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No. 252368
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Im basically in a md/lb type relationship atm. Its weird because we arent even having sex, he just comes over and I treat him like a 1 year old basically and we both love it. Im in it for the dependency factor and i like how he ‘needs’ me in that sense. Im pretty sure he had mommy issues, but he’s cute and its just fun tbh.
I live in animu land (Tokyo specifically) and everybody at home thinks im this worldy traveller who has this exciting life in a major city abroad and im just like… im just sitting here feeding this grown ass ikemen a bottle if milk while watching Netflix
No. 252371
>>252343I've been single for a while but back when I was with my ex I always thought of other guys during sex, too. I started to feel weird about it when I went through a period of fixating on this hot guy that used to bully me in middle school.
So I guess here goes my secret ; I WANT to fuck this one guy who used to bully me, I remember when we met again, he was surprised to see how much I had changed and even complimented me, I would have ripped his clothes off and fucked the shit out of him if I wasn't in a relationship already. Guess it's a revenge fantasy? I keep it secret because the guy is dumb af and mean, the only thing he has going for him is his hotness and I heard he's a great lover.
No. 252403
>>252368>im just sitting here feeding this grown ass ikemen a bottle if milk while watching Netflixanon I was ready to be annoyed with you but your secret is hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle.
>>252381well, I kinda agree that's it's worse than sex. Sexy talk indicates it doesn't mean much emotionally, it's easier to fix, lovey-dovey talk is worse. How did he respond to her texts? Maybe expand in Relationships thread if you wanna
>>252398>I started masturbating when I was just 12 (but am still a virgin nearly 11 years later).wow anon same
No. 252408
>>252403excuse the double posting but I didn't want to mix up the replies with secrets.
1. I hate almost all my friends (while simultaneously liking them). Deep down I think they don't deserve me, like a grumbling mother with "you'll miss me when I'm gone". But seriously I think they don't appreciate me and take me for granted.
2. I tell people I'm asexual/aromantic but I think the reality is that I have nothing to miss as I've never been in a relationship, so I have 0 motivation to take initiative. I'm also very shy and act awkward with guys and would rather avoid situations like getting hit on. I'm perfect at subtly yet effectively discouraging boys, lol. I'm used to being alone, I'm comfortable like this. I just genuinely don't want to be in a relationship, like ever.
3. I used to be suicidal and fought through this by myself. Won by myself. It comes back but never with an intention of acting on it, so I think that's a big accomplishment, I'm really proud. Recently a girl killed herself in my town and my parents were discussing it and they were like, what terrible things have to happen for a person to do it, how did nobody notice. How did parents not help. And I couldn't help but smile a bit… if they only knew.
4. I'm weirdly spiritual, like I think I have a special connection with nature and her forces. Maybe we all have, but just never notice it. I genuinely love this planet and things like sunsets, birds chirping, a fucking snail on my porch sometimes make me cry in awe.
No. 252412
>>252408Points 2 to 4 are exactly me. Even the suicide part, it's a constant struggle and I had an acquaintance kill herself recently as well. I don't have any friends because I'm socially lazy.
>>252398I masturbate regularly, but after I'm done I have zero desire to have sex and to do anything to get a bf so I'm destined to be a virgin forever.
I don't know what's wrong with me but it feels good that I'm not alone. Tbh I don't consider these a secret, exception being the suicidal part.
Anyways, I love you all. Even though this doesn't mean anything to you, I find these online interactions extremely meaningful and comforting.
If I had to share a secret it's that I was a hacker, though I hate using that term, I did a good share of illegal stuff for profit. I'm good now, I swear.
Sometimes I have nightmares about getting arrested and every time I see a police car or get an anonymous call, that's one of my first fears.
No. 252415
>>252411Plenty of rapists and molesters seem like 'good people', the only difference between them and yours is that yours was shit on both the inside and outside when he was abusing you. Now he's just shit on the inside.
Anyway if you think it would ruin your life I don't blame you for not telling people, but he's a danger to other children. Even if you didn't do it for your own sake, it would be better to make people suspicious enough that they don't leave kids alone with him etc.
No. 252422
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I never had any close female friends and now I feel it's too late to even make them (I'm 26). I feel like I missed out so much on life because of this. I'm not like a "not like other girls" kind of girl even though probably something about my "aura" could give that impression idk I just feel I'm more awkward around around other women than a goddamn incel. I just fear getting ridiculed again, I was kinda picked on by my peers all my life, especially girls (well I was weeb-ish/emo lol so I kinda deserved it I guess but I was a quiet shy type, not obnoxious). My boyfriend is literally my only friend, it's pathetic.
No. 252426
>>252422Dude, I'm the same. I wish we were friends.
I'm always sad when I see groups of 2-3 at the movies. I'd probably never go if I didn't have my bf as a built-in friend.
No. 252470
>>252457Maybe just talk to a therapist about it, even if you can't tell your folks, there's no reason to feel guilt although I get exactly what you mean.
When I was about ~6 I was molested by a male babysitter, but it didn't go very far because my mom's voice about how it's "bad" for people to touch kicked in so I locked myself in my room before things escalated.
I felt extremely guilty though because her lectures on sex (extreme Catholic) made me feel like I was bad too so I kept it secret for years.
When I was a teen I acted out and had sex with some of my boyfriends, and my Catholic mom hated that even more. One time we were arguing and I told her about the molestation in anger, and she called me a liar.
I told her later as an adult, and now she pities and claims she doesn't remember me telling this to her as a teen–in proper narc fashion.
So tbh, I don't think you'll get much closure telling a relative because they're often in denial. My mom wanted to believe she did a good job as a parent so she was in denial of my molestation until I was an adult. Yet she's still awful dismissive of it, and maybe that's because I found out she was molested as a teen and was equally treated with indifference. She didn't have the mental tools to process it or help anyone else. A therapist would have been a better person to tell for me, with the benefit of relative secrecy too.
No. 252528
I think my shoplifting habit is relapsing
oddly enough when I was a teenager, I just use to steal normal shit teen girls steal, makeup, clothes, hair products, lingerie, games, movies, CDs, jewelry and craft stuff
I've even taken trips to different cities with friends, such as keywest, housten, denver, and ontario just to spend the days stealing, only nearly got caught several time, got caught once but only because I was 14 and was dumb as shit, was being super obvious about it and they let me off the hook since it was 2 am and it was under 20$, I've traveled to tiny, under population of 900 type towns and stole, since I find them easy to steal from
I've stolen shit from construction sites, like cones, signs and stop lights, those flag things they put in the ground, when I go to restaurants or shops and they have air fresheners in the bathroom or cleaners I take those, or forks and stuff, it's gotten to a point where I have trouble leaving places without stealing, however I have never nor do I want to steal from a person direct
Currently, I'm a stressed college student with an underpaid job, I do grocery store walk outs and self-care type things like makeup, skin and hair products, lingerie, candles, movies, tea, etc, they don't happen often however, I try to pay but I'm stingy and rent is expensive
No. 252594
>>252386Anon are you me what the actual fuck
Do you live in a Muslim country?
No. 252607
I honestly dislike that md/lb stuff and don't see why anybody would ever be into it but the way you described it is just…it seems nice?
No. 252651
>>252594I posted
>>252612 too early, so I forgot to ask you where you're living. I'm going to guess you're not Muslim but you're family is as well, would they give you shit if they knew?
No. 252663
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>>252607Probably has to do with the ikemen aspect of it all
No. 252687
>>252528>I've stolen shit from construction sites, like cones, signs and stop lights, those flag things they put in the groundlol the fuck? Why would that even be of use to you?
Stealing those flags is pretty fucked up too - they're sometimes used to mark underground power/gas/water lines in an area where digging is going to occur. You could be compromising someone's safety by taking those.
No. 252691
Wow, that's pretty fucked, anon. At least you didn't enjoy it, though.
On the topic of animal death, I hope my mom's dog dies. That bum bitch neglects it, then comes here straight out of jail and expects my father and I to take care of it. Smells like death because she doesn't bathe it, pisses and shits everywhere, and it never shuts up. I hope it gets heartworms and I hope she ODs.
I know this isn't the moms thread or the vent thread, but she's such white trash… She makes me and my father look horrible, the neighbors almost called the police one time after she had a spat with her junkie boyfriend that turned violent (she tried to choke him out). We need a fucking restraining order, it's not fair that everyone else in the family gets to cut contact except for us.
No. 252703
>>252700She is one. I would try to find the dog a new owner if she'd let me, but she's waaaaay too attached to it. She wants it, but doesn't want any of the responsibility that comes with owning it.
It's an ugly dog too. Her breed is unpopular where I live and she's over 10 years old, so she doesn't even clean up well anymore. Unfortunately, I doubt anyone else would want her.
No. 252704
>>252598> I have been masturbating since I was a toddler, basically. I have no memories of discovering masturbation.All my earliest memories are being a 2 to 3 year old and my parents trying to make me stop masturbating. I don't remember learning "how" and I'm pretty positive I was one of those babies who in the womb was doing it.
I don't understand people who like to claim they were abused because they had "too much knowledge" for their age. Babies can masturbate in the womb. Depending where you're from and how your parents monitored your media intake as a child, it's not improbable you would be super aware of sex at a young age. Some people are naturally drawn to sex or relationships as a way of coping. However, I don't have the full picture of your life and such, so don't take what I'm saying as me trying to say you definitely weren't molested. I just get tired of hearing people claim that because they knew about sex early they must have been molested even though they have no recollection of anything like that happening to them because I was molested later in my life repeatedly when I was the ages of 9-11 and never once have I thought I may have been molested earlier than that because I happened to know shit about sex early and masturbated very early as well.
Also, you sound lesbian. Embrace it. It's a nice feel.
No. 252711
>>252704So, in child protection, when a child uses terms that an adult would use (fucking, pussy, blowjob, etc etc etc) it’s a red flag because the child has likely learned the language in inappropriate situations.
Same goes for children who display overtly sexual behaviour (grinding on furniture or people, flashing, groping, etc etc) it’s very different from early masturbators but it’s easy for laypeople to get confused without knowing the context, and not knowing how we interview children/what we look out for.
No. 252722
>>252711I'm the anon you responded to and sorry, I'm just sensitive to it because I feel like I know quite a few people who claim they were abused on nothing but the fact they knew certain things when I'm like, yeah, you had permissive parents and you found their porn, that's not molestation and that doesn't mean you were molested and just forgot about it.
It's interesting you say that, though. Since I was a toddler, I exhibited a lot of those behaviors in general, such as:
>getting undressed in front of adults despite the fact I was discouraged from doing so>getting undressed in front of boys my own age>grinding sexually on rugs, furniture, laps, etc.>masturbating over clothes in public despite pleas from parents to stop>being extremely interested in genitals and bodily excrement of myself and other people to the point of it being embarrassing/inappropriateall of this was me as a toddler to the age of around 6-7 I want to say. I grew up in a very sexually repressed christian household, and for that matter, one that didn't allow TV, music that wasn't christian, etc.
I've always been drawn to that stuff for some reason. I have an identical twin and she never exhibited the level of interest, nor did she do any of the "sexual"/exploratory behaviors I did as a child. So it is interesting, but I would never want to speculate because I'd feel like it's wrong to think something happened when there's no proof.
No. 252738
I'm really into feminism and all that stuff. Thinking about how women are treated makes me feel like shit, I cry a lot thinking about every poor woman that has been raped, etc. But for some reason, when I masturbate, thinking about girls being raped turns me on A LOT. I just imagine women being kidnapped, raped and murdered, and it just…works for me, I guess.
It's so weird, like, I fantazise about killing all rapists and that kind of stuff, and then I masturbate thinking about rape ???? I feel like a huge hypocrite, but nothing else turns me on that much. Thank to god I just think about that when masturbating, and after that I just get back to my regular feminist self.
I actually have masturbated thinking about Junko Furuta's case. (Even after I cried when I read it for the first time). I felt like a fucking monster afterwards.
No. 252740
>>252722Oh hey there’s no need to be sorry!
Some kids just masturbate. Some kids just insist on being naked. It’s not an indicator of abuse unless there’s other stuff going on.
No. 252754
>>252412>>252403It's nice too hear I'm not the only one. I definitely do keep it a secret though. My former friends once asked me when I was aroud 18 if I ever tried to masturbate, since I absolutely didn't want to have sex and of course I strongly denied, lol. So admitting that I actually do and still am a virgin even nowadays is impossible.
>>252417According to my parents "texting doesn't count".
>>252598Anon, I'm
>>252398 and I did that too as a toddler. I started masturbating for real then I was around 12, but already rubbed myself on the edges of tables,etc. as long as I can remember. I even had this tree in our garden which I climbed up and did that while sitting on a branch. My parents tried too stop me and even "jokingly" told me later on but, I was so mortified that I pretended not being able to remember, when in fact I do. I had no idea why I did that or what I even did.
My parents went to a psychologist with me when I was around 5 because I never slept. I don't know whether they told her that but they later said that they had a hard time trying to convince her that my father didn't do anything to me and I believe them.
Some time ago I started thinking about this again and whether it has anything to do with my repulsion and fear of having sex now as an adult, so I googled it and there are so many sites there worried parents write about their babies doing this, so it's absolutely not something only you did.
No. 252760
>>252598>I have been masturbating since I was a toddler, basically. I have no memories of discovering masturbation. I have an intense unexplainable fear and disgust of men going down on my vagina.It's the same for me anon. I did masturbate basically all my life.
I've never had sex and proably never will but I get these randomn thoughts or images of a head coming close to my vagina and then the feel wanting to kick or rip that head away.
And that head has the face of my father.I don't even want to lie down with my legs open since then I get these thoughts. I love him so much and can't imagine him ever doing something to me, so what is wrong with me to constantly get these intrusive thoughts?
No. 252790
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i kiss my cat in her tiny cute mouth! sometimes when i'm about to sleep she lays on top of my chest and i just have to do it because she's so cute. thing is… my cat constantly haunts the cockroaches around my house, tortures them and keeps them inside her mouth, eventually kills them and eats them. no wonder i get sick. but she's so cute.
No. 252796
>>252789I feel the same way about my cat and I feel so guilty. My old cat was great, he was very chill and loving and died about a year ago, and the cat I have now who is about three constantly shits on the carpet, constantly scratches my door, constantly yells over the tiniest shit, etc.
I'm also moving out soon and probably won't see my cat for a long time and even though I'll miss her I'm kind of relieved.
>>252790thats fuckin wild anon lol. I do get the urge to kiss my cat when she's being really cute but I usually just kiss her between the eyes or something.
No. 252798
>>252790You're so sweet anon!
I kiss my cat often and talk to her. I think she likes that because she often starts purring if she's not purring already.
I don't kiss her in her mouth, I kiss her either on top of her head, somewhere on the side when she's on top my work desk, and mostly I like to kiss her paws, which is probably even worse but I find cat paws so cute.
My favorite part is when she comes from the outside and gives me a headbump, like a feline high five.
No. 252814
>>252796Damn I'm glad I'm not the only one!
I really really like cats and I would love to have one in my new apartment but then I think about the two I have here and how much money they costs and it's not worth it.
If my one cat would still he alive I would be alright taking a cat like her but any other cats seem too much trouble.
I'm glad I came to this realization I wouldn't want to have a cat just for the sake of having a pet again.
No. 252819
>>252403He didn't reply and later deleted it.
I broke up with him because he has been lying to me every day for months about what this girl is to him. Told him over and over I just did not want to be lied to (he's cheated before). He lied, dozens of times.
I'm a fucking mess. I was about to move back to our shared city (I've been away for a few months for work but visiting regularly for substantial amounts of time.) My dog is afraid of me because of my crying.
It would have been 5 years together in June
No. 252833
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One morning I jokingly put a cat ear headband yeah I have one it's from my teenage weeb days on my sleeping boyfriend and god he was so cute I wanted to scream I want to do this again…
No. 253065
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I've got a couple.
I run in a lot of neo-liberal circles and lately I've been questioning a lot of the rhetoric, which led me to delving into gender critical and radfem spaces. I wouldn't say I'm a TERF but I'm pretty sure I would be considered one by extremists now. I still think trans identities are "valid" but I've been realizing socialization is tied a lot into people believing they're trans, and the argument that "some men have vaginas and some women have penises" and to ignore your biological sex in favor of your gender is both flawed and dangerous.
I'm attracted to women emotionally but not sexually, and I'm attracted to men sexually but not emotionally. I don't feel like I'm attractive or "worthy" enough for male attention so I just don't bother. I go back and forth on giving myself the asexual label because I don't know if my low sex drive/lack of desire for it in general is really because of my lack of self-esteem, or what, and calling myself lesbian or bi still feels disengenuous? Shit is complicated.
I think I might genuinely be autistic but I'm scared to get tested lol.
No. 253066
>>253065>that first oneBasically in the same place as you rn. Trans people are a-okay with me (a close friend of mine is ftm), but complete denial of reality is something I can't stand anymore. Especially that "I'm trans but since I've always been X inside I will deny the world ever seeing me as my birth gender at all!!!!" thing.
The amount of AGPs and AAPs I've seen lc call out has also made me see it in a slightly different light. Like what you mention about socialization, I think a good chunk of trans people are either GNC and transition because of that or fetishize a stereotype and then transition because of
that. Although as a disclaimer I don't believe all trans people are like that, some are genuinely suffering from a what I'd consider a condition.
No. 253079
>>253066AYRT and I agree with you completely. At one point I considered myself trans and was thinking about seriously transitioning, but I realized over the years that my problems with my gender weren't related to my physical sex but with societal expectations regarding womanhood. Deconstructing womanhood and watching detransitioned women videos has helped me a lot with that.
That's another discussion that the trans community doesn't want to discuss because they think it incites violence or that it invalidates their experience and harms the movement. Transtrending is absolutely real and it's a problem.
No. 253298
>>253045I have a boarder that has his girlfriend over every weekend and they have sex often, I hear it all the time but it never has bothered me.
I don't think it's a big deal hearing someone have sex through the walls unless they're obnoxiously loud and yelling, most normal people will just roll their eyes and get back to doing what they were doing.
So don't worry about it man, she probably doesn't even give a heck.
No. 253464
>>253444different anon but
>tfw my only female friend in high school was a massive prude and never masturbated and thought the idea of mouths being anywhere near pussies was disgustingwish I went to an all girls school tbh
No. 253472
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I hate people with BPD, but I have every single symptom listed on its diagnostic criteria. Kill me.
No. 253490
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>>253479I do too sometimes, but it's not sexual for me. Maybe it is me being an edgy radfem, but I like to think about men tourturing other men.
No. 253500
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>>25349610/10 this is a great plan, anon. I'll definitely do this if some shit dog does this to my cat.
No. 253503
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young guys turn me on :/
No. 253512
>>253504>>253505>>253507Because it's a fucking cat not a dog, he's free to go anywhere whenever he wants to. If you emprison your cats inside your house/chains them then you're the sick ones here.
These dogs shouldn't even be close to my property, it's because the dumbass owner needed signal for his cellphone and let them tag along. Call me whatever you want it won't stop from doing it.
No. 253520
>>253512If you hadn't let your "beloved" cat outside, it would still be alive now. Food for thought, lazy fuck. Take him for walks, play with him, spend time with him.
Cats are domesticated animals, like dogs. Would you let your fucking dogs outside without supervision? Oh, but it's just a cat. Go get a new one from some backyard breeder.
You shouldn't have cats
No. 253521
>>253496I don't know why everyone responding to this OP isn't as equally freaked the fuck out about a pack of vicious dogs roaming around attacking other animals, maybe even people next?
>well OP shouldn't have let the cat outAnd maybe the hick asshole owner who let his hounds loose shouldn't free-roam his monsters either. At least the worst damage a cat can do is kill a bird or mouse, these dogs could kill peoples' pets and maybe even small people.
If OP doesn't do the community the service of poisoning the rat bastards, then I hope there's an animal control or police she can call to report that shit.
No. 253523
>>253521>about a pack of vicious dogs roaming around attacking other animals, maybe even people next?She has no proof this even happened
>>253496>Just found out my cat may have been killed by some dogs from the neighborhood. He had been missing for months. My mom was taking a walk around our property and heard this from a guy who said the dog's owner told him that. I'm furious.So a random guy told OPs mom this MAY have happened
No. 253524
>>253521fuck off the dogs are probably in a yard and attacked the cat that entered.
>>253512cats as pets don't go outside you retard. they are not safe because of predators, cars and other people. and by predators i mean hawks and birds and shit that kill them. i hate cat owners thinking that cats are fine outside. you're not an owner, you're just a stupid bitch who doesn't want responsibility and feeds and lets inside a helpless animal fending for itself most of the time. cats left outside even part of the time have half the life spans as indoor cats. idiots like you should not have pets.
No. 253527
>>253524>fuck off the dogs are probably in a yard and attacked the cat that enteredOh sure, that's why the owner is gossiping about it in the community, because it was such a sad accident.
You can calm down, it was just my opinion, sis.
No. 253528
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>>253524Yep. The fact she wants to murder someone else’s pets says that alone but also the sperging about needing the cat to be outdoors.
No. 253536
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>>253531>the owner would deserve it Yeah and you don’t deserve pets full stop, you psychopath. Posting in this thread doesn’t mean you’re free from people calling you out for the crazy bitch you are
No. 253542
>>253531boohoo, sorry your illusion of a hugbox was broken when you outted yourself to be a huge crazy vindictive cunt. i think you're missing the point by miles if you think you and your family aren't at fault for letting cats outside.
>>253533if OP's mom is as nuts as she is then maybe they do. also it' stock, not stalk. OP sounds like she either hates the neighbor or just dogs in general. even if the dogs are a problem. the problem is letting her cat outside in the first place. we shoujld just be glad that OP's mom didn't hit it with her car or OP would probably try to poison her too.
No. 253553
>>253550lol no. OP is a crazy cunt who wants to seek revenge on animals that
may have done something.
another thing is that if OP let her cat out like a shitty owner then what's stopping her from killing other cats by leaving rat poison filled food outside?
No. 253558
>>253553How do you even know she's not just super pissed and venting out hyperbole anyway?
Seriously, if she wanted to poison those dogs tomorrow, you being upset isn't gonna change her mind anyway. Especially if you think she's crazy to do it.
No. 253560
>>253558that doesn't mean we can't call her out on being a piece of shit.
also why the hell should i care about what you have to say? you're just kissing her ass for know reason, you're either her or a shit who thinks that letting a cat outside is fine.
No. 253572
>>253524>fuck off the dogs are probably in a yard and attacked the cat that entered.Did you even read what i posted? The owner literally BROUGHT his dogs to my house
>>253526>most states don't recognize ownership of neglectful ownersWhere did I say I'm from America?
>>253542I never expected anyone to support me on this, I'm just stating what I'm going to do if I find out it's true. I live in a big ass farm I don't see what's the problem letting my cat out at least I know he won't attack another pets.
>OP sounds like she either hates the neighbor or just dogs in general.>we shoujld just be glad that OP's mom didn't hit it with her car or OP would probably try to poison her too.Wow, you're projecting.
>>253551I clicked New Reply just once have no ideia why so many comments came out.
No. 253574
>>253566>>253568>>253569Is this your trademark?
Writing in all lower case, filling in as much curses as possible in every single sentence and being so
triggered that you can no longer distiguish between "your" and "you're" like in the other thread you're currently sperging in?
And why are you responding to yourself? lol
No. 253578
>>253570dw anon, i think some people ITT are just
triggered because they're being judged about leaving their cats outside.
i feel like we must be getting raided by high schoolers or something.
i also can't believe the logic of someone saying "OP doesn't care about your opinion" and then thinking someone will give a shit about theirs.
No. 253585
>>253575Nobody told me to breathe
I didn’t write
>>253563I think people getting all fake concerned and condescending in arguments are fake cunts, that’s all. If you’re only resort is to tell the other person (who is typing normally) to “breathe” or “take a walk,” you lose.
No. 253594
>>253590i'm the one who you told to "breathe" and tbh i find it hilarious how badly
triggered you were that you felt you had to chime in. you can hide the thread if it's too much for you :^)
No. 253664
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I'm friends with a girl I find overly clingy, emotionally/mentally draining, and downright insufferable to be around only because she often showers me with gifts. I don't think she has any idea that I'd have cut her out of my life long ago otherwise. I know I should feel guilty about it, but I don't. She's using me for emotional support, I'm using her for monetary gain. It's a fair trade.
No. 253680
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>>253674Don't be like that, anon.
No. 253791
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I'm a psycho bitch
>killed around 3 hamsters (I liked and still like playing rough with pets)
>1st bf-
Isolated him so he ended up with 0 friends
Made him cut himself in front of me
If he even looked at a female I would cheat on him straight away
In total probably cheated on him 6 times maybe more?
Verbally abused him
>2nd bf
Isolated him as well
Threw tantrums until he stopped being friends with female friends
Cheated on him as well…multiple times
Manipulated him all the time
Laughed at his dick
Poor boy ended up in therapy because of me
>3rd and current bf
Extremely jealous over him to the point that at one point I was asking about his ex gf multiple times a day…
In my dreams when he annoys me or anything I physically abuse him
Cheated on him once so far once as a punishment for lying about his ex ( it was white lies if anyone wonders lol)
I've been to therapy but I still think I'm not at fault for anything. I still think all my bfs deserved what I've done to them and as of hamsters…. I feel shit about it
No. 253792
>>253791I think you might be a sociopath anon. The fact that you said you feel bad about the hamsters doesn't make sense because you claimed in the first paragraph you still like playing rough with pets. How old are you? I'm curious.
Good that you are getting help though.
No. 253794
>>253791What do you like about doing this? Why do you believe your boyfriend's deserved this?
Surely this is a bored troll
No. 253800
>>253794I think they deserve it because they hurt Me?
I can acknowledge that they probably did nothing wrong but at the same time I still think they deserve what I did to them.
>>253796I really don't know why I like it. Probably because I like having power over them.
I feel bad because they died because of me of course
>>253797>>253798I find it amazing that people can't believe fucked up people exist? Lmao
This is a secrets thread and I'm posting this in here for a reason
No. 253802
>>253800How did they hurt you though? Because they looked at other girls? What do you mean by hurt you?
I'm so confused.
So you like playing rough with them but feel bad when they die? What exactly do you do to them?
Also, how old are you?
No. 253805
>>253802Because they might have lied about something miniscule or they haven't given me attention ( that includes giving attention to others lmao)
Also I feel uncomfortable answering the second question but yes I do feel bad when they die even if I like playing rough with them. I'm sure this makes sense?
I will be 22 in 2 months
No. 253807
>>253805I don't get your logic though. How can you enjoy torturing them but also feel bad when they die?
Same as how come you can very clearly describe how you torture your ex boyfriends psychologically and physically, yet feel uncomfortable telling us how you torture and play rough with your animals? It's a secret thread and you are anon, why do you feel uncomfortable just saying it?
No. 253810
>>253791You’re not cool. You’re not edgy or dangerous. You’re lame and needlessly cruel. Get therapy.
I wish posting shit like that was a banable offense.
No. 253811
>>253808>>253810I get the vibe they were actually trying too hard to be a yandere type and somehow appeal to the farmers. It's hilarious that everyone thinks they are fucking lame though.
Anon, nice try to go into damage control 'i feel bad about the hamster'
No you don't, or you wouldn't have done it. I bet you are fucking ugly on the outside as well as the inside. I can't wait till someone actually hurts you one day.
You sound like a fucking loser lol
No. 253812
>>253805Either spill the beans on what you do to the animals/hamsters or fuck off.
You can't claim to be sooo cool and edgy that you kill animals and fuck with people's lives but then say 'oooh I feel uncomfortable saying what I do to them and I feel bad when they die'
No. 253815
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>>253791You dropped your
>Welcome to my twisted mindIs this 2003 again?
No. 254130
>>254115I think being overly nice is the way to go, anon. Try touching him 'accidentaly' often to see how he reacts, smile a lot, go out of your way to help/impress him. If possible try to be alone with him as much as possible and see how he behaves around you; I find men much easier to read than women so you'll know if he gets uncomfortable.
As for married men, I met a legal adviser at a meeting some time ago and I think about him all the time. To make things worse not only is he much older than me he's obviously ready to do it. He offered me champagne and everything trying to make me stay for an after party but I left. I'm just looking for sex, nothing else. Idk if I should contact him, he gave me his card and all.
No. 254132
>>254130Oh gosh, my chef is much older as well. Twice my age (in his 40s) but looks youthful still tbh. Older men are just really attractive and drive me wild.
Do you know if he wants just sex? Because I've had issues with older men wanting relationships and that definitely needs to be made clear right away. If he, too, just wants a good fuck, I say go for him because you probably won't be able to get him out of your mind if you don't try. I'm someone who hates thinking about "what ifs", they truly haunt me.
No. 254136
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>>253791No offense but this is cringy as shit anon, are you fucking 15
No. 254155
>>254147B-b-but they want something. It doesn’t matter that they’re actively becoming a part of the breakdown of a marriage because it’s really all the men’s fault.
Seriously tho anon don’t waste your time. The farms love this shit and think you’re an asshole if you call someone who wrecks homes a home wrecker.
No. 254159
>>254147>>254155Jeez I'm not trying to steal him away from his wife, like I said I just want sex. Afterwards, we'll move along. Not like I want this job permanently, it's just paying my way through college to get my actual dream job.
And damn, I wouldn't even exist if my father hadn't cheated on his wife with my mom. (although my mother didn't know he was married so different situation, I guess)
But anyway, I'm definitely gonna try and fuck him now.
No. 254169
>>254165>So I want to fuck, I JUST REALLY WANT TO FUCK. Ugh, it sucks. It's all coming from sexual frustration tbqh. What can ya do? LolYou sound absolutely retarded.
Just because you're a dumb and needy slut you're willing to ruin another family's life…
No. 254175
>>254172But you just wrote
>I'm definitely gonna try and fuck him now.less than 10 minutes ago?!
Not saying that it isn't good that you stay away from doing that shit, but it definitely doesn't make you appear any less mental…
No. 254176
>>254172>I'm not even sure I'd actually try toBut fifteen minutes ago you said
>>254159>I'm definitely gonna try and fuck him now.I’m glad your attitude has changed. Don’t do it, anon. It’s a mistake. Talk to your bf about your sexual frustrations and be a mature adult. You might never argue but you’re about to take a grenade to your perfect relationship and destroy any sense of trust, intimacy, and loyalty. And aid a man in fucking up his marriage, too, if he’s game. You don’t wanna do that, no matter how horny you are.
No. 254182
>>254159Lmao wow. You want something so hurting people to get it is okay.
You know most people get past this stage by about fourth grade, right?
Goddamn home wreckers are disgusting.
No. 254184
>>254181You really should clarify if something is just fantasy or if you’re actually planning it. It’s not our fault you seemed sincere
>>254115>I just wish I could subtly find out if he'd wanna fuck>>254159>Afterwards, we'll move along.>I wouldn't even exist if my father hadn't cheated on his wife with my mom. >But anyway, I'm definitely gonna try and fuck him now.Are you surprised people took you seriously when you wrote about it like it was okay and going to happen?
No. 254189
>>254186Anon, taboo sex makes you cum 10x harder lol
That feeling when you know you shouldn't be doing it but you can't help yourself. Being super dirty and embracing it. Nothing makes you cum harder.
>>254187I'm glad someone knows what I mean!
No. 254192
>>254189So an orgasm matters more to you than letting him know he’s scum for cheating on his wife?
Ya nasty.
No. 254193
>>254192Well, I can't spin this any other way so yes. The orgasm of fucking a married man old enough to be your dad is much better than fucking some boring Tinder pretty boy.
>>254191You're right. It's 99% their fault.
No. 254196
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>>254193It’s both y’all fault and you’re gross.
No. 254197
>>254193Preach, anon. Yes.
And honestly what do you guys expect?
>>wowzer, there are assholes on No. 254198
>>254191Original anon has a committed and practically perfect bf. She’d be cheating too
>>254189Speak for yourself. The worst sex I had was taboo. Guilt and shame killed any euphoria I had.
>>254193>old enough to be your dad You got daddy issues, anon? I find old men gross. Give me a fit and fine twenty-five year old any day.
>You're right. It's 99% their fault.Helping someone do something shitty is still shitty. You’re not blameless just because they’re in the wrong, too.
No. 254260
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>>254259Therapy. Yesterday.
No. 254265
>>254263It’s scary but without therapy you’re not gonna get over this. If you could just not do it I’m sure you would have already stopped because it’s gross but here we are.
There is therapy for people who eat their poo anon. This is weird but not the weirdest or grossest thing a therapist will have encountered.
No. 254266
>>254259Why don't you try an enema or something instead of your fingers?
My secret (not really, but I want to talk about it) is that I only use baby wipes. I might use tp when I pee, but I only wipe my butt with baby wipes. Have since as long as I can remember.
No. 254267
>>254264What is your diet like? I'm vegetarian (not like actual fresh fruit and veg but a standard diet without meat) and I poop every day no problem. I'm clean by your perspective most of the time. Maybe change your diet so you don't have to force it. I just eat home-cooked pasties, pizzas, cottage cheese, waffles, pasta, cheese, a little bit of actual vegetables, plenty of fresh water.
The biggest contributor to bad popping is meat because it just collates up in your butt.
Also I kinda poop like a bunny, I dunno if my body does it or it's subconconcious but it's broken up into smaller poops
This is now the poop thread (sorry everyone)
No. 254269
>>254264Also I use a lot of toilet paper too but I run a little water over the paper half the time, which helps. Problem with baby wipes is they don't flush and clog up the pipes
>>254266/poop thread
No. 254271
>>254270I feel like there must be some small medical problem as well as you just wanting to, it reminds me of if you get a UTI and keep peeing small amounts every so often. I would go to a doctor and not just a therapist (also would be good to check if you have done any damage with your pooping habits)
What if you're at an outdoor event or a long party, camping, etc and you can't get to a bathroom?
No. 254272
>>254271Staying at people's houses and camping ect I can hold off but as soon as I get home I do it.
You might be right about the medical thing actually, my grandma died of bowel cancer and my mum has IBS and get colitis sometimes.
No. 254299
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As a teenager, I suffered from constipation, like BAD. Pooping every two weeks or sometimes not pooping for a month, and I’d always clog up the toilet at home. My mum is a nurse, so she brings gloves over time to time, and I keep some in the bathroom so I can break apart the poop with my hands so I don’t clog the bathroom. It’s extremely gross.
No. 254460
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I'm a serial ghoster.
I never mean it to happen but when I feel that people expect anything from me, or if I did something that might make them not like me anymore, or even if I forgot to text/call one day, I get super anxious and scared and proceed to shut my self in for days while having night terrors related to the person I'm ghosting, feeling like the scum of the earth and secretly hoping they will find me and punish me for being shitty to them.
Yes, I'm seeing a therapist now.
No. 254465
>>254460I like ghosting people tbh. I know it's a dick move but I can't be stuffed to answer calls/messages every day so I just check to see if there's anything important and let them hanging. That's for family and friends. For potential dates I just take a lot of time to answer and it always works on guys, they're eager to reply no matter how long I take. I've already been ghosted in the past and oh well I don't really mind it.
Lately I've been having fantasies about fucking native american men and it's weird cuz I'm not american and not even white.
No. 254483
>>254460I'm a serial ghoster too. I'm not proud of it and I justify it by saying that I'm doing people the favor of being ghosted, and I don't think I would make a good friend.
To add, I think that having been severely bullied in elementary and partly high school left me emotionally empty. I can't connect with people. I don't mean it in an edgy way, I don't wish harm upon anyone, it's just that I can't feel any empathy towards anyone but my closest family. I can tell that some people seem to be genuinely nice and interesting to talk to but I have no desire to maintain contact with anyone outside of professional or work related reasons.
No. 254489
>>254172Anon, please talk to your boyfriend about how his lack of intimacy with you is making you feel. This is a better idea then possibly
- fucking up your boss' marriage/life
- fucking up your "perfect" relationship
- losing your job
- giving yourself a bad reputation
+ so much more
This is something you need to sort out personally, if he won't make sacrifices for you, then just dump him and go for other horny people on tinder. Easy.
No. 254494
>>254159Lol you sound literally fucked home wrecker-chan why not just become a prostitute till you get your dream job if your so obsessed with sex and ruining peoples lives.
>>254163Real talk though this isn't a real argument this is retard logic. Its a common fallacy retards use to justify adultery.
No. 254499
>>254497That's a terrible idea.
No. She needs to either communicate with her current boyfriend about having more sex, or if sex is that important to her, she needs to dump him and be single so she can have lots of unattached sex. She needs to leave the married guy the hell alone because it's morally wrong and could also fuck her over in the workplace. If she really wants the excitement of escorting, it's up to her, but she needs to realise that she isn't going to get quality sex that way. If she doesn't care about actually getting her rocks off, then go for it, but I don't think suddenly turning to escorting is a good idea.
No. 254539
>>254533>He seemed like a normfag whem i met him.If he fooled you then he fooled her too.
>"he treats me good and that's all that matters, the past is the past."Did you ever think this is the result of the brainwashing he's been doing to her, and trying to justify the sunk cost of being with him for four years?
She's stuck in an abusive relationship.
No. 254605
>>254524It is to the guy's SO.
>inb4 she shouldn't have married a scumbag/it's not MY fault he's willing to cheat!Lol shut up.
No. 254616
>>254513Well it truly is not a stranger's fault when a married man chooses to cheat.
It's his vows, and his wife that he isn't protecting.
Other people aren't responsible for unstable relationships and most won't poke their noses into that business.
The big reason why anon shouldn't do it is because men like this tend not to give
any fucks about
any women they're with at
any time.
That includes not disclosing transmittable sexual diseases, and generally treating all women like disposable fuck garbage.
If anon wants her fun, fine. But that man sounds nasty and the sex probably ain't much worth it.
That's the REAL reason why this is harmful to HER.
I'm sorry, but all other hissy fits about "morality" read like you're a scorned woman who's been cheated on and blames other women for being temptresses.
No. 254625
>>254618I'm not a sperg just because you don't agree with my point.
>the guy cheating in the first place can be construed as a moral issueLol, yeah?
If the guy wasn't an open flirt with his entire restaurant crew I'm sure this all would be a non-issue and the thought wouldn't ever crossed anon's mind.
>your point is mootWhat made it moot? That I think a married man's infidelity speaks louder than what a single woman wants to do for fun? Or that I think there are more tangible, worse consequences of having sex with a liar and womanizer than the general immorality of sleeping with a married man?
How am I defending her when I'm merely saying it's a married person's responsibility to not cheat? And that there are negative physical outcomes that can arise from this that should be taken more seriously than feefees about the act itself?
No. 254635
>>254628My reading comprehension is fine. If there's something I'm missing then maybe you should articulate yourself better than insult me.
>A married man cheating is simply a moral issue as well.Arguably worse, because he took the legal and moral vows to not be an adulterer.
>Is it because you claim he has a moral obligation to his wife, but the woman only has an obligation to herself.Precisely, and this is not a claim but a 100% truth.
No. 254640
>>254635NTA or any other anons replying to you, but would a woman throwing herself at a married man (even if he turns her down) still not be at least a bit of a jerk in your eyes?
imo anyone, male or female, hitting on a taken person is at least a little shitty. Their intentions are still to get someone to cheat, even if that doesn't work. I agree that the person in the relationship has the most responsibility, though.
No. 254643
>>254640>still not be at least a bit of a jerk in your eyesIt's not that I don't think that.
My only points are that
1. It is absolutely the fault of the married person if they cheat.
2. It's a bad idea primarily because there are tangible outcomes that could befall anon that are worse than knowing she slept with a married man.
3. Hence concentrating on anon's morality is missing two major points and makes the anons honing in on just that come off as they've been cheated on before.
No. 254645
>>254635>>254636This is honestly some edgy teen bullshit. Of course the guy is 99% at fault and is responsible for his marriage, but saying to that it's fine to not give a fuck about the wife is cringy. No shit you don't
need to feel moral obligation to the dudes wife, but is it immature? Yes. Society is crafted from moral obligation, and many laws are based on moral issues, like underage drinking. There's no difference between a 20 and a 21 year old but the law. People who have a devil-may-care attitude about stuff that isn't illegal are usually pieces of shit anyways.
No. 254648
>>254645>many laws are based on moral issues, like underage drinkingAs are liquor laws in the southern USA.
And it's outdated and shown not to work too well.
If I were you I wouldn't conflate cheating to actual morality laws anyway, since there are no federal laws against infidelity.
>>254646I think you should read my third point
>>254643. It's not that I think you don't think it's the man's fault, it's how you go on about anon's moral fault when that isn't the biggest issue at play.
No. 254651
>>254648>since there are no federal laws against infidelityNo money to be made.
Good natured anon doesn't realize "morality" laws exist because of money, classism, and/or racism.
Not because the government has good intentions to regulate everyone's lives on specific moral issues.
No. 254653
>>254648The morality issue or lack there of is only not an issue to
you. The issues you brought up can apply to literally any man under the sun.
>no federal laws against infidelity. That's actually not entirely true, infidelity is grounds for divorce, so while you don't go to jail or get fucking stoned, you get legal rights you wouldn't otherwise have.
I still think you're missing my, and other's points. Your attitude of "Anon doesn't need to give a shit about anyone but herself." is cringy regardless of what she's doing.
No. 254659
>>254653>infidelity is grounds for divorceThat's called a prenuptial agreement, a contract.
I mean I could make a contract with another person that forbids them from ever buying bananas from the grocery store, but it doesn't mean they've violated an actual law that tears society apart if they do.
>"Anon doesn't need to give a shit about anyone but herself."I've never said that so don't put that in quotations as if I have. You're confusing me with I presume this anon
>>254636, and I'm not here to defend their stance.
No. 254681
>>254673>but your attitude in general is super shittyI think you're projecting considering I'm the one who's been insulted at least twice just because I'm adamant about my opinion.
What have I done to you?
>You keep accusing me and other anons of being cheated on because of how 'butthurt' we are.I never called you "butthurt" and I didn't accuse any specific anon. I just said that the focus on the morality of the "other woman" is detracting from the larger issue, and yes, does make the anons lingering on that seem like scorned exes.
If that's not you, kindly discard it as it doesn't apply.
>you're trying to hang on this idea of what is and isn't illegal as a defenseNo, no, no.
You brought the legality argument into this, right here
>>254645. You tried to say how society is based around moral obligation and hence why we have morality laws.
Just because I pointed out that it's not the case, doesn't mean that was ever "my" argument. Nice try though.
>It seems more like you help people cheatHow would anything I say "help" anyone cheat lol. Please just stop, it's all nonsense.
No. 254682
>>254648>no federal laws against infidelityThere are no federal laws against being an asshole to a random pedestrian on the street either, but everyone would agree that it's wrong and would call you out on it.
It's both people's fault regardless of sex, being a "home wrecker" is just as bad as being that pushy dickbag who keeps suggesting sex because the bf "doesn't have to know".
If you only act a certain way because the law prevents you from doing otherwise and base what is wrong or right on its legality, you're not a good person.
No. 254687
>>254681Anon, you
do have a bad attitude, and have been trying to justify someone who fucks a married person with "hurdur moralshits btfo".
No. 254691
>>254687How do I have a bad attitude?
>justify someone who fucks a married personNo.
I've said from the beginning that there are bigger, tangible reasons for anon to not want to do this than "muh morality."
Never that it was green-lit a-okay.
>hurdur moralshits btfoStop 4channing and talk like a real person.
>>254690Being passive can imply coercion.
I'm surprised you actually think being asked by a married man to cheat is the same as being sexually solicited unwantedly.
No. 254698
>>254696>that only you give a shit aboutYeah because catching an STD from the married womanizer is no biggie.
Risk losing her job or making a hostile work environment? Child's play.
What anon really needs to do is give a shit about the feelings of a stranger she's never met before because some douchenozzle of a man won't keep it in his pants.
You've got to be fucking kidding.
No. 254702
>>254700>have nothing to do with whether the person is married or notSays you. I'd say a guy who openly flirts with women and lets on that he's down to fuck while he's married probably has more cock-fungus than the typical single guy.
I'd say having the rumor that anon slept with a married man–as opposed to a single one–isn't going to go over well at work and in her social circle.
But okay anon, you do you.
No. 254717
>>254715I'd take my chances with a single man without an extensive sex history than a married dude who makes his cock available to any other woman willing.
It's so sad how you're turning a blind eye to that difference because you want so badly to be right. It's cute.
No. 254726
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>>254721Ah yes, I should assume the single guy is the true liar and put him on equal sus as the MARRIED MAN WHO'S CHEATING AND FUCKING EVERYONE AT ANON'S RESTAURANT.
I bow to your superior logic skills!
I am defeat!
No. 254731
>>254726Dude, calm the hell down. Your entire argument is based on random assumptions and yet you still think you have reason to call out others for doing the same thing.
Both parties are just making assumptions, but you're the only one saying yours are somehow more right and you think that makes you correct.
No. 254739
>>254735Actually anon, the "entire argument" was you
>>254616 starting shit to tell people they were wrong for caring about morality. People's opinions about morality aren't assumptions. In your first post you made the assumption that STDs were involved.
No. 254744
>>254739 >starting shit to tell people they were wrong for caring about moralityOnly that it was all they were focusing on.
Either way, they proceeded to act like that care for morality was the end-all.
Which still contradicts your point.
>your assumptions thoughWell that anon didn't even cheat yet look at all the assumptions anons placed on her.
Again, fuck off with this "they're right and you're wrong" bullocks. You're not fooling me by repackaging the argument.
No. 254755
>>254748>do you actually read what you type?Yes, and have clarified my position reasonably for about the umpteenth time by now.
>you instigated the argument because you said people were "stuck on that"And I stand accurate on that, as evident.
If you don't care about my opinion then fuck off and stop being
No. 254756
>>254755the only one who seems to have gotten
triggered is you, 2 hours ago, over moralfags.
No. 254774
>>254521>Who cares?Please develop some human decency and compassion.
>>254616>Other people aren't responsible for unstable relationshipsNo, but you are responsible for you own actions and their consequences
>I'm sorry, but all other hissy fits about "morality" read like you're a scorned woman who's been cheated on and blames other women for being temptresses.Yes. Because the only way to care about other people is if you share their exact experiences. If you understand something is wrong, it’s because it’s happened to you. /s
>>254638Just because someone else did something worse, doesn’t let you off the hook for being complicit and helping them do it.
I left my response
>>254513 nine hours ago and just came back, before people accuse me of sperging for hours. Because apparently you can’t have a negative opinion on an anon’s actions without people thinking you’re obsessive.
Here’s it clarified for anyone confused: in most societies, it is considered shitty to sleep with your relatives, married people, and those who are underaged. You can think differently. But you’re in a minority. And you’re pretty shitty imo. Yes, it’s all based on personal opinion, but in my opinion, you should refrain from things that fuck over other people. You can be selfish and think differently, that’s your right. And it’s my right to think you’re a piece of shit. End of.
No. 254785
>it’s all based on personal opinion, but in my opinionLiterally no one asked for your opinion about what's right or wrong. People just want to share their secrets without anons sperging/infighting about it for hours. If you don't agree with something just report it and move on for god's sake.
No. 254786
>>254762People were sperging about morality before anon even posted.
And you know what, based on the reactions, I'm gonna say scourned exs was pretty on the nose.
No. 254792
>>254789Idk being concerned about STDs and how coworkers would treat you does seem more than tinfoiling and actual valid concerns.
I don't know why you both can't agree to disagree because both sides have valid points.
>inb4 No. 254804
>>254794I don't think anon was being autistic.
And if this were the unpopular opinions thread I'd say I'm tired of autistic being used to describe any dissenting opinions.
You're all being very stubborn.
No. 254834
>>254823Because you're not acting as "autistic" lingering here for another hour to convince us why another anon was more autistic than anons who were also responding for the same length of time.
No. 254837
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I know my friends boyfriend is cheating on her but he got my nudes from my ex so I’m forced to keep the secret.
No. 254856
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(infighting; derailing) No. 254877
>>254871Maybe geff a blood test or look into your diet. Certain foods change the smell in your body chemistry and also when you are sick it can happen too.
When I get the flu my armpits smell like weed
No. 254925
>>254871I smell my own crotch whenever I sit down and I get paranoid that other people can. But nobody, not even bf, ever says they smell anything.
I think we just smell ourselves and are really aware of it.
No. 254961
>>254650A woman who will sleep with a married man is a piece of shit because she knows she’s taking part in destroying another woman’s marriage and happiness.
Choosing your own orgasm over the emotional well-being of another human being who’s marriage you have actively taken part in damaging is the most immature, selfish shit.
Seeing women say it’s because the man deserves it is hilarious because they know damn well it’s not the man that is going to be hurting. They don’t care about hurting other women, just blaming men and getting an orgasm.
Some of them probably sit there calling themselves feminists on the same day lol.
(derailing; infighting) No. 254983
When I was around 8-9 years old I lived in a really small town populated by ~1000 people. All the kids knew each other, and we would play games together at a playground. Sometimes one of the older guys would join us, I'm not sure if he was an older sibling of someone. My guess is he was 16-18 years old. We didn't think much of it, we just thought it was pretty cool that a teenager would want to hang out with us.
He developed some kind of obsession with me. A bit stalkery tbh. The first incident I remember occurred when we were playing hide and seek one evening. Everyone scrambled to find a hiding-spot, but I didn't know where to go. Then I heard him calling my name from inside/underneath a couple of bushes, and he gestured at me to come hide with him. So I did. He held onto my shoulders from behind as we hid and waited. All of a sudden he got really touchy feely.. Like slowly moving his hand down my body hoping I wouldn't notice. I was pretty scared tbh, and it felt kinda wrong even tho I had no idea about child molesters and pedophilia. Luckily I was a smart kid, so I made up some excuse and quickly got on my bike and pedaled home. Honestly I didn't think much of it, somehow I just knew I should get away from the situation.
In the summers everyone spent most of their days swimming in the lake, it was only a short bike-ride from my house. I distinctly remember diving down underneath the wooden pier, and someone grabbed my ankle as I was going up. I turned to look around, and of course it was the same guy.. He seemed to be targeting me for some reason, but luckily there were tons of other people around at that time. But one time me and my brother went down to the lake alone, and there was no one else there. Pretty awesome we thought. After a while I hear a moped approaching (most teenagers owned a moped in the countryside), and guess who I see coming towards us.. The same fucking dude again. He sits down on the pier and watches us for a while. Doesn't say anything, doesn't join us, just sits silently watching us play in the lake.. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if my brother hadn't been there with me.
Sometimes he would try to lure me and my girlfriend into his house. He was listening to white power-music, and asked if we wanted to see his swastika-flag, lol.. She wanted to, but I convinced her otherwise. After that I started trying to avoid him, but he'd still join our games sometimes.
Nothing super-bad ever happened, and I'm not exactly traumatised by it. It's only recently come back into my memory, as I'm trying to process my childhood. I wonder if I was just lucky nothing worse happened, I never ended up alone with him. I don't remember his name sadly, but part of me really wants to know where he ended up. I really think he has a criminal record by now, probably something related to molesting children.. I wonder if someone else had the same experience with him.
Idk man. I've never really told anyone about this.
No. 255013
>>255007Do you get anything out of it? Like money, perks, etc.
I can't imagine having a fling like that just for the kinky sex. I'd milk that idiot for all he's got.
No. 255016
>>255007Damn. Is he at least hot/good in bed?
Just waiting for the sperg anons to show up, it shouldn't take long
No. 255018
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A few years ago when I was 18 I lost my virginity to a 30 year old man while I was on vacation in Mexico, we had a brief "relationship" but I don't even think you could call it that, we hooked up for like 3 days of my 2 week vacation. He was from New York and worked for a big investment bank. I remembered his name and looked him up on facebook when I got home, turned out he was engaged - I found his wedding invitation and registry and everything online. I remember staring at his fiancee's facebook, wondering if I should message her and tell her. I decided that I definitely wasn't the first girl he's cheated on her with - I don't want to sound mean but she seemed like the type to want to sweep that sort of thing under the rug while pretending like everything was ok. I know I meant nothing to him, idgaf (losing my virginity was more or less meaningless to me). Today the memory randomly popped into my mind for the first time in years and I looked him up again. Turns out they got married a few months later and had a son, and have a baby girl on the way. I would never say anything to her now, but I still feel so guilty about sleeping with him. Obviously I didn't know he was engaged and I wouldn't have if I knew. It makes me think that he still sleeps with tons of other women while his wife is home with the kids, and either she doesn't know or she does know and doesn't care/doesn't want to care. To top it all off he seems to be an upper level executive at his firm now, I work in the same field and am terrified i'll come across him someday although I doubt he would remember me
No. 255020
>>255013No. I actually have feelings for him, at first it was a kinky fling because I thought I’d leave the job, but ended up staying. He is attractive and treats me well, and a good fuck, and I sometimes feel like I’m in love with him but from a fucked perspective. Like a father figure.
He takes care of me in some ways, like working on my car, buying me things here and there, but we are both poor.
I already know it’s fucked up and disgusting. I can’t stop it.
No. 255028
>>255022I could see it happening, and he is actually looking to transfer elsewhere so that the affair doesn’t eventually effect my own professional path. He does genuinely care about me.
If I want a relationship with him, though, I’d have to break up with my bf. I sound like such a cow. Someone shoot me.
No. 255030
>>255028Lol anon please. You're not the first person to have an affair and it's not an offense to die over.
But yeah, you should probably male a decision about that soon.
No. 255046
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I had this male friend who introduced me to his girlfriend a while back. I had no feelings for him up until they recently broke up a month ago. The worst part is, I got close to his ex girlfriend so now I feel like an awful bitch.
I don't know what sparked this sudden ??? feeling. They're only recent but holy shit do I really feel guilty. I really hope this goes away since they're both wonderful people… And I don't want to get rejected and have her hate me
No. 255180
>>252343I was a sex worker for around 6 and a half years during and after college. I've probably had sex with several hundred people (possibly a thousand but I can't be sure with the repeat callers). I moved town with my escortdosh to minimize the chances of bumping into former clients by accident (which was becoming a hassle, admittedly. I mean they weren't dicks about it, for the most part, but it's like meating your manager everywhere all the time and being reminded of work).
I still read punter reviews occasionally. I had made a very good impression on the people that booked girls from my agency, so now they occasionally reminish about me in comparison with the new girls.
It's not a nice job, though. I wouldn't do it again if I didn't have to. Then again I didn't do it the first time without having to, so eh.
Anyway yeah, I would definitely not tell anyone about it unless there was incredibly good reason.
No. 255190
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When I’m stressed my armpits fucking reek. They don’t smell when my life is going okay. I also sweat when I’m nervous or uncomfortable, so essentially all of the time.
No. 255226
>>255186I told my family and it made my life living hell because in my case it was incest and I eventually reported it to the police directly because they didn't do shit. I got yelled at, told I was "splitting apart the family", etc. I'm sorry for what happened to you, but I feel like most people I meet who did "nothing" as children who were sexually abused, while they don't have "closure" (though I still feel like I don't really have it…always blaming myself for how I could have presented it better as a 12 year old, etc.), they seem to be able to live better with it. That might just be me, though.
My point is, damned if you do, damned if you don't. I hope you are able to find a therapist who you can talk to more about this.
>>255203This is me with alcohol. I even hate myself when I'm on it, but I hate being sober more. I feel like everyone will judge me and that I'm just going to be seen as a failure even if I do graduate college and such.
No. 255254
>>255249why do you need a guy to be more experienced and mature than you?
older men are not more respectful, they just know how to play the game better.
No. 255271
>>255267Come on, anon. I'm so experienced and mature; far too advanced for the stupid boys in my age group! Older men respect me waaay more and love me for who I am.
Weird thing though, my 32 y/o bf I met when I was in high school last year doesn't really like spending time with me unless we're having sex :/ I wonder what's up with that. Perfect relationship otherwise <3
No. 255290
>>255289Good argument, you really got me.
Daily reminder to keep it in your age group until you're at least very late 20s+. And if you don't, don't try to justify it by saying your peers are too immature.
No. 255294
>>255293i can smell the
triggered on you
No. 255296
>>255293Okay, I normally don't like to accuse anons of being other anons, but I feel like you've been shitting up this board a lot lately. Every single time someone criticizes something about sex or being a whore, you pop in to call them bitter, insecure, jealous harpies who want to keep all men to themselves.
It's very reminiscent of that ana sperg and you never even bother to sage it. Are you ever going to take your liberal bs somewhere else?
No. 255298
>>255296I never said any of that, I just think it's dumb to act like older people are unfuckable.
I'm guessing you're the same person who always speculate about that or that post being by the same person? You know plenty of people can share the same opinion?
No. 255301
>>255296Yes. Also "Fucking older men is so hot, I want my married boss!" and suddenly we have a "Do you really think cheating is bad?" thread.
But no, we are just jealous femcels…
No. 255306
>>255304That's just your personal preferences.
>>255305I'm a grown ass woman and I've had older lovers, I wasn't traumatized by it lmao.
No. 255312
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>>255310B-but anon, how could anybody resist the average
daddy?! Acting like older people aren't fuckable is just dumb, period.
No. 255318
>>255314Girl no. You are NOT fucked up for thinking that!! It's completely NOT normal for a brother and a sister to behave like that. Your intuition is screaming at you for a reason. Listen!
I 100% guarantee that's not his sister visiting and if it is, that they're into some weird shit. Don't let ANY man kick you out of your home either!! Wtf?! If she's so shy she can pay money for a private room. Or he can pay. Hell if I'd leave my home I pay rent for to make some dudes "sister" comfortable.
I have a feeling he just played you real good and literally made you leave your house so he could fuck his side chick. Stop letting him make a fool out of you!!
No. 255320
>>255310Eh, some. I think girls who want to fuck older men are just extremely insecure and know that being the young, attractive half of a couple gives them leverage and an ego boost. They've also been brainwashed by society to think of old men collectively as George Clooney silver foxes in suits instead of
>>255312, the reality. They annoy the shit out of me, not gonna lie, but men work very hard to make us feel like we owe them our youth and peak beauty no matter how little they deliver their own.
Men who want to fuck older women just have porn on the brain. I don't think it's that deep with them.
No. 255321
>>255318 is pretty ridiculous so here's some actual advice.
If you've been together with him for at least a few months, it's reasonable to say to him you'd like to meet his sister. You could even word it as "family" to not specify, but I think you should be forward and say that you want to meet her. If he makes an excuse (I.e she's really shy) then pitch something like a movie, that way she doesn't need to interact with you constantly.
Before you jump to any conclusion about their relationship you really need to meet her in person, see how they interact.
Tbh from your description it sounds a bit weird, but I have a friend who is very close with his sister (they call each other everyday for about an hour) because they had an abusive childhood. Try not to panic or build up a story in your head until you've met her (or any of his family really).
No. 255324
>>255314I prefer going to my brother's place when I know his gf won't be home because it takes a long time for me to get comfortable around other people (and I just don't like her lol) but the fact that he actually basically kicked you out when she came over is weird. I agree with
>>255321 I think you just have to find an opportunity to meet her in a casual setting. It definitely could be that she's just shy/hates meeting new people and is very clingy towards her family and your bf just isn't realizing how odd this looks.
No. 255326
>>255286Maybe it’s not about his age? Just saying there is such thing as genuine attraction to someone based on emotional and mental connection
gasp scandalous, I know. Age is such a small factor
No. 255327
>>255326Kek I'm sure the middle-aged man who's fucking (not dating, but fucking) his 20-something y/o dingbat of an underling behind his wife's back has a ~deep, emotional connection~ with her.
>Age is such a small factorTop fucking lol. I'm curious: how do you feel about ephebophillia, anon?
No. 255328
>>255327I am the dingbat anon fucking him, lmao.
He’s not married.
All I’m saying, is two consenting adults are free to be together regardless of age. If there’s a genuine connection between two ADULTS, why does age matter? Not all “old men” are unattractive, or gross, and not all of them are manipulative assholes after young pussy.
No. 255329
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>>255328>He’s not marriedOh, guess you're the only one who's cheating in this situation.
>Not all “old men” are unattractive, or gross, and not all of them are manipulative assholes after young pussy.You're one to talk, lil miss "we do borderline ddlg things and he calls me his little princess"
No. 255332
>>255328>Not all “old men” are unattractive, or gross, and not all of them are manipulative assholes after young pussy.It's kind of you to cape for old men like this, but I can assure you men won't do the same for you once you hit 30+ and become worthless to them. It's true, age doesn't matter… when you're young. It's all fun and games until the tables are turned and men your own age think they're too good for you.
My bitterness is broadcasting loud and clear but I'm 26 and have felt this way since my early 20s and being exposed to what men really think about women. In principle I refuse to fuck over my future self or other older women by aiding and abetting sleazy, entitled old men.
No. 255345
>>255341 , my mother met the love of her life at 50 (who is nine years her junior) and had men her age hit on her before that.
I think a good chunk of men are gross (probably around 60% of normal, law abiding men), but a great deal of them are also not. Some young men even prefer older women.
>inb4 handmaiden No. 255349
>>255341this, my grandma is fucking 80 and somehow has men from her nursing home and church spoil her and even take her on dates
almost all the older women I know had no trouble pulling younger men (yes even the ones that want serious relationships), MILF and older women porn isn't popular for no reason, men obsess over MILFs and redpill men are in denial because they want to convince themselves their revenge fantasies are true when it's far from that, if an older woman is having trouble finding a date chances are it ain't because you're older, plenty of men love older women, just don't be fooled by the lie of mgtow
No. 255366
>>255332Here's a life-hack. Men say they're into 18 - 24 year olds, ultimately. That doesn't mean they actually are into them. Their image of what an 18 - 24 year old looks like comes from movies and porn, in both of which the girls presented as if they were barely legal are actually very legal, and possibly 30+ years old.
I have a friend that's 37 years old, but she's well kept, and you wouldn't know she's over 30. One time we were out and a group of guys was hitting on us. When I asked them to guess her age, they all thought she was ~20 something. They literally have no ability to actually guess ages. If you don't look shrivelled up they imagine this must be because you've just hit puberty. So don't worry your head about that.
No. 255401
>>255400>looksshe use to model when she was young, my guess is that all her erm.. male-friends were men who were crushing on her throughout her life and now that my grandpa passed away they went for her, since I live in a small town where everyone has been knowing everyone since they were young, she looks like you're typical italian, curly short brown hair, green eyes, olive skinned, very pear shaped and super short like 4'9
>behaviorshe's kinda an airhead, not to talk rude about my grandma, she acts like your typical traditional old woman, nothing really significant
No. 255422
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>>255366>Their image of what an 18 - 24 year old looks like comes from movies and pornPorn is one thing (though I'd argue men don't consider pornstars the height of beauty), but we know how old actresses are. And movies prove what I'm saying.
My argument was about early 20s rather than barely legal/teen girls though, since that's backed up by more stats that I've seen. Eg that OkC data where men of all ages consistently rated women in their early 20s the most attractive while women's prefences went up with their own ages.
No. 255423
>>255422But your image doesn't contradict what I'm saying. It shows that the vast majority of roles are distributed to girls 26-30, but it doesn't tell us what they are cast as. We'd also need to see which of these roles are more visible. Cultural perception isn't shaped by random young actors in a very small production. So I think it's perhaps a little questionable to try to reach some conclusion via IMDB credits. For all we know it could be the case that everyone from the 16 to the 35 range are cast as young adults (which would contribute to men's confusion about age ranges)
Now, perhaps men rate women in their early 20s higher or send them more PMs, but isn't there something of a non-sequitur here? On OKC you declare your age, and it is this declared age which statistics track. But I'm not saying men don't like the idea of fucking very young women. I'm saying they can't reliably tell how young you are by looking at you outside some upper and lower limits (and on OKC they don't have to. They can simply search in these ranges first. You literally wear a label with your age for their convenience). For example if they did see an 18year old, I think they'd be able to tell she's very young (because 18 year olds are basically kids). But if they're looking at a 20 - 35 year old (possibly older women, too, depending on how well they're maintaining themselves) they can't reliably ascribe her age to her. They just think she looks young and they default to saying she's 20 something (or if they have more info -has she finished college? is she working?- they might say 25, but it's clear they don't come to their conclusion through their perception).
I think we should expect men to want to go for younger girls. At the very least there's a social expectation to that effect. Men are praised for getting with girls in proportion to how young they are. I'm not so sure they can tell who the young ones are, though.
To add something to this. I remember reading that the average age difference in the vast majority of relationships is something like 3 years. Shouldn't we expect much larger age differencies if men systematically tried to get into relationships with far younger women AND also avoided relationships with fairly young women in their 30s?
No. 255444
>>255423I've also experienced this. When I ask guys to guess my age, young ones consistently guess me to be as old as they are, and older ones just see me as "a kid". One guy I dated was 22, and he always told me I looked 18-19 even though I very much do not. My ex said I look my age, we were born 2 months apart. Another guy that liked me said I look 21 because he's just turned 22 and doesn't know shit. Some teen Chadlets in a high school next to my university thought I was 17.
I used to worry about looking old but according to most of the users here I'd have been called a haggard old crypt keeper at 18 because I have hereditary nasolabial folds, that's just my fat distribution in my face, and I was uglier (and therefore older looking) than now because I didn't have money and couldn't afford to look pretty.
People don't know shit and most can't guess anyone's age correctly unless it's really obvious. There are so many older-looking teenagers, young-looking late-20somethings and the in-betweens that it's really hard to tell for sure.
No. 255449

I secretly enjoy watching videos like related, and sometimes fall asleep to them.
I like listening to the chaos, drama, and yelling. Even though I know videos like this are abusive and wrong. I shouldn't be okay with them, but I can't stop watching.
I grew up in a divorced, majorly dysfunctional family dynamic. Both my mother and biological father were pretty narcissistic and even today, my mom loves to stir up drama and arguing.
When my mom remarried, I used to listen in on the hours-long arguments she'd have with my stepdad until one of them would get so pissed off they'd leave the house I didn't have a car to flee in growing up so our arguments lasted way longer.
Sometimes after I got home from highschool, my mom would start an argument with me over something absolutely petty (not liking my tone, a dish left in the sink, a complaint about my friends, a less than perfect grade, not knowing what to cook for dinner, etc.) then proceed to harass me for hours. She'd follow me around the house yelling and riling me up some more. Our fights would last anywhere between 2 and upwards of 6 hours. I'd always be completely emotionally and physically exhausted afterward.
She also loved to do things to purposely piss me off. Going into my room when I asked her not to, reading my diary and snooping through my belongings, saying certain words and phrases to get a reaction from me. Just awful shit.
When me and bf moved in with my parents temporarily after I graduated, even my bf thought my mom was super aggressive. He was witness to at least a couple of her shitfits towards me. He noted how she always had to have last word, and would start yelling at me about her issue at hand but would evolve her arguing until she'd basically yelled at every facet of my life by the time she was through.
This was when I was 24.
So I dunno. I feel like if I told people this they would think I'm nuts. I'm just really accustomed to dysfunction. And maybe deep down, it makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one to have grown up in chaos.
No. 255484
>>254985I second
>>254991leave him. You deserve to be happy. You'll be a single mom but you're technically already one because you're the bread winner already and sounds like he doesn't do shit to help you anyway. You got this, drop that bitch.
No. 255492
>>255314I agree with
>>255318it's strange that he kicked you out of the house why didn't they both just go somewhere else together? I don't think that's his sister anon
No. 255638
>>255625>>255628Just leave the poor guy alone. Footstuff is innocuous. My big brother has a 64GB flash drive with all his favorite facial abuse scenes. With filenames followed by brief comments like "puked her guts out", "regrets being a whore", and "burst blood vessels".
I thought about telling our parents, but then what would the point be.
No. 255657
>>255650What would you tell your mom? She's an older woman. I wouldn't even know how to describe it to her without making it sound stupid. And she loves us, it'd fuck her up if I showed it and his notes to her. It fucked me up when I saw them. I knew he had issues getting with girls, but he was always nice to me. I couldn't think he was this hateful. I can't look at him now.
He's not in risk of doing anything to anyone IRL. He spends all day in his room browsing /arcanine/ and incel forums on reddit.
No. 255677
>>255657NTA but unless your parents are completely useless when it comes to raising kids, they would talk to him about how clearly fucked up he is and get him help. That's the type of shit people should be in therapy over. Describing it to her isn't hard, just tell her he's into very violent porn and gets off to women being brutalized.
>He's not in risk of doing anything to anyone IRL. He spends all day in his room browsing /arcanine/ and incel forums on reddit.So basically he's a confirmed misogynist? He obviously has a disturbing mindset toward women and needs help. I'm not sure why you think he's not capable of hurting anyone when the incel community is an endless source of violent fantasies against women and even men bragging about hurting them. Ffs there's been at least 3 mass shootings done by incels.
No. 255689
>>255657Do you love your brother, anon? If you do I think you should help him by telling your mother or confronting him yourself. I'd hate to see my older brother turn into a disgusting incel even more so if he's nice to me.
But what do I know, all I've found in my brother's archives was ecchi, League of Legends fanarts and anime girls with huge tits. No big deal.
No. 255694
>>255625I found out my dad was into granny porn and deepthroating the same way, I was absolutely disgusted.
Why don't men know how to clear the fucking internet history? I'm pretty sure he even bookmarked one porn site. On MY computer and while I was still underage.
No. 255699
>>255625I used to share a computer with my dad many years ago and I found his porn folder. It was just very normie stuff. Years late I was using his computer with him and I ended up going to the desktop by mistake and seeing some videos that he saved there. I pretended I didn't see it. To be honest I don't really mind, I watch porn too.
I saw that my mom googled "naked men" once as well.
No. 255703
>>255694Once my brother wanted to show me something and started scrowlling through his browser history in front of me. There was a lot lesbian porn searches and videos, he was pretty embarrassed so he just told me 'Who cares, I'm a man' and deleted everything. I think your dad didn't expect to be caught or he just doesn't care.
>>255699Idk why but reading this made me chuckle. I caught my father only once and it was hilarious.
No. 255705
If I brought home a test with a grade less then 85 my russian grandmother would beat me with a belt, until my mom moved me out of the shared family house at age 14. One time she punched me in the head and dragged me into a shower by my hair because I locked the bathroom door, because I didn't want her to go inside while I was taking a shower. I wasn't allowed to show or bath alone because she needed to be there to make sure I did it right, I basically had no privacy or bodily autonomy. She told me if I ever locked her out of a room in her house ever again I would live to regret it. She was an orphan from the age of five and I don't think she ever had any idea of what it was to raise a child because she was essentially an unwanted child passed over to relatives.
Sometimes after she went mental she would cool off and start crying and begging me to forgive her. One time I came home when I was 7 from school and she was crying hysterically because she had to send food to her sister's family in Russia and she made me promise I would take care of them when I grew up. Other times she would be paranoid about me getting sick. I remember her asking me sometimes to lie on the bed with my legs open so she could examine my vagina and then putting baby oil on it, she did this until I was at least 10. I remember hating it because she kept the lotion in the fridge because she thought everything needed to be refrigerated or it would go bad and it felt so cold and unpleasant. I am pretty sure this somehow technically falls under child abuse. She was constantly telling me not to touch leaves,dirt, other kids ect because of germs and because of that I have problems to this day with sex because I have unceasing paranoia about STDs, I see all bodily fluids like salvia/semen ect as inherently dirty.
I can't share any of this shit with anyone I know because I don't want to be another stupid bitch complaining about her mental health "condishuns" and other bullshit that is so rampant with this fucked generation and also who the fuck would actually hear this disgusting shit and see me normally afterward? Its cute to talk about depression and other shit like that for "aesthetic" and people are accepting of that, no one wants to hear about this type of fucked up shit. People can sense I am closing off major parts of my personality/thoughts from them but they don't know exactly what so they just think I am a cold, feelingless, self-centered person. I've accepted I'm going to die alone surrounded by my many cats who will undoubtably eat me when I die. I'm not even sure what I think I will get out of writing this massive wall of text on a anonymous message board other then disgusting innocent people.
No. 255707
When I'm having problems with friends or partners, I seek help online, but I sometimes switch things up. I like to do little "experiments" where I post the same personal issue twice, but with the genders switched, just to see if the response is different (obviously, on 4chan, if I pretend to be a guy who's fed up with his girlfriend, the response will be kinder and more understanding). Then, I pick what seems like the most straightforwardly helpful, non-vitriolic advice.
Other times, I think of what I'm going to do/say to the other person, then make a post pretending to be them on the receiving end of my plan of action. When I do this, I make sure to sound generally bemused and unsure of what to say (basically neutral, a blank slate and a mirror for the reader) so I can fish for other people's reactions, and get a sense for how they might actually respond. Then, I tweak my "plan" accordingly to try and get better results in reality.
I'm convinced I do the second thing out of anxiety. I don't lack empathy or anything, I already have a general idea of how most people I know would react to a lot of things I'd say and do. It's just that there's always that lingering doubt, and having strangers confirm my expectations, or even introduce a new point of view entirely, is nice. On the other hand, when I was a little kid, I actually used to post on online forums with bullshit problems just to troll and/or see how they'd respond out of curiosity, so part of it might just be that. I'd never admit any of this to anyone IRL, I'm pretty ashamed of it.
No. 255709
>>255707I do the same thing anon!
I don't think it's a sign of abnormality. You're just trying to map out social outcomes.
Other people would probably do it too if they thought about doing that. Wish I had anonymous forums when I was in highschool because damn I would've saved myself so many headaches if I could have gotten critical, yet honest, insights.
No. 255714
>>255705I understand not wanting to overshare to friends, social media, nor the general public. But really anon, mental illnesses are not bullshit and you should seek a professional.
You have plenty to vent because your abusive, neurotic grandmother molested you.
Contrary to popular belief, I think our generation is actually the most progressive about mental illness thus far. It's not stupid. Yes, there are indeed special snowflakes and malingerers. Yet I'd rather put up with their vocal minority than go back 20–worse 50–years ago when mental illnesses were truly stigmatized, ignored, and 'treated' with barbaric and inhumane ways.
Your grandmother is the dumb bitch, not you or anyone else who has mental damage from childhood because of adult abusers. Sadly(?), I'd be one of those people who would view you as "normal" because there's too many children who had to endure that, myself included.
No. 255720
>>255705im sorry about all the bad shit but you brought back memories of my grandma and mother putting baby oil on my vagina sometimes as a kid, i have never heard of this anywhere else and i have no clue why they would do it.
must be some weird european shit idk
No. 255752
>>255699My dad is into bondage (meticulously organized shoots). He makes backups of the ones he likes. He has ~100 DVDs with that stuff in it. I don't mind because I like bondage, and it saves me the hassle of downloading it.
Also my aunt once brought me her laptop to fix the gazillion viruses she had somehow downloaded, and I copied her firefox profile. She's religiously into DP.
No. 255769
I stumbled onto my dad's porn pinterest account. He gave me his former computer and deleted the browser's histories but forgot to remove the websites auto-login. It was just naked girls and lesbian porn, nothing too gross/extreme thankfully, but all the girls were in their twenties or early thirties which felt…weird. Intellectually I realize most people in their sixties find people in their twenties physically more attractive than people their own age, but it's just awkward knowing that my dad lusts after girls my own age. I guess I'll understand when I'm in my sixties and I find men young enough to be my son attractive…
>>255699>I saw that my mom googled "naked men" once as well.Your mom sounds innocent haha
No. 255774
>>254172just fucking don't. i cheated on a boyfriend that treated me like shit in high school and was also cheating on me with multiple women
not only did i feel bad for cheating, he told everyone about it and only i caught shit because of the whole fiasco. almost 10 years later and i still can't shake it off
No. 255794
>>255786This is really bad, I know how hard is to control one's temper but, I'd brake up with anyone that slapped me.
I mean, you know the guy has aspergers Idk why you were even arguing about him being dense.
No. 255840
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I am Maladaptive Daydreamer, and have been one ever since I can remember. Essentially, I can have very intense daydreams for hours and hours a day. Daydreaming in itself isn't a problem, but I do it to the point where it effects my life (ex: putting off school work, shutting myself away in my room). I want to stop this, but at the same time I can't because I enjoy my daydreams more than real life. Like, I could daydream for hours about living in a forest, with my own small farm and gardens, with a qt hubby. Or daydream about a movie/tv series I just saw. I have done this for so long that I have my own giant universe with so many characters and different plots. I'm afraid if I stop daydreaming I'll just become very depressed. I have developed my characters so much that letting go of them will be painful. I haven't even told this to my bffs because I'm afraid they'll think that I'm crazy…rip me
No. 255859
>>255840You are me. I have an entire multiverse of derivative characters with complex relationships with one another, and an entire history of interactions building on one another, progressing an overarching plot and developing the characters. I'm also attached to them and the story and I enjoy thinking it up.
I don't think my daydreaming influences my life negatively. I think my life sucks and that's why I daydream.
I've considered writing it down, but much of it is incredibly derivative. Still might do so, though. I don't imagine this is so much different than how a normal creative process works.
No. 255860
>>255840Me too. Never knew the name of it. But mine affects my life. I don't know how to stop. It's an addiction now.
>>255840How do you not let it affect you or your life?
No. 255861
>>255860Ups meant to reply to
>>255859 for second
No. 255862
>>255859>>255840Woah, I do this too. How often I do it makes me cringe, but daydreaming still makes me so happy.
>I'm afraid if I stop daydreaming I'll just become very depressedThis!!
No. 255863
>>255840>>255859If you have a chance, try writing or drawing the characters and their world for an outlet. At least you're doing something productive with it (plus those hobbies are relaxing).
>tfw used to daydream like this whenever I had a chance (in the car, sitting alone, waiting in line at the store)>but since puberty hit it's all sex based instead of full stories>literally thinking of characters fucking in my head all the timeAt least masturbation is easier.
No. 255864
>>255861Of course it affects my life. It makes it minimally tolerable.
I'm joking that daydreaming isn't the problem in my life. Working a pathetic job that consumes most of my time and energy and having basically one friend total is the problem with my life. The solution to this isn't to strangle out the little bit of creativity that survives in me when it becomes inconvenient to my productively toiling away at the fucking mine. It's not even my mine.
Maybe this point of view sounds unhinged or ridiculous to you, but I think the ease with which we brand every disposition that makes us less efficient a problem and try to eliminate it is what should concern us.
The problem isn't that the burst of creativity can't accomodate our obligations. The problem is that our obligations can't accomodate this creativity.
Anyway, as purely practical advice, I try to front-load what I have to do and leave a few hours open for myself, or at least specify breaks for this purpose and for music.
>>255862My mother also once low-key admitted to doing this. Perhaps it's more common than we think and it's simply the case that nobody will admit it to anyone else.
No. 255867
>>255866Are you good? Are you on any site?
gib H-F profile link
No. 255870
>>255863>>255862>>255859>>255860It used to be so much worse in hs, now that I am in college, I'm working on what makes me happy irl, learning how to love myself, and focusing on positive things in my life to minimize daydreaming. I still do it and it still effects my life, but it is much easier to handle now than it was in hs and middle school when I hated my life and just wanted to escape it.
It's kind of like a cycle. Feel awful -> daydream, shut myself away -> lose touch with friends, get bad grades -> feel awful -> daydream, shut myself away. It's hard to break out of it but I'm trying…I do draw and write but it doesn't really help much. Like, when I was a kid, I was really happy so there was a balance between me daydreaming and having fun irl. Then shit happened and now it's maladaptive.
No. 255990
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>>255840>>255859>>255860>>255971Same. Since I can rememeber I literally spend all day (and night…) dreaming. Whenever I read a book, watch TV or even just see or hear about something I always insert myself in that story.
I always imagine one of my favourite characters (they're not "originals" though, just from a book I really like) accompanying me, walking and sitting next to me wherever I go and me explaining everything I do to him. I have 2 "stories" that I continue living out inside of my head for over 10 years now.
It's affecting me so much, I want to pay atention during class or talk to others but I'm literally trapped inside of my head and it nearly makes me angry if i get disturbed talking to my imaginery friends. I can't even stop doing that while I'm writing this. (But I also don't want to, because it's so much more fun than real life!!!)
Also, now my life might be shit and i do it in an attempt to flee reality, but as a kid I was super content and still did that all the time.
My former best friend once admitted to me that she also relives stories she heard and thinks about how they might continue, but this was when we were just like 11 and now she's super succssful in every aspect of life, so I hardly doubt she does that anymore…
I thought about writing on ao3 or something like that, but all these sites are in English and i'm not a native speaker,so…
No. 255993
>>255840>>255859I've done the same stuff as long as I can remember, anon. And it feels like the older I get the worse it becomes. I've noticed that I use it as a form of dissociating - whenever I'm in an unpleasant situation, my mind starts forming up a new daydream, a scenario with my characters I've created. I can't focus on anything else anymore, the story just keeps going on in my mind and I shut the world around myself off. I love them a lot more than real life and it sometimes worries me, but I can't stop.
> I'm afraid if I stop daydreaming I'll just become very depressed.I had a phase in my life where I gave up my daydreaming and tried to focus more on my real life. I've never been as miserable as back then.
>I don't think my daydreaming influences my life negatively. I think my life sucks and that's why I daydream. This. I'm lonely, not in a relationship or have that many friends to hang out with so I guess it's also a coping mechanism.
No. 256021
>>255972I outright play out parts of the story when there is no one around.
It's a miracle that I haven't been found out yet.
No. 256052
>>256029I don't know. It's a weird thing to talk about and most people tend to shame people for that kind of lawless creativity. If you're not using it to sell something, it's taken to be a childish waste of time. For myself, I'd rather shame them. If it was part of the DSM I might at most bring it up in order to criticize the tendency to pathologize what is injurious in a society, when we could just as well pathologize that arrangement of our society, instead.
>>256043it me. Some of my characters even have theme songs.
No. 256296
>>254501>>254616>>254635Late because I haven't been checking up on this thread since before these were posted but you guys are some of the only reasonable people who replied to me. Those are valid points (instead of calling me a whore, as if that would help) so I thank you. Plus lately I've been thinking I'd like to marry my boyfriend, like I can actually visualize a happy future so I'm not going to cheat. But not because of "muh morals" but because of actually good reasons. Anon will be good, promise.
I might buy my bf some viagra, though, and make him take it one way or another.To stay on topic, a secret of mine - I have OCD and I constantly feel like there is oil and germs and other shit on my skin. I take showers twice a day and wash my hands so often, they tend to be dry and cracked. I have anxiety and don't want to be viewed as "odd" so I don't tell anyone.
No. 256302
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I daydream about sex 99% of the day every day mostly because I'm so bored and unsatisfied all the time. My masochistic tendencies are getting worse too so I just daydream about being humiliated and dominated in brutal ways by a man. Like…Boyfriend to Death-tier kinks turned out to be my guilty pleasure I never even knew I liked before. I feel ashamed and disgusted at myself.
No. 256481
>>256296I don't know if it's a coincidence but all those posts you quoted were mine lol. Either way, I wasn't haranguing you about it because I could kinda tell you weren't gonna do it, you just needing someone to talk you down from it. Trust me I know, sometimes I post anonymously hoping for the same kind of feedback. It's not helpful when people treat you like you've already done something bad.
I think you did the right thing.
No. 256521
>>256479I'm sorry that it affects your concentration so badly. I think you should definitely mention it to your therapist so that she can help you. If I still had a therapist, I would, even if it is a little awkward to bring up. Psychologists ask about your libido for reasons so it's not like it's a topic that is completely inappropriate and should be avoided in a mental/health setting. Just be honest with them.
>Who's your fave b2d boyfriend?Strade. His character design and description are really exotic. Thinking about some sweaty, motor oil-smelling, fucked up German snuff film maker ruining me in the most depraved ways possible is so hot. I wish his route had some more humiliation and piss play in it bc the watersports in Vincent's route was so good but I didn't like Vincent as a character.
What about you, anon? Who's your btd husbando?
No. 256554
>>256553Therapy. Now.
Anon, please don’t live your life afraid of your reflection. You deserve to see your beauty every single day. This is a mental illness. Please please get help.
No. 256594
>>255840I do the same thing, but for some reason, when I daydream, I see the daydream in front of me and it replaces what I'm actually looking at. For example, I'll be daydreaming and seeing something from my daydream, and then when I finally snap out of it I've been staring at someone for twenty minutes.
It's gotten especially bad, I'll be at work (I do data entry and digitization stuff) and I'm not seeing what I'm working on, just what's happening in my head. I've almost gotten into several accidents while driving because I stop seeing the road. I don't know how to stop. Even if I could, at this point my daydreams have been going on since as far back as I can remember, I wouldn't know who I am without them.
No. 256596
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I am unable to masturbate.
>I really want to be able to masturbate. I've been trying since I was sixteen, but I just don't feel any pleasure.
>I've tried almost everything: I bought sex toys, lube, watched porn, tried different positions and methods
>nothing works
>I've never had an orgasm
>I'm 22, a virgin, and I've never felt sexual pleasure
I feel like such a loser. I think it's probably the meds I'm on (Zoloft for several years now) but I'm terrified of going off them because before I was on Zoloft, I tried to kill myself 5 times and was admitted to mental hospitals 7 times. The last suicide attempt left me with two broken legs and a broken back and I was in a coma for three days.
I'm terrified of what I might do if I went off the meds, but I want so badly to be able to feel something, to be able to have sex. I just feel so inadequate and empty.
No. 256615
>>256596Honestly, you should really really consult your doctor. This kind of thing might be a result of the drugs you're taking, but as you are saying, it might be too dangerous to get off them, and you don't have to risk this. Maybe you can shift to different medication that won't have this side effect, but this is something your doctor can help you with if you consult with them.
Alternatively, it might not be a side-effect but caused by some other illness or disorder, in which case you also need to consult a doctor/therapist
No. 256618
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>>256598No.. do I just like… grind on a pillow?
>>256600I generally don't get aroused unless I sort of force myself to. One thing that used to work was listening to BLCD, it would get me pretty aroused but after a while it stopped working. Sometimes reading smutty fanfiction works, but then I get hung up on bad word choices and my arousal just disappears because some author referred to eyes as orbs or whatever.
>>256603Maybe, I'd like to try it. The other (very embarrassing) problem is that my dad goes to every psychiatrist appointment with me. I'm 22 but he's very overprotective and overinvolved in my life. I've tried hinting very un-subtly that I can go to the appointments on my own, but he either doesn't notice or ignores me. I don't want to hurt his feelings but I also can't exactly ask my psych about switching to Wellbutrin so that I can jack off in front of him, either.
>>256605Oh, yeah. Never dildos. Penetration terrifies me, I can't even put in tampons because it hurts too much.
>>256615I talked to a normal doctor (not a psych) and she did an examination but said there was nothing physically wrong with me. She was worried that because of my injuries from the suicide attempts that there might still be nerve damage and that could be causing the lack of sensation, but she ran tests and everything works down there.
At this point I'm pretty sure it's the Zoloft, but I just don't know what I could do to fix it. I know it's not worth falling back into suicidal depression so that I can jack off, but it still bothers me. I'm also worried that maybe it's not the Zoloft at all, but that its psychological. I was molested almost weekly for around a year when I was five-six and I wonder if it could be a result of that, too.
No. 256626
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>>256620Yeah, I've tried grinding really hard into my hand, but it started to sting so I stopped.
>>256621>>256625I don't see a therapist, I haven't for around 9 months. I'm starting back up with therapy this week though. A psychiatrist is someone who prescribes the medicine; therapists only listen and give advice, etc, but can't prescribe meds. I see my psych every 6 months or so. My dad has never joined my therapy sessions, except for when we did family therapy back when I was in middle school/early high school, which we stopped doing because it would always turn into a screaming match between my mom and dad.
I'm hoping next time I visit my psychiatrist I can get some time alone with her, but even then there isn't much she could do because in September I'm moving to a different country.
No. 256632
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>have bad social anxiety and ASD so i have trouble relating to people and i am cursed to a life of social retardation
>when i see someone im intimidated by or if im nervous in a social situation in general, i will imagine the worst things possible happening to them:
>them getting kidnapped/tortured
>them becoming a paraplegic
>their family dying
it reduces my anxiety because imagining their reactions humanizes(?) them when they seem so socially above me. i should also add that i have absolutely never fantasized about hurting anyone and i never would.
i cant be alone in doing this right?
No. 256643
>>256618It sounds like you might be like me and have vaginismus maybe. I can get sexually aroused but as soon as it comes to any kind of penetration my brain goes into panic mode causing muscle spasms which make penetration impossible. The same thing applies to tampons and even OGBYN pelvic exams, I just can't have anything near me.
My nurse practitioner was kind enough to do step-by-step exposure therapy with me, just so she could finally go through a full exam and get a sample (this was over the course of a year+). She made a mention of there being other kinds of specific therapy for vaginismus that would teach the patient to become more relaxed and open with their body's desires but I'm so flighty I can't imagine going through with it.
That said I can't orgasm either. Doesn't matter how much rutting, it's just not pleasurable for me, I immediately get turned off and feel disgusted, like there's something wrong with me. I've all but written it off as being vaguely asexual at this point.
You also cannot keep allowing your dad to attend therapy or psych appointments with you. He needs to sit outside and be your support out there if he wants to come. You need privacy.
No. 256734
>>256674Well, that's good to read… I always thought I was the only one.
When I'm alone, I like to imagine being with my favourite characters in an heroic-fantasy world, having aventures, conversations…and I verbalize my answers too.
I've always had the "head in the clouds" (hope it's the accurate expression, Esl here) but I've the feeling it get worse lately. That in itself is not that bad since it helps me to find some funny banters/dialogue and inspiration for my writing job. But sometimes, I find myself stupid for doing that.
But seeing so many daydreamers here makes me feel a little bit better about my cringy self.
No. 256790
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Thanks to some info from an acquaintance , I found out that some guy who has been obsessed with dating me for years reported me to immigration under a false claim.
Last year I was nearly deported (let off with a warning and a possible mark on my immigration record, along with my visa being cancled and further use of said visa being denied, basically everything you could get without actually getting a deportation sentence.) For the longest time I though it was my abusive ex who decided to create this lie because well…we fucking hate each other. But oh was I wrong. It turns out it was some guy who I’ve known for like 10 years. We were pen pals back in high school and he’s always wanted to be with me, sent me messages, even reached out to my mom at one point and just up and started talking to her in Facebook for no reason at all. He was always annoying and just always there and never seemed to go away. Now that I look back, it was after he reached out to me last year and started being creepy attached. (“In those 3 years I was depressed because you never reached out to me despite being in the same country, I asked my dad if you could stay at our house if you want, lets get married. Please just go out with me.” ) I kind of brushed it off when I was back in my home country for a holiday, because I was not interested and staight up didnt like him like that. Suddenly, about a few weeks after I cut contact with him completely, I had a bit of an issue getting back in the country (lots of questions about my motive to be in the country, blahblahblah) and a few months later I had a full on visit from immigration due to more claims of me doing things outside of my visa, with vague instagram screenshots attached that had nothing to do with said claims, but could kind of be construed as such if you were really reaching.
I pretty much know it was him because i havent spoken to him since before I got questioned at immigration, yet he had enough information about my situation to go and tell my acquaintance verbatim what exactly happened to me and specifically under what context. All under the guise that he was an ‘ex boyfriend’ who I dated (we NEVER dated).
I was always pissed off because despite the chargybeing completely false, it was basically ‘guilty until proven innocent’ and its hard to convince people who walk in there thinking that you are lying. All of this trouble going through a new visa process because I denied a fucking pleb and refused to go out with him. According to said acquaintance he thinks I was banned from the country for 5 years, and he’s happy about it. Kind if goes to show you his motive there.
No. 256817
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>>256809I am happy for you anon, but drugs?
Please be careful. So many people wrecked their relationships or even whole lives because of drugs.
Wishing you all the best tho
No. 256833
>>256828Woah I thought it was just me. Maybe because the (mostly male) audience tends to sexualize the characters? Most of the Rule 34 shit I've seen tends to be anime, even completely innocuous characters like school girls. I even used to think Sailor Moon was porn related before I knew what it actually was about.
I get that western animation has adult themes too, but it seems so much more overt in anime. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I can't watch anime without thinking a female character is going to be eventually bound and gang-raped.
No. 256906
>>256833>>256828Read/watch more shoujo and josei.
(Although I agree that anime with (non slice-of-life) plot of any kind will inevitably have fan service. Girls are hot, cool…but not if they're in HS, sorry.)
No. 256922
>S-sorry about wanting to torture you girls, but no need to be afraid hehe…sounds just like a guy.
No. 256934
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>>256933Men really don't care too much about BDSM.
No. 256941
>>256937>>256938I know this (sadly), but if I'm with a vanilla guy I'd rather he like me taking the lead at least. I could never be even a vanilla-tier sub, myself.
Knowing more men are okay with this than I previously thought puts my mind at great ease. Although I'd ultimately want a guy to peg and smack around, I can settle if I love him.
No. 256948
>>256946>implying I wouldn't like a pushover soy boy bfNo, we don't all want to domme Chad.
Although I respect women that do.
No. 256949
>>256938It seems like a lot of guys into femdom are just lazy tbh
Isn't it funny how "dominant" men expect women to enjoy almost getting murdered and shit but the submissive ones tend to be just pillow prince vanillas
No. 256951
>>256948a soy boy isn't just a pushover, it's more like lazy, libfem fuckboy who majored in liberal sharts and will never have a real job. find a REAL pushover bf
or one of the legendary sub chads, soy boys are shit.
No. 256957
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>>256951Do sub chads really exist? I would do anything for one of those.
>>256954Do get yourself killed Anon.
No. 256962
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>>256957kek i know what he looks like and shit. we skyped and now i wanna go visit him to fuck his precious little virgin brains out. if anything im the danger to him. he's 23 and im 25 so the age difference isnt spooky or anything. i'm only visiting not moving there kek.
No. 256969
>>256962nta but is he a robot? Is your current bf/ex one?
Asking to see if people genuinely have luck with those fuckers. If he's just a well-adjusted virgin, congrats.
No. 257027
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>>256969not a robot. I met him on /vg/ tho.
he has a job and comes from a good family. we both just happened to like the same video game.
my current bf frequents the chans a lot. he used to be a /pol/ fag but switched it up to /o/. he got super fat and lazy and doesnt ever want to fuck so after wasting months in trying to resolve our problems i gave up and am going to give out of state dude a shot.
i havent felt this happy in ages and it feels so good lasses.
No. 257028
>>257000If you’re most likely a lesbian, why did you enter a relationship with a man only nine months ago?
You owe it to him and yourself to sort your sexuality out before you get even more involved with him.
No. 257057
>>257041>I doubt you or anyone else on here wouldn't gladly accept a small fortune and treat themselves somehow. You sound bitter.No, my parents are wealthy. The number one rule is to live within your means and have a reasonable lifestyle. You wanna life your life worrying about bills, like you mentioned, then keep blowing through any cash you come across. Hotels, blow, etc, ain’t cheap. Worrying about bills shouldn’t be your norm. And no, not invest. Although the fact you think that was your only alternative proves my point. You can have money in the bank, you know? You don’t
have to spend it. You can do this thing called saving, and not having debt, and not worrying about finances. Just don’t be wild for “one night,” which was as soon as the opportunity presented itself. It isn’t your fault. It’s a failing in teaching. The same reason footballers with million dollar contracts end up bankrupt. They don’t know how to deal with money without going overboard.
No. 257061
>>257057Where did I say all of the money is already gone or that we don't have bank accounts? Get out of here with that condescending "It isn’t your fault. It’s a failing in teaching" bullshit. I mentioned in my original post that we put most of it away for our nest egg. We haven't even made a dent.
I don't even know why I'm still arguing with you at this point. I just wanted to brag.
>>257045>>257055Lol I'm not going to specify how much it was.
No. 257066
>>256809Kinda gross that you used the money from a dead grandma to literally fuck and do drugs, other Anons are right in that this is why poor people stay poor. That isn't what people who get rich and stay rich do with their money. What people
think rich people do and what they actually do are vastly different.
See also: The people who advertise their wealth are usually, in fact, living on borrowed time and some of the people who appear poor are actually rich and not wanting desperados crawling around after them.
Anyway, I hope you spend the rest of it wisely, and remember it isn't "free money" but an old woman's life savings so maybe be a bit more respectful. You may as well shag on her actual grave at this point.
No. 257074
>>257073Nowadays I'm taking one that's about 7.5 inches and thicc. I love it.
Taking average ones never felt as good.
No. 257081
>>257041>You expect us to invest in stocks or some shit? You actually should. It's not as complicated or risky as it seems, look up passive investing (particularly Vanguard ETFs) and read some relevant subreddits (financialindependence, investing, the finance sub for your particular country). Once I did some research and realized how simple investing can be my mind was kinda blown.
I mean personally I have no issue that you had a big night, it's not like you need to save every penny. But you could make a chunk of money last forever if you wanted it to.
No. 257082
>>256934I find group sex way more sordid than anything in the same level according to chart. Pretty ok with most things except the very end and scat or cutting, but I am disgusted by group sex. It is so rare for me to be attracted to one individual so I read group sex as
group of people I'm not attracted to and also
doing all the work, and not in a sexy way No. 257101
>>257099Hell if I know. I think I have a hurt/comfort thing going. So I like girls in distress as a prelude to aftercare, sort of.
>>257100>It's a fetish you're disgusting for havingI know you think so, but why am I disgusting for having it?
No. 257103
>>257102Well, since you're incredulous about it, clearly there must be some fairly obvious reason you think so, so you won't have any trouble explaining it to me.
What do you think is the problem with sadism as a fetish?
No. 257110
>>257104You keep reasserting that you strongly disapprove, but not explaining why you strongly disapprove. Just saying X is objectively disgusting is not an explanation of why you think that this is the case. It's just a repetition that you think it is the case. Should I conclude that it's just a gut feeling you have?
>>257106Yeah. I don't get it. I don't approve of the actual abuse of women (obviously, I wouldn't approve of myself being abused). I'm into the S in Sm. Other women are into the m in Sm. I'm genuinely struggling to see the problem with this. You two could help if you shared your reasons for thinking there is such a problem. Are you conflating this with an abusive relationship or what is going on?
No. 257121
>>257110If you honestly don't see the problem with deriving sexual gratification from causing and/or viewing others suffer, I think there legitimately is something wrong with you.
Go back to fetlife or wherever you came from, creep. Seems like you're new anyways because you don't even bother to sage your bs.
No. 257127
>>257121This is still you being incredulous. If you feel this strongly about something, you should learn to articulate your thoughts about it. If you can see the problem, then tell me what it is. My suspicion is you don't "see" a problem, however. The idea makes you uncomfortable because you personally aren't a masochist. But if that's all this amounts to, it's rather trivial and limited to you.
The problem with rape isn't that the rapist derives sexual gratification from suffering, it's that they're inflicting suffering on someone who'd rather not be suffering. It's weird to make the problem about what the perpetrator is feeling. It's really not about them. We wouldn't think better of them if they felt awful about it but felt compelled to do it for some reason (e.g. their honor, tradition, some disorder etc)
No. 257134
>>257127>If you can see the problem, then tell me what it is. I've already told you twice: getting off to the suffering of others is immoral.
>My suspicion is you don't "see" a problem, however. The idea makes you uncomfortable because you personally aren't a masochist. But if that's all this amounts to, it's rather trivial and limited to you.I don't even know how to respond to this. You're suspicion is wrong and it makes you sound borderline sociopathic. Onision-teir.
>The problem with rape isn't that the rapist derives sexual gratification from sufferingNo, that anti-social behavior definitely is part of the problem. I don't know why you can't see that.
>it's that they're inflicting suffering on someone who'd rather not be suffering.By that logic, if a rape victim felt indifferent to or even enjoyed being raped, the rapist should shouldn't see a day in prison.
>It's weird to make the problem about what the perpetrator is feeling. It's really not about them. We wouldn't think better of them if they felt awful about it but felt compelled to do it for some reason (e.g. their honor, tradition, some disorder etc)The motive of the perpetrator is always relevant to any crime, including rape. I agree that it would still be wrong no matter what that motive was, but it
is relevant.
The amount of mental gymnastics in this post is unbelievable.
You a trans gal by any chance, nonnie? No. 257136
>>257023>>257028>>257029About a year ago, when I was still single after getting out of an abusive "relationship" with a man much older than me, I seriously thought I was a lesbian for months before telling anyone. I've known I'm
at least bisexual since I was 11, so thank you
>>257023 for saying I'm probably straight! Anyway, around that time a year ago, when I came out to my grandfather and told him I thought I'm a lesbian and could see myself exclusively dating women in the future, he told me I'm "probably not gay" and to "give it time."
Then, about a month later I told a coworker of mine the same thing and she flat-out told me I'm not gay.
Shortly after that, I pretty much jumped into a relationship with my boyfriend. It's been very fast-paced; he told me he loves me after about a month of us dating, and I didn't say it back until 3 or so months in; he talks about marrying me one day and I'm generally very "ok" about it, but not ecstatic. There was a time a few months ago, around the 5 month mark, when I thought about breaking it off because I just could not stop thinking of being with women and that it would make me happier.
No. 257139
>>257132I think it depends on whether self-mutilation is done on due reflection or compulsively. If it is an autonomous choice where they are in control, I don't see the problem. If the person doesn't want to want to harm themselves but feels compelled, or it's the only way for them to avoid bouts of depression or they can't even bring themselves to reflect on whether they should be doing it because of serious psychological issues, then that is something they can be helped with. If they have thought about it and they understand what they're doing but enjoy it for some reason, meh. At the very least I couldn't say it's immoral.
>>257134>I've already told you twice: getting off to the suffering of others is immoral.Yes, but I'm not asking you if you think getting off to the suffering of others is immoral, I'm asking you why you think that getting off to the suffering of others is immoral. I'm asking you to justify your view so that I can understand what your objection to sadism is about.
>if a rape victim felt indifferent to or even enjoyed being rapedIf a rape victim wanted to be having sex, she wouldn't be much of a rape victim? Isn't rape literally unwanted or compelled sex? How can sex that is neither unwanted nor compelled be rape in the first place? Wouldn't that be more of a problem with your view? You seem to be arguing that the problem is pain, not whether they're willing participants, not I.
>that anti-social behavior definitely is part of the problem.But the tendency to derive gratification from suffering isn't an anti-social behaviour. It's not even a behaviour. It's an emotional tendency. You can have a tendency in perfect isolation from others.
>The motive of the perpetrator is always relevant to any crimeI mean, mens rea matters, whether someone intended the criminal act, or did it negligently, but how would the motive matter? I don't know what you have in mind.
>You a trans gal by any chancenope No. 257143
>>257139>At the very least I couldn't say it's immoral.But you can criticize people for making self-destructive choices. This is why society goes hard on cigarette smokers, hard drug addicts, or terribly obese people and the like. Inevitably, you can't control the choices everyone makes but you can still criticize them for being bad choices. The same can be said for sexual masochists who can end up getting seriously injured and end up with brain damage or even die from certain fetishes like asphyxiation as an example. The reason why I compared it to self-mutilation in particular is because the compulsion to masochism can show up due to mental/emotional health issues and unresolved trauma just the same.
If you think it's okay to take advantage of people in that way, and genuinely can't see why other people would have a problem with the concept of receiving sexual gratification from making other people suffer, I would at the very least think that something in your brain isn't wired correctly. Immoral could be another conclusion.
No. 257150
>>257139>I'm asking you why you think that getting off to the suffering of others is immoral.It's immoral because you're putting your own sexual pleasure above the well-being of others and not only do you see nothing wrong with it, but you don't even make an effort to prevent these unhealthy thoughts in yourself because you are too fucked up understand why they are wrong. You also encourage self-destructive behavior in others by acting on them, which is abusive.
>If a rape victim wanted to be having sex, she wouldn't be much of a rape victim? Isn't rape literally unwanted or compelled sex? How can sex that is neither unwanted nor compelled be rape in the first place? Statutory rape isn't always necessarily unwanted or compelled, does that mean it isn't rape? In a situation where person A did not have the proper ability to give or revoke sexual consent, yet person B had sex with them anyways, person B would be a rapist no matter how person A felt about it.
>But the tendency to derive gratification from suffering isn't an anti-social behaviour. Arousal is not emotional, it's a physical response, also known as a behavior. Arousal is an inappropriate, anti-social response to have to the suffering of others, thus it is an anti-social behavior.
>how would the motive matter?The thought process the perpetrator had before and when they commited the crime gives insight to behaviors that raise red flags and to how likely they are to do it again.
A person can also be forced to commit a crime by another person. Not saying it's common, but I'm sure it's happened. If the perpetrator's motive had to do with that or maybe self defense (in the case of a crime that didn't involve anything like rape, of course), it would certainly be noteworthy.
No. 257160
>>257150nta but holy shit you sound nuts. you're also going on about statutory rape when it's legal jargon and nothing more. you're the one who is supposed to have a moral obligation yet you're going on about legality?
also this thread should have been called the shaming secrets thread.
No. 257164
>opinions and judgmentssure those are fine but fighting an anon tooth and nail is embarrassing.
No. 257166
>>257161Sexual arousal is not strictly tied to your emotions kek, if it was hook-up culture probably wouldn't be a thing.
>>257160What do you mean? Should I have said "fucking a minor who is to stupid to consent (because s/he is a minor)" instead?
Idk what's nuts about acknowledging that sadism/rape kinks are abusive and you're fucked for being into it.
No. 257167
>>257166i'm not into it, but you sound crazy because your arguments are all over the place and not even glazing the topics. and you realize that 18 year olds can be put in jail for "statutory rape" of their 17 year old gfs who's parents arrest them over shit, right?
you said arousal isn't emotional, not that it's usually not. don't speak in absolutes and people won't assume you are.
No. 257170
>>257167>you realize that 18 year olds can be put in jail for "statutory rape" of their 17 year old gfs who's parents arrest them over shit, right?Not where I live, but I see your point. My bad, just pretend I said "fucking someone who's too young and stupid to consent" instead of "statutory rape" then.
>you said arousal isn't emotional, not that it's usually not. don't speak in absolutes and people won't assume you are.I was talking about fetishistic arousal when I first mentioned it. I feel fine saying there is absolutely no case where that is emotional. My bad again if that wasn't very clear, assuming everyone speaks in absolutes unless they clarify that they aren't is weird to me. Like a #notallmen situation.
No. 257196
>>257173That's pretty vanilla and harmless tbh, you shouldn't feel bad about it unless it suddenly makes you more attracted to your relatives.
>Like the characters are so attracted to each other, it doesn’t even matterThis idea is a massive factor in almost all my fetishes, but it usually means conflict, angst etc. That shit is the last thing I want IRL, I just like the drama and heightened emotions in fiction.
No. 257221
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I still play Neko Atsume and I'm as obsessed as ever. I look at let's play videos of the new VR version and I want that so much it's adorable.
Also I renamed two of the cats with most fitting personalities after my ldr bf and myself and now I'm always waiting for them to appear, preferably sleeping together on a big cushion or some shit. Like it's almost comforting that despite our distance at least our cat forms are right next to each other. ;_;
No. 257609
>>257324Sounds like a bad shroom trip - so it was probably something like LSD? I would think it's more likely someone put something in your wine glass when you weren't looking vs mixing something into a shot glass (did your glass look different from the others?).
You basically had a really bad trip - probably because you started feeling weird, unexpectedly, in a different environment. This is scary but you made it out safe and as far as "embarrassing" Medical staff sees a lot worse shit with people who've intentionally done a fuck ton of drugs or suffer from hallucinations. Honestly, your friend is aces for taking you home.
No. 257627
>>257612Some girls get lucky with sugar daddies but most of them aren't worth the trouble. When I tried it, I accepted a man's offer to fly me halfway across the country, then almost flew back home immediately. Almost immediately after meeting him, he started groping me, and it was so damn awkward that people stared and some woman mouthed to me if I needed help. I felt so stupid, I hadn't even considered asking him to give me some time to get comfortable. I know realistically I shouldn't have had to ask that but he had already given me some money at that point so I didn't know what to do.
Be careful anon. Some guys have significantly less money than they imply or think sugar dating is just another term for prostitution. Tell at least one person, even if just an online friend, before you meet someone. And be very, very clear about your boundaries and expectations.
Honestly though, if you don't want to do it, don't. Sex work is fucking degrading; anyone who's ever said they enjoy it/it's empowering is full of shit and is just trying to compensate for the stigma of the industry. Give yourself time to heal and get over your ex.
No. 257651
The bf works a lot, I work a lot, we see eachother in the morning before work and in the evening after work.
Very rarely do we get the same days off, aside from Sunday, which we usually spend being lazy/tired fucks.
Still, in spite of both of us working a lot, I have more energy and usually want to still go out after work, he does not. Which makes me want an adventure buddy to go out and do stuff.
That might sound like just a friend, but I have friends, we have friends, our friend outings are very geeky/guy-ish
It's a secret because… Well, I'm bored. Very bored. I want an adventure buddy specifically for that– go out on mini adventures. Try new things with more frequency, do more stuff.
It's not even remotely a sex thing, just wanting someone else that's still wide-eyed and bushy tailed and wants to not have a dull moment and share that with someone else.
No. 257717
>>257612>I guess it's just teenage angstIt literally is, don't fuck yourself and your future over because of it. You're just not old and experienced enough to know what you can handle with men, you're consciously aware of the fact that you don't even want it and you just want to be spiteful. It's a recipe for disaster.
Remember the best revenge is living well and selling yourself to old men is not living well (from your ex's perspective at least. No man is going to regret dumping you because of it, they're just going to think they did the right thing). Keep your head up high, focus on improving yourself through your hobbies, interests, health etc and don't make rash decisions - your anger will pass.
No. 257731
>>257627>Some guys have significantly less money than they imply or think sugar dating is just another term for prostitution.Well, to be honest, those guys are not wrong. That is a form of prostitution except with the added benefit of pretending you are in relationship.
I agree that sugar dating to get back on ex is a terrible idea. You should study, work (or both), enjoy your hobbies and if you want to neet up with men, get Tinder and hoe it up with guys that you find attractive cause you want to (or find new friends or potential relationship or whatever). Sugaring is dangerous and capable of making you miserable even if you are 100% on board with the idea, cause you can always meet some psycho. You can't even add it to your CV.
No. 257738
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>>257731I can’t believe I need to post this again but I know a sugar baby that got raped with a hot curling iron.
Seriously stop risking your life for some dumb fuck, and unless you are 100% clear with the dangers of the sugar bowl don’t do it.
There are hundreds of websites about scamming sugar babies and how to take money of new girls.
Seriously, stop.
No. 257834
>>257752>>257627One of my close friends had started doing it when she was underaged, it looked so simple and easy. I haven't gone on any dates yet, I don't even like dating. I'm hoping it's just a phase because I've always been shy and socially awkward. I don't even feel good taking money, even when I've worked hard for it. Thanks for the advice, and I'm really glad you got out of that situation, that seems terrifying and I couldn't imagine what I'd do if that were me.
>>257717>No man is going to regret dumping you because of it, they're just going to think they did the right thingfuck, that hit me hard. It's definitely a phase. I could never actually go all the way with any of these men, I just like playing with the thought of it, but what you said completely shattered that. Thank you anon
>>257729what the fuck are you even talking about? Can you even read?
>>257731In my mind I was counting on going on a couple dates and keeping it platonic (like
>>257752), but I know that's not realistic. I can't even stomach going on tinder myself.
>You can't even add it to your CVholy shit lol
>>257738I'm disgusted but not surprised. I think I just got caught up in the glamour of it.
No. 257869
>>257747Are people claiming that being a sugar baby isn’t a cutesy term for prostitution? That’s some serious disconnect from reality if they are.
>>257738This is why it’s such a scary thing to have sex work treated like something empowering by these Twitter hookers who try and make it cute. There’s girls being told it’s safe, normal, and a get-rich-quick plan when it’s a really easy way to be raped, injured, or murdered. Lucky ones will only get ripped off. Glamorising sex work is a trend straight outta hades.
(I’m not against sex workers themselves, they deserve protection from violence/rape/pimping..all the bad shit, and they aren’t bad people for doing it.)
No. 257936
>>257752 and like i said, there are situations where you find someone who doesn't want sex and that's totally different, but there are tons of people who think going on fake dates and fucking for money isn't prostitution. they end up getting super lowballed and fucked over.
No. 258374
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My bf asked me to marry him and I'm lowkey scared. I haven't given him an answer yet and I don't think I want to(to give him an answer I mean). I'm afraid lol I love him and he doesn't even care about marriage but during the years he's finally opened up about it and I know it's because of me, a wedding is a huge thing for me. Next month would be our 6 years anniversary and he says he would like an answer by then. I'm shaking in my boots Anons.
No. 258397
>>258374If you're unsure, don't do it. Don't let him pressure you into giving an answer so soon. If you do say yes, you can be engaged for years before marrying so don't worry about it.
>>258382Kind of damaging and inappropriate thing for a teacher to say. Only you know him as well as you do, your teacher only knows what he sees in class. Has your bf improved? Is he taking meds or going to therapy? Has he shown suicidal thoughts since? Are you willing to help him through some rough patches in the future? If you don't feel able for that, maybe it's time to rethink.
No. 258398
>>258382That was extremely inappropriate of your teacher.
Look, either you want to marry him or you don’t. Either is okay. Don’t reject him because you feel other people don’t approve or that you’re missing out on something others have had. Don’t accept him because you’re afraid of losing him or because you don’t want to hurt him.
Do you want to marry him? Spend a damn fortune on a wedding to walk down the aisle towards him? Spend the rest (or at least a good chunk kek) of your life by his side?
Don’t worry about what future you may or may not feel, you can’t predict that. Focus on how you feel now. Don’t ask yourself if you love him, you can love someone without marrying them. Ask you self if you want to commit him. If you do, they’re you should be happy and rejoicing. If you don’t, then let him go so he can find someone who does.
No. 258399
>>258382So me and my fiancé are both rather mentally ill so I'll give some advice and give some questions for you to ask from a point of experience
Does his mental illness get in the way of your relationship? And be honest with yourself on if it's actually draining on you and/or doesn't feel worth it in the grand scheme of your relationship
Is he still suicidal today? And if so wait. This isn't just for you but for your bf as well. Having a past suicide attempt at age 17 will mean nothing later down the line when you're an adult and as you go down the road to recovery but currently suicidal people aren't ready for a dramatic change in their life. And if things get worse it's harder for you to get out or slow that relationship down. Personally I recommend a couple years post previous suicide attempt so you know they've gotten better and they just don't think they are because they haven't been
triggered by anything again. Also count self harm as a thing to wait on too. It is barely above suicide attempts and honestly it's best to marry someone whose worst coping mechanism is better than self harm.
Why did that teacher tell you that "people like that will bring you down"? Is it because he is lumping all mentally ill people together or is your bf someone who uses their illness in a toxic way? There are people who will use you or go down a really toxic path when depressed because they just can't bring themselves to care. Just make sure that isn't the case because that's a toxic relationship you shouldn't have to live. I've been that person to friends before. Not intentionally, but I did it. It's horrible and I now see just how much it hurt the people around me, but I couldn't see it then. No matter how much he loves you if he's doing that he needs to stop or you need to get out. This is for your own good, trust me
Does your bf have a life long mental disorder or is this a curable one? Are you ok with the burden of helping them recover if it's possible as well as the possibility that they fail? Or are you ok with your bf always having some issues for the rest of your life?
Are you an unhealthy coping mechanism for him? Is your relationship co-dependent?
Now, this is a question that is irrelevant to his mental health but good for the whole highschool sweetheart thing. Have you ever found yourself to be with him just because you didn't want to find someone else? Because you didn't think you could ever find someone like him? Because you don't want to get with someone after having already lost your virginity with this guy? Because you live in a small town with all the same friends from high school? Do you feel that you have to be with him because you've always been with him? Potentially worried about what your parents might think? Or maybe because your friends joke that you'll always be together.
If you've answered all these questions and decide you want to be with him, ask yourself more. This is a very important time in your life and a very critical decision you have to be sure of before you answer. I hope this helps at least a bit. And good luck
No. 258418
>>258397He had suicidal thoughts last year but as far as I know he has been feeling better lately. He does not take meds anymore, he had some last year (I cant remember the exact name of them at the moment), he says when he first tried them (years prior) they worked fine but they stopped working and they only made him drowsy so he stopped taking them. He had a therapist but she left his primary care doctor's office and hasn't had one since.
>>258399I was 17 when he attempted he was 19 at the time I believe, he has self harmed before (way before I knew him and it was actually pretty bad they're still on his arms but he's covered most with tattoos). Honestly sometimes it is a bit draining if I am being truly honest, but I don't mind helping him. And regarding my teacher… I'm not quite sure why he said that, he's never met my bf so I'm not sure if he was just basing it off of his own personal experiences or just generalizing. I don't believe he sees me as an unhealthy coping mechanism. He has told me that he likes that I keep everything realistic, if that makes sense? He's more of a dreamer and I'm the doer. So for an example if he says he wants to do X thing I'd be the one to make up the plan to make it happen realistically and going out and getting it done together. He's helped me a lot on coming out of my shell and I do the same for him I think. I'm with him because I choose to be tbh, I wouldn't mind being by myself ( of course I'd care if we broke up etc, but I say that to say I'm not with him just to say I'm in a relationship). This actually does help thank you for this!
>>258398Thank you for your input! It's not like I'm trying to get you guys to sway me a certain way or anything I just needed to talk to this out with someone and needed different perspectives I guess. Sorry for all of the blogs. I do see myself marrying him in the future, but I don't think I want to at the moment.
No. 258530
>>258498In healthy relationships, you're not required to be someone's caretaker and counselor because they refuse to seek help.
This is your first serious relationship so you have nothing to compare it to. Please leave him.
No. 258549
>>258418I was in this same exact situation. I left. It was too draining to be dragged down by a depressed manchild who refused to get help, or help himself, or do anything with his life, despite having the resources. It was ruining MY life. Love was not enough to save him or us. It's been a year since and he still hasn't changed.
I'm so much happier now. I know you don't want to hear any of that, but I think you'll find in a few years of the same old shit you're just wasting your time. You'll look abvk and wonder if you could've done better.
The answer to your question is yes. You are selling yourself short. You are deserving of someone willing to put as much effort into life as you are.
No. 258592
>>258558Sounds like she made several great decisions but couldn't escape you, anon.
It's not your fault though, she's definitely a person who shouldn't have had kids (as many people who get abortions realize).
And I'm sure, in your own way, you've turned out fine and can far surpass her shortcomings.
I can tell you my mom never had abortions, but she's a raging narc who shouldn't have had me yet every day I strive to make better decisions than her.
Although I'm impressed your mother had access to so many abortions. I thought back then they were much harder to get ahold of and more expensive. Hopefully you inherited some of that devilish determination and put it to use.
No. 258608
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>>258489>>258530>>258549Wow, assuming that a mentally ill person is not putting effort or will blackmail significant other with self-harm is disgusting.
I agree that anon has to think seriously about her decision, but you don't know what's her bf like. Just because someone was suicidal at 17 does not mean that they will threaten anon with it. Don't assume he's a manchild just cause we are talking about a guy.
Not saying that anon should be with the guy forever if that does not make her happy, but assuming that people suffering from depression are dragging everyone by default is so cruel. You are just confirming what mental illness tells them.
If anon is not up to the task of handling life with her bf knowing the high points and risks, she should go. Her bf deserves someone who will love him and won't think he's dragging them down cause of illness they can medicate if necessary. As long as they both put effort, things should be fine.
Obviously they have to want to do it.
No. 258622
>>258609I’m not sure where i said he refused to get help but i did not say that. He had a therapist before and she left he never said he wouldn’t get another one. We’ve been having a problem with our health insurance but obviously once thats situated he’ll get another one.
He’s willing to try other meds just not the one he was on previously. I never said he was against treatment. I’m not sure why some anons are making it seem like he’s some unhinged guy who doesnt know how to do anything without me because thats not the case literally at all. If i painted that picture that wasn’t my intention lol.
But thank you for this!
No. 258636
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Sometimes I open my bf's instant mac n cheese boxes and eat those little cheese packet powders on him.
They're not even particularly good; exactly how you'd imagine eating powdered, salty, fake cheese. I usually dip my finger in twice and throw the rest out.
I think mentally it's my little way of annoying him about food while he drives me fucking crazy all the damn time. Just my little version of 'payback' that's actually just a minor inconvenience considering we live across the street from three major grocery stores.
It's petty as fuck.
I don't even like macaroni and cheese and think it's overrated.
No. 259402
>>259332>Has any been suspicious that you're a woman?lol they NEVER suspect you're a woman!
They talk about the usual incel things like "black pills".
No. 259408
>>259402>lol they NEVER suspect you're a woman!kek
They think women are are unable to find their sekrit clubs and the only thing they do on the internet is post on facebook and play candy crush.
Basically they project their mom onto every single woman.
It's kind of like all those retards on 4chan being shocked that /cgl/ is majorly female and that is populated mostly by women.
No. 259770
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>>259593This isn't something you should ignore, there's a book called the gift of fear and it talks about exactly this "prediction" type of thinking.
You should invest in whatever type of self defence you can, I'm talking ink sprays, pepper spray, knuckle keyrings, tasers, attack alarms and even self defence classes. These can even give you a boost of confidence and can help ease the fear. I wouldn't suggest knives though, as they can be used against you, and they may be illegal to carry around/conceal.
No. 259794
>>259593I did get sexually assaulted but it was by a good friend. But I haven't let that stop me from traveling solo or walking alone night. You're way more likely to get assaulted by a close friend or family member than a stranger. Telling women they need to be constantly paranoid is damaging.
Self-defense classes seem like bs to me. If you really want to keep yourself safe then you should run.
No. 259818
>>259794Because apparantly advising women to take safety measures = BE PARANOID AT ALL TIMES WOMEN!
Also, if you live in a big city, there are creeps all over the street, the reason why stats for stranger rape isn't so high is due to the fact many women avoid it by not walking at night and whatnot, sorry not everyone is a sheltered princess like you
>>259799If you're a grown woman, chances are your creepy uncle isn't going to touch you up in your sleep, obviously you can't protect yourself from any rape possible but the point of self defense is to lower the risk, it's as dumb as telling people not to take birth control or use condoms because it isn't 100% effective
No. 259844
>>259827If your partner consents and you don’t do it in public, do what makes you happy anon.
I’m not into it at all but it’s not like people wearing bondage in public or disgusting ddlg shit.
No. 259873
>>259827Only as weird as male on female anal. Although it's probably rarer due to anal stimulation in men being considered "gay."
imo it shouldn't even be a super kinky thing, since if done right it brings pleasure to both parties with minimal pain. It's literally just anal.
t. bitter pegging fan
No. 260189
>>260187That guy sounds like a cunt. He's using you because he thinks you're an easy fuck.
Don't let him be right. Go fuck a dude who CARES and doesn't see you as a side piece. Guys like that are narcissistic assholes.
No. 260196
>>260192I'm already in my mid 20s…
>>260194I don't expect a proper relationship. I just expect some sex and that we hang out once in a while. I wouldn't want to take the place of his girlfriend.
No. 260204
>>260163Lol sounds like it will be a great memory!!!
Find a guy who is at least single to lose the v-card to. The additional drama that WILL happen from the gf isn't worth it
No. 260790
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I've been lying to a friend about what I think of her writing. She's an aspiring author on Wattpad and wants to get published one day. Since she's really sensitive to criticism of any kind, I can't bring myself to tell her my real opinion.
>She blocked users for pointing out her numerous spelling and grammar mistakes because "the readers should enjoy the story, not look for any mistakes."
>The writing reads more like a to-do list of actions than a novel. There's no tension or build-up anywhere.
>The characters are all Japanese, however the names don't reflect it. I asked her if some of them are supposed to be biracial or immigrants but nope, all full Japanese born in Japan.
>According to the summary, it's a unique and "never seen before" kind of story but most of it is just a rehash of anime character tropes and shoujo manga storylines.
tl;dr I'm a pussy
No. 260813
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>>259244>You are the company you keepyeah I know.., I'm all she's got next to her ex boyfriend, so I'm slowly trying to distance myself from her. It's difficult when you live in a small town.
wish I wasn't such a weenie about letting people go
No. 260826
Apologies in advance because this is long. A friend of mine who worked as a bartender told me to come in to his place one time during the day shift, basically saying ‘I’ve got a surprise for you’. It was way across town from me but I hadn’t seen him in a while and was thinking whatever, I’ll get some free drinks and hang out in a cool part of the city.
It turned out that one of the daytime regulars there was an actor who I’d had a crush on since I was a little girl. He was in his seventies and in my eyes, he was still adorable. He had this amazing speaking voice, it made you so happy just to hear him talk. He wasn’t supposed to be drinking any longer, so he’d nurse a screwdriver all afternoon long. He just liked being out of the house and he also loved bars. I pretended I didn’t know who he was, because he did not like the idea of ‘fans’ but we hit it off. My bartender friend never let on that I knew the actor, he told me later he thought we would get along, and besides he was feeling lonely that day.
He was friendly and had a snarky sense of humor that was similar to mine. It was nuts, actually. My friend stopped working there, but I had to keep going back. At first it was just one or two days a week but in the end I was there whenever I knew he’d be there. He would always save me the seat to his left at the bar and if someone was sitting there when I came in he’d tell them they had to go because his ‘best girl had arrived’. We would sit next to each other and do work, he had stopped acting long before this and mostly worked as a script doctor and I worked in marketing for shitty movies. I was pretty painfully in love with him the whole time. He was well aware of that but didn’t seem to mind it or me. I don’t know why. Nothing ever happened, but we would sometimes get into some serious conversations and he’d pat my hand or my back. He gave me little presents at Christmas time. I still wear a ring that he got for me, it was from a street fair near his house. It has a little silver bird dangling from it, sometimes he would call me Birdie, as a nickname. It’s nothing like my name so I don’t know why he called me that, but I never take it off.
He was married, had three daughters and tons of grandkids and was a great grandfather, he was one of the nicest men I’ve ever met and when he died it fucked me up pretty bad. Near the end I knew he wasn’t in great health, but the illness was sudden and it was the kind of situation where he was there and then he wasn’t. The family had a private funeral and they cremated him, so there’s nowhere I could even go to say goodbye to him. If there were a gravestone, at least I could sit and talk with him, like we used to. I get sick thinking about it because I miss him so much.
I’ve told this secret once before, also on an anon board. No one, including my husband, knows that I did this. I still love him. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll see him again when I die.
No. 260844
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>>260824I know how you feel. I'm not in the exact same situation as yours and in my case it's not really a secret because I complain about it to my very close friends but I won't be able to graduate this school year because I couldn't get a mandatory internship due to things that are out of my control (lack of money so I can't look for an internship outside of my city, good grades but employers don't want to spend money on an intern, I'm literally the only one in my grade who's not white and I'm worried it's not helping in my case too because of stereotypes associated to my ethnicity, etc.). Even though I got grades good enough in the first semester of the year as well as literally every other semester, unlike at least half of the promotion.
Meanwhile mediocre at best students in my grade, including one who cheats ALL THE TIME and humblebrags about it, found super interesting internships that are well-paid and will most likely graduate in a few months because they give a good first impression despite not knowing how to act like professionals, having terrible resumes, and not even having the grades that comes with obtaining a master's degree. I had a horribly low self-esteem before college because people who weren't even as good as me would brag about their basic achievements and I thought I wasn't good enough because I thought they were better than they actually were, and I hate that they're being rewarded for their shit grades and behaviors even though I supposedly live in a "meritocracy".
The best way of not being too pissed off by this is to ignore these people as much as you can and pretend they don't exist (not your friends of course, but the people you know from college and who aren't very close to you) and avoid social media where they brag about this like facebook and such. Do you think you'll be able to go back to college if you would like to? No matter what your choices are regarding college I wish you good luck.
No. 260868
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>>260850His fans are saying they’re gonna kill themselves over this. Check the replies to this post. Really bizarre
No. 260869
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>>260850people's reactions have been all kinds of stupid, as exemplified by this hot take courtesy of melon.
>"let the kid rest in peace"I hate this especially. He's gonna rest in peace no matter what anybody says that's how death fucking works
>>260868>X didn't suicide, so u shouldn't eitherI'm about to fucking explode
No. 260887
>>260869I'm not the type to celebrate celeb deaths but this guy was a legit monster. He deserves little sympathy. He was also a 20 year old
adult not a kid.
>In the No Jumper interview, he describes rooming with a gay inmate whom he repeatedly calls "a faggot." He says he told a guard: "If he does anything I disapprove of, I'm gonna kill him." After a week or two, when his cell mate "started staring," Onfroy responded by placing the boy's head on a concrete slab in the cell and stomping. "I was gonna kill him," he says, "because of what he did, because I was naked. He was staring at me. I started strangling him." No. 261587
Well, I've done it
>>260163I'm now in a "casual relationship" with a guy who's in an open relationship. It sounds really pathetic, but he's the only guy who's ever treated me well and I enjoy spending time with him.
No. 262268
>>261587Oh anon.
>>260169Was right. Love yourself. You can do better. And this won’t end well.
No. 262317
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I used to be a liberal but after the last election (USA), my peers have no chill, and I hate them now too. They take everything they see on Facebook and CNN for face value, and anyone who disagrees with the one view is satan. Everyone is poly and/or trans and always self-absorbed.
Last year, I went to the Womens March because I believed in the movement… but all I saw were people taking selfies with their signs. So disappointing. I get why Trump won now.
I don't tell anyone this, because conservatives and liberals would think I'd support the other side when in reality I hate like 90% of the country.
No. 262395
>>262317Yep the
one view thing is annoying. People have no identity, they just have a pre-agreed list of opinions which you have to share or you're A Bad Guy.
Socially it's terrible because the implication is you have to exactly share every single opinion in order to communicate. How can anyone have an open-minded, engaging conversation in an echo chamber?
No. 262712
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my best friend has been copying me for years now. she’ll buy / do the same things I show interest in after mocking me for it or telling me she’s indifferent towards it (ex. decides to get the same style cover up on our matching tattoos / wants to get the very specific and meaningful tattoo I’ve been sitting on for years, changes her IG posts when I switch things up despite never liking my posts, tells people to call her by a different name after I did the same due to trauma and gets upset when people don’t call her by her new name, etc.). most recently, she started dating my boyfriend’s friend. now she constantly tries to highlight the “similarities” in our relationships. I don’t know what to do because we’ve been through so much and I do love her, but at the same time I can’t bring any of it up because I know she won’t ever admit to it. she’s also incredibly disgusting hygiene and living-wise. I’ve cleaned her house for her multiple times and she just continues to live in filth. I’ve given up on helping her in that aspect… but I think what has bothered me the most is that when I discovered I had PTSD a few years ago, she suddenly claimed she had PTSD too and talked about the EXACT same symptoms I told her I experienced. I feel like she’d tell our friends about it before I did on purpose to seem like the “original”(?). just a few weeks ago, I had to call her out on it because she said that she “didn’t really have it anymore” / “it just went away”. I explained that it’s not something that just “goes away” after a few years, to which she just shrugged and said maybe she was different.
No. 262715
>>262712Ditch her.
If you can’t just immediately ghost her entirely, at least make a point to never ever enter her smelly trash palace again. Unclean people deserve to be abandoned.
No. 262717
>>262714Good genes? lol
My hair is also rather fine, but no matter what type of shampoo I use or how often I wash it, it always stays healthy.
No. 262719
>>262712my gf has done this for years. she literally can't help herself sometimes. like same situation, even copying the things i've said about my mental illness issues too and pretending to her friends etc that she always had those same issues (when i know her and i know she doesn't). the ptsd too. and some other weird stuff. and that's not mentioning the interests and hobbies she gets from me. it's weird. when i confront her about this stuff she's always like "i didn't realize i was doing it, okay? i want you to like me please i just wanted you to like me anon!! i'm so sorry!" and i drop it cause i feel like an asshole.
i think some people are legit like that and they don't realize when they're doing it. seems like most people grow out of this in high school, but lucky for us, some just never do…
No. 262833
>>262712Get away from her no matter what(and doesn't matter how).I escaped the exact same situation a few months ago.I rented an apartment with my closest friend (4 years)and just in 6 months she was almost skinwalking me.I didn't attend uni this year due to my health problems and while the situation at home was extremely creepy(buying same things-makeup,accessories,clothing,things related to hobbies she never even liked a bit in her life-,posting photos all over social media especially with this stuf-sometimes when i wasn't home she would take some of my stuff and post pics with them lowkey claiming things were hers,i had ppl ask me about where she got those "things" when they were actually mine-.I started to attend school later this year and shockingly she was telling all the stories from my childhood,moments with my boyfriend,all my trips and memories as if she WAS THE ONE HAD THEM.As soon as i started going back the school and learned about all these things,i kicked her out of the house(oh also she was extremely dirty like your friend as well,i cant count how many times i had to clean moldy dishes that was hers and clean bloody pads left open in the bathroom,it was extremely disgusting,but she went on and said everyone that i was filthy as fuck and she was cleaning after me kek)and ever since then im so,so much better.I have no idea why there was a extremely weird and creepy situation like this,but whatever the reason,get away from that person.No matter how long or how good your friendship was.
No. 262926
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I'm trying to like this new roommate.
>leaves dishes in the sink for days
>never wipes down kitchen
>loves soup so she spatters it everywhere everyday
>once left coagulated soup ball (??) on the stove
>brings the outer shower curtain into the tub
>spits onto the bathroom sink faucet
>shower mat always wet
>produces so much trash because everything she eats is prepackaged
>first week here her gf broke up with her
>bawled LOUDLY for hours into the night
>check up on her and she seems to have calmed down
>I go to bed
>she walks outside and have a two-hour crying shouting fest with gf on the phone
>it's 1am
>it's been a month
>her bags of shit are still in the living room
>it used to look pinterest-y, now it looks like a storage room for her shit
>I made room in the bookshelf so she can put her books away
>bag still there
>roommate currently violently coughing like a cancer patient
>she is still leagues better than my previous roommate
The little things.
No. 263560
>>256936It's not that men are more into femdom than they are normal sex, it's just that gentle maledom is vanilla sex, so it isn't even considered a fetish
Most men that are into femdom are into gentle femdom, which is basically just vanilla sex with the roles reversed
For a man to be into dominating women as a fetish, he has to be dominant enough for it to be considered hardcore BDSM, otherwise it's just normal human sexuality
No. 263573
i internally refuted my own argument even before you responded, so i'm not going to bother defending a position I don't actually believe for the sake of not appearing to acquiesce to someone on the internet
are you denying that it's normal for men to be the dominant partner, or did I just misunderstand your post
No. 263596
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Anyone else like watching feederism videos because it motivates them to never become fat and disgusting
No. 263610
>>263580Damn anon, that must feel very alienating for you.
From 5 to 12 my dad made me almost convert, ironically it was a rabbi that questioned me if I really wanted that, to ortodox judaism.
It was a secret from everyone even extended family, my mom made me say I was alergic to pig and shellfish in the family get togethers, saturday was all about reading the Torah and jewish self help books, the one friend I invited home was made to listen on and on about why she should convert too from my dad…
I never talked about that with anyone until like 2 years ago, even though it was quite traumatic tbh.
I know it must have been way worse to be in an actual cult, there's no way to compare it, but I think you should just take your time with digesting your experience and eventually talk with someone you trust about it.
It's not like you were the one that chose that, so there's no shame if you think about it.
No. 263656
>>263614I mean, not really. I’m pretty sure almost everyone cares both about their health
and physical appearance. I guess I’m just lethargic and need some extra incentive.
No. 263683
>>263610thanks for the kind post anon. sounds like you went through some similar things - i had to lie to people as well about what was really going on, like when you said you were just allergic to pork, when we went to cult gatherings when other members were visiting locally i had to just say it was 'camp'.
i agree that i should talk to someone about it, to be honest i never really did that before cause as a teenager i pretty much just didnt want to face it. but ive recently had some nice conversations with my father about it, so thats a start.
the really hard part is letting go of this resentment i have towards my grandparents, since they're the ones who joined in the first place. my parents have forgiven them but i just feel angry at them…
No. 264152
>>263596Yes. If I don’t feel like working out on a given day, I put on 500 pound life or some other fat show and it honestly helps. It’s not going to be the best workout of my life but I’ll get through it, when the alternative would have been skipping it all together.
>>263614That’s a reach. Different motivations work for different people.
No. 264155
>>264152>different motivationsSee
>>263708. It's really not that motivational to do the bare minimum, in the 500 pound people they are actively working on becoming fat by eating over 5000 calories a day and not moving.
Try comparing yourself to an actual fitness guru, or someone who actually lost weight on yt instead of targeting the lowest hanging fruits.
No. 264161
>>264155>It's really not that motivational to do the bare minimumAre you confused? It’s not like watching to get fitness tips kek and it’s not like watching to be like “oh I wanna look like that.” It’s like a warning sign of “if you get lazy, you’ll get fat.”
>>264156You’re an idiot if you think people watch 500 pound people to “challenge themselves” in their workouts. You don’t get what it’s about.
I also watch fat people when I feel hungry so I don’t eat. It’s a willpower thing.
No. 264162
>>264161Maybe the real reason you don't motivate by watching fit and attractive people vlog or eat is because you're intimated by people doing better than you, and the only way you can feel good about yourself is saying you're better than 500 pound landwhales. Which the majority of the population is by that standard.
Yet you'll hide your mediocrity by claiming it's for "motivation" lol, just admit you like watching a good trainwreck because you get off on being marginally less pathetic.
For the record, I watch similar videos and there's always pathetic people like you saying dumb shit like "hoho using this so I don't overeat today" as if anyone needed a video of a sad hambeast doing a McDee's mukbang to do just that.
But don't worry, your secret is safe in this thread.
No. 264167
>>264156I really doubt them posting in the secrets thread was them wanting admiration for their action. I don't think they were trying to be impressive.
I think it's silly to expect everyone to want to be the best at everything. Maybe anon has other priorities so being super fit only gets maintenance attention. And I'm saying this as someone who does prioritize being fit, but because I want to put time and energy into being fit, I have to put less energy into other areas of self improvement. There are only so many hours in the day and when you put a lot of effort into one pursuit you're inevitably going to be just average or barely average in others.
>>264162Maybe they work full time and have other obligations outside of work, so the time they could take to work out is limited to none. If that's the case and you're not an ectomorph, then yeah you're going to be dancing on the edge of being fat constantly. Comparing yourself to a fitness guru who makes a living on being fit only makes sense if you have the free time and passion to do it. If you're pretty much sedentary and can't immediately change it, I don't blame you for just wanting to make sure you're at the bare minimum, and only telling people on a secrets board with an embarrassed picture attached, no less.
No. 264175
>>264162>Maybe the real reason you don't motivate by watching fit and attractive people vlog or eat is because you're intimated by people doing better than youWhat is wrong with you? I use blogilates when I want to work out at home. She's perfectly fit. But I also kick my butt by watching fat people because its motivational when I'm feeling less energetic and enthusiastic. It's like a shot of fear. Why are you so bothered that some people use fat people as a warning to not be lazy or quitters? Are you fat yourself?
>I watch similar videoswhy?
No. 264178
>>264177if you're a recovering drug addict, it is totally reasonable to watch other drug addicts on youtube in order to not relapse. Its a good reminder of where you used to be and the issues with how you used to live.
Wtf is wrong with you? Stop being
triggered people use you as motivation to not be slobs.
No. 264182
>>264178>it's good for ex drug addicts to watch other drug addictsLol, how verifiably untrue.
Tell me, do you think recovering anorexics benefit from watching youtube videos of current anorexics talk about and practice their habits right in front of the camera?
No. 264187
>>264182you're fucking retarded>Through authentic and fictional stories, these movies and TV shows can embolden people to fully commit to their sobriety.>they should serve as a reminder to all of us in recovery that where we once were, others are now. And if we don’t take care, we could be there againYou don't know what you're talking about and you need to learn to google. Its an actual technique that works for
some people. Stfu. No one cares that you're upset people like to watch fat people so they can remain not-fat. Instead of bitching about it, how about you try working out yourself instead?
No. 264188
>>264185Just because you watch a 500 pound obeast doesn't make you magically skinny. Obviously if this actually worked, you wouldn't have to be watching these videos or getting so defensive at me for pointing out this isn't about 'motivation.'
If it's your truth, then go be happy with it because my opinion won't change for you. In fact you're just reenforcing it.
So why don't we go back to some other worthy secrets, hm?
No. 264191
>>264188This make no sense at all. No one talked about magically transforming into a skinny model in front of your computer just by watching feeder videos.
The key word is
motivation, but I'm guessing you're just a butthurt fatty and don't know what that means.
No. 264194
>>264188>Obviously if this actually worked, you wouldn't have to be watching these videoskekekeke when fatties don't realize you have to work out all the time, not just when you want to lose weight.
instead of shitting on how other people motivate themselves, motivate yourself and get rid of the weight you're painfully insecure about.
No. 264195
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I think most people in fandom have got something wrong with them. Pic very much related.
No. 264196
>>264182NTA but yeah if they're fully recovered and aware of how unhealthy their behavior was, watching anas might very well remind them why it's important to keep up their new lifestyle. When I was
dependent on drugs I definitely would've watched someone doing a lot and just want to do some myself, but now that my mindstate is different I can watch that and just feel put off. Just because you've been addicted or prone to something in the past, it doesn't mean you're doomed to be at its mercy forever. Some people can look at their previous or potential rock bottom and feel pushed to improve instead of yearning to go back.
No. 264201
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>>264195Giger's work and alien specifically is so wrought with phallic and yonic imagery. It's sexual in nature. The whole movie seems to be based around human psychosexual fears. Imo if you're some level of aroused by it, it just means your human sexuality is up and running. I think wanting to fuck something that looks like a collage of human dicks and pussies and mouths is a lot less concerning than wanting to fuck an actual animal.
No. 264204
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>>264201>Imo if you're some level of aroused by it, it just means your human sexuality is up and running.>fucking an alien that wants to kill you is less concerning than fucking an animalJesus fuck.
No. 264205
>>264195>tfw I want to fuck a xenomorph and am also not a monster fucker, generally speakingIt's the sexual imagery in the design, as well as that sleek black body. I'll admit I'm a degenerate.
Anyway, what kind of argument is going on ITT right now? Why are you all so angry? Someone can look up to fitness models and get a rush of fear when looking at fatties, those aren't mutually exclusive. I like crime videos because they remind me to be careful, as well as fulfilling the morbid curiosity itch. Watching fatties probably provides something similar.
Never change, lolcow.
No. 264206
>>264197are you actually illiterate?
>>264152>Yes. If I don’t feel like working out on a given day, I put on 500 pound life or some other fat show and it honestly helps. It’s not going to be the best workout of my life but I’ll get through it, when the alternative would have been skipping it all together. >>264175>But I also kick my butt by watching fat people because its motivational when I'm feeling less energetic and enthusiastic. still waiting for the proof behind
>>264182>how verifiably untrue.Verifiably untrue? Then surely you can provide links?
No. 264207
>>264205Because everyone likes to argue everything into the ground here. Even you feel the need to throw in your two cents.
You're right, this place doesn't change at all.
No. 264213
>>264205>I like crime videos because they remind me to be carefulWow anon, CONGRATS on not being a literal convict, are you proud of yourself for not regularly committing crimes serious enough to get time? Why don't you stop being so mediocre and try looking up to someone who's never even been arrested.
No. 264215
>>264213I really got under your skin about those obesity videos, didn't I? Hopefully we'll get past this, anon.
Secret: I'm no centrist or fencerider, but sometimes I think my liberal friends act extremely hostile so much that I can understand the pushback against progressivism in the past few years.
No. 265533
>>265511on a similar note with this anon,
my dad was abusive and had anger issues that he took out on my brother and mother. most of my time growing up i secretley wished he would die (he was already old when he had me). so when i was a preteen and he passed, i wasn't even that upset because at least i didn't have to fear him anymore.
now i regret that, obviously.
No. 266808
>>266805I feel like more people do this than they admit, especially if they have large social circles. I mean, haven't you ever met someone and thought you'd consider them an option for dating if you didn't already have a person you loved? It only becomes a problem if you're actually carrying on an affair IMO.
Knowing you won't necessarily be alone if things turn sour doesn't have to mean you don't love your partner, or that you lack the required amount of faith in them for the relationship to work. It'd be nice if once you fell in love, you'd know for a fact you'd be together forever, but nothing in life is certain, and I guess that scares me. Things just happens in life, and people change in all sorts of ways. You can't really predict it, or stop it. Then again, I have heavy paranoia, so my coping methods most likely don't exactly veer on the healthy side.
No. 266913
>>266895tbh poly couples are always uggos. it's all literally the ugliest men i've ever seen that also have the massively unattractive trait of possessing male sexual entitlement that is actually worse than the sexual entitlement conventionally attractive men that work on their appearance, possess. females in poly relationships are generally fat and/or fairly unattractive and desperate to prove they have something that makes them more special than more attractive girls (it's a sad situation that ugly men make them feel they have to push their sexual boundaries just to keep their affection/love).
it's largely unhealthy, and i believe it's especially unhealthy for women, as they're goaded and coaxed into these relationships because men are complacent and entitled, and told that they're being more 'logical' by opening themselves up to disease, and that the preservation of our health is illogical or that our natural inclinations to be monogamous are illogical, all because of evo-psych bullshit that isn't based on shit and is actually, ironically, pretty irrational
not to demonize female promiscuity, but the fact is that our physiology makes us vulnerable and men are literal disease vectors. men, unfortunately, have the benefit of contracting diseases from females unlikely, though even with protection, we are at risk. so i don't think women in poly relationships sleeping around is even an equalizer.
>>266865not true.
No. 266930
>>266926>>266921It's true. I've been shamed so often for it by both men and women and done shit I didn't want to do because of the "live a little, you don't let yourself have fun, grandma! try it, you'll like it!" crap, especially as someone that is very insecure and felt like other people must know what's right for me more than I did. So tired of this sex + cool girl "it's actually independent and super feminist!!" bullshit coming from all sides of us, that isn't said with us actually in mind.
Unfortunately, our biology puts us at an inherent disadvantage in het relationships and just pretending like that isn't so isn't feminist or rational, and actively endangers the lives of women and girls. Our physiology doesn't just magically change just bc we want to pretend we have more power than we do when ultimately we're still at the mercy of our physiological shortcomings. We need to work with our limitations and ugly, manipulative men need to fuck off with their selfish, pseudoscientific bullshit.
That's not to say there aren't any women that genuinely want to sleep around and have an open relationship, but is it a good idea? I really don't think so.
No. 266934
>>266930sorry, didn't mean to add
>>266926 in that post.
>>266926congratulations, anon! i'm glad you were strong enough to escape an unhappy relationship. a lot of people won't even risk leaving after 10 years.
No. 266975
File: 1531207836068.gif (1.95 MB, 416x342, tenor.gif)

I never deactivate adblocker for anything nor anyone. I even have an anti adblocker extension for websites that try to yell at me for having one.
I'm sick of internet greed and ads. I don't feel sorry.
No. 266979
>>266930I never got into hookup culture or polyamory and have been shamed for both as well. I was in a sorority in college and even though I detest the stereotypes, I was definitely teased a bit for not using tinder or hooking up with fraternity guys. It just never appealed to me. Not only is monogamy safer, it just feels right to me. I love one person and one person only. I find other people attractive, sure, but I’m loyal and would never betray my SO. Shitting on monogamy and claiming anyone who’s into it is “sex negative” is so gross. I’m sick of liberal “feminism.”
>>266926Congrats, anon!
No. 266980
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>>266975for a second i misread this as
>i never active adblock for anything or anyone cute kid gif and i was like "damn, how wholesome but extremely psychotic. anon has to be Patrick Bateman".
but now that i read it correctly i'm like: yeah same, try and stop me forbes dot com No. 266988
>>266979blind sex positivity and polyamory acceptance ruins everything, tbh. they're ideas that can be so easily taken advantage of by men and that's what happened, it becomes all about what they want while most of the women involved are obviously miserable.
it just baffles me when people consider that an act of feminism, i don't mind if promiscuity or dating a few different people makes you happy as long as it's what you really want, just use some critical thinking skills about it for fucks sake and don't look down on other women for not feeling the same way. not catering to men's needs doesn't make you a prude, it's self preservation
No. 267042
>>267031i lost myself. it had gotten to the point that i felt like i had no personality other than take care of him and the kids. i never left the house, didnt have money of my own, and lost all connection with people outside of him and the children. hes a good guy, just lost and needs to work on dealing with his issues without blame and foisting them on other people. his depression became mine and all his worries were for me to fix.
it was like i was being kept in this box that he made for me and i couldnt climb out without him pushing me back in.
No. 267094
>>267087Do you both work from home and also you're not allowed to be alone in bed nor in the bathroom?
This is baffling, you need private time to yourself just in general. This shouldn't be a problem you have. It's perfectly normal not to want to have to go through the effort of entertaining your partner every time.
No. 267097
>>267094He works from home and we do spend nearly all of our free time together, sharing a living space where we don’t have another room outside of the bathroom. It’s a cozy studio-style apartment , but it doesn’t bother us to spend most of our time together, so outside of this one hiccup, we’re pretty content. If it was ruining my life, I’d leave, but as it stands it’s more of a nostalgic want, I think. Just wishful thinking that my current situation doesn’t generously allow for. I’d also considered the bathroom but tbh it’s hard for me to get in the mood in there, it’s loud, a bit echoey, cold, and just kind of grosses me out no matter how clean we keep it. Today my bf is gone and I tried to get off ‘the old fashioned’ way but honestly, I can’t go back after having an amazing rabbit prior to this. Ah well, it’s not the end of the world.
No. 267246
>>267232Congrats if this is not bullshit.
Wonder what the books are about in that case
No. 267310
>>267306I feel bad for teens and younger girls these days.
If culture and tech were anything like when I was sexually active, I would have been dragged through the mud way worse than I was back then. I don't blame you for being cautious, men these days are deplorable and untrustworthy.
No. 267311
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I dreamt last night that I was a confetti club member and Pixielocks killed herself, and so I spent the entire dream day on lolcow trying to find her thread to watch the drama go down.
I browse this site wayyyy too much.
No. 267327
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I fantasise and dream about how my boyfriend used to look when he was about 18 (I didn't know him back then, but I've seen pictures). I've dreamt about us being in high school and having sex very often. He only looks different because he was wearing contacts back then and he didn't have any facial hair. It's not like I don't like what he looks like right now, I love it, but i keep on dreaming about him in this way.
No. 267337
>>267311I once dreamed I was staying at June's house. Gregory was also here and June was waiting for him to leave so she could poop. He left to buy groceries and she pooped.
Yes, I'm ashamed.
No. 267744
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i don't go on shoe threads because she looks exactly like and acts exactly like my high school bully and i immediately get stomach cramps just from looking at her. the same emo reject skinny chick who will do anything and everything to be liked by dudebros.
also that bully is in the same uni as me and she told my few friends that i was a fucking weirdo and they shouldn't talk to me. i had to pretend i didn't remember her from high school and didn't know her. but i did. and it hurts.
No. 268170
I have been stalking (online) my bestfriend (irl) secretly for more than four years now. It all started when we had a rough patch in our friendship, she got distant and acted passive agressive on twitter, posting multiple things which were aimed at me and it was obvious for everyone to see. So I deleted my Twitter account but I made another one - a private one - where I don't follow anyone and I don't let anyone follow me.
We worked our differences but I've always been resentful for all the horrible things she said to me and even now that we're like sisters, I still have this private and active account where I rant wherever I feel pissed off because of her / her behaviour. So far, I have more than 6.000 tweets.
I check her activity daily and even the interactions she has with other people, just of pure boredom now. I always have to act surprised when she tells me she had a fight on twitter or similar…
I hold the biggest grudge against her because of all the drama and pain she caused me but at the same time I know I've forgive her and I still want to have her in my life, she's like a sister to me.
I just can't control the anger I feel when I see she's doing the same things that I did and I was judged by her, almost punished, I'd say. I'm not like her and I wouldn't say it publicy or I'd never talk shit behind her back as she did, because I'm not that type of person and I know she's still a good friend, afterall, even when she made some big mistakes (she apoligised for it, but it still hurts).
So basically that account is like my personal vent place, when I can say whatever I'd say to her without a filter and being the worst version of me, one that nobody knows - and probably will never know.
No. 268339
>>252649My mum remarried and inherited some very slow-witted, jobless teenage step children who have no intention of stopping sponging or ever becoming independent.
One of them even had the nerve to move out of biological mums home, which is right next to his work, and into Mum's and insist that he drive him to work and back to his part time job when he could have just walked there by himself had he stayed with bio mum. My mum now has to put up with it just because she's married to his father. It's so sad, I honestly feel for her
No. 268658
>>268505Because I still care/am friends with my previous coworkers and feel bad for leaving them. Management just sucked there.
Just because it isnt something hardcore, doesn't mean it can't be a secret to someone. I'm usually a really positive person, especially in regards to work because I really enjoy working… so it feels like a secret to find joy in the fact they fucked themselves over by having to hire two people to replace me and costing them more in the long run, since they were so budget conscious before.
No. 268761
>>268369my mum cant say anything about it because shes married to their father. can you imagine how insulted my step dad would be if my mum just, you know, told him his kids are lazy sponging shits?
my mum hasnt got a job either and hasnt wroked for 20 years and has no savings, she'd be fucked if they got a divorce and she'd have to actually work
No. 268773
>>268765I like to keep it short and sweet otherwise no bother so reading.
I genuinely believe and hope that one day they will find their feet and my mum won't have to live with a bunch of lazy dependent adults. She deserves to retire from parenthood
No. 269235
>>269216This so much. Just the other day I came home and saw a gypsy guy sitting in the fucking dumpster, going through trash. The next day, the whole sidewalk is covered with bulky waste and garbage.
I live in a kinda rough neighbourhood anyway but it has always been nice but ever since some investor bought a rundown prewar appartment house up the street and overcrowded it with what seems like a whole gypsy village it turned to shit.
Sucks for them that they're being exploited like this but I really don't have an ounce of sympathy left for them at this point.
Sage for turning this into the vent thread I guess.
No. 269297
>>269205>>269235Agreed. My city has a large amount of homeless gypsies which became a problem because they were setting up their own camps in parks and such. A charity organisation eventually provided them with facilities they could be in with toilets and showers and beds to sleep in. They had to close it after just a few days because the gypsies completely trashed the place, destroyed the toilets and made the space unlivable.
I walked through the park they're currently in earlier this summer and saw them washing their clothes in the fountain. They had poured soap in the water which foamed and spilled over the edges. Looked like they were having a foam party.
No. 269474
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>>269331me too and i was like 11 years old when i made it and put my full name on my account
No. 269476
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>>269331>>269474Fuck! Me too. Made some really cringy art on this drawing website when I was 10, using my full name. It comes up when you search my name on google images.
No. 269480
>>269476>>269474>>269331I think it is cute and nostalgic to have old art from when you were young. Save the pics and just contact the admin like
>>269477 said.
No. 269487
>>269477It's on some obscure drawing website with no contact information or even report buttons. im screwed
>>269480It's my terrible (non-sexual) 'fursona' i had when i was 10. its so painful anon…
No. 269494
>>269488definitely being trauma bonded. being together 4 years and growing up together, i had seen his lowest and his highest.
i think that last time it really was obvious i was just an easy lay and not someone he cared about. really shitty to think i risked my whole relationship for that.
No. 270034
>>270033I care and so do you if you make a point about commenting.
If men haters are so annoying why not just let them have their containment thread?
(derailing) No. 270035
>>270033Thing is, we're not complaining about men being 'annoying' but about men being violent.
But of course an anon arguing with you is the bigger criminal…
No. 270152
>>270077I had something similar happen back when I was in art school. I went to copy something on the public photocopier in the lobby and when I opened the scanner lid there was a single nude photograph of my classmate just sitting there.
It was a pretty classy nude, not like spread eagle or anything but still full frontal nudity so yeah, I just silently slipped it in her bag when she wasn't looking because awkward. I guess it was a part of a piece she was working on or something.
If I were you I'd just silently delete all of her photos or at the very least the nudes.
No. 270162
>>270161Ignore that anon, she's probably having a bad day
Hope you'll get out of that mindset soon. People are shit but you should just live for yourself and not care about them.
No. 270187
>>270091>>270107>>270152Thanks for the advice.
tbf, they were in an album from 2015 so maybe she had forgotten she took them. My only hesitation with telling her is that we haven't been working together for that long, so that makes me want to take the quietly delete route.
No. 272333
>>272245i think dating an 18 year old is weird when you are 20+. you shouldn't feel bad for having a crush though, as he is a fellow adult and you don't control who you get a crush on.
this year i befriended a guy who is 18 (i'm 22). we ended up becoming very close, and i feel like i would have developed a crush on him if he were older. but the fact that he's still a teen makes me see him like a younger brother.
when you are 18 you either are still in high school or you have just graduated, and you are most likely going to grow/change a lot throughout the next years. i just think the difference between being "barely legal" and a full grown adult is kinda weird. even though 19 is only a year away, i would find a 19 year old dating someone in their early twenties less strange i guess?
No. 272394
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>>272386lol anon why did you feel the need to go that far. was it the only way you felt like you could quit?
No. 272413
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I can't stand cats/cat people.
No. 273148
>>273099Anon, how?! Do you have light flow or something?
Is it cheaper?
No. 273177
>>257136Telling everyone you’re a lesbian while still dating a man is just attention seeking behaviour and no one will believe you.
What are you 14?
No. 273196
>>257136Honestly it just sounds like your bi with a preference for women.
Getting in to a relationship with someone, let alone a fast paced one takes some level of attraction.
I'm also somebody who's unsure if they're bi or Lesbian and there is no way I could get in to a relationship with a man because I don't have enough interest in them for them to hold my attention beyond the initial flattery of them hitting on me.
No. 273350
>>273348lol, thank you, i misread.
>>273342if you've been deprived of a loving family and a loving childhood, it's definitely not pathetic. not having a solid support system as a child and not having love, affection, and support as a kid affects people forever. it's not pathetic. it's totally understandable, anon. i can also see if you had a loving family, being jealous that you aren't in that position anymore. either way, anon, it's not pathetic. everyone wants that and is jealous of that, i think.
No. 273354
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>>273353I just realized it was a 2 months old post, never mind
No. 273457
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>>273149Fandom turned to shit when journal-based communities fell and Tumblr became the central hub for fandom content. As cheesy as it is, fandom's been part of my life for a good 15 years and has had a strong impact on my development, and it's really upsetting how fandom culture has changed since the time I got into it vs. now. It was never perfect – I don't think children should get into fandom spaces, judging from both my experience and others – but a lot of these conversations Tumblr kids have about things like "
problematic shipping" have already been addressed a dozen times over.
I hate it because the community felt more like a community before Tumblr. You could find like-minded people and have actual conversations about fandom, purity politics wasn't so wide spread (people generally followed the "don't like don't read" and "your kink is not my kink and that's okay" rules), and it was a lot more creative, with more of an emphasis on writing and art. You didn't constantly feel like you were walking on egg shells out of fear of upsetting someone over something so trivial as shipping preferences. Tumblr as a platform isn't conducive for that.
Sage for the novel but you're not alone in feeling this way. Guess we are getting older.
No. 273465
>>273463I’m 100% same boat.
I don’t get high from it, just keep me from being angry or whatever all the time.
I’ll go visit family for a detox time here and there. It’s legal in my state, however I have an open possession charge in another unfortunately.
Have you ever tried any supplements or vitamins? Maybe talk therapy. I’m going to try it all soon and give up the pot.
No. 273471
>>273468uh, bad? obviously…
also ive tried erasing as much memory of it as possible, but i think it was hers.
No. 273478
>>273466How did your mother react? Do you feel you want vengeance or retribution?
Thats a horrible thing to do to a kid.
No. 273489
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>>273457>I hate it because the community felt more like a community before Tumblr. It really did and I miss that so much. It was just easier to meet people online through similar hobbies. It was nice posting in communities or forums and having people post comments and replies. Now people just post their things on tumblr or twitter and if they're lucky they get reblogs or retweets and it feels one-sided, repetitive and boring. I miss the "live and let live" mentality too when it came to pairings or fanfics preferences. Since it doesn't really exist anymore now I guess that's why I barely hear about kink memes nowadays, now that I think about it.
Fandoms were just so comfy and chill compared to now, since teenage "stans" are so loud. I really regret not being confident enough to talk to more people on lj because my English wasn't good enough in my opinion. I think the only good thing that came with tumblr is that it made it a bit easier to find good fanarts and artists in the early 2010s, but that's it.
>Guess we are getting older.>mfw I'm only 24 and I'm almost feeling like an old fart when it comes to my hobbies No. 273524
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I'm addicted to empty validation from people, I prey on unstable dudes who confess their undying love for me within the first week of meeting me then get bored of them rinse and repeat
No. 273533
>>273465it's illegal in the UK but people don't give the biggest of damns about weed here
I signed up for therapy a couple months back but weaseled out because my brain keeps convincing me the people there won't actually give a shit, and it makes me uncomfortable talking about very personal shit with strangers. that, and i've heard way too many horror stories from equally neurotic friends who tried to seek help for their mental baggage
No. 273549
>>273479it's nice that your mother listened, believed you, and tried to comfort you after you told her this. it's also nice to hear that bitch (your former baby sitter) is in prison.
i recently opened up to my mother about something traumatic that happened to me as a child with someone who was close to us. but she didn't believe my story, and just laughed it off…
No. 273555
>>273489People used to make literal gay rape jokes on stage at cons. It's so weird to see how much the community has changed.
>>273524Me too, not from dudes though. I sew my own stylish clothes to bait women into complimenting my outfits and asking where I shop just so I can say I made it myself and they can tell me how skilled I am. If I'm going to a big event or seeing people I haven't seen in a long time, I'll sometimes stay up all night making a new dress specifically for that occasion so I can maximize compliments. It's pathetic.
No. 273567
>>273457>>273489All of this. I'm an oldfag who has been around since 2000 and the shift in the online community started showing after around 2012 when social media began gaining traction. The internet was much more about communities pre-social media (such as message boards and livejournal communities) and it made it easy to find a group of friends. Tumblr, and also Twitter to some extent, is all about being in an echo chamber with no discussion or anyone challenging your viewpoint. You can just block people who don't agree with you. You never need to learn to tolerate different opinions or preferences. You can just silence them by calling them immoral and they're gone. It's created such an entitled generation of young adults that I worry what will happen to them in 10 years. Everything needs to revolve around their feelings, preferences and quirks.
Sure, old communities had "anti" groups as well, I was part of some of them. But they were mostly for people to vent in and carry on with their lives, not actually doxx people who like the wrong ship and ruin their lives by getting them fired and traumatized by death threats.
No. 273584
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>>273149>>273457>>273489>>273567Fuck, remembering the old days of the internet really depresses me. Even now, I still itch for a comfy corner of the internet to talk about fandom shit without politics or pearl-clutching judgement coating everything. I also used to roleplay a lot years ago, and now that shit is so superficial and shallow, it's less about writing and more about making your posts look nice and using the latest hot actor as the basis of your character.
I need a time machine.
No. 273878
>>273567>Tumblr, and also Twitter to some extent, is all about being in an echo chamber with no discussion or anyone challenging your viewpoint. You can just block people who don't agree with you. You never need to learn to tolerate different opinions or preferences. Wish I could find people like us farmers elsewhere on social media. Agree completely. I have extremely polite and moderate views publicly online and occasionally get blocked for even
agreeing with someone in a non-suckassy way.
Unless you literally echo someone's views down to the last syllable they don't want to know. They'll be mental wrecks by the time they're old if they keep up this self-mollycoddling.
No. 273891
>>273584I feel this so hard, especially the part about roleplaying. God beware if someone wants to play a non-beautiful character or creates one with the plot in the back of their mind instead of shipping.
On a similar note, I miss posting anything on youtube without completely unrelated /pol/ garbage in the comment section. Like, I'm watching a nice candy recipe video and half of the top comments argue about women belonging in the kitchen. It's so rampant at this point, it makes me wonder if half of them are bots. When I klick their channels a lot of times their favorites are 95% trump, sjw ranting, racebait news and maybe 5% games and music. Out of all the things you can discover on youtube, why would that be the only thing you're watching?
No. 273975
>>273878> have extremely polite and moderate views publicly online and occasionally get blocked for even agreeing with someone in a non-suckassy way. Same for me. I had mutuals on tumblr and they all followed me once I went to twitter because I didn't know the obnoxious stans were also very active on twitter at that time. At some point I vaguely complained about fakebois and them treating fujoshi like trash by being sexist and actually homophobic and almost all of my mutuals unfollowed me or muted me even though I was polite and obviously I didn't phrase it like that. Previous to that they were happy to hear my opinions just because I'm a ~~~WOC~~ or whatever the fuck they call us now.
I'm sure there are normal fans on tumblr and twitter but they're not the most popular people out there so it's hard to find them.
>>273855Yeah I remember some dramas from before and what was good about them was that it was or at least seemed like it was easier to avoid shitstorms. Now it's just plain annoying, you can barely avoid them on tumblr or twitter and it's not even fun to look at anymore.
No. 273984
>>273855Oldfag from 2000 again and I can confirm crazies definitely existed back then but the thing is that they were treated just as that - crazies. Everyone laughed at them and made fun of them. Somethingawful had a section dedicated to calling out all the delusional people from their forums. Now you can be a translesbian otherkin whatever and become a journalist, receive a blue checkmark next to your twitter handle and spew all sorts of sick bullshit while having 400k followers and doxxing people to ruin their careers. If someone like Chris-chan surfaced in 2018 instead of 2008 he'd probably be worshipped as some sort of an autist trans icon and praised to high heavens for being so brave. If Pixyteri appeared in 2018 instead of 2011 she'd probably be either admired for her ~body positive~ modeling or treated as worse than hitler for ~culturally appropriating~ Japanese culture.
The online society sure went on a fast downwards spiral. I would bet good money that if you refused to review a remake of your favourite movie's shitty reboot in 2007 you certainly didn't get angry journalists writing sensational pieces about you being misogynist and people threatening to kill your family. They even got moot to bow down before them. The owner of 4chan, someone who rooted for free speech and internet anonymity. I know 4chan is the butt of the joke these days but in 2004-2006 it really was a place for people to freely express themselves. And believe it or not, you could say you're a woman without people sperging the fuck out either demanding tit pics or reeing to get your roastie ass out.
As an extra mention: Sinfest. And what happened to it.
No. 274448
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>>269331>>269474>>269476Just let in the graveyard of the Internet of the early 00s.
Nobody will find it anyways… I hope.
No. 274452
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>>269331>>269474>>269476>>274448the exact same thing happened to me guys, but thankfully i was able to delete it. i only realized that it came up when you searched my name because a guy i was seeing briefly told me that he googled me and the account was the first thing that came up. he had this smug look on his face and i just knew he thought my old art was weird/cringey. immediately after he told me this i deleted it. goddammit.
No. 274803
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finally told a guy i’ve been crushing on for years that i liked him today. he has a gf and is planning on staying monogamous. really wish i would’ve told him before he got with her. i went to his place once to hang out, just me and him, when he’s broken up with his past gf. god i wanted to take him back to his room and fuck for hours. he’s so fucking nice, there’s no way he’d leave his gf for me. idek if he likes me. i was too scared to ask after he replied.
No. 274818
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>>274803>i went to his place once to hang out, just me and him, when he’s broken up with his past gf.>god i wanted to take him back to his room and fuck for hours.ugh this is the worst fucking feeling ever, when you realize the opportunity you missed and you can't get it back fuck fuck fuck. story of my life.
No. 274964
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>>274893>>274899>>274902>>274923>>274951And here I was thinking my secrets would be safe here, on this public internet forum
No. 275005
>>269204I'm in a similar situation anon except this is just with a guy I like lol…
Ik why I'm attracted to this guy (great personality, we clicked pretty much instantly, he's smart/talented
& he's a good kisser lul) but when it comes to looks he's not really doing the best. My friends even pointed this out and mocked me for liking him but I was already pretty aware. He's pretty much perfect in my eyes but sometimes I find myself getting so shallow and think "wow I can do soooo much better than him!" It's terrible to think like that but it's a thought that sticks at the back of my mind when I think about him sometimes
No. 275039
>>275038and? anime movies are also things, the key is the
anime. if she doesn't work for a fucking anime studio, she's just being a weeb. you know damn well she meant "anime" as in storyline or some shit.
No. 275571
>>275099Cat milk drinker here.
I used to always give my old cats roo meat, but these two elderly cats I adopted from the haven are given dry food because the lady at the shelter told me that's what they eat. It was on their diet plan she gave me at the shelter.
It's pretty expensive stuff, so I wouldn't say it's crap, and I always make sure they get lots of water, but I will be sure to look into maybe returning to the kangaroo meat if they actually will eat it. I didn't know dry food was bad.
It's hard because they are quite fussy and old and won't try many new things. They like tuna in springwater though.
No. 275774
>>275757Anon you created a new Kink for me.
Didn’t know I wanted this until you said it.
And I even know some Russian guy who’s pretty hot and can speak Russian.
Thank you anon, will go for this.
No. 275822
>>275808Aaw it's cute that she talks about that.
As the other anon said, you should tell her that you browse lolcow.
I'd love to talk to my partner about lolcows.
No. 275868
i wish my boyfriend would those do stupid cheesy things you always see on twitter. a part of me knows that those sort of things =/= a healthy, happy relationship, but for some reason, i’ve recently been craving that type of affection. i was never the type to care for it before and was perfectly happy just to spend time with him physically. i feel like he’s just not that type of person, but our first year together, he sent me letters, cute notes, and gave me little trinkets.
i’m scared he’s not over his ex as well. about two years ago, things were very rough. i had been reliving my sexual trauma in therapy and that was finally affecting me. my sex drive was crashing and my paranoia and need for constant validation went up. at one point, i went through his history/facebook and saw he was looking her up quite often around the same time as looking up porn that could describe her (if that makes sense? i.e. chubby girl porn, petit asian girl, etc.). i confronted him about it and confessed, but i really don’t remember what his excuse was for looking up his exes. i kind of want to ask him about it….. and ask to go through his history again…. it’s not right, i should trust him, but i feel like my worries are going to eat me alive.
No. 275890
>>275868anon, I'm not an expert at all but if you keep this to yourself it's probably going to be bottled up, and your bf might see that something's wrong too late. I think you might have to communicate with him about this insecurity, idk what other farmers would think but hey, that's my two cents
My secret is that I'm desperate to create things, wether it is music, video games, jewelry, clothing… I'm so scared of never being able to live off my creations, I don't want to be in an office job , that's a genuine fear I have. I already have a small etsy shop but I hope I'll make it as an underground jack of all trades artist one day, I know it's stupid but I really can'T see myself in an office or at a 9 to 5 job, it's dumb
No. 275902
>>275901I know. I was also underage.
Guess being young and stupid was my excuse. But it's a secret I could probably never tell.
No. 276016
>>275885anon don't you think you're jumping ahead a little far there? why would you suddenly have to go to pride, hang out with all lesbian cliques, refer to yourself as gay constantly, just because you no longer keep it a secret? it's up to you how big or little a deal you make it. it seems like you immediately associate being out
at all with being super loud and proud, so aren't you the one typecasting yourself as a type of person if you were to come out?
No. 276051
>>276043There's plenty of lesbians who aren't loud about it you just don't hear them because duh, they're not loud.
But the reason some are is probably because they're so rare, they feel like they have to showcase their sexuality or something to find someone.
No. 276127
>>276120Anon that's fucked up. Your father is a piece of shit. Get away from him, or tell someone about it please.
Also, what mental illness do you have ? (not an illness but One of my friends is asperger and she has trouble differenciating this type of thing )
No. 276129
>>276127Thankfully he hasn't been in my life a lot for more than ten years now. I meet him maybe once a year nowadays but it still fucks me up immensely.
I have a schizoid personality disorder. It's kinda usual for people with it to have trouble recognizing and differentiating their emotions.
No. 276184
>>276120That shit’s nasty. My father still tries to kiss on the lips and Im 30+. No boundaries (man).
You need to cut him off. The second he molested you, he lost you as a daughter. You should be having therapy and no contact with him. He’s a criminal. What if you have children some day? Are you going to bring them around him? Think about it.
No. 276890
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I love singing and I think I'm pretty good, but I have a crippling fear of singing when ANYONE is around. I have friends of years who never heard me sing. Had 2 boyfriends and they never heard me sing either. I haven't told my therapist about this…
I tried a few times but it's like I forget how to do it completely, it's low and off tune and crackly, and I draw a blank on all songs I know and like to sing. I even stop thinking about songs when other people are around (as in, when you're not doing anything and start humming)
I just have the feeling that something very bad will happen if I sing in front of others. But I really want to because I love doing it when I'm alone.
Help anons
No. 276905
>>276890The pressure of the audience will knock you off your game like that. The fear of fucking up is such a self-fufilling prophecy.
Record yourself while you're alone and able to do your thing without being distracted. No audience to fuck you up means you won't fuck up, you'll impress people when you show them the recordings, then you'll get the self-assurance you need to actually perform in front of them.
I got this idea from reading I, Claudius. That book was a hoot.
No. 276920
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i use meitu to edit my pictures. i don’t have a large following, but i do know that a certain group of ex friends stalk my pages so… i guess i started out doing it in spite of them? at first, my edits were subtle, then they got more ridiculous (larger eyes, smaller chin, short nose). i wasn’t fooling any of my friends for sure. when i took selfies, i completely disregarded whether or not it was a good angle or even an original closest to my edited face because i knew i was gonna completely change almost everything about it. since realizing how drastic my editing was, i’ve toned it down a bit. i still feel guilty and weird. i know i’m not terribly ugly, i’ve just grown too used to my edited face. i want to stop but don’t know how… i’m not sure if it’s from lurking here or just general anxiety, but i feel like everyone can tell i edit my pictures and if i go completely unedited, they’ll notice. as sad as it sounds, i’d like to have a larger instagram following based off of my personal style but mostly looks, since that’s what seems to be the easiest route. fuck i sound conceited.
No. 276922
>>276890Hi anon! I sing so I totally get how you feel. How do you feel about singing around strangers? Before I started lessons, I used to hate singing around people I knew like family or friends, but was pretty okay with the idea of singing in front of an audience. I still don't like singing in front of my family, and most of my friends, but it's gotten better. The more you do it, the easier it gets. I started with a new teacher this year and in our first lesson, I thought I might be nervous to sing in front of her, and I kind of was, but so so so much less than in my first lesson with my very first teacher. The point is, it's practice. The more you sing, (hopefully with the guidance of a teacher), the better you get. The better you get, the less nervous you get. It's TOTALLY fine to be nervous to sing in front of others, I shook throughout my entire exam last month, but it shouldn't hold you back. You sound really passionate and like you really enjoy singing - good! I know it's hard, but try and push yourself to sing in front of others - don't make a thing of it like, "come here and listen to me sing", but don't be afraid to sing in the car with your boyfriend, or for someone to hear you sing in the shower. And if you can, get a teacher, it makes a
world of difference.
No. 276925
>>276920I feel weird for thinking this isn't weird.
As long as you aren't turning phobic about being around friends and loved ones because you're
afraid of looking like yourself, it sounds like you know there's a difference between real you and edited you. So you're not delusional, you just want to look in style for pictures you post online.
I don't want ugly pictures of me floating around forever online either. I'm sick of people acting like it's cool to be making fools of themselves 'ironically' or purposefully posting unflattering selfies. It's not cool, it doesn't prove they're more "real" people for it. It just gives someone else ammunition to make fun of them behind their backs.
And there's such a fucking double standard to it too.
People don't give a shit if their beloved online personalities and celebrities shoop themselves beyond recognition
unless they become lolcows and then see how those uggo/shooped pics come back to bite them here?Yet if someone's just a normal person wanting to edit out some acne and smeared makeup, they're treated like they alone are perpetuating the vicious cycle of beauty standards because how dare they not pretend like they enjoy ugly pictures of themselves.
People are ridiculous, plain and simple. Do what makes you happy, because they never will be.
No. 277013
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I snacked on uncooked egg noodles several hours ago and now I've given myself mushy rocket shits.
No. 277032
>>276920 kek i edit out my double chin in all my pictures. I’ve gotten so used to it that sometimes when I see candid pictures I’m like “why does my face look so weird… oh, right”
I stopped caring because I know it’s not real but images online are potentiall forever (like anything on the internet) so fuck it I might as well have the most attractive version of myself out there. If you aren’t catfishing anyone and you know it’s not real/it’s not rooted in some kind of ED or body image thing then I think it’s pretty harmless
No. 278655
like most people, i'm mortified when people look through my stuff and find something embarrassing. even so, i snoop through people's shit, and i don't even feel bad about it. done it ever since i was little. i read diaries, go through phones, rummage through drawers and closets, just because. i don't know why i do this. i'm not looking for anything in particular, just looking.
nothing i find really phases me, since i know we've all done embarrassing stuff we'd like to keep secret. i've read mopey/cringy diary entries, discovered really embarrassing search history, found where people keep their sex toys/porn, all that jazz. it doesn't matter to me and unless it was something straight up illegal i wouldn't ever confront someone about my findings.
obviously i can't tell anyone because they'd automatically wonder if i've snooped through their stuff, and they'd probably be right. it doesn't matter who it is, if their stuff is accessible and i'm alone, i'll go through it.