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No. 254443
cool idea OP!
not sure if it counts as a counterculture, but the cambodian psych out is pretty fun. started out with some mass appeal in the 60s, unfortunately died out with the rise of the khmer rogue but i think its coming back, albeit a lot more niche No. 254453
>>254443This is actually really cool and exactly what I had in mind. I had no idea Cambodia was huge into psychedelic rock at one point, and even though it’s tragic what happened to it, it’s interesting to see the reaction once Rouge came into power.
Another question for everyone, do you think something is birthed as a subculture or counterculture for purely political reasons, or because it might look or sound “cool”?
No. 254474
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Do you guys know Afrofuturism? I'm not black/African but this is cool af. I love the aesthetics.
No. 254619
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>>254453well not all subcultures are political in nature. i mean steampunk for example is a subculture, but i dont see too much political reasoning. counterculture on the other hand seems to be more political (i.e punk or riot girl stuff). not to go all anti-consumerist but every subculture/counterculture that has become more mainstream appeal always gets marketed to hell and back and its end up killing any authenticity the culture originally had. like the whole "corporate punk" debate
No. 254622
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>>254474afrofuturism is cool as hell.
i think there are a few afrofuturism music festivals worth checking out if youre interested in the music aspect of it!