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No. 296941
>>296937>for girls it's seen as ugly and a problem.I can almost guarantee nobody gives a shit about your scar and you're imagining the weird looks, unless it's legitimately disfiguring and on your face or more sexualized parts of your body not even men will be that judgemental. Actually, you can tell when people are really judging - they will actively avoid looking at deformed people because it makes them awkward.
Anyway I like my scars. I have a big appendix scar that I joke is from a stabbing, and a little scar on my bicep from when I accidentally punched a window in. They're both stories I guess, the appendix almost burst and killed me and when I punched the window I just meant to tap it and somehow had the foresight to wrap my arm in my pool towel. No idea what I was thinking or how I smashed it so easily.
The only scars I really hate are my deep, terrible acne scars and my stretchmarks.
No. 296972
Tbh, to everyone in this thread, most people are too oblivious to notice scars, ime. I have a number of scars on my face, I’ve often found myself a bit self conscious about them, and brought them up to close friends, but everyone says they didn’t know until I pointed it out. People probably aren’t staring at you, and they probably aren’t taking note of your scars. I mean, how often do you notice strangers scars? And if you do, how often are you judging them? Unless you’re throwing yourself into a critical sphere like YouTube or maybe a work environment, I think you’re wasting your energy worrying.
No. 297185
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of course the best thing you can do for fresh scars is keep them moisurized etc.
but for anyone that wants to fade old fully healed scars look into derma rolling, it's not painful/scary like it looks and you can do it yourself.
ebay is the best place to purchase a derma roller and always make sure you get one with titanium needles as they stay sharp longer and don't degrade like stainless steel. shorter needles for face (.25mm) and longer for body (1 or 2mm)
No. 297209
>>297206my preferred method is isopropyl alcohol in a little $1 mist spray bottle from target
spray it down before and after use and let it dry in the plastic holder with the lid off, put away after an hour or so of drying.
No. 297445
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>>297185I thought dermarolling was some sort of fad but it seems like there's some actual science supporting it, like:
> Dermaroller is relatively a new modality for the treatment of acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, facial rejuvenation inducing collagen induction by the use of microneedling. Two versions are available: (1) the standard dermaroller version and (2) miniature versions. The principle of using dermaroller modality is to provide collagen induction therapy. Dermaroller is more effective in rolling and boxcar type of scars. It has been shown that rolling with a dermaroller (192 needles, 200 urn length and 70 urn diameter) over an area for 15 times will result in approximately 250 holes/ cm 2 . Microneedling leads to the release of growth factors form new collagen and elastin in the papillary dermis. In addition, new capillaries are formed. The neovascularisation and neocollagenesis lead to reduction of scars. The procedure is aptly called "percutaneous collagen induction therapy" and is also used in the treatment of photoageing. Dermaroller is an extremely effective therapy for post acne scars, even trauma scars. Best results are seen in rolling and box type scars, and even papular scars respond to it.
> Results After four sessions of dermaroller and TCA CROSS each, marked improvement was seen in 40% patients in the dermaroller group and in 60% patients in the CROSS group. Moderate improvement was seen in 40% patients in dermaroller group and in 26.6% patients in the CROSS group and mild improvement was seen in 20% patients in dermaroller group and 13.3% patients in the CROSS group. Side effects were mild and infrequent in both groups.
> Conclusion Both treatments are equally effective and safe for the treatment of acne scars. anons out there who have a better understanding of dermatology who can confirm that these sources aren't paid by some derma-industry company? I just quickly skimmed Google Scholar…
No. 297827
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i thought i didn't have enough to post in this thread but i guess i've collected more than i thought, they're just small
>obligatory stretchmarks
>scar from falling into a river as a child
>scar from falling into a heating vent as a child
>accidental self inflicted stab wound
>botched mole removal scars that are way bigger than they should be
>small scars from shrapnel rejecting from my face
the old ones are white and i'm using silicone scar strips for the recent ones. they seem to be working OK but i'll know for sure when i've used them for a longer time
No. 297855
>>297827I hope this doesnt come off wrong but you sound like you've led a super interesting life, anon. Bless
(Also, best girl Hilda. )
No. 297997
>>296937Idk I think they look cool on girls too, and I've never had a guy say anything bad about mine. I actually wish all mine were bigger and more pronounced.
One on my scalp from when a dog bit my head (completely covered by my hair, no bald spots luckily)
One about 1.5 inches long above my eyebrow from eating shit on a skateboard
One tiny in the corner of my eye from jumping off a couch and flying into the edge of a pingpong table
One about 2 inches long on my neck from removing a tumor
A kind of circle shaped scar on my tit from having a central line
another circle on on my forearm from some sort of vaccination (not sure why they injected it there)
One on my finger from when I was pretending to cut a classmates hair and she freaked out and I snipped myself.
Tons on my knees because I used to like trying to clear all the stairs in one jump
No. 298270
>>298140I do, anon. Are they not that common? I thought it was like, a ~safer~ place to scar. I could roll up my sleeves to my elbows and go "You see? nothing here!" if someone asked me.
Otherwise most of the scars I have were self-inflicted (mostly left thigh/left upper arm/left forearm both sides) and even if you have to squint to see them, with the tans i get they get more visible. I also have like. Pumice "burn" scars (also self-inflicted) that only really show when i have blood flowing to my wrist or when it's hot outside. Basically I was a self-destructive child and even if I managed to stop before it got too bad I still get squinty-eyed at.
I also have light acne scars and a bunch of smaller ones on my ankles from scratching mosquito bites until I bled repeatedly. These blood-suckers love me.