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No. 273940
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@CopyingRimes keeps track of country singer Leann Rimes copying her husband’s exwife. From her sm to her style. I think she also copys other people too. Leann is a total celebricow.
No. 273955
>>273951I agree, this must be the most common situation.
I think there are also cases when someone was rejected by someone they admire, so they hold a grudge because of that, while their admiration for them isn't lost.
No. 274003
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Remember Kittyphina?
No. 274039
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can't forget when that mila mortice/anca whatever girl was trying to doppelganger felice fawn.
No. 274043
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Beautuber Jacklyn Hill copying Too Poor.
No. 274086
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>>273956omg blast from the past
does anyone have cori's current social media? I remember she started working for MAC or sth at one point and turned into a wannabe Chanel girl.
Lexi hasn't changed much at all.
No. 274783
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>>274003Kittyphina was a skinwalker on a whole new level, I’m almost certain she thought if she copied Kooter she would instantly get all the fame she did lol
I’m pretty sure her username is baby.jpg now? And her face all of a sudden is extremely different, and not just makeup wise. Her entire face is suddenly tiny
No. 274791
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>>273951Adding to what you said, maybe there’s this element of “I can take what she did and do it better”, maybe like a one up sort of thing?
No. 275019
>>273920really excited for this thread and hope it picks up more. copycats really do fascinate me.
and i think in some cases the copycats might want to be praised MORE than the original and/or hope the original sees their copying and becomes jealous/infuriated.
No. 275057
>>274039meh these are general poses and getups ALL e-goth thotties use
felice was hardly original with her wednesday addams all grown up schtick
No. 275294
>>274791I mean, if you want to take a photo of a jacket with a back patch then that's how you'd do it, and obviously people in similar demographics buy the same stuff
Exciting thread idea though
No. 275418
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Low-tier orbiter bait weebs
Copycats of one another down to their NAMES:
YumeNeko on the left, YumeGata on the right
both are painfully cringey weebs pushing the 'oowoo my baby face cuteness totally makes up for my lack of personality/constant need for attention while starting drama around me and playing the victim'
No. 358649
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This happened in 2014 btw, someone known as #WHY started copying famous blogger TeyCindy's instagram photos saying she's a fan. Cindy said she was fine with the copying alone but then WHY went overboard with befriending Cindy's friends & relatives online & stalking, & later badmouthing her… the whole thing is just pure WTF. Here's the full blog if y'all wanna read it and WHY tried to contact Cindy again in 2017, just as she thought the nightmare was over
shudders No. 359183
>>358712 Tbh I depending on their mentality or mindset. it's either that they wanna be BFFs with their targets, or as
>>273951 and
>>275019 mentioned, they're deeply envious and want what the people theyn copy have. They don't like the style, creation or aesthetic coming from their victims, they want it all to come from themselves.
No. 359799
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Maybe some German anons will remember this girl here:
She first called herself Captain Miles on social media until 2012, then deleted everything and changed her name to Luna Darko ~so goth kek. Her style and makeup were a complete rip-off of Felice Fawn. When people called her out, she blocked them. Now she has a different persona and style again and goes by the name kitthey. After she noticed people weren't having it, she changed it back to Luna Darko on some social media accounts such as her youtube channel. She has some milk to offer but I don't think anyone will be interested at all since her content is in German.
No. 359818
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Adding belle delphines new skinwalker to the pile
No. 359840
>>359818God, I just want to browse this site without seeing Belle's annoying fucking face. It's like she's infiltrating every thread I enjoy.
(sage for useless complaining).
No. 359863
>>359860Wait, so that's the "men" she got together with? I used to know the WWW guy, kind of makes me lose the last bit of respect I had for her lol. Thanks for explaining though. I wish there was a German YouTuber thread because I hate 99% of them with passion, but I don't think that anyone cares.
>>359845She is serious; her IG is femmyfatal. She copies Belle both in her pictures and her comments (not a good thing as Belle's comments usually are stupid). Also does a lot of Ahegao.
No. 359970
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>>359863Yes those are the men she dated. Her relationship to Dima was the last straw for me because she was still living together with her ex Benni. She refused to get a new apartment which was kind of understandable because she was still a azubi. But she dated Dima so openly and hurt her ex on purpose just a few months after they broke up. That was one of the reasons why Dennis (Bennis twin brother) hated her so much kek. It was so obvious Luna was using the twins and then Dima for fame. She's doing the same with Ardy and Taddl btw and I bet she was the reason why Dat Adam broke up and Marley hates her ass.
No. 364174
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>>358712>>359183pretty much
(namefagging) No. 409658
For the longest time there has been this girl that copies everything I do, we're in the same friendship group and it feels like the only time she interacts with me is when she wants to try and one-up me.
It's really creepy and my other friends have noticed that even if there's something she'd never taken interest in, worn or done, as soon as I do it you bet she does too.
I post an outfit on instagram, a week later she's gotten a similar one that she'd have never gotten before. She's been caught copying my makeup and I've tested this before by posting a new style and suddenly she's doing the same. She copies everything down to the captions on my posts and what I'm into, she even changes her usernames to match mine and if I change my profile picture and it gets attention the next day you can guarantee she'll do one too, same makeup, pose, filter, outfit, captions.
It's crazy if you see her posts and style and even personality before she suddenly followed me on all my social media after some copying started in person, because she had a style before that but now it's just a mess of an attempt to copy me down to dyeing her hair to be the same and spending lots of money on new clothes just to be able to have the same ones or similar ones to mine.
The weirdest one was suddenly following all of MY friends on social media and trying to suck up to them, and with the friends in our group I'm closest to, when we're hanging out she desperately tries to take attention away and sulks when they pay me any attention or compliments.
I can't confront her because she has a reputation as an argumentative and at times toxic individual but no matter what I do she has to try and outdo me and compete with me. I have done nothing but be polite to her and never given her any grief and I don't understand why she's so obsessed with copying my every move and choice and interest.
I get she's probably insecure but sometimes it goes as far as for her to try and antagonise me to these same friends for attention and a few people have commented that she's two-faced.
If the truth is she doesn't really like me much, why is she copying every little thing I do? it's like a gradual horror movie. At first I thought it was funny but it's starting to feel very aggressive. For a while I tried to give her the benefit of doubt but it's gone on for over a year now and she's made it clear to me and others that she has this weird obsession with me and having to copy everything I do.
Why does she do this and does it mean I in general annoy her when I'm posting myself if the reaction I get is her aggressively needing to imitate me?
How can I avoid annoying her and let her find her own self and style? it feels unhealthy and embarassing at this point. We aren't in high school, we're both adults. I feel uncomfortable because she's turning into a skinwalker.
The extent of it is weird and weirds my friends out, imagine uploading a new pfp selfie to have her copy it and comment on yours "matching!" like I know we match because everything I do or buy, you have to go buy or do it too
Do copycats ever get bored? do they give up? She's very competetive and insecure and people notice that she's an attention seeker who pretends to be nice so I don't know how to deal with it.
No. 426336
There are two girls who are obsessed with copying me. I think I've discussed them both in the vent thread on separate occasions
One is the girl my boyfriend cheated on with me - they've since broken up. But even when they were together she copied me to the point that it was undeniable. It started out small and I was like meh i'm just being overdramatic but got creepy. I wonder how much of it was my boyfriend getting her to do stuff to be more like me.
>cut her hair same way as me, dyed it from blonde to brunette like mine
>bought the same glasses as me
>moved to the EXACT SAME apartment that I had lived in the previous year
>started editing her instagram pictures the same as mine (I use a specific lightroom preset that costs $75 so she had to buy it)
>got the same dog breed I have, and gave it the same name as my dog (NOT a common dog name)
>I have graduated from university (we never went to the same school anyways,) she just graduated and is starting grad school in my alma mater, same city I still live in
I have not looked at her profiles or anything in a long time, I blocked her. I used to get notifications about her looking at my linkedin profile every day. Honestly im scared about her living in the same city as me again.
The other person is my friend, although honestly I've started to distance myself from her. I'm really close to just snapping though
>gets nose job, shows doctor picture of my nose and tells him to make hers look exactly the same
>goes to same hairdresser as me, gets same cut and color
>changed her major to the same as mine
>wears same perfume, buys the same makeup
>changed her style completely and shops at all of the same stores as me
>personality and manner of speaking has been changing
>am moving to new city for a job, she starts looking for a job in that city so she can move too
I honestly don't understand why TWO girls are trying to copy me this hard. Especially the girl that my boyfriend cheated on me with. I'm not ugly but I'm not like, model tier or anything. It feels like im in middle school.
No. 426661
>>409658Anyone? she's gotten even worse in the last month.>>426305
I don't wanna delete my social media, but I want to know wtf she's on because she's copying someone she also tries to ostracise and it's weird as shit
No. 427260
>>426661there's not much you can do other than block her, tell your friends and do your best to cut her out of your life
especially since you dont want to confront her
No. 477644
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Found a Vintage Venom copy cat on instagram.. honestly thought is was vintage until i looked at the user name a second time. Also the Venomous venom chick claims shes only 18 but looking at her insta and her old insta i kind of doubt it.. and seeing as Vintage just turned seventeen its still creepy for an older person to be copying a minor