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No. 291253
Why does this feel like a robot made this thread?
Anyhow, I have DD cups. I'm not fat so I can't wear anything that's too tight on the skin. This may sound like humble bragging, fyi I'm lesbian and I don't like the attention that I get from men which is gross.
I even wore a poncho and winter clothes during the heatwave this summer because I constantly got nasty remarks about my chest size (cars honking, men stopping me on the street, unsolicited touching and so fort). Wearing sports bra only helps a little, but more than not, it's a pain to wear. My back itches around the bra area and it's uncomfortable after a longer period of time.
I hate how I look matronly no matter what. I hate how I can't wear anything with a bit of cleavage without looking like a prostitute. Having a bigger cup size makes me look older. I envy my petite friends.
I hate how most lesbians seem to prefer girls with smaller chests.
Most anons on this site refer to c cups and above as cowtits, which is disheartening. I don't like my breasts at all and I do feel like a disgusting cow sometimes but those comments only make it worse.
I'm thinking of getting a breast reduction surgery but I'm afraid and currently have better stuff to spend money on.
Also, I had to work on my back. I used to hunch a lot for obvious reasons.
And to finish, I was groped a few times in school and it was terrible. I have no idea how rape victims manage, I was "just" groped on a few occasions and luckily nothing else, but it took me a long time to recover from that. I felt disgusting and cheap and dirty, if it makes sense?
I kind of don't think about it at work, and aside from some rude individuals on the street, life is alright.
No. 291275
>>291257>>291254>>291249all of this. they're very much average and shouldn't be the cutoff for big. i was c for a while and no one noticed anything about my boobs unless i was completely naked or wearing something meant to amplify them, so no one ever thought to make fun of me or any other "big boob problems"
so they're not
small but it's like how a 5'5" girl isn't short but still isn't going to have the same problems as a really tall girl. OP is making it sound like girls with C cups were known as the girl with big boobs in school and have daily confrontations about it or something kek
No. 291306
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>>291302You sure about that?
No. 291311
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>>291306Yes. Cup volume and cup size are two completely different things, anon. F cups aren't C cups.
No. 291312
>>291311In dept bra ideology aside
Women who wear C cup bras and are very thin will often look like they have large breasts, imo anyway and from what I've seen
No. 291325
>>291312they really wont. when i cant get lower band size bras, which are more specialty/hard to come by in burgerland, i will wear a 34C cup tho band is loose on me. i'm 99 lbs and everyone thinks i'm an A or B cup.
when i went to the plastic surgeon to get fake tits (i backed out), they thought i was a small B/large A. the ideas of C cups are warped.
No. 291333
>>291325it depends on the shape and frame too, you probably have a wider frame and on the smaller side of C and thats why they look smaller
I know girls who were think and narrow framed but had full Cs and they didn't look huge huge but looked big, even without a bra
No. 291348
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>>291312Are you:
>A) flat?>B) ana?>C) asian or just from a flat country?>D) still a bit foggy on how cup sizes work?>DD) all of the above?Not trying to start shit btw, I'm just curious. C is only a bit above the approximate worldwide average (though there's quite a bit of data missing here so it might be more) No. 291351
>>291348>most of the world is B or below except in obese countries or countries where breast augmentations are common huh
>C is only a bit above the approximate worldwide averagethat's what I'm saying… they look big if you're really small, the same reason why a woman with 37 inch hips may look wide if she very thin but if she's fat they'll look narrow
No. 291364
>>291351>they look big if you're really small, the same reason why a woman with 37 inch hips may look wide if she very thin but if she's fat they'll look narrowLooks like the answer was D)
>>291360>grass is greener!Yeah, yeah. Go back to the flat thread.
No. 291369
>>291360oh shut up, being made fun of is terrible no mather how you look. No child wants to be sexualised or laughed at for looking adult. I've heard girls with big tits being called cows and harrassed. It sucks same as being laughed at for being flat. You are looking at the problem with adult eyes: sure big tits are seen as a great thing on a woman, but growing girls can suffer a lot because of how much their body changed. They are ashamed of their huge boobs as much as you were of your flat chest. The extra fun part is being targeted for sexual harrasment by creeps and suffering from back pain.
I understand your teenage experience with boobs sucked but let people share their bad experiences in peace
No. 291516
>>291508This is what I was trying to say. 26C anon and someone who's 32C don't have the same breast volume, just the same ratio. 26C anon is going to have the same volume as another 26C anon, and they have to have the same frame because they have the same measurements. It's not hard to understand.
If the anon really works at a bra store, it's probably VS or something.
No. 291545
>>291508well compared to limbs, width, chubbyness and everything else
I knew a girl who was super thin, almost Eugenia cooney thin but had C cups and they looked quite large, I think it had to do with shape too since they spread out a lot and were far apart
No. 291560
>>291555not IMO, or from what I've seen
I also mentioned shape has a lot to do with it, I have C cups and I get told they're big a lot because they spread out very well and I have a v small waist, when I try to explain I don't think they're that big most men just think "meh look big to me"
I guess it just depends on what you define as big
No. 291607
>>291360What 5th grader is worried about being called a woman, lmao? Piss off. And lots of petite girls exist and are acknowledged as women. Most models have small/flat chests. If you were misgendered and "stripped of your femininity", chances are there are more androgynous/masculine aspects about you, but you'd rather just blame your breasts.
Either way, you have a thread to vent about your flat chest woes. You don't see us cowtits butting in and trying to invalidate people, so don't bother us.
No. 291659
>>2916071 - wasn't 5th grade it was all throughout high school
2 - no because I have a pretty good h/w ratio, am 5 foot, pretty slim, have smooth pale skin, long hair, and feminine facial features, every girl here just has huge tits so im flat compared to them
No. 291784
>>291755Too many newfags that didn't migrate with /cgl/ or Stamina Rose are here now. It still saddens me that most of them don't even know who PT is.To add to the discussion. I started growing when I was 10, really fucking sucked and was super embarrassing. My mom didn't believe that I could be growing breasts at that age so she chastised me saying I must be getting fat. Thanks for contributing to the ED Mom.
I'm currently 34G. It's such a bitch to find cute bras in the US, or bras in general that won't make me broke. Every time I go shopping in Victoria's Secret they try to harass me into buying a bra, or get fitted. Every time I tell them they don't have bras that fit me they don't believe me. I've just given up on even going in there since I can't even buy some damn panties without them trying to shove me in a bra that doesn't fit. "You mean even a DD won't fit???" Yes, bitch.
No. 291785
>>291755Most women are wearing the wrong size though and often just get whatever fits from victoria secret or Wal-Mart,hence why a lot of them don't have these weird complicated bra analogies on how they're actually a 20ZZ and not a size 32C or whatever
We just go by what we see, but I also feel the same can be applied to most articles of clothing, most people just pick out what fits, not go in debt about how they're actually a size 12 jeans but size 12 isn't actually big or whatever, sure its complicated but when people prefer to women with C, D and DD breasts they're referring to women who call themselves that because that is what fits them, most people don't care about 10 years of bra size research and all that horse shit
No. 291788
>>291784i'm pretty big myself and i use shirohato, a japanese site, for bras. they have quite a few options in your size and most of them are pretty cute.
sorry if i'm being creepy… No. 291791
>>291785you sound butthurt anon lol. i don't know why being educated seems like such an issue to you, but okay. i'd rather other anons atleast become curious so maybe they won't have to deal with things like extra back pain or migrated tissue. if you want to get
triggered over people telling you your C cups aren't big that's up to you but you can hide the thread if it's bothering you too much.
No. 291792
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>>291779they really don't. picked a handful from the 'all bras' section. the smallest they ever carry in store is 32 and is barely ever in stock in more than one or two styles and the absolute smallest they offer online is 30, only on select bras, and i refuse to spend $54 on a meme bra that doesn't fit well anyways. i prefer to order from the UK. it's much simpler to just, when i need a shitty t shirt bra to buy a fairly comparable quality gilligan o malley $4 clearance Target bra and wear it loose or just cut off a few inches and do a 2 minute resew job
No. 291793
>>291791The only people here who seem
triggered are anons sperging about how d cups "aren't even big!!!" Or whatever, I was just explaining why some people think D cups are big, calm down or seek help
>being this obsessed with bra sizes No. 291799
>>291793NTA but why do people always seem to say 'seek help" when they don't have a good argument?
You're complaining about being "obsessed with bra sizes" in a thread that is literally about being obsessed with breast size. Lmao.
No. 291803
>>291799Im not trying argue, I was just explaining why some people think Cs and Ds maybe bigger and anon went into a sperg fest about how "I'm just mad my C cups are small" despite not mentioning my own boobs at all
Again, most women, aren't going to go out and get custom sizing and just pick whatevers snug at nearby stores, I don't see an issue unless its waayy off and compressing their boobs, wearing a sister size or something a little different isn't gonna give you 5 types of cancers and aids and shit, if that was the case most American women would have cancer
No. 291809
>>291806No, No and No
I didn't "have a problem" I just explained why anons might be wearing a wrong bra size (sometimes even on purpose)
I wear "the wrong size" out of convenience, it's more accessible and gives better support to me,unless you have back problems bra sizes aren't that serious as long as if you feel snug and its not too tight, after all, bras aren't a necessity, just fashion
>being this triggered, claiming I've said things I didnt say at all>but but you're obsessed !! We just want to know more about our bodies!!Getting
triggered over me saying that just comes to show what bra size sperging is actually about
No. 291816
>>291814It doesn't bother me, hide my posts if they
trigger you so much, it goes both ways, not just your entitlement
>they weren't rampaging>>291785This was my og post, nothing weird, or mad
Then I got attacked and called "butthurt" and all that, and now you're whining and claiming I'm the bad guy? Ha
No. 291817
>>291815>>291816people are pointing the finger because you won't fucking sage. either way i can't believe you're trying to claim that
>>291785 shit wasn't bitchy as fuck.
No. 291820
>>291817Why because I said a no no word? Lmao
Explain to me how
>>291791 was only totally innocent and the only big bad person here is me then
No. 291826
>>291822>thinking you can shut people up simply by fighting them on lolcowThat entitlement, go away if you hate infighting so much instead of doing something known to make infighting worse and pointing the finger at me when i didn't get
triggered over nothing
No. 291829
>>291828This is coming from the anon who is literally incapable of not replying to anyone. What a laugh.
You don't have to reply by the way, but I know you will because you are weak as fuck and don't have anything better to do but reply this even though I am baiting you.
No. 291833
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>>291830you tell em, anon! and good job not proving me right about your samefag accusations.
No. 291835
>>291833Never claimed anyone is a samefag (???)
What's your point? Outside of proving your sheet paranoia and deeply rooted mental issues
Why are you obsessed with me? You must have a lot of time on your hands to obsess over a strangers infight skills and claim they're a bunch of other people you got in fights with
No. 291836
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>anons try to talk about proper breast sizing and how to avoid migrating tissue, back pains, etc
>one anon who's too lazy for all that feels triggered and like she's being shamed by anyone who wants to spread knowledge
>spergs out and derails thread by saying everyone is too obsessed with breasts/bras in a literal breast thread
What the fuck? If you don't want to talk about bras and breast size, just ignore it. No one is targeting you personally. This is almost like potentially being unhealthy, entering a thread composed of other people who may potentially be unhealthy, and getting angry at anyone who says "Guys, it's important to get yourself properly tested and checked, and deal with any health issues you might have. Also, here are some ways to improve your health and prevent sickness. A lot of people are ignorant to things like this, and it's sad, so here's an infograph".
No. 291840
>>291836Did you even read anything I said at all? Apparantly not, I even mentioned issues would be caused by too small bra sizing, bras are fashion overall, it's not that serious bro and you arent gonna die if you're a 30D and wear a 32C or whatever
Also no one said any of that either, there was no talk of getting yourself checked anywhere in this thread, if it was out of legit concern psycho anon wouldnt have shit their pants and claiming I'm just mad about my breast size
Bringing up my original point, a lot of people wear "wrong" bra sizes out of convenience, if it fits snug and isnt too tight or loose you shouldn't have issues
No. 291844
>>291840>if it fits snug and isnt too tight or loose you shouldn't have issuesThis is wrong, and why a lot of women suffer from back pain, discomfort and migrating fat tissue.
No one is talking about death, just inconvenience and shape. If you're happy with your random store-bought bra, why are you yelling at anyone who wants to be sure, get themselves properly fitted and live well? Why is that bad? No one's talking to you or forcing you to do anything. It's not "10 years of research". Let them prosper, and quit trying to drag us down just because you can't be fucked. Some of us don't want to deal with armpit fat and back pain from bad fitting.
No. 291845
>>291809>unless you have back problems bra sizes aren't that serious as long as if you feel snug and its not too tight, after all, bras aren't a necessity, just fashionNice strawman anyway
No. 291848
>>291844>comfy bras cause issuesProof
> If you're happy with your random store-bought bra, why are you yelling at anyone who wants to be sure, get themselves properly fitted and live well? I wasn't, I was explaining why a lot of anons think the way they do and might wear store brought bras and why it isn't a big of an issue as anons are making it out to be, the fact that the anon attacked me and claimed I was butthurt over my breast size comes to show this wasn't about "uwu we're just concerned and want to be healthy" at all
No. 291850
>>291846No, I'm not the russian neet, or samefag, or whoever else you're going to accuse me of being
This board is small yes, but when you start accusing others of being whoever it makes it kinda obvious you're the one that enjoys a lot of infighting and sticks around here a lot
No. 291857
>>291851>using strawman incorrectlyExplain how I use it incorrectly
>obsessing about sagingGet out more, there's more to life instead of fighting people on the internet about if they sage or not
>asking for proofYou claimed wearing wrong bras can cause all these issues, therefore its your job to prove it
My proof is that most women are wearing the "wrong" size but just wear whats comfortable and most women don't have issues like you claim
No. 291858
>>291848I didn't say comfy bras cause issues, I said arguing that just because a bra is comfy means it's perfect and not contributing to other breast-related issues is wrong.
If anyone said anything about your breast size, it's probably because only someone with small breasts (or a man) could ever say the following with a straight face:
>bras aren't a necessity, just fashionIn which case, this thread is not for you. It's for those of us with big tits. Bras are relevant, and so is proper fitting. Go #NoBra elsewhere, the rest of us aren't living that life.
No. 291863
>>291858Lol big tits still don't need bras, its fashion most of the time, also jfk if everyone is so small who isn't a G cup then what are you on about
Like I said, you need proof that wearing a size that's even a smallest bit off is awful and can cause issues, which was my original point
No. 291870
>>291865>youno, anon
i don't need proof because
i am a different anon, hence why i said that.
i am not arguing with you so i don't need to do shit.
also you should stop using adhom and acting like you don't need to prove the shit coming out of your mouth anyway. no one is going to spoonfeed you.
No. 291872
>>291863>big tits still don't need brasYou wouldn't know that, considering you obviously don't have big tits. This isn't your struggle.
If you can comfortably go through life without wearing a bra, with no sweat, chafing, getting hit in the face, nobody noticing and staring/commenting, and your nipples not poking far enough to stab someone, you don't have big tits.
You will never understand, you can't relate, and you need to stop thinking everyone should totally buy random shit from the Wal-Mart rack like it's no big deal just because you can. You'd probably be the type of parent who screws over your developing daughter like what
>>291861 went through.
Please see yourself out of the big tit thread.
No. 291881
>>291877>deliberately misquoting others when you've been BTFOIf you don't produce more sweat, get chafing and have your nipples poke through very noticeably whenever you go without a bra, you are a girl without big tits. These are facts.
You really must be the ESL Russian NEET, or we just have multiple autists this week for some reason. Either way, I hope your ass gets reported and banned. This is a thread for women with cowtits, and bras (as well as proper bra fitting) are important for us. Go to your chestlet thread, that's where your brethren are.
No. 291883
>>291881I dont have big tits and I still sweat, chaf and have nipples lmao
I even went without a bra once and people noticed, guess I have big tits now, you said yourself its facts
Even anons in the chestlet thread are talking about their nipples showing, those are facts
And if you have such an issue with infighters why not fuck off instead of continuing infighting
No. 291888
>>291884No, I just explained why if the size was a tiny bit off it wasnt a big deal and people twisted my words to hell and back and I got attacked by some psycho claiming i was just mad about my breast size
You'd realize that if you actually read instead of mindlessly joining in the argument like a bunch of cattle
No. 291890
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>>291882Big breasts sag more and that's the truth. But if you train your chest muscles, nothing will sag or look like cow tits in the slightest. Look at Emily R! Her body is great and nothing sags!
No. 291891
>>291887Neither do big tits unless they're pretty saggy (emphasize on "unless" before anyone claims I said big tits dont rub together)
Sagginess causes chaffing, I have nipple chaffing issues and I dont have big tits guess I have big tits now
>>291886Its for C+ right? And I'm a D, I'm welcome here, bye now
>>291889They say in a thread filled with girls envying small boobs, yet because I talk about bra sizing I'm just a big mean jelly chestlet somehow
No. 291893
>>291890agree! i'm
>>291876 and have been benching to try to strengthen the muscle under there to hopefully fix some wonkiness.
No. 291897
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>>291891The OP begins with an image of a big-breasted anime character, and the words
>Who else here is big chested?You said yourself that you don't have big breasts. Buying D-cup bras won't make you one of us. You are not welcome here. Goodbye.
No. 291900
>>291890Can existent sagging actually be
reversed with exercise, though?
No. 291910
>>291896They're not too big at all, I thought all women wore too small sizes except now im flat because it fits your argument
>>291897C+ cup, you even said D cups werent big and thats what I said, I dont have big boobs, but they fit the sizes in the thread, bye now
No. 291918
>>291882I honestly can't even consider "cowtits" an offensive term. It's too silly. I use it and "chestlet" facetiously a lot.
I think those anons just see any mention of having larger breasts as humblebragging, and feel the need to take the person down a peg by saying "Y-You're probably fat, anyway". It's more of a thing they tell themselves than a substantial insult. Just a cope.
The reason large-breasted anons don't try to shame small-breasted anons is because we're mostly not envious of them. The same is simply not true the other way around.
No. 291933
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>>291919>breast kinda ARE disgusting, they're soft and jiggly and having a huge soft jiggly thing right under your face can disgust some people.The cope. Maybe ana-chans and gay men think that way, but sane and/or straight people don't.
Notice the small breast thread doesn't have shady anons going on about how having minuscule, or even non-existent looking secondary sexual characteristics can disgust some people and make them think you're malnourished, or a child.
We keep to our own, and you still have our names in your mouths. It's sheer jealousy.
Good luck convincing anyone but yourself that this is a disgusting image.
No. 291936
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>>291933She's one of the lucky ones and her breast still look like udders without a bra on.
People aren't criticizing small breast because they know they look the nicest.
Now Imma fuck off and stop shitting up your thread. No. 291941
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>>291936Her breasts look great, though.
Keep obsessing over us, you won't be missed. Friendly reminder that boob jobs are the most popular plastic surgery procedures as of 2017/2018. Hope your implants don't get botched.
No. 291963
>>291882>What do you think of anons that call any larger than average breasts, cowtits?It makes me quite sad tbh I was really shocked when I read anons unironically calling everything above a B cup "udders". That's something some dumb little boy would say.
I always hated my body, but thought of my chest as pretty cute, probably my best body part even. I never wear any revealing clothes, always a high neck and never thought I look weird. My nipples are smallish and a light pink and they're not saggy at all but since anons started with the whole big tits means you're fat, you have a mom bod, it looks vulgar etc I actually sometimes start to wonder if it really does make me look fatter and unattractive.
No. 291972
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>>291970>comes to a big breast thread>calls everyone fat>calls others baiterI don't know what is going on your life that makes you incapable of not being retarded and arguing about absolutely anything that goes against your lifestyle and tastes but I hope you get help for it and grow up.
No. 291976
>>291963By what you've said you sound beautiful anon! People are just bitter, especially on here kek. The grass is always greener, right? People with small breasts which they had big ones, and vice versa. There's advantages and disadvantages to both.
The real thing here is that sadly most people are not perfect, and it's just the truth. Not everyone has perfect perky tits with perfectly sized pink nips. Most women are far from that. But it doesn't matter. I personally have smallish breasts and they aren't the greatest shape but my boyfriend loves them. I think most men (and women esp) don't really care. Obviously they're going to lust after dumb shit on movies, porn, whatever…but even if you're not "perfect" they still enjoy it.
No. 291978
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I think people think about pic related when they say huge tits are disgusting.
No. 291979
>>291955Every loser with small breasts who can't stop themselves from invading a thread for big breasted people is envious, yes.
I thought you were going to stop shitting up the thread?
No. 291986
>>291978What's disgusting about those?
The woman in pic is overweight but the breasts themselves are fine.
No. 291990
>>291987> Yeah we're all secretly jelly of youwtf is wrong with you?
Also, what's so deformed about those breasts?
I really want to know.
>>291989Oh okay.
You know what, I can't take seriously any anon that talks about men with unrealistic standards when you are so persistent to make normal looking boobs, a deformed monstrosity.
No. 292005
>>292000If you've actually ever been with a man, you'd know that there never is a look of disappointment when that moment happens.
How delusional do you have to be to make such absurd statements?
Also, I hope you know that with aging everyone starts to look less attractive, big breasts or not.
No. 292048
>>292005>women with big boobs don't know what its look to hook up with a man while having big boobsUhh
And you'd be surprised at how many men expect G cups to be perfectly perky round anime tits
No. 292808
>>291235i was definitely made fun of for it while i was going through puberty and oversexualized by boys and adult men alike, but now i basically live in minimizer bras and big sweaters so they aren't noticeable to people. i like mine and there's nothing wrong with them but small boobs are sexier and classier looking to me while sometimes i feel like a blow up doll or like i owe the whole world sexual favors bc of how my body is. i've learned to accept them for right now but i'm going to get a reduction when they start sagging.
as a side note idk why so many farmers even value men's opinions of boobs so much, they're all too pornsick to understand what's normal. emily ratajkowski was mentioned/shown earlier in the thread and i've seen men online saying that even she had nasty saggy grandma tits, they're clueless when it comes to what acceptable female bodies are. learn how to validate and love yourself, with whatever it is you have.
No. 292911
>>292896If you have any self respect, you'd be wanting to look good for yourself and not for some random slime and what the "internet" thinks.
consider necking yourself for being a submissive herd-following retard
No. 292990
>>292896Does it really matter the size of your butt when it’s full of cellulite and stretchmarks (which everyone can get unless they spend $$$ on ps)?
The shape matters more than the size.
Huge ass/breasts are literally for men to just look at cause they attract so much attention
No. 293000
Of course there are exceptions but guys are pretty vocal about these things and it's always boobs over asses.
Having a huge ass is seen as gross.
No. 293248
>>292002t. skinnyfat flattie
Imagine being mentally ill, stupid enough to make yourself anorexic, AND retarded. You should just kill yourself.
No. 293264
>>291978are you kidding? i WISH my boobs looked like that, my boobs have always been 'naturally saggy' my boobs are e cup but i have a large band size too coz im fat, my actual boob is likely bigger than other e cups. even 15kg lost their size doesnt seem any different or the cups dont seem emptier. my boobs are also low set which makes them even uglier honestly fuck my life.
can any other ugly big tit anons relate?
hoped to feel comforted by this thread came out feeling shittier
No. 293266
>>293263NTA but I see where they're coming from, I have average sized breasts and I find that less motivated and sloppy men are interested in big breasts, hence why hooters tends to be filled with fat white trash dudes, and more motivated, successful type men tend to be attracted to smaller breasts
I'm "in the middle" when white trash dudes are attracted to me they'll try to claim my breasts are big, when successful dorky dudes are attracted to me they'll claim my breasts are small, truth is they're just average and proportional
No. 293286
>>293282The only moments I don't have a bra on is for showering and sex.
I don't even that much breast (about a 32C/D in US size) but if I'm not wearing a bra, they feel heavy as fuck. I feel them bouncing the whole time and it's so irritating.
I honestly don't get why it's a meme that women don't like bras 'cause I feel so bad without one.
No. 293288
>>293287To be honest I don't care if they get saggy. They are already wide set since my shoulders are so large in confront to my ribcage so whatever, I'd rather sleep comfortably than agonize over it.
I should definitely discard my small and old bras though.
No. 295387
Is 28FF/G "cow" status?
Going from a BMI 30 to 20, I feel my cup volume hardly changed, while everything else is completely different. Does that mean I have a lot of breast tissue as opposed to fat and they won't go much more if I lose weight.
>tfw curvy hourglass figure but prefer androgynous, willowy clothing styles.>>293432You can't tell someone with small breasts is not wearing a bra unless it's a see through top or something.