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No. 269695
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No. 269697
But then again I know so many people like this..
No. 269701
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Who are these people.
No. 269704
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everyone tumblr #actuallybdp is a weeb it seems
No. 269711
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>>269705because bpd is the same as a yandere anime character!!
No. 269843
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>>269744Twitter is definitely a bigger influence but I know several people who think they have BPD because of vague posts like this.
No. 269867
>>269843I don't know why, but seeing shit like this in the Tumblr context pisses me off. It makes those with BPD look like they need to be perpetually babied and never need to take responsibility for their actions. How is this list going to convince anyone, ever, that they need to reconsider their misconceptions? I've never witnessed anyone "make fun" of BPD, it's usually just referenced in internet armchair psychiatry as an exaggerated caricature. You know, they're manipulative banshees that will either make false rape claims, steal semen from condoms, or run their cars into crowds. Dealing with that stigma is frustrating enough, and if someone really wanted to advocate for the disorder, they're not going to win over anyone's sympathy with this list. There's zero context or explanation for these symptoms, they're not exclusive to BPD, and several of them can be just as painful to be on the receiving end of as to experience.
I really didn't want to write a novel but I can see how the DSM criteria for BPD lends itself to self-diagnosis to ignorant young people. Things like impulsive behavior and emotional instability are easy to identify and par for the course with teenagers. On the other hand, terms like "dissociation" and "splitting" are more difficult to conceptualize and I can see how these could be confused with boring ol daydreams and arguments. I'm sure most of these kids do have some form of depression and/or anxiety, but that isn't unique or interesting enough for them.
I think what fucks with me the most is how they post shit like
>>269701 as if every disorder is a girl scout badge that they're proud to show off. No one actually diagnosed would openly admit to it, because they know most people don't give a shit and everyone else doesn't have anything good to say about it.
No. 269870
>>269843But why? I mean maybe those things aren't your fault, you're ill I get it. But why should normal people basically make themselves ill trying to coddle you? It's one thing to be supportive, it's another to be your fucking punching bag.
You can't just excuse away everything because you're sick. Certainly people should be more understanding but nobody should be ruining their own lives for your sake, especially if you refuse to change.
No. 272860
>>269744this didn't start with tumblr. this has been going on for a really long time. I remember back when MySpace was the big thing people were diagnosing themselves with bipolar to seem cool. and now the cool new disorders are BPD and autism.
>>269966people with actual BPD don't do this. it's just whiny bitches online. they honestly more likely have histrionic personality disorder than anything else.