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No. 300974
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No. 300981
>>300979>>300976I get that radfem is currently trendy here on LC, but if you don't care about this could you leave this thread alone then, please? I'm not upset by your opinions, but I'd rather get some responses of substance.
Also did you notice most of what's in the OP is focused on the WOMEN's perceptions, not the men.
No. 300983
>>300982I don't understand what your problem is lmao
Is this thread
triggering you? Be honest.
No. 300988
>>300983not the anon you're replying to but Its not
triggering its just these kinda surveys or studies or whatever are literal memes you'd read in shitty magazine like Cosmo. I don't what there is to discuss.
No. 300992
>>300988>these kinda surveys or studies or whatever are literal memes you'd read in shitty magazine like CosmoEvidently you didn't even open the links.
The article directly cites the study and I've even included a link directly to it in the OP for convenience's sake. How about you actually read the source before passing judgement? Does that table in the second post, complete with standard deviations, look like something from a magazine survey to you?
Is LC exclusively populated by underage Tumblr snowflakes these days or something? I was just looking for something like a calm discussion on whether the accusation that women are primarily responsible for perpetuating unhealthy beauty standards is justified or not, but I guess I wouldn't be getting anything of the sort on this site in $current_year. I honestly thought this thread would be a nice break from all the generals plaguing the index. Guess me and LC have very different ideas as to what qualifies as a "shitty thread".
No. 301007
>>300992nta but I think it's because your post comes across as bait from a robot up until your last point. If someone doesn't read all the way through then that will be their assumption.
Anyway, this just tells us that white people prefer thin but busty women. I already knew this lmao.
No. 301010
>>300983it's always the people that are asking "is this
triggering to you?" who are actually
triggered No. 301012
>>301005Identifying as the OP is not namefagging you retarded newfag. I didn't want to be accused of samefagging my own thread.
>pretending to be an oldfag I've been on this site on and off since 2014, whatever helps you sleep at night though
>>301007>your post comes across as bait from a robot up until your last point. If someone doesn't read all the way through then that will be their assumptionI can't see how my posting style is even remotely similar to that of a robot's. If this is true it really just furthers my previous point.
>>301010>no u!I still remember when LC was actually decent.
No. 301019
>>301015You fucking bet that I'm upset that I made a genuine attempt to start an actual discussion among all the shitty generals on this board and got sagebombs and replies shittier than the ones you'd find on /pol/ and /r9k/ instead. Now that I know there isn't possibly any good discussion to be had with you guys please just let this thread die already. And then you can all go back to wallowing in your cesspit.
>>301016>hurr durr I don't care about this!>I'm going to keep responding this thread telling you how much I don't careRight back at all of you.
No. 301020
>>301012>Identifying as the OP is not namefagging you retarded newfagIt is, and I'm not a newfag.
Tell me more about how you've been here for four years, yet still don't know how to sage.
No. 301047
>>300976Thank you. And lol @ the replies getting booty blasted because there's women like us who don't wait on a ~man's~ opinions with bated breath.
Fuck you OP you fucking faggot you suck cock.
No. 301057
I got robot vibes from OP too, regardless I find this study interesting. Not because I want to please men but because I do find that having a body close to ideal makes your life a lot easier in the day to day interactions.
>>301047It's not just men's opinion.
I used to work in an office where most of my coworkers were women and there was a lot of pressure on looking good even though our line of work had no relation to the fashion or service industry.
One of my coworkers was broad-boned but fit. She just didn't have a dainty figure of a ~*fragile princess*~ but other coworkers subtly teased her and I noticed how self-conscious she became.
Like, when there was a VIP visiting, we had to wear shirt uniforms so when someone would order shirts they would choose XXL shirt for her, the rest of us had either S or M sizes.
Or sometimes she would get asked if she's finally expecting a child which was a nasty thing since she did want a child but couldn't conceive.
What I wanted to say is that how others perceive us does matter in other important areas of life, not just dating or romance.
Men do expect a lot in the look department while not being much themselves, so I really wouldn't worry what they think.
I know that people like to be around me and I'm probably better treated because I do care about my looks. Our society is superficial.
>>301054Yeah, me too. I'm also surprised about the bust size.
>>301034BMI is not the most reliable way to measure ideal weight. It doesn't count in for muscle mass, some people have a wider skeletal build etc.
No. 301063
>>301057Your coworkers were/are cunts.
>society is superficial No, certain people are because they want looks to be important since it's all they have to offer and to boost their self-esteems over others. Except even they will sing a different tune when they round into their 40s. Suddenly when they're old and no longer beautiful, then and only then, will they want people to view them as something more than to be superficially seen.
So predictable, so pathetic.
No. 301065
>>300974also interesting, the men also overestimate what the ideal body type is, by tons more.
women were off by 2-3 points, but men are off by 5x that, they think we like huge chests for our "ideal man" lel
No. 301071
>>301064>I think this thread is interesting honestlyHow? All OP even did was post some study about what some men think about an ideal female body.
>I think the ideal bodyStop right there. This is thread is about what MEN think. Not you. Your opinion is trash, you walking fuckhole. Now stop sitting on your ass and make sure you maintain that sub-24 BMI for da men.
No. 301090
>>301077That sounds fucking good right about now. Any specific recipe you use?
I had some quesadillas a little while ago, I miss them
No. 301094
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>all the triggered fatties ITT
No. 301099
>>301093>bmi 15-19>has boobsWhy are chestlets so deluded?
>>301091Oh yeah, males hate fat girls with big boobs.
That's why you girls have a multi-thread saga on /pt/ REEEEEing about that fat cosplaying bitch Moo who makes thousands a month off her big fat tits from her devoted male orbiters despite scamming the fuck out of them and being a shit person overall. Heard she's going to Japan on their dime too.
Must really sting you. I'm sorry.
No. 301103
>>301100>fatty chainsLook, I know you're assblasted and need to churn out replies asap, but spell check first.
Also, not fat. Just laughing at the flatties itt who are pissed other women on this website didn't care for your r9k tier "study"
No. 301106
>>301098>>301103>>301101looks like we've awakened the ana sperg.
mods, pls come put her back to sleep
No. 301108
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>>301101But we were supposed to find it interesting what shit tier males think about the ""ideal"" woman's body? Can't have it both ways sweaty.
Either men who objectify women suck or they don't.
>>301104>no fat models existNice try.
>>301105>mfwFucking called it though. I knew that ana chan was behind this thread.
No. 301114
>>301113and you're so ana you think anything over just above underweight is obese
No. 301117
>>301113You're so delusional you think a BMI over 22 is landwhale status.
And tbh, if you're an adult who's 25+ and you're 1 BMI point (18) away from being diagnosable as ana, you probably are.
You think there's much grey area between overweight and clinically obese? You tell me, skelly. Throw them fortune-telling bones.
No. 301125
>>301120Um, excuse me, I'm more than a few BMI points away from being 'overweight.'
Earlier you were trying to tell me a BMI of 18 on an adult woman isn't anorexic even though that's literally within .5 of being diagnosable. If I can't call you anorexic, you can't call me fat. Only the numbers matter. Bye.
No. 301131
>>301115>40 Caucasian men>all menSure.
Can you defeat a heavier girl in a death match, though? That is the true determiner of worth.
No. 301144
>>301139I'm 125lbs, you fucking retard.
>Muh 105lbsthat is not a replacement for a personality.
No. 301158
>>301108 you really did call it. I'm impressed.
No. 301159
>>301152Your posts don't convince me you have a high-quality Chad lavishing you with jewels and big dick.
If anything it's kind of sad that you have to jab low hanging fruit and act racist to even feel slightly good about yourself, and then cite some study from years ago to back it up.
Who hurt you, sis?
No. 301163
>>301146>>301147>>301152>>301155>>301157>>301160See? Like clockwork. And now it's seguing into weird racebait territory (incels are usually obsessed with black men in some form or another). This board isn't even fast-paced enough for this to not be blatant samefagging.
Once again, don't engage. Let these pathetic incels scream into the void.
No. 301164
>>301099Lol, look at the top ten adult cosplayers - they’re almost all thin women. Look at male models and singers - they’re all with thin girls.
Fat girls cope with the reality that they’re everyone’s third choice by bringing up fat cosplayers who use merticulous lighting and photoshopping to obfuscate the gross reality of their tumbling, rippled bodies - the likes of which are currently being left behind by cuter, smaller women.
No. 301166
>>301146Meh kinda same? Im pear-shaped so the thicc trend was nice for a change. It got extreme to some extend but whatever. After getting into lifting, I realized how much better things got when I got toned, defined and not just skinny/skinnyfat.
At the end of the day, being healthy, having healthy habits for a lifetime and working out trumps everything else. Hope this thread gets nuked. Caused nothing but pointless infighting.
No. 301172
>>301168Nah just weird that you would bring race into it at all when plenty of white dudes date fatties. Also your tone only seems to be talking about white women because how would it be unusual for fat black chicks to be dating black dudes?
Why not talk about fat black or hispanic women?
It's a little strange you're even targeting fat white women specifically tbh. Makes me think you got a little vendetta against a certain white fatty. What's her name and how much did she bully you in high school?
No. 301176
>>301164>look at the top ten adult cosplayersWho are they and what's your basis for ranking?
>look at male models and singersBut there are fat female models and singers, what are their partner's sizes?
You sound like the second choice trying to keep the totem in line, despite the ever crumbling ground from beneath you that fat people go on to live fulfilling lives without ever caring about your mental competition. Very sad indeed, poor anon.
No. 301178
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>>301175>98 pounds 32cI googled that and got pic related.
My condolences. You look very unfortunate.
No. 301186
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>>301156I’m gay and I think Rooney Mara probably has my ideal body type. Especially in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. She’s trim and muscular in that movie. I fantasize about her OFTEN. When a girl has a lean waist and her arms have a similar level of thickness I’m so into that.
No. 301188
>>301177>>301179Being a binge eater just means you emotionally get off by eating a lot of food.
Doesn't mean they're a shitbag that uses anonymous gossip board to bait other women and put them down to make themselves feel better, and use some study they janked from r9k to justify themselves.
No, that's only something a person like yourselves do. Whatever it is you think you look like.
No. 301190
>>301176>basis for rankingTheir monthly earnings.
There are very few fat female models, most of them are forced into the fashion industry. No one wants to spend months working on a fashion brand just to have it paraded around by a clumsy, slack-jawed land whale.
And lol, I don’t give a fuck about fatties - I’ll I occasionally indulge myself by laughing at them though.
>>301178NTA, but is the cholesterol in your body leaking to your brain?
Just because you googled her measurements and came out with this picture doesn’t mean she herself has this body.
No. 301196
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One more pic. I guess she is nearly ana-tier for these movies so you can see her muscle definition but idk it does it for me.
No. 301199
>>301190>Their monthly earnings.But who are they? Present them.
Remember the rules:
Anyone over 22 BMI is "fat."
>nobody wants to work on a brand to be seen on a landwhaleUnless…their brand is for fatty fatty 2 x 4 landwhales?
What do you care? Not like you'll design anything besides painting the inside of your toilet bowl with your own vomit.
No. 301207
>>301199>present themGoogle it yourself, hamplanet. Type “adult cosplay rank Patreon” or something along those lines, I don’t need to do your work for you.
>not like you’ll be designing anythingBut at least I can fit in it uwuwuwu
No. 301213
>>301156I'm a massive lesbo and I like women who are either lean muscled or soft. I don't like underweight/super skinny women, and i dont like fat or obese women either. It's a good middle ground for me.
A soft women is gorgeous, but i also heavily admire women who work out and get lean muscle because that isn't easy.
No. 301221
>>301215So when am I gonna get that list of very important cosplayers? I'll be lurking, but I'm sure this is just a tall order that you don't want to work on because you're full of shit.
I look forward to jumping rope with your prolapsed esophagus after screaming 'fatty' and barfing for the 50th time today uwu ~~
No. 301273
>>301270Her and the other anons that had a problem with op have been calling them 'ana chans' the whole time. Nothing was implied about skinny chicks in general. Makes perfect sense why they made puke jokes, because that's what anorexics do.
You're brining bulimia in this to once again take a swipe at le fatties, which is ironic because most medically overweight persons are not bulimic. Though I don't doubt bulimia makes people with otherwise average weights look flabby because like you said, people do stupid shit to pander to men and their ideals.
No. 301279
>>301273>You're bringing bulimia in this to once againdude, it was the other lard-chan here
>>301199 who brought bulimia up into the conversation. anon was merely responding to that by posting the fact that bulimics are usually somewhat tubby. god, why are fat people so dumb?
No. 301303
>>301273fat girls are generally lazy and want to take the easy way out so they think they can still eat like a cow and make themselves puke and they will become thin. They're too dumb to realize that's not how the body works because by the time they get to the point where they are puking their bodies have already consumed the calories they have eaten. Purging only gets rid or water and food weight, it doesn't get rid of actually fat kek
Fatty chans will do anything to lose weight except eat less.
No. 301322
>>301297Anorexia is diagnosed between there and 17.5
Holy shit. You're wanting to grasp straws over a .5?
I'm sure if some girl was .5 away from being clinically obese, you wouldn't have any troubles calling her obese because what the fuck is really the difference of a half point?
I hope you're just pretending to be a dumb bitch.
No. 301327
>>301303>Purging only gets rid or water and food weight, it doesn't get rid of actually fat kekWhat kooky ana chan science is this? And you're calling other anons dumb?
There's no such thing as purging "get rid of water and food weight but not fat." The problem is exactly that people never fully purge the food they've eaten. It has nothing to do with "fat being left behind," which btw–fat doesn't make people fat. Nice 90s myth though.
It's the blind leading the blind!
>>301325Do you not think anorexics purge or something? It seems you can't just admit your reach of bringing up bulimia. I almost feel sorry for your embarrassment…almost.
No. 301370
>>301351>That's exactly what I saidHow are you going to blatantly lie when what you typed is a mere glance up?
You said you believe that only fat is left behind while the weight of water and food magically gets purged out.
That is saying something completely different. That's some fairy ass shit.
You ought to worry about the biggest ball of fat that is your brain right now, forget about fatties. Get some nourishment to your head, stat.
No. 301387
>>301370Anonymous 1 minute ago No. 301385
>>301370What I mean by that is in the long teem they won't lose any any real weight by purging. Sure they might look at the scale and think "oh I'm losing weigh quickly!" But they're not really losing weight from fat, they're just losing food/water weight. Obviously if you just eat you're going to weigh more afterward because of the food/water weight.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that you don't lose water weight from laxatives and purging?kek
No. 301402
>>301387Food weight doesn't go anywhere unless the stomach is purged of the food in the first place. Same thing with the fat.
The water would also have to be purged.
You stomach doesn't automatically separate the food and water weight from fat, which is what it sounded like you were saying when you typed that.
If what I said is what you meant to say, fine, but it's absolutely not what you said at first.
No. 301403
>>301401Oh yeah smartass, because the doctor wouldn't say you're clinically underweight and urge you to gain lest your organs peace out in a few years.
Except someone as sick as the people arguing itt obviously have disordered thoughts and would be diagnosable if they were honest.
No. 301416
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>the Tess Munster banner came up on this page
This fucking retarded sperg slapfight. Had a good laugh but where are the mods
No. 301421
>>301417not eating makes you lose weight, puking up food shortly after eating doesn't let you take in most of the nutrition.
anorexic and bulimics both lose weight from lack of nutrition.
No. 301426
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>>301156You can be soft and cute at a lower bmi
No. 301429
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>>301428I think skinny and soft looks good. Skinny and muscular looks disturbing to me.
No. 301431
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>>301430>fatty chans using race as an excuseEmma stone is 5'6 at 105 and looks good
No. 301435
>>301431here we go again…
you guys don't look skinny AND soft, you just look skinny. why are you so offended by that? it's true, plus I thought you wanted to look like that. emma stone doesn't look soft at all btw, bad example.
No. 301451
>>301417>We were talking about bulimia which is purging foodAnorexics purge too. Clearly original anon never referenced bulimia, but you're brining bulimia into the mix because you wanna REEEE about how fatties purge too.
Of course someone as retarded as you would be so smug and not acknowledge their pathetic reaching.
No. 301452
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>>301431are you trying to claim that emma stone's dainty build is the average for western women and thus all of them can look like that when underweight versus the spooky scary skeletons time that it actually comes across as irl most of the time?
also this thread should be nuked, why are there so many not quite recovered anachans on this board ffs No. 301470
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>>301417its hard to be young and retarded but try going back to mpa or tumblr to shill bad facts
No. 301496
>>3014925'5" =/= petite frame
Did you know that people can have different bone structures?
No. 301501
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these threads are always so entertaining whenever someone brings up tits, ideal beauty, weight or white women kekk
No. 301504
>>301401The ones that get organ failure are usually at a bmi of under 16, not 17.5, its a criteria, if you are not anorexic and actively losing by starving and eating less than 1200calories a day, a bmi of 17 is not dangerous. I know you are gonna strawman because you obviously have some sort of complex so let me just put it this way, yes some people get organ failure at a bmi of 17, some even at a bmi of 20, bmi is arbitraty, it depends on your frame, musclemass, heights, genetics and so forth, not that you care you are just angry thin people are considered attractive and want to shit on them to feel better.
No. 301522
>>301504Ana chans in this thread def meet the mental criteria.
Sperging out about anyone having a BMI over 22 are planets, thinking
>>301431 looks healthy, obsessing about who black men date even though black men have a range of dating more than just fat white women–just to name a few. That's besides the fucking obsessive thoughts and arguments about weight including the weights of others.
But nevermind all that, the boogeymen fatties are just out to get the poor, marginalized thin people while ironically you're trying to argue they're more attractive than anyone else with your irrelevant study. Which is it? Are you picked on for your weight or are Chads throwing themselves at 17 BMIers so quickly that they don't have the time to post on lolcow for hours? Pft, acting like you're a victim lol.
No. 301527
>>301492firstly, height has nothing to do with build, secondly, asian women tend to be of slighter build, partially bc nature, partially bc envio, that's just a fact of life. why are all of you so pressed about comparison between white women and asian women specifically, are all ya'll that jealous of malnourished chinese factory workers or something kek.
also how the fuck is smallness equal to femininity, or even further, femininity to attractiveness. all the pudgy, short, small framed latinas are peak femininity then but i don't ever see that body type lauded as utter female perfection in internet spaces.
also when will a mod finally obliterate this thread already jfc
yes, i know i am contributing, tbf this is my first time in threads like these and never again jfc, this is giving me a headache No. 301530
>>301528Too much work, you'd be clicking for hours kek.
I'll stop posting, I know I've contributed to the shitstorm a lot. Apologies.
No. 301551
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>>300973i think women have to just go with what looks best for their body type and genetics.
Some girls can look great with weight on, some girls look terrible with weight on.
My friend who is a very broad and heavyset girl, looks like a skeleton when shes at her ideal bmi, but looks fine when shes a bit over.
No. 301561
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>>301527So basically you're saying white women have broader shoulders and a more manly build?i don't believe that. Most white women would look good thin.
No. 301562
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>>301190there are heaps of plus size models out there.
No. 301577
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>>301054the visual difference between waist and hip size is not at all what people expect it to mean. "Child bearing hips" are literally a meme, what really matters is the width of the interior pelvic inlet,
which you can't see unless you have x-ray vision. Visual hip width can correlate with other health factors but really has nothing to do with child labor.
No. 301578
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>>301575prove it, post cute male skellies then maybe I will reconsider
No. 301588
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>>301578Well, I can't really convince you if our tastes are inherently different.
No. 301589
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>>301588It's not unattainable, either. I know a guy irl who is mega skelly and isn't an ana-kun.
No. 301597
>>301561this bitch looks like she escaped Auschwitz last week, her face is all sunk in, is this what you consider nice looking?
i'm saying white women
tend to have bigger builds as in they are broader overall not specifically in the shoulder zone. due to that, they tend to look more skeletal than some kpop singer or whatever does at the same height and weight.
that being said, heaps of kpop singers look quite ill as well No. 301608
>>301588OK this guy looks pretty good and so does
>>301590, second one looks way too hungry
No. 301768
>>300973BMI of 18/19 probably is the preferred (at least with low muscle mass), but the waist/hips/bust info is dumb because the models only represent one type of female body.
The second is pretty close to Scarlett Johansson's (and many other woman, she just came immediately to mind) waist/hip/bust measurements, but she looks way better than that.
It doesn't take into account how body fat can distribute and differences in limb/torso length.
No. 301788
>>301678Anon who posted those and I actually prefer non-white men but they're hell to find cute scrawny pics of. I make do with the bones I can dig up.
But I agree men are all ugly. That's kind of why I like them tbh.
No. 301819
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>>301788my ideal guy looks roughly like this
No. 302149
>>301802>>301802thank you. this 'asian women have smaller bones' meme is rooted in creepy male asian fetishism that started with 'asians have smaller, tighter vaginas because they're smaller boned' etc, it's a line of thought that's literally decades and decades old and isn't substantiated by anything and is entirely just warped westerners idea of what asians look like.
have any of these weebs seen asian women irl? i stg their entire ideas of asians are shaped entirely around kpop, jpop, jfashion, korean dramas and asian popular media. celebrities, clothing models, and social media figures are not accurate cross-sections of their populations, jfc.
No. 302199
>>302184Same here. I just like healthy looking people? And that ranges depending on height and bone structure and all that
But idk, girls with abs are hot af sucks how much shit they get online from guys saying its gross though. It shoes discipline and hard work which is attractive imo
No. 302378
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The anons who think they're THICC are having a pissing match with the ana-chan anons.
This is the kind of locally-sourced milk I live for.
No. 302386
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>>302380I wanted to comment on it before it all inevitably gets deleted.
I agree with some anons earlier that "what body type do you find sexy" would have been a better way to start the article than anon posting statistics that reinforce their dislike of the "THICC" trend.
>>302358So Jim from The Office?
>>301678Idk anon, I'm bi and I lean more towards women, so for me to be into a guy he has to be small and femme.
I feel like skinny, smaller guys are about as close to chicks as cis ones can get.
Pic is an example of a guy I think is attractive (or was, he's been dead for like 40 years).
No. 302418
>>302386Anon, that guy looks like a much greasier version of buffalo bill. Bisexuals
always have shit taste…
No. 302452
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>>302446Unironic use of the word ‘cis’
Bad taste is guaranteed.
No. 302456
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>>302446Aw I like using 'chicks', divorce it from its older connotations and it's cute. Maybe trying to reclaim this one is too much work, but I'm fond of it.
No. 302470
>>302418It was the seventies and he was a musician. Long hair was pretty much obligatory.
It's almost like attraction is subjective or something…
>>302446The only men on this site are the neckbeards white knighting in Moo's thread, Anon.
>>302452Would you prefer I say "not a troon"? "Sane" maybe?
I didn't realize this was the "Rhetoric Critique Thread", my bad. Why is everyone so pissy in this thread?
No. 302601
>>302470What, are you old? Virtually all male 70s musicians were ugly.
>It's almost like attraction is subjective or something…Then why did you reply to my post in attempt to validate your shit taste in the first place? Just let me think pasty ana dudes and your busted, dead husbando are ugly in peace thx
No. 303940
>>303010I just don't understand why this is so universal
women don't love skinny twinks all their lives in nearly the same manner as men do; do men just want to control women by making them constantly restrict their intake?
No. 304239
>>304235Nta but
>being the cliche bitter anon accusing someone of being fat because they have a perspective about ana chans that you don't likeAverage women don't think eating disorders are healthy for either obese or emaciated women, sorrrry.
No. 304262
>>304243It's literally .5 from being medically underweight.
You're not being honest with yourself, nobody would look at an overweight girl who's .5 away from being medically obese and think she's just a little chubby.
A lot of overweight people eat just a little too much without thinking about it too, doesn't mean they don't have a problem.
No. 304411
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>>304337Yes obviously, looks dying really
No. 304788
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Triggered fatties are kek worthy
No. 304794
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No. 304795
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Found this sexy 12 year old boi on google
No. 304796
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>>304795Fatties on suicide watch
(derailing) No. 304818
>>304793It's several different people, women i reckon.
I think thin women are tired of being shamed aswell and the lashing out is a result of this, and to be fair the non-thin women are being just as reactionary and rude.
No. 304831
>>304818It doesn't sound like several different people at all. it sounds like the same sperg who does nothing but ree about fat girls and browse google images.
>I think thin women are tired of being shamed aswell and the lashing out is a result of thisWut? no one likes fatties outside of the bodyposi sjw part of internet, that goes double for countries where being fat isn't the norm. by "thin" do you mean ana?
>The non-thin women are being just as reactionary and rude.where itt?
No. 304884
>>304831It is several different people, you are being paranoid.
I’m not talking about “fatties” i’m talking about the shaming of underweight and thin women which is very real, if you need examples just skin through the thread, calling them “auscwitz” saying they look like children, and even as you say yourself “ana” which is a mental disorder, not a bodytype.
You cant claim victimhood when you yourself are shaming thin people.
No. 304973
>>304884>It is several different people, you are being paranoid.Proof? Do you mean you're sperg 1 and google images-chan is sperg 2?
>m-muh body shaming!1!Lmfao you sound no better than those bodybosi landwhales. Underweight people do look fucking gross. Being skinny does not a good body make and people who think that more or less deserve to be made fun of. Go to the gym for once.
No. 305034
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>>304973Obviously not since the study concluded that atleast from a biological perspective atleast to men, thin is more attractive, its just petty to shame thin women because you dont fit the "mold".
Have fun being bitter.
"Gross" image attached
No. 305093
>>301426>looks boney as hellso soft uwu
>>301437probably just some racial fetishist, if you blocked both their faces out they look the same skin texture wise, even the sprite girls bones show a lot more than emmas
No. 305097
>>304796fat girls get so
triggered when people point out if a thin woman has nice propotions, they'll shut down and start ranting about how all thin women have no ass and tits
No. 305115
>>304903An embarrassing thread about to be deleted because it has caused nothing but sperging and infighting. Hope it wasnt some incels doing to
trigger women into fighting amongst themselves.. they get off on that ew
No. 305131
>>305097This. And dont you dare stand up for yourself, their feelings might get hurt uwu
But shaming skinny women is A-O.K
No. 305498
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>>305131With fat women it is best to just ignore them when they're skinny shaming. If you don't agree with them that you're disgusting, mentally Ill and wish you weighed 40 lbs more they will just shut you down and claim the only reason you don't hate your body is. Evause you're Ana kek