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No. 246186
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No. 246191
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What's it with Visual Kei and little white kids? They're not even using girls or young women, but literal children. Creeps the hell out of me…
No. 246231
This one guy I knew who was a self-proclaimed Neo-Nazi had a thing for black girls. I remember he talked about this black porn star he liked once and said "I think she might be part white" (she was black as fuck lol).
He eventually found out I was a relatively light-skinned, short, skinny black girl and tried to slide in, but I ghosted him when I figured out what he was doing. I was like 16 at the time, which didn't make things better.
I also knew a sleazy sort of guy who openly talked about how he had sex with black girls. I don't know if he was as bad as the first guy, but I noticed he sometimes made sideways comments about black people. He seemed like the "I fuck black girls, but never consider them dating or marriage material" type. Both are the most blatant examples of "jungle fever" I've seen. I've seen it the other way around, too.
I don't think there's anything wrong with having a preference for certain qualities, or even admire what you may perceive as aspects that are common to other cultures, but it's kind of dumb to assume that an entire race has a set of positive or negative traits physically or personality-wise, and it veers into a sort of creepy dehumanization/objectification thing when your political views are also very against those exact same people. I feel bad for anyone who ends up in interracial relationships with those types of loonies.
No. 246333
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> 5 years ago when I was 15 I got asked out by this cute gala guy that dressed super stylish.
> he seemed normal just quiet I assumed it was because he grew up in japan bc I was clearly dropped in my head repeatedly as a child or something.
>ignored all red flags
>finally broke up after he tried to lick my armpit.
Last time I ever date a guy only because of looks/race
No. 246346
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>He tried to lick my armpit My sides
No. 246471
>>246315Something I noticed is that when I hang with white people from my college is that, even though they're super nice and fun to hang out with, they love asking things about my ethnic group and the country I "come from". It's not so bad at first but when they ask very often like I'm their teacher or something it becomes so awkward. One of my friends was dating a Turkish guy (I'm not Turkish btw) and she wouldn't stop asking questions about Islam and Turkey that I couldn't answer very well. When she broke up with him she wouldn't stop joking about how "it's making her become a racist lolol!!1!", shit was awkward as fuck. I can't say I've experienced being fetishized though, thank god. I think men find me unattractive so I'm immune to that.
I noticed that in my close friend group almost nobody is white and we don't have weird conversations like that. When I'm with them I feel like they see me as "that friend who happens to be of this ethnicity" instead of "the foreigner who happens to be a nice person". I'm not sure how to explain it in a better way. So our cases are different but still kind of similar I think.
No. 246478
>>246207>i've had guys want to enter relationships with me under the assumption i'd be easygoingDid they voice that out loud or how did you come to that conclusion?
>>246231How do you even get to know Neo-Nazis? lol
>>246315>like basically it was them reminding me I'm supposed to feel bad about my skin color and white people are terrible except them though, they're the good onesHow did they remind you that you're supposed to feel bad about your skin color and at the same time say that all white people are terrible…? Doesn't add up.
>they would use manipulation tactics to basically keep me and their other POC friends closeAgain, how?
>>246471>I noticed that in my close friend group almost nobody is white and we don't have weird conversations like that.You seem to have lost touch with reality, this thread reads like a gigantic circle jerk of "Poor me, white people are a different species that doesn't know to how behave amongst human beings, but all POC are super nice and not racially prejudiced at all", which of course is far from the truth…
Most people probably don't even notice race, you're the ones making it all about it.
No. 246511
>>246471>I noticed that in my close friend group almost nobody is white and we don't have weird conversations like that. Yep, that's how it is now for me. I do still have white friends but they interact with me like an actual person. Whenever racial issues come up, they let me have my own voice rather than then trying to take over and be the white savior. Don't really know how to describe it, but it's less empty and more genuine.
Usually when I saw fetishized, it's not ultimately sexual pleasure, but more for their personal satisfaction. For example, I had a friend who randomly said she felt great knowing some of the people in her sports team were POC. I have no idea why that would make her feel good, because she's not a POC, and it was really weird because she acted like POC don't play sports. I dunno, seeing that stuff makes me feel gross.
No. 246514
>>246478>How do you even get to know Neo-Nazis? lolHe was on a Discord server based on a general I frequented on 4chan. If you hang out with other people from imageboards, there is a 1 in 3 chance you will run into someone like that. It's kind of what happens when /pol/ is allowed to roam free.
>You seem to have lost touch with reality, this thread reads like a gigantic circle jerk of "Poor me, white people are a different species that doesn't know to how behave amongst human beings, but all POC are super nice and not racially prejudiced at all", which of course is far from the truth…No one even said this, it just seems like you feel attacked for some reason. Just because you personally have not experienced something that often happens to minorities does not mean everyone who has must have "lost touch with reality". Maybe move somewhere like Asia and see for yourself that racial fetishization happens so you don't have to feel so excluded? Lmao.
No. 246516
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God, i love being born in a homogeneous country
No. 246519
>>246514>If you hang out with other people from imageboardsNormal people don't 'hang out' with people from 4chan.
>Maybe move somewhere like Asia and see for yourself that racial fetishization happens so you don't have to feel so excluded? Lmao.wut…?
No. 246521
>>246519>Normal people don't 'hang out' with people from 4chan.You're really saying this on Lolcow, of all places? The jokes write themselves, wew
No. 246570
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>>246561Here you go, anon
No. 246628
>>246511>Usually when I saw fetishized, it's not ultimately sexual pleasure, but more for their personal satisfaction.I see what you mean. I often see people say POCs are fetishized when they mean that they're hypersexualized or something so I wanted to make sure there was no misunderstanding.
>>246610High schoolers are stupid as fuck so I wouldn't even be surprised.