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No. 249063

I'm from Ireland and I love our entry this year (video related), I actually think it could win! It's been a while since we've taken the contest seriously because we couldn't afford to host it. It's a little bland but I've had it stuck in my head and I like that it's stripped down to just a guy singing on his guitar and not flashy.
I'll be watching it online (hopefully). I find it really annoying that I can't watch any BBC streams here despite the fact that their host IS Irish? I really like Graham Norton's commentary.
>>249061 he was Irish too lol. I'm watching with my boyfriend this year. We're getting some alcohol and ordering food, it's always a big celebration for me. I'm so proud to be European.
I haven't watched any of the other performances because I want to keep it as a surprise. I'm always a big fan of Italy's entries, so I'm looking forward to hearing this year's entry. My only complaint is that most of the countries sing in English and I know it's to appeal to a wider audience but I don't think it's really in the spirit of embracing European culture. In saying that, I'd also love for us to send a performer next year that can sing in Irish for once.
I think that's all my thoughts about it, lol.
No. 249068
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>>249059Rybak has been full of himself since he won.I cringe thinking that he believes that he's hot/charming/intelligent enough to create a song about how to make a song, when he's a terrible songwriter.
No. 249070
I just watched once, when Lordi won, cause I'm a sucker for ott heavy/doom metal.
>>249065Frenchfag here too. I didn't know our entry and now I just wanna die. What a shame.
But the real shame is that France Television (public broadcasting for our beloved non-baguette anons) still refuse to communicate about the cost that is incurred by this stupid contest.
No. 249081
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>>249062Honestly? Since germany is automatically part of the ESC because we support this event with fuck tons of money, we could send the most ridiculous acts there since this entire show is just for the lulz and nothing more and nobody will truly vote for us no matter what or who we send there.
I watch it every year and nobody really watches this to expect good music or some shit like this, it's just about the trash show.
Where are the people from the Musikantenstadl when you need them lmao
>>249065idk but in times like these, people won't really feel the entire pro refugee thing. That ain't fall 2015 anymore.
No. 249086
>>249066Nothing Germany has sent can compare to Austria's 2012 entry all the various problems, the chorus sounds like a disgusting phrase in English
No. 249098
>>249063Hey, Irish here too! I really love our song this year and I'm delighted we qualified. I adore the dance onstage, any time we've sent in an act with a guitar there's never anything else going on onstage. Remember Mickey Joe Harte with We've Got The World? I firmly believe that could've won if they'd done something onstage other than just him standing there with a few backing singers swaying.
Good luck to all countries! I love how fun Eurovision is, but man the new way they present the points is excruciating.
No. 249108
I'm German as well.
I don't know a single family member or friend who watches that shit, but I think it's of more "importance" in other countries according to some other Europeans I know from tumblr lol
It pisses me off that we put so much money into it, knowing fully well that we'll lose again, every fucking year. There are so many Eastern European nations who always support each other, some Northerners do the same, but Germany doesn't have a single "friend".
Maybe it would help if we'd stop sending cutesy little girls there, since other (especially the Eastern) countries obviously prefer more mature singers and over the top performances (sex simply always sells)
I haven't listened to this and last year's song yet, I didn't like Lena's songs, same for the one from 2016, however I do think that at least her voice wasn't the worst, but again, we're simply not exactly a popular country kek
No. 249116
>>249062Also from Germany and I don't hate our song but its so so boring. I really don't understand why we aren't going for something more individual. Something that has a special style not the usual pop shit.
I feel like Germany doesn't even want to win.
Anyways I am really digging Denmark's song. Love it you go guys I hope you win.
No. 249118
>>249081Totally agree kek. At this point we should send anyone at least it will be fun.
On a site note I would love to hear more people singing in their native language. It sucks that almost everyone is singing in English.
No. 249120
>>249116Actually, Germany doesn't want to win because all of the promotion costs too much money.
The video I linked has an expert explaining the issue in there
No. 249122
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tbh Israel is fu*king trash. idk why but the singer just annoys the fuck out of me. she tries so hard to be ~quirky and original~ ugh.
austria's song is pretty good imo, would listen to it on my way to work.
No. 249126
>>249065the singer has the same bird beak as
Kiki..Guess kiki should go round up some immigrans…. /OT
No. 249127
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the entire show so far
No. 249149
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No. 249156
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Someone please shop margaret palermo on this
No. 249159
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it was between israel and cyprus? wow
No. 249162
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>fat pig won
No. 249163
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Called it, basking in the butthurt as we speak
No. 249167
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>>249166Why would you be happy about that? lol
I don't care how "good" she is, she looks like the personification of tumblr and again, Israel is
not Europe.
No. 249170
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I think I speak for all swedes thank fuck this smug cunt didn’t win with his extremely mediocre trash song that was basically samples of other artists
No. 249171
>>249167I agree, she does look quite tumblr-ish, but I liked the song regardless.
Considering that a group in monster costumes have won ESC before, I don't see how a fat chick is such a horrific sight to behold.
No. 249174
>>249170Juries: Awesome song douze points!
Popular vote: wtf no
No. 249175
Israel's song is a bop, I would dance to that in a club.
But I would to this one
>>249086 as well so I'm not the best judge of quality
No. 249181
>>249172>Thinking another anon doesn't know that Australia isn't part of Europetopkek
No seriously, I only named Israel, since it was talked about, what i said obviously applies to every other one as well.
>Thinking Eurovision is reserved exclusively for European countriesWell, it originally was…? And imo it should have stayed that way.
No. 249186
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Hilarious that fatty wasn't social justice-y enough for sjws to like her
No. 249221
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>>249167True lmao
She looks like a crazy SJW feminist and surprise surprise, the song is inspired by #metoo movement.
lmao like anyone would ever sexually harrass this annoying piggy
No. 249229
Yesterday I watched Eurovision online. I bought proxy app for it on I can say that I Like it. The song of winner was energy and good. Every singer was unique and has something interesting in his song. So, next year Eurovision will be is Israel.
No. 249230
>>249221Because sexual harassment is about attraction and not about powerplays and abuse.
I can't believe you're trying to gatekeep harassment lmao.
No. 249231
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As much as a I personally disliked the winner song, I have to admin that it was at least something more entertaining than all those other ballads. Which makes me also hope that the next ESC will be more full of more wirdo performances again.
I think this is also a reason why the walmart beyonce for cyprus got so many votes as well. It was at least more more show.
I blame Conchita Wurst for the Ballade Hype for the past years.
>#metoo is so important to talk about>Israel wins>Oh not it's not really that important anyways guysssAlso, germany 4th place wtf
No. 249233
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No. 249622
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sounds like most of those songs were written by 10 year olds
i especially like UK's lyrics
>I still have faith>hold out hands together>forever>don't give uplmao can you think of MORE banal lyrics?
No. 249953
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>>249872>I also laughed at last year's winner Salvador Dobral ending his pause number with saying "bringing real music to Eurovision". Classic ESC drama.There was some drama over Salvador shittalking Israel's Netta.
Last year's Croatian competitor (Jacques Houdek - fat meme guy) called him out kek.
No. 249964
>>249953Wow. It's nice that at least Netta was mature about how she handled the comments from Salvador.
I kinda think that if you want to be taken seriously as an artist that maybe ESC just isn't the place for you. If you win you are doomed to be known to most people as "that Eurovision winner", unless you won with something that wasn't too memorable to begin with.
I've been following the finnish band who won in 2006 and they're still not able to shake off the ESC-label completely, even though they seem to try. Kek.
No. 251767
>>250793>And then the non-Europeans, who are still murdering in the thousands, are the ones who winNetta winning =/= supporting the Israeli government imo. People voted for the most catchy song, which happened to be the song of Netta from Israel.
This show has been around for 61 years, so don't expect it to die any time soon.