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No. 288451
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My degenerate ass is going to the arcade on Halloween. Alone. It'll be fun tho.
No. 288516
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>>288484I'm from Ireland too. I used to love the ceremony of cutting up a barmbrack to see who would get the ring, even though I absolutely hated the taste of it. (wiki link for context:
Fireworks are illegal here but they get smuggled in around Halloween and New Years. They always start going off wayyy before Halloween though. I saw the first ones of the season tonight.
No. 288522
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Dumping some costumes
No. 288523
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No. 288524
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No. 288525
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No. 288526
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No. 288527
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No. 288561
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I'm not celebrating this year, but one year I hope to make a costume of this character. I still gotta learn makeup fx and prop-making
No. 288572
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>>288524I usually don't like super common costumes but this one is actually pretty cute and well executed
Every Halloween I eat candy and watch the Classic Disney Halloween trio; Hocus Pocus, Under Wraps, and Halloweentown. Along with actual spooky movies like the original 1978 Halloween.
I hope to do something fun with my bf this year, because last year I accidentally slept through Halloween and he had to work.
Sometimes I do wish I could throw a small Halloween party and make all those cute Halloween themed treats you see on pinterest and shit but I don't think I'd be a very good host and I only have like my bf and best friend to invite lmao.
No. 288591
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>not realising there are countries where october is in spring
No. 288605
>>288591you right. how terrible of us to not think of every possible type of person before speaking casually about common traditions.
ok ladies what are your favorite spooky things to do in autumn OR SPRING IF YOU'RE IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE #alltimezonesmatter #stopaussieerasure #nofarmerleftbehind
No. 289908
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We don't really celebrate halloween in my country, but we have a couple of costume parties around that time so I'm hoping I get to go this year.
My birthday is also on 31st so I hold a small party for my friends with spooky music and as many halloween decorations as I can find in dollar stores and stuff. We mostly just eat and get drunk tho.
I'm a cosplayer and a goth, but I rarely ever wear a costume. Mostly halloween is an excuse for me to wear my more OTT and obnoxious pieces like full on gothic lolita coords, period clothing or cyber gear. So I think my costume this year will be "drunk vampire" as usual. I just attach those plastic aliexpress costume "bloodbags" to my skirt. It's a good way to smuggle booze into clubs also lmao.
No. 289949
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What do you guys think?
Other idea was to be Mavis from Hotel Transylvania or Wednesday Addams
No. 290062
>>288591Autumn traditions around the world, including from the southern hemisphere are on topic, as are any holidays or festivals concerning the dead, spirits or supernatural creatures regardless of the time of year they take place.
For instance:
Dia de los Muertos
Festa della Befana
Walpurgis Night
Gai Jatra
Yu Lan, or the Hungry Ghost Festival
Fed Gede
Mari Lwyd
All Souls Day
Bonfire Night
>>290038Is it considered acceptable for adults to trick or treat in your country anon? I don't think that would go down too well where I live. The oldest kids who come to my door are about 12-13.
No. 300061
>>289949what should I type into my search bar to find these tights and arm stockings ? They look so cool. I guess I could paint them with makeup but I'm worried it would wear off…
It would be PERFECT if I wanted to dress as one of Hans Bellmer's dolls.
No. 300196
>>290062hungry ghost festival is in august. autumn moon festival is the HK/chinese tradition.
you missed moon festival and tsukimi. don't associate every culture with halloween.
No. 300321
>>300061I saw the tights in Hot Topic if you want to try locally first. Not sure where to find the arm stockings but makeup could be the next best bet. Only other way I can think of is using panty hose and cutting the feet off then paint them. I got the image source from typing in BJD tights
Here's a tutorial if you're interested: No. 300330
>>290062>All Souls DayAll Saints' Day is actually closer to Halloween as it's the day after. All Souls' day is 2 november.
It has nothing to do with dressing up or candy though but more with remembering the dead and visiting graves. It used to be a pretty boring holiday for kids (full of grave visiting) until the last years we're getting more influence from the US.
No. 304224
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Ok so, I usually go all out for Halloween but have been feeling burnt out from work. Still want to dress up as something simple, was thinking of getting this jacket and a pink wig and being Momokun.
The cost of the jacket is way less than my usual materials I buy. What y’all think?
No. 304231
>>304229Yeah, that’s true. Running into any of her actual fans by some chance would probably be gross too.
Maybe better off mix and matching stuff from my closet and wearing contacts lol
No. 304351
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was thinking of going as genderbent King Tut
No. 305953
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I found a dress that reminds me of Vanessa from the Bee Movie
No. 305959
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I'm dressing as Jiro Ono for Halloween but now after reading this thread that seems extremely dumb. Ah well.
No. 306207
>>306155It's not celebrated in my country either but I'm still inviting some friends over and we're gonna dress up and watch spooky movies. I'm also gonna bake some halloween themed food.
I feel your pain but you can still organize something with your friends.
No. 306275
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>>306238was about to say the same but felt like that would be too debbie downer of me kek
my plans for halloween are to crave a baby pumpkin and make pic attached and watch Hocus Pocus.
bit shit it falls on a wednesday tho, wish i could laze around all day but have to go to uni in the morning
No. 307837
File: 1539255260326.jpeg (18.88 KB, 259x194, 1EAEBC9C-C57C-41F2-B9A1-3FA09D…) bday is around halloween so last year i threw a party in that spirit
:9 and baked these (with some modifications) and everyone loved them!
(sorry about the shitty image resolution, couldn’t find any better because they’d apparently removed the recipe from the original website)
No. 307879
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>>306273I'm a friendless shut in and I celebrate Halloween by carving a pumpkin, - the first jack-o-lanterns were carved from turnips if you can't get pumpkins in your country - making seasonal crafts, decorating my house, watching comfy, spooky kids movies like Paranorman and Coraline, burning autumnal scented candles, drinking tea or hot chocolate and eating sweets. It can still be fun by yourself!
No. 308129
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>>307845I love it too. I don't know if you've seen Over the Garden Wall but it's nice and gets the autumn feels down well in my opinion.
Anyway, all October I only watch horror movies and read horror books (basically a ton of Stephen King). On Halloween my husband and I carve pumpkins and since this is the first time we're in a house I hope we get some trick-or-treaters coming by.
I kind of want to do a costume like the kid in front, both because I like old Halloween imagery and because I'm cheap/lazy and have a lot of burlap fabric hanging around. Plus I feel like there's a strange eeriness to costumes like that.
No. 312724
Bumping this thread for ideas.
Do you have any easy ideas for costume that only requires clothing like
>>288522 >>288524 ?
The last year I went as female ace ventura, was so easy. This year i'm thinking about disneybounding but i'm not sure, any ideas?
No. 314740
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This year I am tired of not celebrating Halloween, since it's not common here, so I'm hosting a party for about 50 persons. I hope it all goes well.
Initially I thought of dressing up as a nechromancer widow and my bf would be my zombie husband (I would resurrect him after the murder because I missed him, lol) but bf didn't quite liked the idea, so we're going out as Hell King and Queen or something
No. 318948
>>318945Update: he was mostly very confused about the event and had a slip out of the stroller that was kinda dramatic which made us wrap up lol…
But then he got to help carve the pumpkin and was utterly fascinated by the Jack o lantern. Was fun to see.