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No. 276614
>>276598I agree with this. If I didn't move in with my bf I'd still be with my parents and probably a lot richer haha.
But for my tip:
Open up another bank account(credit union if you have one around you, they have better interest rates for saving) and set up direct deposit with your job (if you didnt already duh) and have a certain amount go into the new bank account and the rest can continue onto your regular card. This is what I'm doing now, it literally takes it out and you don't even miss it because you forget you did it. I literally have 600$ in my savings because I take out 100$ out of each of my check and I forget all about it. I suck at savings so the best I can do is have them take it out 'cause if I had any control of it (doing it manually) I wouldn't have 600 at all lol.
No. 276642
>>276598This advice isn't just for poorfags, everyone should take note. The absolute best way to save for a deposit on property is to live at home while working full time. Don't give in to the pressure to move out- that you're a loser if you live at home, that privacy and independence (aka partying and fucking at home) should be priorities, that you need to ~learn to fail~ to become a real adult and learn life skills, that parents are unbearable to live with just because they might be a minor annoyance. Rent is just paying someone elses mortgage, they will own the place and make money off it in the end and you'll get nothing out of it whilst struggling to build your own savings.
But yes this obviously only applies to people who are welcome at home and have a decent relationship with their parents.
No. 276664
>>276598I wish my parents were cool enough to let me live with them again.
They effectively forced me out after I finished my undergrad saying they were selling the house and moving out of state.
I panicked and signed onto a grad program in part so I could get a loan to cover living expenses.
I met my bf during my program, he lived with me to help cover expenses that my part time job and loan didn't cover.
I tried moving back in with my parents after my grad degree until I got a job (24). My retired mother made it miserable for us, but mostly me. She said "feel free to relax for a month or so" because I was burnt out from school. Yet that promise only lasted a week before she turned nasty.
>"Dish in the sink? HOW DARE YOU." >"You're spending $20 to have fun at a park? YOU'RE SO UNGRATEFUL!" If I wasn't cook, maid, and filling out 20 job applications a day she'd attack me for hours. My bf thinks my mom is a psychotic bitch now. I was only with them from June until November, but they made me feel like a NEET who'd taken advantage of them for years.
I'm wanting to break up with my current bf, and I want to move in with them again for a short while so I can pay off some of my debt and figure out a better job. They have a spare bedroom, and I'd be willing to help out with some expenses. But they dodge the idea and suggest I get roommates, which won't work with what I need. My bf is a glorified roommate if that's how I'm going to look at it anyway. Having a different stranger in my apartment just introduces new stresses, what's the point?
No. 276755
Ideally you should try to buy things only when they're on sales or second-hand if you think it's a safe option. I try to see if there are good deals online all the time for things like phone data plans (I managed to get a kinda shit one for 5€ instead of 13€ for some years), electronic devices such as consoles and video games (almost all the games I have are bought second-hand or when there are sales on the nintendo eshop or playstation store), etc. When it comes to clothes I have a hard time finding my size usually so I don't really bother buying very often, even when things are on sales, so I just try to take good care of what I already have and I should probably sell things I don't wear anymore too. When it comes to accessories and shoes I only buy them when it's necessary or when they're too damaged to use. Only buy things that are necessary like
>>276599 said, no need for luxury goods if you can barely afford them. Look for things like when you can get 2 or 3 for the price of 1 too.
Once I sold a lot of books and video games that I didn't want anymore and I plan on doing that with other books and video games, as well as some clothes that aren't my size and that I never wear. It's a nice way of getting more money and more space on your shelves and in your closets. And honestly, I'm actually paying for netflix and crunchyroll but I'm regretting this. I know it's bad for the artists and producers, etc. but if you can find scans or episodes online without a subscription then go for it. I should have stuck with kissanime…
>>276598I'm still living with my parents and as much as it helps save A LOT of money, I really wish I had the freedom that comes with living alone. I barely have a private life because of this, my family is unbearable and if recruiters find out that I live with my family they basically don't want to hire me because of reasons unrelated to the jobs I'm applying to. Which makes it harder to find another job, save more money and leave the family household.
>>276664>If I wasn't cook, maid, and filling out 20 job applications a day she'd attack me for hours. I know that feel anon, my parents don't want to help me move out because I can't really afford it at the moment, but they hate that I still live with them at 24. They are horrified that I'm not married with kids yet despite the fact that they absolutely don't want me to have a social life and find an eventual bf who could help me move out because that would make me a slut according to them. They're always saying insane contradictions like that and it's really frustrating. I told them I wanted to get a student loan with no interest rate some years ago so I could study abroad for a year and instead of being glad they could get rid of me and that I could get a valuable degree they said they would never be my guarantors because they just don't want me to succeed so I couldn't go. And when the school year started they would yell at me or insult me almost everyday because they expected me to go abroad somehow. They're just weird like that. Meanwhile, all the people my age who live alone or with roommates were helped by their parents the first years because life is expensive in my city, and it's not even the worst one. I hope you manage to save enough money to move out again and find a stable job, tell us when that's the case anon.
No. 276770
Tbh a lot of advice given to poorfags is annoying as shit.
‘Don’t buy takeout coffee or meals everyday’
‘Buy things on sale or second hand uwu’
‘Wait until video games are on sale to buy them’
Anyone who’s been broke for longer than a week and isn’t functionally retarded knows it already.
Really poor people aren’t buying coffee or video games. They need to stretch their pantry contents not be advised for the millionth time ‘cooking at home saves money’
Shit like
>>276755 ‘Don’t buy luxury goods’ as if people scraping by usually spend their last twenty bucks on a lipstick.
Idk, it’s like the advice is coming from teenagers saving their pocket money, not adults who have actually lived in poverty.
No. 276771
>>276770Exactly this. Who the fuck buys games and shit? Who the fuck buys clothes more than a couple of times a year? Who the fuck buys accessories? Who the fuck pays for Netflix?
Who even needs any of that, even if you're not poor? What a waste.
No. 276772
>>276770>>276771As much as I already knew those things, the advice was well intended and there's no reason to be a cunt. Maybe someone will profit from these tips, who knows.
If you know better than provide useful tips otherwise, you have no right to shit on something without providing a better solution.
No. 276776
>>276770>>276771Some of my relatives do stupid shit like that on a regular basis. They complain that they're too poor to buy this or that and they buy it anyway or they go on holidays every summer and then complain that they can barely pay for electricity and water all year long.
>‘Don’t buy luxury goods’ as if people scraping by usually spend their last twenty bucks on a lipstick. I actually know someone who does that shit all the time and she recently complained that she can't buy a cheap phone after the one she had for years stopped working.
Also I went from being poor enough that I couldn't even shower everyday and I was only wearing worn out clothes until recently to finally having enough money to treat myself from time to time. Flash news, people's situations can change. And yes, it's absolutely common sense and yet, some people barely have common sense so it's always a good reminder imo. I was also surrounded by rich people at school and in university for as long as they can remember and some of them legit told me that not having my own TV in my room and a smartphone or even just a phone when I was in high school was abusive or worrying when it's completely normal.
No. 276777
>>276774saged for mild blogpost ; my neighbor is in his 40s, doesn't have much money yet puts himself in debt to buy video games, some people are just that dumb and irresponsible anon. However I agree that most people with a minimum of self awareness don't need that type of advice bc of how obvious it is.
If you know how to make stuff, wether it's sewing, jewelry making and such, you can earn some bucks by selling stuff on etsy, storenvy and shit. stating the obvious but only do this if you like creating and feel like you can own a small business
I also think the Konmari method can help, I decluttered a lot thanks to it and put old clothing on sale and such
No. 276783
>>276776Then they aren’t poor, just too stupid to handle money.
>>276772The suggestions basically say ‘hey dumbass stop blowing your money on luxuries and pay your bills lol’
It’s exhausting to be told this same stupid shit by people who think they are being helpful. It’s not helpful it’s just a little way for the “advice” giver to feel like they’re helpful.
If you assume poor people buy treats all the time you’re an idiot and nobody should coddle you for that ignorance jusy becaus the stupid advice was meant nicely.
It’s not nice to assume all poor people are stupid.
No. 276784
>>276783No, they're poor AND too stupid to handle their money.
>If you assume poor people buy treats all the time you’re an idiotWell, sorry if I gave the impression I thought you were all idiots when it wasn't my intention. Obviously I know I know that's not the case since I never bought treats when I couldn't afford it either.
No. 276788
>>276787Calm down and get a job if you're so
triggered by being poor
No. 276790
>>276788Lol dat reaching.
I get it, you’re mad cause your stupid post was called out as stupid and now you feel embarrassed cause you really thought that ‘buy clothes on sale’ was revolutionary to poor people. It’s an embarrassing situation.
Next time, just use some critical thinking instead of getting so mad you pull out the ‘oooooh
triggered lel’ defense.
No. 276792
>>276790I'm the one who posted the advice but I didn't post this
>>276772 or
>>276788 so since you're so confused by who's posting what we might as well drop this conversation and go back on topic. I'm looking forward to other advice too.
No. 276804
>>276802Libgen has saved me thousands on books.
.pw still works if .io isn’t working.
No. 276818
>>276614And i have a few more tips.
I started using Appen online, its really not much but i truly adds up. There’s different things they do (youknow surveys etc) but sometimes they stick you on jobs thats monthly. For an example i’n doing a job now thats helping them with some GPS thing, i just mark down where i go everyday and they give me money every month for doing it. Depending how many ‘minutes’ it takes you to put it in (you can record your own time, you cannot go over 15mins each day though I usually lie and say 5-6 minutes you get more money that way). Its like 1.50-2$ a day, you’re only required to do it 5 days a week but i do it every day cause more money. Its only about 25-27$ a month though buts its honestly better than nothing and you can do multiple jobs at a time so you could possibly make more.
I also use an app called Qapital and it rounds up pennies and put it in their app for savings. I know not a lot of people trust apps like this but ive been using it for a long time and I literally saved 300$ at one point from just buying shit like coffee every once in a while.
Idk I hope this helps someone.
No. 279501
gonna be salty and vent for a bit, buy being a poorfag sucks when you compare yourselves to others who claim they're poor too.
i have a friend who talks about how they grew up poor and they go on shopping sprees every couple months and spends like $250 each time… like the most i've paid for a single item of clothing was $40 but 99% of the clothes i get are either hand me downs from my family or from salvation army and goodwill lol, and i only go there 4 or 5 times a year and STILL i'll be spending no less than $25 each time i go. another thing they revealed about themselves is that they have $7k saved up. i would LOVE for at least a steady $3k for myself.
i've had some other friends act like they're "literally poor and dying" and the kicker is they have their parents paying off their rent and they get to go out of town/vacation every couple months. god, i wish i was poor like them.
the last time i got to go on vacation, my friend paid for my plane ticket and i camped in her apartment for a few days. tbh it was actually fun and i enjoyed it… but these people i knew who still say they're poor and beg for money all the time are able to go to out of state anime conventions like 3 times a year? hilarious.
honestly i hate seeing articles about "surviving when you're a poor young adult" and right off the bat you realize these only relate to people who've been to college and are now in student debt. like, be glad you were even able to go to college in the first place.
i grew up with parents who made me poor because they couldn't figure out how to stop buying useless shit and put the burden on only me and not my other sibling as well. when i got my first job, my mom started demanding i help her pay off her new car and the thing is i wasn't making half of what she was asking for each month lmao and when i would tell her i don't have the money she'd tell me to just get a better job or a second one or go back to college (i dropped out because my parents wanted me to make money & kept telling me the classes i took were somehow stupid so i never understood the college logic and still don't, they probably just saw me as a money making machine once i turned 18). this is a rare case where living with your parents in your early 20s can actually make you poor, who would've thought…
i remember when i moved in with my boyfriend and finally got a full time job where i could start saving i freaked out about spending too much on myself when a majority of the stuff i was buying was actual things we needed like groceries and paying bills. heck, even when i do treat myself with some non-necessities, i feel bad when something's over $25, and i only do this about twice a month. meanwhile my boyfriend who's also a poorfag can get himself something $10 or $15 every 3 or 4 days and he's not worrying. He tells me every once in a while he can buy an item I've been wanting, but i just feel so bad accepting his offer.
i can't wait to be financially stable, my job is getting a new site closer to my house with better pay. right now i drive an hour away from my house to get paid decently. i don't know how i'd be able to afford anything without my boyfriend helping. honestly, i want to move out of my state soon, i've heard from many friends who moved out from where i lived and they're doing well just on their own. i can't even imagine myself and my boyfriend being not poor, we're just so used to it. i long for the moment when i can go on a yearly week long vacation where we can pay for our own hotel rooms and plane tickets without worrying about breaking the bank.
No. 279968
>>279569first time i've heard of it, thanks for telling me. waiting to get confirmed
any other sites or apps you guys use?