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No. 288244
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Pads most of the time, tampons if my flow gets heavy.
I doubt I can even fit a menstrual cup inside me.
No. 288285
>>288273they are more expensive than pads but they save money in the long run(an are also super convinient and comfortable)
i dont think the brand matters but the size and material.usually there are two standard sizes which accomodate either women less than thirty/that havent given birth and over thirty/who have given birth.however,those sizes arent always suitable for all women(since we are all different inside and all)which can cause discomfort.another factor is the material the cups are made from.some types of materials which are too firm may cause discomfort to some women(from videos ive seen at least)
so in general first and foremost you should know where your cervix is so that you dont get a too short/long cup and choose accordingly.i havent really looked into the problem regarding the material tbh since i've been pretty lucky with my cup
aside from looking more into it yourself,it would probably be better to ask a gyneologist if you're uncertain
No. 288287
>>288273I've been using menstrual cups for over 10 years and tried a number of different brands (usually I use it a couple of years until I decide it's time for a fresh one and then I try out a different brand).
Recently I've bought the MeLuna, which priced at 15€ I found was very affordable. You can choose between different sizes and firmness and there is a special offer for two cups in different sizes, so I think that's a good place to start.
No. 288351
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pads. i can never get tampons to sit comfortably inside me, and on the off chance they do, it ends up just being a mess anyway – my period consists of huge clots and it never gets soaked up into the tampon very well so it hurts to pull it out because it's still mostly dry. changing pads doesn't leave me with blood all over my hands like fucking with tampons does, and i can wear overnight ones and not have to go check/change/readjust every 45 minutes. i'd hate to think what fucking around with cups would be like (i have endo, having things inside me actually kinda hurts sometimes).
No. 288444
>>288439lol no? it's active rn.
and you think that a thread in /ot/ isn't going to be raided by incels? lmao.
No. 288596
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>>288441hell yeah, they're great. if your flow is heavy, i'd recommend the overnight ones. they're just a bit longer so they're still super thin but will make you feel more secure about stains. they typically look like this
No. 288659
>>288655Ew no. I just don't care anymore, have no money, don't want to ask my dad, can't go into shops etc etc.
>>288658I'll probably start using pads again when I care about myself and have money.
No. 288661
>>288653>>288658I just wear black underwear to bed and even though I got expensive linen white sheets I never get them stained (except when I scraped my knee and kneeled on the bed changing them thank fuck the stain came out). The blood doesn’t actually ever run out of my vagina area usually lmao. But if it does slightly that’s why the black underwear.
Not a tranny I just have light periods.
No. 288663
>>288363 The first time I tried it was the same for me. I ended up ordering another set of cups from a different brand. They were two sizes, both alot tinier than my first cup, and also softer. It was still a little difficult to get in, but not painful.
After using them for a while I tried out the big one again, and I got it in without any hassle.
Both types of cups were made for virgins, btw, so you might want to read further reviews. There is a youtuber, Precious Star Pads, who makes videos comparing all kinds of cupy. There you can see how big they are, maybe that can help.
My second set was the virgin starter-set from Meluna, and if you can get that where you are from, I would recommend it.
No. 288683
>>288596Love Always Infinity here also. The scented kind is actually nice too imo. I've never used overnight pads though (to my knowledge).
I posted upthread though and use tampons as well sometimes during the day.
>>288358Isn't this the opposite of how it should be? Using tampons overnight seems very risky for Toxic Shock Syndrome. I thought you're supposed to change them every 4-6 hours?
>>288680I use the Nuvaring birth control which sits inside the vagina for 3 weeks and is supposed to be inserted on the first day of your period when first starting it, and there are women who think that's too weird/gross to deal with. It blows my mind too. I agree with being ok with your body - god forbid something goes wrong or you need to see the gyno (which you ultimately will) and are still uncomfortable to that degree.
(Blog but I once had a monthlong period. I had no idea why. I was on Nuvaring at the time. It has never happened before or since. I had to go to the gyno and be examined WHILE bleeding. That wasn't fun. Anyway they couldn't figure it out either and it eventually stopped.)
>>288682If your bladder is full then this makes sense. I have to do this as well, just only if I HAVE to pee. It is easier to remove a tampon if there is less pressure (similar to it being more difficult to insert one if your muscles are not relaxed).
No. 288724
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>>288714It's anatomically impossible for the cup to get lost, pic related, so no worries there!
I'd recommend you look up Precious Stars Pads on youtube, her videos on menstrual cups really reassured me.
Sometimes the cup rises higher and I have to reach for it and sort of push it with the vagina muscles, break the seal and it comes out. But the key is to stay relaxed and know that it'll be okay.
No. 288815
>>288668>without any reasonSee
>>288714 for why you should know what your body looks and feels like.
If something is inside of you where you can't reach, you can push it out using your vaginal muscles. Your friend probably had to see a doctor because she got scared and didn't know what to do, but the vaginal canal is not that deep.
No. 289121
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Man I want a lena menstrual cup but I still live with my parents and they track every package I get and what's inside it and will open it without my permission. My mom is super against menstrual cups and tampons for me and says I can only wear them once I lose my virginity, but I'm a lesbo, so not really an option. Don't really have any irl friends who could have it sent to their house either.
No. 289126
>>288815I don't understand how so many women and girls are this clueless and terrified of their own vaginas. Even if you think it's gross it's YOUR body, you should at least know what's going on with it.
This thread reminds me of that OITNB episode where everyone discovers that they have urethra lol
No. 289150
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Mirena so you never bleed. Haven’t bought feminine hygiene products in years
No. 289197
>>289153What pad brands do you use/recommend? I've used Always most of my (period-having) life because it's what my mom bought as well, and I figured it was just how all pads felt.
Just in case relevant: I use Normal absorbency at any given point in my period. Also wings are an absolute must.
(I posted above I like the Always Infinity pads though as they feel much better than other pads I've used.)
Also I didn't even think of the rash thing until you mentioned it, but I have the same issue later into my period if I am wearing pads too much. Not every time but often enough that it's really aggravating. So I like to switch it up using tampons as much as I can. But I never feel confident in using a tampon on any of my heavier flow days (and normal pads work just fine there but idk if my normal tampons would).
I also have pantiliners which I recommend for light end-of-period spotting and in possible combination with a tampon if needed (to ensure no accidental transfer stains to your underwear).
No. 289210
>>289197i have a tinfoil it's some sort of adult lady diaper rash, but yeah, i feel your pain!
from always (which unfortunateley is the brand dominating the market here hence why my mom swears by them) i like cotton soft and infinity lines, from other brands i like naturella and bodyform pads. you can sometimes really luck out with weird dollarstore-tier brands (as long as they are just pressed cotton and aren't covered by that hard plastic mesh) but that's a gamble. if your periods are very heavy/for overnight on the heaviest day, I'd recommend to just stick to always infinity, the absorbancy is absolutely insane. this probably isn't much help if you aren't a eurofag, sorry ^^;
No. 289485
>>289210Thanks! I actually like the scented Always Infinity a lot (I wrote this in another post above actually). I'll keep these other types in mind. I actually have to go to the drug store today to restock…
>>289217Nuvaring is AMAZING and I love being on it. I'm sure with the cup it's just a matter of trying it personally and figuring it out (research helps too of course). I'm sure that, like Nuvaring and tampons, if it's not comfortable it isn't inserted right/well.
>>289254NTA but I've never heard that removing a dry tampon can be dangerous before. My experiences doing so haven't been quite as bad as what that anon wrote, but I do wear tampons on lighter days and the amount absorbed obviously varies. I always pull tampons out fairly slowly though.
No. 289523
>>289485it's true though, i'm not an expert on the topic so i'm just going to cite webmd but if you want more on the subject just google "tss superabsorbent tampons" :/ there was an alleged case when a company created superabsorbent tampons with some crazy chemical which led to an tss epidemy
it was later established that superabsorbent tampons are linked to higher risk for tss regardless of the chemicals used, but that company still had higher risk
>The way in which bacterial poisons enter the bloodstream may also be related to tampon use. Sliding a tampon into place in the vagina may make microscopic tears in the walls of the vagina, rupturing tiny blood vessels. A super-absorbent tampon – especially if it's left in place too long, or if it is used when the menstrual flow is light – can dry out the vagina, making such tearing even more likely. also read somewhere that organic cotton tampons being safer is a myth
No. 289525
>>289523it said using them in general at all makes the tears though, so anon shouldn't even be using tampons.
everything makes microtears in your vagina anyways, including sex even with lube, it's just how it works.
No. 289961
>>289523Isn't that where TSS was first occurring? It was because a company made tampons advertised as so absorbent you could wear them overnight and all that business.
I only use regular for tampons and pads. Claiming "pulling out a dry tampon can cause TSS" is completely different from "superabsorbent tampons cause TSS."
Idk how common TSS is nowadays or what, it seems like it's pretty rare. I'm sure it still happens, but it's no epidemic.
Also your quote uses "may" (twice), "can", and "likely" - nothing about it is concrete or a definitive conclusion. Sounds like scare tactics. Girls/women shouldn't be afraid of their own bodies or of tampons, but if they choose not to use tampons, that's fine also.
>>289546I agree with where you're going with this because ultimately the microtears are unavoidable unless you remain celibate, never penetrate yourself with
anything (not even a finger), never see the gyno (which is a much, much worse risk for your health), and the list goes on.
Also web md is notoriously laughed upon as a source.
No. 291091
>>289121OMG, what a bunch of nonsense. That this bullshit about "losing your virginity when using tampons" and misunderstanding about basic female anatomy is still being perpetuated in the 21st century by people's parents is fucking depressing. It's not like you have a wall of tissue in your vagina and have to break it by inserting anything in it - the fact that you're bleeding means that there's already a hole in there, for christ's sake. You insert a tampon into that hole that already exists. If you had an unperforated hymen, you would find that out pretty quickly by having huge issues during periods, as the blood wouldn't be able to come out.
Sorry for the rant, but I'm sad that people are still being fed this misinformation I was fed myself when I was a teenager. It caused me a lot of issues, as I thought the hymen always had to be perforated during sex, etc. - the concept of which stressed me immensely. I thought that now the correct information should be more widely available, but apparently people are still telling this bullshit to their kids. And monitoring what are they using during their periods. Sigh.
No. 291095
>>289254>>289485>>289523TSS is extremely uncommon - there were 323 cases in the US in 2016 (meaning 0.0005 percent of the population was affected). 1/3 of TSS cases are in men - it doesn't exclusively affect women who use tampons, but tampon use increases the risk for the bacterial infection which constitutes TSS. TSS could occur in any part of the body, for example in an open wound.
A lot of the information about TSS is frankly overblown after there was an "outbreak" in the 70s. Yes, super absorbent tampons which could cause micro tears were partially to blame but also the introduction of a tampon containing carboxymethylcellulose which could supposedly be inserted for the entirety of your period was also a main culprit. CMC itself is not harmful, but obviously having that inside you for days on end is a bad idea (bacteria city) and it is not used in tampons anymore. If you're unlucky enough to contract TSS via your tampon, you can typically treat it easily with antibiotics unless you let it fester for a long period of time.
Overall, though, I'd say TSS is not worth stressing over.
Source: No. 291112
>>291091not only this but most girls tear their hymen far before they have sex. Using a tampon can tear it. Masturbating. Almost any activity that is physical and you're moving in weird ways. Plus the hymen tearing doesn't mean you're not a fucking virgin. What is this, Medieval times? I don't know anyone personally irl who bled during their first time.
>>289220I might try the cup but I don't know. Like I said I have an irregularly shaped vagina and I also have vaginismus so it can get really tight and tense. I'm not afraid to mess around with it seeing as I'm a grown as woman and often times I push the tampon string into my vagina so I don't piss all over it and have to put in a new one every single time I piss (protip lol). I will give it a go and see if it helps. I also really enjoy the fact that it's less wasteful than tampons.
No. 291146
>>291131This sounds really weird. Do you have some kind of condition?
I used to use tampons and then panty liners after the actual period is over, but I switched to a cup. My husband thinks it's gross, I think it's pretty genius.