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No. 296994
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>have jewish roommate
>he preaches every saturday with that hat shite on his head
>encourages the 8 other roomies to join in
>during saturday morning jewish roommate is offended by noises from cooking or cars
No. 297238
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>>296992>desperate to move into a new place before final year of uni>find a room at the top of a huge mansion.>promised comfortable student accom with cleaners and all construction/renovation finished>move in to find no construction has finished and my windowless room has a door leading out onto a balcony with no railings. >complain>every other room has 10+ italian teenagers living in it who all are working at mcdonalds>no cleaners, house rules appear including curfew and fines for allowing people to stay over>when my boyfriend sleeps over, have people knocking on my door early in the morning shouting to me 'we know you have someone in there with you.'>hear rumours of enormous monster rat.>come home to find some retarded creep hammering a knee-high wooden picket fence as balcony railings into place that actually restrict the already little space and only allows about a foot for the door to open onto a terrifying DEATH LEDGE.>open food cupboard one morning to find enormous monster rat has pissed and shat all over my food supplies>literally everything is smeared in it like it has been stuck in there all night rolling in it and rubbing itself upon everythingleave that day and never look back, they keep my deposit because only dangerous criminals run something that blatantly illegal.
No. 297257
>start renting a single room downtown with a kitchen
>have to share a bathroom with two others
>doesn't really bother me, the rent is cheap and the place is close to everything - I´ll never have to take the bus ever again
>cue upstairs neighbors who party every. single. night. Right above my head. They would all wear shoes and it would sound like twenty people were just walking around up there, all night.
>The two boys I share a bathroom with, but never see, doesn't clean at all. One time one of them didn't even flush after taking a huge dump. At first I would clean once-twice a week, but it would literally be dirty again the next day (piss all over the toilet, pubes in the sink and shower etc)
>The place was also crawling with spiders. They were pretty big, with long-ass legs, and they were everywhere. I would clean, spray all the corners and kill them whenever I saw them, but there would always be at least four newcomers each morning.
>All my neighbors were polish workers that would sit in the backyard right outside my window all day and night and drink, laugh and talk loudly.
>I moved out after a year
Not as bad as the previous anons, but now I know that cheap rent is not worth all that
No. 297301
>live in a student accommodation that was great and quirky the first year. Amazing flatmates, interesting building, nice staff.
> decided to stay another year upgrading to what should’ve been a bigger room
> get put into a smaller room with a bigger bed, walls covered in tack marks, a tiny mini fridge with used insulin inside!
> Attempt to make friends with flatmates (the place has shared kitchen with 8 people and toilets with 3)
> someone leaves a giant shit in the toilet
>takes out the trash 5 times on my own
> flatmates start leaving out raw meat, eggs, vegetables and oil
> I get so fed up with being one of the only ones cleaning I just stop going in the kitchen
>One of the fridges breaks and doesn’t get replaced until after winter break
>after break my mom came to visit and we both deep clean the kitchen because it’s disgusting
>a new girl moves next to me and starts having her loud friends over every two days where they all obviously got coked out, blasted music so loudly people in the halls next door complained and would just start screeching at random moments
>fast forward 3 months squirrel and pigeons were shitting on the kitchen tables , I literally only ate at my boyfriends
> The kitchen mysteriously caught on fire (because of the grease build up) and I was the only one in the flat at the time apparently
>fast fwd 5 months the night before I moved out, my mother and I did a deep clean of the kitchen again, this time when we mopped the floor it turns out it was an entirely different colour, there were maggots at the bottom of the bin, and someone had urinated in a corner!
> On top of this one of my flatmates threw out all of my toiletries and my expensive razor but left her own shit in the bathroom.
No. 298145
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This is gonna be a looooong one kek(kill me)
>>Be me, 15 year old
>>Go to boarding school
>>See ugly emo girl sitting alone
>> "Aw i bet shes a really sweet girl thats misunderstood, i will befriend her" (huge mistake)
>>Become "best friends"
>>Was a weeb so i didnt notice behaviour that will get brought up later
>>School ends, go back to home country, still keep in touch online
>>4-5 years pass
>>Move to same country and city as her by a freak coincidence
>>She got uglier, is not happy by this
>>Is insanely jealous of me(dont realise) shows this by constantly comparing how much male attention we get and the like(ew)
>>Made her other friend hate me and me hate him by lying and exaggerate things we say about eachother
>> Dont realise, think her friend dislikes me for no reason
>> Have low selfesteem, constant put-downs for my looks from her not helping
>>internalise it
>>Move back to home country again, keep in touch
NOW we fucking move in together ..oh boy
>>Fly to her country
>>stay at her parents place while we look for an apartment
>>"Lol anon you look like a child, you have no tits, you are so skinny bla bla bla"
>> Wow, what a cunt
>> "Can you not?"
>> "Ok"
>> "Hey remember your friend that hated me for no reason? Did you go between us and shit-talk just to start shit?"
>> "Yeah, why anon?"
>> "Why the fuck did you do that?"
>> "Its just that everyone likes you anon! so it made me a little happy when he didnt!"
>> "Why would that make you happy?? And you do realise the entire conflict was because of you right?"
>> "Oh, really!? OWO "
>> Move out finally
>> Friend visits us, says im nice and pretty to her, we cool now
>> "I wonder why he suddenly doesnt hate you and thinks your pretty now! You literally look and act the same!"
>> Reallycunt.jpg
>> Shes suddenly obsessed with being smoll uwu
>> Shes like 5'4 and 145lbs, with the face of Snape from Harry Potter
>> "uwu anon im so smoll, i cant reach stuff on the top shelf, can you help me T_T"
>> literally the same height and she has ape-like proportions so giant long arms
>> Shes losing touch with reality
>> UwU i feel so smoll all the time
>> go shopping
>> Literally puts on 5 year old child voice and mannerisms and asks a man "C-can you help me reach that energy drink?" "T-thank you.." "I'm SO smoll :c"
>> Puts on UGUUUU DESU voice constantly, has a old screeching witch-like voice naturally, so you can imagine how grating this is
>> Go to bar
>> Literally one woman hits on her(The Woman obviously being straight) and gets one compliment from a guy on her hair while passing her(She has bright green-blue hair)
>> "UwU omg im being attacked by all the people who want my body! I just want to be home and play bideo games!"
>> Leaves plates in her room for days to sit there and ferment
>> Never cleans utensils and just leaves them in the sink along with food gunk that she doesnt bother to wash away either
>> Leaves her dirty socks all over the floor
>> never helps with washing towels etc.
I live with Snape(just looks)-Sh0e-Pixyteri freak mix, I'm too poor to move out and am attending school.
No. 298151
>>298148Pretty much, just an ugly actually man shouldered, not socially sucessful one.
I'm very close to offing myself.
No. 298424
>Friend very kindly takes in my gerbils after my mother kicks me out (for genuinely no reason at all, just narc parenting) and lets my hamster die
>Friend asks me if I can take care of her place for a little while since she's being sectioned for threatening to kill her sister
>Spend two days straight cleaning the place, find used condoms and unwashed vibrators on/around her bed, mouldy dishes in kitchen, hair all over bathroom etc.
>Her creepy boyfriend stays over randomly for no reason, despite her not being there and him having his own place
>Friend returns from psych ward and offers me the bedroom if I switch the sofa and bed around
>Friend starts trying to make me pay for 50% of the grocery bill, even though I'm anorexic and she's 350lbs at 5'3" so obviously we eat vastly different amounts of food
>All arguments end in her threatening suicide, I even end up driving around in a police car one night trying to find her after she threatened to jump in the river because I said I eat less food than she does
>Fakes overdoses to try to make me pay for her food
>My mother feels so bad for me that she offers to let me come back, on the condition that I leave my gerbils there
>I sneak out in the middle of the night with my one bag of clothes and hope my gerbils don't hate me for abandoning them
>Friend messages me twice to tell me when my gerbils died
>I'm so sorry, my babies
>I'm crying as I type this how sad is that
>Another friend suggests I move in with her in a different town
>I start applying for jobs in said town, get a post sorting one through a recruitment agency
>Even though I don't want to move before I get full confirmation of the job, friend insists
>Live together for a month or two, recruitment agency never return my calls, can't find another job
>Friend's father is landlord, tells her to kick me out since I'm not paying rent
>Friend tells me while I'm visiting my mother that I don't live with her anymore, drops off a bag with like half my stuff but mysteriously not my shoes (her size), hair straighteners, cute coat, or DVDs
>Too embarrassed to message her asking for my stuff back so it's hers now
>Bump into friend who'd ghosted me for six months after writing some weird public callout post for me on his blog
>His girlfriend dumped him and he needs me and bf/his bro to move in and pay rent or he'll have to share a room with bf at their mother's house
>Admits his gf had made up weird lies about me (like saying I wanted them to die) because she was mad at me for dating his bro, asks for forgiveness
>Living there starts out okay, but descends into weirdness
>He lets his cat poop all over the courtyard and he won't pick it up, when I ask him to he yells weird shit about me not being good at washing dishes??
>My mother decides that after ~50 years of keeping parakeets as pets she's suddenly allergic to them, makes me take the family birds
>Even though friend is allowed his loud poopy non-neutered pisscat the landlords (slash funeral directors, v weird scenario) tell friend to get rid of the birds (friend didn't tell them I was living there so I'm assuming I wasn't supposed to be either)
>Mother won't take birds back so I have to give them to a bird rehoming centre (now I'm crying again)
>Friend invites my ex over a lot and lets him shout loudly in the next room about how much he hates me for dumping him three years ago (I love being me)
>Lease is up, all my furniture is ruined because of pisscat, I move out, break up with bf, friend doesn't speak to me again until earlier this year when he commissioned me for a drawing he still hasn't paid for
>Best friend moves across the country, asks me to move in with her since she's lonely
>Maybe things will be different this time
>She's temporarily staying with her uncle while she buys a house, uncle says I can stay too since it's only a few weeks
>Get a pharmacy job, ride down the day before it starts (and crash, oops)
>Friend's uncle lets us use two rooms, friend and I share a bed
>Friend somehow fills both rooms with her clothes and stuff, no matter how much I clean and tidy her things it's impossible to make much space
>Her uncle blames me for this even though I only brought enough stuff to fit in a backpack and a Vespa top box
>Starts threatening to throw our stuff out and change the locks whenever we leave
>He starts making up lies about me and telling other people (really weird things like "she spits toothpaste all over the sink" when I rinse as I go), so when friend leaves for two weeks I set a trap and tell friend about it
>For two weeks I only eat protein bars and microwave rice, and only use disposable cutlery
>When friend comes back the FIRST thing he tells her is that I didn't wash any of my dishes for two whole weeks - when I didn't use any!
>Friend finally gets her house, super happy to be away from this freak
>Within a week of moving into the new house it's already a dump, friend manages to get used q tips in the kitchen drawers, never cleans anything, leaves her stuff all over the communal spaces to the point where no floors or surfaces are visible
>End up hiding in my room after work every day because it's the only place she can't fill with trash
>I left for two weeks and came back to find the roast chicken she put in the oven on the day I left was STILL IN THERE
I'm getting triggered typing this all out so I'm going to leave it at that, but I can't believe I was dumb enough to get myself into these situations so many times.
No. 298439
>In a hurry to find a new place, find a nice girl renting a room for a decently low price
>She keeps delaying bringing me the lease papers to sign, I'm in no rush as things go to shit shortly
>shortly after moving discover I'm living in a housing project, and our combined income is way over the the income limit, and full time students aren't allowed to live there (we're both full time students)
>Keeps insisting I use a guest parking pass and pay in cash, as if I wouldn't figure out something was up
>The place smells and looks good for all of 2 days, after that her stupid tiny dogs piss and shit everywhere, she just picks up the poops and lets the pee soak in, lighting scented candles to mask it (which doesn't work)
>She "hates" microwaves because of their "dangerous radiation" and keeps the microwave on the patio, which she uses as her personal dump despite the dumpsters being right outside the apartment
I lived there for all of three weeks. Now I pay 450/month for a master bedroom in a major city (US west coast) 10 minutes from downtown, which as you know if you live in one of these cities, is pretty remarkable. I moved 4 times this year so I am grateful for this every day.
No. 301051
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>>301006>$2500 power bill>mfw I get pissed when my bill is $80 in the summer from the A/CSure your roomie isn't growing weed in a closet someplace? Maybe a couple neighbors have an illegal hookup?
Is your dwelling actually a mansion with 15 rooms?
No. 301056
>>301051m-maybe anon's in a different country and converted wrong?
my air and heat are constantly running (respectively) and my power bill has only even been $200 max.
No. 301751
>>3010515 bedroom with 6 people.