

File: 1742762908223.png (1.26 MB, 794x1059, il_794xN.4454588395_qasj.png)

Idk if they're related, repainted dolls is somewhat popular on etsy. This doll comes from spain >>2458927 and the woman in the vidrel is in australia I think. The slightly retarded ones are called "coquettedolls" and I think that lady isn't a very good artist bc they all look a bit off, whereas the ones in vidrel look fine to me

No. 2458984

Bitch where? Are you for real? Is anything flashy and girly whorish to you? Insane take

No. 2458990

File: 1742763003515.jpg (590.95 KB, 1140x1899, il_1140xN.6667450826_8vqk.jpg)

Barbie repainted doll

No. 2458995

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Winx did attempt to make the Specialists attractive, but whether they managed it depends entirely on your opinion of the art style.

No. 2459000

File: 1742763122243.jpg (5.83 MB, 2880x2880, 20250323_235007.jpg)

You forgot the part where they listened to parents' complaints about this very topic and started covering them up from s5 onwards. As well as againg them up in the spin-off.

No. 2459002

This is actually so cool. I like the little details in the eyes.

No. 2459006

File: 1742763242054.jpg (99.2 KB, 345x410, scary.jpg)

Wtf these dolls look weird as hell

No. 2459007

I think the eyes just need to be slightly bigger or less round.

No. 2459008

casual winx watchers never really cared about those seasons

No. 2459009

Where's the post of the girl who thought Tecna was muslim because she was wearing a full body suit and head covering kek

No. 2459018

I get that but it's kinda disingenuous to pretend the show was trying to brainwash girls or something when this happened.

No. 2459021

Please read the thread >>2458983

No. 2459023

These are ugly. Why is art from the 2010s and onwards so ugly?

No. 2459027

File: 1742763839527.jpg (370.37 KB, 1024x1024, eyes.jpg)

>I think the eyes just need to be slightly bigger or less round
Like this?

No. 2459037

Aw, cute edit! Those eyes fit better with the bobblehead proportions imo

No. 2459043

File: 1742764180674.jpg (2.49 MB, 2880x2880, 20250324_000834.jpg)

Nah, they're the superior designs and art style. That one anon who said enchantix is cheesy and overdesigned is right. The s8 redesigns are an improvement for some of the girls.

No. 2459163

You absolutely SHOULD judge books by their covers, especially when it comes to dating men.

No. 2459166

From the other thread but ngl I always thought the mc from Encanto was 18/19, I figured the movie was just going for a "you're now an adult, and you have been chosen to be the next matriarch(owner of the house)", 15 is a surprise.

No. 2459169

People who blame dolls, games and toys for ruining muh children are really giving Satanic Panic pearl clutchers who never address the real problems with children’s media consumption because it’s nuanced and difficult and involves being an active parent. Blaming a doll or cartoon for turning their child into a sinful whore is comparatively easier and once they get their way they can feel like they’ve accomplished something.

I don’t think a single Winx episode or Bratz doll has led a growing young lady astray. Meanwhile those same moral panic parents didn’t monitor their child’s internet use or care that they were bullied on social media, browsing MyProAna and 4chan or groomed by a pedo on Habbo Hotel, which arguably ruins way more lives. Skinnytok influencers and Kylie didn’t get their ideas from fashion dolls but reality stars of the 2000s and later. Which kids were mostly allowed to watch.

No. 2459172

Seconded. People act like it's dolls who teach girls to oversexualize themselves early when in most cases it's their own mothers. Children will first and foremost copy their parents. The girls I know whose mothers didn't wear makeup, stereotypical féminine clothing or shaved did neither or those things.

No. 2459175

This isn't true at all. I was 9 years old when I first spotted a Bratz doll at the local Toys R' Us. When I saw it, I felt a djinn entering into me through my nostrils and I cried until my mother bought me the Bratz doll. After I started playing with Sasha, I would hear voices coming from Hell telling me to do drugs and to commit crimes. By the time I was 12, I had already smoked my first marijuana cigarette. By the time I was 13.5, I was snorting cracked cocaine and magic mushrooms. My teenage years are a blur now looking back, as I spent most of my time in a daze from the various drugs I smoked and snorted and such. I would often steal cars and crash them into daycare centers as well, all while clutching my Bratz doll in my left hand. By the time I was 21, I had already had over 45 abortions and I had every STD, including the new ones and limited edition drops. My Bratz doll would often whisper things into my ears like "Shaytan owns you!" or "Consume more cracked cocaine!" and so on and so forth. Luckily, when I turned 27 my Bratz doll was lost when I was running away from Forever 21 after they caught me shoplifting crop tops and short shorts. No longer having the evil doll nearby, the curse was ended. I found comfort in Allah SWT and mashallah Allah SWT saved me from the djinn and now I am reverted to the one true religion mashallah. Bratz dolls aren't a joke, they're serious business and inshallah all of the Bratz dolls and the evil kaffir that produce them are wiped off the face of the Earth!

No. 2459179

Happens to the best of us sister nonnie. A djinn once possessed my mother and she made evil soup and I had diarrhea for a whole week.

No. 2459180

a lot of times the satanic panic pearl clutchers are shitty abusive parents who believe in beating your kids anyway, I'm trying so hard not to blogpost about my parents rn but they wouldn't let us watch anything with magic in it (even innocent shit like sword in the stone) but they treated us like shit in so many ways and damaged us more than any toy or cartoon ever could

holy fucking kek

No. 2459181

I’m glad the memeing of Jodi Arias is dying out because she is 100% the type of pick me to harm other women if it meant keeping her scrote happy. I don’t believe Travis was a pedo because I sincerely think that Jodi would be the type of woman to lure girls in for him. She’s just insane and snapped because some dead-eyed, passionless fuckboy didn’t pick her.

No. 2459182

>I don’t believe Travis was a pedo
opinion discarded.

No. 2459185

If he had been a pedo her BPDemon ass would’ve helped him get access if it meant keeping her around. You know it’s true.

No. 2459188

He was a pedo and she got fed up with him, not because he was a pedo since she was apparently pandering to him , but because she couldn’t keep him. She’s not an icon, she’s a pick me who got lucky she killed a pedo.
Her blonde hair is superior though, I’ll give her that.

No. 2459208

I think if we had to meme some "criminal" woman, it should be that one kpop trainee who got groomed and forced into sex work and drug dealing, so she went and ruined the public images of male idols and expressed TERF and 4B opinions unapologetically and called all males rapists.

No. 2459212

File: 1742773397465.jpeg (319.41 KB, 2836x1566, flj2r5ftrfqe1.jpeg)

What a coincidence I stumbled upon this when this thread had the "male characters in winx aren't as sexualized" discussion.

No. 2459260

You guys are like Chris Chan sperging about sonichu

No. 2459286

I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about, but they should have had lengthy shots framing these dudes' beautiful, washed locks and handsome pecs.
Verdict: Not sexualized enough.

No. 2459297

File: 1742778689663.jpg (1.81 MB, 2160x3840, 20250324_041027.jpg)

Kek you're not wrong, but it's kinda funny and a change of pace from the usual arguments itt.
Fair enough. I hope picrel is to your liking.

No. 2459307

It is to my liking. Thank you, anon.

No. 2459358

They look like they are wearing eyeliner

No. 2459368

File: 1742784018031.webp (222.54 KB, 2069x1592, BBA37482-6B15-4890-835C-8461B0…)

As a kid I was always freaked out by the head shapes in Winx and Code Lyoko. Your picrel reminds me of the elongated skulls of Paracas, Peru.

No. 2459381

Punks are nice people pretending to be horrible and hippies are horrible people pretending to be nice.

No. 2459397

File: 1742787666329.jpg (67.87 KB, 616x552, 56775436.jpg)

>freaked out
It is good and healthy to fear your leaders nona

No. 2459414

modern punks are more like "middle class white people pretending to be oppressed and poor"

No. 2459421

Lol, I guess it's part of the sexualizing because they're wearing permanent waterproof makeup.
KEK was that natural?

No. 2459428

Gale Hawthorne does not deserve the amount of hate he gets people need to leave my commie husbando alone shit is pissing me off

No. 2459433

File: 1742790725216.jpg (48.84 KB, 650x488, IMG_0315-650x488-70456401.jpg)

Nta but maybe sometimes? It's kind of a mystery but most people like this were found with rags on their head bc they used them to tighten/elongate their skulls from birth

No. 2459444

File: 1742791880855.jpg (84.55 KB, 680x703, 1000000944.jpg)

This too but with "doomers". Almost all of them I met are upper middle class kids who think working at Burger King while going to college at 26 and vaping makes them a doomer. You're not a doomer you're normal

No. 2459468

This. Why is it always the worst parents alive that feel the need to share their """guidance"""? Almost anytime you'll find someone lecturing others on how to parent it almost always turns out they were beating their kids, letting someone diddle the kids or were deadbeats

No. 2459485

To trannies sure but I assume you're being sarcastic

No. 2459488

Why would I be sarcastic? fucking scrotelets before they're walled is based. Esp for Stacies that could get a decent moid anyway but refuse to settle

No. 2459490

The pink threadpic was way cuter

No. 2459492

Being a grown woman attracted to little boys is just repulsive.

No. 2459493

There is nothing based about being attracted to cheeto-fingered, greasy little boys who smell like BO. There's a middle ground between wall and child, you know. Also, she's married, so she did settle for a walled scrote, who was also involved in the crimes. He threatened to kill one of the kids in front of the others if they tried to report her. I wouldn't be surprised if the Nigel was watching the molestation and getting off on it, he belongs in prison too.

No. 2459499

25-32 are my new favourite age range for them. I suspected this before but now it has been confirmed to be true

No. 2459500

Somewhat unrelated but I used to be friends with a gay scrote who told me that the guys in Winx Club were his gay awakening kek

No. 2459502

I'd say 20-30, personally. I'm 26.

No. 2459504

What happens between 30-32? I missed that bracket in dating

No. 2459505

Idk. I've just never dated someone over 30 before.

No. 2459509

KEK jw but I like that you'll date 6 years younger and only 4 years older nona

No. 2459517


I’m 25

No. 2459518

not to me(fuck off)

No. 2459522

File: 1742799790565.jpeg (15.38 KB, 186x271, IMG_9451.jpeg)

Nothing happens. Men in that age range are either already taken, trying to live the fuckboy lifestyle chasing barely legal girls because manosphere grifters told them they are now in their prime, or looking to settle down because all their friends are pairing off and they start to get desperate. The latter will try to lock down the first woman that shows interest regardless of what she’s like and whether they’re compatible, which either ends with kids and a divorce some years later or cheating and whining about hating his bitch wife later.

Hairlines continue to recede like the tide. The beer belly is now a permanent addition and gym bros start showing insecurity because “just CICO, bro” isn’t making their dad gut go away. One step closer to unc status but most are in denial about it.

Just as a leaf gently falls on the ground, a man’s hair falls off his temples. Gentle sounds of a Brazilian Jiu Jutsu class in the air to heal the bruised self-esteem. A passport bro is born somewhere over the horizon. Eternal melancholy of the Y chromosome.

No. 2459525

These are the exact same traits grown moids have but with the addition of male pattern baldness. It’d at least be nice to have a moid with his hairline intact, who can also stay hard without suffering from early-onset ED from years of porn abuse. They also have softer skin, they’re easier to mold, and cute as a button. Plus all that testosterone coursing through their bodies. Fit, young, desperate scotes who could get rock hard from just a stiff breeze. Oh I could just go on and on nonnitas…(fuck off)

No. 2459528

I’d rather be screwed into my headboard by a freshly blossomed male who’s rabid and horny from smelling a pussy for the first time, than ever before forced to date one of those jaded losers

No. 2459529

Agreed the thread pic is an eyesore

No. 2459540

What confirmed it?

No. 2459544

Some nonnas are fucking weird and disgusting, being based isn’t being a pedophile.

No. 2459558

There are exceptions but many seem to have lost their spark by this age. Like what they say about women over the age of 15

No. 2459568

I don't think there's a better feeling in this world than not taking your bipolar meds. I actually pity neurotypicals for not being able to feel this powerful and unstoppable amidst all trickster demons.

No. 2459571

You people try to argue that everything looks like a kid. Someone was trying to say that fucking Marilyn Monroe was childlike on here the other day, it’s getting tiresome.

No. 2459587

Who is this referring to?

No. 2459588

This is why you should stay away from bpdemons, they never take their meds, do shit and then blame you for it. Stay away from abusers nonnies, don’t make friends with a BPDchan and keep yourself at a 30 km radius from a BPD male.

No. 2459595

No she isn’t, she’s a sad and pathetic woman going to jail for high school dick.

No. 2459598

Weird driveby but okay

No. 2459599

It's a helpful drive-by. Until that reddit group when someone searched "borderline personality" disorder, all these cutesy things came up that made it sound like something other than a waking nightmare with no end. It's kind of like when you learn about feminism and start seeing the world differently or go vegan. I wish the OP would use their bipolar to combat the bpdemons or the bpdemons looking to redeem themselves would ensare the harmful ones in one of their forever-cycles. Then everyone could win

No. 2459601

You not taking your meds is actually a display of how utterly selfish and egotistical beings you are and how you lack accountability. You’ll screech about your disorder not representing you, but girl you let your disorder dictate your whole life and hide your own wrongdoings behind it.

No. 2459602

That anon had bipolar, it's not as horrific as bpd and lays dormant for months sometimes

No. 2459603

But keep wallowing in your delusion of grandeur kek. You are exhausting people and drain the energy and life force from everything you come in contact with, you aren’t capable of any care or love of it doesn’t benefit you or completely centers you.

No. 2459604

But when you say this, then they'll whip out the "but medication doesn't work, they're all placebos" bullshit.

No. 2459605

I’ll add all these in one box , aka “stay away from mentally ill people who lack the ability of self introspection”.

No. 2459608

You gain nothing from being a martyr nonnas, always remember that and it applies in all circumstances.

No. 2459609

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>Has disorder
>Not taking meds
>"I feel powerful and unstoppable"
From one basket case to another, you're kinda screwed kek

No. 2459610

I will be friends with anxious or non-annoying autistic women tho

No. 2459618

I'm the best thing that has happened to my parents and my boyfriend, you can't put me down.

No. 2459621

I have a disorder but I'm afraid of taking meds

No. 2459623

Nta but it sounds like you could also greatly benefit from meds

No. 2459632

Hit dogs will holler

No. 2459635

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No. 2459638

A little soon after the pedo who posted that news story anon

No. 2459640

NTA but what

No. 2459641

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>trendy tiktok wisdom, again for the millionth fucking time this week
nta but stop saying this omg I hate trendy catch phrases from therapy yt omg omg

No. 2459674

You’re the one screaming about selfish narcissistic BPDemons. You’ve been hollering in this thread for hours. Take your meds or go to therapy.

No. 2459683

That phrase has been around for forever.

No. 2459687

wtf what is it with beauty standards always being so retarded no matter what age we are in

No. 2459689

Those mothers be like:
>"Karen at work has gotten so fat, serves that bitch right! Hey honey does my ass look too big in this? If it looks big I will cry and not leave the house ever again! I'm skipping dinner, I need to lose this disgusting fat, I'm such a pig. I used to be beautiful before I had you kids, now I look like a balloon… wtf my daughter got an eating disorder? Fucking barbie and bratz poisoning my child!!!"

No. 2459704

Gen X's parenting style is truly the biggest form of "not taking accountability". Beat their kids and blame video games for violence, give their kids eating disorders and blame bratz for it, take their kids to hooters and shove movies that might as well been porn like American pie in their face and then blame everyone but themselves

And now it's fun watching them all come down on millennial and gen z parents whining about how "they can't ask for help or they're bad parents! Don't even ask for a bathroom break because you shouldn't have had kids!" As if they didn't tell us to fuck off outside until the streetlights came on or dropped us off at our grandparents just cause they wanted to go for a beach vacay by themselves, whining about what food people feed their kids as if they weren't giving their toddler fucking pizza bagels, little Debbies and juice with a million grams of sugar and rice in the bottle at 2 weeks and whining about how gentle parenting is bad even though if they were to see how their own kids were acting when they were in one of their "go play outside so mommy can paint my nails and watch soaps " sessions they certainly wouldn't have any room to talk

No. 2459709

holy shit this post gave me a flashback of being like 5 and walking in on my dad watching american pie. how do i still remember that

No. 2459713

This really sounds like it comes from personal experience, but you're not wrong at all. Oh, and don't forget about moms who blast vulgar rap lyrics when driving their kids to school, but have a stroke when they catch their daughter listening to this. That definitely didn't come from personal experience.

No. 2459723

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Yeah, why the fuck did our parents expose us to so much sexual content? Like now they're auditing parents over drag queens or whatever but they had no problem putting playboy in easy reach and blasting songs like "I like big butts" in our face? It's so so creepy how much sexual shit kids were exposed to way back when

No. 2459753

“Bpdemons” refers to borderline personality disorder. Not bipor disorder. Everytime people use the term bpdemon they’re referring to borderline personality disorder.

No. 2459754

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Whenever I see black athletes/celebrities and their white trophy wives I just look at them and think “what do these people have in common? What do they even talk about?”. They always pick some white girl who looks like she loves Taylor swift and yoga and he looks ghetto as hell and they just don’t look like they have anything in common. At least when you see black girls with white guys, the couple looks like they can have a conversation. >inb4 race bait, I’m black(racebait)

No. 2459759

About 50% of the interracial couples I've personally seen/known where the woman is white and the scrote is black was either abusive or on "working terms" (AKA they share a kid but they're not together). So my guess would be nope. They're together for the benefits and they both know it, so after banging and sharing a few pictures together in public, they both just fuck off from each other most of the time.

No. 2459760

Seeing rich and celebrity women with their loser bfs/husbands should be kind of an ego boost if you’re having a hard time in the dating world. Like for example Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez, both pretty and famous. One is dating an unwashed crack head and the other is dating someone who looks like a burn victim. It just makes me think “well even the best of women can’t find someone decent to marry so maybe the problem isn’t me”

No. 2459783

Am I the only one who finds the terms "male gaze" and "female gaze" extremely cringy?

No. 2459791

It's Rihanna for me. I may not be a rich and beautiful woman like her but at least I'm not publicly dating an ugly retard who embarrasses me in court and who's getting me pregnant before proposing.

No. 2459794

I think they're cringe terms and that female gaze doesn't have any significant meaning because women don't have the same stranglehold on media that moids do (and women routinely disagree on what constitutes media tailored for our tastes. inb4 ugly moid psyop I just mean normal crap.) But I do use male gaze as a pejorative observation that a work is too moidy and oversexualizes female characters.

No. 2459813

I noticed when people say female gaze it usually means some shit that looks dumb or ugly but male gaze is more conventionally attractive things

No. 2459824

That too. It's just not a very useful term. Like most people can understand what male gaze means because you see it present in almost every movie/book/whatever created by a man: A female character breasts boobily down the stairs and she's introduced with a slow floor-to-head pan so you see her entire body before you see her face. But female authors/directors/etc. don't have that same problem regarding male characters and there's not enough of us producing published content to alter the media landscape. tbh the female gaze term feels like something MRAs came up with so they could point fingers and be all "nuh uh! See? Women are just as bad as us!"

No. 2459825

What are the ugly or dumb things they constitute as "female gaze"? Other than nice male bodies. I'm kind of out of the loop on this subject and only know those male thirst tiktoks being called "female gaze".

No. 2459829

Not a SINGLE untrue thing was said in this post.

No. 2459831

I still think of that post that said that the rape scene from Deliverance is female gaze

No. 2459835

For example if a woman has on something stupid that doesn’t look conventionally good, people will say she’s dressing for the female gaze and if it’s stereotypical pretty or cute outfit people will say she’s dressing for the male gaze

No. 2459843

They don’t care as long as they can demonise mentally ill women whilst being mad as a box of twats themselves.

No. 2459865

>(fuck off)

No. 2459867

Here comes the self victimization kek

No. 2459870

I had made like 4 post in the span of an hour, again hit dogs will holler kek.

No. 2459883

That’s literally what you’re doing. We are all mentally ill here so why not just be friends?

No. 2459911

the white boy teen movies from the 90s and early 2000s like American pie and euro trip were funny and people should make movies like that now

No. 2459913

Good lord please no.

No. 2459921

Right? My parents about had an aneurysm when I became a pothead in my teens, despite watching Cheech and Chong with me at the ripe age of 12. What were they thinking? My mom would also get in epic battles trying to permanently take my computer away from me (which she obviously gave me in the first place) but somehow couldn't figure out how to put a child filter on my computer. My parents are tech savvy so there's literally no excuse for it. Fuck you mom let me play my neopets in peace

No. 2460033

On this site, if someone accuses you of being an anachan, they're fat. If you're accused of being fat, they're anachan. Easy two sides of the same coin kek

No. 2460045

I tend to imagine the anons i interact with are either overweight or super skinny (anorexia, drugs, etc), no in-between

No. 2460072

ive been called both and im neither kek, i think most are just average weight here obesity isnt that common (unless its america)

No. 2460078

Adding on: If someone accuses you of either, they are probably American

No. 2460095

Ordering food in a restaurant with a tablet or touch screen will always be superior to having to directly deal with a waiter, a barista or a cashier. The machine just sends your own instructions to the kitchen as soon as you know what to choose and you're not judged or questioned for whatever you order, if the order is wrong nobody can try to convince you you hallucinated what you chose or scam you because you can get your receipt as soon as you paid in advance and the most expensive restaurants I went to had the most atrocious service I've ever seen in my life. At least when cashiers fuck up at mcdonalds I politely tell them, they apologize and they give me the right food without trying to argue that they'll definitely give it to me in a minute while making me wait for it for an hour and a half. Before Americans try to argue with me, the waiters from the worst fancy restaurants I've been to are paid a lot more than the average person in my country regardless of jobs, they're not tired wagecucks dealing with insane customers. I'd rather eat in a normal restaurant with touch screens than go to a restaurant with better, more expensive food but waiters who don't mind their own business.

No. 2460105

File: 1742841323868.webp (70.63 KB, 640x639, IMG_2732.webp)

No. I think anyone who uses those terms online should be forced to read the original essay because they’ll realise pretty quickly it’s a load of Freudian bullshit. Even the original author admitted it was cringe later on.

No. 2460107

nah, they're always eurosharts

No. 2460110

As neither bong nor burger I watch fights between them with great interest

No. 2460141

>female gaze doesn't have any significant meaning because women don't have the same stranglehold on media that moids do
and also the fact that most things that would've been regarded as "male gaze" are considered "female gaze" if they're liked and shilled hard enough, Victoria's Secret Angels is peak moid tastes but women admire Adriana Lima and Gisele Bundchen and if you dress up moidslop in enough pretty feathers, ruffles, and lace, women won't care(see: burlesque).

No. 2460155

File: 1742842563933.webp (62.17 KB, 640x1138, 1442o8b0r3381.webp)

see also, Red Bottoms and Louboutins, very sought after by women, but are car2restaurant2car heels and they're arched to look like a woman's feet during orgasm, but do women care? no. when do men endure such pain to look attractive for women? they get roided and go gymming for hours just to get groped by men and a fellow scrote's approval must mean this is what women should want and that "this is the pain men go through for the male beauty standard".

No. 2460223

Tbh part of the reason we’re in this mess right now is because parents will act like a baby show about glittery doll fairies will turn every girl into a baseless whore, meanwhile their sons are accessing PornHub and manosphere bullshit. I don’t understand why little girls need to be monitored so closely when boys are the problem.

No. 2460238

These look like a nightmare to walk in

No. 2460249

Kek my mom blamed the computer and TV for my anxiety despite screaming at me and beating my ass for existing in her line of sight since I was 5. She also claimed Fergie was the reason I was slutting it up (I wanted to pluck my unibrow and shave my stache) and not the fact that kids bullied me at school because mom didn’t let me shave. Fergalicious is still a banger too, she can go eat shit.
I can probably narrow it down even more by saying that religious parents, and more specifically retarded religious parents, are a bigger safety hazard for children than a pitbull at a toddler’s birthday party. Any success their offspring have is in spite of them and not because of them.

No. 2460261

These shoes were popular during sex and the city's first season anon. Time has passed

No. 2460287

I've heard about the phenomenon you're talking about, anon. Bipolar sucks, I'm sorry you have to live with it. However for your own mental wellbeing and the mental wellbeing of people around you, it is important to remember that the "powerful" feeling you experience when you're off your meds in just mania; you might think that you're thriving, but other people perceive your behavior as it actually is during mania, which is erratic and overwhelming. You are a better person when you're on your meds, I promise you. I know it can be hard to believe at times, but it's true. One of my loved ones is bipolar, so this comes from a place of experience.

No. 2460291

>they're arched to look like a woman's feet during orgasm
Truly a design choice made by a moid who's only ever seen women pretend to climax and not the real thing.

No. 2460301

I dislike hime cuts, even on japanese girls, it just looks too odd.

No. 2460318

i see what you mean, it just never falls right, i always thought Momo from Twice was cute but the himecut looked like shit on her too because the way it framed around her face was too bottom heavy and it gave her an egg-like head shape. himecuts will just never work if you have the slightest bit of volume in the face and especially if your hair is too thin, they work in anime because they don't cast a shadow on the face emphasizing the fat of the face(bc they're 2d duh) and hair physics are just different

No. 2460324

I didn't know what this was called just "asocial anime person haircut" or "ugly troon wig" kek

No. 2460328

On the topic of japanese girls, the way some of them talk is so unbelievable cringy. I mean the overly cutesy and shy mannerism while nodding a lot. I'm either called racist or bitter when I express how annoying I find it. It is particularly worse when grown ass women do it but once they switch to english, they suddenly sound normal.

No. 2460336

Hime cut literally makes me go crazy. I have a whole folder of 2D and 3D women with hime cuts. Yes I have yellow fever.

No. 2460344

Plenty of time to delete this

No. 2460345

I think you need a very particular face shape to pull it off.

No. 2460346

Obese white american

No. 2460349

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I dislike it when the side pieces come down too close to the jaw. It looks like you tried to cut your own hair and failed.

No. 2460352

Only one of those three words is correct and I'm gonna leave you guessing, bbg

No. 2460356

That looks fucking retarded anon. Will one of you who likes it post a good version? ( >>2460336 )

No. 2460360

>That looks fucking retarded
Yes, reading comprehension-chan, that was the point of the post.

No. 2460364

>That looks fucking retarded anon - by that I mean I agree with you and you're amazing
I thought the clarification would help but here is the epilogue

No. 2460366

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Fair enough

No. 2460367

File: 1742849684858.jpeg (13.12 KB, 240x320, images-21.jpeg)

Nta but I thought everyone was talking about this hime cut…I'm getting old

No. 2460372

Anime haircuts don't look good in real life and if they do it's only on a select number of asian women. I've seen white girls sporting all sorts of weird alternative weeb haircuts and it might look cool on ig but in real life I swear to god it looks awful.

No. 2460379

File: 1742849972621.jpg (2.08 MB, 3072x1843, feb-2013-006.jpg)

Each day we try our best nona

No. 2460381

I was just gonna say, I'm trying to find an example of the haircut which looks good but they're all either """hime cuts""" (when it's closer to a wolf cut with face framing) or blatantly filtered to heck.

No. 2460389

They look like they'd taste good

No. 2460395

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Honestly Flora's boyfriend was pretty cute so I understand

No. 2460398

They might have been made by kids. Don't ever eat those

No. 2460404

No. 2460418

So it is the low production value of your generation's cartoons that have made you all this way. I'm learning a lot about zoomers from your proclivities and childhood content

No. 2460429

Everyone hates lip fillers with a passion but they improve the appearance of people with shit lower face proportions. Yeah, even with a conservative amount of filler like 0.5 ml or 1 ml it still looks kinda fake and pouty, but I think some women are willing to be a bit plastic if their new lips make their other features look proportional, rather than having thin paper cut lips that make their nose and chin look bigger in comparison.

No. 2460443

I'm confused about why lip procedures look so bad/fake and don't stay in place. You'd think, considering how common the procedure is and how much money it generates for surgeons, someone would have come up with a better solution by now.

No. 2460444

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No. 2460445

What? I never even watched winx club kek I just like his long hair

No. 2460449

File: 1742851578604.webp (45.11 KB, 578x800, scan-of-a-face-with-years-of-d…)

>Chin shaving surgery, also known as genioplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that reduces the prominence of the chin by removing excess bone tissue.
>Jaw Reduction surgery is performed on patients with a prominent, masculine jawline. The purpose is to make the face more feminine and slender. When the jaw appears to be too wide from a frontal view, the outer half of the bone is shaved off. This procedure is performed from inside the mouth.
They should just get the excess bone shaved if it is genuinely distracting and causing them issues (like being a celebrity kid/rumer willis), not add weird shit into their body that will end up migrating around their face (especially in warm weather)

No. 2460456

>The procedure is performed from inside the mouth
The concept of bone shaving didn't squick me out until I learned this horrible piece of information

No. 2460457

No visible scars, sounds great

No. 2460462

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But it's ewwy

No. 2460474

To be fair techniques are more advanced nowadays and good injectors who pay attention to the other features can fix asymmetry, can choose if they want a pouty or flatter appearance, russian lips or korean cherry lips, and can give the impression of a more "natural" appearance. Injectors aren't retarded, they know a lot of their clients are vehemently against duck lips. Like after one initial 0.5 ml session you're not gonna end up with crazy blowjob lips, this is only a risk when you keep going back again and again.

No. 2460481

This is like 10x more expensive than lip fillers and only weird korean doctors have experience with this type of procedure.

No. 2460504

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I’m neither black or white (before you start a race war in itt) but white Americans are kinda evil tbf(racebait)

No. 2460507

Yeah my chin filler made me objectively more attractive. I had a slightly recessed chin before, not enough to look like a meme. But the chin filler did just enough to even out my proportions so I could start at a baseline “average/pretty” without makeup first.

No. 2460509

>This is like 10x more expensive than lip fillers
I guess when it comes to my face I feel like "if you're going to do something do it right". But the option that will make the problem worse and more expensive in the long run is quicker, I agree

No. 2460510

Obviously because people enjoy the look. It’s not a matter of just having plumped natural lips, people also enjoy the status symbol of being able to advertise to others “I spent $900 on a syringe, I can go to expensive lengths to formally make my self more conventionally attractive.” The same way some people get the really obvious ski slope nose jobs. They want people to speculate on if it’s natural, and then they want them to be wowed by the fact that they have the funds to afford it.

No. 2460511

There's a very long and well-documented history of surgeons treating minorities/women like guinea pigs to be butchered on a whim. It's absolutely fucked.

No. 2460516

I believe hard drugs are actually easy to get off and that drug addicts just have something wrong with them on a personality level. It's the same way gambling is a non-problem for people not suceptible to it.

No. 2460519

Everyone I've met who talked about struggling to quit something was at least moderately annoying, so you might be onto something.

No. 2460520

Yes nonna, people who aren’t addicted to things don’t display addictive behaviors around them. Good post.

No. 2460521

Bring their teenagers over on a boat by force, use the kids as human cattle, try to sterilize them, and Americans keep seething that the product of 5 centuries of human rights violations are still struggling to adjust. Everyone threw a tantrum over DEI that lasted all of a decade at best… has burgerland even tried to be normal to that population for any length of time without having an absolute meltdown over it?

No. 2460527

NTA but I think you missed the point

No. 2460529

There are so many drug addicts who say this it's insane. If you quit and actually manage to only indulge once a(every few) year(s), you're actually one of those people. But most people lose everything and it's really sad, especially when their high achieving and aren't used to failing or not being in control of their mind/body

No. 2460530

Kek it’s just “we can use human beings as cattle for centuries but we draw the line at helping them get back on their feet.”

No. 2460531

>threw a tantrum
I for one am feeling exactly like you but feel our discussion would be better suited to the amerifags thread. Let's all meet there and continue sperging on this

No. 2460554

I feel like people underestimate just how much being a real addict is influenced by how much you've got going on for yourself. You don't even have to have had a shit life, if you're just bored and don't have shit to do of course you're going to get fucked up every chance you get.

No. 2460566

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It doesn't matter that nothing explicitly sexual happened. This is verbal sexual harassment.

No. 2460567

TiFs are the final boss of "I'm not like other girls"

No. 2460577

This isn't an unpopular opinion, this is a straight up fact

No. 2460582

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I never want to hear an old man say "I'm a dirty boy" ever again.

No. 2460584

Jesus christ. Did he really chimp out like a retard because some scrotelet drew dicks in his book?

No. 2460588

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This is horrifying holy shit. Hope he got fired and executed for that. Feel bad for all the kids getting exposed to that.

No. 2460591

“I hate this shit school”

No. 2460592

A lot of fandom is a religion and people don't want to admit it.

No. 2460594

I don't usually give grace to boymoms but she would be fully justified in losing her shit over this.

No. 2460596

No. 2460597

Oh 100%. Tangentially related but I think gendie nonsense also plays the role of religion in many people’s lives. I don’t believe that it is coincidence either of those groups profess to being agnostic/atheist at increasingly high rates either.

No. 2460599

The way they behave is very cultlike. To be honest though, I think gendies mainly use fandom as a method of recruitment, while their ideology is the actual cult itself.

No. 2460601

After watching this, im going to start calling people here dirty little anons

No. 2460603

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No. Burgers aren't just statistically stupid by sweeping numbers, but I feel like Americans are raised and groomed to be sociopathic or apathetic at best with other people. Look at how hard America made it look to even give women the nation-wide right to abortion. Look at how little American scrotes even care, or better yet taunt the women about it. Burgers love to try rebuking this criticism of their societal sociopathy by saying they're the first to abolish slavery, but that's not even true. It was France, if not then Haiti. They're not as bad as the Chinese or the Koreans in terms of absolute apathy towards other human beings. Far from being as bad. However, the apathy is clearly there with how they love blaming economic issues on a generation that relatively JUST entered adulthood, or telling women to "just shut the fuck up and close your legs" when it's time to discuss women's reproductive rights.

No. 2460610

I think that’s just the result of living in a hyper-individualistic vs. collectivistic culture.

No. 2460611

I agree with the rest of your points, I just wanted to add on that even the British had a complicated relationship with slavery and did more to stop the slave trade or impede it's workings long before the U.S. or France passed their laws abolishing it.
Obviously they are complicit in many ways, but Americans pretending like England was this evil slavery loving monster they valiantly fought against is so ahistorical, it's funny.

No. 2460645

With green icing? I don't think so.

No. 2460661

I agree that burger scrotes are particularly sociopathic (the "male loneliness epidemic is 100% deserved) but you need to remember that Roe v. Wade was overturned by justices who were picked by presidents who lost the popular election. Five out of nine, and at least one of those appointees (Kavanaugh) was one the Republicans Jew'd Obama out of. In 2016, just under half of citizens voted. So basically, 24% of the population picked Trump, yet he got to pick 33% of our SCOTUS justices.

No. 2460663

This isn't unpopular, it's just factually incorrect. Addictive behaviors do tend to run in families, though it's difficult to ascertain whether it's environmental, genetic, learned, or a mix of all three. Another anon mentioned that a person's ability to get clean depends heavily on their life circumstances, and she's right. For some people, like celebrities, they really have no excuse not to get clean given the resources at their disposal. But some people are dealing with really fucked up circumstances, for instance people who use drugs to cope with ongoing physical or sexual abuse. There's also a point in an addiction where a person doesn't even get high anymore; they have to use just to feel normal and avoid withdrawal, or dopesickness. Idk. I don't personally view addiction as a "bad life choice," I view it as a mental illness.

No. 2460679

i consider anyone wearing these a mega pickme, who in their right mind would wear such extremely uncomfortable, corny and ugly shoes?

No. 2460686

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Using the crying emoji for laughing is nonsense, you have two other ones to convey that. It never comes off as laughter it always comes off as “I’d feel too bad actually laughing at anything because I don’t want to be seen as cringe”, and less of a genuine “I find this funny.”

No. 2460692

Emojis should be allowed here.

No. 2460694

No ♥

No. 2460697

I despise emojis, I am glad lolcow is the only place where I don't have to see them. Emojis are retarted, words exist.

No. 2460701

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I hate men(not an unpopular opinion)

No. 2460708

I get really confused when people think we have too much censorship on social media platforms. I really think people are just so entrenched by their own forums that is more niche than other social media, that they think that's an accurate representation of censorship on platforms. You could search up "rapistcunny88" on twitter and find shit popping up for it. Instagram is letting racist and porn get posted constantly. 1/6 boys see Andrew Tate as a positive influence in the UK, and you think censorship exists? I think the average person just thinks so highly of themselves that they think their esoteric opinion is so important that they conspire as to why they're getting "censored".

No. 2460718

I think very specific forms of censorship (such as of gender critical views) occur on certain social media. I do agree that most socmed have no problem with problematic media, and of extreme views on both sides of the spectrum. When I think of censorship I’m thinking more of Reddit, and how you can be every “ist” under the sun but you can’t form any sub being even neutral on gender.

No. 2460721

Yeah, specific forms of censorship does exist on these platforms, which is weird to me. I have seen many blatant homophobic and racist shit, but I guess tranny hate crosses the line..? With the reddit thing, that's the one that confuses me the most, because you see so many pedophilic shit on there, and they're so lenient with the sex pest shit. They will have subreddits for rape guides and they are horrible against women, but you say anything against men or races, and you get banned instantly. I guess the censorship if anything only benefits men thinking about it.

No. 2460746

They try to take over a huge portion of the business and most of them are wealthy through opportunities their generation has ladder-pulled on zoomers and millennials. Most boomer/gen-x wealth is just siphoned from opportunities stolen from the two most recent generations (or blue collar people their own age), like buying properties that would normally go to first time home buyers and renting them back to them or consolidating/closing and offshoring north american companies (mergers/acquisitions). So it's pretty much one of the darkest shows on tv and pretty dystopian considering the premise and economical reality of the contestants and "sharks"

No. 2460750

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The meanest women I've known over the years have been obese or overweight (usually white) middle-class girls, while some of the conventionally attractive "Stacy" types have been really decent people, some of whom were actually lonely because other women feel threatened by them and don't want to be friends. I think we're a little to quick to assume that attractive people (or even just ones who wear a lot of makeup) are Regina Georges and unattractive people are wholesome and kind of if you just give them a chance. I find that some unattractive people are incredibly mean because they've been mistreated for their ugliness and want to take "revenge" on society. Obviously there are attractive people who are cruel because looksism allows them to get away with it, but I honestly think that behavior is more common in men than women.

Now that I typed this all out, I guess "assholes can look like anything and you should make assessments of people based on their character" isn't at all an unpopular opinion. But I do think that fat suburban girls have an unusually high incidence of jerks, I've only met a few (out of many) who weren't two-faced, temperamental, or petty, especially toward women who are skinnier than them.

No. 2460823

Elon keeps getting weirder looking, I can hardly recognize him at this point

No. 2460925

>The meanest women I've known over the years have been obese or overweight

No. 2460947

The meanest most entitled person I've known was obese.
The most racist person was chubby and ugly.

No. 2460950

What tv show are you talking about?

No. 2460966

I never saw the appeal in these. They're not interesting or worth a lot of money to me, they just look kind of corny and cheap? Idk

No. 2460972

You have the rest of the internet for that retardation. No need to bring it here

No. 2460992

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This is surpringly accurate for my life. Come to think of it, all of the people that bullied me the worst were either manlets, ugly scrotes, ugly women, or overweight at all. It's almost like lashing out to have a "tough exterior" is a cope for when people like that feel like they're going to be picked apart for their "short comings". Like if they can't get one up on you in the long run, they'll try to at least get the "first punch" in, y'know? Amazing how it even works when you apply this to jobs. IME, the ugliest bitches were always the first to gossip or talk the most shit. Granted, it doesn't always go like that. There'll be jackass conventionally attractive people, and sweetheart ugly people. But like you said, exceptions don't knock the rule.

No. 2460995

>the ugliest bitches were always the first to gossip or talk the most shit.
It just seems like a huge self-own to say this on a gossip board

No. 2460997

Most of my posts aren't gossip or lengthy vents about people I personally know or even celebrities.

No. 2460998

Your belief is that is that everyone who gossips on lc is ugly and jealous of the cows and celebrities posted here?

No. 2460999

ah, you seem personally offended by what I said. A certain quote comes to mind. I'll leave you with that.

No. 2461000

NTA but I don't know about that… gossiping about cows vs. regular every day people feels different.

No. 2461004

You responded
>Most of my posts aren't gossip or lengthy vents about people I personally know or even celebrities.
Meaning you absolved yourself of being someone who gossips, which meant you were applying your og idea to farmers
>the ugliest bitches were always the first to gossip or talk the most shit.
Now you're backpedaling and trying to gaslight me bc I asked you a simple question about your own beliefs

No. 2461005

A cow is a cow irl or on lc. We have a "personal cow" thread for that reason. Anons just lack friends and people they can trust to gossip with, like the anon who views women who gossip as uglier than women who keep their mouths shut, the way moids prefer

No. 2461008

It's unfortunately true that a lot of people are similar to the cows they follow.

No. 2461009

kek but I think there is regular healthy gossip done to stay in the know about the community and for entertainment/social bonding, and then there are insecure mean people who shit talk everyone behind their backs to make themselves feel better

No. 2461010

It's not that deep.

No. 2461011

This thread gets out of hand for long and retarded infights so I'm just directing you back to what you actually posted early on

No. 2461017

all the losers crying in the inzoi steam reviews right now about the anti-mod and denuvo technology in the game are straight up pedophiles and they're only concerned with their inability to put porn mods or child porn mods into the game on release. you cannot convince me otherwise.

No. 2461021

Is it really all just porn? Maybe some people just want to make gothic/punk characters or something. I haven't looked too much into Inzoi's release though.

No. 2461023

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i played the demo and in terms of customization you can make characters look like ANYTHING

No. 2461024

They most than likely banned mods because they want to sell you 3 billion dlcs, not because they care about porn mods. The only good thing about the sims is that you dont need to buy item packs if you dont want to, and you can find better stuff done by fans. Without mods, this thing is bound to be a money sink.

No. 2461025

inzoi dlc's have already been confirmed to be free in the future though?

No. 2461027

I dont believe you they wont add micro transactions.

No. 2461028

No. 2461029

>until the game hits 1.0
kek there you go, it will have microtransactions in the future

No. 2461030

It's true

No. 2461031

do you even know what microtransactions are? why would they have those? if you have EA/the sims 4 cock so far up your mouth then don't even bother posting about it.

No. 2461033

Maybe I'm a EA cuck, but inzoi looks too realistic yet plastic at the same time. I need a cosmetic DLC that makes them less uncanny valley, tf.

No. 2461034

>why would they have those?
To make money. The sims has thousands of dlcs, mostly soulless item packs. They literally said in the interview that they will add those in the future too.

No. 2461036

I'm not the anon you were replying to, you're just taking this too seriously.

No. 2461038

they didn't say they would add those types of items packs in the future. you're just making shit up.

No. 2461039

This is just something retards say when they force you to point out that they're wrong or being a weasel. That's not me taking it seriously. If it's important to ~be your own anon~ itt, then say "nta" bc it makes no difference to me

No. 2461073

Men should all be required to get a vasectomy when they come of age in order to receive legal adulthood status. The government can bank their sperm, but when couples want to have kids, they'll have to be intentional about it and pony up for IVF. This is the real way to solve poverty, not paranoid obsessing about what the government is witholding from you. They should be witholding the choice from the average person to have poverty kids.

No. 2461095


No. 2461100

Don’t want to start an infight but that’s such an American thing to think or say. They have a weird obsession with blonde hair, for some people it’s their whole personality and they will fight you if you tell them their hair is light brown and not dark blonde? Kek it does scream pickme but I also don’t blame them because everyone else in their surroundings won’t shut up about blonde hair. They praise the most rat-faced girl or guy as long as they have blonde hair and blue eyes.

No. 2461117

I like this. There should be forced work for unsnipped males and harsh imprisonment for any moid who impregnates a woman as well. Zero punishment or deterrents for the women who get pregnant though, that could get out of hand very quickly.

No. 2461148

Most single dads I've known unload their kids on the first woman who tolerates them for longer than a month and she does the lion's share of the childcare. They don't stay single for very long.

No. 2461152

>It does help that single dads have an easier time finding gfs or female family member’s to help them
>Single dads do a better job at raising kids alone than single moms
I'm not sure something is adding up correctly here? If they're getting help from girlfriends or female family members, then they aren't raising kids alone.

No. 2461154

have you all ever heard of "personal style"? is this cool concept were you wear stuff because you like it, not everything is about dicks and balls

No. 2461156

what if I think most white girls suit blonde hair better though

No. 2461160

Some of us lesbians like blondes actually

No. 2461171

No. 2461172

Hard to say without being able to see her complexion. Nobody ever comments on my hair when it's blonde but whenever I let it grow out or dye it to the natural color people (women) tell me "blonde really suits you" kek
Also, are you going around telling women their hair looks bad? Didn't your mother teach you not to comment on stuff like that unless it can be fixed in 5 seconds?

No. 2461176

No, I just fucking hate denuvo since it always tanks perfomance on my pc and due to privacy concerns. I always refuse to buy any game with it out of principle. Seeing a new game I'd love come with it means I don't buy it until they remove it or wait until it gets cracked.

No. 2461178

i'm not white so maybe you all got blonde hair tiers that i don't know about, but this girls was already blonde, right? why go further??

No. 2461180

No, I just fucking hate denuvo since it always tanks performance on my pc and due to privacy concerns. I always refuse to buy any game with it out of principle. Seeing a new game I'd love come with it means I don't buy it until they remove it or wait until it gets cracked.

No. 2461188

You people need to stop sperging about white people colour hierarchy. We aren’t fucking Indians, we don’t care THAT about this sort of stuff. When I was growing up, Cheryl Cole was considered the most attractive woman in the country, she had dark eyes and dark hair. It’s all about facial harmony.

No. 2461194

Fyi, carrey-chan is known for sperging about hair colour. >>>/g/445536
Of course I don't know if she's ITT, but it's good to know.

No. 2461195

that is the ugliest scrote I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m not even pressing play. His opinion is worthless.

No. 2461215

I wanted to try platinum blonde but if THIS is what happens to people who have hair several shades lighter that mine after going blonde, i'm cooked. Fuck black hair man can't do shit with it
You give too much of a damn about what men think, who cares about what this zoomer has to say about us?

No. 2461225

Nlogs are the worst kind of pickme

No. 2461239

I feel like only insecure brunettes think this, and the only men propagating it are racists and brown scrotes with fetishes. Do you want to date a racist or an Indian? Are those your main love interests? If not, being a brunette is fine. I'm sick of this shit.

No. 2461243

>I just think they’re trying to look edgy/out of the norm/alternative
That's what i wanted to go for, does platinum look good on cold toned complexions?

No. 2461298

No. 2461354

I check this thread for the first time in months and hair colour sperging again? Really? I’m starting to reevaluate white people because I don’t understand how hair/eye colour is such an important topic to them. I hardly even think about it especially since nowadays people change shit with dye and contacts so much anyway. Even without that I genuinely cannot comprehend how people elevate blondness in their head it is… literally just a colour. It makes like zero difference? What are you people seeing that I’m not? Do you think about colours that much when you look at another human being or decide whether you think someone’s attractive? The fuck?

No. 2461419

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Performance art is actually really interesting. I like seeing people do weird shit. I wish i could have seen Marina Abramovic's perfomances.

No. 2461420

It is genuinely the same mentally ill retard every single time. I'm convinced.

No. 2461675

This will be very unpopular but I've been reading more redpill/manosphere stuff about women. I used to loathe this stuff about 10 years ago, but I couldn't help but notice certain things did actually seem accurate, and ended up having an open mind toward it. I still think a lot of it is wrong, but some of it honestly makes so much sense and really gives me a new perspective on problems I've had with different women at various points in my life. All the unhinged, middle school drama type stuff suddenly makes perfect sense and has context. It's sad, but I honestly feel kind of relieved knowing a lot of it wasn't specifically about me but just how women are in general in relationships.

No. 2461752

Report the scrote everyone(scrotefoiling)

No. 2461766

I think what gives her cred over a lot of shit performance artists is that she was really about it if you know what I mean. Like that was all real to her

No. 2461770

Can people on this website stop justifying any shitty action committed by a woman by saying "but what about men, they do it too!"

No. 2461772

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No. 2461773

How do others feel about the makeup ?style? to make yourself look "Asian" when you're not? I'm not talking following general trends, or cat eye necessarily, but when they purposely slant their eyeliner downwards when they have large, round eyes and you genuinely have to take a moment to question the persons race due to their makeup and filters. I think it's fucking gross and fetishy, but this seems unpopular?(wrong thread)

No. 2461778

>but I couldn't help but notice certain things did actually seem accurate, and ended up having an open mind toward it.
Which stuff? Letts hear it then.

No. 2461779

Would be nice if we were allowed any kind of criticism of women whatsoever. I know I'm not the only one here who has problems, but if you say anything remotely negative, you immediately get jumped on by 10 nonnas saying you must be a man.

No. 2461780

Which doesn't make any sense because it's not like women don't get criticised constantly on this website. I mean it's practically a gossip board.

No. 2461782

I'm pretty sure I'll just get jumped on and banned if I say anything else. Mainly i'm posting in case anyone is like me, a kind of nerdy introverted women that has had problems with female relationships (friends, family, co workers) and doesn't find the socially acceptable answers are helpful or explain things.

No. 2461790

Depends on what it is. The thing is that unlike men, women actually get cancelled. Even if you make a routine of calling out men and women equally, you'll just end up making it easier for women to get cancelled, lose everything and thus never aquire power and just support the status quo with men on top because no one cares what men do. Unless a woman is a pedophile or a pickme, i just look the other way or even make a retarded excuse like people do for men. It doesn't matter if nonnas wanna gossip here about any celebrity but i do think it comes off as nitpicking doing so on any mainstream social media when men do way worse and get away with it.

No. 2461792

Just say it, you'll get banned for like 3 days at most

No. 2461797

I think 4channers getting arrested is funny. Not unpopular here but I've seen people upset by it on other sites

No. 2461801

I'm anti-makeup in general so my opinion is going to be swayed by that. I think makeup trends follow the current beauty standard for the time and with Korean, Japanese, and even Chinese culture becoming mainstream all around the world it's pretty obvious it's a fetishistic thing. I don't think most women doing that style of makeup are purposefully attempting to race-bait (though, they exist) but rather are just doing their makeup in a style that is currently considered cute/sexy/etc and pandering to men with an Asian fetish even if they don't realize lol.

No. 2461851

How do you feel about the eyelid surgery that Asians get (to look white)?

No. 2461935

Imagine basing your opinion on women as a gender and a class, especially adult women, on your experience as a teen. Maybe you deserved the mistreatment after all, TIF-chan.

No. 2461974

The "middle school drama" doesn't go away when you get older anon. That's the problem

No. 2462003

No offense but why are you still in the same circles as when you were in middle school? I'm assuming you're American but doesn't going to high school or college later on changes the people around you and you get to know new people? Why would you stay in touch with people from your past? Sounds like a you problem tbh. I had bullies in elementary and middle school in my country because I was a villager going to a city school and I stood out too much with my dialect and my behaviors and lifestyle choices, but by high school everyone outgrew this behavior and everyone was nice and polite. The drama and bully group was a small minority ostracized by the entire school and everyone was friendly to each other. Same thing in university where everyone is mostly polite and doesn't want any trouble because they're trying to take school seriously, and the bad apples from school never got to college anyways and got filtered out, so the environment was nice and the rare trashy people were dealt with strictly by security.

No. 2462026

"middle school behavior" refers to kinds of behaviors, not people specifically from middle school

No. 2462037

Oops my bad. I still haven't experienced that after middle school because as I said, people just grew out of it.

No. 2462055

Nta but generally being rude or ~non-inclusive~ isn't safe for women so if multiple women are doing this, it must be pretty bad. Especially for this to keep happening and in the age of social media shaming. That's a lot of unnecessary risk, just to be rude to TIF-chan

No. 2462059

well that’s why you do it with plausible deniability? There’s like a million ways to act passive aggressive without saying anything explicitly rude that gets the message across. And people do it in groups because it’s helpful to have someone below them on the totem pole, that’s how it’s always been. Btw I don’t agree with the conclusion she’s drawn but I also know the type of petty bullying she’s describing.

No. 2462071

The places I have a lot of sympathy for this is school or the work place. If you think of scenarios outside of that it becomes very weird and easy to imagine the "mean girls" side

No. 2462077

That’s probably where it’s happening then, it’s usually in places you can’t leave. Though some friend groups also have a designated punching bag friend I’ve noticed.

No. 2462098

I have little to no empathy for proana people and anorexics in general are not far from that either. You don’t see fat people making fun of random skinny women together in groups online and it being 100% accepted. It’s really retarded that anorexic people get so much grace that fat people don’t get in the sense that they get so much validation from everyone outside of their bubble and even in themselves because they’re “uwu so dainty smol” and perpetuate handmaidenism by these thought processes. Essentially, anorexics are glorified handmaidens.

No. 2462104

My pet peeve is how it's always a moid's fault and how dare we hold a woman accountable. While it's often a moid's fault, there are some women whom are just awful on their own and I think it should be okay to acknowledge that.

No. 2462114

This. I’ve talked about how I’ve been treated shitty by women my entire life and I always get hit with the “UM THAT ONLY HAPPENS IN HIGH SCHOOL” or something like that.

No. 2462119

I’ve talked about being bullied by women and the response here was ‘a man would rape you’ as if that makes it okay.

No. 2462128

being anorexic is just easier to hide than being fat. You can wear baggy or flared style clothes like skirts/dresses and padding in the bra and just look normal skinny rather than like you have a problem. So it just gives bullies less material

No. 2462131

Absolutely horrid thing to say, I’m sorry nonna. Some women are really just awful because humans can be awful and women are clearly no different. If we don’t call out poor behavior from women (toxic femininity/misogyny and general shitty behavior) women themselves will never be able to progress. I’ve noticed that autistic women in particular here tend to get super silenced here too on that note.

No. 2462132

It’s not that it’s only anorexic women who make fun of fat women, fat women are vilified by everyone, even by fat scrotes. Proanas can made fatspo mean threads solely for that reason.
Making fun of a skinny woman isn’t a big deal because being skinny is the beauty standard almost everywhere, unless you’re talking about the kind of skinny that isn’t acceptable, aka being flat.

No. 2462133

Because you come in here with the attitude of
>reee all the women are shitty!!

No. 2462142

Like this >>2462133 how you come out most of the time kek

No. 2462145

All fandom spaces should be considered adult spaces, even the fandoms for like kids games or whatever because children shouldn't be on the internet or social media. Being part of a fandom and being a fan of something are 2 different things after all, it's about the social aspect.

No. 2462146

Look at the way they ruined my little pony

No. 2462147

None of the anons you’re replying to, but nothing to me reads as that anon hating women or anything like that or calling them all shitty. It’s fact that there are traits that are simply more common in women. Are we pretending as if things like edtwt are not solely run by women that is made up of women making fun of other women? There is a lot of biology and social engineering at play here.

No. 2462150

Are we on two different sites? We have entire boards dedicated to bashing mostly women for stupid behaviors. And on top of that anons (who are female) get torn to shreds for doing dumb shit.

No. 2462152

But do you see the irony here? Women do love to make fun of other women and this site is proof of it.

No. 2462156

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Nta but I think it's the fact that many anons come to lc as a refuge away from forced the teaming and insincere kindness they're forced to participate in every other aspect of their life. So they feel pent up aggression or even vitriol from that sometimes. Seeing a particular bpdemon-cow or behaviour that triggers one of these anons is really not a problem for most of us. Many anons understand the reason we enjoy gossiping and excluding others here (like troons) is bc we are forbidden (legally and socially) from doing that irl and having a "thicker skin" and understanding nuance (like why we do this in the first place) is pretty crucial. It's kind of like what scrotes say about their pedophilic porn and stalking tendencies but actually advantageous to society since our sperging is so confined and obscure. Many nonas are able to vent here instead of quitting their jobs or accidentally castrating coworkers. Everyone seems pretty unified in being inclusive to other females in the workplace, school and female-only spaces. I think "the incident" involving the delusional anon bragging about bullying an autistic female coworker and how that sent waves across the boards for weeks made that pretty self-evident

No. 2462157

If you are a woman then they are right to bully you, you’re a defective woman because you think like a misogynist man.

No. 2462164

Anon he says that the red pill is correct because women bully each other in middle school. You can’t seriously believe this is a female in any sense of the word? It’s a baiting scrote trying to shove the redpill down our throat.

No. 2462165

Fair enough

No. 2462171

>"the incident"
>delusional anon bragging about bullying an autistic female coworker
>sent waves across the boards for weeks
Did this happen when I was on my lc hiatus? Can you link the post or say more?

No. 2462176

It was a long time ago, there was this nonna who was faking to be the friend of her new coworker but in reality she was making fun of her behind her back with the other coworkers and she said that it was “Becky” behavior or something, whatever.
We named the autistic woman medieval girl, because the nonna said that she loved sperging on medieval history kek.

No. 2462181

Medieval girl sounds like an absolute stacy. That’s who we want posting here, I hope the other girl got severely bullied to the point she never posted again.

No. 2462187

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KEK there were anons posting about how bad they felt for medieval girl in vent or maybe confession threads for a few days after too. It happened between last dec.-feb maybe?
Nta but this is how we all felt and wished we could be her friend or at least defend her from the evil self-proclaimed becky

No. 2462214

Even if you have ""good intentions "" behind shaming DV victims, it's best to keep it to yourself because all it ends up accomplishing is either adding to the trauma of being a dv victim and making DV victims who haven't came out yet more scared of backlash. Plus it encourages families to abuse DV victims attempting to escape their situation. If you want to teach women to pick better partners have a class on red flags or something, telling DV victims they're stupid and need to shut up is just sinister

No. 2462226

Agreed. I hope this isn’t an unpopular opinion.

No. 2462320

Loneliness epidemic is real and a real problem, only it's not just about men. Everyone is more lonely these days, including women, and it's causing severe mental health issues in the populace, especially in younger people.

No. 2462329

True. I am guilty of that when I see women picking bums and douchebags as partners , not leaving at the first black flag (slamming objects, hitting walls to outright besting you for the first time) or constantly going back to their abusers but I never outright express it.

No. 2462331

It just feels like shitting on on a pile of shit for a lack of better words kek

No. 2462332

The only difference is that men unironically deserve it. They'll have an entire friend group and a steady job and they'll still BAWWW about how they're so lonely and have the worst life ever.

No. 2462335

Maybe you get bullied because you're a coward and the people around you can sense your inner weakness. If you don't want to stand by your beliefs just say that.

No. 2462389

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Some exceptions apply obviously, but most nerds do not make good friends and are bullied for reasons other than having dorky interests or being introverted. This goes double if they carry a bitter victim mentality past their twenties.

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