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No. 288921
>>288166It is cheaper to apply directly in Europe but you have to prepare and provide a lot of paperwork yourself which can be time consuming and complicated. If you apply through an Amarican uni it's a lot more expensive but the paperwork will be served on a tablet for you.
I would suggest you apply for unis in the Netherlands since it's cheap and a lot of courses are in English, so you don't have to learn the language.
No. 295781
>>295779I have a friend there who has touted it as a freaking utopia.
I wanna go check it out, maybe I’ll come home, maybe I won’t.
No. 295786
>>295781They are lying lmao
As for spanish search for argentinian shows in YouTube/Netflix since their spanish slang/flow is the closest
No. 295798
>>295793Do you know perhaps how much would the average monthly costs be?
I'd like to travel through Peru, Chile, and Uruguay, but I'd like to stay longer there.
No. 295802
Dunno why that autocorrect pen to cant
No. 295804
>>295801Thank you. That sounds wonderful.
>>295800Why not?
I've been through some major cities in the west europe and they didn't strike me as the safest.
I don't intend to go deep in the woods somewhere.
No. 295807
>>295804To add, I wouldn't even consider going to somewhere like Brazil or Venezuela, Colombia or some central American countries because I've heard that there, in particular, are devastating rates of femicide.
But Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, and Peru have been known to be alright.
No. 295864
>>295807Brazil is not that bad, it depends a lot on the place. Most of the world media will use Rio de Janeiro as an example, and it is in fact one of the worst places there.
By the way, brazilian living the american dream reporting. Didn't have much of a cultural shock, except for being a lot safer. I just miss the food and my family.
No. 296726
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>>296656where in ce are you?
No. 298402
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I'm a dual UK/Irish citizen from England, living with my boyfriend in Australia for most of the year.
I have to fly back every six months or so due to visa restrictions, and not being able to work on my visa drives me nuts (I'm looking into volunteer gardening work just for some kind of interaction with the outside world), but I love the plants, wildlife, and beaches here. The warmth also makes it a lot easier to grow my fruits and vegetables!
I miss my family a lot, and my grandfather passed away earlier this year before I could fly back and say goodbye, so I'm going to make the most of my next visit home in December. I also weirdly miss England a bit despite hating it the entire time I lived there - I keep playing the UK map on Geoguessr just to feel like I'm back there for a little while.
I'm not sure if I'd need Australian citizenship in order to live here permanently (since we intend to get married in the next two years or so), but I'm already a dual citizen and don't particularly want to lose either of my existing citizenships. We need triple citizenships already, I'm greedy
No. 298410
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>>298402I’m not an expert but I think maybe you can have triple citizenship if the countries you hold citizenship with allow dual citizenship? Pic related says you can be a citizen of “other countries” which would be weird to specify if it only meant one other country, I think Irish and Aussie law would be similar as they both allow dual citizenship too
I definitely think it’s possible as even holding dual citizenship with countries that don’t allow it is possible if you’re sneaky (got friends who get by using their citizenships selectively)
I would be surprised if Australia doesn’t allow permanent residence without citizenship though but I know the immigration rules there are super strict so idk
No. 298428
I'm not the one immigrating in this case but I'm trying to import my French fiance and it is a nightmare. He came to stay with me for three months (the limit for tourists) and they held us at the border to interrogate us because they didn't believe he intended to leave after his time was up (he really did). Now we're filing for a permanent visa so he can come here and we can get married and it's such a bad feeling. I'm basically begging the government's permission to be in a relationship. I had to collect signed letters from everyone who met him while he was here, provide proof we're really together, more proof that we intend to actually marry (although I can't actually plan much of anything for the wedding yet since who knows when it'll be), and then we both have to be interviewed separately. Once all that's done, he'll be issued a three month visa, then we have to get married and file more paperwork and basically do it all over again before it expires. And on top of all that, even once he gets the visa, we can be rejected at any step of the way, right down to the guy checking passports as he gets off the flight.
Idiots and skanks get married on a whim during drunken nights in Vegas every day, but I have to spend the next 6-8 months hoping and begging just to be with a guy I've known for a decade and truly love.
>>298402Isn't Australia pretty much permanently in "fuck off we're full" mode nowadays?
>>295807>I wouldn't even consider going somewhere like Brazil or VenezuelaI don't think ANYONE is considering even visiting Venezuela right now
No. 298436
>>298402I'm an American in the process of immigrating to Australia with my partner. I've already lived here a year on a working holiday and have applied for a spouse visa; currently I have a bridging visa while waiting for my spouse visa to be processed, which I can work on without restriction and receive Medicare, but I cannot travel outside the country (if you need to, you can apply for another visa which will permit travel).
You don't need citizenship to live here full time, just permanent residency, but it is EXTREMELY expensive ($7000 AUD for the application alone, this isn't including any other fees like medical and police checks). Even if you get married you still have to apply for the spouse visa and pay out the nose for it, there's literally no way around it if you want to live in Australia. You need tons of proof of your relationship, pictures, chat logs, evidence of a social life, statutory declarations from your (Australian) friends. On top of that, the processing time is about two years - but like I said, you get a bridging visa in the meantime that permits you basic health cover and the ability to live and work in the country.
If you have any other questions let me know. Happy to help.
No. 298769
>>298436I'm intending to move to Aus to be with my boyfriend after the start of 2020. He's been to visit me at the start of 2017, I went to see him at the end of 2017, and now he's coming to see me again in a month.
I am…fucking terrified of this entire process, especially since I've seen a lot of information that bars you from applying for specific visas while you're in the country. From what I had looked into, I'd have to fly back to the states and file for the work/holiday visa while we got the process started for the spousal visa. It would allow me to work and then extend while IN Aus from what I saw.
What was the first visa you got in order to stay?? I'm so confused on the entire process and websites and people are so retarded, (Why call me, you need to call xyz, no call abc, no go to def)
No. 298792
>>298428That seems so hard ! I know a bit about those laws as I considered marrying my american bf (I'm from Europe) and his family knows an old couple just like us. They kept telling us it's just a few paperworks but since they got married years and years ago I'm pretty sure the process got tougher.
Do you think it's as easy as those 90 days fiancé contestants make it seem to be ? I only ever watched one episode, but isn't it highly ironic to showcase people who took advantage of their tourist visa to get married while it's kind of illegal ?
I had a quick look around and I think you can also get married in France, you just need to stay in the country for 40 days. Maybe it'd be easier to get married there and then hire a lawyer to make the wedding official in the US rather than go for the fiancé visa. Either way you'll probably spend a few thousands on it but ultimately it's worth it.
No. 298807
>>298769The first visa I got was a working holiday, which let me work and live in Australia for 12 months. Near the end of my working holiday, we submitted the application for my spouse visa, which automatically granted me bridging visa A at the end of my current visa. Once my working holiday expired, my BVA became active, which is what I'm currently on. My spouse visa is still processing and current wait times are 19-24 months. I can continue to live and work in Australia until my application is processed on this visa.
I hope this clears it up, it's a very confusing process and there's tons of conflicting information out there, and the govt does not help you at all when trying to figure this out. It is MUCH easier to file while in the country and I recommend doing that if you can swing it. I personally just tied up all my loose ends in America before coming here on my working holiday with no intention of going back anytime soon.
No. 299146
>>299145I'll be in Victoria, but I'm gonna try a suburb of Melb to be around. I'm aiming for something in/around the city but not living within the city. And nah dw, any Aussie I've ever met takes the economy as a joke so I knew haha
It's probably a shit job for a temporary position but I'm aiming to be a relief teacher or something in a pre-k or elementary position.
No. 299153
>>299146wait, teaching? I was under the impression that teaching jobs were few and far between and that there were a lot of wanna-be teachers that had to settle for something else.
One of my relos initially did teaching at uni (although that was a while ago) but had to do something else because there were no jobs in VIC at least.
No. 299415
>>299146Ouch. Melbourne suburbs are pricey considering a lot of the houses are heritage and small/chilly. Don’t go Richmond or St Kilda unless you have to imo.
Imo you’d have better luck going slightly more rural. There’s some fairly good Christian schools about an hour out of Melbourne (Warragul sort of area)
Public schools too, but the Christian one has always had really nice kids. Big agriculture program, lots of little cow nerds.
No. 299717
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Can any eurofags confirm if this is true? Do you guys actually judge each other for going to the grocery store in sweatpants?
No. 299725
>>299717blogpost, but i used to live in england. whenever my flatmate and i were lounging around the house in sweats and t-shirts but we needed to walk down the road to tesco for something, he'd always grab jeans and a different t-shirt before we went out. he never said shit to me when i didn't change out of my sweats, but one day when he went to go change and i told him he was fine since it was chilly out, he looked at me like i was insane. i asked why it mattered if we were only going for veg and bread, and who was he trying to impress? he told me that other people would look at him like a lunatic, and although i insisted i wasn't going to the store for the conversation and social interaction and that people could think what they liked, for him it was still important that other people would think he was slobby or weird. for them, lounge clothes definitely don't leave the house unless it's unavoidable. it tended to shock my friends when i told them most americans hit walmart in pajamas and shit on the regular.
the other kids from uni dressed fairly nicely, too. i'm not saying they went all out, but i've gone to american uni and english uni, and while americans went to 8 AMs or even later classes dressed as they pleased, kids in my british uni NEVER came in sweats or sleep pants. i might've seen one or two the entire time i was there. they were always dressed for the day. it definitely motivated me to dress more nicely even when going out to run errands or stop by the school for 5 minutes, but now americans give me shit for "getting all prettied up" for walmart and the dollar tree.
No. 299732
>>299717>Europeans only wear sneackers when they are training at the gym or runningYou should stop reading after this. Such a ridiculous bullshit.
>never seen them wearing tank tops>flip flops>sandalsI'm laughing, like I'm not kidding I fucking laughed.
The only true thing about this idiotic post is that American fashion is more laid-back. People rarely wear sweats outside. Nothing else is correct.