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No. 262494
Her last months on Tumblr were worrisome. I remember her posting pictures of her thrown up spaghettios in Tupperware containers.
Her public art Twitter: always had a good lead for working towards recovery, but somehow the situation would twist around in the end for the worst. She found therapy, but it turned into her therapist suggesting she sleep with people who aren't her boyfriend. She finds a website for people struggling with sex addiction, suddenly everyone who watches even vanilla porn was set to be an abuser. A few friends of mine followed her when she went to Twitter, but she blocked them when they pointed out this sex addiction recovery / anti-porn website she was sharing was sketchy. I legitimately have respect for her for getting diagnosed, but the diagnosis became massive part of her identity.
She just got engaged to her boyfriend. My friends and I thought it was a little odd she was still with him since he was known to be into hentai and I remember reading on KF he tried having sex with her when she was sleeping.
While looking at the replies to her private twitter, she has a close group of friends who give off a kind front, but are very controlling. You can tell when you look through their profiles how manipulative and authoritative they actually are. She used to hate these groups, but I have a clue since they're so personally /nice/ to her, she's shamed into acting like them. I have a feeling they enable a lot of her bad habits too.
Like other anon said, it sucks she was bullied off Tumblr for liking something that wasn't even harmful, being attracted to older and "ugly" characters. The puke and shit stuff wasn't even that bad either. It's hard to tell which parts of Nemu are herself and which parts she's imitating from the people she knows, I just hope she's doing OK overall.
No. 263394
>>263324tru… iirc she met him at a mall and introduced herself by asking if he wanted to buttfuck. and now they're engaged!
then again he does the voices of her husbandos in bed which kind of warms my heart
No. 263456
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>>263394I used to follow her on twitter as well. IIRC she broke the ice by complimenting his Transformers shirt, and they buttfucked after hanging out for a bit. She was also 17 at the time, and he was well over 18.
Shes always struck me as someone with severe daddy issues. Apparently, she had a sexually abusive father that died recently. Her fetish is ugly, fat older dudes who absolutely have to be virgins so its obvious that she has a thing for being seen as desireable to undesirable people. Pretty strange, considering she's actually very cute apperance-wise.
Nemu is basically on the same coin as Alix Henriol, only self aware enough to not let her life go down the shitter.
Judging by her Twitter, she seems to be close to a relapse. Though she's anti-porn, I've seen that she still at least commissions other artist porn of her self-inserts with her waifus, so it's not hard to imagine she still draws it herself. Her friends all seem like enablers too. I know one of her closer friends was a tripfag and used to post nudes on 4chan's /soc/. She's also another one of those obsessive waifu girls. Holden recently drew a diary comic where she admitted that she still has sexually charged convesations about fictional characters with her friends.
I'm no psychiatrist, but I theorize that her obsession with a certain type of fictional character is some kind of coping mechanism for her. Like a sexual security blanket. It's really unusual to see someone like her not be some greasy neet living in their parent's basement.
Her Instagram is "Kerozeene" btw
At the very least, its cool to see that she's still into cosplay.
Bonus: She was forced to resign from her teaching job for going SJW on her white students.
No. 263457
>>262437She was ppauly originally, then Nemu-nemu, then Malfunction52. ocdmrcrocker was towards the end of her tenure on tumblr.
>>262494Her leaving tumblr was a really good thing I think. That website is the worst for people with suggestable, easily addictive personalities. I've seen people go from reasonably normal kink-wise to sex-obsessed freaks over the course of a couple of years all thanks to the way tumblr works. They follow a bunch of like-minded blogs, so every time they log in their dashboard is a slideshow of degenerate shit. Almost like mental conditioning. A person I used to be friends with went from having an interest in BDSM to wanting to genuinely fuck animals in the span of a couple of years. Combine that with the echo chamber community and you've got a recipe for warped sexuality. If Nemu hadn't left tumblr before she was bullied off for wanting to fuck Crocker's mother, then she probably would have left of her own volition when she started her recovery process.
No. 263471
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god i miss this bitch so bad!!! it seems like she has really dialed back her fetishy stuff and is making a conscious effort to be less nasty, but i will forever cherish the absolutely wild porn she made for years
No. 263843
>>263474The topic of affirmative action came up in a class and the way she explained it confused a couple students. A student said the procedure seemed unfair and she shot him down with, "Well, your opinion doesn't count since you're a white male." A couple of other students in the class didn't like the way she talked to him and they left negative reviews of her after the class was over.
After a couple of days, she had a meeting with whoever takes care of subs and they told her she shouldn't bring up politics, especially since she's not in a permanent position. She gets fired/resigns from her position.
Afterwards, she posted on her art Twitter about the situation, also saying the students in that class were unsupportive of LGBT, special needs, and POC. Reminder: these are children she's met for less than 9 hours. She explained to everyone she's better than these students because she's kind and helpful.
This was a situation that was going to happen at some point, she tweeted art weeks before about not being a mother to immature boys and mentioned how the girls in her classes are always nice, but the boys are loud and don't behave.
Maybe a bit OT but it really doesn't help her closest friends are white SJWs, especially when they act like they're God just for being nice to POC. That's all I saw who were mainly supporting her in her replies.
No. 263870
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why don't anons post her art?
i google her and theres just drawings of cute vomiting pictures from a tumblr post and nothing else. i don't think vomiting is tht big of a deal and i can't find any of that "super nasty" stuff people itt are talking about so i'm curious. post the weird shittt or at least some screenshots, never heard of this bitch
No. 263879
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i am desperate to find that one image of the little lorax man shitting in a school swimsuit. please tell me one of you has it
No. 263881
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I really wish I archived all of her art from when she was really into that Lorax villain. I think that's when her content reached peak wildness.
Managed to nab this and a few other images before she deleted them from her DA.
No. 263885
>>263870's some archive of thread just like this one, makes me wonder if she self-posts…
I used to have a puke fetish too, yet all her art just bores me. It's such a tumblr-y art style, idk why you guys are so intrigued by it. No. 263905
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>>263897There's some more art here: definitely changed the name they use because their DeviantArt is gone, but yeah pic is one that I can find that imitates it the most.
No. 263906
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>>263897Oh wow. This is a direct riff off of Nemu's art.
>>263885Personally, I think she'd be just another overly obsessive waifufag if not for her art skills. Her personality was weird and she was really open about some TMI parts of her life, but she isn't particularly milky otherwise.
No. 264385
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>>263906>The onceler>VomitGross
Interesting thread tho, I feel like artists like these are never talked about. Tumblr is kinda good at keeping this stuff under wraps
No. 264411
>>264401I always wondered where her massive fixation on having babies by her husubandos came from. That seems to be the third most reoccurring theme after vomit and scat.
On her instagram she's posted herself wearing a couple of handmade "____ got me pregnant" shirts. I think she wore them to cons but she's pretty bold to wear them out when she works in teaching. I don't think someone's harmless net history should be grounds for getting them fired, but America is notorious for getting rid of teachers for the most trival of things. I remember a few years ago a middle school teacher had to resign for taking a picture of herself holding a full glass of beer while visiting the Heiniken brewery on vacation.
Holden doesn't release her real name, but she does post her face way more than she used to, and she draws in a pretty recognizable style. I think she should be a bit more careful with her online presence since she's kind of infamous.
No. 264788
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Anyone else feel like Holden goes out of her way to lecture/explain why she does the strange things she does? It comes across like she's more trying to justify it to herself than educate the people around her. She really is one of those "I get to do this weird thing because I have ___ condition and nobody can say anything about it" people.
No. 264866
Oh geez, I was wondering what happened to this person. IIRC she booted herself off Tumblr because a few underage shits tried picking a fight with her and she had to remove herself from that nonsense. Tumblr a shit.
I always thought it was weird the characters she was attracted to looked like literal man-children considering her job but I tried not to read too deep into it.
>>263843I'm honestly not surprised she'd get fired for going SJW on her students. She's extremely naive in that sense.
No. 265331
>>264796there does have to be some kind of motive since fetishes don't just happen on their own 🤷♀️ for the vomit one she says it's that she was sick a lot as a kid and her mom would give her the one specific tupperware
>>264798i thought it was like "significant other" to make them seem more real/waifu implies female anime characters as opposed to ugly male background characters from western animation
No. 265461
>>265331I remember her saying that she had some kind of problem with her vagina for most of her life, where she couldn't have vaginal sex so she only ever had anal. She also had frequent urinary tract infections.
I know her dad was weird with her, but I wonder if she ever had sex before her fiance. She must've if she was so eager to take his virginity before knowing him for more than 24 hours.
Unrelated, but she's also Slovakian apparently. Does anybody know if she's an immigrant or second generation?
No. 265578
>>265348ain't nobody got pics?
this girl is a "literally who" this thread is a twilight zone
No. 265652
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>>265594>>265578Her insta is full of pictures of herself.
No. 265653
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>>265578I feel in my heart of hearts that 98% of the posts itt were made by one person and it was either her or her stalker.
Mods, can you check for samefagging?
No. 265660
>>265658I don't agree at all. This thread feels so off.
Some more sus things that fuel my tinfoil:
>A LOT of the posters itt have very similar typing styles while claiming to be different anons>This isn't the first time she's been brought up in the exact same way, like the /cgl/ thread I posted a few days a go that was eerily similar. She's been brought up on this site before too and the "people" who were talking about her then said the same exact shit.>Virtually all the anons itt are dickriding a gender special pervert and no one is questioning it. Very weird because this is fucking lolcow, not cc or anything.>Someone said that she regularly posted on /cgl/, which means she probably lurks here too>She's clearly crazy, so it wouldn't be surprising for her to self-post hereAll in all, this girl is still a cringy, disgusting, irrelevant snowflake who looks like Suzy, shoe0nhead, and a mime cross-pollinated. I don't understand why else anyone would be praising her so much unless they were her or obsessed with her.
No. 265669
>>265667>>265660I thought the same thing. This thread is just incredibly strange.
>Ah, yes. That wacky, lovable vomit porn enthusiast from Tumblr who went SJW on a class of students! So naive. So cute. I really miss her!It's like being on bizarro Lolcow or something.
No. 265670
>>265667>>265669she is really nice to people, i wouldnt rule out that a bunch of us interacted with her, especially back on tumbl when her obsessives would call her mama nemu and ask this fucked up person for advice because she had her shit marginally more together than them
if these anons are tumbloids, that comes with a homogenous typing style
No. 265674
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>She's so nice, anons! Totally harmless!She would mention how she was better than channers.
She knows this site exists and is aware of this thread. She has made posts on 4chan and on here before. She acts like she doesn't use "decade old websites for gossip". Twitter is technically the exact same thing, minus anonymity and she's gossiped many times.
One of her bigger stalkers already posted on here
>>264106 they're cows themselves.
No. 265679
>>265660Wasn't lolcow made as an off-shoot of /cgl/? I honestly don't know, but I saw someone say that once. Since she used to be known on that board, some people that came over from there might genuinely remember her fondly. That's the case for me, at least.
Anyway, not everyone is here to ridicule the same things you do, anon. Just because we're on the same site doesn't mean I agree with you on what is cow worthy. Sure, there might be some samefagging, but your logic for why that is is kind of idiotic.
inb4 "you're the samefag"
No. 265684
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I found some old art she drew of herself getting fucked by a hanar from Mass Effect
No. 265787
>>265671eh, she was pretty polite to me on tumblr and i don't harbor any ill-will
you on the other hand, sound like one of her friends trying to derail the thread. or are just mega jealous at the attention
No. 265851
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Why is it always these people who've said stuff like this have the worst SJW freakouts years down the road.
No. 266313
>>265851>>265787This girl is fake as fuck. All the anons in this thread reminiscing over how sweet and uwu she was, but she used to be a tripfag on one of the bitchiest boards on 4chan and still gossips to this day. It was obviously just a diversion to make up for the rest of her personality just like how the porn positivity shit was just to keep people from kinkshaming her. Everybody in this thread giving her a pass because she is/was nice fell for it.
She knows that if she was anything but kind and sweet mama Nemu she would be one of those lolcows with an ED page or kiwifarms thread. Especially if she's self assured and tactless enough to tell children that their opinions mean less because of their race.
>>262494Her boyfriend apparently had issues with her low libido after she got help for her addiction. He'd try to do stuff to her while she was asleep. Marriage material right there.
No. 266315
>>266313There's a couple posts on her on kiwifarms, but they're majority like 80% of this thread going "aww she was so nice, i hope everything's ok! she's never hurt a fly"
honestly how hilarious is it to tell a bunch of kids their opinions don't matter because they're white when she's white herself.
miss "i love kids so much i want to be so pregnant and have tons of babies and take care of them" doesn't actually like kids unless they're submissive and able to handle abuse from adults
No. 266329
>>266313>she's MEAN on 4chan so she's not actually a nice person!I mean, it's fucking 4chan. It's obsessive to give an actual shit about what people post on there as if everyone should be sunshine and rainbows on every facet of their life 24/7
No one is saying she's a saint. Her personal life is fucked up, but there are much milkier cows here by comparison
No. 266363
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>this crazy disgusting bitch can have a bf she loves and gets engaged to
>i'm still single
No. 266384
>>266367lol i see a LOT of influence.
i think this can also explain a lot of the less "normie" things she likes such as transformers and eyeshield 21
No. 266476
>>266353I think anons point out how nice she is because one:
1. snowflake threads are usually reserved for shitty individuals
2. Despite how weird and disgusting her fetishes are, it stands in contrast that she is not an unpleasant person to talk to
Like, no one is being "fooled" here. As far as personality goes, nemu's pretty average