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No. 282036
A few years ago, my friends planned a birthday lunch for me, and some friend of a friend invited herself (never met this woman before) and then spent the whole lunch pitching her MLM. She didn't even order anything to eat, just kept asking for water from the wait staff. She brought a tablet and everything and was playing videos, tried to show us some fucking powerpoint presentation. The girl who knew her was so embarrassed, claimed she had no idea that was going to happen. Pretty much ruined the lunch, but at least the cake was good I guess.
My dad also bought into Amway when I was a kid, we just ended up using all the stuff ourselves, garage was full of the crap for years.
I don't know how to get people to avoid this stuff, it seems so obviously a scam.
Does Landmark Forum count as an MLM? 'cause I lost a friend to that AND a vitamin MLM, claimed Landmark cured his depression, and that the vitamins cured his diabetes.
No. 282038
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God this shit is so irritating. Had an acquaintance everyone called "Camel Joe" because he looked like the fucking camel cigarette mascot. He got into this shit with his wife and invited me out for lunch at Panera only to start trying to pimp out this shit. Not gonna lie, the presentation was really well put together and looked really professional (the conferences with these people is mind blowing), but like hell I was going to buy fucking $600 worth of no name makeup and other bullshit and have it sit in my house or a landfill for eternity. "I have something really cool I wanna share with you that I think you'll like!" Don't fall for it, you'll waste an hour of your life trying to eat a sandwich and not look at them like they grew 3 heads.
No. 282049
>>282045They work if you get in early and live off lower members' sales, it's a pyramid scheme.
but it's impossible to predict which MLMs will actually take off.
No. 282052
I'm not in America and I've heard make up companies like Mary Kay and Avon are considered to be MLMs there? I mean, they obviously are, but are they considered scams? My mom was their "consultant" or whatever it's called, but I don't think she lost any money.
My ex-neighbor in her 40s got involved into some MLM with bitcoin. You have to pay 500+ dollars (huge amount of money in my country) to become a participant and they supposedly convert it to bitcoin and trade it or something so that you get interest. She was saying that she'd get money doing nothing after the investment, then it turned out she actually had to recruit new participants to get humiliatingly small payments. She doesn't work, is in debt and is just sitting at home calling people and trying to convince them that she's a millionaire who needs new employees. She also spends her own money on some stupid courses on how to become a rich person, how to entice a man, how to become a "real woman", etc. The courses are provided by the same MLM, they tell everyone that it's essential to become successful in their company. I saw those videos, it's fucking horrible, they're conducted by nasty looking middle-aged men who don't know how to put a sentence together. Yet she was watching them religiously and was hoping to get married to one of those men in her company eventually. She's still getting no money and still denies it's a scam, she believes it's her fault because she's a woman and lacks intellect to do business with men.
Not related to the MLM but she's also religious, prays every morning and night so loudly you can hear her two floors down. She's been going out to dates but they've all been unsuccessful. She believes that a man should provide everything for the woman so that she shouldn't work, but she doesn't even know how to cook basic things and thinks that sex once a month is more than enough. I'm still wondering what she thinks is so great about her that she's desirable for any millionaire out there… She's divorced and has no children, keeps in touch with her ex-husband even though he beat the shit out of her. She believes it's all her fault, she should've been more patient or something. And also, she was a terrible neighbor, I've never had so many fights with anyone in my life before.
No. 282542
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if you guys see job listings for this company, stay sharp, i think it's a scam if not some kind of pyramid scheme. only alternative is that i happened to get a really derpy representative who lied through her teeth at the expense of the company.
i applied to do ""consumer outreach"" (lol) with them under the impression it would just be part time product demos or something, with pay per hour. lady seemed very excited about my resume, gave me a phone interview, long story short
>no wage per hour, pay by commission only
>$20 per customer obtained
>customer outreach employees have to scramble to sign up to get events every week to try to get customers, first come first serve
obviously this sounds sketchy and unreliable so i ask her the minimum amount of customers i can expect to get per event and the minimum amount of events i can expect to do per week, if any. she seems thrown off that i even asked and after uhming and ahhing claims that i can expect, on average, a minimum of 20 customers an event, 3 events a week. And that's after I got clarification that you can't just casually do events as infrequently as you like, because if you miss one week you'll be last in line to get events the next week, etc.
after getting off the phone i did the math for the "minimum" commissioned pay for this entry-level, part time job and it would be ~$57,600 a year. Somehow I really fucking doubt it.
Sure enough I got an email back abrubtly about how they "decided not to move forward" with me hmmm.
Anyway, if this company ends up being the next LLR, you heard it here first!
No. 282571
>>282026My stepmother is an Amway zombie.
She's trying to become a diamond since 15 years now but she only makes 200 at most.
She only talks about Amway. She listens to motivational cds all day long. When my father died she tried to sell vitamins to everyobody saying that they were going to help calming the grief.
Since she doesn't make a dime selling supplements and awful smelly detergents I tried a few times to tell her to try selling the makeup and she went rabid on me.
This shit is cultish and crazy. Stay away from those Amway Zombies.
No. 282583
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I can't wait until all of the losers I went to high school with start hitting me up
No. 282693
God, this thread reminded me why I ghosted my former best friend from college some years ago. She was all cool and chill to hang out back then, but the decided to get some work because she needed money. She then told me that she started to go to some events that are finacial services related. After that she said the continued to go to some training program of the company (with a bunch of friends of hers). And this was when things started to suck being friends with her bc at this point she had to look for people to check their insurances in order to earn some money. So started to ask me out of the blue if I was interested in one of those things she offered to help to save money, but I always told her kindly that I wasn't interested. Things got so bad that even a "No" wasn't expected and whenever she started to talk about this subject about insurances and other finacial things she went about a lecture why I really, REALLY needed this.
I got annoyed about everything and as I mentioned, ghosted her because she was just interested to get you in one of those programs she offered. And checking on her, it seems like she works full time there now.
>>282038And I like to add, this meme is creepy accurate because she was obsessed with this "The secret" book lol
No. 282808
>>282693>she was obsessed with this "The secret" book lolOne of my friends kept playing the audiobook version in their car when we went shopping together, it was really awkward. For the life of me those inspirational/self help books do nothing.
Plus the writer of that book is a total quack, like blaming the Japanese for the Tohoku earthquake and nuclear disaster.
No. 282819
>>282816Yeah, Pampered Chef is an MLM as well. IMO some like Pampered Chef, Avon and Stampin Up that are advertised far less aggressively compared to the health-related MLMs.
The main detriment of a bad MLM is that they function like a pyramid scheme where recruiting and paying for the product before selling it is a large factor. That’s why so many people go into debt with shit like Lularoe and Verve
No. 282998
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If you all haven’t read through this series, I strongly recommend it. It’s a long series, but it’s hilarious and tragic and illuminating. No. 283063
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Recently I found the social media accounts of an old friend. After getting sober she became a Mormon and now shills Purium, a line of naturopathic supplements for weight loss and "detox".
Purium's sales strategy is a bit different from that of most MLMs, as described on this site. No. 283070
>>282850I guess it's different for every country they try to their shit in. I'm not American, but these Avon people I see (irl and on social media) seem to be desperate as fuck. They seem to be spending a fortune on fb and instagram advertisement (fb ads have virtually no use for you if you don't already have a huge following but idk about insta adverts), very often pretend to be super famous and totally rich beauty gurus despite obviously lacking any decent skills at doing their own basic bitch makeup and never tell anyone publicly what a product costs.
When people comment why prices are not public and only available via dm, they act like you just insulted the queen and should be ashamed for even considering to ask. When people point out that these ladies are not some well-known beauty gurus, they get super pissed and claim that these people are just haters or don't know how the internet works.
Idk if this behavior is a reaction to whatever pressure-tactics the company uses to make their victims sell more stuff or if this kind of mlm just attracts the worst kind of people.
No. 283171
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Just saw this. I feel so terrible for this man. This is why I hate MLMs.
No. 283370
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>I have a parent who will monitor our budget for the next 5 years. If I want to buy a car or a house, I'll need to get permission from the trustee first.Imagine being a grown ass adult and having to have your mom monitor your purchases
No. 283393
Anyone else waiting on more info to come up about the Watts family? They were sellers for the MLM Thrive and had been over 400k in debt a few years ago. Super fucking creepy murder case for anyone that hasn't heard about it yet.
>>283238>bored spouses with too much money just eat that shit up That's what bothers me a lot with MLMs, most of the time the "successful" sellers have a spouse that already has a decent income and insurance from their job.
No. 283662
>>282026Oh god, my mom's being doing Rodan + Fields for a while now. I think the starter kit was about $500, but honestly I don't think she had to buy it, since orders are generally placed online through a "consultant" website, from my understanding.
I keep trying to get her to stop, but she makes up dumb fucking excuses like "I'm my OWN BOSS" and "I just have to WORK my BUSINESS". She's a part of several Facebook groups, too, and ENDLESSLY shills people she hasn't talked to in years. I honestly don't know how she got into R+F, especially after she's done the shitty Mary Kay thing. To be fair though, R&F is one of the better MLMs, and although their products are very much overpriced, they do work pretty well. It's almost funny to see the consultants defend all the shitty products. Oh well. I'm just glad she's not with Younique, or some snake oil thing.
No. 284004
>>282026What's funny to me is that people are going to be on the look-out for sales and work a lot of hours to get maybe $300 a month when they could have just picked a small job and saved a ton of time and their friend's sanity.
I'm from Europe so MLMs are not that much of a thing and I'm pretty sure if they try too much of their crap here, the government might come down on them pretty hard. Businesses are much more regulated here than in the US so maybe that's why.
I actually saw a friend of a friend get into Younique recently but since she never tried to shill it to me, I'm not mentioning anything to her about the massive scam she's in. She gets barely 6 likes on her insta posts so me think she'll quit soon. To her credit, she makes good use of the makeup and doesn't look like the stuff you see on /r/youniqueamua
>That time I probably made it look like I was shilling HerbalifeOk so story time, I moved recently to California and my bf's mom brought me to a smoothie / health related shop she likes. I got one called the birthday shake or something, it was honestly super good. Since I liked it, she then got me the powder and mix to make it at home and I guess the company is Herbalife but I had no idea that it was a MLM, or even what a MLM was at the time. But I liked making those shakes from time to time as a snack.
Fast forward to a few weeks and a friend's gf is sick and can't eat solid food and I'm trying to be nice and create relationships, so I tell her I got some Herbalife shakes if she want some, and I could bring it to her ? She politely tells me no and that she knew the company since she was a distributor at some point. It seemed a tad weird to me at that time how she absolutely didn't want some but eh.
Be me now and realize I probably sounded like a lame sales pitch for the company without even realizing !
Anyway, I'm lucky to not run too often into MLMs but I'm kinda saddened that you can't go to a county fair without seeing so many Scentsy or Lipsence stalls. I'd rather see homemade stuff :/
No. 672090
>Saging because long personal story.
I knew this MLM hun who sold LuLaRoe and never liked her much but she was in my greater social circle. Just acquaintences for a couple years.
Then one day my husband suddenly has a seizure and is rushed to the hospital. Long story short, he has glioblastoma (fast-moving, incurable brain cancer) and needs emergency brain surgery.
He’s in the hospital for two weeks and I tell our friends what happened so they can come visit him.
The LuLaRoe bitch - without asking me - sets up a big LuLaRoe sale in her shop UNDER HIS NAME to “fundraise” a small percentage of the sales for him. I didn’t like this at all, because my husband and I both think LuLaRoe is a horrible company and don’t want any association with it. We certainly don’t want our family tragedy used as a sales strategy for LuLaRoe!
I didn’t want to start shit with her, and this was the day after his surgery when he’s still in the ICU, so I just politely asked if she could at least link our gofundme fundraising link on any page where she’s using my husband’s name to sell things. She was like “yeah :) sure! that’s fine!” and continued plastering my husband’s name all over her LuLaRoe social media.
Six months later, it occurs to me we’ve never seen a penny from this. I politely hit her up and ask her about the money. No response. I wait a week and hit her up again. No response again, and then she blocks me. I say “fuck it” and contact LuLaRoe corporate to ask what happened to the money that was allegedly being raised while she used my husband’s name and illness to sell shitty leggings.
I get no response from corporate but then the hun unblocks me and sends me this rage-filled message about HOW DARE I contact corporate and rat her out for ripping me off blah blah blah. At the end of the email, she explains that she decided not to give the proceeds of the fundraiser to us because I “didn’t sound very grateful” when she told me about the fundraiser.
This. Fucking. Bitch. The AUDACITY!
The day after my husband had brain surgery and was still in the ICU, she told us that she set up a LuLaRoe sale in his name using his illness for pity points, even though we already had our own fundraising, and then she has the nerve to claim I’m not grateful enough when she tells me?! The day she told me was right after his emergency brain surgery, when we still didn’t know if he’d ever walk again, and I still tried to be gracious and polite to her about the fundraiser. Even though I hated it and thought it was a disgusting cash grab. And she has the audacity to say we weren’t grateful enough, so she refuses to give the money fundraised in his name.
I’ve never been madder in my life, and to be honest, I didn’t even want the money. It was the principle of it. How dare she use his name in LuLaRoe sales at all, let alone not even kick him back the “fundraising” percentage.
>Sorry I’m getting really mad typing this. I know it’s blogging but hopefully it’s on topic enough for the thread.
I heard through friends of friends that she recently had a family tragedy, and I do feel sorry for her. But it has also taken a lot of restraint for me not to message her and be like “Oh hey hun XOXO I heard about your awful tragedy and I decided to use to to sell pyramid scheme products. I didn’t check with you before I put the sale up, I hope that’s okay with you. :) Be sure to take a few minutes from your grief to grovel at me about how grateful you are, otherwise I might just decide you don’t deserve the money anymore. Ok?”
I wouldn’t actually do that but dear god is it tempting.
No. 2020670
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SOMETIMES, I feel bad for people who are victimized by MLMs, because they're marketed towards women, usually stay at home moms or women that are struggling financially and would benefit from "passive income" so they don't have to get a second job. The fact that MLMs can proliferate the way they do, for so long, before some oversight board swings the hammer down on them, is criminal. Then, the people that get obsessed with MLMs and go down that rabbit hole get essentially brainwashed. Some MLMs will encourage you to STOP interacting with people that "discourage your vision/business mindset", sort of like a cult telling you to abandon loved ones if they don't join the cult. Then, the victim of the MLM becomes insufferable to everyone that comes in contact with them. And they're always shilling the same shit - some powder you add water to for weight-loss slop, a bunch of weird generic pills in 10 tonnes of plastic that gets shipped to you week to week, garbage ass shitty clothing that NOBODY actually wants to wear, it goes on and on. Fuck. I fucking hate MLMs.