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No. 266400
Inspired by the lonely anons in the nostalgia thread who wish it was easier to make friends based on weeb intrests the way it was when we were all younger, and anime wasn't the kitschy accessory for wannabe influencers that it is now
Some conversation starters:
>age, location (can be region, state, or city&state)
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
For the sake of convenience, let's go ahead and make Line the thread's suggested messenger app.
>but I don't have Line!
download it & make a username
>I don't want to put my Line ID on lolcow!
make another one, it's not hard
>I wanna use Kik/Kakao/Snapchat!
not weeb enough, sorry. no really though, there's more chance of the thread being successful if there are less people downloading 2-3 new apps just to talk to 1-2 new people. anyway, Line has tons of cute free themes and stickers to squeal over!
have fun, everyone!
No. 266435
>>266400I'm from baguette-land so I don't expect too much about some irl meetings but it's a fantastic idea. Thank you my sweet weeby fellow !
(I'll be back to fill the lil survey asap)
No. 266503
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Aww thanks for making this, OP. I’m at AX and wishing I had more weeb friends. I’ll be back for the survey later!
No. 266600
All my close friends have always thought anime was lame, so I'm definitely here for this if it becomes a thing.
Even in college, the only people who watched anime were into stuff I didn't watch and would shit on anyone who didn't watch exactly their brand of weeb stuff.
I'm going to do the questionnaire but leave out some location stuff since I'm pretty shy about stuff like that online, if that's okay.
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
1. Madoka
2. Nichijou
3. Flying Witch
4. Marimite
5. K-On
6. Kobayashi's Maid Dragon
7. Kuragehime
8. LoveLive (lost interest when it moved to Aquors)
9. Yuru Yuri
10.Yuri On Ice
I haven't watched much in the last few years, I think only three of these series are recent. I'm open to any suggestions! I guess the last one is the odd one out (I'm aggressively not into yaoi so I nearly avoided it since I thought it was all about that).
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
I'm pretty low-key outside of wearing jfash. I don't collect figmas, put up posters, have keyrings, dvds, wall scrolls, japanese interior stuff, it's not my thing.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
I'd like to but the cosplay scene is a mess here and I don't want to draw attention to myself. A lot of my friends look down on cosplayers and I guess that influences my decision to avoid it, too.
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
Been trying to learn but keep falling out of it since it's self-study and I don't have friends to practice with. I recently bought a proper book course so I've started into that. Wish me luck!
No. 266601
>>266588Yes please!
OP could create it and add people who fill the survey for example.
No. 266609
>>266588 and I'm so up for a group chat in line (I've been meaning to find a reason to use it… the themes are cute and so is the stickers!). If anyone makes it count me in!
No. 266652
>>266600Anon I wanna be friends! your top 10 have many of my favourites! I've not seen Marimite though!
I'm 24 from UK and I'll do my top ten later but I'm still very weeb and my weeb friends in real life and me like cute outings!
No. 266665
>>266400My line account is gothwife
I guess I'll just fill this out, but I also want to say that if someone makes a group chat pleaaase add me
>age, location (can be region, state, or city&state) 22, NY. I go to school in NYC but I live on Long Island.
>your top 10 favorite anime/manganot in order but 10 I generally like are Solanin, The Duke of Death and his Black Maid, Tamako Market, Tokyo Ghoul, Poor Poor Lips, Madoka, Recovery of an MMO Junkie, Ajin, Kare Kano, Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto.
Generally I like dumb comedy, shojou ai, and horror. If it has a goth girl in it, I'll check it out. I also read a lot of boring romcoms about office ladies in their late 20s but didn't list them as favorite because they're all kind of similar.
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you?I'm pretty low key. I don't have a lot of weeb merch or figmas or whatever and most people don't know I'm into this kind of stuff.
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?Nah, I don't have enough money to spend to be truly fashionable.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?I have in the past, I probably won't in the future.
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?I would really only want to go to conventions if I had friends to go with. I've been to local conventions around where I live and NYCC of course.
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with? No, I'm not really interested. I've considered it in the past so that I could read mangas that weren't translated into english yet tbh but it doesn't seem worth it.
No. 266666
>>266652Definitely watch it! It's really lovely to watch. I need to rewatch the whole lot sometime soon, it's been a few years now.
>>266665Tamako Market was the first anime I ever watched as it was released! Great taste anon.
I'm going to look into making a line account and post back, I'd love to make friends!
No. 266684
>age, location (can be region, state, or city&state)
20, Texas
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
In no particular order
-Wolfs Rain
-Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
-Hell Girl
-Elfen Lied
-Soul Eater
-Fruits Basket
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
I dont have any of those, but it would be nice to have a figure or two if I had the extra money to spend on some quality ones.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
Never have but i've always wanted to try it sometime.
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
No anime cons specifically, i've only ever been to PAX. However, i'm planning to go to SanJapan here because I finally made one friend that has similar interests and it would be nice to have more.
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
I memorized some kana when I was in middleschool and then fell out of it because like most, its self-study and would benefit to have other friends to practice with. So at best, I only know familiar weeb phrases.
No. 266692
>age, location (can be region, state, or city&state)
25, stuck in north Florida
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
(in no particular order)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Little Witch Academia (it won my heat)
- Crayon Shin Chan
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Samurai Champloo
- Cowboy Bebop
- Lucky Star
-Elfen Lied
-Inu Yasha
-Cowboy Bebop
- Ghost in the Shell
I don't remember enough of the others I've watched enough to call them my favorites.
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
I have a grand total of one figure, it's Asuka sitting in the entry plug. I don't have much anime swag at the moment except my platinum EVA box set, a few Studio Ghibli DVDs, and Grave of the Fireflies. My dream is to surround myself in functional, reasonably priced character goods, but EVA and Ghibli stuff can be expensive as fuh. I also want a kotatsu.
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?
I was this weird cross between emo, what I thought was "V-Kei" and minimalist punk. I am so glad no pictures exist of my cringey oufits from my youth & that I wasn't allowed to dye my hair. I toned it down in recent years, but I want to start revamping my wardrobe and adding in elements of Jfashion that /I find cute, like cool tights/shoes and maybe some weird brand jewelry.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
I could never afford both cons and cosplay, and I didn't have a camera so my interest in cosplay had to stay just an interest. I gathered folders upon folders of tutorials for armor, skin tight suits, dresses, props, wigs, makeup tutorials…. then I lost them all when my computer died, before I could ever use any of them. I stopped going to cons when my friend group aged out of anime so I never got the chance to cosplay and now I don't go anywhere that it wouldn't be out of place. I think if I had friends to cosplay with, I would definitely pick it up and give it a solid try this time.
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
I don't go anymore, I'm not the kind of person to solo a con. If I'm spending money, I want there to be other people to help me enjoy it. I can buy overpriced anime crap by myself from FYE/ebay any day. I've been to Megacon twice, Metrocon twice, and a couple of tiny shit cons in Jacksonville that I can't even remember the names of (I think Wasabicon might have been one). Seriously, for all the money and effort they put into the handful of 3-star hotel "cosplay and gaming" cons they put on a year, they could rent out a decent venue and have one big geek culture con to bring in people from all over the state. I tried to go to Dragon*con a couple times but it's way too expensive to solo and it books up so fast.
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
I started trying to learn it myself in middle school, but without anyone to speak it with and never seeing it anywhere but online, I didn't get far. I still want to "finish" it and become at least conversationally fluent just because I hate the unfinished feeling of only being able to partially understand things, but without a decent teacher, a learning buddy or paying for courses I doubt that will ever happen.
*I'm all for making friends, but honestly I'm kind of sick of being friends with teenagers/<23 year olds that I just don't have much in common with outside of anime. Plus, since I turned 21 I've never had a so-called friend younger than me who didn't eventually try to get me to buy them booze or didn't treat me like the "group mom". I know I'm not the only weeby over-24 year old on the internet, ffs. Maybe if there's enough demand there can be a group chat for older anons?
No. 266733
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>age, location (can be region, state, or city&state) 19, Florida
>your top 10 favorite anime/mangaTop 10 favorites are:
Kare Kano (just putting this as a stand in for basically all shoujo animes, cause I've seen way too many)
Made in Abyss
Eden of the East
Psycho Pass
Welcome to the NHK
Soul Eater
(Currently watching setsuten and Banana Fish)
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere? I'm not super weebish, at least not anymore but I do own a couple figures and one wall scroll haha.
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?Yep! But it's not really my style anymore so I'm selling/donating a lot of it.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?I did some really bad cosplay in middle school lol but I'm trying to get better at it!
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?Just some around florida, Megacon and another but the name escapes me at the moment.
>>266588aster566 is my line ID, I'm totally interested in a group chat! I'm more comfortable in them anyways, plus it makes discussions so much fun! (Doing this on mobile so please excuse the mistakes)
No. 266765
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Did anybody ever week more over thigs like Hello Project idols than manga and anime?? I was a major weeb back in high school, but I was only ever into idols, especially Tsuji Nozomi and Kago Ai. I was obsessed with hello kitty and wore ribbons in my hair everyday sophomore year of high school because I wanted to be Non so bad ugh
No. 266770
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>age, location (can be region, state, or city&state)
21, south Europe
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
Top 10 favorites are:
Mawaru Penguindrum
Magical Angel Creamy Mami (among many old-school idol and magical girl animes)
Fruits Basket
Akatsuki no Yona
Kiki's Delivery Service
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
I'm pretty low-key most of the time, I don't wear an itabag or weeb merch in public. However my room's a bit of a safer haven for me where I have all my figures and manga, although I plan to take most of my weeb posters down soon
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?
I like Mori kei and Larme kei but I'm not cute enough to pull them off…
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
I cosplay but mostly just for fun, I'm not interested in competitions or anything.
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
I only go to the local one in my town but I plan to go to a bigger one this year, only because a friend goes there too though. Cons don't make me feel safe…
No. 266771
>>266770Fuck it cut off
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with? I do! I think my level's around an N3 already. However my teacher left the country and she was the only one I talked to in Japanese, so now my only way to practice is to read stuff in Japanese
I'd love to share my ID but I'd prefer to see some anons from around my time zone first
No. 266776
>>266770How come you've seen Mawaru Penguindrum and not Utena? You need to work on that ASAP. It's a real masterpiece.
If you've seen it and just didn't like it sorry for sperging kek
No. 266792
>>266789You sound awesome, we have so many fave anime in common! (Kon's stuff, RGU, NGE, Haibane Renmei, etc…)
How do I contact you?
No. 266810
>22, North Italy
> Made in Abyss, Dagashi Kashi, Spice&Wolf, Aria and right now can't make a 10 list ;_;
>Not much of a weeb but I have a fuckload of manga (since I'm a comic student, want to create things in that vibe), I wear animu stuff, collect figure but I'm not too much obsessed, I have more of a videogame interest :v
>Ye, I currently wear pseudo fairy kei
>Sometimes, only when I find a character that I 100% connect to
>North italian cons!
>Trying to learn Moon but work&studies keep getting in the way ;_;
No. 266818
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>age, location (can be region, state, or city&state)
18 and from The South, Burgerland.
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
I'm interested in buying TKRB, touhou, and Miku figures, but I don't have too much weeby shit rn
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
(not in order)
1. Saint Seiya
2. Cat Soup
3. Nichijou
4. Jojo
5. Gintama
6. EOE tbh
7. Lain
8. Oedo 808? Vampires are cool…
9. The Poem of Wind and Trees (and other old yaoi with that pretty art style)
10. Haikyuu!!
honourable mentions: devilman, dededede, rose of versailles, code geass, kare kano, galactic heros, and touch
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?
I've worn a miku shirt in public, but that's about it
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
Nah, not kawaii enough
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
None, I'd only go to buy more weeb shit
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
I'd like to learn so I can play more vidya
No. 266873
Alrighty so I made a group, you'll find the QR code to scan here: sure if everyone who posted their LINE is on board for the group so I won't invite people, but everyone is free to join!
And I'll fill the survey while I'm at it:
>age, location21, France
>your top 10 favorite anime/mangaOn top of my head I'd say Sora no Woto, Rose of Versailles, Samurai Flamenco, Milky Holmes, Tamako Love Story, Tsuritama, Sugar Sugar Rune, Tatami Galaxy and Kuuchuu Buranko.
>describe yourself! I really don't watch a lot of anime anymore but I'd like to get back into it! When I watched a lot I'd watch pretty much anything but I have a soft spot for kid's stuff like precure, I also like tokusatsu. I usually like to watch seasonal stuff rather than get into oldies so there are a lot of classics I haven't seen.
I'm also pretty into BL, I have a copy of Udagawacho de mattete yo that I cherish a lot, it looks so nice on my shelf.
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?I really like J-fashion, I like to collect Larme magazines and try to dress in that girly, cute style. I love lolita but never worn it.
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go?I'd go to Japan Expo and Paris Manga when I was in middle/high school but I'm not too interested anymore. I remember going to JE a few years back to see the K movie and it was great but I don't see myself going again haha.
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with? I have JLPT N2, and I'm going to live in Japan for a little bit soon, so I'm aiming to pass N1 next year. I want to practice more, and if I could help people I'd be happy to although I'm not a great teacher!
No. 266955
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>age, location (can be region, state, or city&state)
28, moving to Texas soon where I know no one. I've lived in several places.
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
Yu Yu Hakusho
Ghost Stories dub
Spirited Away
Fullmetal Alchemist (original & brotherhood)
Cowboy Bebop
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Sailor Moon
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
As a working professional I'm usually pretty good about hiding my power level but sadly this keeps other potential weeb friends at bay. Love anything cute like Sanrio characters. Most of my free time that doesn't go to working/studying goes to playing video games (JRPGs, Nintendo, currently popular games). Love manga. I casually build Gunpla even though I don't watch much Gundam.
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?
Inspired by Jfash but pretty much wear mainstream American fashion.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
Recently tried cosplaying for the first time at a con but felt really old lol.
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
Went to my first con this year and dragged my normie bf along. I think it would be funner if I had weeb friends and I get envious seeing groups of friends having a good time together ;_;
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
Studied abroad in Moonland many years back but my Moon is hella rusty. I'd be down to practice with anyone willing.
Line: tenpho
No. 266986
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I already use Line and use my first name to talk with my rl friends so I'll try to get another account once my internet connection will stop being so shitty.
>age, location (can be region, state, or city&state) 24, France
>your top 10 favorite anime/mangaIn no particular order:
-Yu Yu Hakusho
-FMA (the first anime and the manga, I never watched Brotherhood)
-Black Butler (the manga, season 2 doesn't exist)
-Tiger & Bunny
-Gintama (I'm still in the middle of the anime)
-Nana (still pissed off that we'll probably never get an ending to the manga)
-Psycho Pass (only watched season 1 so far)
-Gunnm (the original manga, I got tired of the tournament in Last Order)
-Fruits Basket (manga, not the anime)
I mostly like anime from the 90s and 2000s, since that was when I was watching most stuff and I still had a TV at the time, and these days I'm barely watching anything because I just don't feel like watching or doing anything for some reason. And of course there's a lot more. I also almost only play Japanese video games because I almost only had Nintendo consoles until recently.
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere? I used to be a huge weaboo in middle school and a little less in high school. I had two reasons to study English really hard at the time: so I would be able to understand songs in English and so I'll be able to read more fanfics and read English subtitles for anime. Now I have fellow weeb friends and when we're together we talk about anime, video games and fandom drama a lot but not only. I just pass for an average normie to people who don't know me well but since anime and manga are very popular with people my age over here I sometimes talk about anime with coworkers. I was very poor as a kid so now that I have more money I treat myself to figurines sometimes in cons, but I'm mostly interested in prints, keychains and straps. Now I kind of want to get rid of some of my figurines but I don't know how.
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?No, because I was too poor to buy anything a bit over the top when I was younger and even if I weren't, my parents wouldn't allow me to use makeup, dye my hair and look weird or even good. I wear basic comfy clothes, tshirts, jeans and sneakers now but I dress better than I used to and use makeup from time to time.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?No and I don't plan to. I think some cosplays can look really cool and I have a cosplayer friend who always ask my opinion on her projects.
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?I usually go to the shitty local con. It's small and boring but it used to be a way of hanging out with friends when we started college. Now I only go so I can buy BL without going to a bookshop and for concerts. I never made friends there that I would only meet in the con. The ones I met there were friends of friends.
I also went to Japan Expo only one day and while I enjoyed it, I was really sick at the time so a relative went with me just in case and I didn't dare going to the artist alley. And she was complaining about everything. I'd like to go back with friends someday but I don't think that will ever be possible.
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with? I understand and speak Japanese a little. I should be at level N3 by now (never passed the test, that's just an estimate from my professors) but I'm studying Japanese in a university with shitty Japanese courses despite its good reputation so I couldn't learn as much as I was supposed to, unlike with other courses. I was also too poor (again) to go to Japan as an exchange student or even as a tourist so I'm trying to get an internship in Japan. If I can't get one I'll try to graduate and get a working holiday visa to go to Japan and learn faster, as well as visit the country and meet people. I don't know why but I had two job interviews in English with a Japanese company but everytime I spoke basic Japanese the recruiters were sort of impressed.
>>266873>a French fujoshi who liked SamFlamI thought SamFlam was a complete failure because even my friends didn't know about it, that's good to know. By the way, how did you manage to pass JPLT N2? Did you ever go to Japan, or do you study it with competent teachers? Good luck for N1.
No. 267003
>age, location
23, Ireland.
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
I just watch whatever's popular that season. The last two I've watched were MHA and Megalo Box.
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
I was a big weeb when I was a teenager and I grew out of it. I still watch the odd anime and go to conventions but it's a different experience now that I'm older and I'm not as obsessive lol.
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?
I'm working on an itabag which I bring to cons and meet ups, that's probably the most ott thing. I'd like to get more into Jfash but I'm working on losing weight first and then buying myself a bunch of nice clothes as a reward. My favourites are Gothic/Classic Lolita, nanchatte seifuku and mori.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
I don't but I've always wanted to. I started working on a Sailor Moon wig a long time ago but I think I bit off a bit more than I could chew. My dream is to do some couple cosplays with my bf but we're undecided on what lol.
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
I've been to almost every con in my country at least once. I'd love to branch out and visit some in the US/UK. I used to have a big group of friends/cosplayers I went with and now it's kind of just me and my boyfriend, so it'd be nice to find more weeby friends again. I have a lot of good memories of hanging out in hotel rooms, helping people into their cosplay in the bathroom, giggling during cringey panels and getting drunk at the 18+'s events (and finding everything hilarious).
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
I've tried learning in the past but it was too much when I was already studying three other languages in school. My biggest struggle is learning the alphabets. I plan to go to Japan with my boyfriend soon so I'm going to learn as much as I can before I go. Any learning resources anyone has to share would be super.
I've also joined the group chat above.
No. 267005
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My line account is kurage4
>age, location (can be region, state, or city&state)
22, Europe
>your top 5 favorite anime/manga
Pandora Hearts, Paradise Kiss, Nana, No.6, Jellyfish Princess
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
Not very much actually (at least at the first glance). I absolutely love Visual Kei and because of that I also got interested in Lolita, especially Gothic. However, I don't have any friends with the same interests, so I haven't started pursuing any of those. I don't watch anime or read manga that often, I'm a little bit of a fujo though.
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?
Yes, I tried wearing vk inspired clothes when I was still in high school (didn't go too well lol), but I don't draw.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
Actually, no.
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
None, none and of course!
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
I've been trying to learn it for 8 months now, but so far I barely made any progress (lazy + busy with other uni stuff)
No. 267054
>>266765I was into J-pop idols in middle school, H!P especially
Morning Musume, C-ute, Berryz Koubo, and especially: Buono! I still occasionally listen to some Buono! Songs for the sake or nostalgia
Those were the cute days
No. 267137
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My line account is rottendino. I'd be interested in joining a chat especially if people want to talk about seasonal stuff/what they're currently watching or reading!
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
My basic taste, not in any order really:
Kaiji (anime & manga, love Fukumoto in general)
Gurren Lagann
Soul Eater
Jojo (anime & manga minus part 8)
Cowboy Bebop
Panty & Stocking
HxH (2011)
Howl's Moving Castle or Kiki's Delivery Service (tie for favorite Ghibli movie)
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
I have some figures and stuff, but I don't wear merch or anything so only close friends know I'm into it. I took a break from anime and manga for a couple years, but I've been trying to get back into it by working on my backlog and watching a few seasonal shows. I'm also kind of a budding BL/GL fan, so if anyone has quality recs I'd be interested (recently enjoyed Virgin's Empire and Maka-Maka)
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?
No… I love how a lot of jfashion looks on others, but I don't feel like I could ever pull it off or be comfortable standing out that much
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
Just once in my early teens. I would like to again sometime, I just haven't found anything I feel passionate about that I could also execute well
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
Been to Katsucon and a few smaller US east coast cons a couple times. I haven't been recently, but I totally would again especially if I was cosplaying or with friends!
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
Nope, had a vague interest on learning in order to translate but haven't got around to it yet
No. 267326
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I've been putting this off but here goes!
>> Age, location etc
22 MA
>> 10 top fav anime/manga
1. Yuri On Ice
2. Cowboy bebop
3. Case Closed
4. Gravitation
5. Watamote
6. S-Cry-Ed
7. Log Horizon
8. FMA (haven't seen BH)
9. Junjou Romantica
10. Watakoi
>> Describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? Anime posters? wall scrolls? etc
Ahh I toned down over the years but I'm still a weeb lol. I'm also a Fujoshi if you couldn't tell by some of the BL on my list. I bought some posters at Anime Boston this year (mostly of Mystic Messenger, so does that really even count lol). I would like more but the place I'm in rn can't really hold much on the walls :( and I had to leave my wall scroll at home when I moved cause it was literally too big to mail. I wish I was into figs but I'm not, I do like keyrings/ badges though! I don't have very much but I want to have enough to pin on my backpack.
>> Do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
I don't but I really want to. I was to cosplay so desperately but im fatty-chan and I need to lose wait first. inb4 do it anon size no matter! It matters to me lol I want to cosplay lewd shit and I don't wanna see my chub fall over the floor. But mark my words, I will cosplay before I die.
>> What cons have you been to
Anime Matsuri in Texas and Anime Boston for the first time this year. I like cons they have the best merch, I got so much yaoi merch from AB it was golden. I'm still fucking recovering from the amount of money i threw away.
>> Do you speak moon
What the fuck does that mean anon lmfao. I-If that means JP then no. I do want to learn though. I've tried learning it in the past but I could never keep up with the studies, because I self studying. My best bet is to take a class in college or something because that's something that I'd have to actually get up and go to and the repetition would help me.
>> Line
baby-hime, I'm joining the group chat now.
No. 267436
>>266435 I'm late, but let it be said, let it be done
>25, France (tartiflette-city to be more specific)>I'm not a big anime/manga consumer even if I love some ol' classics :1. 20th Century Boys
2. Oruchuban Ebichu
3. One Piece
4. Nana
5. Elfen Lied
6. One Piece
7. Himouto! Umaru Chan
8. Full Moon wo sagashite
9. Karin Chibi Vampire
10. Neon Genesis Evangelion
>I'm a very passionate person and Japan culture (trad & pop) is just a part of my multiples interests so, I don't know if I can be defined as a weeb. A nasty geek maybe? These days, I'm mostly interested in Vocaloid creative communities, as an unkown utaite/illustrator.
>I love the Jfashion from the bottom of my heart. I was an Hime Gyaru for 3-4 years and I evolved in tandem with the style. I'm now wearing LARME as an everyday fashion (burandos like "Katie", "Milk" and "MonLily" mixed with "normie" and handmade pieces), and "Swankiss" outfits when I wanna be more ott.
> Yes, but I'm a total newbie (-2 years). I love the creative part of making cosplays, it help me to improve my sewing skills (at the moment, I'm working on the grey warden mage outfit from "Dragon Age"…and it's hard af). I love going to cons, mostly for making friends with other weebs/geeks, but I'm not involved in the cosplay contests.
>I studied Japanese at university and I have a degree applied to foreign language (called LEA). I went to Japan several times through my graduation degree.>>266760 >>266873
>>266986Btw I'm glad to see there are so many french-weebs in here (since I'm truly embarrassed by my English speaking skills*, I dream about a french-speaker discord/line…but that's another story)
*Don't fishing for compliments, I swear. I just know that I have to improve a lot.
No. 267453
>>267436>I studied Japanese at university and I have a degree applied to foreign language (called LEA)Me too, but I never went to Japan because living in Tokyo would have been too expensive for me, even if the tuition would have been paid by my French university if I went as an exchange student. So because of that my Japanese is shit and while I said I might be at N3 level, I have some doubts about it. Did going to Japan help you learn faster? I'm so salty I decided to study Japanese in university and I still can't hold more than a simple conversation and I always forget common kanji. I also don't really feel like studying on my own nowadays. By the way when you say you have a degree you're talking about licence or master?
>I dream about a french-speaker discord/line…but that's another story)That would be fun. I'm almost only using English online these past few years so that would be a nice change for me at least.
No. 267518
Yes, this is a good toasty bread.
Some conversation starters:
>age, location
28 years ancient, currently in California until September when I start school in paris, France! Waiting for my visa appointment is torture
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
Anime is no particular order
Ouran hs host club, tengen toppa gurren Lagann, baccano!, xxxholic (almost anything CLAMP tbh, I love their series), Gintama, sengoku hasard, one piece, katekyo hitman reborn, Rainbow: Nisha Rokubō no shichinin
Aozora yell, one piece, godchild/Cain saga, high school debut, berserk (#thestruggle), anything by clamp, anything by fumi yoshinaga aka my favorite mangaka of all time
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
On a scale of 1-trash I’m 金 trash. I’ve been collecting pretty much since I got into this shit (16). I have too many figures to keep track of, posters up the wazoo, and other general anime merch spent with money that could’ve been used to feed a small country. I’m probably not as cringe as I use to be in person but still definitely use words like kawaii and shit when I’m chatting online with weeb friends.
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?
My buyfaggotry took a turn a couple of years ago to lolita so I wear it as often as I’m able and I’ve been recently getting into jfashion stuff ala listen flavor.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
I’ve cosplayed a total of 3 times. Each time was an amalgamation of closet cosplay mixed with sewing and making props. They got progressively better but I put most of my energy into buyfaggotry. I’d like to cosplay again but I need to curb some spending in other areas.
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
I’ve been to AX 3-4 times? This was also 5 years ago or so when I still had my weeb friend circle. I’ve also been to a small con in the middle of nowhere and to nekocon (twice) and otakon. I’d love to go to more cons but adult life kept getting in my way. Now that I have more free time and I’m focusing on school I’ll definitely try to go to some foreign cons and make a fool of myself as that shitty American.
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
Don’t speak and I don’t particularly plan on really learning anytime soon because I need to focus on my française since I’ll be living in baguetteland for a good chunk of time. If I ever do speak moon it’s to be purposefully cringey to my friends. Ka wa wee~
My line is weeabooturash if anyone wants to actually talk to this grandma
No. 267540
>age, location25 MA
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga1. houseki no kuni
2. wolf’s rain
3. oyasumi punpun
4. evangelion
5. made in abyss
6. scrapped princess
7. princess tutu
8. little witch academia
9. dogs: bullets and carnage
10. tokyo ghoul
not really in a particular order but a few i like. more or less a shoujo and horror fan but i feel like i need to like the art style to really get into it (as shallow as that sounds)
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?pretty much weeb trash but not ott. i have a bunch of prints that i’ve acquired from the past 2 cons (basically anything from the above series) but still have yet to hang them up in my new place and only a couple of nendos from ccs and one from madoka (but I also have one of aegis from p3 haven’t opened her up yet)
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?haven’t worn anything yet but really dying to get into mori and cult party kei. few years back i also wanted to get into lolita but never had the money for it.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?definitely planning on it but as of now no. recently acquired a sewing machine for my birthday but need to still play around with it
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?i started going to anime boston waaay back in high school (like freshman/sophomore year) but had to stop because life was getting too crazy. started back up again and i went to otakon last year and anime boston earlier this year, planning on going to ab again and would love to meet up with some new friends
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?never have but tried to learn the basics when i was a kid. it might be cool to practice but i’d at least like to try and read moon if possible
line is sirocyl if anyone wants to add! also have a discord if anyone’s interested (YoRSHKa#7178)
>>267326hey a fellow MA person haha
No. 267631
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>>266692Finally got around to making a Line account, lel.
No. 269589
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hi i'm late but i want friends!! I don’t 100% understand line but I think my id is minkymomohime
i'm 19 and american and i live in germany (but i don't speak german for shit, i took spanish instead because i'm a dumbass)
>your top 10 favorite anime/manga
Jojo (my favorite part is 7 closely followed by 5 and Johnny is my husbando)
Michiko e Hatchin
Space Dandy
Ranma 1/2
Tokimeki Tonight (the first season at least)
does daicon iv count
Cipher the Video
Tokyo Mew Mew
>describe yourself! how weeaboo are you? anime posters? wall scrolls? cherry blossoms fucking everywhere?
i've been into anime for like, a decade? at this point? if you consider liking sonic x and magical doremi as saturday morning cartoons part of it. i prefer reading manga to watching anime because it's faster for me, but i don't mind watching it either. i draw anime but it's middle school tier. i've got manga and anime posters and wallscrolls and weeb fashion and cat ears and more weird merch i intend to buy more of once i move out of my parent's basement. i'm kinda into retro gaming (SEGA mostly), and the aesthetic of 80s shit (anime, fashion, music, etc) because i have a huge nostalgia girlboner for a time i wasn't born in. my taste in manga and stuff is probably kinda weird. i don't watch much currently airing anime. i like sanrio stuff and style savvy and my favorite video game of all time is Kirby's Epic Yarn. i still like vocaloid, those popular kids from Slow Motion wa Mou Ichidou can suck my dick
>do you now, or have you ever worn or drawn inspo from any Jfashion trends that might be considered ott in your country?
is there a country on this planet where OTT 2010-era sweet lolita isn't too much? because please tell me, i want to live there so bad. other than that it's spank!, fairy-kei, and uchuu-kei i'm mostly into.
>do you cosplay? if not, do you want/plan to?
i've cosplayed before (Zakuro from TMM, Teto Kasane, a few others) but I’ve been trying to save money to move out and stuff recently so I mostly have my lil collection of jfashion
>what cons have you been to, and do you still go? If not, why? would you want to if you made friends to go with?
i've been to Connichiwa, Cosday, Dokomi, and FACTS Belgium like, more times than i can count
>do you speak Moon, or are you learning/tried to learn in the past? do you want friends to practice or speak it with?
i took a japanese 1 course once!! i think i know about that much plus bullshit anime terms. I think I’d ant friends to practice it with, yeah!