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No. 293947
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I really love Girlfriends by Morinaga Milk! I would recommend it to anyone looking for a sweet, girlish and warm lesbian love story.
It's one of the few schoolgirls in love stories written by woman for women.
Shame that girls love got hijacked by men and so many people think that Madoka is shoujo ai or something lol.
No. 293984
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Tamen de Gushi/Their Story, absolutely. It's wholesome and nice and everyone should read it.
No. 294001
File: 1536621023459.jpg (126.07 KB, 638x960, IMG_20180910_190232.jpg) if my favorite movies ever is Bare. It stars Dianna Argon and Paz de la Huerta.
It only has a 5/10 rating on imdb so I guess alot of people don't think it's that good. But I really related to Dianna's character who seems really lost and let's everyone around her live her life.
The movie is a romance but I feel like it's more about growing and learning about who you are and how to live for yourself, and the romance in it is how Dianna's character is taught those things
No. 294176
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The Kase-san series is adorable, can't wait for the anime. One of the few yuri that have managed to convince me the author isn't trying to fetish lesbians
No. 294185
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I've heard good things about My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness.
Has anyone read it?
Literally every yuri manga/anime I can remember is either bland or fetishizing.
No. 294187
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Some lesser-known manga about lesbians that I remember enjoying (but haven't re-read in a long while, so forgive me if something's not that good)
Love My Life by Yamaji Ebine
Indigo Blue by Yamaji Ebine
Free Soul by Yamaji Ebine
Pieta by Haruno Nanae
Water by Nananan Kiriko
Blue by Nananan Kiriko
Cotton by Konno Kita
All of these have more "mature" and western art styles thought, so if you can't get over your manga looking a bit ugly, I can't recommend those to you.
No. 294190
>>294176I'm pretty sure the author is a woman, that always helps. Kase-san is lovely, every yuri fan should read it!
>>294185This made me cry a lot, I recommend it. It's an autobiography in case you didn't know.
No. 294191
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>>294187I forgot one of my favourites, 12 days by June Kim.
It has Bury Your Gays pretty hard, but it meant a lot to me in my formative years and helped me deal with a lot of grief.
No. 294279
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Honestly the only lesbian media that I'm willing to look at has to be created by women. From what I've seen, anything created by a man is either bland or super fetishy
>>294054Idk what kind of suggestion you're looking for exactly but I really like The Firefly on Netflix. It's a Spanish flim so you might need subtitles.
It's a super sweet film tho, and deals with grife, healing, and love. I highly recommend it
No. 294423
>>294322"During the script writing stage, Director Park and his female co-writer Seo-kyeong Jeong often sought the advice of one of Chung's best friends, who was a queer woman, for advice on the sensibilities of queer women."
the movie have been attacked by idiots who claimed it was reinforcing the male gaze when the whole movie is about how men and the male gaze destroy women and their sexuality + their fetish for lesbians. i have a lot of respect for park
No. 294546
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It's drawn by a guy, but it hits all the right chords for me. It's got nice stories ranging from slowburn cute developments to full-on intense erotica (not really that explicit except for a tiddy or two). Translation is like full 6 volumes behind and that makes me mad, though.
No. 294548
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A little cringy sometimes, but still nice and entertaining to watch.
No. 294555
>>294300>>294318Yeah, was he at least jailed? that's disgusting
Lesbian media made by men is ALWAYS trash and i'd never recommend it.
No. 294560
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i really like Aoi Hana/Sweet Blue Flowers. its got some kinda weird parts but its really sweet. Dont watch the anime tho, its shit
No. 295951
>>294570The sex scenes were unnecessary graphic and porny but thankfully they stop doing that after the first couple seasons they stopped making them so graphic and stopped having so many (except the disgusting sex scenes with Caputo)
I heard Wentworth is a much better show if you're looking for a women's prison drama that features LGB women. It's also on Netflix, I have watch so I can't really say if it's worth checking out
No. 296133
>>294569Tipping the velvet: A fun read, beware that the main character prostitutes herself to men at one low point. Gross. Otherwise good.
Fingersmith: Good, I prefer the movie though.
Affinity:Great if you want to feel suicidal depression like the main character.
The Paying Guests: Couldn't finish., that's how boring it was.
No. 296135
>>294176>>294190The author is a man (you can also tell by how he draws breasts, lol), there was also a controversy because he's the author of a manga where a 30 year old guy starts a relationship with a middle schooler.
Kase-san is eh, I did find it kinda fetish-y but again, the author is a male so it's to be expected
No. 296189
>>296163Check recs in
>>294187, all Ebine Yamaji works are about adult women
Same with My lesbian experience…>>294185 and My Solo Exchange diary to
Pieta and Blue from what I remember are about high school students but those are very serious takes, so the heroines might have been 20 y/o as well. I would give them a chance as they do not resemble the usual yuri moe schoolgirls.
Gunjo (haven't read it).
No. 296215
>>296163>>296189>>296191Thank you.
I just started reading Shimanami Tasogare which has an adult lesbian couple and it's good so far (main character is a boy struggling with his sexuality.)
No. 296257
>>296256I find them on then I download them at If you don't like downloading you can read them online at I highly prefer using specialized manga apps to read so I never read online and prefer downloading.
No. 296261
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I enjoyed this film alot.
No. 296263
>>296261I liked Fingersmith, which it is based on, more.
2 edgy 4 me with the violent ending scenes and too weird with the use of the bells in the final scene…not sexy.
No. 296375
>>296135>>296144Hiromi Takashima? She's a woman, though. Here's her blog where she said she started crying tears of joy upon seeing her manga made anime. was sort of on the same boat on the "Art-style determines gender" but I'm read on some articles on female mangaka and they've been said that a good portion, if not most, of the arts made by Japanese women can be found indistinguishable from their male counterparts. It's just that they also can have the cutesy, flowery art as well as the normal art you'd expect men to draw.
Would you have guessed that Full-Metal Alchemist was drawn by a woman? The style looks very similar to Yu Yu Hakoshu and Hunter X Hunter.
No. 296389
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>>296375if she is a woman then why is her profile pic of a guy with beard hair on his face… Unless it's a character from the vaguely pedo manga?
No. 296393
>>296390As I can't read moonspeak, can you point me toward the proof in the post that this is a female author? Google is not very helpful - are there female pronouns or is this about the weird sentence about beautiful face?
Agree that art style =/= gender but you can tell if an artist makes retarded anatomy mistakes due to only seeing boobs or dicks in hentai or yaoi…
Haven't read the manga in question so cannot say anything on the topic of badly drawn breasts but anyway the art style point is irrelevant to the discussion of basic anatomy mistakes due to the author having no experience with body part in question.
Not arguing against women being capable of writing creepy manga.
No. 296395
>>296391>>296389 first page has the author's character in there, and the hairstyle is a feminine one among middle-age Japanese women, which is a majority of female mangaka. Women can have a little bit of hair on their face, obviously. I'm sure you already knew that. If it's a male larping, why would he give his female avatar facial hair if he intends to make us think he's a woman?
But I think you're mind is already closed on this issue, that it has to be a male because of anatomy mistakes. If you truly cannot be convinced then that's your problem.
No. 296400
>>296395>>296395I doubt a female mangaka would draw herself with hirsutism hair or her face, but as it's not her, that's irrelevant…
Saw the pic you linked and I am rather surprised if she draws herself with face hair, but maybe she's a badass grandma who fucks the system.
Seen post on crunchyroll refer to her as her so that plus her rather feminine name confirms to me that she is female despite potential creepyness and possible bad anatomy in her manga.
I just did not find your argument about typical female vs male styles helpful to the discussion, but I do agree that you were right about the gender of the mangaka
No. 296401
>>296399samefag but here is from yahoo answers she wrote bl under a pen name. not to be annoying but the creepy manga isn't creepy in the ways you guys think, it's more like lolita with a socially awkward idiot and a really sweet girl getting into otaku related misunderstandings. i know i mentioned kodomo no jikan before, but that is some creepy gross fetish shit. i'm glad it got dumped by the localizer.
No. 296402
>>296400Anon, can you not even entertain the idea that female mangaka can make terrible anatomy mistakes, even on female bodies? Should every woman have to make their female characters structurally perfect or they're actually a male in disguise?
As I've said before, some of the mangaka ladies can emulate styles indistinguishable from male artists. Surely you're not suggesting a style can immediately and distinctly point out the artist's gender?
No. 296405
>>296402Nah, if her work is pandery/fetishy, I can see her drawing boobs (and characters) in an unrealistic way to appeal more to a certain demographic.
I am not surprised anons assumed she's male though for that reason.
No. 296410
>>296405Correct, and I won't fault people for having this line of thought.
But there's a line between "Probably a male artist, but could be a woman drawing for a specific audience"
and "Boobs aren't sagging on a certain angle and some fan service, artist is unequivocally a man"
No. 296751
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The Girl King is a good movie. It's a biopic about a Swedish Queen. It has romance but due to the time period it doesn't really get a happy ending, but for anybody interested in historical lesbians it definitely worth checking out
No. 296830
>>296764Yes cause this is how manga industry works anon.
Of course she might like her work but don't pretend making a manga about moe high school lesbians is all about following a road to artistic fullfilment.
Maybe she likes her work, doesn't change the fact the manga has to bring in profit.
Stop being butthurt and making this about me, idgaf about Kase-san and was going off what other anons said.
No. 296926
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>>296751carol is also a good historical lesbian movie imo
No. 298249
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Thought id recomend this to you guys,its quite the watch
"19th century rural Vietnam, fourteen-year-old May is ready to become the third wife of a wealthy landowner. Little did she know that her hidden desires will take her by surprise and force her to make a choice between living in safety and being free."
No. 299063
>>293984Thank you for recommending this. I read it all in one sitting and loved it so much. The art style is nice and the characters are quite likeable.
>>294185I also read this in one sitting from the recommendations here and wow… it's extremely depressing and relatable. I can't safely say I'd recommend it due to how depressing it is. It leaves me speechless basically and gives you a lot to think about.
>>296297I used a couple different manga sites while reading these last night and I definitely prefer mangapark. It also seems to have fewer broken links and problems like that than some other manga sites.
>>294454I don't know if you're still around anon but I use a few sites to watch stuff., I can vouch for being pretty good. Use adblock and stuff though for sure
No. 299157
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Fei Wong from Digimon Cyber Sleuth is a lesbian.
No. 300161
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Anyone else watching Wynonna Earp?
While I appreciate that we have the lesbian couple WayHaught, I wish Wynonna was the one who wasn't straight.
She is so hot.
No. 300332
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Once Upon a Time has three lesbian romances (spoilers, including for the last season):
Aurora and Mulan: actually Mulan is in love on Aurora but it's not from both sides. It was at the beginning of the show so it's only heavily implied
Red Riding Hood and Dorothy
Alice and Robin Hood (female Robin): they made a bigger storyline about this one
What I like about it is how casual they are about it, in the show it's part of daily life and not seen as weird, as it should be.
No. 303682
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i've been on a josei kick lately and i've been enjoying erica sakurazawa's works. she has a really beautiful and minimalist style as well.
also if anyone has recommendations similar to her work, i would love to read them
No. 303746
>>300332I'm a bit surprised, considering I stopped watching around the time the mulan/aurora thing started then got killed right quick. I guess they brought it back due to the backlash.
I don't get the hate for OitNB. So some of the sex scenes are bit porn-y, and? Sometimes sex is like that, it's not always artsy and meaningful and I like that. It's a dramedy, what do you expect.
No. 304241
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I'm a straight girl, so I don't know if my opinion matters but I quite enjoyed Hana and Hina After School.
No. 370956
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Reviving the thread (inb4 ban, it's not necro if the last post was only 4 months ago and what I'm writing is in topic) because so far the only lesbian manga I truly enjoyed and found adorable was Their Story, but I might have found something similar.
I've started reading it yesterday so I don't know if it gets weird at some point or something, but "A kiss and a white lily" seems really cute and lighthearted.
There's also "Boyish girlfriend", a recently started short comic that's pretty cute.
Ultimately, I tried to watch "Bloom into you" but DNF, I found it boring.