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No. 2458998
Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and irl men shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unattractiveness, etc.
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT, go to unconventional male attractions to discuss uggos you like>report/ignore racebait>this thread is specifically for what moids look like; extended discussions of moid behavior, crimes, sexuality, etc. are better suited to the manhate thread.prev
>>2428639 No. 2459035
>>2459030 said, I see it used by insecure straight and fulgly gay moids to mock straight women's natural taste
No. 2459066
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>>2459015I dislike seeing women using the word twink too, but It's because bishounen and pretty boy already exist. There is no need to borrow words from gays.
No. 2459096
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That bad bunny ad is so ugly, but at least it’s better than the previous one starring the “the bear” actor kek.
No. 2459120
>>2459099Why are you comparing apples to oranges. I am sorry you are insecure but not everyone else is weak af like you. Men will bully you anyways for liking hot twinks instead of their moid approved balding bearded roidpigs so why even bother pandering to them?
>>2459103I literally never said that. Go back to the 4th grade, you clearly didnt pass your reading comprehension exam.
(infighting) No. 2459287
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are nonas here seriously claiming that cha eunwoo is ugly? he’s 98% natural too. he mogs every modern western moid(kpoop)
No. 2459290
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>>2459287kek this mog is deadly
No. 2459301
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>>2459290yet another deadly mog. the walled scrote on the left ruined the pic
No. 2459320
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>>2459310I was too used to old Jeremy that I just had to look him up because he doesnt look THAT bad, but he does look THAT bad now. I think he fucked around with his face because when he smiles (or makes any other expression) his lips distort.
No. 2459323
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walled francisco on my pinterest feed
No. 2459332
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>>2459314love bands? i said 98% nona, i believe he had very minor work done on his eyes and nose but he still perfectly resembles his childhood photos. picrel is school yearbook photo, majority of korean idols/actors look like absolute shit in those so
No. 2459826
>>2459287Cha Eunwoo is based because Korean moids and incels absolutely hate him and he's like the most basic Korean actor ever kek, and he keeps getting roles because he is cute
>>2459301I know kpoop is banned but I wish I could post one MV where it has a k-pop moid kicking an ugly western moid kek. Those pictures always reminds me of that scene
No. 2459897
Saw an instagram reel about men trying the beardless filter, while all weren't beautiful, they looked way better and younger without the beard, but ofc most comments were like "he looks like a child" or other bullshit like that, mostly from other men iirc
I want to go back in time and stop the beard psyop from happening.
>>2459287wait is this that super popular korean actor? if this was the average moid I wouldn't complain
No. 2459946
>>2459897Every single time I've seen scrotes say they look like children without their beard they just actually look their own age. They're so used to making themselves look walled on purpose with their facial pubes that a guy actually shaving and looking like he's in his 20s instead of 40s while he's 25 or something means he looks like a child, somehow. Bleak.
I hate this false dichotomy males have set up in general where women have to all look super childlike and young and that's good, while males have to look walled and disgusting and youth is bad if you're a male. Looking youthful or just your own age as a man should be just as celebrated in men as it is in women, if not more considering how poorly most men age. Whenever a guy actually keeps his hair (a given for most women), shaves and looks his age or younger he should be celebrated instead of beaten down by other jealous walled moids telling him he looks like a little baby boy now as if it's a bad thing that a young man looks young. They really conflate being young with it being an emasculating thing, like a guy that doesn't look walled can't be a chad or get female attention even though in practice it's the exact opposite kek, with how many women will naturally lust after youthful looking men and enjoy things like boybands, kpop and e-boys online.
No. 2459959
>>2459287I was surprised too when I saw that in the previous thread, he's nearly 30, the same age group as somebody like Timmy, Bieber or Post Malone, not much younger than this creature
>>2459310 or Barry Keoghan, no amount of surgery and makeup could make their faces as smooth and non-bloated or non-hollow like his.
No. 2459965
>>2459946> Looking youthful or just your own age as a man should be just as celebrated in men as it is in women,I think this is one of the main differences between western and eastern beauty standards when it comes to men.
> even though in practice it's the exact opposite kek, with how many women will naturally lust after youthful looking men and enjoy things like boybands, kpop and e-boys online.My mind is blown because they see this shit and instead of actually putting 2 and 2 together they go like 'NO, that's gay! how can women like gay men?' . Bloody idiots.
No. 2460088
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No. 2460114
>>2460088>we got the kids to sleep earlyyou mean
you did, because if he actually helped then he'd be just as tired as you. i am so fucking fed up with scrotes with everything handed to them on a platter still going bald. and what's the point of this fag's grotesque physique? supposedly having trve strength muscles and you still couldn't make her a nice bed headboard? couldn't put up some nice paintings?
No. 2460151
>>2460114This is why the nuclear family is not natural and never will be, no matter how many tradfags rip their rectums trying to rationalize it. It exists to justify the dysgenic brood parasitism of an adult male, simple as.
In nature, no female will expend whatever precious energy she has that's allocated to taking care of her offspring, onto entertaining her male with nonreproductive sex - in fact, an active sex drive and commitment to your brood are two biologically antagonistic processes (which is one of the reasons why strange males practice infanticide). Not even chimps do this. What's demanded of human females, being in caretaker and mating mode simultaneously, is perverse, unsustainable and a dead bedroom guarantee. This is precisely why the nuclear family needs so much shilling, cultural protection and stopgaps like prostitution to continue existing.
This no doubt also plays a role in incurring a well known relationship related toll on female lifespan.
No. 2460172
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>>2460088Women dating men who are physically out of their league is common but the disparity is even worse with
POC woman/white moid couples. Why is this?
No. 2460200
>>2459965Yeah, in asian stuff they tend to elevate youthful men and see that as more desirable for males compared to the west just like with women, even if the standards for women are still always more extreme even there.
I think the moids that call any attractive man gay are just so stuck in the delusions they've been fed by other men and society since birth that they lash out like that because they can't accept the truth about what women actually like. They've been psyopped into believing that's what women want and that anything else makes you a fag and they can't get past it. That or they simply think women's preferences don't matter at all (because they view women's sexual tastes as irrelevant compared to theirs) and they should just shut up and submit to them and the preferences they've dictated for us even when they're aware it's bullshit. Most men don't even try to look at things from a female perspective, they just see it and go "Huh? This doesn't match what I was told by other men that women like, surely they must just be wrong and are all just repressed lesbians and immature little girls. They don't know how to like men, so I, a supposedly straight man will teach them". Or they chimp out when they learn women's preferences and act like it's a huge betrayal when it's their own fault that women's real preferences have been hidden and repressed for so long if they quite literally don't allow women to have them or talk about them openly without backlash. They only see women's supposed preferences through the lens of what other men told them so when you confront them with what women actually enjoy it's a huge shock for them since they've been stuck in their male pandering bubble all their life, even down to their impressions about women's tastes, so they need to make up copes about it to make themselves feel less uncomfortable about the truth.
Contrast this to how women from a very young age are exposed to men's real preferences and are keenly aware of them, to the point that no woman can really stay in a bubble and cope about what men actually like because it's literally inescapable and force fed to you even when you aren't into men yourself. You know they're mostly into youthfulness (to a pedophilic extent) and no woman is really in denial about that because it's pretty much impossible when you've been forced to see propaganda about it everywhere since you were little and even the older women they like are still made to look as youthful for as long as possible.
Just goes to show privileged men are in this regard, imagine living your whole life being totally oblivious to what their sexual preferences are and not having those shoved down your throat by all of society to the point that you can still make up these copes and actually think they're true because most of society still backs you and the psyop up so you don't actually have to listen to women and their preferences. On top of having lots of brainwashed women still willing to fuck you because they've also been psyopped into accepting this. It's genuinely fucked up.
I've only met a small amount of men who actually opened their eyes or just knew what women like already and didn't make up these pathetic copes about it. They're usually either guys who were already naturally good looking and not insecure about faggy shit like masculinity, or (the more rare type) men who weren't that attractive but also didn't care about faggy masculinity bullshit and actually tried to emulate and do the things they saw that women like instead of taking their advice from retarded men. For this second type I've also seen some who due to exposure to asian media like will react in the opposite way and try to use it to their advantage by emulating the asian styles they saw women like, but those are even rarer since the average male weeb is more likely to be the type who doesn't give a single fuck about what women like despite expecting a 10/10 asian waifu.
>>2460088>>2460096That's what happens when you marry an ugly bald bearded scrote. How is she supposed to want to have sex with that. I hate how men will generalize women like this and assume the reason women don't want to have sex is just because they don't get horny or something when in reality it's most likely because so many women are married to ugly men like this who aren't fuckable to begin with. I'm pretty sure if women were actually paired with hot men they wouldn't be denying sex and faking orgasms nearly as much but they fail to see that they are the problem kek. Even when they fail to convince the woman to fuck them they'll still pin the blame on the woman instead of looking inwards and realizing they are simply unnatractive if women are refusing to fuck them. Not even just on a physical level but even for their personality, since so many men act like total pieces of shit but still expect their wives to still want to fuck them afterwards. Also that last moid saying that shit about mood as if women don't constantly do things even when they're not in the mood or even the physical condition for it fucking constantly, like having to go to work on their period, taking care of kids and dealing with retarded moids. If women
didn't do things when they weren't in the mood that's when society would truly collapse because most women are made to do shit they don't like all the time and exist in a society that isn't as accomodating for them as it is for men. Meanwhile men drop out of society simply because it stops pandering to them in the most miniscule of ways.
No. 2460202
>>2460185>>2460172Excellent example of how the interests of offspring and the interests of nuclear marriage as a structure are in direct antagonistic relationship. Anything done to keep your bald pig sexually satisfied will make your offspring dysfunctional. This is literally pointless.
Preindustrial tribes have been raising children in all-female units, with males being expelled when they reach sexual maturity. The optimal, least convoluted way to do it.
No. 2460209
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>>2460206I think she has 2 kids from him
No. 2460215
>>2460205Seems like a lot of these
POC women just dislike men of their own race because they're all bums and believe that for some reason white men must be more respectful, or maybe easier to manipulate lol but in reality all men, of any race, are garbage. It's a gender problem
No. 2460260
>>2460250damn they pressed, if you have to reiterate a joke maybe it wasn't funny to begin with. The scrotes can fuck off but the other 2 pickmes are clearly jealous op doesn't have to humiliate herself
>>2460256fr, its all about their dicks, they're so damn gay
No. 2460290
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>>2460268It's kween.ofkings1 on instagram
No. 2460322
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She looks like she’s being held at gunpoint
No. 2460342
I already thought this in the beginning of the last thread when that beautiful sea girl and her old white obese husband were posted, how does she do it, like how can she stomach kissing him, laying with him? Same for that lady and her massive rapey ogre. Not being the same race likely helps, to any euro or american girl these moids just look like their dad or rather their dad's ugliest friend…
>>2460322He married her just recently yet they have more than one kid, what a trad provider… I get that black girls are tired of how useless and cowardly black moids are but a white moid who just happens to genuinely like a black woman just because is one in a million, all other cases are always him being an older uglier loser who couldn't get with any women of his age and color. It's like a lite version of passport bro but without the leaving the country part.
No. 2460380
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I know she’s a pickme but I still feel bad for her. Her ex must’ve treated her like absolute garbage if she thinks some marital rapist hambeast orc that makes her perform like a circus clown for his pleasure while doing nothing to please her in return is a great catch.
No. 2460392
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>>2460250>y-you suck penises incorrectly!I don't suck penises
No. 2460394
>>2460290Ew hes so ugly and fat
I throw up in my mouth whenever i see hideous scrote-ogres like this walk down the street but this woman willingingly kisses it
No. 2460428
>>2460380I don't get it, age-wise she's nearly a zoomer, sexual education has existed since long before she was in school, she grew up when feminism was trendy, how come even nowadays girls still get pregnant and married so young? And now she's 30, married twice, has 4 kids, and she's not even doing it right the second time with a kind young guy but a walled orc who's humiliating her for clicks? What is she doing?
>>2460407That sprinkle sprinkle lady is also with a lame barely middle-class guy. And remember that youtuber who first promoted her trad soft life and then later revealed her new husband molested the daughters from a previous relationship? This shit is so insanely unsafe.
No. 2460452
>>2460428>>2460380>kids at 19, married at 20I was an absolute retard and barely a functional adult by 19, i cannot even process not only having TWO kids but getting married at that age, this woman only knows chaos
>>2460446>>2460209>He really wants to make her believe that he's out of her league and doing her a favorHe's a manipulator and an horrible person, he's literally taking advantage of her self esteem issues, no man with honor or decency would want to post himself and his wife doing this type of shit. He gets off on humiliating her
No. 2461545
>>2461444Here you go. All of those are always calling the moids handsome, sweet, kind, gentleman, she missed out, he only needs a bit of guidance uwu…
>Casually dressed but he looks clean and handsome so it is all goodThe first comments are making a bit fun of his outfit (but still in a lighthearted way compared to what women on there get), but then you can see some women shit on her outfit.
>Her dress was a messAlso, he's just 18, look at that skin, beard, hair…
No. 2461624
he looks like those fugly scrotes who call themselves “passport bros” too
No. 2461689
Honestly i don't blame women who psyop themselves into finding ugly men attractive when 99.9% of scrotes are ogre tier, like literal orcs in skin tone shades instead of green or whatever. Everytime i go outside it's like looking at a street filled with shit, in fact i'd rather see shit. We have to see them everyday and interact with them in our jobs, schools, etc. They sit their lard asses in the seat you are in now when you're a public place, they touch with their gross crusty hands that god knows where they were the handles, doorknobs, tables, countertops that know you have to touch to get through, these are your coworkers that you have to talk to and look at, these are the people in your life, this is your life. You have to hear women call other women ugly and dirty because you don't shave or wear makeup or men seethe about how ugly and fat women are, how women are sooo mean and unconsiderate for looking at someone in the wrong way yet a scrote that looks like a harvey weinstein prototype and has the most horrid personality is more respected, less discriminated against, gets more opportunities, has better dating options in every aspect than you ever could because he is male and you are female.
No. 2461887
>>2461760I don't know, i just want to give up. I know it seems retarded but everything is just so full of shit. Every single hobby, piece of media, industry, field of work, workplace, school, university, ideology, space, everything everything everything is just full of degradation of women, pickmes and ugly scrotes. Women care too much about the opinion of scrotes to against them and if they did, scrotes would double down on the violence.
No. 2462283
>>2461887oh right the end all of women's emancipation - women sitting and accepting their "fate" or else men beat them up
fuck off with this defeatist mentality, we have opportunity not to waste ourselves on pig disgusting men and you're here trying to rationalize this is the natural way. set an example to other women, change starts with you
No. 2462344
>>2462088Can’t relate.
>>2461887And this just makes you want to settle instead of staying single, why?
No. 2462561
>>2462283Women just need to learn for once to stand up for themselves, stop doing desperate pick me shit to attract men, stop justifying sex work as being empowering like sex work shouldn't even be allowed to exist in the first place I don't care if the top performer on onlyfans makes millions while other women are slaving away, stop pretending uncomfortable tight hyper sexualized outfits are actually for their girl besties and not male attention, stop pushing harmful beauty trends on other women, and most important thing, to learn to actually create supportive inclusive uplifting sisterhoods. No more bullying the "weird" girl, no more bragging about material stuff they own to make other women feel insecure, no more inter competition, no more infighting over dumb shit, no more backstabbing and gossip, no more judgement "ew she's fat/ugly". The only thing that men have over us is that these fucks do actually support each other.
And we should stop just giving men sex that easily, this is so so essential. Stop the hook up culture, stop the sex work, stop having sex with ugly men and losers, stop being a side chick/homewrecker, stop being a baby mama, stop having sex with men who put you in weird situationships and ghost you. If a man wants to have sex with you, then he needs to WORK for it. This is why men put in no effort these days, because why would they? They have countless of prostitutes and influencers, drunk girls at clubs willing to fuck anyone, handmaiden, pick mes, you name it. This created a world where men are the prize just for having a dick, while women are competing with each other for male attention when it should be the opposite.
No. 2462665
>>2462283I understand your point of view and i'm not saying to settle for uggo scrotes because i'd rather die than do so, but scrotes are very hostile to women even saying no, they get easily radicalized into becoming nazis because uuh some woman slept around or said something mean on twitter, imagine if you just told them to their face they look disgusting and deserve nothing. While it's more of a thought that's on the back of my mind, i don't think it should be dismissed. Obviously i also don't want to become a broodmare for an orc looking scrote, but if moids do double down on violence, what can we do?
>>2462344I am single and probably will never date unless he is a 10/10. i'm more so disgusted by having to interact with ugly scrotes, like absolutely repulsed and also feel gaslighted by women going through rigorous beauty routines for their fugly boyfriends. But i doubt they'll listen to me because i'm kind of "ugly" or a "
femcel" in the sense that my appereance is very basic and low effort/also just very average looking maybe even considered ugly by some and 99% of the time i only have to say bad things about scrotes.
>>2462599This is one of the biggest obstacles for women's liberation. Female solidarity is just non-existent. So many women don't understand that men straight up don't see them as human. I even believe for men, it's not only that they think they are superior and for that they deserve more, they HATE women. Men see women as literal objects that only exist with the purpose of being a stepping stone in their lives, be it for doing chores around the house or to dump on all their emotional baggage. They absolutely despise whenever a woman shows a sliver of humanity and they will do anything they can to strip it away in the most gruesome hurtful way they can. The biggest difference between men and women is that no matter a scrote's race, class, political ideology they can all get together and absolutely agree that women aren't people and are below them.
No. 2462748
>>2462692>Women flock to men because female friendships failedThe only reason I even engaged with men and tried to be friends with them is because I couldn't make good female friends so I would say this is accurate.
>>2462732Not her but you could just be interested in the subject matter of the thread and tired of seeing ugly males irl and in media even if you didn't want a boyfriend.
No. 2462764
>>2462561>>2462599see, you get it but you circle back to doing nothing because change according to you is impossible. c'mon, we're human, we're conscious, we will find a way
>>2462665it's an uncomfortable truth but true women's liberation requires women putting their lives on the line. the more we're persecuted, the more subhuman men reveal themselves to be and the more united we become. good news is we're at a point where moids can't conceal the information from women easily, so our historical mantra of enduring for better times can no longer sustain us unless moids bomb everyone back to stone age. this pessimism always boils down to the question if women are naturally curious about the world and humanity. do you really believe female humans can be bred like dogs to perform specific tasks and have no deep observations on their own?
No. 2463062
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Are they looksmatched?
No. 2463070
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>>2463062This is what they look like in candid
No. 2463105
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>>2463072The hottest couples are those
No. 2463136
>>2463105They are both one light shoop away from looking like fucking aliens. This anon
>>2463114 correct
No. 2463191
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>>2463116This is probably another case.
No. 2463192
>>2463062>>2463070Yes, looksmatched.
>>2463072Almost the definition of looksmatched when you think about it
>>2463116No such thing.
No. 2463213
>>2463191Holy shit, this is the first actually handsome man I've seen in
No. 2463310
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No. 2463319
>>2463310Dude looks like a pedophile
And again with any attractive traits being taken as "ur a pedo!!1!" Can we start calling males pedophiles for preferring shaved women?
No. 2463337
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>>2463239He looks good in candid shots in several photos. He's one of the few handsome modern actors in Hollywood.
No. 2463368
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>>2463350I've always thought that blondes (fake ones too) should tan while brunettes should stay pale.
No. 2463377
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>>2463374He's too pretty for moid?
No. 2463526
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This many fugly old scrotes should not still be in films
No. 2463634
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>a rare moment where a moids actor recognized he's past the wall and that work should go to younger male actors
meanwhile libfems:
No. 2463646
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>>2463422He looks damm godd as brunette.
No. 2463815
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That's kinda niche, but I can't stand how vaaled poe2 scrotes are. Shadow and duelist were so cute, but these new fuckers are horrendous. The females are still pretty while males look like shit.
No. 2463817
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>>2463815For comparison poe1
No. 2463918
>>2463646Who is he? Reverse image search just gives me some russian site with an album of "Cute twinks" kek
>>2463377>>2463368>>2463350This is what women want, clean shaven pretty men. Yet bearded moids will call this gay.
No. 2464235
>>2464191Big game hunting, war and other retarded inefficient LARPing that makes them feel important.
>putting up with womenI'm guessing it beats putting up with a full-time meat dildo in your house. Believe it or not, even obvious survival risks aside, it just gets boring to fuck even the hottest moid on a moid-typical schedule (every day, as a physiological process akin to eating and shitting). The bleak drudgery of enduring his infantile care-extraction attempts all the time quickly obliterates any sexual intrigue. This goes back to my point about long term live-in cock being innately incompatible with eroticism - he quickly becomes your ersatz son and your vag basically atrophies when you look at him. In any healthy wild-type animal, familiarity and sexual attraction tend to cancel each other out to avoid incest. This right here is your mechanistic explanation for the "dead bedroom".
Male nature is remarkably unappealing when it's on full display, so manufactured mystique (fanfics, romance mythos) is basically the only way straight women retain any sort of detectable sexual attraction. Think of it as Stardew Valley vs running an actual real life farm.
No. 2464290
>>2463634The "George Cooney is hot" psyop has got to be the lamest one. I can go to Aldi rn and find like 20 other moids that look just like him
>But but it's for older women!Most young moids fetish MILFs and older women all the time, there's no point in older women going for older men when you can easily find a young one that worships yoi
No. 2464426
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>>2463832Hollywood needs to be like the Korean industry and only hire people for their physical attractiveness.
No. 2464438
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No. 2464456
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>>2464445It’s an insult to compare Eunwoo to ..that, if you have to pick a celebrity look alike he looks like pick Taeyang.
No. 2464488
>>2464472Male mate retention tactics (coercion, isolation, resource-giving, etc) stop women. The fact that they're necessary to begin with is why "female monogamy" is a myth.
You need to be chimpout-proof to safely fuck multiple males, which requires mobility, spatial separation and being of higher economic class as a minimum. Most importantly, you must be aware that in many places, killing a woman because you
think she's cheating, or fancying someone else when you're not even together, is effectively legal (passion defense) - while defending yourself from a male chimpout is a crime.
No. 2464669
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Teyana Taylor is 34, Leonardo DiCaprio is 50.
No. 2464674
>>2464445Nona please, how is the obese balding whale comparable in any way to the hordes of underweight 15-25yo plastic surgery monsters in the kent industry? I tend to find Asian moids attractive too and dated a few but there are actually attractive Asian moids, even if they are usually terrible to date (especially Korean ones for some reason, they seem to be more patriarchal, religious and repressed than any other E. Asian moid demographic). You don't have to literally psyop yourself into liking obese ogres just because you have 'yellow fever.'
That's like the whole point of the hallyu/kdrama/whatever industry btw, it's basically the Korean version of the Western Ugly Man Psyop (in fact I worked for an East Asian History professor who was writing a book about this lmao). It's basically their attempt to whitewash their moids in the public eye because they have the most misogynistic culture/worst VAW stats in the entire OECD, so a lot of the reason kdramas focus on having these young prettyboy actors playing into every pure virginal chivalrous protector stereotype is to get their birthrates up and make the West stop looking down upon them culturally for being 20yrs behind on women's rights. As another nonna said earlier in the thread, a lot of female-focused/romcom type media is basically there to keep women invested in romance/dating/fucking moids at all because if women were only exposed to irl moids they would dry up forever and never want to date again. Patriarchal culture has to keep women invested in/trying to date scrotes somehow so they try to get young impressionable women to think 'there's hope' by investing in woman-focused media that romanticizes fake (invented by women) moids so women will keep trying to 'find' them and keep dating.
Relatedly I was reading a comment thread a couple days ago where some incel moids were screeching about how romcoms and similar are 'porn for women' (can't screenshot because I forget where I read it) which just tells you so much about the incel male psyche. They literally think that women watching fictional TV/movies about devoted, loyal, loving moids is the female equivalent of watching rape on tape because the idea of being loving partners feels just as dehumanizing to them as they think rape gangbang porn is to women. The idea that women 'get off on' or enjoy the idea of males being faithful and having good character is just as insane and unrealistic as thinking they as an ugly 2/10 incel can fuck 20 hot 18 year olds in one night. Moids are always telling on themselves while their governments and the media industry try desperately to get women invested in dating/marriage. Imagine as a woman seeing a fictional depiction in a movie of a loyal, faithful, kindhearted, beautiful and competent woman and going 'ew, this is disgusting cheap trashy pornification of women' but moids actually feel this way because seeing men depicted as attractive, kind and competent rather than brutish and degenerate makes them feel dehumanized.
No. 2464761
>>2464724The moid sees this from the perspective of not being picked/failing to compete/obsolescence/abandonment, which subjectively feels equivalent to brutal humiliation and even physical removal. Because the bedicked are too stupid and animalistic to put their cuck anxiety aside, they don't realize that peen-humanization media is their best friend, not their competition.
There's also the need to palliate their own vileness (which, again, may lead to being abandoned by women) via false moral equivalency, because every moid knows that porn is indefensible. Therefore, the absurd idea that women should tenderly love and idealize something that jerks off to their suffering needs to be desperately defended more and more.
No. 2464832
>>2464714Woah Meryl Streep at 35 was actually so stunning, I had no idea because I think I only saw her projects when she was significantly older. Holy shit. Every woman there looks great (beautiful if she's naturally beautiful or just normal and pleasant if she's naturally average) while the only moids who even look passable in an 'inoffensive normie' way are Keanu Reeves, Lenny Kravitz and Paul Rudd. Tom Cruise looked 'normal' (not middle aged) but he always looked like a psycho so. This list makes me feel really glad because I'm early 30s and have many 30-40yo friends and most of them don't even look as walled as these male celebs, it's nuts that many of them were getting 'romantic lead' roles 10-20 years later when they already looked like that at 35.
>>2464724ayrt and that's why it shocked me so much reading that conversation. The women in the comment thread were desperately trying to explain to the moids that there's nothing inherently dehumanizing, 'trashy' or offensive about male characters in media being portrayed as all-rounders who are successful, intelligent, loyal and attractive but the moids were absolutely losing their minds about this, sperging about women 'earning' male virginity (because portraying a woman in media as a moid's first love implies he's a virgin by default I guess), and freaking out about the dehumanization and objectification of… male characters being well-rounded and appealing and devoted lovers. It really hit me that the male psyche literally views the idea of being loving/devoted to one woman as degrading.
>>2464761>Because the bedicked are too stupid and animalistic to put their cuck anxiety aside, they don't realize that peen-humanization media is their best friend, not their competition.I think you're exactly right, anon. Instead of viewing this media for what it is (in the case of asian drama, literally a desperate attempts by the government of china/korea/japan to make women want to pair up and reproduce with moids by whitewashing het relationships to appeal romance to the female audiences), they see the fictional onscreen moids as cucking them because they can't imagine trying to provide 1/10th of the appeal of the onscreen moids to their prospective female partners. Whereas when women see 'aspirational' female characters in media, they often actually feel inspired to be more like them, or feel 'seen' by the representation because women don't have such abysmally low self-esteem on average.
>because every moid knows that porn is indefensible. Yep, if they convince themselves that women chastely fantasizing about a loving boyfriend is 'just as bad' as them gooning to gangbang incest teenager porn 3 hours a day, they might temporarily feel better about being such empty shells of human beings.
No. 2464861
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No. 2464866
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>>2464861>oh maybe I'll take a break from work to see what lolcor is up toThese two are better than the productivity stream tbh
No. 2464871
>>2464861Imagine literally any woman becoming a world famous acclaimed popular household name popstar looking like the female equivalent of Ed Sheeran, holy shit. IDK even the other guy's claim to fame other than (I think?) being Selena Gomez's bf, which sad.
>>2464838>The reality (that some women or even probably most women can live fine without them) is actually more crushing than the idea that women are cucking them en masse.Maybe this is also related to their seething hatred for romcoms/romantic media. Males tend to think that porn and sexbots and whatever 'replaces women' or 'is better than real women' because it's an appealing fantasy for them, but in the end most of them want nothing more than a real flesh and blood mommy bangmaid at home because they can't regulate their own lives. I think they're mad at romcoms as the 'female form of porn' too because they know that the fictional moids are much more satisfying to women mentally than actual boyfriends tend to be, but it's doubly hurtful and embarrassing because women don't actually 'need' subpar irl moids for anything the way moids need irl women. So it enrages them because they know women see the fictional moids as 'better than' them the same way they see pornstars as 'better than' real women, but they know women can live without the irl equivalents just happily consuming cute media while they can't.
No. 2464883
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>>2464881Yes please. Ugly-clippied for next thread pic
>>2464861 No. 2464884
>>2464879Okay well if he's a great music producer I'll rescind my comment and, like you said, be happy for him to sit behind a computer making hit songs in the dark instead of being shilled as a hot guy on Selena Gomez's instagram or the red carpet or whatever.
Blog but this makes me extra mad because I am a female musician and I have been held back so many times even just in the medium sized local scene by the fact I don't love my appearance and don't love being in photos/video and even the most indie, folky, classical or whatever music these days is completely image based. I have literally had PR agencies tell me that I'm doomed because I need more AV and specifically visual content of myself as a bandleader to do any kind of promotions even to get a few hundred or thousand people in local scenes to do a writeup on my albums or concerts or whatever. Meanwhile these literal ogres are shilled as attractive musical superstars and aren't ashamed to shop their faces around everywhere in HD because no one shames them for not being the literal physical ideal like they do to women, it's so sad and disgusting. I never wanted to be famous I just wanted a middling audience of people who actually like my music but I learned that for women and female-led bands there's pretty much no such thing as promoting music without a hot body, pretty face and (preferably) revealing clothing fronting the act.
No. 2464900
>>2464838All the things you've listed technically compete with the male for your resources, just like Tyrone.
Once you start seeing male behavior as them competing with you over you, a lot will make sense.
No. 2464916
>>2464832"Earning" male virginity? So it's now a precious prize instead of a dreadful status reducing burden to be relieved at a woman's expense? How refreshing to see a moid agree that incels have absolutely nothing to whine about.
>Yep, if they convince themselves that women chastely fantasizing about a loving boyfriend is 'just as bad'Sounds to me like it's time to goon to the exact same thing they're gooning to with genders reversed and have them explain why it's worse.
No. 2464921
>>2464916AYRT and yes, one of the moids in the comment thread (it was on some generic show I was contemplating watching) was flipping out that the male protagonist was apparently 'a virgin' (women arguing with him said nothing in the show actually said/implied he was but I'm guessing it was just because the male protagonist was devoted to the female protagonist or whatever) and one of his gripes seemed to be that 'all romcom media for women has virginal men when the woman hasn't even earned his virginity by being a pure virgin herself' or whatever which is the most moidbrained reasoning I've ever seen. Like I can't even imagine the average woman contemplating whether the female main character of some show is a virgin or not let alone the male love interest. I'm guessing the moids in the thread were so pressed about the idea of male virginity being something 'precious' or 'to be earned' specifically because they're trying to cope that they are extra valuable as incels, but that's just my best guess because I can't really fathom the reasoning behind the moidbrained fixation on virginity. The poor women replying to the moids were trying over and over again to explain that 'women don't really care about virginity much and that's not the point of male characters in romcoms' but to no avail. Moids will never stop projecting and telling on themselves in their chimpouts about body count no matter how many times women earnestly tell them they're more interested in actual behavior in a relationship.
>Sounds to me like it's time to goon to the exact same thing they're gooning to with genders reversed and have them explain why it's worse.The problem with this is that 1. most normal women are too mentally stable to want to goon to gangrape of little boys/their sons/stepsons/whatever it is that males goon to and 2. even if women did this role reversal moids would probably find it thrilling and arousing rather than upsetting. The actual best thing we can do to make moids stay malding is actually just be normal because it upsets them more than anything that women are full, ensouled human beings while the average moid is a semi-human semi-demonic entity that can barely approach women's average level of wholeness. You can see it when pedo teachers have relationships with middle/high school students - women are horrified at pedo moids grooming minor girls while the average moid is jealous and talks about how he wishes he'd 'scored' like that with whatever poor vaguely attractive female high school teacher he was masturbating to when he was 14. You can't even enrage them by lowering yourself to their level of depravity and you shouldn't even try; they're sufficiently enraged by the idea women are attracted to nice intelligent well behaved men with pretty faces.
No. 2464926
>>2464921>male virginity is valuable >a man with many sexual partners is a Chad instead of a whoreHe'll have to pick one.
>y-you should be a virgin if you want a male virgin!>But I don't have to be a 10 to want a 10!Nuh-uh. Virgin4virgin = dime4dime.
No. 2464929
>>2464926>He'll have to pick one.It is in the male nature to always hold hypocritical double standards about everything related to sex and sex-class dynamics.
>Nuh-uh. Virgin4virgin = dime4dime.Even easier than that, try telling a moid that he should be a virgin if he wants a female virgin lmao. It's only 'gross' and 'perverse' for romantically experienced women to want 'pure' and devoted men, moids never think this way about themselves.
>dime4dime.It is not in the male nature. Male mammals all pretty much are 'hypergamous' (as much as inceloid types whine that women are) and will try their luck with any female above their level of sexual value (which is all of them). That's why this doesn't feel perverse to males - males know deep down that they are less sexually and socially valuable than every single female of their species so they know that aiming for some ugly woman is just as perverse and stupid as aiming for the most beautiful supermodel alive. So they choose the supermodel. And then are angry at, but also admire, and also are psychosexually attracted to, the moids ('Chads') that actually manage to attract the supermodels.
No. 2465225
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I work as a barista and I have to see the most beautiful girl ever next to a copy of picrel every single fucking day. Good lord may you strike those frogs down.
No. 2465238
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Why are most of the Mr. Universe contestants here so mid?
No. 2465305
>>2465238Probably because even when men are supposed to be attractive for these contests, they're still only looking like a male's idea of what attractive is (to protect male feelings and because most beauty standards are ruled by their perceptions), not a woman's. Notice how most of them have facial hair and muscles. These are men other men would say are attractive for the most part, not women.
>>2465266>Are men really that threatened by the idea that women are also attracted to looks?Yes. To the point that even normier males will chimp out and say you're shallow if you mention you care about looks. Or alternatively, call any guy you like gay. Their seethe and panic over it is palpable, they're really scared of the same standards they want women to be under being applied to them so they find any cope, personal attack and psyop they can to deal with it. They'll act like there's something wrong with
you for wanting an attractive male because as a woman you're not supposed to care about that as much as a male according to their delusions.
No. 2465314
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They are calling this thing “hot”. We are never making it
No. 2465592
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>Woman sends OVER ONE MILLION to someone pretending to be a fugly walled moid whos “in love with her”
No. 2465628
>>2465612men are like magnets to the wall. they do anything to make themselves look uglier and i will never understand why.
If we bullied moids and judged them based off how they looked like how scrotes do with women, the world would be a much happier place. also not the mention he sounds annoying as fuck too.
No. 2465697
>>2465628It kind of reminds me of how some women will uglify themselves or even become TIFs to not be objectified by men, except for men it doesn't even make sense because women don't objectify even the hottest pretty boy to the same extent that males objectify basically any woman in existence and aren't a real threat to them. It feels like they basically can't handle getting female attention and being thought of as a pretty sex object because they're not used to it compared to women and think that's a female role or a gay thing that emasculates them. I think they must be scared of the attention it may get them from other males too who see anything pretty or remotely feminine as female adjacent and want to fuck them. Plus all the seething walled males who hate on attractive men.
I think a lot of them fold under the pressure and try to fit into masculine beauty standards, besides it just being easier anyways, thus uglifying themselves to keep themselves safe from other moids and also regain their respect, so they won't be hated or or put on the same category as women and gay men. I noticed this happens even with men who aren't that attractive too, they'll just do this by default so they won't be associated with femininity and can be taken more seriously by their male peers. They've been told they have to grow from a boy into a man and that entails letting go of youthfulness and that it's pathetic to want to cling to it (only women have to do that!) so they just do the total opposite to show off that they're masculine, mature and unbothered or whatever.
I try to bully men as much as possible for their looks but they usually just keep doubling down and pretending like I must just be a unique case and other women aren't like me, or they just tell me my standards are too high even though theirs are way higher. I had a guy tell me I'm superficial for liking pretty boys when he wouldn't shut up about wanting a 10/10 asian cosplayer gf despite being fat and ugly himself kek.
No. 2465727
>>2465602He's never been particularly attractive but he has been especially hideous ever since the mullet and facial hair, which tracked with his video titles becoming increasingly obnoxious and 'woke' (he made a whole video defending the furry community that I didn't watch but kept getting pushed on my yt recs for literal weeks).
>>2465612I was about to say that I will never understand why men refuse good natured female advice on their looks so hard, but 1. I know he has a girlfriend so maybe she supported the pedostache and mullet, and 2. I actually do know at least part of the reason why men refuse styling advice from women, which is that other men start to resent them for looking good and attack/shame them constantly out of jealousy. Since men are so homosocial they care more about other jealous moids' disapproving seething than whether women are attracted to them.
No. 2465829
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>>2465727It's funny because even when he made a looksmaxxing video to dunk on that community he still didn't bother actually changing his haircut and facial hair, he must really have an attachment to those. For the woke stuff I remember him shitting on le evil terfs and jk rowling before too, it was so obnoxious how much he kept virtue signaling about that in his videos.
You're absolutely right on men being homosocial and caring more about what other men think. His gf (now wife iirc, I think they got married a while back) is still with him so he probably thinks he doesn't have to care and can let himself go. Sad when she still looks all dolled up compared to him like most psyopped women with their bf/husband who looks like a slob next to them.
No. 2465842
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>>2465829Probably bc he looks exactly like a 90s lesbian with a huge stash of expired/stale teas and dead houseplants without the mustache (and probably hair too)
No. 2465846
>>2465829I only watched his videos back in like 2019/2020 when he was dunking on tiktok eboys and other social media trends and then I got tired of his sense of humor and persona quickly so I never watched the jkr, looksmaxxing, furries videos but I did have them pushed on my recommended vids constantly so I could see his descent into making more and more obnoxious 'politically charged' content when it never seemed to me like he would be any good at that or was smart enough for that. I was also really surprised that he just continuously made himself uglier with his styling choices because I remember on one of his really old videos he said he had a mostly young female audience so the pedostache etc. seemed like a really weird choice. But I know he even got married to his model wife looking like hot garbage, which I can't explain because shouldn't she have been embarrassed to be with him looking like that?
>Sad when she still looks all dolled up compared to him like most psyopped women with their bf/husband who looks like a slob next to them.It's exactly like this anon said
>>2465225, this is the typical young millennial/older zoomer hipster couple. Some super hot dolled up conventionally attractive woman with a weird lanky nerdy looking slob who doesn't shave or wear clean looking clothing. It's always sad to see how women will walk around with ogres like that and still (probably) be worried about 'not letting themselves go' while moids are in a race to the bottom with each other about who can look walled and gay the fastest.
No. 2465863
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>>2465847The point of the video (without having watched it but I know just from looking at the thumbnail) was clearly to make fun of the looksmaxxing/blackpill community as a concept, not to actually try to looksmaxx in earnest or improve his appearance. He probably doesn't think he needs to improve his appearance because he already has a hot and adoring wife so now he's able to fully lean into the ugly. Moids will shriek about women 'letting themselves go after marriage/LTR' even when the 'letting themselves go' is just a natural result of aging, pregnancy, work stress etc. but moids will deliberately let themselves go the minute they find themselves a mommy bangmaid. Many of them don't put in effort even when they're single but it's like they put extra effort into looking ugly once they're not, just to rub it in and embarrass their girlfriends and signal that their main allegiance is to other men.
I found their wedding photos (picrel), I feel so sorry for this woman. Embarrassing.
No. 2465875
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and 90s pedophiles look like picrel. Fast food was really good in the 90s so there were almost no skinny pedophiles. They were obese with greasy lips and glasses. I'm not sure when the pedo-pheno changed but I agree they are skinnier now. He also looks more like a 90s lesbian in the ai/filtered "after" picrel and more like a rural failed hockey player in the first one
No. 2465883
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>>2465225>>2465863Kurtis Conner walked so that Film Cooper could run. It’s actually so funny seeing the same type of comments whenever he comes up from women - that he doesn’t seem actively malicious but his whole schtick reads as disingenuous and pandering. Seemed to still work for him tho
No. 2465884
>>2465829>it has a wife..hopefully shes just with the walled specimen because of the money it makes from youtube..? r-right?
i would like to believe that if these influencer youtubers suddenly lost their platform, their doormat girlfriends would leave them as they stopped making income. still though, it must hurt having to wake up and having to look at this hideous annoying wokist orc
No. 2465897
>>2465883This is like whatever the polar opposite of a looksmatched couple is, but to add to that they have entirely different aesthetics and 'vibes' overall. At least with kurtis conner and his wife they seem to both be into the same hipster sleaze kind of style but this looks like two people who would never have talked to each other in real life.
>that he doesn’t seem actively malicious but his whole schtick reads as disingenuous and pandering. No shit, same as the schtick of every other male commentary youtuber. They try to aggressively portray this fun, goofy, approachable image to their mostly younger female viewers (kind of like a boyfriend fantasy I think but more approachable than some popstar or actor because they aren't good looking or accomplished) and yet somehow actual adult women who could do much better are hanging out with them and dating them irl. Bizarre.
>>2465884His instagram said they've been together for 10 years so she might have gotten together with him pre-youtube money/fame. Still doesn't explain why she stayed with him all that time though and didn't even tell him to shave.
No. 2466151
>>2466111It's funny you bring that up (I'm
>>2465225) because I had a coworker who, while being a little overweight, was (and still is) extremely well put together. When she came by to talk with me on her days off she looked like a goth princess with immaculate makeup and was the loveliest, funniest person you'd ever met. When I first started talking with her she told me her "partner" would eventually work with us. And surprise surprise, he looked exactly like Kurtis and would use "they/them" pronouns which was fucking hilarious. Thankfully they broke up and after she invited me for drinks and got drunk, she started to spill all the manipulative shit he did and would refer to him as a male kek. That pedostache look is a massive red flag.
No. 2466493
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Nonnas please tell me this is a hoax they gonna cast either some old ugly scrote or a young already walled scrote we know how much msm hates attractive men they never give us any
No. 2466597
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Random nazi pickme with her rat that I came across
No. 2466600
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Hottest posts on r/ladyboners. Unbelievable. Fucking bleak. They deleted my posts and banned me from the sub for posting actual good looking men despite me following the subreddit's rules
No. 2466725
>>2466597Good lord, if she's going to be a nazi pick me, at least choose one that looks like the aryan ideal. Ironically he looks like one of the untermensch caricatures nazis used
Pick mes never prosper kek