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No. 308264
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"Little Sprout" was given her name because every meal involved six sprouts. EXACTLY six sprouts.
Her insta name was questtorecovery, except she said she wasn't trying to gain weight. She was an asshole to her mother who also had to care for her brother who had Down's Syndrome.
She disappeared from insta, deleted her blog, etc after CPS was called to investigate her home situation after a tip off from someone on Instagram.
Here was a typical meal.
No. 308265
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3 years on and now she's working at Starbucks and attending college. She's scrubbed up well and seems she beat the beast that was her eating disorder.
Eilish/Sprout on left.
No. 308267
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Now looking for whatever happened to gummy_bearprincess. She was a friend of Ash's until she actually decided to recover for real and unfollowed Ash, sending Ash into spasms of rage.
Did she dump her diet of sugar and fro yo and gain weight? Did she trash the plastic Disney crockery and start eating from adult plates (seeing how she was 40-ish and had a child of her own)?
No. 308441
>>308434Not that anon, but there's still an Ash thread on autosage
>>>>>/snow/241927and her ig is the same as ever: No. 308558
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>>308549>>308549samefag, after some detective work, i found her facebook. she looks well.
No. 308866
>>308558I noticed that she'd started a facebook account with a fake name, but I forgot it and that perv Henry Roth/Bill Bockmann switched off his thing where you can see their friends.
She does look well, but she always did really. Her shoulders still look bones, but here
>>308559 her arms look toned and she really does look good.
As much as I liked her, then had doubts about her, I hope she's doing okay if not only for the sake of the kids.
I'm going to look for some of the others later. It's good reading past Ashley threads because they're genuinely amusing. It was weird to see the first mention of Aly on there before she got her own thread.
I was going to ask about one of the people mentioned, but not sure if it was really something I should do seeing how she was really fucked and had friends on lolcow. My memory's bad, but it was starchild or something?
I saw someone who was mentioned once and she'd recovered. It's good when that happens.
I was thinking about Ash earlier and how I wouldn't be surprised if she reached the age of 60. Her deterioration is really slow, but it amazes me she's still alive. She never even seems to get sick. Amyway, that's Ash and she's still spoopy.
No. 308891
>>308348same, anon..same
>>308390I love you, anon
No. 308898
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Okay, another one that mentioned 3 years ago.
Her name on ig was annagirl11
this was her then
No. 308900
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this is her now
No. 308903
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I honestly thought she'd be a goner.
No. 310505
>>310478Still spooky, still eating nothing but laxatives and supplements, still obsessed with being solely for daddyjesus and pretending she’s a nutritionist/professional therapist/worlds sickest woman.
Grape juice fasting gave her crohns, bone broth is the new miracle diet. Still trying to become a poster child for cystic fibrosis by occasionally forcing a dry cough in videos. Eating $1200 worth of garbage pills, paid for by human daddy.