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No. 281652
>>281648Maybe you're right, but this it /ot/ and if this thread dies, then it dies
Gonna start with something from myself then.
1. Spend time with your friends.
I feel like friends are too often taken for granted. You need to make efforts to maintain a healthy friendship. What I've realized - as someone passive and rather avoidant - is that people with whom you don't spend time, grow and change surrounded, influenced by other people, and when you catch up, they'll be completely different people. When you properly spend time together, even if they change as people, it happens in a more natural way and you won't drift apart because of it. Sorry if this is obvious…
2. Search in yourself for the qualities that you don't like in your parents.
I think there's always something that infuriates us in our parents… For example, I hate my mom being so judgy, and I became a lot more aware of myself judging people unreasonably and I can (at least sometimes) take a step back and change my behaviour.
No. 281712
>>281653I thought it was really cute so I drew the same on my wrist but it looks like it wants to kill me.
inb4 autism
No. 281740
I’m an Amerifag here, and I used to get all bent out of shape when other anons would say bad things about Americans. This made me so butthurt, because nobody I knew personally was disgusting, rude, rascist or stupid— I hated the way that the world saw us.
But, then Trump became president. The day he was elected people were crying in the streets here. People were legitimately terrified and confused.
I know that bad people exist here, but I want people to know that the media doesn’t depict the average American very well.
At the same time, this country has a serious pride problem, and the nationalism is becoming so extreme for some (usually older, white people), it feels like this country is crumbling into pieces. I know we deserve it for the horrible things our government has done across pretty much every border, but I can’t help but long for support from people internationally.
Anyways, I’m day drinking, so I hope this thought doesn’t come across as whining. I love the people here for the most part, but I hate our government, and understand why the world is mocking us. I don’t ever object to it anymore. I respect the world for putting up with us.
No. 281745
>>281740Kek what are you drinking? I wish I had something to day drink.
I agree that the nationalism has grown.
With that the division between both major political parties has grown. There’s less and less bipartisanship. I’m sure technology has something to do with all this (sm, echo chambers, etc.).
Divide and conquer I guess.
No. 281748
>>281747I’ll preface this with saying that I have no idea what people in other countries are like but…
I feel like people in the US (I am American) are very superficial compared to specifically Europeans and likely to get into debt for lifestyle.
If any other anons care to correct me, please do. This is just my one-sided perception.
No. 281752
>>281740I'm an Amerifag, but the shitposting never bothered me much. Every country has problems if you dig deep enough, and I admit that certain things are pretty fun to take the piss. Yet I also agree that Trump is a yuge embarrassment and there's certain things about living here that make me deeply ashamed like our views about healthcare, education, and debts.
Sometimes I think we come across as a first world country only in superficialities.
Imo it's okay to be patriotic. I personally can't fathom living in any other country, and I say that as someone who's traveled.
I really love the landscapes, the variety of americana, the different cultures, the food, the history, etc.
The problem is people who use nationalism to disguise certain agendas like racism, sexism, and militarization.
No. 281781
>>281747(OG amerifag poster here) Yeah, I have massive student-loan dept and no job in my field. I’ve worked my ass off, full time (also going to school full time) just to afford rent and school supplies. Now I’m graduated and I’m a much worse position. I almost wish I would have never gone to school, even though it was like a magical escape from my family life.
>>281752I get that. I’m glad there are people here who still feel patriotic, but have all their screws in place. The healthcare here is so horrible though… I lost a parent because they were diagnosed with a disease we simply couldn’t afford to fight. Sometimes I wonder if they’d still be around if we were from somewhere in Europe. It stings.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my tragic bitch-fest everyone. Lolcow can be a strange comfort sometimes.
No. 281796
>>281781>I lost a parent because they were diagnosed with a disease we simply couldn’t afford to fight.1. I'm so sorry for your loss
2. This there is the reason why Europeans tell you that the US isn't the greatest place or anywhere within the top 10. You have people literally dying because they can't afford health care, in a country that calls itself first-world. WTF. I am so sorry this happened to you, it shouldn't have happened and I am glad that my parents are in Germany and will most likely never face something like this.
Sometimes Americans can be hilariously clueless, but most times I just want to rescue you from your shitty country, because no one deserves that shit.
No. 281799
>>281781Come to Europe, you'll find a good job asap if you have studied. Living costs are different in each country but it is manageable overall.
If you become a citizen, you can bring your family to Europe too
>EU citizens working in Germany can bring their family, including spouses, children aged under 21, parents and grandparents, as long as they are financially secured and can provide enough living space. … Family members do not require a work permit to take up employment.Healthcare is cheap and good, so you won't worry to lose your loved ones or to get broke
No. 281801
>>281740You sound like the American stereotype I hate the most, the SJW, PC kind.
Jesus, go eat a hamburger or something, the problem with you guys is wanting to be the center of the attention every fucking time.
No. 281818
>>281801And you sound like the kind I hate.
What a mad world.
No. 281827
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>tfw you realize you have no valuable wisdom to share bc you've either learned everything the hard way or would be a hypocrite bc you're actively fucking up
No. 281838
>>281827I'm sure you have some "valuable" thoughts,
especially after learning it the hard way.
Something I discovered - breathing exercises. So good for stress and anxiety, and in my case, for inspiration. I recommend it to everyone around me for really any reason lol. But yeah, helped me greatly. You don't have to be into yoga or believe in some spiritual mumbo jumbo to practice breathing techniques. I also like meditation but for some reason people really look down on it, so I'm even embarrassed to recommend it here, anonymously… but if you are all stress and nerves, try it for few days and see if it works for you.
No. 282032
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Put the past behind you, that's how you'll be able to move on. Yeah we all made mistakes, took a bad turn somewhere but we need to not dwell on it and keep looking right in front of us. To often I make myself miserable by seeking hurtful memories, obsessing over when and were I went wrong, and it never brings any good.
No. 282060
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Like another anon said, live for yourself. At the end of the day no one really gives a fuck what you do as long as you're not doing any serious damage.
Also, try not to get too wrapped up in strangers lives. If you're isolated try taking up a hobby or something.
No. 282563
Start doing whatever you want to do NOW. Learning a new language, taking up cooking classes, whatever it is, DO IT NOW. I recently graduated and realized that until now I never really knew what it was like to actually receive delayed gratification. Not just a few month's delayed gratification like weightloss, years worth gratification. And I also never knew the feeling of not being able to do things due to lack of time because it's too late. I always wanted to go to med school but didn't get in and… I now see that I never will. Or at least not the way I hoped to (finishing it by the time I'm in my late 20s). All the things I wanted to do and be by this age, all those doors are closed. They are going to close for you too.
And if you have mental health issues, DEAL WITH THEM NOW. Because you
will have to deal with them, and avoiding it accomplishes nothing, it just adds regret to the pile of things to deal with.
>>282030What about supporting shit you want to see more of?