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No. 250871
>>250862She doesn't look white, therefore she isn't white-passing. At first glance you can tell she has non-euro ancestry.
>>250864You're an idiot.
No. 250873
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>>250871I disagree. I think she might look kind of Greek to some people.
And in this picture she looks very white. Might be camera flash or lighting or something.
No. 250909
>>250860Thiiis. I'm black and really tired of people thinking half-black or even less = black. Only the most ridiculous, self-hating black people who actually want to be erased (and non-black people with major insecurities and complexes about their genetics being weak) would accept that. This wedding means literally nothing.
If this logic prevails, in a few generations, people who look like the Olsen twins will be considered "black".
No. 250911
>>250907No what I’m saying is that it’s unfair that some random American is granted citizenship for marrying some idiot from the Royal Family that no one cares about, when other immigrants have to wait at least 5 years before applying.
I understand she hasn’t married him for citizenship, but it’s not right that she hasn’t even followed the citizenship requirements that everyone else has to follow. What, if she murders someone she gets a free pass because she’s married to someone who’s like 8000th in line to the throne? It’s not right.
No. 250913
>>250909>I'm black and really tired of people thinking half-black or even less = black. But if somebody who's only half-black isn't black, then is that supposed to mean that they automatically are the other race, e.g. white?
>>250911Is it fair that somebody is placed above anybody else by birth and entitled to living in luxury payed by taxpayers? That's the bigger issue I'd say. lol
No. 250921
>>250913>But if somebody who's only half-black isn't black, then is that supposed to mean that they automatically are the other race, e.g. white?I just see them as mixed race, and not black. If they at least look way more black than non-black (like Yara Shahidi, for example), I don't mind them classifying themselves as black for practical purposes (though they're not really), but if they're Logic-tier? Lmao, no.
It's not for me to call them white, considering I'm not white myself. I just think if you have to repeatedly remind people you have black ancestry, you need to give it up. Someone like Halsey is not, and never will be a black woman.
No. 250928
>>250909Halsey is different because literally no one would think she wasn't white. Plenty of people, myself included, could tell Meghan was part black or at least some kind of POC.
>>250875>>250876For me it has nothing to do with marrying a prince. It's just cool seeing a black woman marry a white prince in a context where that wouldn't have even been allowed not that long ago.
No. 250929
>>250904You must be American. She could definitely pass for a European
lol, wut
I'm a euro and she definitely does not have white features. She can straighten her hair every day, she can have flattering shots but she doesn't look white. I don't see a problem with that, there's nothing wrong if she doesn't pass for a white person, but let's not kid ourselves here.
I've seen europeans with dark(er) complexions but all of them have distinguishable white features.
No. 250931
>>250929Do you honestly think if she didn't pass as white a member of the
royal family would be marrying her? That's the point.
No. 250935
>>250930> African Americans who are obsessed with the idea or racists who have a problem with it.So, it's racist now to simply point out that she doesn't pass for a white person? lmao
Okay, whatever you say.
>>250931I think the point was to take a person that was black or brown, whatever, for public brownie points. I don't care that a prince is marrying a black woman, I have nothing against it, but he is probably marrying her because she's black and they did a good thing because it turned out to be a nice publicity stunt. Being a royalty is business so they calculate everything.
No. 250936
>>250928"Some kind of POC who might be part black maybe??" by definition isn't black, though. It's just brown or mixed race, and it should be classified as such. This isn't an all-inclusive club.
If you don't come from two black parents, or if no one actually thinks of you as black with pretty much no mixture/ambiguity in daily life, it's just asinine and inappropriate to insist you are black(tm).
No. 250937
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>>250932Yeah that was strange
No. 250939
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I honestly think she’s really beautiful
No. 250941
>>250939I think she's ugly, and no, it's not because she's black. She has wide set eyes, awful smile, and potato nose. Also, her personality sucks and she lacks class.
I really think the prince could have chosen someone better looking and more appropriate.
No. 250942
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>>250940I know I’m not black. I’m 100% White British. But you sperging about race is annoying and no one cares.
>>250941Your jealousy and bitterness is showing.
Why’d Kate wear white? But of a strange choice, no?
No. 250943
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>>250938Samefagging, but in that case, you should have absolutely no problem with people calling Meghan Markle or Obama white.
I don't get why only white people are allowed to have boundaries for who's part of their race. When black people actually have an identity, it's "No one cares, it's all bullshit!!1" but those same people get their panties in a knot at anyone calling pic related white, and need to correct people with "Uhh no they're mixed, obv not white or white passing". I wonder why.
No. 250946
>>250934>>250936>>250943I'm not black but I understand your sentiment. She doesn't look fully European but overall she fits better looks-wise in a group of Europeans than in a group a Sub-Saharan Africans. When you take this into consideration it seems pretty silly to call her black.
America has a history of racial segregation based on the one drop rule so that's likely why people have a tendency to see people like her as black. In the times of segregation she would have legally been a black woman, and it's this view that still lingers nowadays. I agree that it's stupid.
No. 250947
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>>250942It is actually light yellow and it is the same outfit she wore at the babtism of princess Charlotte
No. 250948
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>>250945This is a thread to discuss the wedding, not your definition of blackness. You’re derailing and spamming.
Meg’s dress was such a misstep. Kate clearly wins best wedding dress.
No. 250952
Why should I care about rich assholes who don't do anything useful in their lives? Besides the queen who actually did help during WW2 I mean. And also, why do I always see people on twitter say this marriage is a good thing for racial representation and feminism when we're talking about a rich and powerful family who couldn't be anymore privileged than they are if they tried? Worst part is that it's actual SJWs who say shit like this even though the mere concept of royal families goes against everything they usually believe in.
Although I kind of feel sorry for the couple because I know I personally would hate to see my wedding being so public. It must suck to not have a private life sometimes.
>>250904>She could definitely pass for a European, especially someone from the Mediterranean.Do any of the people who use the "that person looks Mediterranean" argument ever went to the south of Europe? Not talking about you in this case but I see a lot of Americans who never went to Europe say things like this on other websites. She could easily pass for a North African maybe, speaking as one, but not for a European from pretty much any country or region. To be honest though I can see why some people wouldn't guess she's part black, but he really doesn't look like she's just white.
>>250909> I'm black and really tired of people thinking half-black or even less = black.Not really related to the topic here but I don't get why I see a lot of mixed race people say they're only black (just an example, could be anything) instead of saying they're BOTH black and white. Is it because of context or it's just shorter to say or there's another reason? I know it's actually something in the USA when you have to do some paperwork, the one drop rule.
No. 250954
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>>250947It was her Christening, not baptism. And I’m pretty sure it’s white, not yellow. She wore it in 2016 at a birthday celebration as well. Still a poor choice to wear to wedding imo. Unnecessary drama. The dress she wore to Pippa’s was perfect.
No. 250957
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>>250951I didn’t “try to argue,” I just said no one cares. Because it’s not the point of the thread. Take your race argument elsewhere.
>>250954What she wore to Pippa’s for reference.
No. 250958
>>250940Nope, you're playing gatekeeper, anon.
Overt racists don't give a shit if people like her can pass, anon. She was one generation away from being impacted by the racial laws of her country. In fact, just a few years before she was born, her existence wouldn't have even been allowed in many states. Even today, there are many Americans who actively want racial mixing not to be legal.
Do you not realize how gross it is for you to say people who can be and often are victims of racism don't get to identify with their race?
No. 250960
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>>250954I remember seeing prince William in a newspaper where he was looking handsome then he grew old and yuck.
No. 250962
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>>250954When exposed to sunlight it does look white, but It is actually light yellow. I don't believe she would be allowed to wear white, I mean, In my culture it is disrespectful to the bride, but idk about british culture.
No. 250963
>>250958I don't care what overt racists think, though. They probably think everyone who's not white look exactly the same. Genetically and phenotypically, someone like Meghan Markle is clearly mixed race.
Prince Harry is marrying a mixed race woman, not a black one. Calling her black is as incorrect as calling her white. That's literally it.
No. 250964
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>>250960When he was younger, he more closely resembled his Mum. Then he aged into his dad. So unfortunate.
No. 250967
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>>250962Good point. I’m going to go with it being yellow then.
God, Megan’s reception dress was unflattering too. Did she run out of time to get it tailored or was she going for baggy?
No. 250968
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>>250960Damn he was attractive back then. It's funny because just a few minutes ago I was arguing on reddit with delusional men over the "men age like wine women age like milk" idea.
Yeah right, look at how unattractive mid-thirties Kate and Megan look while their men became so much hotter with age…
No. 250969
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Turns out Kate’s with cream/yellow to weddings before so I guess it’s just how she rolls
No. 250970
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No. 250977
>>250965>I just don't like that they're pushing this idea that the royal family are now modern and inclusive because Harry is marrying a woman with tanned skin and thick hair.I totally agree with that. Regardless of who Harry's going to marry, the mere fact that they're still a royal family goes against being inclusive and modern.
>>250960Holy shit that's so unfortunate. He peaked too early I guess.
No. 250978
>>250960I remember seeing that exact photo and thinking how dreamy he looked, just like I'd imagine a modern day prince would look.
Maybe that's partly a reason why I have a soft spot for ginger men.
It's a shame he became so ugly early on.
No. 250982
>>250858tbh, she is.
I thought she was 100 % white and just tanned. Or italian (or something) descent. Granted, I didnt knew anything about her beforehand. My jaw dropped when I saw her childhood pictures and was like "wait, who is this. This child is black. Why are they showing a black girl connected to white Meghan Markle."
No. 250987
>>250860>I liked the weddingtbh that preacher was hella cringy. And why the fuck did he go on for so long. I had too mute.
Her dress looked ill-fitting. The facric seemed way to thick, but it probably couldve looked really good if it wouldve fit her better (image related). Her hair looked undone.. that fucking hair strain.
It was cute that you could see how emotional Harry got. Im not sure about her though. It felt like she is less into him, than in a usual relationship and seems to fake a lot (she is an actress in the end). But I mean fuck it. If I had the chance of marrying a prince and marry into the royal family, I would to.
But it could also stem from nervousness about being the centre of attention in the eye of the public that makes her looks stiff and cold.
No. 250989
the age cut off at 35 for women to get children is utter bullshit
No. 250991
>>250877I guess you always have to consider the circumstances.
He is scandalous
for a royal family member. And one of high standing (regarding the line of succession). There are other rules for royal family member.
Wasnt there this guy that wanted to marry a specific women, but because she was protestant he had to refrain from all of his royal family privileges? It was in the 60s or something though.
And I mean, even Princess Di was deemed "scandalous" in the eye of the royal family (and the queen).
For peasants there is nothing scandalous about any of them.
No. 250993
>>250888>totally unfair top kek
She is a member of the royal family now. It would be "unfair", weird and off-standing if she didnt got the british one.
No. 250995
>>250909>Im black and Im tired…
you cant claim all the victimhood of racism to yourself.
As long as someone can tell someone is POC they face the same prejudice and stereotype, that you face.
Are you black-aryan? Not one white member in your line? What is if you marry a white guy and get mixed children? I doubt you wouldnt call them "black".
No. 251003
>>250995NAYRT, but give it a rest. Stop trying to tell black people what they should and shouldn't feel about issues that affect them and their own people, especially if you yourself are not black. Stop trying to force us to accept others when even you wouldn't. Multiple white people ITT are making it a point to talk about how non-white and not white passing she is, but you're only yelling at black people with this "S-Stop gatekeeping" rubbish.
My boyfriend's white. If I have kids with him, they wouldn't be black. It's not a big deal, it's just facts. Only you're getting twisted up about this. Also, if you honestly think being black is solely defined by facing racism, that's fucking sad and pretty racist in itself.
No. 251004
>>250956Harry was never relevant to the crown.
Look at Prince Charles of Wales. He is first in the line of succession and we all know what that got him (nothing so far).
For Harry to become relevant, the queen, charles, william and all of his children wouldve to mysteriously pass away (or give up on the crown).
No. 251006
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>>250987whoops forgot the image
No. 251007
>>251003>NAYRTNevermind, I actually am that anon. For some reason, I thought that post was a reply to
>>250875. Point still stands, though.
No. 251019
>>250948I agree. When I saw the dress my first thought was plain.
I understand its supposed to be modest and all that but to me it didn't have that wow factor.
Aside from that I thought her tiara was cute and her beautiful smile really made her look like a princess
No. 251023
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I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought the dress looked horribly plain. I was so excited too because clearly she had the cash to drop in on an amazing ritzy glitzy dress and accessories yet she doesn't even have a necklace (a choker like in pic related would've been perfect) despite that dress neckline. What a disappointment.
No. 251057
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>>251021I think it
couldve easily looked very classic, if just the fabric wouldve been a little thinner and if it was fitted well at least.
in my opinion one can see what they were going for… just that it didnt work out. the neckline also didnt do her a favour.
this thread is about a specific wedding. If you feel the need to sperg out about it, open a thread for "royal family critics"
No. 251059
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why do I love what Kitty wore?
No. 251061
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Victoria looked awful ffs.
No. 251062
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At least the Princesses didn't look ridiculous
No. 251100
>>251077Not British, so our media just sperging out about oh my god royalty oh my god married.
WWII was decades ago, Diana has been dead for decades, that shit hasn’t been relevant or interesting for a very long time.
The boys are alright, and good on them for their charity work but then getting married is hardly worth weeks of news and everyone and their mother acting as though it’s some monumentous historical achievement.
It’s a nice young man marrying some girl. People crying and making shit and having parties over it are dumb. Anyone who thinks it should be on the news anywhere but the uk is dumb.
No. 251104
>>251100I feel you anon.
The media will not shut up about this fucking wedding and the UK royals are not relevant to most average folks here.
I agree that they seem like nice people, but isn't that the bare minimum considering their immense privilege and status? Like they had
better have been good!
There's gotta be more newsworthy shit than two rich people getting hitched.
I read how a plane with 100 people crashed in Cuba and the news isn't hardly covering that! Maintenance checks on US aircraft have gotten stricter recently after the incidents with Southwest, and most older planes operating for carriers were built on the 80s and 90s. Old motherfuckin' planes, and the one that went down was built in '79.
How's the news gonna overlook that scary shit?
Do I even have to mention how that school shooting in Texas was a literal blip for a day until this stupid wedding? Like damn.
No. 251110
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>>251100>WWII was decades ago, Diana has been dead for decades, that shit hasn’t been relevant or interesting for a very long time. Spewing some ignorant shit, anon. WWII had a profound affect on British culture. And the Queen was amazing for morale as a symbol of British perseverance and grit.>>251107Yeah and worked to help remove the stigma of AIDS and being gay. She also had a campaign to ban land mines around the world. She helped launch the Child Bereavement org, which Will is a patron of now. There's countless articles out there, if you wanna read more.
No. 251226
>>250937>>250997They're reading the order of service.
>>251059I'd like it if it was tailored just a little differentl around the waist and hips.
No. 251233
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No. 251240
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>>251061she's been looking pretty terrible since.. forever. Ever since she quit spice girls she's gone anorexic and emotionless. I wonder if she's depressed or has domestic issues.
No. 251241
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She looked absolutely flawless
No. 251242
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>>251240I really like her look in a weird way. She has this dark minimalistic style. But what I like about her, even more, is her work ethic. She's one hell of a workaholic.
Davis was looking classy as always.
>>251241Agree, she has this ethereal vibe about her. A true English rose.
No. 251263
>>250964When did he go from a sultry handsome young dude to an egg with teeth? Is it against ~royal values~ to invest in some fucking hair plugs?
I’m really disappointed in Megan’s dress. It added 20lbs to the poor girl and made er look like a linebacker. Kate’s was so classy and beautiful without being OTT so i had high hopes.
No. 251301
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>>251242>>251241I was so impressed by her appearance that I went to her IG to look at more pictures… and she looks like a basic IG tramp. whoever did the photography deserves a raise
No. 251306
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>>251235Not everyone has the same tastes. Obviously he thinks she’s beautiful. And she seems to make him happy. Why so bitter?
No. 251320
>>251061I like how she looked tbh :\
>>250968I actually think kate and megan are pretty anon, these men just look basic and average but id vomit if i ever had sex with them
No. 251321
>>250939she is, but I'm not as nitpicky as farmers who think any woman who doesn't look like a bjd is an old ugly hag
also ot but I hate how /pol/ tards are pinning women of different races against each other yet again, and using the royal wedding as proof "everyone hates ugly white girls" or something, their projection is through the roof, just let people be without turning it into a white women vs x race of women thing
No. 251333
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>>251329No, I’m English. I’m studying history at an American university. And I’m proud of my country, our figure heads, and our people. Travel and see what other countries deal with before sperging about the class system in England.
I think the couple looked lovely
No. 251351
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>>251337I didn’t say anything about other class systems, I said see what other countries deal with. If you don’t like the Royal Family, that fine. But why are you in the thread for their wedding then?
No. 251353
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>>251320>I actually think kate and megan are pretty anon, these men just look basic and average but id vomit if i ever had sex with themI'm
>>250968. Was my sarcasm not obvious enough? Should I put a little disclaimer next time I'm being sarcastic?
No. 251354
>>251333the things other countries "deal with" are the outcome of the uk's violent and aggressive imperialism and colonialism.
fuck the uk
No. 251385
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>>251380Your choices and way of life are not the only way. Just because you did something, doesn’t mean everyone else should do it too. I would invite my half siblings because I grew up with them and I know them. But not because we share blood. Family for me is an action, it’s having your back, knowing you, being there for you etc. it’s not something like blood or last name. And I wouldn’t be hurt if a family member I don’t know didn’t invite me to the biggest wedding of 2018. It doesn’t make them a bad person, it just means their values and perspective is different than yours.
>maybe she should think about why that is and not blame everyone in her family.Her sister and dad literally arranged candid photo shoots with paparazzi to drum up attention. Why are you so eager to defend them?
No. 251388
>>251385Umm I'm pretty sure she knows her siblings lol.
It is very rude not to invite your siblings. It reflects badly on her as a person.
I believe that her sister and brother reacted out of hurt. I don't blame them personally. If my sister did that, I would be pissed off too.
No. 251404
>>251398Her sister literally says that her dad had a “moral obligation” to take money for fake candid photos of him googling his daughter, getting a dress fitting, and reading a book. And she doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it because he “had to set the record straight” and “shame on” those who were portraying him differently. Not to mention she hasn’t seen Meghan for a decade, but is writing a tell all book
now as a sleezy cash grab.
And her brother has flip flopped on her, probably for money as well.
No. 251410
>>251358>>251380>>251382>>251388>>251389Stop talking about things you know nothing about. Someone who didn't grow up with her HALF siblings and who talk shit about her to the media has no obligation to invite them to her wedding. I haven't heard them say a nice thing about her. You choose your friends, not your family. Anyway, they're American and have no class. They've been trying to milk as much money and media attention from this event as possible by staging photos and publishing nasty books and haven't done anything decent with their infamy. They would have been a huge embarrassment to the royal family who are very private and have had years of training to carry themselves in a certain way.
If she feels that she shouldn't invite them to her wedding, maybe you should be asking
why they didn't deserve an invite?
No. 251424
>>251423The “majority” of her family? Who else did you want her to invite? Her grandparents are dead, her siblings are trashy, and she invited both her parents.
>>251423One of the clips above has her sister admitting they haven’t seen each other for over a decade. How can you know someone when you don’t see or talk to them?
No. 251430
>>251424Just because you haven't seen someone in a long time doesn't mean you don't know them LOL.
Oh I don't know… just the entire rest of her family apart from her parents. Aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews.
No. 251435
>>251432No. I’m really close with my sisters, we always have each other’s backs and there’s no one else I’d want at my wedding. I’m very lucky to have a stepdad and a biological dad, so both would be there too. Just my deceased grandparents wouldn’t be. But this isn’t about me or my family. Do you have trouble empathizing with others or “walking in their shoes” or something? You can understand why someone does something without being like them.
>>251430Not everyone knows their aunts/uncles/cousins, and if you’re not inviting your half siblings, why would you invite their kids?
No. 251447
>>251441I’m English and my entire family loves her, except the few who dislike the Royal Family in general. We all have a soft spot for Harry, having seen him grow up without his Mum, and are just glad he’s found someone to be happy with.
People who are weird about her being American, black, or an actress are just snobs.
No. 251449
>>251441I haven't heard anyone complain about her being divorced but definitely the first two. There are a lot of prejudiced people in the UK and someone from the royal family marrying a biracial person is a big deal. There aren't many people worldwide that admire the Americans, they're usually seen as rude, aggressive, uncultured and idiotic and usually for good reason. Once again, someone from the royal family marrying an American would be a big deal but I think Meghan is a very classy lady.
Her being biracial and American don't really stand out because she's pretty pale for a mixed race girl and carries herself well. She's just passable enough for the very traditional royal family and just "exotic" enough for it to be a little exciting for some people.
No. 251467
>>251449>usually seen as rude, aggressive, uncultured and idioticWell, they're not wrong. The general populous are all of those things and then some. Be glad you don't live here, though I'm not sure if you consider the UK better at all.
t. American
No. 251545
>>251440I guess we differ because I am a nice person and I invited all my extended family to my wedding because it made them happy and brought everyone together and didn't cause family arguments.
>>251436 Never not been invited to a wedding. No one in my family would ever be rude enough to leave off their siblings or cousins. It is just plain rude.
No. 251583
>>251460lmao so true
just stopping in to say that her dress and styling was horrible. it feels like they were given a crap budget and tried to make the best of it, but that 'simplistic' givenchy gown didn't fit her figure right at all. looked too loose, fabric was horrible, and looked like a David's Bridal clearance item. just awful.
really disappointing bc what with all the racist bullshit thrown at them/her for her being biracial, you'd think they'd really want to turn her into a showstopper that looked undeniably glam/elegant. her bouquet looked like a handful of wheat and babys breath. just sad.
No. 251613
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>>251105she had a real potato nose before the nosejob
No. 251627
>>251057I caught the wedding live on youtube just at the vows. I love fairytales etc so this was right up my alley.
Prince Harry is pretty irrelevant to the throne, so their wedding was going to be plain compared to William who is most likely to be King so that wedding was very grand. Kate's dress was beautiful.
I did like Meghan's dress although it seemed ill-fitted. The tiara was stunning I was obsessed with that. I thought she looked a very understated classic beauty.
The grounds looked amazing I was fangirling during the carriage ride. Must be nice to be a royal.
I didn't understand any of the naysayers around the wedding. It's not like Hollywood and Royalty haven't mixed before and William and Harry had Diana as a mother, we're moving away from tradition. And with the bleeding disease Meghan's blood will be a welcome breath of fresh air to that bloodline.
No. 251638
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>>251613Looks the same to me.