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No. 27277
>>27271hahaha yeah, if by any chance you're looking to try it too, the most common recommendation is to start off with betty edwards' "drawing on the right side of the brain", and bert dodson's "keys to drawing". then follow up with andrew loomis' "fun with a pencil"
good luck
No. 27291
>>27277thanks for recommendations
I'd recommend "Steal like an artist", it's great when you're in slump/confused/don't know where to start etc No. 27293
>>27269Hot dream. Mine is basically the same.
To get rich, move into my own apartment and never ever leave. All day I'll play games, watch anime, shop online and kill myself before I turn 40.
Maybe I'll start a business of some sort? I don't really have a passion for doing anything but I do have a passion for money. I used to like drawing but I haven't done so in a long time. Hmm.
No. 27297
>>27293>I don't really have a passion for doing anything but I do have a passion for money.become a banker/embezzler/loan shark
it's a profitable business
No. 27318
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To divorce myself from society, I've acquired a plot of land innawoods, has morning sun and drinkable water. Working on my carpentry apprenticeship ATM, once I'm qualified I'll be able to construct a legit Aframe on a budget. still researching electricity options, both solar and micro-hydro seem promising.
No. 27768
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>>27264Fuck you, God. Why did you smite this beauty?
No. 27777
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My dream is to have my fucking diploma that my parents absolutely wants me to have, then I'll be free to live my life however I want.
First of all, I plan on moving, I'll left the small town I'm living in to go live in a smaller one, l want to be lost in the moutain of Provence, I do believe I live in one of the most beautiful place of the world. I really want to have a rich husband so I don't have to work and I can concentrate on my passion ; sculpting.
I want to buy two Borzoi or two saluki and start breeding them. Ethicaly of course, like, one litter/year.
No. 27792
>>27784I like them, they look so funny and stretched out.
Like dog-noodles.
No. 27796
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>>27784I find them absolutly adorable. I'm obsessed with any levrier tbh.
No. 27797
File: 1439972264199.jpg (83.25 KB, 500x533, cutiepie.jpg)

wrong pic