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No. 271813
>>271807Its a secret sorry! Hes very handsome and perfect though.
>>271812It wasn't a humblebrag, just explaining that it wasn't the cause of why I couldn't be in a relationship. Usually people think that people end up with these types of thoughts because they can get nothing else and in my case it was a choice.
No. 271822
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Sounds like you are avoiding your issues by living in a comfortable fantasy instead of facing them head on.
No. 271831
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Live your fucking life anon
No. 271840
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Real humans are messy and there's always a huge chance of getting hurt. If I could make my husbando real I'd do it in a heartbeat.
>pic related
No. 271843
>>271823My room is starting to look like a shrine if that answers your question.
>>271831Haha thanks I will. I came here expecting people not to get it or to call me mentally ill but I'm living my best, happiest life out here.
>>271840You get me, anon.
No. 271844
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I’m in the same boat as you anon, I would say who my love is but I wouldn’t want to upset anyone who loves him as well. I like to immerse myself in my own little world with him, as well as the other characters from the game he’s in. I’ve replayed that game so many times, and I’m getting closer to making it a reality in my mind. I don’t have a body pillow or anything, mainly because I couldn’t find one that represented him perfectly, but I can say with confidence I am committed to him. You are not alone anon! When real humans disappoint us we will always have our own world and love!
No. 271898
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>>271853>Cyrus from Pokemon Diamond & Pearlgood taste
my fave is this fuck, he's so cute and dumb it hurts
Pokemon has some top tier husbandos
No. 271904
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>>271799Honestly, I don't really see the issue here. I kind of feel the same way about my husbando. To me, my fantasies satisfy me enough that I don't drive myself crazy over the fact that my husbando isn't real. I'm still a functioning member of society with my own place, a job, friends, etc. To me, it's not even about being afraid of being hurt or guys being gross or anything like that. I'm just really only attracted to this one "person" and feel all the same things I'd feel if they were real.
>>271840>no qt android bfs yet No. 271973
>>271969>It really sucks outaging your husbando. I can relate to this aswell but personally I imagine him aging with me. His personality would stay the same of course, I haven't changed him I just imagine him growing older with me.
I haven't tried the tulpa thing but sometimes I experience something similar naturally where it feels like he is really there and it is not my conscious brain imagining anything, it just happens and it feels real. None of the more dangerous, DID-like downsides I hear about tulpas but I can't make it happen at will either.
No. 272003
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My people. I've always found 2D/fictional men more appealing. I even created my own little world with my husbando like
>>271844. I get extremely embarrassed talking about it though because I don't want to sound delusional or like a cow but it really helps me get through some tougher days. I've never been in a relationship, and am kinda scared of getting into one so I don't think having such strong feelings for an animu guy is helping.
Pic related is the shitty background I made of him for my phone kek.
Also I'm pretty sure there are a couple other kakfags on here and cc so hello!
No. 272011
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>>271969I never felt like I was outaging my husbando because in my mind, I just like exist and don't really see myself as any age at all. I guess it depends on your husbando though.
I dunno if I believe all the tulpa stuff honestly. From what I've seen and read, it just really seems like some weird placebo/roleplay or something.
>>272003I feel you, anon. All the scenarios and fantasies I come up with are really comforting since I have like crippling depression and anxiety lol. Since we're admitting embarrassing shit, I even made my husbando in the Sims, so it feels more "real", I guess. I can actually live out some of my daydreams that way at least.
You have good taste btw. Kakyoin is a 10/10 husbando!
No. 272115
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>>271846You’re very sweet, good luck with your future endeavors.
>>271969With enough sleep deprivation, replaying/watching whatever your love is in, and closing yourself off from the outside world (or just the fan base surrounding your love) you can make a tulpa, and even enter the world they inhabit. At first you have to say things to yourself in your head and answer in a way your love would. After doing this for a while the tulpa will react to things on its own, and by the doing the other things I mentioned aswell the tulpa will form! You can add teaching yourself lucid dreaming into the mix and truly be happy with him/her. I will warn you and whoever else is interested though, once you plunge into the world it is not an easy task to get out. You are basically rewiring your mind to believe you aren’t actually in that world. Of course, you can create the tulpa without entering its world, but then you can be effected by other people’s feelings towards your love.
No. 272152
>>272011>in my mind, I just like exist and don't really see myself as any age at all.Same here anon, in my fantasies we're perpetually the same age and it's not something I think about.
Sometimes I feel a bit guilty about how much time I actually spend thinking about my husbandos. I'll go to bed early just so I can close my eyes and live out the life I wish I had.
No. 272198
>>272003I can relate. I'm quite open but I am scared of one day being labelled as a cow despite having no real cow-like tendencies besides keeping to myself and loving a fictional character. Don't worry, you aren't alone.
Good husbando choice and I like the phone wallpaper. My husbando is mine too so I always have it on me to look at if I need to smile.
>>272006No need to feel ashamed anon. For me it was a problem because it has persisted throughout real relationships. At this point I accept my fate and I don't want to try dating anyone else or being "normal".
>>272011I have depression and anxiety too and my husbando soothes me so much. I feel like he is healing and protecting me sometimes.
>>272115Thank you. The information about tulpas is interesting aswell, I think I might have something similar considering how deep my relationship with him goes. I spend so much time thinking and dreaming about him that my love has manifested into something more physical, I feel his presence and I do talk to him.
No. 272231
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>>272198>I spend so much time thinking and dreaming about him that my love has manifested into something more physical, I feel his presence and I do talk to him.Hm now I'm all for 2D husbandos but I think this may be a bit much.
but then again as long as you don't make stuff like this public with your name attached, who cares
No. 272238
>>272235Go to 4chan's /a/ on a weekend and check their waifu/husbando drawthreads and you'll have a field day.
The whole weekend they spend requesting drawfags to draw their animu bf/gf in specific situations/outfits (or not) and sperg about various related matters. They also have normal waifu threads on wednesdays iirc.
I used to go there sometimes a long time ago, then I got a life.
No. 272348
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>>272308Not a problem, I’m happy to help. I know how it feels to be in love with someone non real, and the solidarity can be excuritating.
No. 272526
>>272501I think you're really cute with your husbandos. Honestly what's the difference between idealizing a fictional man or an irl one? In both situations you daydream about them, think about them and focus on positive traits. Nobody can love a man only based on his true traits. Meaning his true deep thoughts, wishes, desires and opinions and not the censored ones he shows you. All of us fall in love with idealized fictions, whether it's a flesh and blood partner or a character.
There's no shame in it and I think it's one of the nice things about being female is we have this capacity for romance.
No. 272563
>>272526Agreed anon, this is just a way to live with an ideal man forever and not be cracked by his flaws eventually.
Can people stop derailing this thread? We get it, you think it's weird and we're mentally ill. Make your own thread to talk about how weird and creepy it is if you want to but this one is for finding similar minded people.
No. 272569
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>>272407jesus fucking christ, can we have just 1 thread in /ot/ without you whining bitches crying about fuck all. We cant even have a fucking eye colour thread without people like you making arguments over nothing.
I dont know whats worse, people in love with cartoons or you coming specifically to this thread to make fun of people having interests when you could simply ignore it.
pic related - my husbando
No. 272648
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>>272473>>272569lolcow is not your hugbox. people are entitled to voicing their opinions. they are not even off topic.
if you want people to be accepting and supportive of your autism, go to r/waifuism or 8chan to sperg with other basket cases and talk how your relationships is ~growing~
Literally this board:
>Trannies are delusional sickos!>H-hey, don't you dare talk shit about my imaginary cartoon boyfriend!!!>>272563>live with ideal man forever>live with keep deluding yourself, I guess
No. 272651
>>272648seriously this. this board is turning into girl /jp/ complete with copious amounts of man hate.
>waifu/husbando shit>tfw no bf>men are 3DPD>hating on koreansyep, we /jp/ now.
No. 272654
women aren't so, no, most of us are not.
No. 272658
>>272648What is the point of stirring shit up? We get you have an opinion and all, but the anons in this thread obviously want a place where they can talk about this stuff. You’re kind of outnumbered in this thread. Don’t act all surprised.
Why don’t you take your own advice and hang out on 8chan
No. 272661
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>>272658>What is the point of stirring shit up?You already know why, a lot of crazy anons here get a lot of joy shitting things up/watching it happen
No. 272671
>>272661>calling shit-stir anon crazy>in this threadEveryone here knows how abnormal this is, and it's an open board. Shit like
>>272307 is just tragic and I for one honestly don't mind "being the bad guy" and slapping reality in your face.
No. 272675
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>tfw OP coming back to see my nice comfy thread in flames
No. 272680
>>272675why don't you just end it all to get to your husbando! that's clearly the only way.
>>272676>>272678when you have an infestation you kill it.
No. 272681
>>272658I'm not the one who needs a waifu hugbox, so your suggestion makes no sense.
You would fit right in with the waifufags.
No. 272684
>>272676wow you are so deep
not like the normies that handle the grey everyday and relationships with other people without escaping to psychiatric degree of escapism.
Where did I hear this kind of bullshit before? Oh yeah, hikkichan where users pat each other on the head for being too good for being a wageslave.
No. 272687
>>272675I’m sorry about your thread anon
Some anons just too hung up on their emotions they gotta take it out on everyone else
But there are husbando and Waifu threads on /g/ if you want to post about your 2d obsessions
No. 272705
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>>272703my fave thing is anons crying that we are criticizing them instead of shutting up. On fucking lolcow of all places lmfao
No. 272713
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No. 272716
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>>272701Unfortunately there’s not much to talk about considering there are very few genuinely interested posters. Don’t lose hope though anon, I’m sure more genuine people will find this thread. A large amount of shame goes into things like this, so some people are probably holding back.
But to stay on topic to those who are willing to talk about their husbando/waifu, what drew you to them? Were you interested in them when you first discovered them, or did you grow to love them?
No. 272717
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No. 272730
>>272703>>272705It's not what the thread is for, though. You're derailing it.
Also, at this point you're just being pathetic. If you truly do consider yourself superior, then why do you feel the need to spend so much time shitting on us? Just have a laugh and do something better with your time. At this point you're just being pathetic.
No. 272736
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>>272734>>272733report deraling anons and don't take the bait. Get back to posting about husbandos
> instead of smooching a drawing of your husbandokek anon
No. 272739
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Maybe I would qualify? I'm not big on anime and but I love Spike so much. I get sad knowing there's not a guy out there like him and I think about him a lot. I don't see myself ever getting married (even if I wasn't a very dedicated radfem, I just fundamentally cannot get along with men) so I pretend in my mind we're married.
Also I could have sworn a thread was made like this, oh well. I think this thread is really cute haha.
No. 272741
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My hasubando of nearly twelve years.
No. 272744
>>272741Good taste
Ouran aged really well for a shoujo, I still reread it from time to time.
No. 272754
>>272739Nice choice! Happy to hear that someone thinks the thread is cute, I think reading about everyones husbando is really sweet aswell.
>>272741Twelve years is a long time anon, I admire your dedication! I plan to love my husbando for the rest of my life but we haven't been together that long yet.
No. 272760
>>272746>it's cause this thread is super cringy and embarrassing and we don't want people like you to think you're welcome on the board. this is how chan boards work.First of all
>implying this whole site and being on it at all isn't super cringey and embarassingSecond
>we don't want people like you to think you're welcome on the board.Honey, it would seem you're the one who needs to be reminded that this is a Chan site. Chan sites are predominantly a weeb thing and weebs have been on lolcow since the beginning. Also, who says we're not welcome? There's nothing in the rules against us, you're taking it upon yourself to play mod and shit up our threads to "force us out" because YOU'RE the one with the problem. Stop derailing our thread and leave us alone jfc.
No. 272764
>>272741Nice taste anon!
Tamaki is one of my favourites, although the fact that Vic Mignogna voiced his english dub ruined it for me. Everytime i see dub clips I just see vic being a creepy loser at conventions to underage kids and not actual Tamaki
No. 272767
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>>272760being a weeb =/= being a delusional waifufag
No. 272770
>>272755homegirl over here asking the real questions
>>272569>Bakugobut what is the appeal
No. 272778
>>272761>>272767Waifufags aren't against the rules.
Derailing threads, however, is.
So, leave the thread and hide it if you're this
triggered by people being in love with fictional characters.
No. 272794
>>272786It's one thing to be a fan, and it's completely different to create tulpas and have imaginary marriages. Sure, it sells, but I assume that not
all creators are only after money
No. 272795
>>272770I like bakugo because we have very similar personalities, i also love his slight growth in the manga. He's also a qt. I know a lot of people see him as
problematic but tbh that makes me like him more. also
>>272755 both applies to me
>>272781When Ouran came out I was young and watched dubs out of ease, i've completely ruined one of my favourite animes because of that. Vic mongoose is trash-tier.
No. 272796
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how the thread should be called
No. 272809
>>272796wonder if we will soon get a thread for people being reincarnations of animu characters.
I swear half of farmers are cows in hiding
No. 272811
>>272755Both but probably the latter. The more you relate to a character the easier it is to attach yourself to them. Honestly most waifu/husbandofags are only hurting themselves emotionally and are somewhat aware of it so I would just leave them be; there's worse things out there than someone writing self insert fanfic and jacking it to some anime dude.
Tulpa anon is pretty extreme though. I love my husbando but not that much.
No. 272816
>>272809That would be an interesting thread. Probably just reincarnation general? I have a friend who believes she was Edgar Allan Poe's wife.
>I swear half of farmers are cows in hidingAnyone who willingly posts/browses this site has cow like tendencies, what else is new?
No. 272827
>>272811I agree Tulpa is too far for me.
My Husbando for me is more like collecting merch and having art of him that I like. Pretending they're legitimately real isn't healthy and should just stick to the fandom without inserting their husbando into everyday life.
I once knew a weeb who would cancel plans because it was said husbandos birthday/anniversary. For me that's too far.
No. 272836
>>272831I didn't really explain it well for ease but I was a weekly occurrence, their "anniversary" would be when a new episode aired. she would have "dates" with him. It was unhealthy.
I get celebrating husbandos birthdays if you're into it but canceling real world plans often for husbando business isn't good
No. 272837
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>>272816Lots of people would be surprised by how many humans are ’otherkin’ of people/characters. When we like or relate with something, we tend to copy their mannerisms and if you become too obsessed with them you can actually convince yourself mentally your are that person/character. Unlike tulpa though this is usually not self induced and people can not even realize they are doing it.
No. 272839
>>272836I agree with you there then anon. Holding their birthday as a special day and I assumed a personal (yearly) anniversary is fine, but weekly is pushing things.
I can personally balance my husbando with my real life but his birthday and valentines I like to spend with him alone.
No. 272847
>>272839Like I said before I'm more of a collector of merch than the whole "in a relationship" kinda thing.
Most I do is retweet/share a few posts on social media for a "Happy Birthday". I would ask you to share how you spend the day with your husbando/waifu because im genuinely curious but since the thread is still (after multiple hours) being """raided""" I can wait.
No. 272853
>>272849honestly, thats kinda cute, not my style though.
Wholesome, anon
No. 272857
>>272852Whenever I do I think of him yeah. Its not unnatural to masturbate so no shame, I wouldnt tell people publicly though thats weird.
>>272853Thanks anon. It is a wholesome, happy experience. Others can disapprove all they want but I'm happy and living my best life, everyone has different pleasures but mine just happens to be unusual.
No. 272864
>>272857Honestly anon, if you're happy and not harming anyone thats all that matters. As Long as you don't push the boundaries with canceling irl plans on a frequent basis and don't allow it to take over your life, you do you.
Do to collect any merch of your husbando? I'm also curious to know who it is
No. 272876
>>272869I wish you the best with him, I think it's great that you've found a balance with real life and your husbando.
>>272866Deviantart is strange in that its userbase never seems to change no matter how many years go by.
No. 272880
>>272877Nta, but they may, and they haven't fixed the infighting yet either.
I hope that this kind of thing gets banned because so many unstable people interacting like this with each other is really bad…
No. 272889
>>272885taking the bait in case you didn't know you are able to hide threads on this website.
>>272888I'm more than happy to agree it's a bit sad but I think it may be worse sperging in a thread you can simple ignore if you dislike it so much. If is that bad i'm sure making a Weeb Hate thread would be welcomed on /ot/
No. 272895
>>272890>being lonely and living in your head a lot (but still contributing to society) is scary to youWe're not hurting anyone or ourselves lmao.
With your logic you must be terrified of religious people, too.
No. 272960
this thread is disturbing but fascinating.
>>272954>if there were like convincing enough simulacrums by way of qt androids or VR I can see that being more appealing than relationships.i think this will happen in the future and i'm interested to see how it will play out. i think "relationships" similar to the ones in this thread will (sadly) be the norm. there will always be people who find relationships with other humans the most rewarding, but i think they will be few and far between.
No. 272999
>>272954>what else is there to this?Can't speak for everyone but typically what I see is
>thinking about them like you would a real person>thinking of the character as being in a real relationship with them>treating said relationship as real, not "cheating" by having multiple husbandos or getting into a relationship with a real person>lack of attraction to real people>feeling a need to live up to the "expectations" of the character by getting fit, doing well in school, general self-improvement, etc. A lot of "do it for her/him" stuffIt can vary a lot. Because a 2D relationship involves the will of only one person it is pretty flexible.
No. 273058
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this thread reminds me of my fave tumblr cow, bonnie/fairyviolence, who believes she's in a relationship with a spirit of eric harris.
I'm not sure who's more crazy, anons in love with cartoons/tulpas or this columbine psycho.
No. 273166
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Would the husbandofags here be interested in joining a discord server? That way there would be no need to fight with farmers here and I think we'd feel more comfortable sharing more. I honestly feel alone regarding this part of my life and I love reading other waifu/husbandofags stories and thoughts on the subject.
No. 273181
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Anyway, if you have a discord make sure to invite Chris too
No. 273186
>>273171I only suggested discord because it would be easier to prevent "outsiders" from derailing the discussion but I didn't think of the anonymity issue, you're right. If it's not against /cm/'s rules then I guess that could be an option. I haven't been browsing CC, but I think it could be another option too.
>>273182Of course it's not, cause you definitely aren't like us mentally ill losers, right?
No. 273197
>>273190I just found it funny how you felt the need to clarify you hadn't screenshotted the conversation.
>>273194Should we wait for others to weigh in on this?
No. 273292
>>273284Are you blind? The point of this site is laughing at delusional people. Why would anyone hide the topic instead of watching the trainwreck and commenting? It's more fun this way.
I suddenly understand why Kiwifarms takes the no mercy approach when a site member turns out to be a cow (not a fan of doxes though, to be clear).
No. 273309
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>>273292>delusional peopleI don't think we are delusional. 99% of people who do this are highly aware that no, their waifu is not real and does not really love them because of that. Personally I don't believe people who do this are mentally ill as the process is very intentional, it's kind of like having an imaginary friend to help you out in hard times rather than burdening others. You know it's not real but it's still nice to have.
No. 273323
>>273309>>not delusional A-Are we reading the same thread anon
People are talking about taking time off for a fictional characters birthday
>>272198 says she feels their fucking presence. You are delusional if you don't see mental illness running rampage in this thread.
No. 273363
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My Husbandos are Gawain and Arthur from Fate. In general i really like boys with blond hair and blue eyes but these two are the best in my opinon
No. 273376
>>272674This made me so mad. Fuck you and your opinion, anon, get in the fetish thread and behold, half of the board fantasizes about rape and guro but now husbandos are some big fucking problem, throwing bad light on the board.
I don't have one myself, but I've been infatuated with anime/book/game characters a lot in the past and I don't think it's that weird, let alone malicious. This thread also drastically differs from threads on /a/ where it's all sexed up all of the time and guys just want to fap to lewd fanart of their "waifus".
No. 273398
>>273376You don't get it, do you?
Husbandos/Waifus were not a problem when people were just talking about being attracted to them or having fave characters. There are like 3 threads in /g/ about it and nobody minds. It's people claiming to be in relationship with an imaginary being that are ridiculous.
And btw, there was some interest in a /snow thread about waifuism, I was to busy with life to make it though. lol
No. 273403
>>273284I'm not offended by it, it just really does not belong here at all. Find a better site for this, please. This entire thread is a disaster and people aren't going to stop mocking you just because it bothers you.
>>273309The tulpa shit is absolutely delusional, though, and avoiding actual people to celebrate the birthday of a fictional character is not healthy. It's the definition of "taking it too far."
No. 273408
>>273404Thanks for saying it anon. I find this thread one of the most harmless on the board.
Liking weeb shit, anime and husbandos only affects the person doing it.
I personally don't understand the Tulpa shit and believing the husbandos are actually real but who fucking cares?
It's more sad that one anon has stayed in this thread for days bitching about it. Baiting and infighting is against the rules even if you despise the topic at hand.
No. 273415
>>273413>>273414nice samefagging, I've seen you delete the earlier verion of
>>273414 to post
>>273413Go back to the manhate thead. DDLG/rape fantasies are not related to the topic whatsoever, and I refuse to entertain your attempt to sidetrack the discussion.
I bet
>>273406 amd
>>273408 are also you lol.
If those weebs were not believing that real relationships must suck and it's better to willingly enter a world of delusion, maybe they would be able to get a real husbando that will bring them meds when they are sick and really listen to them.
The waifu/husbando subculture is dangerous because it offers delusion as a solution to loneliness and real life problems, making people waste their lives on a figment of their imagination instead of working on making their life better. It's as infuriating, sad and pathetic as seeing people get roped into sects.
No. 273422
>>273415nope anon
>>273408 is me. Last thing i posted in this thread was
>>272889scream samefage more.
No. 273424
>>273415also to carry on from
>>273422 (legit samefag this time)
>making people waste their lives on a figment of their imagination instead of working on making their life better. It's as infuriating, sad and pathetic as seeing people get roped into sects.why do you care so much? If you hate these anons so much for liking 2d drawings why do you want them to work on making their lives better? You're only here to argue and cause a fuss, which is why you're screaming samfag when more than 1 anon disagrees with you.
Honestly, anon. Just drop it and move on. If you're so upset over it, report related posts to mods and let them deal with it.
These type of threads doesn't survive long on /ot/ or even /g/ so you'd only see it bumped for a couple days at most before it would have died off, incase you didn't want or don't know how to hide threads.
I see where you're coming from and I get why you don't like it but why cause so much of a fuss, posting for days about how much you hate it? That's what I don't understand.
No. 273428
>>273424Different anon. As others have said, this isn't a hugbox. Don't expect to make a thread on something this weird without backlash. If you want to point to the fetish threads, people caught shit there, too.
>why cause so much of a fuss, posting for days about how much you hate it?Probably because it doesn't belong and they don't want you to think it does by ignoring it and letting it fester.
I don't even think having a husbando is unhealthy on its own, it's like an imaginary friend of sorts, but shit like
>>272115>>272307>>272793is absolutely unhealthy and shouldn't be dismissed.
No. 273447
>>273428I'm aware it isn't a hugbox and a agree the tupla shit it isn't right at all and should not be dismissed.
But like I said
>These type of threads doesn't survive long on /ot/ or even /g/ so you'd only see it bumped for a couple days at most before it would have died off No. 273472
>>273421Because I don't want more people to get roped into wasting their lives and promoting the waifuism bullshit.
I do not hate the delusional anons, as I do not even know them. I do feel pity and annoyance at someone fucking themselves that badly. Hate the sin not the sinner lol
Even when I was a lonely and suicidal weeb, I knew that getting in a "relationship" with a fictional character is a really unhealthy coping method.
Also I don't get why delulu anons don't just go to post among other spergs, female waifufags are not discriminated against on those hugboxes where everyone is nice to each other and all waifus are beautiful. This is a board about laughing about cows, do not make a thread outing yourself as a cow and expect people to leave you alone.
Basically what
>>273464 said.