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No. 26329
>>26328straight hair isn't a cultural thing. most black people straighten their hair because their family members do and no one else knows/feels like dealing with their hair otherwise.
anyway, i think people get all bitchy about people of other races wearing box braids because it's often seen as ghetto when actual black people do it but ~so cool when people of other races do it.
it's the double standard people SHOULD ONLY be bitchy about. unless the person wearing the box braids or any other generally 'black' hairstyle is being condescending about it, they should just be left alone.
No. 26330
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>>26328Because every other race humiliates and mock us for our hair. Especially when we are getting bullied in school for having kinky hair. I find it hypocritical in my opinion. I can't speak for everyone. Whites tend to always do things blacks do while crapping on blacks. Which goes back to mooney's quote.
There are blacks who tend to attack other blacks for their hair as well. If you haven't noticed hair is the most important thing in African culture.
No. 26350
>>26330i'm up in canada and i've never seen any kinda hostility towards curly/kinky hair, if anything most people seem to be supportive of it, complimenting afros and cornrows. the only thing that gets mocked would probably be weaves, but that goes in the same vein as straight hair "white girl" extensions. but ok, i can understand that kinda negative shit happening in the world. still, if a white person is not mocking your culture or anything, like the OP pic girl, what's so bad about them replicating a "black" hairstyle?
>>26329if straight hair isnt' a white people thing, just a looks+convenience thing, then why are box braids explicitly a black people thing and not just looks+convenience too? i get that they're done to make black hair easier to manage, but you've got curly hair whites that may also want box braids for convenience - is that still trying to be black? hell even whites with straight hair might find it easier to deal with box braids, what's black about that? and yet general braids are fine?
No. 26353
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>>26321I'm not going to support bullying a 12 year old, but to be fair she looks pretty bad. The yellow is too bright for her skin. It looks like she's wearing a wig made out of woven straw or something.
On a black girl, it would most likely be cute. On a white one? Unless you're like a 10/10 who would look glamorous with shit caked on your face, don't even try.
Pic related is the only white person I've ever seen to pull off braids.
No. 26354
Sorry for the long post, but I'm probably babbling at this point:
Honestly, the natural hair comm is great, because I was planning on relaxing my hair a year ago, but chickened out. Nowadays, I'm learning to love and care for my hair. Also, I'm happy I'm seeing it stretching out in alt fashions, where some people think afro textured people HAVE to wear a wig.
I believe some of the stigma also comes from the fact that people don't believe natural hair can't grow, which is a lie. Or that you have to be mixed to have that 'good hair'.
>>26328Actually anon, straightened hair has been going back for centuries, but since I'm American/Caribbean based, so let's start from slavery.
Ever since slavery, people with Afro textured hair were rediculed, when at the same time, straight hair was praised. Women had to cut their hair. If they didn't do that, some would use all types of harmful chemicals just to straighten their hair. Some will even use hear combs.
Some women back then were forced to straighten their hair to keep their jobs or statuses. Many girls were bullied if they didn't have their hair straightened.
Some women are deemed as unprofessional when they don't straighten their hair.
Natural hair is seen as unkempt, or wild. While a girl with wavy yet frizzy hair will be commonly seen as pretty.
Sadly, that shit still happens today.
Some rules and regulations are against natural hair.
For example, that mixed girl in Florida was told she had to straighten her hair or risk expulsion from her school.
Another girl had in locs, and the school sent her home, it wasn't even wild….
Then take me for example. For context, I go to a school where probably 80% of the girl population had some chemical work done on their hair, or wear weave for the year.
One day I went out with my hair in a low ponytail and it was sort of frizzy, but still kept. I was laughed at, and told to straighten my hair, because it looked too 'nappy'. (I have 4b/4c hair with some straight strands in there)
I do know people who will look at That white girl and say she's unique and awesome for trying out New things, But then will turn around and diss a black girl for being 'ghetto' and wearing 'ratchet ass hair'. But hey, whatever floats this kid's boat. If she likes it(Imo I don't like it, but whatever), then so be it.
Overall, I feel that the community has a long way to go represention wise. You would see a lot of sites posting about good hair, or how pretty natural hair is, but only show 3a-4a hair. Then again, if many kinkier hair girls don't showcase their real hair, how would you see more representation?
Lastly, I have no problem with straight hair people calling their hair natural. If it isn't chemically enhanced (dyes, bleach)then it's natural. And just like different movements such as HAES(or what I think HAES should be), it's goals should be to show people that they should love their hair no matter what, but always leave room for improvement.
However, if they wanted it to be for curly(not wavy, I hate to see girls who have wavy hair calling themselves curly. Its like fat rolls calling themselves tidal waves)and kinky hair movement, why couldn't they call it something else? The curly-kinky hair movement or something.
No. 26356
>>26328I'm the OP and I don't think it's racist when black people make their hair straight. It's especially not cultural appropriation because I don't think anyone can appropriate cultures from white people, no offense. I in fact dont think you can appropriate hairstyles but I do believe the concept of cultural appropriation exists and many of us white people are guilty of it. But I agree with the rest of your post.
>>26329Even though the girl looks really cool she looks very ghetto lol.
Zendaya rocks her braids and does not look ghetto at all.
>>26330>hair is the most important thing in African cultureMaybe to African American culture, but not to African culture.
>>26331Only ghetto/redneck or very slutty rich white women wear fake hair. But they also wear fake nails and fake eyelashes. It's really not a normal thing, trust me.
>>26353Blonde hair on a dark skinned black woman looks ridiculous. Girl in picture related looks ghetto, trashy and cute.
I'll be reading the rest later.
No. 26359
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Unrelated but I never get a chance to post this
No. 26367
>>26356So apparently you aren't aware that a black woman is not allowed to wear her "natural" hair in Professional settings right? There is heavy restrictions on how africans should wear their hair in professional settings. Your comment is daft and lacks logic.
Hair is important in African culture dummy hair represents age, status, and culture. Pay attention and please stop making over opinionated comments with no level of knowledge in what you are talking about.
No. 26368
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>>26356>Blonde hair on a dark skinned black woman looks ridiculousAnon, I need you to sit down
No. 26370
So basically The purpose of this post was to again crap all over Black women Just because of their obsession.
>>26359 Also, what the heck was the purpose of her even stating that?
No. 26372
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>>26364But that's wrong, you're just racist.
No. 26374
>>26367It isn't important to East African culture. It isn't important to North African culture.
>>26368That shade of blonde looks ridiculous even on a white woman who is naturally dark haired. She looks trashy and ghetto.
No. 26381
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>>26378You are a racist lunatic.
No. 26382
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>>26374>she looks trashy and ghettoActually, she's adorable. Plus, she's wearing gyaru fashion, which is arguably trashy, but far from "ghetto" (aside from a few substyles).
You sound like one of those people who scream "Ghetto!" whenever you see a black person dressing in alternative fashion, but think "Oh, edgy" whenever a non-black person does it.
No. 26384
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No. 26385
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>>26378>They are totally white lol shut up
No. 26386
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>>26375>Green is no longer a bright colorOk
No. 26389
>>26381I am Egyptian and I know my history pretty well.
>>26382Nah when I see an Egyptian girl with blonde hair I think she is ghetto too. I just don't like platinum blonde. She is definitely beautiful but she'd look better with caramel brown hair. When I see a non-black woman dressing in alternative fashion I just think she has daddy issues
>>26384Keep spreading false information instead of asking me why some of them are darkskinned.
No. 26397
>>26350box braids are also a looks and convenience thing. but it is ALSO a style that is popular in the black community and often frowned upon by other people as being ghetto or ugly.
i never said it's trying to be black - did you mean to reply to the anon with the gif? i don't think it's trying to be black, i think it's liking a style and just wanting to do it - inherently, there's no harm in it, but when people seem to prefer it on anyone that isn't black, that is the issue. it's cute on a white girl but ratchet on a black girl. the double standard is the issue here - not the braids.
lemme repeat - there's nothing wrong with doing it. the bad thing is people have double standards about it and it is. box braids are cultural, but i don't think it's stealing - it is just hair, after all, but things typically associated with black culture are seen as lesser than until it's associated with someone of a different race.
the issue here isn't the box braids. the issue here is everyone being so quick to defend a white girls right to wear box braids and turning their heads and saying 'i've never seen any hostility about it on a black person' when it comes to the other issue.
i would say just try to listen to other people - just because you haven't seen something doesn't mean it doesn't happen. it's happened to me and, tbh, it hurts a lot, esp when people dismiss it.
thanks for taking the time to read this, btw, i can get wordy.
No. 26398
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>>26389>>26390>She would look better if-Perhaps, but they both look good now. No point trying to escape the fact.
No. 26399
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How egyptions potrayed whites
No. 26401
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No. 26403
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No. 26404
>>26394I'm from the South of Egypt, technically Nubian. Not once was I being racist. I have kinky hair too which is why I am educated about black hair care.
Arabs are not a race. It's an identity, of which I am proud of. I am also proud of my history. You do not belong to that history, period. You're crazy but I know you do not represent most of blacks.
>>26399I thought you would leave?
>>26398I wasnt that anon but she is cute even though she looks like she has daddy issues.
>nose ring>blue hairI prefer natural looks.
No. 26408
>>26403So what white person wears Goat hair, Dreadlocks, Locks, and braids?
Egyptians weren't White. People trying to portray blacks as always living in poor huts for eternity. History being taken away. and idiot racists arabs pretending africans were always arab. THe Ottoman empire infiltration is FAIRLY NEW.
No. 26413
>>26408Read my posts since I am an actual Egypytian then. Arabs aren't a race, it's an identity. Also the women in picture related you're responding are just as much "fake" egyptians as the cleopatra. The real Egyptians are brown, not black or white. We have curly hair and are brown skinned.
>>26411I am an alien indeed tbh thnx
No. 26416
>>26399 the man on far left has braids.
No. 26417
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Ok but to stop derailing this thread I actually wanted a serious discussion without being called a racist. Is this possible?
No. 26421
>I don't think anyone can appropriate cultures from white people, no offense. I'd disagree pretty strongly with this
Like by this logic, even eastern euro people that haven't done shit to blacks, are not allowed rights to their own culture because it won't be cultural appropriation. So these kinda white people are left with one culture = the amalgam they have to share with everyone who wants in, while people of other races can choose if they want to emulate that blend too of if they want to follow the traditional culture of their race/ethinicity?
>Only ghetto/redneck or very slutty rich white women wear fake hair. But they also wear fake nails and fake eyelashes. It's really not a normal thing, trust me.Whites shouldn't generalise about blacks, but that kinda generalisation is ok?
I can understand not being able to spot fake hair of a different race, cause white people may not have experience with weaves so they can't tell em apart and likewise black people may not have an experience with straight extensions so they may not know, but thinking this isn't a common thing is pretty misleaded. Mom works as an esthetician, you'd be surprised how common extensions and fake nails are on regular white women that we'd all consider classy (as in, not "ghetto/redneck/slutty" like you say).
No. 26423
>>26421People no matter what race who wear weaves are very tacky. That's just my opinion. I'm very dull about European cultures, in my mind Europe is one big culture so I apologize. In that case it's possible. I've heard a lot of Eastern European countries are poor. But come on, most minorities are "appropriating" white Anglo American culture. Most dont even know what Eastern European culture even is.
I'm not black btw lol. People just get easily offended it seems.
No. 26426
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>>26423Do you think she looks tacky? Her hair is actually shorter than shoulder length
No. 26429
>>26413What's the difference between Brown or black skin?
Not.trying to be rude but, Brown skin is associated with Indians and such right?
>>26403>>26401Pictures like these shows that Egyptians
could have 'black' skin. But I'm not sure if y'all are talking about current Egyptians or old Egyptians, but then again, ethnic Egyptians could be black or Arabs/light.
No. 26435
>>26430Thing is, I've seen plenty of whites who wear such ugly weaves that I associate the weave just with hoes of all colors lol.
>>26429Black/white ancient Egyptians were "immigrants". Original Egyptians looked like this girl
>>26417I say brown because that's what most of us identify as.
>>26432Rihanna is the tackiest girl ever but her weaves are so fly. She is the only woman in the world who can pull off weaves.
No. 26436
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>>26432Look at dat tacky ass hood rat ain't wearin ha real hurrrrr. Weave is so ghettttttto
No. 26442
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Tacky ass hood rat. Look at her ghetto ass weave, so low class and tacky
No. 26456
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>>26450Omg she looks so ghetto and tacky
No. 26457
>>26449Both are whores.
>>26450I guess I'm that 4a makeupless vegan hipster girl then. I just cringe at fake everything. Maybe it's just a phase after I get sick of my hair.
>>26456I find that weave tacky. Look at those edges! Don't like that one at all. Bleh.
No. 26462
>>26458I'm not black so it aint THAT nappy although for white people I'm just a black girl lol and I've worn my hair natural since I was born.
But yeah politically incorrect speaking, I kinda am. So what? I hate it when girls wear makeup/fake nails too but irl I'm not bitching about it so don't worry.
No. 26479
>>26469But why? I have naturally sunkissed skin, nice lips, thick eyebrows and nice eyelashes. I have an ugly nose and the queen's chin but makeup wont fix that.
Yeah I'd be much more attractive like everyone else but I don't really need makeup. More like plastic surgery lol.
No. 26488
>>26479Cause that's just how make-up works. When tastefully and well applied, it makes even pretty people look prettier. For example, eyeliner is obvious to spot cause it looks unnatural, but it works in a way that makes (when applied well) the eye look better. Or eyeshadow. When chosen well and applied well, it makes the eye looks good, even though no matter now natural your skin is you will never get that effect naturally. It's not something that you could do naturally. Maybe you look good make-up free compared to other make-up free girls, but comparing make-up free to girls wearing make up is apples and oranges.
My point is that your hair, that it isn't straight, is not the thing that makes you look average but that you don't use make up. And that's ok, you don't need to do it if you don't like it, but you need to accept reality too
No. 26503
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>>26494That makeup is so badly done…
>>26490While I have a bit of a wide nose, it doesnt concern me as much as my profile. Pic related is btw the profile of my nose (on the right). Will contouring fix that? Google says no.
>>26488I agree but a lot of people don't like 4a curls. I've heard people saying my hair looks like a dead fox. That's why I said that I'm average and look better there with looser curls because thats closer to the western ideal of beauty.
No. 26612
>>26328Mixed-chan here:
If you liked box braids anon, then GET them. Fuck what other people say. Just get the damn braids, you only live once and if blacks want to wear weave then fuck it, get the braids.
Most mixed/black women are trying to encourage natural hair which I believe is right. Perms are unhealthy as hell and weaves just wash out the fact that natural hair exists. I dislike both.
Yet tons of black women and mixed don't listen anyway, they continue to wear weave. So fuck them and fuck it, go buy yourself some nice box braids.
No. 26665
>>26648yeah but i do think some are lying about their growth rate espesh if you have same texture and use same products…
yep and THEN they have the nerve to bitch about "so racist" and "omg stop white washinn"
No. 26823
>>26819>>26813U get that it may not happen as much where you guys are, but please don't deny it probably doesn't happen and we're just a bunch of pissbabies.
It happens in schools, workplaces, interviews, even in public. Luckily, I would want to believe this is decreasing as more people with natural hair are accepting it more.
One day when I was in school, I was recommended by my teacher a texturizer brand, and I told her I never want to do anything to my hair.
She then told me I needed it, and it'll make my hair less "unruly".
No. 26892
>>26813I'm OP here and I have 4A hair and I get ridiculed by my own family even though they are all nappy, the men even more as they dont know how to take care of their hair. 4A is a loose kind of kinky and I have "caucasian" features and even I got really bullied for my hair by white people and asians the most. When I applied for a job I was accepted but they told me to straighten it. So I decided to wear an afro puff and condition my hair so the curls would loosen which really takes a toll on my edges and my hair but I'm not allowed to straighten my hair as I am also semi-muslim (which makes finding a job btw even worse as I have a long weird terrorist sounding name) Was I a black girl they wouldnt even accept me for that job btw, but thats not what this thread is about.
And no blacks arent pissbabies this is why I support the natural hair community, and I am a part of this whether they like it or not. The radical ones need to realize other races can look non-white too and need help with their kinky hair too. And I am thankful they started it so much, african americans fought so much for their rights and I admire them. This is not a thread made to bash blacks, I just wanted to complain about the radical SJWs in this wonderful community.
>>268193C or 4A hair maybe not (although people who arent used to curly hair or black people find it just as disgusting) but 4B and up is viewed as disgusting by people who have straight hair, I dont care how many white people say to omg luf curly hair while they mean they want 3B hair. I dont know if you're white or not but you should google 4b hair or 4c hair without twists. Personally I love 4b and 4c hair but it has no love enough yet from other people. But the natural hair community is so strong so maybe in 20 years it will be a trend to perm your hair into 4b/4c!
No. 26903
>>26892It sucks you go through that but I guess the struggles for black women with curly hair are just different. You said yourself if you were black you wouldn't even have gotten the job.
I mean there are non-Asians with monolids but it'd be weird for them to try to join in on an accepting Asian eyes movement.
Ya can't be apart of everything, yep it's unfair but it's life.
No. 26961
>>26960Dude, I'm talking about people I know
>>26935>I know a lot of Latinos who have naturally curly hair like that and they despise itThey don't identify as black because they're not passing but have some features that are associated with black people, one being the hair texture. They straighten it as often as possible.
No. 185905
I've heard countless arguments sugesting that it's not OK for caucasian women to wear protective 'black' hair styles due to the divide in response the difference races get towards their hair.
I'm White I come from a family of straight haired people, I however have course thick curly. My mother had no clue how to style my hair, which was made harder by the fact I'm a tender head, yet still she raked the comb through my hair and broke up all my curls too create lots of frizz. All types of curly hair are more widely excepted nowadays, however when I grew up ALL types of curly hair were seen as messy, unkempt, dirty. I was bullied, told by teachers to brush my hair. The only time I felt confident as a child was when I had my braids in. I knew my hair was in a style that would last…. so more no painful styling, and also felt my hair looked "normal" and less messy.
Now I'm a grown up I love my natural texture however the only styles that hold my hair are 'black'styles. Are you suggesting I should straighten my hair, or relax it because the origins of the styles that work best and protect my hair come from Africa?
That's surely basically what you are all so pissed off with, so why say it to someone else?
I wear braids to keep my hair healthy and to save time in styling…… I respect where they come from and incredibly thankful someone thought up such a style.
No. 185948
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I didn't get annoyed until recently i saw a bunch of black girls attacking a blonde girl online for wearing two dutch braids in her hair.. they claimed they where box braids and it was cultural appropriation.. bitch please Europeans have also continued to braid their hair in certain styles
distinguish "Dutch braids" from cornbraids because of the amount of hair that is added with each braid. With Dutch braids only some of each portion of the hair is braided, but with cornrows all of each portion of the hair is braided to the middle of each braid.
No. 186163
>>185948>cornbraids i read cornbread and now i'm hungry lol. i'm currently wearing a weave for the first time in my life and i really love it. i have absolutely zero against black women/girls who wear their hair natural, because it generally looks really gorgeous. i wish i had the confidence to do it, but i think i look ugly with my natural hair. i also think i look ugly all the time though (lol no self-esteem)
i don't think we should attack other people for wearing braids, but i do understand some of the animosity. i was teased about my hair a lot in school, and that's probably what led to my insecurity, and i think that's what happens to a lot of people who have really curly/kinky hair naturally. but again, i don't think we should be attacking other people for wanting to wear these styles.
btw i'm a mixed girl, but got black hair instead of white hair. my main issue was just that i wanted longer hair in generally, so now i can finally have it.
No. 186248
>>186242Well, we don't have this whole SJW mess, in France (not yet, at least). People don't care about your hair if it's kempt.
Personnaly, I don't like box bread on people with straight hair but only because I think it looks ugly af. It's going to be a mess of thin hair escaping two days in. bleh.
No. 186278
What the fuck is up with all these racist ass posts? Did we get invaded by pol again?
Mods pls ban
Ban everyone in this thread
Ban me too
>>186251>monoglot murrican complaining about a french person's english>even though you can perfectly understand everything she said No. 186308
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Only idiots care about this nonsense.
Hair styles aren't unique to a specific culture you apes. Get the fuck out of here. Just read this whats that? Dreads have been used by people all over the world since ancient times? Oh wait that doesn't matter anymore because its "blak ppplz hair now"
Niggers. Kill everyone in this thread
No. 186312
>>186308Low IQ bait anon go home to /pol/ please.
Your Zionist president is calling.