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No. 312832
>>312756I had friend that used to lie about anxiety, sometimes specifically about social anxiety "I'm so nervous around people, I never leave home, I'm a sad girl" and proceed and ask if anyone knew a party next to her location. Girl would go out every single day, always make new friends, and then cry about depression and anxiety on internet.
She started lying about anorexia but didn't last.
No. 312930
>>312915i feel that anon. ive had pretty awful agoraphobia for some years now and it sucks the will out of you.
there is healthy anxiety that people feel normally, but not every event of anxiety is an attack. thats a whole different ball park.
No. 312957
>>312915Similar boat, anon. It bugs me so much to see people whine about “muh anxiety” just because they’re jittery about getting on a plane, don’t want to speak in front of a crowd, or they have a job to do and boohoo I’m so tired though. That’s not fucking anxiety.
I don’t bring mine up because there’s always the questions “but what are you scared of/anxious about” “but why” “I don’t see any reason why” yeah NO SHIT that’s the whole thing. It’s not reasonable.
No. 313051
>>312756I lie about not having mental disorders even though I've been diagnosed with quite a few. Denial is the best thing you can do, or that's how I see it.
But regarding your point, I hate people who lie about having them or flaunt them as if they were a badge of uniqueness. I also hate it when people joke about suicide so much, or use depression/anxiety as an adjective.
No. 313125
>>313114Anorexia nervosa is not just starving oneself.
There’s a required weight criteria, as well as behavioural factors and thought processes.
Atypical anorexia is not the same as anorexia because being underweight has very specific effects on the body and brain.
There’s just a weird obsession with anorexia being treated like an award or goalpost that osfeds get weirdly offended over not ‘achieving’
No. 313128
>>313013All right miss misery, this isn’t a pissing contest.
Just because you have problems doesn’t mean you should belittle others problems.
No. 313167
>>313161Downplaying what?
Anon should be glad they aren’t any sicker than they already are with an ED, not saying it’s wrong or unfair or whatever for anorexia to have particular diagnostic criteria.
Atypical anorexia is bad enough.
No. 313191
>>313160I never said or even implied that I was mad. I just offered a reason that these girls might be saying they're anorexic, since I've known atypical anorexics to just say they're anorexic (since not everyone knows about OSFED, and "anorexia" without the "nervosa" just means not eating).
I'm personally very pleased with myself for not being underweight right now, and I never said otherwise.
>>313167I never said anything was wrong or unfair, so you're just inventing things at this point. I'm assuming you're mad at people with OSFED for some reason, and have decided to take it out on me for daring to say that atypical anorexia still has anorexia in its name. This is really circular and stupid, though, and I've said what I wanted to say, so I'll leave it at that and hope you can't use this to make up even more lies about how you've decided I think.
No. 313205
>>313191Never meant to sound damning is osfed, just had too much experience with other women who invaded recovery oriented spaces for anorexia whilst simultaneously bemoaning the unfairness of not being “granted” the diagnosis they wanted. I doubt anon wants anorexia at all, just pointing out that anorexia has nearly always referred to anorexia nervosa since atypical anorexia is a relatively new diagnosis.
There’s been too many people who treat the term as a prize or goal and get offended because they see ednos/osfed as a lesser disease somehow.
No. 313709
>>313706ADHD sorta feels like it’s the new savantism. People think you will get some creative or intellectual benefit not just really really struggle to not fidget and manage time.
Semi related, I’ll die if another person says they think that my pddnos is awesome. It didn’t make me smart, studying did. It didn’t make me eccentric, Im just very mildly odd. It isn’t a great excuse to not socialise, it’s a crippling fear and embarrassment over stimming during dinner. It’s like they choose to ignore the deficits in favour of pretending my entire personality is the disorder.
No. 313821
>>313814That doesn’t necessarily invalidate people talking about real experiences. The ones going on and on about their laundry list of illnesses suck, but discussion is good for recovery and eliminating stigma.
You deserved help too anon.
No. 313886
>>312915Well, it doesn't have to be extreme to be real. I thought I didn't have it because I could do basic things everyday, albeit very scripted and controlled (ie going shopping because I knew I had to say Hello, here's the card, thank you, good bye).
But I never diagnosed myself, though I had a feeling I had depression, and a professional diagnosed me later confirmed it. Sorry for blog.
No. 313890
>>313020exactly for the ptsd thing. please come back to me when you're on medication to kill your nightmares because they keep you up at night and you can barely function as a normal person in society. its the fucking worst.
also hate people that are like HURR I CANT GET A REAL BECAUSE POOR URGH YOURE BEING CLASSIST bitch shut the fuck up, they're the doctors, they know whether or not you have what you say you have and they're there to treat and help you. stop making people who have real diagnosable problems look like idiots
No. 314027
>>313709>The new savantismI hadn't thought about it that way, but I think you're right. I've seen it get clumped together with ASDs a lot more recently too, which makes some sense since they are both neurodevelopmental disorders rather than mental illnesses. Seems like people are mixing the stereotypes and misconceptions together there. I can't speak too much for ASDs, but from they little I know it seems like most people don't understand them at all and can project what they want onto it, since they've seen the savant genius or the quirky, absentminded creative in movies. I guess the horrifyingly high rates of substance abuse, fatal accidents, divorces, suicide, unstable employment, and serious debt aren't fun things to think about when you could just have a quirky "ADD" artist.
Just shocking that something first described in 1775 is still so misunderstood, even by so-called mental health advocates and professionals.
Sorry for the bit of a rant, just frustrated that mental health awareness seems to have backfired in many ways.
No. 314138
>>313890>please come back to me when you're _____Put your hands up for The Gatekeeper Anthem everyone!
Your post is fine but you should really consider dropping this phrase from your vocab.>>313890
No. 314370
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I remember losing a dramatic amount of weight in summer break and when i got back to class I became the center of attention, I guess some girls were jealous of that and started competing with me to lose weight and sometimes will say some uncalled for shit like "yeah I eat this and that and I do so much excercise.. perhaps i'm anorexic!!" besides they always made unappropriate comments about my weight, calling me out for being "too anorexic" while trying to emulate me, like damn, I think it's just jealousy that makes the whole anorexic thing so popular.
Also when I was growing up this "bipolar so quirkyxd" became a thing and everyone was into that… but not me since my dad always called me bipolar when he was angry, saying I was acting just like my mom and grandfather, which was devastating to me because those two people were shit and destroyed my dad's life. Two years ago he sent me to get treatment against my will after doing some fucked up shit and turns out I'm actually bipolar lmao. Life is really unfair
No. 314513
>>314512that's stupid. both addiction and anorexia still exist while someone is in recovery from them. do you think a psychiatrist would retract her diagnosis because she put on weight, despite still having disordered eating symptoms? that makes no sense.
your example is especially stupid because someone doesn't stop being an addict once they get sober. it's the same with being in recovery from any mental illness, and anon clearly isn't even in recovery. you're just gatekeeping someone who is clearly already in a vulnerable place and filled with self loathing and invalidating her struggles with disordered eating because she has gained weight.
don't speak about things you don't understand.
No. 314594
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everytime i see this thread's pic, i just get reminded of Tomura Shigaraki
No. 326422
>>314513… yes? a psych would retract the diagnosis of anorexia once you no longer fit the criteria? this has literally happened to me, they changed it to EDNOS, then back to anorexia once I fell underweight again. anorexia nervosa has significant physical effects too.
words having definitions shouldn't "fill you with self loathing" and "invalidate your struggle"
No. 326536
My sister has RAD (reactive attachment disorder). My mom adopted her from a orphanage when she was 6? years old from a Bulgarian "caretaker" that abused her by sticking her in a 3 times too small crib. They did that to a lot of the biracial children as gypsies and black people are still racially discriminated there.
It was Hell living with her and my other siblings. She, in particular, wouldn't take a bath. My mom would have to carry her into the bathroom because she would go weeks or months without one if she had her way. She would scream for hours and cry for no reason. She had a hard time accepting that one meal is enough (for example, she didn't want just what was on her plate. She would go through the fridge, cabinets, whatever to get MORE food after a hefty meal. We had to keep a lock on our fridge and stop buying snacks for school lunches). She would go to school and throw away new clothing items just to say my mom left her without a coat or boots. My siblings would find her clothing items on the side of the road and bring it home. She stole items and say she didn't. This went on for years.
She's stupid smart, with sociopathic tendencies, and caught us by surprise by saying she was going into the Navy. My mom didn't care too much as she was "straightening out" and could possibly grow up with other people aside from us. However, towards her graduating high school, she started to tell her ~new friends~ that she was abused. That she had things stolen from her, by us, and we all abused her. She was apparently locked in a basement for years and only fed scraps by my mom because she was adopted (her reasoning for being ~skinny~, as someone told me). My extended family ate it up. I was pissed because she was concealing her fucking mental illness and bullshit shenanigans so she could be a charity case. The extended family would never babysit us or even stay over so they knew nothing. She continues to conceal herself in the Navy while secretly visiting my grandma etc. while she's in town. My grandma flat out called her "crazy" one time and she didn't like it. She was trying to say she calls me "all the time". When I confronted her, I was blocked. Last time I heard she was trying to get pregnant but she never had a boyfriend?