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No. 31812
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The shooter is believed to be a black male disgruntled ex-employee.
No. 31818
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The two confirmed victims are CBS employees Alison Parker, aged 24, and Adam Ward, aged 27.
No. 31821
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No. 31823
Why are we supposed to care? Is this funny, entertaining or interesting? No.
If you want to start something over the perpetrator being black, fuck off to your containment thread
>>30842 please and thank you
No. 31824
>>31823This literally JUST happened, it's breaking news and it's interesting/fascinating.
Shut up.
No. 31828
>>31824People get shot daily. What makes this "fascinating"? That she was a reporter and her cameraman also got BTFO?
Fuck off.
No. 31835
>>31828They were murdered LIVE you dumb fuck.
Take your PC affirmative action bullshit elsewhere, nobody gives a fuck, this isn't even a race thing but you're fucking trying to turn it into one.
No. 31836
>>31823>If you want to start something over the perpetrator being black, fuck off to your containment thread >>30842 please and thank youNobody was going to, but since you say that I'm not surprised this happened. He dindu muffin, even though I'm pretty sure he's white. It whitey's fault.
There, was that good?
No. 31841
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>>31836Nah, the shooter actually is black.
I doubt it'll be reported as a racially motivated crime though, it never is when the murder is black on white.
No. 31843
>>31838It's a fellow fatty, muh whole fedora is
No. 31850
>>31835>liveHuh, didn't notice that bit for some reason. Sorry, I'm just annoyed at the influx of robots trying to make Lolcow into /pol/ 2.0 lately and making 800 posts of thinly veiled racebait.
Disregard my previous posts, I suck cocks
No. 31854
>>31850Yeah like, this literally
just happened and whilst live on air. It's breaking news every where at the moment.
No. 31862
>>31859Yeah, he's been intentified as Bryce Williams also-known-as Lester Lee Flanagan.
Apparently he was pissed because the female victim Alison Parker had allegedly made racist comments and CBS hired her, and the male victim had worked with him once prior and gone to HR immediately after to report him for misconduct or something.
So of course the only logical response was to murder them. Sounds like the guy was probably mentally ill.
No. 31868
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No. 31947
>>31862>mentally illHe was a black racist with a racial animus against whites.
Stop newsspeaking.
No. 31952
>>319471) Racism is a mental illness.
2) People said Dylann Roof was "mentally ill" and the black people he killed weren't even allegedly racist to him, why is this guy so different?
No. 31955
>>31952lol, only took what - half an hour or so until some lib/non-white started justifying it because the lunatic racist claimed the white women was "racist" to him.
Of course, black people have never made trumped up claims of racism in the past. No sir. Just like the guy in
>>31950. He was framed man, just like OJ!
No. 31963
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>>31961There's already massive damage control from the left.
Just another "random attack", right? Perhaps a "youth" was involved…
No. 31976
>>31955I didn't say he was framed or that he wasn't racisst. Are you delusional?
Nice job dodging my point, too. Sorry you're a hypocrite lmao
No. 31983
>>31977Why don't the black people with a racial animus against whites target white southerners who are proud Confederates, or National Alliance members or something?
Because they know they're harder targets.
You just have to understand that after years and decades of black on white crime, it was nice to see someone strike back at the bastards.
No. 31988
>>31983>those bastards Those people didn't do anything. Why do they deserve to suffer for your personal hatred? You're a shit person and part of the problem if you support white on black crime because of black on white crime when the parties in said cases aren't related or responsible for the other.
I hope you're also going to defend the black people who raped a white teacher in South Africa to get back at how they were treated as second class citizens by the white people in power.
No. 31989
>>31988Get back at what exactly? Black South Africans under apartheid enjoyed a standard of living better than any Black-ruled "independent" African state, and after two decades of ANC-ruled South Africa, it's not hard to see why.
You think white people being nice to black people is going to make them stop killing us? They've killed 50,000 white people in cold blood since the 1960s, according to the DoJ. That's nearly as many Americans as died in Nam.
No. 31995
>>31990Shall we just pretend this racially motivated attack was not racially motivated?
>>31989>You think white people being nice to black people is going to make them stop killing us? Come to think of it, that's exactly what they think.
Look at all the white girls on tumblr who spend all their prostrating before SJW nagger queens about how sorry they are. It's never enough for the naggers though, is it? They always demand more and more. People who DEMAND apologies, especially ones as ridiculous as those demanded by SJW types never mean them in bona fide way. They just want people to toady up to them. It's about power, not reconciliation.
>>31994Your problem is blacks and diversity, not guns. Although you should have stricter control laws and executions for gun runners (fucking Leland Yee should be cut up into a thousand pieces on that note).
No. 31996
>>31989At least in other African countries the people knew they weren't treated like shit based on the color of their skin.
Again, why aren't you defending them? You're using their same logic.
>After years of being undermined and treated like shit, it was nice to see someone strike back at the white bastards!Yes, this is how retarded you sound. No, there is no difference.
Please kill yourself.
No. 32002
>>31996Provided they didn't upset the established order, they weren't treated like shit. They actually enjoyed greater security, rights and far more prosperity than any other Black African on the continent.
You think it actually matters to the average person whether or not they have the fucking vote when the choice is living in a clean, safe neighborhood versus living in a neighborhood ruled by General Butt Naked-tier militia leaders?
Don't confuse the Boers as some sort of unique case, every conquering people has instituted a division between themselves and the conquered, and in the case of the Dutch and Blacks in SA, they were a damn sight more humane than 99.9% of the dominant groups that have ruled over other groups in this world.
>>31999Becfause something deep and primordial in me is sick and fucking tired of white men being killed and white women being raped by black men.
No. 32008
>>32002>deep and primordialSo you admit you're the same kind of trash as any black person who rapes and kills innocent white people for the sake of their bullshit victim complex?
Because that's all I wanted to confirm. Opinions discarded, you're a confirmed loon. :^)
No. 32011
>>32002>>31989There is far more intrarcial rape/murder than interracial rape/murder in all races.
I repeat: Please commit suicide, it would be the honorable thing to do.
The irony is that you probably mock Jewish people for being distraught about the Holocaust and parrot /pol/ meemees like "muh 6 gorillion!!1!!1".
Stormfags are hypocrites.
No. 32012
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>>32011Why do you think this is?
Remember black women hate white women, so they push the narrative that white women aren't actually raped by black men, they're just "whores" who "enticed" them.
Why do you white women consider black women your "allies"? Don't you remember how they came out to support OJ?
I'm old enough to remember.
No. 32014
>>32012>black women hate white womenYou're retarded. I'm a black girl and most of my closest friends growing up were white. A lot of my friends now are white, too. The only time I've ever heard anti-white negativity from other black girls was in high school, and even that was just because of petty shit like jealousy or thinking they're too loud in the hallway or something.
I'm sorry you're a mentally unhinged racist fuck, but please try not to involve others in your delusions or poison the waters.
No. 32017
>>32014lol, are you going to sit here with a straight face and deny most black women backed OJ?
To black women, race trumps and supposed "gender" loyalty every fucking time.
No. 32022
>>32014Shit, I meant middle school.
>>32016tbh that would make more sense, but that would only apply to like…pretty biracial girls, because they'd still be officially "black" but have light skin and conform to white beauty standards.
The ones who are fat or unattractive just get shit on by everyone. It's pretty shitty.
>>32017Lol I don't give a fuck about OJ Simpson, I barely even know what happened or why or who's involved. There's no Black Woman Union where we decide who we collectively support and who we don't. Get yourself to a mental ward.
No. 32031
>>32028>lily white ass suburbWhy do you imply this is a bad thing?
My suburb was all white and it was glorious. All the kids who lived down our road were friends with each other, it was leafy-green as fuck, we all had big gardens, we'd make treehouses together, play Sega Saturn and Playstation 1 in the evenings, go play football in the park during summer, eat ice cream on hot days.
And the best part? It was totally safe. Everybody knew each other, everybody was friendly and polite to each other. Nobody was overbearing or made too much noise. Everybody TRUSTED each other.
It's amazing you blackies actually think this is something we should be ashamed of, that when we get together, we form coherent, real COMMUNITIES of people, with a high level of trust.
The fact you are actually proud of turning your living standards to shit is astounding. Especially given the sorts of public housing you're often given, which the average Jap would jump at. Trust me.
No. 32039
>>32031>which the average Jap would jump at.Uh…The living standards in Japan are pretty good. It's one of the safest countries on earth, in fact. Far safer than most of Europe, talk less of Murrika.
You sound more and more like an insane 40 year old man who thinks it's still the 1940s or something.
No. 32040
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>>32038>Actually believing that black women don't hate white womenPic related.
>>32039They're good because they're inhabited by civilized people.
You think if you handed over all those tiny apartments to blacks they'd treat them with as much respect?
It's the people who make a neighborhood. Not some racist voodoo that makes black neighborhoods shit. They're shit because they're inhabited by black people. Why do you think white people choose to live away from you?
(>>>/pol/) No. 32043
>>32040>Cherrypicked FB statuses by random SJW cuntsLook, I can post countless FB and Twitter caps of racist white people being shitty. Alternatively, I could link to all your garbage posts.
Does that mean they, or you, speak for the white race, though? Nope. I know you're too fucked up in the brain to comprehend this, but you're a dumbfuck.
Also, nice job trying to change the subject after you directly implied Japanese people don't have good living standards and were proven wrong. And by "good", I mean completely transparent.
No. 32044
>>32028Some of my favorite videos on youtube were OJ trial compilations from the Howard Ster Show.
They'd periodically send John out to interview black people and very nearly 100% of the women insisted he was innocent in the face of really incriminating DNA evidence.
No. 32056
>>32048Who says it's negative? In AA vernacular, or even just common slang, [adjective]-ass [subject] is usually for emphasis rather than outright derision, though the two can go hand in hand if the adjective is something negative.
It's just superlative.
If anon had said "stupid-ass white suburb" or something, maybe you'd have a case.You're probably just insecure because you're pretending to know black people's opinions without actually knowing any. You know you're wrong and it's making you so upset you're literally samefagging.
>>32049You probably know admin doesn't confirm samefagging for the sake of petty thread accusations and that it's perfectly within the rules to do, right?
However, it being allowed doesn't mean we won't laugh at you when you're being obvious. :^)
No. 32058
>>32043>Look, I can post countless FB and Twitter caps of racist white people being shitty. As if a white prospective assistant professor could get away with that kind of shit.
>after you directly implied Japanese people don't have good living standardsYou completely misunderstood. I said the sorts of accommodation blacks are literally given by the US government would be turned into highly livable, affluent areas by civilized races like Japanese. And yes, Japanese would jump at the chance to have that sort of square-footage for so little. If one thing is at a premium in Japan, it's space.
No. 32060
>>32056Rofl apparently nobody can agree with this guy without being called a samefag. I bathe in the tears of guilty whites.
>>32057Had to fix a typo.
No. 32067
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>>32065Japanese are the master race of East Asia.
No. 32069
>>32060I mean, I'd rather believe you're a samefag than two people actually being this retarded.
I want to have some faith in humanity.
No. 32072
>>32068>If I don't speak it, it's not real!!!!!!!Do you understand you're facilitating the fragmentation of English by encouraging this apespeak and giving it legitimacy?
We're talking about a "dialect" here that lacks even posessive pronouns.
You make it significantly harder for foreign language learners to actually learn English properly. Fuck you.
>>32071The field is irrelevant. Disciplinary conduct is handled by the Dean/President, not the department.
No. 32073
>>32061Positive comments:
>You're a pretty-ass bitch>This is some tasty-ass food, mom>You got a nice-ass car"Meh" comments
>This is a weird-ass song>This is a long-ass movie>This is a dark-ass roomNegative comments
>You've got some shitty-ass hair>This is a lame-ass book>This is a stupid-ass movieIt's not that hard to grasp, you're just retarded and chimped out because someone pointed out you lived in a white suburb
No. 32074
>>32073"lily ass" is never used positively.
>chimped outThe memes are working.
No. 32075
>>32072>You make it significantly harder for foreign language learners to actually learn English properly. Fuck you.Yes, because AA vernacular is being taught in schools. Retarded comment from a retarded person. FYI, "shorthand" versions of English are a thing all over the world. Even your precious white people do their part in bastardizing it with Southern speak (which a lot of AA vernacular has roots in).
Lmao kill yourself
No. 32076
>>32068You have posted the same thing like 3 times.
I'm not him lmfao.
>>32069Excellent refutation! You definitely showed me that black people make thriving communities of peace and prosperity.
No. 32077
>>32074A lily is a flower that denotes peace and the color white. Why does it offend you?
>The memes are working.White people can chimp out as much as anyone else, in case you're wondering.
It's probably because humans evolved from apes. Some of us ITT are clearly less evolved, though (Hint: You and most other stormfags).
No. 32079
>>32075>"shorthand" versions of English are a thing all over the world. Right. But they're either a) Not seriously suggested as an alternative to StE, or they are of equivalent sophistication.
AAVE isn't as sophisticated as StE. If you'd like me to go into actual granular detail about
why this is the case, I can. But the fact is it cannot express abstract ideas, thoughts and concepts as well as StE can, and thus it being pushed as a legitimate "dialect" that should be learned, studied and encouraged is absurd.
There's a reason the Singaporean Government dislikes the use of Singlish and discourages it. I.e. the very real fear it could affect Singaporean competitivity.
No. 32080
>>32076What? I'm
>>32068>>32056>>32047and I said different things each time, though I did call you a samefag because you literally are the same person.
It's really clear by how you try to skirt around things when you get rekt, too.
No. 32081
>>32077We're not talking about the literal etymology of the word "lily" here. We're talking about how the term "lily ass" is exclusively used in a negative way.
>White people can chimp out as much as anyone else, in case you're wondering.What's important is the proclivity with which a group chimps out. This is the difference between Haiti and Switzerland.
No. 32084
>>32079Who really cares? English (de)volves to fit the people using it, otherwise we'd probably all be speaking The Queen's English.
Either way, that's besides the point. The point is you sperged out and started ranting about nothing, and now you're trying to change the subject again to escape that anon had a good point and basically destroyed your poor attempt at arguing.
No. 32085
>>32081Urban dictionary definition of lily ass:
>a white, especially a rich white teenage boy who tries to pretend to be black Anon is a white person who grew up mostly around whites by his own admission, but he acts as if he has any insight on black peoples' opinions. He may not be pretending to be black ITT, but this definition still fits him because of the context, and because of his autistic ramblings on topics he has no business acting like an authority on ("I'm old enough to remember" - he was fucking 9 if he wasn't lying about being 29 to save face).
Case closed.
No. 32088
>>32085I was saying lily ass in a joking way, like how white people say nigger on here.
I'm just saying this guy has probably never Had a conversation with a black woman and he definitely didn't when he was 9 lol
No. 32092
>>32088Yeah, I'm just bolstering your point.
The funny thing is that this is probably the sort of guy who will complain black people are too sensitive about "nigger" but will shit themselves if they even hear a black person utter the word "cracker" to refer to a salty square.
No. 32095
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Stop getting so anal about ''lilly' ' and refute their arguments already
>Someone doesnt agree with me!
>omg samefagggg
Stop this shit.
No. 32099
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>lol I don't give a fuck about OJ Simpson, I barely even know what happened or why or who's involvedOJ Simpson was an American footballer that murdered his ex-girlfriend Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman after she'd filed for a divorce and got completely off of the charge by the father of satan herself, Robert Kardashian, Kim Kardashian's father.
He deliberately kept OJ off of his arthritis medication so that his joints and hands swelled and that a piece of evidence that was found at the scene, a black glove covered in the victim's blood, would no longer fit when they attempted to place it on his hand. As expected, the glove did not fit, thus coining the phrase "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit!"
It was a black on white racially motivated crime and despite there being a wealth of evidence against him virtually every black American man and woman were screeching in his support because "he didna' do nuffin" (because innocent people lead a 2 hour car chase whilst fleeing from police right?
Simpson had an extensive history of violence again Brown. A week before her death, Nicole tells friend Cici Shahian: "He's going to kill me and get away with it and charm the world because he's OJ Simpson"
Nicole's pet dog Kato, a ferocious Akita, did not attack the killer, suggesting the murderer was someone who the dog knew, such as OJ.
Shoe prints found at Bundy were from a size 12 Bruno Magli shoe, bloody shoe impression on a carpet is consistent with a Magli shoe, Simpson wore a size 12 shoe and was known to own these shoes specifically, which managed to vanish completely after her murder.
Rosa Lopez, a neighbor's Spanish-speaking housekeeper who testified that she had seen Simpson's car parked outside his house at the time of the murders.
And he got off.
RIP Nicole, sorry you never got justice.
No. 32100
>>32096>getting high and fucking your neighbors dadWhat edgy 90s movie about teens was that?
A: All of them
No. 32103
>>32101Shut the fuck up
>>32099Thank you, anon
No. 32107
>>32099You expect me to read all that shit about a topic I have no real interest or personal investment in? It's sad that this woman died, I guess, but I really don't give a fuck about any of this race wank.
>>32101This tbh
No. 32108
>black men and women do not come out in support of black criminalsYeah okay but what about OJ.
>who even is that I don't know who that is I don't know anything about itOkay here are the details.
No. 32111
>>32096I'm not sure about kids these days, but back then we'd go out to the park, play sports, fuck around the neighborhood together etc. We'd make treehouses, have watergun fights etc.
There was nothing "boring" about it, we made our own fun.
Why does the thought of white people together, exclusively amongst our own kind, having fun together make non-whites so mad? I just don't get it.
And if that's a little too tame for you, there are plenty of white exclusive party communities and locations and groups for when you got older.
>tfw virtually all the high-end (i.e. expensive) party destinations in Europe like Mykonos have virtually no non-whites on them>>32093iktfb.
I'm a non-anglo European, but Anglos make the best, most trusting neighborhoods. I have to admit it.
>>32105Black people hate white people anon. Just look at the reaction to a couple of anons saying they enjoyed growing up in an all white suburb, the resentment and bitterness is real.
No. 32112
>>32108More like
>"Black women hate white women">"Black women do not hate white women">"But every black girl ever defended OJ Simpson!">"Okay, uh, I'm a black girl and I don't know who he is and I don't care. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only black female in the world to not give a fuck about this, either.">autism outbreakLmao
No. 32115
>>32111This anon
>>32093 here
We did similar things. All the kids used to gather and go on adventures and go to the horse farm nearby to pet the animals. As a kid, it was a blast. There's no point in responding to these people who are clearly ass blasted that we grew up in nice places. They're just going to attempt shooting it down.
No. 32117
>>32111>I'm not sure about kids these dayI'm a 23 and the suburbs are just boring for me. Not many good restaurants, not many people in their 20s, no events/concerts, no a wide range of women/men.
The suburbs is fun for someone who likes to sit inside all day and do nothing, which is probably why you love it so much.
No. 32120
>>32118>literally trying to project his own triggered feelings on others because not everyone is ready to accept a shitposter/pol/ pls go
First it was /r9k/, I fucking swear soon it'll be /fit/ shitting up this place (if they haven't already).
No. 32123
>>32114Yes, obviously I am going to dislike fifth columnists in my countries.
>>32115You were lucky enough to grow up near a farm? That's pretty cool. Suburbs that extend out into rural areas are the best.
>>32117I live in a city where it's easy to go from suburbs to city center, and I usually eat and do stuff with friends after work given I work late most nights anyway.
No. 32137
>>32133I think Tokyo is really nice(never lived there) and I enjoyed living in downtown Toronto in china town. There was always a lot to do any many different restaurants, concerts etc
Now I live in the most segregated suburb in Newyork, where there are nothing but old ass white people who can't drive, the most excited thing to do is get high then walk down to wegmans for munchie food.
I've lived in the ghetto of Detroit too and I didn't enjoy that either. It's not as bad as people say it is but its poor which means nothing to do and no businesses, it's actually even more boring than the suburbs.
No. 32150
>>32147This is what you do on the weekends.
Maybe sometimes you'll go to a bar and stutter out the words "can I buy you a drink?" To some poor girl unlucky enough to get your attention
No. 32154
>>32150Its Wednesday.
>conveniently ignores everything else in my postI think that you're the one who stays in on the weekends. That's alright, but you really should socialize more.
No. 32157
I grew up in a large village/small town in Scotland and my back garden backed onto the entrance of some wild woods and the entire area had a small river running through it that all the kids would swim in daily from Spring to Autumn and there was a tire swing suspended from a tree above part of it that you could use to swing into the river. Around the village was wild, natural forests and fields filled with cows and sheep and birds.
Shame about the whole village paedo molesting like half of us in secret thing. I got dank compo though.
No. 32162
>Maybe this crime WAS racially motivated or not, and I can't comment on that because I DON'T KNOW.>Maybehe sent a 30 page manifesto to ABC explicitly saying Dylan Roof's shooting was his breaking point.
Blacks hate me, I hate blacks.
No. 32169
>>32167Asains, most latinos, basically everyone that isn't running around shooting each other and my people and generally acting like apes.
>>32168A lot of people on both sides feel the same way.
No. 32171
>>32169I'm assuming you're the guy who has been hating on every race and women all day.
If you are it seems you hate everyone but yourself.
No. 32173
>>32169Latinos aren't running around shooting each other?
No. 32179
>>32177The only people whites can rely on are each other.
White people may have our differences but compared to blacks we have to be United like a fist.
No. 32181
>>32177I'm 24 and I'm still in university.
I can't even drive yet nor do I have my own flat.
Crazy stuff. Depressing stuff.
No. 32195
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Why does everything have to be about race? He was a terrible person that killed two people. It doesn't matter what the motive was. If saying race is a proper motive to go out killing people, then you have to excuse other murders for other reasons. You can't pick and choose what you like.
That sucks he allegedly dealt with racism at his job, it's degrading and humiliating. That doesn't give him the excuse to go kill somebody.
No. 32206
>>32203Le tumblresque response you may be looking for is: white people.
But honestly, they're racists, just like the racist anon. One of the funniest things to me is that people insist the n word equates to being called stupid online, yet only black people have been attacked using this word irl and whenever a black person commits the same crime as a white person, only the black person is called by that word.
I by no means am telling anyone to stop using it, in fact it doesn't affect me considering I'm not black, but why not be honest about what you mean by that word?
Though at the same time, the n word truly has no meaning aside from just being a derogatory word for blacks. Same with chink, gook, and spic. These words don't actually characterize people a certain way, so when someone says I hate spics, but not latinos for example, what are they really saying?
No. 32212
>>32203>>32199This is a GREAT point. I used to date this guy a few years ago and found out his family was weirdly racist. This is the kinda things they would say
>oh well not all black people are niggers but SOME are>some black people are niggers if they do XYZ >would date black men but have some sort of creepy black man fetish like omg strong monkey sexy jungle men sorta shit They DID NOT see black people are "normal" people. They were either their sexy monkey jungle men or "niggers". It was crazy to me because I was never raised to think like this.
being a nigger to them could just mean you have an 'exotic' name, being angry at something (everyone has a right to be angry sometimes IMO),etc etc. It's weird to me to put people who do things you disagree with (funny enough, they did not think whites with these similar attributes were white trash/sub human) in this weird category. idk.
I am a white hispanic but I almost wondered what they thought about me. Do they think I'm a sub human "spic" for doing things in my culture? for eating hispanic food, or dancing hispanic dances?
>>32206Good points also. I don't mind if black people use nigger (I mean I like to joke with my family that we are hispanics using random racial terms because it's just funny to us/feels better/idk how to explain it) but I side eye random whites who CALL people nigger. I mean I understand not censoring book language or movie language (if you are reading something that says nigger, say it whatever) but the word itself has such hateful connotations that I am not comfortable with it personally when coming from a non black (someone who has not been called nigger hatefully, same way I do not want to be called a spic or something).
Language is powerful. Technically you could argue oh it's just words but words have meanings that were given to them due to history. Which is why I think this word is in bad taste in some contexts
No. 32223
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>>32220I'm white af bro. Starbucks and normal fag Abercrombie.
No. 32224
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>>32223I was shitposting hun, no need to prove your whiteness.
Who the fuck cares anyways?
No. 32233
>>32232don't you mean
jewrope anon?
No. 32235
>>32233There are hardly any Jews in Europe compared to the Americas.
I live in the UK and I've never even seen a Jew before.
No. 32296
>>32195His claim was thrown out by the EEEC and his old boss said he was a troublemaker who looked to find arguments in all of this.
Are you seriously just believing a rampaging gunmans racism claims because he was black.
No. 32302
>>32299>>32296It's fucking maddening people are just taking him at his word here.
What the fuck is wrong with white people?
No. 32314
>>32307>Flanagan also claimed “racial harassment”, citing an incident in which he believed members of the newsroom deliberately placed a watermelon in his viewThis is the sort of thing the black race ACTUALLY BELIEVES.
Remember that next time you're reblogging your pro-black crap on tumblr.
No. 32315
In a July performance review, a boss rated his ability to work with his co-workers as “unacceptable”. “The area where Bryce must make immediate improvement is with photographers. The issue is well-documented and has been discussed.”
In November, however, Flanagan was reprimanded once again – this time for wearing a sticker of President Obama while standing in line to vote in that year’s general election. Dennison told him he had clearly breached not just company regulations but also “standard journalistic ethics”. The news director wrote that they were “fast reaching the point” where Flanagan’s violations of policy “could mean termination”.
His last day at work was recorded in exhaustive detail in another series of memos. Flanagan met with Dennison and another boss in his office. There Flanagan was informed he would be terminated. When he was presented with the severance package, Flanagan reportedly became angry and called it “bullshit”.
A second memo detailing his termination records Flanagan as yelling: “I’m not leaving, you’re going to have to call the f###ing police [sic],” Flanagan reportedly said, according to the memo. “Call the police. I’m not leaving. I’m going to make a stink and it’s going to be in the headlines.”
Flanagan then stormed out of the room and slammed the door, at which point Dennison decided to call the police.
When police arrived to escort him out of the building, Flanagan refused. The officers approached Flanagan and tried to remove the desk phone from his hand, repeatedly asking him to leave.
Flanagan then threw a hat and a small wooden cross at Dennison, reportedly saying: “You need this.”
As police escorted him out of the newsroom, he told an officer, according to the memo: “ You know what they did? They had a watermelon back there for a week and basically called me a n—– [sic].”
Flanagan also claimed “racial harassment”, citing an incident in which he believed members of the newsroom deliberately placed a watermelon in his view. He said employees would make the fruit appear in different places around the newsroom.
“This was not an innocent incident,” Flanagan wrote. “The watermelon was placed in a strategic location where it would be visible to newsroom employees.
“What I encountered while employed at WDBJ-7 was nothing short of vile disgusting and inexcusable,” Flanagan wrote in the filing to Burkhart, which requested a trial by jury that he said should be entirely composed of African American women.
No. 32316
>>32315>Flanagan wrote in the filing to Burkhart, which requested a trial by jury that he said should be entirely composed of African American women.If black women don't consistently excuse bad black male behavior, then why exactly would the racist murderer in this case have specified an all black female jury?
Racists: 4000
Anti-whites: 0
No. 32317
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>>32316This is what black women actually believe.
These are the same women on tumblr, twitter and everywhere in real life saying they are "feminists". What they really are are black racial tribalists.
No. 32318
>>32317By all accounts he was a terrible reporter who didn't have the ability to follow instructions, and was far too lazy to write his own stories. He is the equivalent of a newspaper reporter who merely rewords a few press releases and calls it a day.
It is obvious that he wasn't cut out to be a reporter, but was given numerous opportunities to improve. Other news organizations would have fired him for being told to do a story on the governor's gun control proposal only to promote the local cemetery.
They gave him 9 months to turn this around, and he still failed. Time to kill the white man I guess.
No. 32326
>>32323You black?
If so, apologize.
No. 32330
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No. 32331
>>32330Remember how feminists said absolutely nothing about Rotherham and other Muslim sex abuse scandals?
Britbongs will know what I'm talking about.
No. 32352
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>>32297I would say it's partially male entitlement. And again, like I said, males are conditioned/taught to act this way (not to kill people lol, but to be so entitled)
Blacks more violent? as in they commit
more violent crime in comparison to whites. I agree obviously. But not because black people are inherently violent (same as men).
They are ususually born in shitty circumstances (poverty,shitty home situation) and delt a shit hand in US(most racial hate victims are black. Overall living in a ghetto while everyone hates you is a shitty place to be mentally(more likely to grow but without any parent person watching them/parents may work all night/children left alone/etc). By the way, this is no excuse (it's the same way I mean by males conditioned to be entitled) and I think ANY black who commits crime or does something illegal should be punished correctly by the law.
Interestingly enough, black crimes have been dropping while white crimes have been increasing. Does this mean that white people are evil horrible by nature? no. Whites lead (Crimes) in incest, child pornography, abduction of children, insurance fraud(inb4 cuz niggerz arent smart!1!)etc.
No. 32354
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>>32352>They are usually born in shitty circumstancesMany people believe that a bad social environment is a major contributor to crime. They believe that if people of all races had the same education, income, and social status, there would be no race differences in crime rates. Academic research, however, shows that these differences persist even after controlling for social variables.
In fact, the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic accounts for crime rates more than four times better than the next best measure: lack of education. Furthermore, even controlling for all three measures of social disadvantage hardly changes the correlation between racial mix and crime rates. The correlation between violent crime and the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic is 0.78 even when poverty, education, and unemployment are controlled, versus 0.81 when they are not. In layman's terms, the statistical results suggest that even if whites were just as disadvantaged as blacks and Hispanics the association between race and violent crime would still be almost as great. It may seem harsh to state it so plainly, but the single best indicator of an area's violent crime rate is its racial/ethnic mix.
No. 32369
>>32366According to you all black people are naturally violent. It's a real shame not one of them has killed you or badly injured you yet.
I hope the black person who harms you is a a woman because it will emasculate you even more.
No. 32382
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>>32381Im a different anon, sorry.
No. 32392
>>32314I get what you're saying, but I also understand why they would believe the claims made about racism (though
I haven't come across any blacks saying he had a right to kill them because of that (have to emphasize that because I know some of you will jump down my throat to try and say all black people have said this)). For all they and we know, the station is lying and they were racist. Idk if they were or not because he didn't have to kill them nor stay at that job if they were being racist, which is why I kind of believe it's bs that they supposedly were. However, since I wasn't there, I can't say whether that was the case or not.
No. 32394
>>32327lol why do racists always think blacks talk like that? I thought that was a backwoods/southern/hillbilly way of speaking
anyway, I'm surprised you'e not getting tired of white peoples shit considering there are a lot defending him too
No. 32395
>>32389I know this ain't what you guys were referring to, but I'm glad you said death penalty.
I suggest a torture chamber for like a year, or every person you kill, you get that amount of time in there (2 people=2months, don't want them to get too comfortable). Then on an unsaid day, cut off their heads away from the public, or let wild animals eat them or something.
When I said it, people called me inhumane, but I just feel that people need to learn. I always see people claiming mental illness when they planned this shit for days, not that they did it randomly. But then again, that's why I'm not in the government system, I'll probably suggest some fucked up shit.
For this situation itself, idk if he planned it or not. I'm just saying for a general killing/gun punishment idea. Let people keep their guns, just enforce what happens if you killed someone without a good (determined by court) reason.
No. 32400
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>>32398considering whites are like 60-70% of this country and blacks like under 30% there are way more videos of inbred whites talking this way.
No. 32401
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>>32396THIS is very true. Racial basias do make a big part in encarcerations of minorities. Minority wise a black male is much more likely to be incarcerated vs a white male/white female/asian male etc for the same crime.
many of the minorities encarcerated are already POOR or in shitty place so jail fucks them up even more, lose their job, lose social skills, become angry etc. They become even more poor and disadvantaged.
also I don't blame black people for being angry at racists whites. BUT this is not an excuse for killing whites or whites killing blacks.
No. 32404
>>32401The woman was not "racist" for goodness sake. The murderer had a reputation for this shit. He claimed the staff would "strategically position a watermelon" to make him mad.
No other race would be given this benefit of the doubt to this degree after such a brutal murder.
>>32402He shot that woman.
>>32399There were a few on twitter but they've since deleted all their stuff.
>>32401They're more likely to be incarcerated because they commit more crime. It's not just incarceration data that shows this but victim surveys.
No. 32407
>>32403No no no. He sent a fucking race war manifesto to CNN you mug. These attacks were racially motivated. Simple as that. Reverse the races and imagine a white man sending a race war manifesto to the networks. Think you'd still be claiming race had nothing to do with it.
Damage control. Plain and simple.
No. 32413
>>32412Because his racial animus had a more specific target, it does not remove the racial animus.
Stop trying to damage control.
No. 32414
>>32314>14/88Yeah, two wrongs definitely make a right.
Kill yourself.
No. 32422
>>32420>please vacate lolcowSays the /pol9k/ refugee.
>SRSlmao confirmed
No. 32424
>>32423>other anonsBitch please that was you and we aren't talking about oj we are talking about vester.
>The other anons have already proven that. No one here defended him and even if they did how would you know they are black?
No. 32426
>>32423>anons who addressed the OJ caseYou mean that guy who thought his opinions on how black women felt about the OJ case were accurate even though he was 9 years old at the time and lived in a white suburb with literally no black people?
Plus when I said I'm a black girl and I don't care + I'm not going to defend OJ because the case is unclear to me (and I don't see any point in defending an alleged murderer when I don't even personally know the guy or the circumstances involved) he just sperged the fuck out and started samefagging.
I agree with
>>32424 lmao. I wouldn't bring that up again, it was just embarrassing for him (ie you).
No. 32436
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>this thread
No. 32446
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Since farmhand merged the /pol/ thread with this in all his wisdom…
No. 32449
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No. 32451
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No. 32452
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No. 32457
>>32446As a Greek, I am
triggered as fuck.
In b4 debns.
No. 32458
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No. 32462
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No. 32467
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>>32465Well, farmhand merged them, so I guess they knew what they were doing.
No. 32468
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No. 32470
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No. 32472
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No. 32474
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No. 32477
probably a balt girl
>>32475I have never "raped" anyone.
No. 32479
>>32478You said it doesn't blacken my character in the other thread.
Anyway, let imagedumper anon continue.
No. 32489
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No. 32491
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No. 32495
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No. 32499
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No. 32505
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No. 32507
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No. 32534
>>32466No one likes your kind, you're angry shitposters who ruin everything you touch.
>we're not virginsHmmm
>usually have decent jobs"Decent jobs" that enable you to spend hours shitposting online?
>have an average age of 25I'm willing to bet most of you are like 16 tbh