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No. 286619
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>>286617can you not fuck up noah's face next time? she isnt fucked up face wise.
No. 286665
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>>286619I mean… clearly she's had a lot of work done, to the point where she resembles Detox the drag queen, so arguably her face is at least a bit fucked up considering how young she is. but I agree that the thread pic is photoshopped to hell and back
No. 286672
Ive got three sisters, but I’m the hottest one by default because one is a troon and the other is tragic, and the third is baby, so thanks genetics. I had a number of bfs when my sister was going through puberty and I think it fucked her up because she’s always been too shy to talk to guys. She’s never had a relationship and I’m pretty sure half the reason she’s turned fakeboi is because she thinks it’ll grant her attention and adoration without trying. But I’m reality, it just made her look like shrek, and people avoid her more than before. I used to give her makeovers and do her hair and she’d be hotter than me if she put in the effort, but effort isn’t really her style, so it’s an ego boost, albeit a depressing one. My other sister, the tragic one, has a different dad and inherited his man face, backne, and crazy eyes, so she’s never given me much competition. If you wanna talk about cousins though, I have two that are top tier goddesses, so they put me back in my place. I guess I’ve been blessed to be born into the role of “big fish, small pond” in my ugly family.
No. 286703
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>>286665I was wondering if Noah was a half sister from an Asian mom until I looked up older photos of her like this one. The combination of black hair dye and bad plastic surgery (she's only 18 too, WTF), is making it look like she switched ethnicities.
No. 286764
>Have you got any sister? Do you get along?
Yes, 3 years younger and we get along really well.
>Which one is hotter?
She is waaaay hotter kek. Like, blonde hair blue eyed tanned cheerleader stereotype (literally, a nationally competitive cheerleader and she's RIPPED with a super athletic body with a perfect butt). She got the prettier features too. I think I will age better though, I've always been better about sunscreen and skincare and she already has visible wrinkles.
>If it's her, does it affect you and/or viceversa?
Doesn't really affect me, I love her so I'm happy when she has good things. She also absolutely deserves her body, she works really hard for it. And as conventionally attractive as she is, that's not my 'type'. I prefer dark hair, slimmer/softer bodies etc, and her makeup/fashion style is definitely not my taste. My only concern is that if I ever brought a bf around he would probably find her hot, but I'm not interested in dating. I've never found her bfs very attractive either so I don't get jealous in that respect.
No. 286767
>Have you got any sister?
>Do you get along?
>Which one is hotter?
She's not "hot", because she's just 13, but she's definitely a lot more attractive than I am.
>If it's her, does it affect you and/or viceversa?
Yes, it does.
I was always the typical mousy, brown haired, green eyed, pale, unpopular - or rather "invisible" child, she's blond, blue eyed and already had admirers when she was in kindergarten. When we traveled abroad everybody was crazy about her, since she really did look angelic.
I've been shy all my life, meanwhile she talks non-stop.
When I was young our parents didn't have a lot of money, meaning I only wore flee market stuff. Now they're wealthier so she gets spoiled.
I can't even say I'm the more intelligent one, since she's pretty smart as well.
When I was her age I was even skinnier when she's now, but then I turned ana and the yoyo effect that followed made me fat.
I'm scared that soon she's an adult, grows to be as tall as me, but still has a perfect body, meaning the differences between us would be even more jarring. Right now I can use her being a kid and me being taller as an excuse for being so much larger…
Even if I sometimes want to, I try not to critic her looks or outfits etc, so that she doesn't turn out as insecure and socially stunted as I am.
No. 287169
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My sister is 10 years older than me, 28-29 years old. She has a baby and just got married.
She really used to take care of me with my big brother when I was little, they were fighting over who is going to give me a bath, feed me etc. We had been staying in the same room and sleep in the same bed for a decent time until she left for uni.
My relationship with her is kind of neutral, we'd sometimes get in fights, as normal siblings do. She does try to ask me about my whereabouts and give advice but she sounds like my parents WAY too much at times which really sets me off, she also often takes their place. She sometimes offers to give me her unused clothes but we have a different taste, but I gadly take her makeup when she gives me something she doesn't use.
Appearance wise she is taller and a bit skinnier but she has always been super athletic so is her build, while you'd call me skinnyfat. I really believe she is prettier than me, but my fam says otherwise, maybe they are trying not to make me feel bad, kek.
No. 287676
>Have you got any sister? Do you get along?
Got a sister, older than me by 4 years. It's a weird thing. She fakes being nice and we get along almost like an act. It's a very two faced thing she does. There's always a plan to everything she does. No matter how nice she is I know it's not real.
>Which one is hotter?
If it's her, does it affect you and/or viceversa?
My family has always said I was the more attractive one (not in front of her for obvious reasons). There's a story to this. Growing up she made sure my self esteem was rock bottom. When she was nice and said she'd make me pretty she lied and would sabatoge me. Hair was so damaged by bleach because she claimed to know what she was doing. 40 volume 5 times in a day. Rest in peace my scalp. She'd do my makeup horrendously as a child and young teen then get her friends and laugh with them.
Anyway, having family back me up in my appearance has been somewhat healing but I'll always be very critical about myself. My family has always said she was jealous and that's why she did it. I'm not entirely sure why she hates me, she hated me the day I was born according to my mom.
In appearance we are the complete opposite and I think growing up I stood out more because of that. She has medium olive skin with dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. I had bright white blonde hair, pale skin and light eyes. Which I'm not saying medium skin and dark eyes are bad at all, it's just that in my family everyone looks a certain way so it was a shock to them the way I looked.
You might ask how I fell for her every time she'd try to "help" me but I was very naive, I thought each time she was nice she was trying to bond with me and we'd be best friends like I saw in tv shows or movies. She wasn't. It took me a bit to figure it out.
Sorry this ended up as a little vent.
How I affect her, not very well.
She has also lied to me, when I started to embrace my femininity and curves (I began to take care of myself and not think I was ugly like she got me to believe) she began to say my family thought I was a slut and being indecent etc. That I should cover up more. It turns out it was because her boyfriend fancied me. She knows my self esteem is fragile still, we'll never get along I'm confident about that.
No. 287680
>>286672>one is a troonMtf or FtM?
If you say MtF you are encouraging female erasure, stop it.
No. 287741
I have a sister who is 7 years younger than me. I left home at 21, so I didn't really have the sister-experience, only the "pick her up from kindergarten and look after her every Wednesday evening" one, so she's still a child to me. It's weird to say, but she's dopier looking than me (looks more than my dad, I'm basically 95% mom), but still pretty. Her features aren't that angular, so she's really pretty in pictures and she puts a lot more effort in her hair and makeup than me. She's also the more social one, and used to do sports, while I'm … on lolcow. I'm not jealous of her at all, I mean she grew up with a lot more freedoms than me (my parents were strict af when I was a kid), and she still seems to feel like she's in contest with me (calculates how much my parents spend on me the once a year they see me (I live abroad) and demands the same amount of presents like wtf, I didn't even ask for the money/stuff because I work), but I don't feel like that at all.
Idk, I never thought about my baby sister in terms of hotness. It seems weird to me to make a contest out of that shit. Did your parents encourage it or something?
No. 300023
>Have you got any sister? Do you get along?
Two, I'm the oldest. One is a year younger than me (20) And the other is three years younger (18)
>Which one is hotter?
My 20 year old sister is the hottest of the three of us, and I'm second. She's got dark curly hair and dark brown eyes, olive skin, and is thinner with wider hips.
I've got really pale skin and blue eyes and freckles, and am shorter and curvier. I'd still say she's the hot one, and I'm… idk the cute one? (now at least.)
Our youngest sister is unfortunate looking. She's got curly hair, but not in the same way my 20 yr old sister does, hers is really frizzy… and her face hasn't changed since she was around 10. She just has boobs now, no waist.
>If it's her, does it affect you and/or viceversa?
When we were younger, she was LEAGUES ahead of me bc our parents always favored her. She was allowed to get makeup (and the expensive shit, from like sephora) years before I was despite being younger, our mom took her shopping at the mall, etc etc, that sort of thing.
She would pretend she didn't know me at school, and I was bullied a lot, so it did affect our relationship for a long time, but we're decently close now, so it wasn't irreparable. (It also helped that she finally acknowledged our parents treated her differently than me.)
No. 302462
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I have a younger sister, with an age difference of 6 years. We get along well.
Comparing 'hotness' is weird. Neither of us is hot. We are both plain Janes albeit in different ways. I'm thinner, more feminine in clothing and grooming, and actually look younger but I think my sis has a better figure and her more androgynous fashion sense looks intentional and well cultivated. I think our difference in appearance has caused more issues for my sis because I know my mom has gotten on her case to present more femininely (trying to get her to wear makeup, or dresses and heels). For all my mom has gotten on her case she's had more romantic success.
Honestly all the young women in the family are just OK looking lol. We have admitted it to each other, "We're a very average looking family aren't we?"
"Yeah we look OK, we're not beautiful but at least we aren't hideous."
No. 302475
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I have three.
One is only half sister, 14 years older, pretty successful, is married (to an asshole, but alas), works for the government so she has a pretty fat bank account, travels abroad regularly with her children, not much contact aside from family reunions by the end of the year or other important events.
Then I have two "full" sisters: They are twins, 4 years older than me. When we were younger I'd say we'd get along quite well, but we started to get too different by the time I was reaching my teenage years.
One became a total religious freak by the age of 11 and it got worse with time; she once cried because she saw me reading a magazine with Charles Darwin on the cover (and I was actually reading an article about weight loss, but okay). I thought (think?) she was a bit dull, like her humor was very… granny like? I guess because she literally has the mentality of a 40's housewife, her sense of humor was never funny for me, and I'd always have awkward interactions with her when we talked and she tried to joke. But I usually got pretty mad when she was too preachy (which was a lot), to the point of always having dreams that I was confronting her. She once wrote over a new book I was gifted in christimas and let her read first because she didn't agree with it (??), and that makes me mad to this day. She's now off to Canada, and will come visit us soon.
Then there's her twin. I usually got along with her better, because she is not a religious freak, but damn, things got sour in the least 3 or so years. I sometimes really hate her now. She's become lazier and more entitled. She's almost 30, and I wish she'd just leave the house already. She always was the ~thin pretty sister~, but she has aged very badly (to the point that my bf told me in secret that he first tought that she was much, much older), so I get some small satisfaction in that. Awful, I know, but I can't help it. She'd mock me a couple of times (jokingly, sometimes, but still stuck with me) about my weight, so I also get some small satisfaction that my body is a bit better than hers and my face, although still busted, didn't age as badly as her (maybe because I don't tan constantly and never rubbed alcohol in my face for a long period of time). Once her and my mom had a huge, huge fight because I accidentally was wearing her shirt (I legit thought she'd gave it away, she sometimes give me a bag of clothes she doesn't want anymore and I thought that shirt was included). Funny part, she is still with a jacket that is mine (the religious sister gave it to back back in 2011) and she never gave it back. It's been like 6 months and I already gave up. Anyway, back to the fight, I legit thought that my mom would have like a heart attack. She was turning purple. I cried so much and was literally shaking even an hour after the whole thing was solved between my mom and her, it was so stressful. Anyway, the less we see eachother, the more I can tolerate her.
Sorry, this end up being a fucking bible. Sage for gigantic blogpost, but it was good to vent about my sisters.
No. 313450
>>286665She looked much cuter before, not perfect, but Miley has a squash for a nose too, didn't stop her from faking it till she made it. Did she actually get cheek and a chin implant on top of the nose job? Jesus, she'll look like Mickey Rourke in no time.
I have two sisters, one step, and one half, and they're both really attractive. I'm satisfied with myself too. Middle sis was a wild child, had four kids by two baby daddies, and is now pretty enough that she was still able to find a new good looking dude that she's in a longterm relationship with. Youngest sis is still unattached but if I find her a nice, good looking dude I'll try to hook her up. No rivalry, I've been married for years.
>>287680MtF aren't female, anon. Sex isn't gender.
>>302475Did those twins not get enough oxygen in the womb or something? They both sound legitimately retarded, anon.