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No. 272506
>>272484One of my guy friends confronted him and all that came of it was that the next time my stalker "coincidentally" bumped into me, he casually mentioned he bought a handgun. I have no idea if he was telling the truth or just trying to scare me, but either way it worked and I'm scared shitless. As for the restraining order, sadly you need proof they're a threat to you to get one. Your word just simply isn't good enough.
>>272488I have been keeping a journal for the past four months.
>>272491Yeah, I've read so many stories like that. The part that terrifies me the most is the fact escalation is always inevitable with these situations. I honestly have no fucking idea what I'm gonna do if the day finally comes where he decides to actually rape me.
>>272503How could you possibly want this to happen to you?
No. 272513
>>272506I feel like the only solution would be to move far away from him, but that's so unfair on you.
I'm honestly worried about you, I've read so much stories of stalker situation gone wrong and as you say it always escalate super fast.
No. 272515
>>272513Yep please move away if possible, lock down your social media and don't tell anyone except your immediate family or whoever you take with you, your new address. Your safety is more important than whatever will be temporarily lost by moving (friends, jobs).
Look after yourself anon
No. 272531
When I was in high school during freshman year I used to take the bus home. I'd be one of the kids not getting home until late because my stop was one of the last in line, so I was on it the longest.
One day my bus was down so I had to get on a different one.
I was nice to this girl who seemed really lonely, and a bit slow. Just once. She decided we were best friends and took a pretty casual bus trip very seriously. I think she added me on Myspace and listed me as a top friend.
It sounds innocent, but it got strange.
One day she slipped a love note into my locker, barely legible because she had some kind of learning disability. She seemed really sad when I let her down gently. I had a few awkward encounters with her in the bathroom and a few times in front of my locker but nothing too stalkerish up until that point. Maybe just annoying; and partially my fault because I didn't want to be mean to the persistent girl with mental problems.
I'm fuzzy on the details but I remember her going to an alternative school half through the day so I didn't see her much sophomore/junior year. By my senior year I had my own car and no longer rode the buses. I didn't see or hear about her for awhile.
Somehow, someway, when I was starting college she got someone to give her my cell phone number.
I started to receive texts and phone calls from her. They weren't pleasant, I could tell she sounded very mentally unwell and incoherent. It wasn't like talking to a sweet lonely girl, it was like talking to an obsessive ex. She sounded angry. She was really scorned that I hadn't reciprocated friendship in high school. I started to ignore her phone calls and blocked the texts. She'd find alternative phone lines to call from and sometimes I got tricked into answering that way. I made it a habit to ignore phone numbers I didn't know, because she wouldn't stop calling even when I told her to quit.
One time she said she was calling me from an institution, which I think meant that she was involuntarily admitted at one point. I asked her if she was supposed to be using their phone to be calling me and she said no.
Next, she found out where I was employed. I worked at a grocery store as a cashier. Tbh, this could have just been a coincidence from her seeing me working there, but when she found out I did she would hover by me at station. My managers thought it was "funny." She would distract me, and stare at me with vacant eyes and no smile, almost like a glare. If she talked it was in a monotone voice. She didn't drive so she didn't run into me at my store often, but when she did it was super unsettling and I was made to feel like there was nothing to be done about it.
I quit that job after two years. I still lived at home finishing up my undergrad degree.
My childhood house was on the border of the city limit so while it wasn't in the middle of nowhere it would still take a good deal of effort to bicycle or walk to my house.
This girl found a way.
She had looked up my last name in a phone book (our city didn't have any people sharing my last name) and found my address because my parents had listed us.
One day she showed up sweaty on her bike on my front porch, uninvited. My parents engaged with her because they thought it was a legit friend I had from high school. I told them the situation and to stop. She was sick and wouldn't stop trying to contact me despite me making it clear I didn't want to be friends, at this point she'd been trying to trail me for five years.
Well, she kept showing up. Finally, my parents realized she was seriously nuts and told her to stop coming around. Because it wasn't cute, it was creepy.
Either way I moved out and after that stalker girl didn't know how to find me anymore.
I still feel bad about it even though I shouldn't.
No. 272560
W-Well I wouldn't exactly call her a stalker.. I feel pretty bad writing this we were legit friends at one point but then it became something else I think? This purely online based so does this even count at all?
Basically she would follow me on any website I was on, copy my mannerisms and sometimes even copy and paste my bios and change it slightly (think of the 'hey can I copy you homework' meme, it was that obvious). I liked talking to her, I really did at one point! but then she would bother me constantly, every second of the day this is no exaggeration. She stalked my tumblr and twitter (which I seldom got on, now I don't go on at all) all the time. To the point where I could post something and 2 minutes later shes messaging me about it. The weird thing about that is, we were in different time zones. I live in the US and she lived in Asia, not sure how she kept up with my out of wack schedule but she did. I gotta give her props for being dedicated. This lasted for years, she drew pictures for me and showed me a picture of her (we never videochated, she was always to shy and she didn't have a webcam). I would've been up for that because I was also shy and I felt like it would be less creepy to talk that way, I don't know.
I felt sorry for her because she didn't have any self-esteem and I think I was legit her only friend. She was my first online friend so… I really wanted to make it work. But she creeped me out on how much she was really keeping tabs on me! I didn't want to bring it up because I felt like I would offend her in some way so maybe this is my fault but I don't think she was trying to be malicious or anything.. But she suddenly disappeared. I think she blocked me on Skype and deleted me and now she's completely gone. Is it weird that I miss her in some way? I don't miss the stalking or anything but when she wasn't creepy we did have interesting talks and when you forget about the stalking we did have fun etc. hah I don't know.
No. 272721
>>272512I have some and always have it on me. I've told him to leave me alone countless times, but he dismisses it as me not understanding how wonderful we would be together.
>>272513Sadly, moving away is not an option for at least a few years due to finances and family medical stuff.
>>272515I already have locked down all social media except for tumblr. I keep that open so he can keep sending me anon messages that I can screencap. I also want to eventually set up little traps by mentioning where I'll be so that I can take photos of him "coincidentally" showing up at the same place as me enough to prove a pattern to authorities.
>>272531I'm so glad you were able to get away from her in the end. That's such a scary situation.
>>272709Obviously anyone has the right to think whatever they want, but that doesn't make it any less retarded. How could you seriously want to be in this position? What is appealing at all about a mentally unstable man making it clear he gives zero fucks about your boundaries and telling you he's going to fucking rape you?
No. 272768
>>272728I think it's also because people romanticize being the subject of someone else's obsession, they think they'll enjoy being fussed over and it makes them feel desirable.
Problem is, the people who stalk are usually the types you never want attention from in any irl way.
All of my stalkers have been desperate, mentally ill uggos. And when they didn't get their way they turnt creepy and abusive.
No. 272823
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I was 18, living alone in Tokyo and had only been there for like 6 months when I ended up pregnant from a one night stand. I was going back and forth between having the abortion or just keeping it and giving everything up going back home. Of course more heavily on the abortion side of things.
The night before I officially found out I was pregnant I had agreed to go out for coffee with some guy that approached me around my campus a few weeks earlier. I was half trying to ‘escape’ from the reality that my period was late and the one night stand guy had already blocked me because I admitted that I hadn’t gotten my period.
The guy was nice and all, but not really my type. He was REALLY into me though, just after that first ‘date’. And after I confirmed my suspicions about being with child the next day, I was just like “fuck it, might as well let him down before he gets in too deep” and told him that he should probably try and meet somebody else.
His reaction was basically, “Pregnant? Cool, I’ll just say it’s my baby and thats what you can tell everyone “ Mind you, this is the day after a first date. My horomone ridden mind thought this was doable. I get to keep my baby and wont be alone through all of this. We hung out again for like…a week more max. I got morning sickness really bad and he started talking to my bastard fetus and patting my belly…and thats when it just hit me like a lightning bolt. Wtf am I doing?? Why am I doing this with this practical stranger? So I called him the next night and told him how I really felt and that I was going to get an abortion because it was just all too much for me. He told me I was overreacting and to ‘think about it’. I told him i wanted time to myself and to please not contact me.
And he didnt contact me…for a day. I was leaving my house to sort out some school paperwork, and there he was waiting since who knows when. Marriage documents in hand. He kept following me and telling me to please…please….think about it. I just walked without responding, but he kept following me, so i just made a u-turn and went back home. A few hours later there was a knock from my landlord. He told me “your bf called my office to ask if you could come down to talk to him…he said its an emergency” It was him, and I ignored the request and told my poor landlord to not repsond any more of his calls. I remember running into him when I thought the coast was clear…he actually started waiting a few apartment buildings down. Telling me to please not do kill ‘our’ baby and come live with him.
This continued for a week until i got my abortion pills. After I did it he stopped coming around, but i kept getting messages from him every couple months from different accounts.
No. 272894
>>272455First of all, I'm so sorry you have to go through a horrible experience like that. Now, there are some things to consider:
- It's great you are documenting the harrassement. This is super important.
- If moving is not an option, maybe you can stay with friends and/or family for a while? Sounds like they already know about your stalker, which is good.
- Keep the Tumblr open, but never ever answer messages directly. Also stop posting on the Tumblr. Through his crazy eyes he sees everything as a message from you.
- Stop confronting him, never talk to him.
- Let people know where you are, don't go to isolated places, at least for some time
- Stalkers are scum and it's completely normal to be scared. All these horrible storys about women murdered by their stalkers - but keep in mind that there are many, many women who survive having a stalker and overcome this horrible experience.
- If you are feeling shame or guilt: this is nothing more than a coping mechanism by your brain. You did nothing wrong.
I hope he'll lose interest soon. You are handling this really well, I think you are a really strong person. Please keep us updated and sorry for my english.
No. 272900
>>272894Forgot this, don't know if this is helpful:, if you are able to afford it, get a lawyer to send the creep a letter informing him that he is not to contact you in any form again.
No. 272921
>>272823That's absolutely terrifying. Wtf is wrong with men, he was adamant you keep a child you didn't want and marry a fucking stranger after a week? Creepy af.
I'm glad it all worked out for you, anon.
No. 272971
>>272970I'm not positive on that one. It's definitely possible.
It sucks but it's just so scary to think about this guy doing some creepy shit and possibly even knowing where I live. He lives less than 15 hours driving distance from me.
No. 273037
>>272945Im p sure anon specifically was alittle thrown off by getting
pregnant from the one night stand.
That is irresponsible either way cause it is not hard to be safe.
No. 273901
Man I'm sorry for everyone ITT. But it makes me wonder, are there any documented cases where the "victim" turned out to be more nuts than the stalker himself and the stalking backfired?
>>273673Blank guns are pretty easy to get with a bit of effort, even in Europe.
No. 274006
>>273915There was a famous story in the UK where a burglar hurt himself while burglarizing someone's house and then sued the home owner for the damage.
Getting away from them>>>self defence
No. 274027
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>>272455>>272506OP, I'm actually with other anon where I'm legitimately worried about you. You need to live in with a relative or something out of state for a while and explain your situation, since you said it's hard to move out. It is very hard to just uproot like that in general for reasons you shouldn't have to, but you definitely need an extended vacation somewhere safe.
Do keep logs of literally everything. I recommend you actually buy a camera and film things and install some cheap (not so cheap where you can't make out the face) security cameras around your place if you must stay in your residence. You should still hide in a relatives place or close friends house if at all possible at most hours.
Keep yourself armed with something at all times as well, like pepper sprays or actually a handgun. You don't have to think about shooting it, but maybe show you have it as the ultimate deterrent for fuckboy. Honestly, borrow a male friends handgun or something or text a picture of you holding it to him. He thinks you're weak.
No. 276744
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>tfw you find out the weird guy in the dorm is saving hentai pictures with filenames about a woman who lives in the same dorm and then posting about her on 4chan
No. 276766
>>276757You play the long con, anon.
Always the long con.
No. 276821
>>276757She already knew he was nuts for her
>>276766He's dead now so problem solved I guess
No. 294540
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I have a stalker. I got careless with my online security regarding my social media accounts because I never really thought I was all that interesting, and that's when things started getting weird. At first I thought it was all in my head - just little weird things turning up around me. Noticed the same dude turning up on my bus, at the stores I would shop at. I thought it was my ex for a while, but I found out he doesn't even live in my city anymore.
It wasn't until I started getting random notes and messages that I got worried. Scared me so bad I went to a women's shelter for a few days - which was ultimately good because at least there I felt safe enough to finally sleep. The security adviser basically told me there was nothing that could be done - police can do nothing. It's up to me to take notes and compile evidence but unless he physically assaults me no one can help.
He stopped sending me notes on paper after I stayed in the shelter, and for a while would leave notes in chalk outside my apartment near my parking stall and on streets I regularly walk along. Those stopped eventually, too.
I don't know if he's still stalking me. I haven't seen him in a while and I've had no more weird notes or messages. But the experience changed me. I no longer feel comfortable even alone in my apartment. I still act like everything I do is being monitored. My sense of security is gone.
The worst thing is that I tried to get help from my father and my boyfriend. Both of them still don't believe me and act like I'm just crazy. It's only been women that have believed me and tried to help me.
This experience has only further fueled my hatred for men, knowing that even the men that are supposed to be on my side acted like nothing was wrong. Even when I was crying to them and begging them to believe me. I now barely speak to my father and I intentionally withhold information about my life from my boyfriend now because I feel so betrayed.
No. 294557
>>294550Sorry my post offended you.
But if it makes you feel better I don't use social media anymore.
No. 295656
I had a stalker in high school and into my early 20’s. It was like some freak thing where a guy I didn’t even know or talk to started watching me. He escalated things, so he was arrested twice. I got lucky that his friend shared some threatening statements my stalker made to the police. His friend also revealed a time when my stalker would be coming to my house to spy on me.
The police had to question me about some things my stalker has written out because he knew the whole layout of my house and where everyone slept. While they were questioning me, my parents had to leave the room because my dad got sick and my mom was crying. I remember one of the police said to my dad, “There’s only so much we can do to protect you. Do what you have to in order to protect your family. Do you understand?”
The police were hiding out in my yard when my stalker arrived. That was actually another stroke of luck, because he came a day later than he said. And the police were planning on leaving because they didn’t think he would come.
This was all a long time ago now. I won’t forget what it felt like when not even stomach any of it, and how it really felt like I was forced to face it all alone. I really was still a child at the time…
I was able to have say in a final plea deal year later, and I felt pretty safe about the terms he agreed to.
Later on I dated a guy who turned out to have BPD and he exposed every intimate thing about me to my stalker because we broke up. Pictures, videos, a diary… everything. Ironically, I think this broke some kind of spell for my stalker because his image of me was shattered. I know because my ex thought that it would somehow be a way to “taunt” me that not even my stalker liked me anymore, but it was actually the biggest relief of my life. I felt very free.
It was a horrible time though, and I feel sorry for any of you girls going through this. It’s really hard to convey the fear and uncertainty you live with every day. People don’t realize the trauma of feeling like a predator is watching your every step. Imagine being an antelope with a lion constantly at your tail. Even when they’re not close, every breeze and every rattle in the brush makes you skittish.
I do believe they need to improve the laws around stalking. It’s true that they have to wait before they can take any action with the way the laws are now. Even getting a restraining order was impossible. In my state, the other person had to agree to appear in court. Then it had to be settled face-to-face. That’s because most restraining orders are sought out for domestic issues and my conservative ass state thinks it’s better for families if they can discourage people from getting one. It’s really really dumb. I haven’t checked in a while, so hopefully the laws have changed now.
No. 295687
>>295656>>294540Some shitty fucking boyfriends here. Isn't one of the reasons to have a relationship for safety and support?
>Doesn't believe you>Actually "joins the side" of the stalkerWoah.
Sorry that happened to you ladies.
No. 295695
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Without revealing too many identifiable details here's my stalker story.
>We hung around the same online community, he wasn't very active and joined just recently
>He, out of nowhere, decided that I was the devil incarnate, to this day I have no idea why
>He started sending me private messages going through his melodramatic life story (your basic ass "I was bullied waah" stuff with nothing too terrible) and I didn't know how to really react because it came out of nowhere, I just told him I'm sorry that he had to go through it because that's really all I could say.
>The messages get more and more aggressive, I realize he's obviously not right in his head. He starts straight out making up stuff I had said to him and seems to firmly believe that these things actually happened. I'm confused and don't know what to do because it's so fucking bizarre I have a hard time grasping that he's actually serious.
>I stop replying to try and let him cool down a bit
>He starts leaving me anonymous hate messages on my social media with completely delusional statements
>He publicly doxxes me and tries hacking me while spreading falsified gossip about me
>He starts impersonating me online and contacting strangers and my friends under my persona, I start receiving angry messages from people he had been pissing off while presenting as me
>When I started getting strange phone calls, I contacted the police but they couldn't really do anything. I still have no fucking idea how he got my phone number.
>This keeps going for around two years and forced me to go into hiding online. One day I found out that he had been imprisoned for violently attacking some other person he had been stalking and the police found out he had been planning to fucking murder someone with guns found in his apartment and all
>He's now serving his sentence and will probably never walk free. I don't know the exact medical diagnosis that he got but my guess is paranoid schizophrenia. He was also an autogynephilic mtf tranny so need I say more tbh
I'm glad it's over but it definitely made me more aware of how to act online, which is why I prefer to stay anonymous these days and hide my tracks to avoid situations like this in the future. I was afraid for my safety because after he found out my phone number, I was fucking freaking out and constantly waiting for him to appear behind my door and even fucking killing me. I was not shocked when I found out he was actually violent and capable of harming people. "Thankfully" I was not his only victim as he had many so he would eventually slip up and give the police an incriminating reason to put him behind bars. There is more sick stuff that he did but like I said I don't want to be identified. Stay safe online kids.
edit: sorry for doubleposting, fixed a few critical typos
No. 297110
>>276850>>276968damn okay this happened to me too when i did a summer semester in tokyo, i think about it a lot and have often wondered if it was just one bizarre coincidence after another.
>i make eye contact with random young man as we both enter the train station>look away but still feel his eyes fixed on me>think nothing of it because a) gaijin get the stares and b) he was also a young, unassuming sort of guy who looked normal, if not cute>i walk to my train and i realize he’s going the same way, down the stairs turning corners with me etc etc>again, whatever, he’s probably just taking the same line>we get on the same train, same car>we get off at the same stop>i transfer to ANOTHER line, and he does too>we board the same train>empty seats everywhere throughout the car>he takes the MIDDLE seat between me and a salaryman type>his thigh touches mine a little as he sits next to me and i finally grasp the weirdness>my fight or flight starts flaring up>i get off at the next stop, of course he followsi all but ran out and across the street to a familymart. I watched him exit the station through the shop window… he seemed to wait for a little, and then he just went back in. like he paid again.
sage for a weak ass story
No. 299443
I have lots of online stalkers, whenever I tell the story people call "Bs"
I'm diagnosed with autism, so that's more of a reason to believe me. because I have something "weird" about me people can get entertainment from.
I joined a love live meet up discord server and got removed, the people still in it stalked me? one of them went out of their way to google search my discord tag and track me even after I got banned, it basically became a malicious shittalking general for me instead of about love live, even though I got banned.
I think even a relevant love live English translator joined in, it felt weird since I was indirectly given attention, even negative by someone who's successful and looked up to.
Although it would be controversial if anyone found out, I doubt anyone would defend me.
The entire server and friends were doing it and supported each other tracking me, no one else outside the /R/love live discord servers knows about it I think
I don't know if they stopped or not, its been so long.
its just so wild to see successful people lose their mind over a harmless self-aware autist, I even said I was anxious. they didn't even understand that I was too scared to think about doing harm to other people.
No. 299461
>>276826>Be guy>Be kind of odd and a huge weeaboo>Develop cough syrup/DPH/weed habit>Do some legal desert plant that really fucks you up>Make yourself schizophrenic>Start following around any vaguely looking asian girls because of aforementioned weeabooism>Follow one in particular>Post real name on /x/ while namefagging so other people eventually find your posts and show them to the dorm>Mention school shootings disturbingly frequently>Scream about the CIA with your door open>Talk to ayy lmaos and say you're going to "ascend" to your alien waifu>Post gibberish on /h/ about the person you're fixated on>School ends>An hero off a building a month laterIf any of you go to umass amherst, this was the guy who jumped during the summer.
I'll post some of his posts if I can find his username again
No. 299564
>>299467Not sure, most of what I say is just stream of consciousness. Ask /r/love live why they thought it was cute and funny to harass someone who even said they were scared of people lol
Not for real, I honestly don't understand why it blew up. My anxiety was too obvious I guess. I still think its deeply freaky though, I don't know why literally everyone in the servers had to track me. you expect successful people to leave the "odd" people alone, but I was tracked anyway and it was unprofessional