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No. 247020
The “controversy” started because a man wanted to police what a woman was wearing. I’m over it
>“My culture is NOT your …. prom dress,” a man named Jeremy Lam tweeted days later, sharing the photos she posted.
>“I’m proud of my culture, including the extreme barriers marginalized people within that culture have had to overcome those obstacles,” Lam also wrote. “For it to simply be subject to American consumerism and cater to a white audience, is parallel to colonial ideology.”She didn’t buy it at a costume shop, she got it at a thrift store.
>I wouldn’t wear traditional Irish or Swedish or Greek dress either. There’s a lot of history behind these clothes.”Kek better never wear jeans then because they’re “traditional” America clothing.
H3H3 summarized my thoughts
>“So this dude found a random girl online and convinced 100k+ people to bully her over a prom dress,”This whole thing is absurd. No. 247025
i'm more concerned with her fugly makeup.
so cheongsam are already appropriated. the chinese appropriated them from the manchu after manchu rule ended and made them sexy. this was before the mao era. they're not really chinese, they were just forced to wear them when manchu was in charge, so they're appropriating too.
also they're meant to be worn as a party dress, especially the vintage type she bought.
the concept of cultural appropriation is fucking stupid anyways because it relies on the idea that all cultures evolved independently from eachother before europeans discovered them, which is just not true.
also these idiots fail to realize that their culture being consumed by others is the main reason why it still exists outside of their country of origin.
as someone who is multiracial (asian mixed with german/swede), a 4th generation immigrant and in an interracial relationship, i fail to understand how the idea of cultural appropriation doesn't support xenophobia and race purity and feel that it almost vilifies interracial interactions.
culture has always taken from eachother, and not always in a positive way. sorry if it's OT but i wonder what these people think about "fu dogs" which are actually lions, and the fact that the term fu dog doesn't come from westerners, but instead the a racist japanese term for the statues that translates roughly to "korea dogs" but japan is a precious uwu PoC flower, right?
No. 247026
>>247020i'd wear it again
GOOD GIRL! fuck tumblr, this shit is getting out of hand.
No. 247033
>>247030Yes, I completely agree. I would understand the outrage if she was desecrating some important Chinese tradition or mocking Chinese culture in some way, but she's not doing anything disrespectful at all. It's just a teenage girl wearing a dress to a fun event.
I always hear people say, "Oh, we just want people to partake in other cultures
respectfully!" Well, here you go. The girl saw something beautiful from another culture and used it in an appropriate way. It's not like she's running around slanting her eyes and yelling "ching chong", for Christ's sake. Isn't this what diversity is supposed to be? Enjoying other cultures in a respectful and appropriate way? Not to mention the fact that she's 17, 18 tops. There are plenty of worse things that edgy teenagers have done, I think wearing a damn dress is far from evil.
No. 247034
>>247030exactly it's fucking ridiculous to think that this girl can't simply wear a party dress from another country.
are people
triggered at prom dresses that look like quinceanera dresses too?
No. 247038
>>247015I've been thinking about the dress episode and to me it looks like a lot of cultural appropriation, like it's used loosely in cases like this, actually is a misplacement of anger and unresolved trauma on the part of the persecuting people.
Now, I don't mean the white SJWs that just want to virtue signal, I mean people like the Chinese American guy that called out the dress teen.
It's very obvious his actuall problem and reason of disconfort is not the dress it self, it must be from all the pant up anger and outrage from the bullying, direct or indirect, he must have gone through growing up.
Imagine when he was a child, being made feel ashamed of his culture, his parents food, traditional clothing, language, him having to put in the back a huge part of his being and heritage in order to fit in better, to be more American.
I don't agree with that guy at all, but just imagining all he must be feeling deep down, the hurt and trauma from his infancy, it's not hard to imagine why the dress "
triggered" him and he then jumped in the first opportunity to let out his indignation and frustration.
The problem is, he's fighting ghosts from his past and not being objective about the actual situation.
Also, I think there's kind of a problem how people seem to be way more outraged when it's a teen girl that does some pseudo-cultural appropriation. Grown men and the current culture really love to shit on young women.
No. 247039
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>>247038>Grown men and the current culture really love to shit on young women.Especially funny because people dug up tweets of the guy who called her out, and it turns out he said nigga all the time. Pic related was his shitty response. Apparently it's okay that he used an incredibly controversial and loaded racial slur because he's "matured" since then, but if a seventeen year old girl wants to wear a dress, fuck her, right?
No. 247044
>>247037Even my super liberal uni friends are rolling their eyes at this. They’re more focused on corporations and the media, not individual teenagers. I don’t even know who is outraged. Grown men, I guess. Because letting them decide what women wear is very progressive, right?
>>247026That was exactly my response. I’m glad she’s not being bullied into apologizing. And I’m glad her parents have her back.
No. 247046
A few thoughts I have about this:
1. What I don't understand when people who cry about "cultural appropriation" is; what is their ideal world? One where people of different cultures/nationalities/races are segregated? White people can only wear Aran jumpers, Indian people can only wear saris, African people can only wear dashikis? Also, where do you draw the line? Am I not allowed to use German pharmaceuticals because I'm not German? Am I not allowed to use Chinese technology because I'm not Chinese? Why are those things okay but a dress is not? I understand when something is sacred but these are the same people who think religion is bullshit and would jump at the chance to talk shit about Christianity so I know they don't care about what's "sacred" or not deep down.
2. The whole concept of "cultural appropriation" is so American and Americans, sjws included, expect the whole world to abide by their standards because they think the entire earth is this homogeneous culture based on American culture. Nobody outside of the US seems to give a shit about who is "allowed" to wear what (thank god) no matter how many times American sjws try to enforce it on us. Funny thing is, if she had claimed to be 1/14th Chinese this wouldn't have happened. It suddenly would have been cool.
3. Nobody cares that St.Patrick's day, a religious festival, has been reduced to a bunch of Plastic Paddies having a piss-up or that people wear tartan kilts to their weddings when they don't belong to that clann or that people all over the world have turned Christmas into this horrible, consumerist monstrosity or that many Europeans are subjected to offensive stereotypes regularly ("I'm hairy because I'm part Italian!" "I look inbred because I'm part Irish!" "I'm quick to anger because I'm part French!"). I see Americans claiming to be "Irish" or "Italian" or "Chinese" all the time even though nobody in their family has set foot in those countries for generations and they act like they're the authority on what Irish/Italian/Chinese culture is, even arguing with people from those countries about their own culture lmao. It's because these people believe that nothing white people have is "sacred" because their ancestors were colonists. White people (not of a particular nationality, just ALL white people), for some reason, need to still be shamed for something modern-day Americans had nothing to do with.
No. 247050
Tfw all i see is a young girl wearing a long dress with short sleeves and a cut…
>>247020>I wouldn’t wear traditional Irish or Swedish or Greek dress either. As if lol Just go to the Oktoberfest and you'll see dozens of "POC" wearing Dirndls and nobody would ever dare to call them out, they only care if it's white people.
>B-but blacks never occupied Europe! As if any european country invaded every single nation in Africa, Asia, etc…
>>247038>Imagine when he was a child, being made feel ashamed of his culture, his parents food, traditional clothing, language, him having to put in the back a huge part of his being and heritage in order to fit in better, to be more American.Don't be that dramatic. How would you know? Maybe he's just a spoiled bastard? Do you seriously think american children bullied every single non-white kid?
I think a huge reason for people being offended by "cultural appropriation" is jealousy.
They know that most stuff they use on a daily basis was made in the West and therefore cling to any small thing from their culture/homecountry, no matter how insignificant (like food and clothes), in order to also have something "special" to feel proud of.
No. 247051

>>247046Here's an example of what I'm talking about that I think about often. All of the older, first generation Chinese people think that the food is pretty good or similar to authentic dishes from China. Even if they're not the same, they still admit they enjoyed them and would eat them again. The younger "Chinese" Americans who are seriously out of touch with "their" culture are like children making gagging noises and saying it's not like "real" Chinese food. For some reason, these little shits think they have the authority to talk about a culture that isn't theirs.
I know Buzzfeed isn't the best example but the type of people who rant about "cultural appropriation" probably watch Buzzfeed anyway. Also, I realise Panda Express isn't authentic Chinese food either but I highly doubt is smells "like feet" or "putrid" and I'm sure as hell not going to trust the opinion of a crowd of American-born people who don't speak Chinese and who have probably never set foot in China. I'm sure Panda Express is to Chinese food what McDonalds is to American food or what Olive Garden is to Italian food. It's just a fucking restaurant, stop acting like "white people" are attacking your culture lmaooo.
No. 247055
>>247053lmao, with the hard R and all.
And still he dresses himself like a wannabe rapper.
No. 247057
>>247054Didn't she buy that on a trift shop?
Maybe she didn't have money to buy a new dress and the other used ones were ugly or campy.
Regardless I don't think bowing down to a culture of bullying is the answer.
No. 247062
>>247046the only issue i've agreed with in cultural appropriation is the appropriation of the indian headdress. I never realised it had to do with status and rank so I can understand that being upsetting. Their culture has been stifled so much by those that immigrated to create a land that allowed you freedom of religion…
I guess if something is considered sensitive or sacred in that sense I get it. Everyone can dress up like the pope or a bishop because those faiths are not restricted to heritage, whereas the Indian Headdress is very specific.
This makes sense to me?
No. 247063
>>247054>was a cheap thrift>looks good on her>looks like she got more than her moneys worth>fits her perfectly who gives a shit, she shouldn't care if it's PC culture to hate on whites or anyone white passable. Imo she saw a cheap dress, it looked good on her, she wore it. Thats how it should be.
Coming from someone whos in an interracial relationship with a Chinese man, they dont give a shit. In fact they LOVE it when non-chinese (mostly whites) wear their clothing. Only special american born bully rejects get offended by stuff like this.
No. 247065
>>247051that's the funniest shit ever. You have the older generation saying "we eat this all the time," "this tastes the same," "I would eat this again, it is authentic." While the kids completely shit on it "tastes like a candle," "tastes like cardboard," "smells like feet."
The best was a clip of the girls saying it smelt putrid followed by the old woman saying it smelt exactly the same. Then the kids all saying they loved the Kung Pao and the elders saying it wasn't the same at all. So they liked the most Western dish kek.
This is a video of Asian kids accidentally shitting all over their culture, while trying to be superior to white people. Its delicious.
> I can't imagine anyone thinking that Panda Express is real Chinese food
> This is tasty Chinese food that Chinese people would acceptthank you for posting this, I am rolling.
No. 247067
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>>247058people wear "wedding style" Prom dresses all the time, what are you talking about? Google "white prom wedding dress" and a shit ton of results will show up.
No. 247068
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Could you imagine people losing their shit over some american teen wearing a Sack-back gown to prom? They'd probably think it's silly and over the top but they wouldn't harass the girl over something so silly and inconsequential.
No. 247070
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>>247068we best ban Renaissance festivals while we are at it.
No. 247082
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>>247075Again, they are totally worn. Girls literally go and buy out of season wedding dresses. For Prom. And the dress I posted was a literal wedding dress from a designer, that's what some modern wedding dresses look like. But the traditional "fluffy" look is still worn at both weddings AND proms. Did ya google it? Cause I doubt it.
No. 247083
>>247051>>247065I think it's just the young people being sort of insecure over it and compensating for not actually knowing their culture/country as well as people born and raised in China. It's a very common thing in many countries and it's annoying as fuck when these same brats tell other non-insecure people that they try too hard to be white.
>>247062Speaking of India, this reminds of people sperging over henna and India some years ago on tumblr, saying that only India women were allowed to use henna for temporary tatoos even though it originated from North Africa and used all the time there, for wedding ceremonies or just because it's pretty. The people complaining didn't do the most basic research about this.
>>247069Social media were a mistake.
>>247078Tell these people who criticize you for wearing what you want to fuck off and mind their own business, you can't argue with SJWs they're just that annoying and ignorant, even when they have good intentions.
No. 247084
>>247075>qi pao is the dress itself not a styleuuuh no, you're wrong. qi pao is simply the word for the style of dress including the high collar and similar lines. it's not just one single dress. there are even qi pao lolita dresses.
fuck i hate when laowai try to pretend they're actually from china.
No. 247085
>>247058>You don’t wear qipaos to proms. You wear them to a wedding or for Chinese New Year. It’s like wearing a white fluffy wedding dress or a yukata to prom. It’s not suitable , it’s just weird and not appropriate for the occasion.Google spits out plenty of girls wearing it to their prom, though? And how is prom any less special than new year or weddings, making it unsuitable and inappropriate…?
The qipao is a quite modern looking and "simple" traditional dress i'd say, if you look at her from just a tad further away you can't even tell that it's anything more than just a normal red dress. A wedding dress, kimono or any other more ornamented traditional dress however would stand out and look unsuitable.
No. 247089
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>>247085nta but actually, there are types of kimono that would look great for prom! obviously not a furisode but komon are very nice and elegant without being too fussy.
No. 247092
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funny, i don't see anyone up in arms over google results including this qi pao made by some shitty clothing store for fat white women.
No. 247094
>>247091this exactly. i said up thread that these weren't traditional, and approriated
themselves by the fucking chinese and turned sexy by the upperclass. the only cultural relevance they have is that they were banned by Mao and experienced resurgence in hong kong during mao rule.
No. 247100
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I'm really surprised that it's a guy who started the whole drama. He has an American first name, too. Who's the one guilty of cultural appropriation?
No. 247101
>>247100lmao he looks like he hates all women in general and probably has a white woman fetish. butthurt
triggered racist shithead.
No. 247106
>>247102OT but reminded me of this video:
>Chinese girl get's asked what she knows about Germany>"Nothing, it's a boring country.">is clad in Adidas…At least cases like this will destroy the super racist stereotype of all Chinese being geniuses kek
No. 247116
>>247051(2nd/)3rd gen immigrants are the worst. They've probably never been to their grandparents' country, they probably barely speak their language, they've grown up in a completely different culture and environment yet they still have a massive ego about their ~heritage~ and have the need to act as gatekeepers and experts on the smallest things. Yet still get angry as fuck if you ask them about something related to their culture, mostly because they don't know the answer and they don't want to look stupid and phoney in front of you.
>>247053holy shit lmao
>Go apeshit on a teenage girl wearing a qipao because your grand grand grand parents were Chinese >but fuck those damn loud niggers right? No. 247120
>>247110Same. They always complain about 'whities' not being able to pick koreans/japanese/chinese apart, but in cases like this they're all one big asian culture lol
Reading that 'non-asians' aren't allowed to wear kimonos always makes me laugh; i'm sure there are many japanese who'd prefer europeans wearing it over one of their 'enemies' kek
No. 247126
>>247110>Actual Japanese people go crazy with excitement when foreigners take an interest in kimonosI'm European and I regularly go to a Holi festival held near me. All the Indian people are so incredibly sweet and love that I have an interest in their culture. A best friend of mine is Indian and when I mentioned wanting a sari she made a huge deal out of it and her family sent one over and they wanted pictures lol.
Cultural appropriation is only a problem in America.
Real Indian/Japanese people love to share their culture.
No. 247150
>>247138i don't get it either. but i think westerners confuse japan's love of really complex yet commonplace things for being super important/significant.
i have a mini skirt yukata that my japanese grandma adored but i know people probably think it's racist or something, despite being popular in japan since it's not traditional, and i don't look japanese. but fuck them, i should be allowed to share in that part of my culture, especially since it's a contemporary thing.
No. 247165
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I understand the offense if it's something religious/sacred that is being appropriated. But stuff like clothes and hairstyles? Who gives a shit?
I also find it weird when people try to act like the spokesperson for an entire race. Like their entire race is one giant hivemind and they're all in agreement about what can be considered offensive.
No. 247169
>>247165I love "cultural appropriation", it's always hilarious to see how other nationalities perceive you.
Also more often than not people judge whether something is cultural appropriation or not just based on your looks alone which is… Kinda racist?
No. 247179
>>247175But how would you define 'oppressed'? Like actually invaded in a war or only stationed soldiers or factories there, should there belists which countries are okay for another country and which ones not?
I think that's too complicated…
No. 247181
>>247178this is a huge issue i have. we have a japanese festival in my city and my friend's CHINESE friend was getting upset at people cosplaying there, despite the event holding a fucking cosplay contest, because its' a contemporary culture event. it's ridiculous, he obviously doesn't speak for the japanese and he didn't even speak for the event.
>>247175that sounds ridiculous, anon.
No. 247182
> draw on some straight eyebrowsMy eyebrows are naturally pretty straight. Guess I'm culturally appropriating kek
When I visited my Japanese relatives, I used the word "chibi" because I was 14 and thought it meant "cute" and everyone in America (including Asian Americans) use it. They were shocked and told me it was offensive, similar to calling someone a midget. I was mortified, it was a good lesson in how different the two cultures (Asian American vs Japanese) actually are.
No. 247192
>>247185I'm not lying. Unless you wanna say my elderly in-laws were lying. And the multiple websites explaining it, too.
>Think of it this way: if you go up to someone who is shorter than average and say "Hey, Shorty," or "Hey Small Fry," how do you think they'll react? It's likely they'll get a little angry (if only quietly on the inside, waiting to strike). But maybe not. Depending on your relationship to the person, it could be a sign of affection. Like calling your child "munchkin." A tough call in your native language. Even tougher in a second.Chibi in America means an art style, in Japan its an unusual word for short/munchkin/midget/etc. That's a big difference imo.
No. 247200
>>247194>>247192you just proved my point, it's context. it says right in the quote you posted that it's also endearing, so calling your cousin chibi is fine, but not a random person. it's like when people say sweetie, they're either being an asshole or endearing.
you sound like you need to understand/provide context more tbh. my entire point was that the word can be insulting
depending on the context. and you clearly don't know what context means.
No. 247204
>>247202I mean I agree with
Your story kind of just sounds more like ignorance than a cultural difference. I've never heard the term chibi to mean anything other than to refer to 'chibis', or in anime proper as an insult. In any case, no Americans have ever used it.
No. 247206
>>247203Nta but calm down, you sound
No. 247210
>no Americans have ever used what? Search "chibi tutorial" on youtube and see how many American artists use the word.
>>247203ok just keep being hostile and derailing the thread cause I shared an experience of something I said when I was 14, eight years ago. This is pretty pathetic.
No. 247215
The focus is now on the backlash, instead of the dress.
>But the viral reaction 18-year-old Keziah Daum has sparked with her prom dress is shocking, in no small part because of its disproportionate intensity.
>Yes, cultural appropriation is something we need to discuss. But any "discussion" that involves thousands of strangers attacking a teen from the safety of distance and anonymity looks a lot like cyberbullying.Written by Jeff Yang. Good for him for speaking against the grain.
No. 247269
>>247265You ARE never asian or american enough, that's the point. You're Asian-american, like millions of others. Accept that this is your culture instead of trying to cling to either one or the other and ending up like the guy who bullied this girl, or the kids in the panda express video accidentally shitting on their own food thinking they know what "real Chinese food" is.
I don't understand what's wrong with admitting that whether like it or not, this was how you were raised, and is now your culture, and that it's fundamentally different from your parent's or your grandparent's. What's wrong with embracing it?
No. 247271
>>247269did you not read the preceding sentence? i have no problem with being asian american, i love my identity. it is the fact that we are silenced from both ends of the cultural spectrum.
also how did what i write relate to embracing my culture……i talk almost entirely about putting cultural appropriation into the perspective of the US's treatment of its minorities. i even said that what the girl did was not CA so.
No. 247273
>>247046>Nobody outside of the US seems to give a shit about who is "allowed" to wear whatFactually inaccurate. Unfortunately, the US is our age's retarded France and they export ideology as much as they export their products. I'm from an extremely heterogeneous country almost entirely devoid of cultural and ethnic boundaries and people still find ways to complain about this, most of the time only to find out that the appropriator they're criticizing does in fact have that ethnic ancestry.
Instead of wondering whether or not that ideology fits our context, they consume it absent mindedly like one consumes fries: they radicalize and twist the narrative to make it fit. If you "pass as white" you can't make use of others' cultural goods even if you're of their descent.
hinthint: nobody here passes as white No. 247274
>>247265>>247271>i think it's pretty short-sighted to depend on the approval of natives to determine whether something is appropriation. natives always see foreigners wearing their clothing as a compliment and they don't realize sometimes it's being used as a costume to be thrown away.Your post reads like "Natives are too naive and stupid to get that foreigners are racist towards them, but we Americans do know, so let us decide."
>i'm only usually up in arms when my native country's dresses are sexualized because i hate how our women have been viewed in american media, either as submissive waifus or prostitutes.And I'm sure your country portays white American women only in the most positive light… There's countless of porn featuring the national dresses of other countries, it's not like you're the only
>it is the fact that we are silenced from both ends of the cultural spectrum.How are you silenced? If you want to use SJW terms you could say that Asians are the most
priviledged group in the US.
Why is it so hard to get that people from other countries dislike it if Americans who happen to stem from there act as if they're also from said country - when in fact they're just American.
OT, but a Canadian
friend of mine always went on about how "French" she is, loving wine and cheese is only because of her roots etc. One day I asked her when she moved to Canada. She was baffled, saying her ancesters came there like 200 years ago. So i asked why she always acts as if she's French.
>The other Canadians oppress us and are racist towards us, i'm much more French than Canadian! blah blahActing is if the British were the only ones who invaded the country and she's some tiny minority. Maybe people treated you like shite because of your tumblr hair cut?
No. 247281
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>>247274A saying we have in the US describes people "More Irish than the Irish themselves"
No. 247284
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>>247281>Queens of connecting to other culturesDon't know whether to laugh or cry about this hypocrisy
Also, i never got the hype over her body (and face). Looks like nothing special, her proportions aren't exactly mindblowing… No. 247291
>>247283I absolutely agree. They just desperately try to cling to something to make themselves feel special. They also don't seem to get that pushing concepts like cultural appropriation onto the rest of the world and trying police them is so typically american - and therefore the thing they hate the most lol
If living in the US is really that terrible then there's nothing that stops them from moving back to their 'homeland'.
No. 247296
>>247293Kek. I love when Americans actually say this.
They have no idea about my culture the only thing they know is that we drink beer.
Even a Dirndl has a history though nowadays people use it in the context of a halloween party as well. Never seen it being worn during Halloween here in Germany.
Tbh I don't give a fuck when Americans do that. What I absolutely hate is when they tell me that they can wear it because some great great grandmother was German or some bullshit. They don't even know German but insist on being called a German American.
It's like people can't just be Americans because that might be seen as too negative by the rest of the world so they have to make themselves feel special by doing one of these ancestor test, to see that they aren't just plain Americans.
No one does this here. I might be 1/4 polish but I can't even speak the language nor have I any known family over there so why should I care.
Also what is a German Christmas pickle even? Because it's definetly not a German tradition.
No. 247304
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>>247296Had to google it, wtf America…
No. 247348
>>247345Don't get me wrong, that marketing is brilliant.
Yet I just feel that a DNA test has a bit more substance than weird word of mouth traditions that don't have a basis in history. While it's still shameless marketing, at least there's a chance someone will learn something substantial about their origins with DNA testing. The more people submit their DNA, the better it improves genetic mapping.
At least that's not as tacky as selling you a Christmas trinket with a dick innuendo.
No. 247364
>>247073>>247046>>247116>>247281Re plastic paddies - yeah. Everyone I know who lives in actual Ireland just laughs at all the posturing by Irish Americans. I think they do it cos it allows them as white people to claim that they were oppressed too. You only ever hear Americans banging on about Oliver Cromwell
The thing about cultural appropriation is it's a newish idea so it's at that stage where every Tumblr idiot is trying to prove how they're better and more woke than everyone else, hence people claiming eating Chinese food is bad or whatever. But there is a real kind of appropriation that does do harm, eg underwear models wearing native American war bonnets or Madonna stealing dance moves from poor black people or whatever but these are the kinds of things where the appropriation is not only insensitive to the culture being appropriated but is also being done in support of some capitalist money making venture. I put on a kimono when I went to Japan cos the owner of the place where I stayed enjoyed guests interest in learning about Japanese culture. That's fine. Katy Perry dressing as a geisha to sell music or whatever is not.
Hopefully things will settle down and people will start to realise what's harmful and what's not rather than just kneejerk reacting to dumb things like a teenager in a cheongsam
No. 247367
>>247364>eg underwear models wearing native American war bonnets or Madonna stealing dance moves from poor black people or whatever but these are the kinds of things where the appropriation is not only insensitive to the culture being appropriated but is also being done in support of some capitalist money making venture.I agree. The Kardashians are always in the news for ripping off indie Black brands. Gucci ripped off Dapper Dan. Designers literally take the exact patterns of indigenous people and replicate them. If you did that to another big corporation or famous person, there would be hell. I think blatantly stealing shit is a different situation than what usually gets called cultural appropriation. A company stealing indigenous clothing designs is really different than a white girl wearing a second hand cheongsam or hanging up a dream catcher or whatever else
triggers people. It’s sad the real issue is getting conflated with this petty crap. No. 247373
>>247364>Hopefully things will settle down and people will start to realise what's harmful and what's not rather than just kneejerk reacting to dumb things>BUT FUCK KATY PERRY FOR DRESSING UP AS A GEISHA FOR HER PERFORMANCE WHO CARES IF IT WAS DESIGNED BY AN ASIAN LADYDo you even read what you write? Get the fuck out of here. That outfit was ugly as sin but the only people calling her out for being "racist" were, again, some goddamn white or Vietnamese/Chinese/Filipino Americans, not Japanese.
>>247367Jesus christ anon stealing intellectual property is just called "stealing intellectual property" and can be considered an actual crime, it doesn't magically become "cultural appropriation" just because the original designer is black.
No. 247392
>>247020>Kek better never wear jeans then because they’re “traditional” America clothing. I never understood the thing about cultural appropiation. Like okay, sure thing I wouldnt want to have a thing out of my "culture" taken apart and made fun of.
But honestly, that's just how it goes. Nowadays societies dont have culture anymore. We get bombarded with global news and movies. Everyones so called "culture" is mixed up connected depending on the area you grew up in.
When I was young children loved dressing up as indians and cowboys and now one bat an eye. Nowadays everyone is offended so easily. I just dont get it.
Am I mad when someone makes a joke about germans? No.
Am I mad when someone wears a dirndl to halloween? Fuck no, thats great. You enjoy wearing it? Cool!
>>247304Another germanfag here. Never heard of it either.
I dont mind it. US-americans are dumb anyway. So what.
>>247348>DNA testing"Im 1/16 german and 1/16 mexican and also 2/16 french!"
No. 247394
>>247015btw the girl looked dumb as fuck.
But I dont mind it in regards of cultural appropriation.
No. 247398
>>247392>"Im 1/16 german and 1/16 mexican and also 2/16 french!" >Seriously?I'm not really familiar with other DNA tests, but the one I took from National Geographic showed my ancestry migration and origination pathways. It wasn't really marked "French, German," etc, but it grouped by region ie. "Eastern European, West Mediterranean," and based on the map, I could line up what ethnicity belonged to what grouping according to what I've been told via my family.
Again, I think there's way more substance to
most DNA tests. Generally speaking I think people who blather on about their .005% trace of Cherokee are missing the point of the tool.
No. 247635
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I’m on mobile so it’s hard to post a proper photo. What’s you guys opinion on this? I don’t know how long ago the girl posted the video from when she wore the dress but people are commenting she had mean intentions all along or is still racist. Article from next shark.
No. 247646
>>247635So when the old Asian dude uses the N word numerous times in January it's "his past doesn't define him, and he was just young and dumb" but when the teen girl makes a dumb vine when she was like 16 about how she doesn't like Asians the same courtesy is not extended to her?
>the article author is another Asian guy in his 30'sHey maybe she had a point about Asians, male ones at least.
No. 247667
>>247654Frankly, your vision of the world sounds no less nightmarish, what little remaining mystique and difference of the world reduced to bureaucracies no less dangerous and greedy than the pathetic despots they replace. Better to never build this new world order in the first place.
Also, it amazes me people even care about something so petty. When was the last time you saw anyone wear a Qi Pao anyway?
No. 247678
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can i throw "digital blackface" into the discussion?
I just think it's a joke in itself. No. 247912
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>>247905Nicki has been blocking other women from entering the rap game for a decade. She's dating Nas, one of the biggest rappers of all time. Nicki has collabed with a dozen white girls, her appearance fee is more than the average American makes in a year. She's had enough plastic surgery and foreign material inserted in her body to be considered part bionic.
How is her Chun-Li video not considered racist as fuck?? She's dressing up as different Asian stereotypes with her eyes clearly taped to appear more Asian. She's clearly trying to look Blasian. Her last name does derive from an Indian last name. But, whatever Indian heritage she has, it's from the 1850's - that's when Trinidad had Indian immigrants.
>She. taped. her. eyes. to. look. more.asian. No. 247913
>>247909Just goes on to prove that you can be any race or gender in the world but as long as you have money, you'll have privilege over everything.
>>247635This asshole author is reaching. It's a parody of a retarded vine and clearly making fun of the original one, not a malicious political statement. We're living in a world where the whole western internet can attack a 17-year old for wearing a Chinese dress and dig up her history on the internet to make her seem like Hitler reincarnated. Let that sink in.
No. 247918
>>247912sorry but no one except chronically insecure incel-tier Asians gives a fuck about yellowfacing or even full blown pullling chinky eyes, for the simple reason that Asians are not oppressed. You weren't slaves, you weren't conquered, you're just migrants and you can be grateful.
I'm no fan of the blacks or the left but I kind of agree with their idea that you can't really be racist if you are a marginal group. Sure you can
try - but it's not going to matter. It obviously doesn't matter if nikki minaj personally has money, that's not how it works.
Asians are not going to lose everything they have if their culture becomes just a costume like native Americans. Asians are not owed one by whites who shipped them over to do free labor and build family money off that labor. So, lol that it's me who has to say it but
>To suggest a black woman has the privilege to appropriate Chinese culture seems inane at face value, let alone after critical obviously true
No. 247919
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>>247912Asians have literally no room to argue. Koreans especially are obsessed with copying black people at home, and pic related is considered acceptable not just as a video, but an entire group gimmick, to them. The funny thing is, they're still more racist than almost anyone else.
Nicki Minaj's video is basically complimentary to them, it features Asian/Blasian dancers, and at no point does she try to fake an Asian accent, which is more than I can say for, say, K-Pop artists.
No. 247922
>>247918Butthurt African American detected…
Honey, in case you haven't noticed, but this site isn't pro SJW, meaning nobody gives a shit about your "Muh opression".
>sorry but no one except chronically insecure incel-tier Asians gives a fuck about yellowfacing or even full blown pullling chinky eyes, for the simple reason that Asians are not oppressed. You weren't slaves, you weren't conquered, you're just migrants and you can be grateful. Why did you assume we're only talking about Asian Americans…? That just goes to shows that Americans only think "me, me, me"…
Why don't you go there and see if they care about you pulling chink eyes?
>I'm no fan of the blacks or the left but I kind of agree with their idea that you can't really be racist if you are a marginal group. Sure you can try - but it's not going to matter. It obviously doesn't matter if nikki minaj personally has money, that's not how it works. That's not how what works you fucker?! Again, you're only talking about the slave situation 100s of years ago vs. rich modern Asian immigrants. There are plenty of incredibly rich Niggers out there and no, they can't do whatever they want just because of slavery and no, some poor Asian kid somewhere in a Vietnamese slum or a poor Chinese slaving away 18h/day in a factory isn't more priviledged!
>Asians are not going to lose everything they have if their culture becomes just a costume like native Americans. But you do if some kid decides to get dreads…? Sad if that's the only thing your whole being revolves around…
>So, lol that it's me who has to say it but to suggest a black woman has the privilege to appropriate Chinese culture seems inane at face value, let alone after critical analysis. is obviously trueNo, it's not…LOL
No. 247927
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>>247919>>247918>asians are racist so it's fine to be racist towards them> Asians are not owed one by whites who shipped them over to do free labor and build family money off that labor. So, lol that it's me who has to say it but …Are you claiming there was no chinese slavery…? Pick up a book sometime, I recommend it.
>Southern plantation owners, hearing of how effective Chinese labour was in building the railroads in the West and working on plantations in the Caribbean, devised schemes to lure Chinese to come to the South to replace black slaves. They believed non-citizens who could not vote could be controlled more easily than freed slaves. They even sent delegations to China to recruit labour. No. 247929
>>247927How is Nicki Minaj's video racist? Who is being oppressed and mocked by it? Or are you just feigning offense and virtue signalling? There are literally Asians in the video who obviously approved.
If the dress in OP isn't racist, then this definitely isn't either. Go find something worthwhile to bitch about, because this is literally nothing.
No. 247930
>>247927lol this is the kind of shit I was highlighting earlier- opportunity seeking migrants, co-opting the grievances of the actually put-upon minorities. But it's not usually so blatant and literal. Imagine being from a race that's vastly over represented in success and wealth but being so
personally unviable that you get jealous of blacks slaves for their impedance and try to claim it
No. 247932
>>247929She taped her eyes to appear more Asian, you don't see anything weird or suspicious in that?
That was my only qualm, she is clearly dressing in stereotypical Asian attire while taping her eyes - so the reason for her taping the eyes is to appear Asian.
>>247930You are the one who brought up slavery and I informed you that's irrelevant since Asians too were used as slaves.
So your argument is, it's okay to tape your eyes to appear Asian if you are Black?
No. 247933
>>247932It obviously wasn't meant in offense or as a joke on Asians, but as an added beauty method.
No one throws a fit when Asians wear eyelid tape to make their eyes look round or get heavy tanning to literally look like black girls from hip-hop, but as soon as a black girl does it, it's
problematic? Please.
No. 247935
>>247933Oh okay, so if I paint my face black as an added beauty method, that's fine if I am
serious about it and don't mean to cause offense?
No. 247937
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>>247935Doesn't affect me what you do with your own face, lmao. As long as you don't make yourself look ugly/trashy and then proclaim you totally look like "us", I don't care one way or the other.
White and Asian people already do it all the time and refuse to stop, even when some black people say they don't like it, so what does it matter?
Just don't be hypocritical and freak out when it happens to you.
No. 247941
>>247937>White and Asian people already do it all the time and refuse to stop, even when some black people say they don't like it, so what does it matter? When was the last time you saw somebody who's that big of a star as Nicki Minaj doing blackface?
People aren't pissed because they're SJWs who believe in cultural appropriation, they're angry because of her hypocricy and her fans´double standards. Just a short while ago she called whites out for doing it - but if she does it, it's certainly okay (again, same goes for her followers as well).
No. 247942
>>247941>Just a short while ago she called whites out for doing it Literally when has Nicki Minaj ever "called whites out"? Now you're outright making up things.
There are no "double standards" here except with you. You like SJW values and clearly believe in cultural appropriation, but not when you're on the receiving end. Gross.
No. 247943
>>247938>>247941Exactly. She was upset about cultural appropriation just last year and how it's wrong. Then the next project she drops after that? Her taping her eyes to seem Asian.
I just think it's two faced to single out that it's racist and horrible if it's against black people. But, if it's a black person doing to another culture? That's totally fine. You can't just pick and choose which cultures are allowed to be copied and used, and which ones are in the safe zone. Her taping her eyes is way worse than some random white girl wearing a thrift store Qipao.
She has an army of stylists and publicists who ALL approved her taping her eyes. I find that weird as fuck, since the same people who are calling her a queen and how she slays, are the same ones upset when a non-black girl has dreads.
I think anyone can do what they want, but you can't just say "It's okay to dress like other cultures, if you're
insert specific cultures". Just because whiteys
had slaves back in the day, doesn't mean every whitey now is out to get every single ethnicity.
>>247942Here you go. No. 247944
>>247941Also, Gigi Hadid literally just appeared in blackface for a magazine cover. A phony apology was pushed out, but if you believe this is the last it'll happen or like anyone but SJWs actually care, you're mistaken.
And then there's Kylie Jenner and the Kardashians' photoshoots (and arguably their entire careers) where they purposely make themselves look black. They're still famous and wealthy.
Keep trying, though
No. 247947
>>247943Did you even read this?
>“Thank you, Philipp Plein, for including our culture,” Minaj said. “Designers get really big and really rich off of our culture, and then you don’t see a motherf–ker that look anything like us in the front row half the time. So let’s make some noise for Philipp Plein tonight.”She's complaining that black models aren't included, not about the use of black culture itself.
She includes Asians in the Chun Li video, as well, which shows she's not a hypocrite.
You just keep grasping.
No. 247948
>>247946>‘‘You’re in videos with black men, and you’re bringing out black women on your stages, but you don’t want to know how black women feel about something that’s so important?">"Come on, you can’t want the good without the bad. If you want to enjoy our culture and our lifestyle, bond with us, dance with us, have fun with us, twerk with us, rap with us, then you should also want to know what affects us, what is bothering us, what we feel is unfair to us. You shouldn’t not want to know that.’’Not once does she exclude white people or accuse them of "stealing". She outright invites them to bond with black people and have fun. She criticizes anyone who uses the culture for profit but treats black people like they don't matter.
>For years, fashion mags would change my hair for their covers but allow women of a [different] race to wear the exact style on the cover.Nothing about stealing, she actually mentions double standards in the industry where she can't wear her hair but others can.
Can't watch the video, but since it's Time, I'm assuming it's the first article you linked, which still never accuses anyone of "stealing".
You really are making things up and hoping no one will check.
No. 247960
>>247918>You weren't slaves, you weren't conquered, you're just migrants and you can be grateful. This is the most ignorant ass comment I've read on this site. If you're talking just about America, then Japanese people were imprisoned during WWII for no reason other than their race. And just start here for Chinese Americans you're talking about Asians
as a whole and not just as relating to America, then you're so wrong it hurts.
>I'm no fan of the blacksjust wow.
No. 247964
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>>247919>Asians have literally no room to argue. Koreans especially are obsessed with copying black people at homeSo because some Koreans did blackface, other "Asians" cannot complain about Nicki Minaj? This is the dumbest shit.
>>247927Thank you for your sanity. I don't know where the ignorant racists came from but they're fucking up the thread.
Asians have never been discriminated against in the US! We just interned the Japanese and lynched the Chinese. Nothing to see here. /s
No. 247967
>>247965For good measure, here's an "other Asian" enjoying the song. Not to mention the Asian people in the video itself. offensive to Asian people, wow /s
No. 247970
>>247924You're totally Asian at this convenient time. Somehow, no other Asian person with a blog, media presence or other platform has spoken out. Not even Twitter users. Nope, we just need to take the word of an anon who's supposedly Asian to speak for everyone.
No. 247974
>>247971How was I racist? I didn't say anything about Asians' plight in the US because I don't know that side of history.
I just think it's stupid and hypocritical that Asian people like to use black culture, but as soon as a black person does it, a Korean person (Koreans being the most blatant "appropriators") springs up and wants to cry "cultural appropriation" (and for a culture that's not even theirs). They need to straighten their own racial issues out before criticizing others, especially when they're guilty of the same things to a much heavier extent.
No. 247981
>>247975Maybe nobody dares to call her out because she's black? (since we all know that all blacks are oppressed, no matter how filthy rich, and
reverse racism isn't a thing kek)
No. 247983
>>247981Uh-huh. Sure. On the internet, where people shit on absolutely everyone, especially celebrities. Makes sense. Everyone's too afraid of the blackies. /s
If that was true, the entire alt right movement would be non-existent, at least three cows wouldn't be a thing here and you would never read the word "nigger" online. Keep grasping.
No. 247987
>>247984>>247985There are a shitload of people who don't care about how they'll be labeled and will say what they want, which is how Leslie Jones ended up getting attacked on Twitter until she attempted suicide. According to you, that's impossible.
Somehow, there's not even a peep from any Asian person about Chun Li being racist, but we should just believe they're a thing, and there's a sizable amount. Not even the Chinese side of the internet (where black people/westerners in general have no power) is reported to care, or else there'd be translated screencaps by now.
No. 247990
>>247987>Somehow, there's not even a peep from any Asian person about Chun Li being racist, because it isn't.
You simply don't get it, we don't want Nicki to be called out, we just demand that the white teen girl also gets left alone - but the opposite happened because double standards.
No. 247991
>>247990>because it isn't. Tell that to
>>247927 >>247912. It not being racist is all I've argued to this point. I don't think the girl in OP is racist, either, but some anons ITT were way too eager to feign outrage at Nicki for "reasons".
No. 248014
>>248008they always miss shit like that.
They're so eager to shit on Nicki but are probably the same ones who feel like Katy Perry and Gwen Stefani did nothing wrong.
No. 248021
>>248008Lol, i think the comment you directed this towards was the anon who actually said that.
>>248014Yeah right lol If Katy or Gwen would preach shit, but did the opposite, then we could talk… Besides, that was really years ago, why ae you bringing that back up now?
Right now we have the situation that a white person did something and then a black person did something similar, both nothing wrong. The only difference is their skin colour and how the people reacted…
No. 248039
>>248008>>248021Lmao, I'm obviously not the person who said they're "not a fan of blacks" and I never said anything to or about them, but I was lumped in with them.
Explain how I'm racist, though. I asked here
>>247974 but you ignored it. Do you even know what the word means?
No. 248059
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>>248035Yeah, none of my relatives are SJW at all. A lot of them voted for UKIP and are outwardly racist and antisemitic.
Yeah, if you're just talking to students then I could see how you would think that. But the general population is completely different (and not really in a good way).
No. 248539
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No. 248559
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what is your opinion on grimes landing elon musk?
No. 248560
>>248557It's not offensive in the slightest. The title was "the Catholic imagination" and most of the outfits drew inspiration from Catholic art. None of that is holy. I didn't see a single truly controversial outfit.
I love the cherubim (6 wings) headpiece. I wish some of the attendees had gone deeper into some of the weirder art. Blake's illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy, for example.
No. 248563
>>247947>>247948You're reading way too deep into this as actual criticism against Nicki, rather than against the reactionary culture and ignoring the context.
Let's start with this - she was upset in the first one that black models aren't used to represent black culture, in Chun Li she's representing a caricatured Asian culture herself. Hint; 1 +1 = 2
As for the dancing and enjoying black culture, that could be applied to her and Asian culture. She's using it in her video, but it doesn't actually explore the concepts.
I still don't think what she did was wrong, but I don't understand how in the current enragement/reactionary culture her video got the go and there's no clear line on what is ok and what is not.You're so set on the idea that no one should criticize or bring up discussion "against" Nicki that you keep on steamrolling over the whole narrative.
The discussion is that why is it alright in the reactionary cultures eyes to take from some cultures and not from others? (inb4 cuz blacks were oppressed, USA has oppressed almost every single ethnicity and we already went through that) When it comes to offensive things, blackface and yellowface are usually quite up there.
Lately the discussion has become very focused on the black culture and the same people moderating that no one "takes" from the blacks in even the most miniscule way are the same ones ignoring if their own do the same shit.
No. 248565
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>>248543A girl’s make up artist goes a bit heavy on the bronzer and suddenly she’s in the same league as people who did minstrel shows?
On the same note, I always thought Ariana’s fake tan would get her in trouble with certain people but she always seems to get a pass.
No. 248566
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>>248559It confuses me and distress me.
I still cannot believe it's true.
>tfw if Musk launches Grimes in space like he launched his car Macross will kind of be realI'm not ready for quirky musicians in space.
No. 248578
>>248540Christian religious symbols are something that has been used for centuries and have been tied with art in many forms. It's not something unusual for the Western person, because, as much as many would like to deny it, Christianity is deeply rooted into the Western culture. And for that reason it's odd to see for example, Japanese performers dressed up in Christian inspired garment. It's not something out of their culture, they are not drawing inspiration of old traditions rooted into their people. It's not disrespectful because they are artists and many find influence in other cultures, but it's rather odd.
Now, what would be disrespectful is taking someone's religious and sacred symbols and turning it into pornography.
>>248539Black girl from islands moving the the new world to become a rich entertainer is dressed up as a religious leader of the western roman empire. The joys of globalism. Can't say I dislike the skirt pattern. Makes me wonder if she'd dare go out dressed as Imam.
No. 248595
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>>248539Can't wait for the theme to be
Islamic Imagination and see queen RiRi and Co. dressed up as sexy Mohammed and Aisha!
No. 248598
>>248595Christians do not go to hell for someone making light of Pope or even Jesus, so it's a bad comparison. Muslims getting
triggered over similar shit would be their problem, not of whatever artist or celebrity. Thank God Christians are no longer murdering people for treating their religion as just a part of (pop)culture. This is what makes islam retarded and straight out of dark ages. TBH I also find reeing at drawings of Mohammet a painful proof of how made-up rules can make people act like idiots.
No. 248649
>>247273Sounds like Brazil. Even if it's not, Brazil is one example of a country with a wide variety of ethnicities and a huge mess of a mix of cultures from all around the world with miscegenation running rampant, most people are immigrants from asia/brown/black/don't pass as "white" (even if you DO pass as white, you're not white by US standards. Your grandma is black, probably.) YET everyone simply adopts a CA discourse that makes no sense whatsoever in a country with a completely different background, then act like they're fighting colonization. Ok bud whatever you say.
In my opinion which i never voice anywhere publicly to not have my facebook exposed and personal info doxxed by cray cray SJWs, CA is complete bullshit in any context that is not the US. The concept of CA alone is really US-centrist and promotes extensive cultural identity erasure in countries like Brazil.
No. 248657
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what do you guys think about this?
No. 248665
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>>248563>>248539>>248560yup, the met got permission from the vatican/the theme was approved by them, and several vestments were lended for the exhibit. there also was a cardinal in attendance, who decided some of the outfits were in "poor taste" but not sacrilegious - rihanna's miter was borrowed from the cardinal that was there
i don't get why people keep acting like her outfit was incredible though. it was probably her worst met gala outfit, and i hated her makeup. zendaya looked cool as fuck, though. i love this interpretation of joan of arc.
something cool would have been an outfit inspired by the terrifying biblical descriptions of angels, like an outfit with six wings and covered in eyes etc.
No. 248680
>>248657Figures SJWs wait until asians touch native american culture to argue over while they ignored every cultural/religious symbol they touched before that.
Not that I think it's valid, appropriation is bullshit.
I just don't know why the outrage is so particular when it comes to native americans though.
No. 248701
>>248680Because its the bolded underlined example when a person asks about cultural appropriation. Probably because its the only example that actually kind of makes sense if you really care so much about protecting their image or what ever it represents
No. 248702
>>248539>>248540At the risk of sounding edgy, even it were cultural appropriation who gives a shit about Catholicism as an institution, it's shit and will always be shit.
>>248665I love her dress but I really don't like her haircut/wig if it's one. I know it supposed to go with the dress but it doesn't suit her imo.
>>248565You know Italians are white and generally really pale, right? Saying that Italians are POCs is like saying that all Latinos are POCs when a bunch of them are descendants of European colonizers, which makes them white. So basically it's wrong.
No. 248711
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>>248702Yes, you sound edgy.
Even if you don't like it, it's still something millions of people believe in and therefore it's simply not right to ridicule it. Of course people have often dressed up as pope, priests etc., but it's the sexualization and the near 'satanic rituals' (especially Madonna's performance) that are wrong.
Nowadays christianity is the by far most persecuted religion in this world, so saying they're the priviledged ones and the opressors and therefore it makes it okay, is bullshit.
No. 248714
>>248704I quoted the wrong post sorry, it was for this one
>>248691. I often read stuff about how Italians are naturally dark-skinned and POCs even though it's wrong so yeah. Actually I agree with you, I wonder why nobody made comment on her fake tan even though people reach so hard to find celebrities
problematic and cosplayers when they don't put the "right" makeup or when they tan.
>>248711I was talking about Catholicism specifically. And about it as an institution so I wasn't shitting on your average believers but on the Church and its organization, and how they cover up priests who are pedophiles and rapists and how they're typically against abortion and other things that benefit women because women should just close their legs and shit. But that's going off-topic.
>but it's the sexualization and the near 'satanic rituals' (especially Madonna's performance) that are wrong. Wasn't Madonna in trouble for similar things during her entire career? Maybe she thinks that because of this she might as well do what she wants, it's controversies like these that boost celebrities careers' anyway so that's nothing surprising. Honestly I don't expect all celebrities to respect other cultures because they either don't know or don't care.
No. 248715
>>248711Rihanna dressing up as the pope is not persecuting christians lmao.
Christians have shoved their religions down everyone's throat for so fucking long it's only fair people get to take their imagery and do whatever the hell they want with it. Christianity is pop culture now.
No. 248721
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>>248715Learn to read if you think is said Rihanna dressing like the pope = persecution…
>Christians have shoved their religions down everyone's throat for so fucking long it's only fair people get to take their imagery and do whatever the hell they want with it. Christianity is pop culture now.And other religions don't…? Topkek
Christians (and Buddhists) are the most silent religious group out there, but there doesn't pass one day without either Jews or Muslims claiming somebody isn't respecting them enough or some shit like that.
Since black people try to shove their cuture down everybody's throat, why isn't it just "fair" to take their traditions and do whatever the hell they want with it?
I'm sure most of you guys with a hateboner for christians here do it because "b-but muh crusades!" am i right?
Of course it's bad that kids were molested and higher ups covered up for them, nobody is denying that, BUT at least the religion isn't based on worshipping those pedophiles and allowing men to marry little girls or claiming shit like women are "dirty" when on their period. Christianity evolved the most amonst all religions, yet people seem to hate it the most, I'm quite disappointed that most of you here seem to do so as well.
No. 248722
>>248715Yeah I mean, the pope is one of the most powerful and influential persons in the entire world, who gives a shit if he feels like someone is disrespecting him because of his outfit, he'll live. I'm guessing anon meant that they're persecuted in the whole world, which isn't wrong but it's not correct either, especially when she says "by far". It's true Christians are persecuted in the Middle East, though I don't think it's in every country iirc but in the West, where the met gala took place, Christianity is THE religion. And some of the most extreme Christians, Catholic or not, feel like they're persecuted when things don't go their way (like when same-sex marriage became legal in France and Catholic politicians and associations threw a shit fit over it because "m-muh family value").
No. 248723
>>248721>yet people seem to hate it the mostNow you're just assuming. We talked about Christianity specifically because that's what came up in the thread, because of the Met Gala. A bunch of people who don't like Christianity as an institution don't like other Abrahamic religions, and usually for the same reasons.
>I'm sure most of you guys with a hateboner for christians here do it because "b-but muh crusades!" am i right?You're assuming again. You're making comparisons when nobody did actually. I won't say more because I don't want to derail the thread but basically you're reaching.
No. 248724
>>248711I'm samefagging, but if you know anything at all about the history of the church, you'll know that the human element has always been there. Churches stole relics of saints from each other. The clergy has always had corrupt members with giant egos. Early ascetics encouraged women to starve themselves to death and to leave all their money to their church (instead of to their living relatives). The book "The Bad Popes" is a fun read.
Abortion was not a big deal until the 20th century, believe it or not.
I was born and raised Catholic. Parts of my family are still very devout. But I know none of them would find these gowns
problematic, precisely because they are costumes - and tasteful ones at that. Madonna has always given edgy performances and I think my ubercatholic grandmother would disapprove of that, but she still likes her music kek
No. 248728
>>248724My family and I are catholic as well and my mother said that it's quite tasteless after seeing these dresses in a gossip magazine she always reads.
>>248727Again, not as widespred as within other religious communities.
No. 248729
>>248728Well my family is catholic too and my mother and grand mother loved it, they also loved Madonna's "satanic" shit (like a prayer) and they loved lady gaga's "Judas" too.
Anecdotal shit doesn't mean much.
No. 248730
>>248729>Anecdotal shit doesn't mean much.But that was exactly my point as well…?
The anon i quoted claimed that she's catholic and loved it, so I just wrote that I too am catholic, but didn't like it.
No. 248733
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>>248731They didn't lend costumes, but donated artifacts to the exhibit - not the ball.
And how could they have known beforehand just how dumb these celebtrities are gonna dress? They might have thought that they're gonna wear just rosaries, but instead they totally went over the top.
And i doubt it was the vatican or the pope himself approving of that, but instead mainly that shitty New York bishop who's "friends" with some designers…
Jared Leto downright dressed up as Jesus, come on…
No. 248736
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>>247015cultural appropriation is a neutral academic term. it's a very real thing but the internet age has turned it into a very dumb meme.
here's a basic rule of thumb
>no blackface>no yellowface>no spicface and etc>non white people can be racist toothats it man. people have been taking shit from other cultures forever man and making it into their own or even improving it.
a lot of butthurt adults who got picked on as children for their cultures are the one's spreading this meme. as annoying as it is it's making it safer to celebrate different cultures for future generations.
No. 248761
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Cultural appropriation is just a shitty concept that America is trying to push onto the rest of the world.
I'm a Eurofag and as a child I always dressed up as a Native American, people still say Nigger in private, hell there are even comedians wearing blackface or imitating Asians.
So what? Every other country does as well, that's just how it is, everybody secretly stereotypes others, so quit acting as if you don't.
No. 248779
>>248770I should have worded it differently; they still say it in private and public, just not on TV or in newspapers, etc.
But I actually borrowed a book from my Uni's library and the book was from the 80s and there they still used it to describe the statue of a black person in some church.
No. 248806
>>248761Fuck off. I bet you're Bulgarian or some shit.
In Europe it's just as frowned to do any of this shit Bulgarian over here claims is normal. Or are you that weird Finn who spergs out whenever someone says something bad about Finland or brings up a fringe political movement, and claims they don't exist and everyone is a SJW who needs to go back to tumblr?
Because if you're bulgarian or that autist, please return to this planet with your idiotic claims.
No. 248811
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>>248794Hard r “nigger” vs “nigga” (usually what’s used in songs) are different words. Besides, the intent behind and the context surrounding words matters. I call my friend bitch all the time playfully. It’d be different if I was secretly calling her that behind closed doors because I actually thought she’s a bitch. This is like elementary school level critical thinking.
>>248779Like other anon said, different words.
No. 248821
>>248806Wth, calm down you sperg…
And no, I'm not Bulgarian "or some shit" or that "autist" Finn…
No. 248835
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What is with all the white people who are like 1/16th Native American who talk about ~muh tribe~, muh heritage, applying for Native scholarships and acting like they're a spokesperson for Natives?
Like shut up Karen, you grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood with your equally white parents and you only started talking about your heritage once "PoC" culture became trendy and you realized you could use it to play a victim card. Please don't tell me you've ever experienced a disadvantage or discrimination because you have a sliver of minority blood.
sage for slightly OT rant but it's often people like this who are the ones "speaking up for the PoC"
No. 248842
>>248835God, this so much, anon.
I'm half native but look very ethnic and spent my early life on the rez. Most of these fools are extremely white-looking (blonde hair with some) and have never set foot on a reservation, yet feel the need to speak on tribal matters. Heck, as a biracial girl I don't even feel like I can speak on tribal matters.
It's also tainted the mainstream's idea of what natives are. We're either extinct or…"oh, aren't they just white people?" No!!!
They always claim to be Cherokee, too, and can never present their enrollment number kek. No creativity amongst the lot.
Sorry for rant. No. 248843
>“I’ve begged my dad for the Mercedes G-Wagen, but he was like, ‘Miley, isn’t there enough pollution in the air?’ We’re Cherokee, that’s our background. And he’s like, ‘As a Cherokee, I really don’t think you want to do this.’ And I’m like, ‘Dad, I’m not that Cherokee.’” — Miley Cyrus, 2008.
> “legitimating the antiquity of their native-born status as sons or daughters of the South,”
>the Cherokee story had become a metaphor for the Confederacy.A century and a half after they were driven from their homeland, white Southerners (many of whom, remember, already thought they had Cherokee ancestry) had reimagined the Cherokee as brave anti-federal fighters who courageously resisted government tyranny. The Cherokee had been defeated, but retained their pride and dreamed of a return to former glory — a Lost Cause.
No. 248858
>the religion isn't based on worshipping those pedophiles and allowing men to marry little girls or claiming shit like women are "dirty" when on their periodIt used to allow men to marry little girls though and yes, women are still considered dirty. Iirc some passage in the Bible says women on their period shouldn't even step on sacred ground. Not to mention demanding women be submissive to their husbands. Also a lot of the congress uses Christianity to push their prejudice as the law.
But yeah it's still a lot better than fundamentalists bombing any country that disagrees with them.
No. 248896
>>248835Reminds me of a girl in high school who thought that because her grand-parents were French people living in Algeria when it was a French colony that made her part-Algerian somehow, and she was like "look I'm an Algerian too we have things in common :D" like bitch no, you're a white girl born and living in France with all the advantages you can get from that. That happened when we were studying the French-Algerian war that led to Algeria's independency to make things more embarrassing for her.
>>248842Honestly you sound like you know about tribal matters way more than them so you should speak about it as much as you want imo. Do other people from your reservation see you as one of them? If so why do you think you can't speak about these things?
No. 248903
>>248896It's a bit of a combo of the fact that I'm not full blood (a "half-breed" if you will) and haven't lived on the reservation since I was a child. I went through my adolescence in a white rural place, and grew to identify more with that way of life over time (even if I have experienced racism there). And though I'm enrolled and have gotten back in touch with my culture to some extent, I've cut ties with my family and most people there because it's such an abusive and sick environment.
I think a lot of it also just comes from fear that I may come across as one of these alarmingly-white-passing-natives that we're talking about. "How can I speak for full blood people, knowing the struggles they face at an even more concentrated level than I do?" That sort of fear.
But these are all similar issues that I see other biracial people struggle with, no matter what their mix is. "Am I just a watered down version of X?" No, but the nagging feeling that you are is still there.
I'll probably be more comfortable with being political about tribal matters when I'm a bit older and decide to re-involve myself.
No. 249057
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I'm so glad the Eurovision never became popular in the US. I can imagine them screeching about Israel's entry this year being "cultural appropriation". Plus, they'd be insufferable as contestants.
No. 249069
>>247905This pisses me off SO MUCH. I do not understand why black people get a pass for basically mocking Asian culture or yellow facing, like that one episode of Unbreakable kimmy schimt where Titus legit yellow faces in a halloween kimono and pretends to be a geisha.
it's so horribly offensive, yet zero people called the episode of actor out because he was black. I do not understand this backwards thinking.
>>247912People are praising her chun li video and it's really gross.
No. 249321
>>249057There's been some discussion about Netta's "cultural appropriation" in Finnish media and I saw a couple of tweets address it on twitter (in a not too friendly manner).
The funniest was a girl tweeting about how "my culture is not your toy" and then retweeting some tweets that made fun of Netta's weight. Right. Cause that's good behavior?
I kinda knew this would happen at some point (at least in Finland where sjws have been spawning out of nowhere). I really don't want this American sjw bullshit to land to Europe.