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No. 308363
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Daily reminder to drink water and hydrate.
No. 308389
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>>308386>>308384thanks anons, you two are the real mvps
No. 308426
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>>308423I love coffee shits.
No. 309096
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How you doing dehydrated anons?
Don't forget to exfoliate your crusty ass lips.
No. 309106
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thanks for reminding me OP
No. 309148
>>309143>almost dying from runescapeANON I'M SORRY I LAUGHED
I'm glad you lived to tell the tale.
No. 309884
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>>309804Finished first bottle, on to my second now. The only thing I don't like is how much I have to pee.
No. 311115
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Remember to refill your bottle friends!
No. 311122
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>>310027same. I can't even finish a cup of tap water. it tastes repulsive, especially now that I live in the city.
No. 312451
>>312450had 16oz of water today anon!
going to work out and have more later on.
No. 313272
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>>313189>drinking water in the middle of the nightYeah and waking up 2 hrs later to go pee
No. 313324
>>313272I pee so much at night, especially right as I'm trying to sleep. I drink a lot of water but I think lying still makes me hyper aware of even the slightest urge to pee.
Actually I pee constantly during the day too, I'm almost worried it's a medical issue. But I am very well hydrated…
No. 313325
>>313324I swear I only drink water an hour or two before bed and i still get up to pee at night.
Taking a big gulp of water anyway though. It's refreshing.
No. 313343
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drink up friends
No. 313884
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You know I keep that mf thang on me
May your skin glow & pee be clear
No. 314632
>>314626I feel that, anon. I drink enough water to drown a small family, I eat healthy, exercise every day, use a good skincare routine that cleanses but doesn't dry out my skin, and I still have chronic acne.
Meanwhile there's people eating McDonald's for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day and taking baths in bacon grease and they have perfect clear skin. It's not fair.
No. 314637
>>314626You don't need to drink that much. Just enough so you aren't thirsty and don't replace it with coke and beer.
Really, you won't get rid of acne by peeing it out.
No. 315134
>>313324Same here. Went to the doctors though and they told me it's psychological, might be the same for you. Get it checked out anyway, but unless your piss smells sweet or you have other irregularities, it's probably nothing. I'd tell you to cut water intake but ik it's hard af because of the thirst.
Lmao everyone always bleats about drinking water but no help going the other direction
No. 315662
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stop telling me what to do with my body, fats
No. 315696
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don't forget to H Y D R A T E
this is strangely wholesome to me, I just want to hug you all for some reason
No. 316181
>>316156i mean if it just tastes bad but is ok for consumption, you'll get used to the taste in like 2 weeks or so.
source: went home to my delicious highly mineralised deep well water and it now tastes shit because i've gotten accustomed to chlorinated tap water at dorms which initially tasted utterly vile
;-; No. 316198
>>316190aryt, i personally asked the dorm provider and, just to be sure, looked up the quality of the water supplied online (generally water provider sites have a search function for this or, if they don't,
give them a ring).
can't vouch for usa or actual 3rd world with non-centralised water supply systems, but otherwise it will be safe to drink unless the pipes in your property are fucked. the thing that ruins the taste of water the most is chlorine but it's a necessary additive in densely populated areas as it kills bacteria. also sometimes just high mineralisation w, for example, iron (if your sinks etc have red stains you have that) can make it taste funky but it's perfectly safe to ingest.
if you still feel uneasy but don't like filters, you can go the soviet way and just boil the water before drinking altho idk which is a better approach financially
No. 316201
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Thank you for this thread!! Anons please stay hydrated and drink some water! Make it a goal to drink at least a bottle a day (it's a start, but the more water the better!)!! Let's all be hydrated!
No. 316288
>>316198>>316181if the water tastes weird it's probably a PH issue and not something you can just boil out. people boiling water don't do it to fix the taste.
the water in my city is very alkali so i just use those stevia water flavor drops.
No. 316309
>>316303yea, boiling does that but most filters don't. you'd need a special kind of filter that attaches to the pipe under your sink, rather than the pitcher or ones attached to the faucet.
pitcher filters are also worse because most of them grow bacteria themselves.
i currently live in USA and the area i live has some of the best water in the country and it still tastes like shit to me.
No. 317184
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No. 317969
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>used to have dry ass skin and felt bad in general due to dehydration
>start drinking more water
>build up water intake
>skin improves, headaches lessen, feel less tired throughout the day
>get alcoholic gramma to drink more water too since she has like 2 sips a day
>she is slowly weening off alcohol and drinking more water
>moves from vodka to wine to like 1 glass of wine a day since she hydrates
feels good man
No. 318319
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>tfw have the tastebuds of a 10 year old kid and hate drinking water cause theres no sugar
>tfw drink it anyway because its good for you
>tfw hate the taste of water but water has no taste
>tfw i drink it anyway
clink clink farmers
No. 318355
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Keeping several water bottles in the fridge with some squeezed lemon in it so you have ice fucken cold water every morning is the best thing ever.
IMO these days sugary sodas makes me feel more dehydrated.
No. 318692
>>318689unless you buy young coconuts and do it yourself, all those 'coconut water' drinks are really bad for you, too sugary and salt filled.
better to just go with those natural stevia flavorings like someone else mentioned.
No. 318715
>>318692depends where you buy them really
My mum and I used to go to this vegan area to buy coconut water (home made) young me hated it, but my mum says it taste like back home so go figure.
But yeah, those every day canned ones are just bad
No. 319409
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I ate a lot of Halloween candy yesterday so I know my skin isn't gonna look great in the next couple days but drinking only water has seemed to help my skin look a lot better since starting.
No. 320885
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>>310027Mine tastes less than stellar, so I use a filter pitcher. It won't make non-potable water safe to drink, but it does make tap water taste better.
>>318699I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
>>318319Maybe some unsweetened herbal tea (iced, if you prefer) would help?
No. 320897
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Y'all bitches should get one of these Oko bottles!!! Fucking changed my life bc I have no excuse to not drink water. Even when my town went through a boil advisory I could still drink the tap water. The filter on the baddies are amazing and you can say good fucking bye to plastic waste
No. 320944
>>320897>$25 a bottleno the fuck thanks
i prefer my always FREE water and bottle i bought at the store for $1
No. 321220
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clear or light yellow all day err day
No. 323117
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I think you should have some water now, Anon. Save the milk for these kittens.
No. 323145
>>323139Uhhhh its pretty normal to have dry mouth in the morning, especially if you smoke pot before bed, in my experience. And especially if you sleep with your mouth open or have sleep apnea.
But tbh your pee shouldn't be dark and shouldn't hurt. You need to go to the gyno anon, you might have caused an infection by being too dehydrated. When you don't pee enough bacteria can build up and grow easier.
If you cannot go to the doctor easily for whatever reason, go get unsweetened, 100% cranberry juice AND DRINK THE FUCK OUT OF IT IN ADDITION TO WATER. you'll be peeing like a race horse but i have treated a mild uti this way and prevented it reoccuring. And if that doesn't work yeah you need to just figure out urgent care though unless you're experiencing the classic collapsing and fucked up dehydration symptoms or you experience severe pain with your uti probably don't need the ER.
No. 323725
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No. 324204
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When does the peeing stop anons…
No. 326742
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Post your water bottles. I have the 1L in pic related and I use it all day. I have a 500ml one from a different brand in the same colour that I keep in my bag.
No. 326745
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>>326742I also have one of these from Primark.
No. 326751
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>>326742I use this one, by the brand TAL
Honestly, Aluminum water bottles are really great and I regret not getting one sooner. Keeps my water super cold for a long time, I love it.
No. 326787
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Drink some water
No. 326794
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>>326742Was on sale at Target one day, so I snatched.
No. 326851
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>>326742i usually drink from pre-bottled water, but when i'm feeling fancy i'll whip this out.
No. 327087
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Nalgene 1L wide mouth is my daily driver.
Daily reminder to drink water and stay hydrated
No. 327102
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I've been using these bottles for years they keep water ice cold for hours even in a hot car and the autoseal feature is my favorite (it opens with a button on the other side) I have the 24 oz, drink about 5 a day. I love water. Drink some.
No. 327497
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>>327115get a hydro flask! i've joined the cult and don't think i'll ever buy a different brand. if you don't like the wide mouth, they make different tops.
they keep liquid so cold/hot and there's NO gross taste at all. i've put coffee and a mixed drink (lol) in mine and after a wash with soap, it's totally neutral again.
No. 327794
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Bottoms up ladies
No. 328143
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schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop
No. 328160
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>>327497they're so expensive
;-;I'll keep em on my bookmarks for a birth day request, thank you, anon!
No. 329419
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I just drank a nice, cold mug of water about an hour ago. Now I'm going to go enjoy another one and there isn't a damn thing any of you can do about it.
No. 329664
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No. 330525
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>take vitamins, drink tea
>still exhausted
>take first good gulp of water
>invigorated and renewed with a sense of purpose
So this is the power of /water/.
No. 330534
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Guys, don't be fooled by these Big Water shills. It's been scientifically proven that excessive water consumption in the first world leads to aridity and famine in Africa.
pic unrelated
No. 330768
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>>330534gg africa gotta get my drink on
No. 331227
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>>330534Well, you know what they say: Out of sight, out of mind~
I limit my shower time and have no lawns to water anyway. I'd like to think that makes up for some of the overuse of water. No. 331354
>>330534lol people drinking water is definitely not the cause of excessive water consumption
Your picture is very much related, you know that to make 2 litres of coca cola, you need almost 4 litres of water right?
… Which turns into 500 litres if you also count the water used for the ingredients of those 2 liters of cola.
Look it up.
No. 332043
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sip sip sip sip sip
No. 332050
>>308360I pee 4x a night now but I can't complain!!
hydrated af my sisters
No. 332564
>>332462You still have time anon, just grab a glass of water and drink it!
Remember, hydratation is not a sprint, it's a marathon.
No. 336413
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No. 340333
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>>308360Just had a huge glass of water from the best filter ever.
No. 347531
>>347292R I P N S I P
No. 360384
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Drink! Drink! It's been nearly two weeks!
No. 364790
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If you drink a gallon of water every day you won't have time for other people drama because you'll be busy peeing.
No. 364817
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>>364790Lmao I love you anon