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No. 312161
This is a thread to discuss actresses and celebrities who are flaunted and propped up by the media as beautiful "women" when in fact they are trannies. Post models, celebrities, actresses (if they are adult actresses please spoiler it or blur it out- also consider stop watching porn), politicians, athletes you believe are actually trannies.
Obvious TiM trannies who are not out yet: Serena & Venus Williams, Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Jennifer Anniston, Beyonce, Lindsay Lohan, Ashlee Simpson
Obvious TiF troons: Brad Pitt, Justin Beiber, Evan Ross, Bruno Mars
Any discussions on the motivations behind why tranny celebrities/media are hiding behind this and deliberately brainwashing the public is also welcome.
Relevant transvestigators: Mr E - No. 312164
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oh boy this is gonna be fun
No. 312167
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gonna keep a tab open on this one
No. 312176
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Kinda an oldie and washed up tim troon but here is Pink. The adonis belt is prominent here. ZERO hips. Huge male skull. The motivation here is evident when you read the caption "Awesome abs post baby bod! See how she did it!" Its to make women hate their bodies.
I know a woman who got very sick after she starved herself to get slimmed up after she had her baby. The media influenced her to do this. She bought many of these magazines and started hating her body. She was hospitalized and maybe could have died. Her baby would have been parentless. This is all just a personal anecdote though but these magazines are pure evil
No. 312186
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If anyone thinks this is NOT a man, they surely need their eyes checked. Serena William's being allowed to compete is deliberately to make a mockery of women's sports, something women fought very hard to obtain in title 9.
Serena Williams is routinely checked for testosterone levels, more than any other female athlete. I believe it's because even the public are catching on to this, so the athletic commissioners or whatever they are referred to as routinely check on him to keep his testosterone at a realistic level
>>312180Then just hide the thread. I will sage my posts from now on. Jeez.
No. 312191
>>312186no one is going to hide the thread, anon, it's embarrassing to have to share the site with you fucking nutters.
you're also actively supporting trans rhetoric by assuming unconventionally attractive, athletic, or strong women are men.
No. 312194
>Assblasted TiM troon making a bait thread to falseflag gendercritsso what else is new
No. 312199
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No. 312203
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mods are asleep quick post good content
No. 312204
I'm extremely confused about this thread tbh.
Like, on the one hand, trannies could have made this, but on the other hand, shit like
>>312186 confuses me, because it's obviously not a tranny sentiment that "the public is catching on" to trannise so I am confuse.
No. 312205
>>312196Well, if you all insist.
The GC perspective is that male and female bodies are different and those differences are observable. And its important to trust your intuition when you see that a man in a dress is really a man. Most of these celebrities have access to a lot of surgeries and they still dont look right to me, even before I was GC. Yes some women can have athletic bodies from working out but full on adonis belts and male bobble heads? Idk.
No. 312207
>>312203Kek I love this
>>312205Women can have adonis belts. She works out like mad. If you train your abs a lot, they develop, I've had it happen to me to some degree. If I kept working them out, they would've been more prominent, too. These aren't features exclusive to men.
No. 312208
>>312205GC perspective doesn't include stereotypes like hips and adonis belts. And male head size has to do with
overall size while many of these women are exhibiting head shape, which is not a sex specific trait.
No. 312214
>>312207This. Adonis belt in men comes from lack of body fat in that area accentuating their hip bones, while in women, even chubby women have over accentuated hip bones anyways.
GC rhetoric has little to do with stereotypes. It's hard science, anon.
Men and women have significantly different looking bodies, it's the sum of the parts, not the parts themselves that make trannies obvious.
But not only that, both men and women can pick up on someone's sex by simply seeing how they act and identifying their socialization. This is the real way you can tell a man from a woman.
No. 312217
>>312206In my opinion it's to make women hate our bodies by promoting these actresses or actors who have features we will never be able to obtain. Anorexia is the most fatal mental illness and it mostly affects women. They go on and on about flat abs all the time when generally women having a bit of body fat is good, healthy and normal. I believe it sends women on crash diets a lot which makes for irregular periods plus a host of mental problems.
I guess it's s just not so far off to me that women roles are played by male trannies since they did so in the olden times
Also you could argue it makes men lust for trannies
No. 312220
>>312217This literally has nothing to do with trannies.
Women in hollywood get lipo, are shoop'd and do insane diets all the time. They have since before television. Trannies do
not have better good bodies than women.
No. 312224
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Worst conspiracy ever.
No. 312228
>>312213Funny, but I'm not a radfem anymore. Mostly because I think the movement has become too soft on trannies and men in general (that word -tranny- is banned on GC, and manhating is not allowed there- why??)
I do still hold a lot of GC ideas. Sorry, if you hate this thread mods can remove it. But I am not a tranny and would prove it if blog posting wasn't a bannable offense here
No. 312234
>>312228I think you should go back to reddit where you came from.
LC isn't a free for all where you can just post whatever bs you feel like.
No. 312235
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damn and people told me not to worry about whether other people will think I'm a tranny despite just being an unfortunately shaped woman
No. 312239
>>312228>that word -tranny- is banned on GCCTRL+F for the word 'tranny' returns 63 results in the GC thread
Try harder
No. 312248
>>312243you're batshit. one or two male traits do not a male make. it's the entire body. trannies don't look fucking male just because of their big heads, it's because no matter how many surgeries you can't disguise bone structure or walk gait or mannerisms.
females who may look masculine will always be feminine in some way, females who act masculine will always be female in some way. males who masquerade as women will always look like males masquerading as women.
No. 312268
>>312248>one or two male traits do not a male make.Yeah that's what I'm kinda saying though. Like the woman who replied here
>>312235 said her body was unfortunate. Whatever she meant by that, she has a combination of a few male features. she still has a female skull though. I'm saying you need the huge male skull + all those male features = a whole tranny.
>trannies don't look fucking male just because of their big headsIn my opinion they do though. It's why FFS is a failed and botched procedure that does nothing to change a male face to look female.
>it's because no matter how many surgeries you can't disguise bone structure or walk gait or mannerisms.I agree with that
>females who may look masculine will always be feminine in some way, females who act masculine will always be female in some way.Yes, because of their skulls.
>males who masquerade as women will always look like males masquerading as women.Agreed.
No. 312274
>>312240Yet the trans movement says TERF like there's no tomorrow but they have achieved so much. The trans movement is not classified as a hate group for saying the terf slur so GC shouldn't be scared of that either right? Then again they are men at the end of the day so I guess it's how they get away with it. I see that now.
>>312270I totally would if I could. Can I? I've seen it done in the eyebrow advice thread, cropped selfies from farmers that is.
No. 312282
>>312274terf is a much less known term. only people who spend a lot on time in sjw spaces will know about it, everyone else will gloss right over when they read it
tranny is more well known
i'm all for using the word tranny, but i do think it would take credibility awayy from us, so until the tide shifts away from favoring trans people i will hold back on that in more public spaces
No. 312285
>>312280She isn't going to, because she's an insecure insane moronic twat, as evidenced by this entire thread and her thinking terf is a slur when terfs self identify as such. And even if she did, she's gonna instathot angle the shit out of everything and probably attempt some level of shoop as well.
Sage for shit thread.
No. 312287
>>312280Eh I'm going to recheck the rules/other threads to see if there's a precedent for doing that first. Otherwise yeah I have no problem doing it, I'm a nobody with nothing else to do rn
Please let's discuss more trans in the meantime!
No. 312300
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>>312295>I have never see a radfem self-identify as a terf. Not even as a joke.I've seen it used plenty of times as a joke, but I've never actually seen a radfem seriously, unironically call themselves a TERF.
Anyone who remotely disagrees with Trans rhetoric is branded as a TERF anyway. The term might as well have no meaning.
No. 312303
>>312302there's nothing questionable at all about that statement. she's right.
>>312285you're insane as well and are obviously caping for tranners. leave.
No. 312309
>>312305they're still autistic as fuck, idk why anyone would want them here
I think the mods said they ban ALL trannies on sight anyways.
No. 312310
>>312309autistic women are women
men in dresses are not
No. 312314
>>312312no they didn't. they said they ban all
men on sight including incels and trannies.
TiMs and TiFs can't both be classed as men.
No. 312315
>>312310Okay? I never said they weren't or that tims were. I said tifs can fuck off anyways because they're fucking annoying, a sentiment the mods seem to share. We don't need to allow them here just because it invalidates their gender identities, especially since they go out of their ways to be just as obnoxious as real men.
>>312312I asked about it in meta a while ago and they didn't specify that they only ban mtfs. They said they ban anyone who says they're trans or male.
No. 312327
>>312324they didn't say they ban trannies, they said they ban men who out themselves.
>>312321it's not the same thing. the only time tifs get banned is when they're doing something else against the rules, like wking in the fakeboi thread.
tims get banned cause they out themselves and are male, if a tif outs themselves they're admitting they're female.
No. 312328
>>312315>>312314yes they did, unless you guys are talking about another time.
>they're getting banned for being annoying ass trannies.i rarely see retard tifs getting banned in the genderspecial flakes thread. so long as their shit is saged, they stay. there's no rule against trannies. the userbase is obviously gc, but gc shit isn't written into lc's rulebook. all male troons have been banned for being male.
No. 312330
>>312314 and i misquoted someone. i'm agreeing with you.
No. 312336
>>312305TiFs are as misogynistic as an incel or TiM, if not even more to fit in.
They'll gladly push other women under the bus to get patted on the head by their new friends.
They are traitors and a disgrace, I don't care how confused they are. If you're over 18yo you should have enough mental capacity to make critical choices.
No. 312348
>>312161Anon you've hit peak exceptionalism.
Any word can be a slur if you use it as a slur.
The word Asian isn't a slur, but if someone calls somebody an Asian and it's meant to be used negatively, it's a fucking slur.
No. 312351
>>312345not everyone is a hateful piece of trash like you anon. and unlike you many radfems have empathy for you know, women? women who are getting pressured into destroying their anatomy. there's no other reason to kneejerk like 5 year olds just because you hate gross men.
>>312348that is entirely not how words work.
No. 312364
>>312354some anons are
triggered the GC threads are not only not going away but getting more popular. OP is
No. 312379
>>312377they sound like it. the idea that slurs are created just by saying them enough is
triggered tumblr shit.
slurs have action and violence behind them. not just intent. this is the same logic trannies use to try to make trap a slur.
No. 312385
>>312379no, i'm not that anon. first off, thinking blue eyes are ugly = racism doesn't apply to tunglr 'sjws', that'd be more white supremacist type thought that white supremacists are using trying to catch 'sjws' in a contradiction. tunglr people wouldn't say that. and yes, many blue eyes are ugly, no, isn't racism, but that having been said, yes, the lc userbase is under the impression that all asian women are kpop goddesses.
second, 'darkie' was a polite term that wasn't created with negative connotations in mind. now it is universally considered a slur because of how it has been commonly used/adopted. trannies are full of shit and they all have NPD so their claims of 'trap' being a slur is fucking stupid because no one uses it negatively, really, anyways, and trannies and their dumbass complaints should be ignored as a rule because they're delusional. the language surrounding racial politics or minority politics don't apply to them bc they're imagined victims almost all of the time and they purposefully choose to become visible freaks.
No. 312392
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Don't forgot time traveling trannies like Rita Hayworth, who's Hollywood (((bosses))) sent her into the year 2018 to get work done so she could generate shekels. Note the clearly masculine jawline, v shape torso, tiny eyes and disgusting man energy kek
No. 312398
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No. 312434
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i dont believe 99.9 percent of the people rumored to be trans by youtube conspiracy anons actually are, but one ive always questioned even as a kid was darryl hannah
id genuinely bet money on it that shes actually a he lol
as a 6 year old kid i asked my mom when we were watching splash why the male mermaid was dressed like a girl
No. 312438
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and thats NOT to give substance to the theory op posted btw i have no reason to believe theres some conspiracy for people to swap genders in masse like that, i just think if there IS a celebrity in hiding of their biological gender(which is possible its happened throughout history), its possibly daryl
No. 312477
> Paris HiltonDid you all forget she had a sex tape with full penetration scenes or