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No. 246035
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>>246031I'll start:
>Recently lost my job, completely disillusioned with industry I was working in>Want to go back to school, not sure how to pay for it>Have about $3K in credit card debt>About to turn 26, about to lose my insurance>Considering some sort of sex work, but I couldn't do that to my boyfriend No. 246039
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>>246036OP here, yeah, in the grand scheme of things I know even $3K isn't that much compared to a lot of people my age, but I'm scared if I go back to school I'll get up to that $44K. I was lucky my parents paid for my first useless degree.
Also the podcast "Death, Sex & Money" had a few episodes on Student Debt that might make you feel better/less alone. They also had some good resources here, if you're interested: I'm assuming you're in America, because America's economy is a nightmare.
No. 246042
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>>246041right, cause cleaning is where all the big money is
No. 246047
>>246042Exactly. I don't know if anons advising cleaning or working in retail are joking or saying that out of some maliciousness.
You'll never be able to have a decent life working in such fields. lol if you're 25+ yo and your only options are menial wage slave jobs such as those, well you might as well commit suicide.
No. 246051
I'm a student and live with my parents, they also pay my tuition (it's super cheap where I leave so it's nbd though.)
I plan on taking a gap year soon so I started working in September to prepare for that. I work at a high school, not sure how to name it but it's a job mostly taken by college students or young parents where we look over the school kids, do administrative tasks, and a lot of millascenous stuff. It's minimum wage and I'm part time so I get €620 a month. I go to uni whenever I'm not working so it's quite busy but cool.
One thing that's awesome is that during the summer holidays you only have to come one or two weeks to do some tasks but that's all (since there are no students), but you still get paid the same since the hour count is over the year rather than every month.
That means I'll have time to do other stuff this summer to earn some more money… I'm actually thinking of trying to draw furry commissions lol. I'm not sure it would be that lucrative since I'd be a begginer at drawing anthros but at least I'd be trying something new and make art (as degenerate as it might be) instead of nothing at all, and I don't really want to be employed since I want to enjoy my free time.
Also I kinda regret saving basically nothing from my first few salaries. I used most of it on a nice vacation with my bf (we're LDR so it was very precious) which is not that frivolous but still, could have been used more carefully.
I've thought quite a few times about camwhoring or finding a sugar daddy when I was single, but I don't think it would be for me, it seems a lot of effort that could eventually lead to embarassing situations, people who want to fuck you over, and friends and family finding out. Panty selling is something I wouldn't mind doing though.
No. 246057
>>246039Appreciate the link anon, thanks.
My parents paid for my first degree too, but then they pressured me for a secondary degree when I lived alone. They were convinced if I didn't have an advanced degree I wouldn't get far…lol. I mean that was true back in their day maybe…
Believe it or not, the majority of my loan is from paying living expenses because I couldn't handle a graduate workload on top of a full time job.
When I got out, I realised that unless I went into teaching (another underpaid, underappreciated profession) my degree was useful for fuck all as the actual concentration I studied for is currently oversaturated, competitive, and demanded internships/experience I didn't have.
Then ironically, when I was first job hunting adding the second degree made me too overqualified.
I wouldn't necessarily take the degree back, but I'm upset at the financial raping it's caused.
No. 246143
>>246141Not that anon but "men" act like fucking lunatics when it comes to womens bodies, sex, etc
Think about it, random women already get blackmailed, doxxed, harassed, "exposed" if they show themselves to their significant others, whether it be a hacker, someone who stole the pics, a catfish, pissed off ex, etc etc, already get in deep shit because they exposed themselves to one crazy person, now imagine how much shit a camgirl, who is willingly exposing herself to tons of men literally known for being psychotic, especially 4channers who doxx
Not to mention it will be almost impossible for women to find jobs in the future if they have a lot of bad rep behind their name which a lot do, and the communtiy is toxic in general
If info is got into the wrong hands, who knows what kind of psychos are gonna show up to camgirl womens houses and all that
>>246113That doesnt mean they deserved to be abused anon… A lot of these women are doing it for their last resort or get forced into it
(Given I have met some prostitutes who claimed to be forced into it and constantly tried to get money from shelters and friends under the threat that she was gonna sell herself to get her hair done and things like that, I have all kinds of crazy stories from this girl it was insane, but i doubt anyone wants to hear)
No. 246148
>>246076>>246113>>246131Making something illegal doesn't make it go away, it just makes it more dangerous.
In a perfect world, nobody would need to turn to this kind of work, but the world is not perfect. Isn't it better to have laws protecting sex workers and giving them rights than leaving them at the mercy of pimps and clients who might treat them poorly?
>>246135Not everyone is forced into it. Many are, but not all. If there are laws protecting sex workers, it would be much harder for people to be forced into it.
No. 246157
>>246098>Places where prostitution is illegal have worse problems with pimps and general abuse toward prostitutes.[citation needed]
This is a retarded fucking meme and it should end. Look into more sources than just men repeating the "b-but illegality increases abuse!" when it's the other way around. Legalized prostitution increases the volume of the market, including illegal human trafficking disguised as legal prostitution. No. 246161
>What do you do for a living?Shitty part-time retail job because I'm a student. I'm going to work full-time soon so I can save money because it has been a while since I had classes (I was supposed to find an internship for the last semester and didn't get anything).
>How much money do you make? Not much since it's minimum wage and I work part-time. More or less 400€ a month, it depends. It's enough since I live with my family but I had a lot of unexpected expenses and it hurt my wallet (new laptop, new furniture, tests and certificates for my resume, etc.)
>Do you like your job?Fuck no. I used to like it at first because my colleagues were really nice and I was relieved I finally found a job but now I'm just tired of it because the customers are annoying ad fuck at best. If everything goes well I work until the school year starts and start an internship and finally graduate.
>How do you pay off your student loans? No student loan, my family is poor so I get an small scholarship and don't have to pay for tuition. The tuition is relatively cheap though.
>Credit card debt?None, I'm very careful but since I live with my family and I had the opportunity to save money I got with my scholarship and my job I should be fine for some time.
>Thoughts on Sex work/Camming? Patreon/Ko-fi? Etc.Sex work seems really dangerous. I can see why some people would do it because it's easy to find yourself in a situation where you feel you don't have a choice anymore but still. Patreon and similar things seem interesting for people who work through commissions since it's not very stable, but I'm tired of seeing untalented people or people who don't even create anything interesting expecting to get a lot of money this way.
>>246076>tfw I go to college for free but employers prioritize the students from expensive as fuck schools who get the same education as me and other students from public universities.Kill me. I'm so worried I'll never find a job that has something to do with what I study.
No. 246165
>>246161>tfw I go to college for free but employers prioritize the students from expensive as fuck schools who get the same education as me and other students from public universities.Same.
I also studied abroad for a long time since my family couldn't afford even the base tuition (yeah my family is THAT poor), and there I couldn't find internships due to language barriers but was told it wouldn't be a problem since it was a good school in a country respected for its education.
That turned out to be a lie and I'm in my final year trying to get my first ever internship but keep getting rejected because I don't have the relevant experience and they think I'm a dirty foreigner.
No. 246173
>>246165Reputation matters on a resume but not always, it's just so weird and inconsistent. I'm in a public university that has a very good reputation, yet recruiters don't give a shit because it's not a school where you pay with your own money (don't know how to translate that) so "anyone can get in". It's true that you can get in easily, it's really difficult to actually stay for more than a semester so that's a shitty argument. For example in my course we were almost 200 students during the first semester and before the second one, half of the students dropped out or started studying somewhere else. You could even be from a public university with an excellent resume and with the specific degree the recruiters are looking for and they'll prioritize students from "high end" schools that don't even have the qualifications necessary for these jobs. It's so frustrating.
If you can't find an internship abroad can you find one in your country? You won't be perceived as a dirty foreigner there I assume, but I don't know what kind of internship you're supposed to find, how long it's supposed to last and if you have the money to move. Or maybe there are no job opportunities there either. I couldn't find one because as I said my family is poor and definitely won't help me with anything, so I looked for an internship in my city and only got rejected or ignored. The cities where the opportunities actually exist are way too expensive for me and even though I have to get a paid internship the pay is way too low to find a place where to live. That's why a lot of people in my college looked for things abroad, they're paid pretty well. I think I'll try to look for things abroad once I have enough money.
This is getting off-topic but as an example, I applied for internships where the jobs were to translate English official documents or international business or marketing where you communicate in English non-stop and guess who get these jobs? People who can't even hold a basic conversation in English for 5 minutes. Why? Because they're from expensive schools so recruiters assume they're competent enough even though they can't do shit half of the time. Meanwhile I'm studying specifically for this type of jobs.
Anyway good luck finding an internship, if you find one keep me updated.
No. 246184
>>246174France. The system itself isn't actually that fucked, since you can get a decent education for cheap or free, and I'm grateful for that. If the reason why you think it's fucked is because I said a lot of people drop out during their first year it's more because a lot of people in high school have no idea what they want to do or they end up disappointed with what they choose to study or they were rejected by other schools where there's a limited number of student accepted, so it's not a battle royal or anything that bad either.
It's just that if you have more money to spend on your education you have more opportunities to study in a specific university or school that's not where your family lives or you can go abroad (makes sense) but you'll also be seen as more competent by default if you go to some schools (which is not necessarily true, it depends on schools, universities, courses and students themselves). I'm more salty because of the recruiters who have stupid ideas on how public universities are if you don't study the law or political science than anything else.
No. 246195
>>246184Ahah, knew it between the degree craze and general bad english skill you described.
It's funny, I'm a french person in Belgium and there's none of that muh école d'ingé obsession here. Hell, you can even start up a decent well paid career with a technical bachelor.
I'm so glad I'm out of this mess.
No. 246204
>>246048How old are you?
What languages do you know?
No. 246210
>>246195Good for you, I don't know how Belgium is when it comes to universities but said like this it must be nice.
>muh école d'ingé obsessionJust reading this made me cringe. I was more thinking about écoles de commerce because in my case I study similar things with the same professors, except in several languages, and the students for these schools seen as more prepared for the job market. Almost every single one of my professors, who teach in these schools as well or went to these schools, agree that there's barely a difference between écoles de commerce and public universities if you choose tu get a similar degree.
No. 246267
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>>246113>>246135>>246143>>246146Literally as long as penises exist there will be sex work, there's a reason they call it the oldest profession. You're never going to get rid of it, so why not at least make it safe? Who is it hurting if it's between 2 consenting adults who are both getting what they want?
Trafficking is different. Take away the money component completely and it's still the same:
>Sex with consenting adults = legal>Kidnapping someone = illegal>Sex with a child = illegalTraffickers clearly don't care about breaking the law, so how are more laws going to stop them?
The argument of "sex work shouldn't exist because men are crazy" is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. No one going into sex work isn't aware of that, they know what they're getting themselves into. At least with sites like Backpage before they could look into the background of their John, and be in contact with other sex workers to know who to avoid. Now they can't even do that. It's the same as "girls can't wear spaghetti straps to school on a hot day because it will distract the boys!". Who's the problem here? Outlaw men then if that's your argument.
No. 246284
>>246267by this logic we shouldn't have evolved against rape. we also shouldn't have had women's rights ever either. but whatever.
also, you'll find that the longer something has been going on the worse it is in modern society.
No. 246350
>>246284Your logic makes no fucking sense. How is not locking up women for being paid to have sex equivalent to rape or not giving rights? Especially when, as already established, having it be illegal leads to more abuse against women.
You're being straight up retarded.
No. 247977
>>246031What do you do for a living?
I work at an animal shelter. I wish I could give a better job description but I do a little bit of everything. Kennel bitch, adoption counselor, vet tech assistant, cashier, transport, janitor, behavior/medical assessor, outreach, event supervisor… etc.
How much money do you make?
It's minimum wage ($9 an hour) but because i've been asking to go in an hour early (it's summer, lots of dogs that all need to be cleaned before we open) and we can't get out of there until 7 or 8 at night, I get a lot of OT. There's also no holidays off obviously so I work all of that too.
Do you like your job?
Eh, there's a lot of good that happens but there's also a lot of bad, and I think people tend to remember the bad things better. There's healthy animals I have to put down, or what's worse is when I have to take inventory of the sick cats and pick out which ones I don't think will make it to make room for new ones. It's summer so there will be a lot of abuse cases coming in as it gets warmer. And also home-work; I'm usually taking home foster kittens. It's hard work, physically, emotionally and mentally draining. But I love it, if that makes any sense
How do you pay off your student loans?
HA I can barely live off of this money as it is, I'm going to school via scholarships luckily
Credit card debt?
None thankfully
Thoughts on Sex work/Camming?
Personally I would never do it. Shit you do on the internet, especially when you show yourself, follows you for the rest of your days.
Patreon/Ko-fi? Etc.
If I ever did a patreon it would probably go to some local rescue. so, no I guess.
No. 250011
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>>246076I can't believe it's 2018 and people still think the purpose of the government is to give them free shit (that people who work for a living pay for). KYS. Seriously.
Oh, and you can get IT certs without going to college or taking out loans–unless you're too lazy and stupid to learn to count in binary, in which case you were fated to still live in Mommy's basement at the age of fifty regardless of how much free shit the government extorted from the productive at bayonet point and dumped in your lap, so we might as well cut out the middleman.
>in b4 "but but but muh lifetime productivity">in b4 "but dey do it in Europe">in b4 "socialism isn't a bad word">in b4 "everybody has a right to go to college, even if they have an IQ of 55 and multiple violent felony convictions">in b4 "if everyone had a college degree, this would magically make everyone richer, and somehow be high-paying jobs for all these people would magically appear, and no one would end up driving the garbage truck or picking tomatoes, despite the Law of Supply and Demand telling us that the value of a college degree is inversely proportional to the proportion of the population that has one">in b4 "it's a human right">in b4 "I deserve" No. 250097
>>250011>"but dey do it in Europe"As a German, hearing shit like this pisses me off so much.
All these little fags (especially on tumblr) complaining about us getting free education would've never even made it to Uni in Europe.
Why do they think that here less than half (or even a third) of all students continues their education whereas in America every idiot gets a degree? Here your mommy can't pay to get you in, you actually need to put in an effort and earn yourself the priviledge to study by having only the best grades.
No. 250920
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>>246031Anyone have any tips on how to make like $100-$150 fairly quickly? I've got a credit card payment coming up and my paycheck won't be in on time for it
No. 251009
>>250920lend from a friend/family member.
sell some stuff on craigslist.
for the future: dont buy stuff on credit.
No. 251076
>What do you do for a living?
Just a basic office/call centre sort of job, full time hours.
>How much money do you make?
After tax it's $1647 a fortnight, and it's a permanent position so I also get paid leave.
>Do you like your job?
It's mediocre, but my hours are slightly different to normal 9-5 and it's fucking great. It really works for me and I won't quit for that reason alone.
>How do you pay off your student loans?
I only did about a yr and a half of uni before dropping out, I had maybe 8k owing. I don't even think about it tbh, there's no interest on it and I think it comes out of my tax. They're really lax on student debt here.
>Credit card debt?
It gets paid automatically, I don't have any debt
>Thoughts on Sex work/Camming? Patreon/Ko-fi? Etc.
Extremely short sighted choices which a) don't last longer than you're young and pretty, b) can fuck you over for future opportunities and c) take time you could spend on skills/experience you can put on a resume.
I don't have a degree or any notable skills so the fact is, I'm never going to be a high earner. However I live with my parents and I've been working full time with only tiny gaps in employment since I was about 19, so I have had a lot of time and opportunity to save. I'm 26 now, I bought a $330k 2 bedroom apartment when I was 24 which I rent out, I've paid off about $156k so far including my savings offsetting the mortgage.
My advice: if your relationship with your parents allows it, STAY AT HOME. It's the best possible position to save money, don't value freedom/privacy/not being considered a loser over that.
No. 251097
>>251076>I bought a $330k 2 bedroom apartment when I was 24 which I rent out, I've paid off about $156k so far including my savings offsetting the mortgage. I know this isn't the advice thread, but can I ask you questions about this?
Did you take out a loan for the down payment, did you get any kind of first homeowner's assistance?
What's the mortgage and how much are you charging your renters?
My mom said I should do this. I'm thinking of doing this just because the real estate market in my area will probably price me out soon. Yet I don't understand how I'm supposed to get my foot in the door since my parents won't help me and I live on my own as a renter.
No. 251116
>>251097I paid a 20% deposit with my savings, mortage repayments are $350 a week for principle+interest and rent has varied from $300-320 (so I'm out of pocket in the short term).
Honestly I could only do this because I lived at home rent free, if I was paying rent I wouldn't have been able to save the deposit or keep up with the repayments.
No. 251130
>>251116Woah damn, so you paid $66k.
Yeah there's no way in hell I could do that without living at home for a few years. Whew lass.
But hey, your mortgage is awesome for it though. Good planning on your part. I presume you'll live in it or resell higher when the mortgage is paid off huh.
No. 251133
>>251130Yeah, tbh I don't have great money management skills or anything but I got really lucky with generous parents and at one point I got an 18k redundancy pay out.
I plan to sell it when I'm ready to move out, I'll buy something a bit nicer for myself as a 30th birthday present.
No. 251323
>What do you do for a living?
I've moved around a lot throughout high school so it was difficult finding stable jobs, when I did it was just small gigs but it looked good on my resume
due to issues with learning, I've had trouble keeping and getting jobs and since I'm going to college soon and I just got a job that seems to be stable, hopefully it will workout for me, sorry for blog
>How much money do you make?
a little above min wage + tips, I also try to do small gigs like babysitting and whatnot for neighbors, it is always changing as in 1 month i can make 3k next month i can make 300, because it's so unstable, but hopefully that will change soon
>Do you like your job?
>How do you pay off your student loans?
don't have any yet but the job I work for says they'll reimburst me or my family will pay, not to sound sheltered
>Credit card debt?
>Thoughts on Sex work/Camming? Patreon/Ko-fi?
I don't really care about camgirls and patreon hoes and whatnot, a lot of them seem to be total nutjobs but if they can make a living off of sending nudes I respect and won't hate them for that, but there are cases like in dollymattels or syrencoves case where they barely make anything but delude themselves into thinking this is the right way to go
for other types of sexwork like porn and prostitution, I don't like, mostly due to abuse and pimping
No. 251486
>>251444What makes you think you'll love retail though?
It's worse than IT and the pay and workplace environment is even more shit.>>251444
No. 251735
>>246141i was a cam girl when i turned 18, i lasted a few months and that few months did plenty damage.
>>246143 is saying, men are fucking lunatics. you cross paths with and offend the wrong one, and you're done for. i'm 22 now but years ago i was doxxed by a man who literally lives in the same city i work my real job in lol. i'll never know who he is and i went out of my way to try and "block" people from my stream who lived in my state. he offered me $ for sex and i declined because he was spamming my inbox. the next day i logged onto my personal twitter and he had made anon accounts which he was messaging me from, exposing that he lived near me and knew where i lived, knew my full name, etc. now when you google my full real name, there is a terrible revenge article he had published to a website similar to isanyoneup/thedirty. i have trouble finding jobs now because when people google my name years later it is still the first thing that comes up - paragraphs on paragraphs of blatant slander and lies that some guy wrote just because he was pissed that i told him he was hasty and wasn't interested in his offers. right now i'm coasting at a company i got inducted into by having family on the inside, finding a job is hard as is but it's 30x harder when your google results look like mine. shits rough. & shit's dangerous. during a dry spell a few years ago when i didn't have money (after i had sworn off camming) i dipped my toes in sugaring, and that was partially okay and partially a nightmare. my "sugar dad" almost ruined my life and compromised my health 100% despite being a doctor. i'm indifferent to sex work. i understand why people do it, and i would never shame anyone for it - but it is really scary and all i want is for these girls to be safe. i know another girl who was full-on escorting in my state, moved to california with her boyfriend to make more money escorting (her bf is roomates with my boyfriend hence how i know this crazy bitch)
she would leave the house and drive out to these men and meet them at their houses, one night she got followed home. i think she told us she had about 15k or so saved and somehow she ended up getting robbed by one of her "clients" and lost everything. she was only there for maybe 2 or 3 months & had to leave cali and moved away to arizona to live with her dad or something. who knows if she's stilling hoe'ing. i hope not. not even professional escorts always fully know what they're getting themselves into. high status clients get away with straight up abusing women (i.e. see channon rose on youtube regarding her times as a sugar baby/porn star getting choked out and strangled over a balcony ledge) and thats even with agencies arranging these things
anyhow as for now
> i do administrative assisting bs, my company is a sheisty corporate nightmare. a certification body that doesnt play by the rules or even have an hr department. i assist the executives in not losing their heads, in short.
> i make 12.25 an hour which is as much as im going to find at 22 in this state with no college degree, jealous of those of u with salaries
> the job is cushy n cozy i guess but it's not enjoyable nor stimulating nor enough $ to sustain me, i've been in 3 car accidents since last october and my vehicle was hit 3 additional times while parked by various random assholes so i'm up to my fucking ears in vehicle repairs. insurance didn't cover my first accident, dropped that insurance company consequently so i didn't have any at all for the second, and i didn't report the third because i didn't want my new insurance company to jack my prices up since they're already astronomical. paying out of pocket to fix a 2017 vehicle over n over n over again rly puts a person behind. oh especially when ur LEASING that vehicle
> i have minimal credit card debt, only about 1k from these past few months but i'll have it handled soon and payed off before they start charging me interest
> school was the absolute worst and i took college classes in high school. never proceeding with college after graduating hs. it's been.. 4 years now. starting to feel like a bum and want to go back eventually but have no idea for what. & i don't know if i can afford to stop working full time seeing as i got some things to pay off first, plus having 3 animals.. the only thing i don't pay for is rent, i still live with my dad but as far as every living expenses go, i'm solely responsible. No. 251813
>>251798Seems like camming is more prevalent because anyone can pick it up and don't have to adhere to a strict schedule with rules like stripping establishments demand. Camgirls can do it from the comfort of their own homes with a barrier between themselves and clients.
Stripping isn't that popular to talk about anymore, but the money tends to be better.
That said, I read posts from ex-camgirls like
>>251735 and it never sounds like a great gig. There's a lot of personal risk with not a lot of long-time reward.
Most open camgirls I have on my social media claim they like camming, but on the other hand always post about hating it. They don't like the questions, they don't like the judgements, and they don't like most of the men.
Many girls who were camming have since dropped and tried to sugar as time passes. Yet their daddies never seem to treat them all that richly and are quite cheap.
I mean have you ever wondered why there's so few camgirls in their 30s and 40s? I don't hate the camgirls, I just hate that they feel they have no better options and catch abuse in the process.
No. 251828
>>251822A wageslave job isn't going to give you a traceable internet history that turns you into a pariah for future employers and would-be friends. I don't think "camgirl" goes over well on resumes.
You are more likely to be a victim of violence and/or abuse if you are in the sex industry. The same cannot be said for cashiers at McDonald's.
Plenty of people work their way up in retail and fast food by the way.
There's nowhere to go up from camming.
No. 251831
>>251798My experience as a camgirl really showed me how boring (at best) and absolutely soul-sucking (at worst) the entire thing can be.
Most camgirls are exactly as you described. Average to okay-looking girls who usually bolster their appearance with dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, body mods, cosplay or other distractions who have some sort of personality disorder or a low self-image and want to monetize their need for validation. I needed cash to get home with and I had a webcam and a Paypal so I got to work.
Having an overtly sexual personality just screams 'please love me I'll do anything'. Almost every camgirl I personally knew treated attention like life elixer, even to the point where a couple of them would just cam for free. They just needed to have eyes on them at any given moment. I can't stand people who's lives revolve around sex and attention because as soon as one element runs dry they fall apart. There's nothing to hold them together.
Even worse than some of the girls were the customers/patrons. So many of them would try to get to know me outside of my cam sessions, but they'd talk to me on Skype like they were the male equivalent of porn spambots. All the time, to the point where I had to scorch the earth and block them. Being a human being with a life outside of getting naked on camera seemed to be a concept beyond their grasp. They wouldn't even call me by my username most of the time, just cringe shit like "Hey sexy tits" or half-baked 'compliments' cooked up by their sex-addled brains.
No. 251838
>>251798i WANTED to do it too when i was 18, and i guess you could say i was more sexual than my peers at a young age - but i ended up hating the attention and the whole thing has honestly turned me into a man hating hermit. i was really enthusiastic about it at first but all of the criticism rly hardens you. it's not all good attention. a lot of it is just men telling you that your teeth are yellow and your toys are too small. it's a common thing for camgirls to like.. lie about liking what they do. not saying all do BUT they dont want people seeing them as vulnerable or weak or miserable. plus part of the job is pretending to be positive 24/7. nobody wants to pay an unhappy bitch yano. just look at dolly mattel or whatever the fuck her name is. clearly she's unhappy AF sleeping on a rug in a studio apartment with her expired coochie but she'll never admit it
>>251822it's different with these types of jobs. it's not sex work so it's inherently not as dangerous. nobody will look down on you for being an actor or a dj. my s.o. is a "dj"/producer and he can literally go anywhere and transition into anything he wants from there. he can go back to a normal job, or he can keep pushing in the social sphere and expand to ANYTHING else entertainment related. he's got the ultimate flexibility. his music is his platform that will literally allow him to do anything from fixing up cars to streaming on twitch.
>>251828 knows how it goes.
No. 251848
>>251828I mean I'm not negating the experiences of anyone here, just that of the two girls I know, one of them was able to transition to 9 to 5 job without problems and the other one used her webcam and stripper clout to start a few business ventures making weed related products in CA. So I have a hard believing the idea that camming/SW will inherently drag down anyone who does it no matter what.
On the other hand the two saddest stories I know about being rekt by an industry involves a modeling and acting.
No. 251962
>>246031Currently studying with a living costs student loan that amounts to $150 p/w with an extra $50 in support from my parents. Never had a credit card, and I make a little extra money through femdomming online. Emphasis on a little, since I only started a bit over a month ago. I've made nearly $200 which isn't bad for a few photosets and two camshows. I'm pretty realistic about the fact that earning a solid income from sw isn't something I'm super interested in, since I mostly do it in a "why not?" sort of way to monetize my sex drive and kinks.
>inb4 you're ruining your life and career chances down the roadEh. The industry I'm studying for tends to be more lenient. As a femdom, I don't perform explict sexual acts or degrade myself doing anything I don't want to do and I don't intend to change that. My face is concealed 90% of the time as a precaution even so. My partner is fully supportive and I enjoy doing it
No. 254284
>>246031What do you do for a living?
Physician ("doctor")
How much money do you make?
3k a month (second year working only tho)
It doesn't seem that much money but just for reference, my mortgage is only $800 a month
Do you like your job?
Yes! I actually really love the idea of helping others for a living
How do you pay off your student loans?
I don't have any debt, my mother worked hard to pay for my education (forever grateful tbh)
Credit card debt?
Yeah, since my last Japan trip, I just wanted to buy everything I wanted and I almost did that lol
Thoughts on Sex work/Camming?
It's fine, Any job deserves respect.
I think Patreon is a good thing in general, mostly for artists, however.. sometimes people don't really deserve the money they get (Pixielocks comes to my mind… that spoiled brat)
No. 256024
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Anyone here do instacart? An acquaintance was going on about how great it was (more specifically how minimal the human interaction was) but I can't tell if he actually enjoyed it or if he was trying to get me to use his referral code.
No. 256810
>What do you do for a living? How much money do you make? Do you like your job?
I'm a CA at the local public library, working part-time, making $12/hour. I love it. It's a calm, quiet job for the most part, and I love my coworkers. I live with my boyfriend who has a $200k salary and a couple million in savings, so I mostly have this job to pay off student loans, cover personal expenses, and avoid being a NEET.
I used to wait tables in a high-end restaurant, but I found the social interaction to be absolutely exhausting.
The money was decent, but I resented having to kiss rich peoples' asses to make it.
>How do you pay off your student loans? Credit card debt?
I pay $50/month (more if I can afford it) toward student loans. I don't have any credit card debt, though I have about $3k in medical bills. I'm thinking about taking out a low-interest loan to pay those off and fix my credit.
>Thoughts on Sex work/Camming? Patreon/Ko-fi? Etc.
I cammed on and off a few years ago. I fucking hated it, though I did well financially. The more popular I became, the more paranoid and self-conscious I was, until I just quit entirely. No long-term repercussions, but just because I was careful and lucky. I was pretty much non-nude. Would not recommend camming to anyone either way.
Patreon/Ko-fi is fine I guess, just not really something I'm interested in.
No. 256901
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>>246031>What do you do for a living?I'm a barista at Starbucks and a freelance artist.
>How much money do you make? 9.80 a hour, about a dollar a hour in tips so 10.80. I charge about 25 starting for art jobs, depending on the client, and the difficulty of the piece.
>Do you like your job?I'm not really miserable but not really happy either. I'm 26, and until this year I'd been comfortable with my station in life. But I've been doing this since I was 19, and had a lot of ups and downs with my art, and realized I'd rather have a better paying job and less time for art. This feeling comes and goes, because I'll get very passionate about my work, especially a comic my friend is writing and I'm illustrating, and end up forgetting to look for better jobs or ways to get into better jobs.
Last night I applied to some city jobs, but I doubt I'll get them. I have no other training aside from high school.
>How do you pay off your student loans? I quit college twice, the first time I paid out of pocket and the second time I was on the pell grant. No debt from there.
>Credit card debt? Yes, under 200, so not a big deal. I can pay it off in a paycheck.
>Thoughts on Sex work/Camming? I've thought about it, before I got with my current boyfriend, who is staunchly against the idea. Ultimately I'd never do it, only because I'm afraid of being doxxed or having some creep attack my sister or father online.
>Patreon/Ko-fi? Etc.No, another thing I've thought about, but I never do fanart anymore because I've dropped out of mainstream media for the most part and have no idea what's popular anymore.
No. 256917
>>256024instacart is garbage. the people who shop for you are like monkey tier intelligent and try to finish as fast as possible and end up making tons of mistakes. they're supposed to have to get your confirmation for food changes, but can override that and just switch out for shit you wouldn't want. the support team is just as bad and only offers credits and stuff for fuck ups.
i also got dicked out of a promo code because their system makes you cancel the entire order and start over to add a new item. then they told me they couldn't apply it to a different order cause my first order had already been completed.
No. 256972
>>256024I do Instacart and it is pretty great to choose your own hours and get paid well usually without saying anything to anyone except to have a good day.
Pay rates do depend on where you're located and how long the service has been there. In a brand new zone it's usually $9 order commission and 40 cents commission per item shopped. I've made around $1000 a week before. Sometimes they have hourly guarantees, it's highly variable. I really enjoy it though because I hate socializing.
No. 258172
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>>256972Dang, any tips? How many hours do you work? Where do you live/work?
No. 258193
>>257200I've never sold plasma but I used to work at a grocery store with a place across the street. From the places around my city, they don't give you cash, you get a card with the money on it which it charges you whenever you use it.
They say you don't get charged if you use certain ATM systems but more than likely you will get fucked over and lose some money trying to get it as cash.
At this time I'm still sporting gross bruises from donating blood last week so I don't see how plasma could be worth it except as last ditch effort.
No. 289245
>>260960if you're from burgerland, you need to apply for disability if you haven't because no job will hire someone just for 1x/week. volunteering is certainly a good thing, but if you want money, you'll have to drop that. if you're a college student, job experience is way more valuable in the long run than volunteering.
honestly to get money in the short term, babysitting or dog walking would be your best bet imo.
>>289176with human resources, it's all about appearing normal, organized, and sensitive to others' needs. when i get nervous before an interview, i tell myself that these are normal people who want to hire me. it's much easier giving your qualifications if you pretend it's more of a casual conversation than job interview. don't say that it seems simple obviously, because people in temp agencies are usually down on their luck and hr is not always easy.
No. 289454
>>289072How did you
get that job?
No. 289570
>What do you do for a living?I'm a programmer.
>How much money do you make?Around $70k annually.
>Do you like your job?I do. I wouldn't want to do anything else to be honest.
>How do you pay off your student loans?In my country universities are thankfully free so I only took student loans to pay for living costs, so I was left with less than 10k. Of course the massive taxing on my income compensates for the free education I got.
>Credit card debt?None. I only pay with debit.
>Thoughts on Sex work/Camming?It's degrading and I would never do it myself, nor would I encourage any other woman to do it. I'd rather work at a McDonalds with minimum wage than selling my body and risking my safety, reputation or mental health.
>Patreon/Ko-fi? Etc.If you have something of value to offer to people and they want to pay for it (and it's not sex work), why not? Patreon is a great way for artists and other content producers to keep doing what they do for a living. I consume immense amounts of free entertainment online so I might as well give it back to them. I also like that there are no massive nodes of money grabbers between them and patreon taking their share and leaving the artist with a 5% cut of what the customer pays.
>>289267This. I used to work shit customer service jobs before university and those disgusting old bastards trying to hit on me or making slimy comments was enraging but tolerable compared to thinking of them watching you masturbate on cam or fucking you.
No. 289584
>>289356Build up a portfolio that shows you can complete an entire project yourself. You can start off making small scripts that make your life easier, but if you can work on an application (web, android, ios) it says a lot.
If you're still in school, do hackathons (those will help you network). Lots of them have built-in seminars about software engineering.
For startups like mine, I've noticed that we call people in for interviews if we see them contributing to our open-source projects. You could try doing that as well.
Hope that helped!
No. 289606
>>289229I believed sex-work propaganda til it broke me. Never again. I feel better working at a busy answering service or Burger King dealing with awful customers all day. Only go back to thinking about doing it when I feel depressed and self-hating. People seem irritatingly resistant to the idea that sex work isn't like normal work because it involves sex that is less than consensual.
PTSD from all of that makes life overall more stressful, and I'm trying to look for some part-time work since social security takes too long, but shit's hard. Sex work is borderline life-ruining depending on how bad it gets.
No. 289784
>>289454I moved to LA and wanted to work in film, worked a shitty office job for like a year and happened to be working with a production accountant. He showed me the ropes, and hooked me up with a recruiter who placed me on my first show.
Clerks and accountants are pretty in demand for productions as the accounting is taken very seriously, and literally anyone can be a clerk. The thing about film production is that yes, it can be hard to get on your first show, but the industry (and I mean below the line, actual people who make movies industry) rewards hard work, and you can move up quickly and teach yourself the skillset to advance.
No. 292999
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>>289245Hey, so I followed your advice overall, I got the internship! I also asked someone I know who works in human resources as well and it helped a little, but the interview went really well. I think I also got really lucky because the company needed someone asap and not many potential interns are available at this time of the year.
No. 554236
>>554152determine whether you could move your classes around to have it fit around a work schedule. i was able to work multiple jobs at a time in college by doing this. keep all of your classes limited to 2-3 days of the week, or take all morning classes/all evening classes.
i recommend looking into internships and campus jobs. internships expect college students schedules to be all over the place so they could be more accommodating to your schedule. at least at my university, certain campus jobs paid minimum wage, but they were easy af and i was able to do my classwork and study during my shifts.
No. 2230638
>>2230627Prostitution entails more risk than selling porn online. You don't need to even fuck a man to sell porn online you can just sell nudes. Onlyfans runs like an MLM, they have an affiliate scheme where if you can convince other people to join using your code you take 5% of their earnings for an entire year (taken from the portion that would have gone to OF). This encourages women to hype up how amazing OF is, so they can lure in new content creators to use their affiliate code. It's a chain reaction. Before OF women who did porn didn't necessarily have much incentive to have an online presence outside of what was needed directly for their job. After OF there was an incentive to gush about one's lifestyle afforded by the work meaning there was more spillover of porn into general online public spaces.
At least that is my theory.
No. 2230915
>>555227Sage because it’s old. But I seriously believe that if you’re good at art and need money just bite the bullet and make furry art kek, those weirdos pay well.
When I was younger and had deviant art I got commissioned to make some fursonas, I got 50 bucks overall.
No. 2230924
>>2230881I don’t think it changes much, camgirlls and Of women still get their content leaked.
Overall I think that there are just quick way to make money, but they’re not sustainable “jobs” long term. It’s also hard to become mainstream and earn actual money unless you really get into a niche (and more explicit), given how saturated the media is.
No. 2233097
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any good way to make money online in 2024 ???