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No. 260097
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Just completed "Cupid," another free game from Steam. I highly recommend it but it is weird as fuck. You play a fourth wall type-character instead of the main. It's also pretty squicky at parts. Still, its definitely not a regular slice-of-life romance vn and I appreciate the creativity that went into it.
No. 260098
not a VN but a rpg
The Poor Whore is fucking hilarious and bizarre. obviously. It's just a basic RPG Maker game but its entertaining.
No. 260121
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I've played all the translated otome on the vita and I liked Norn9 and Code:Realize the most. On PC I'm playing through Higurashi Ch 6 and Higanbana right now, good stuff. The short story "Reaper of the 13th Step" in Higanbana was really motivational especially.
Overall I'm happy that so many high quality VNs are being translated nowadays. There's too much to pick from, my backlog keeps growing
No. 260273
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Aloners is a free western otome-ish vn I really enjoyed. There's only one love interest but he's a gem. The protagonist isn't an insufferable baby either which was a huge relief.
No. 260274
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>>260251There's The Bell Chimes for Gold if you're into grandpas.
No. 260299
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>>260251Depends on what you think dudes who look like dykes looks like.
Also has anyone played Dream Daddy? Is it overrated or as good as people say?
No. 260318
>>2603103DS doesn't have many "pure" visual novels, most of them have gameplay elements to them. The highest quality "VNs" would Professor Layton, 999, Ghost Trick, and the Ace Attorney games. If you want an otome there's Hakuouki which is decent but has a bland protagonist and a long and drawn out story.
PC has a lot more options for all types of visual novels and vita is good for otome. 3DS really doesn't have that much.
No. 260655
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Any opinions on the arcana?
No. 260658
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>>260656Forgot pic
I can’t get over how pretty the art style is. Ugh how annoying
No. 260662
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>>260656>>260658Oh that's really too bad, I hadn't played far enough to realise that yet…but yeah I agree, I'd reather just buy a complete game at once.
The art is very nice but does sometimes seem kind of recycled to me, maybe we can take solace in that?
I do love this smug manlet.
No. 260664
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>>260662You might have more patience for it than I do haha. And god yeah his character is great, a tad cliche but great. I think it’s one of the better vn apps out there in terms of ui and art style.
No. 261138
>>261124It's a lot of work, but if you practice on finishing small projects first, bigger projects dont feel as hard.
Writing is one thing, but then you also have to make all the elements like art and music and then program them in. If you feel curious about attempting a project about I recommend downloading tyranobuilder(very easy to use) or renpy(more scripting) and seeing how you like the results when you play around in the builder for a little bit.
It's super satisfying when you get to the point where all the elements mesh together.