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No. 31986
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elyon was my fav
No. 32308
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Yes! I loved the comics and they had a great story, expecially the beginning. I've never really watched the show though but what I saw of it, I didn't like that much.
>>31986Same here! But I also had a tiny crush on Caleb and thought Cornelia was pretty cool after a while. I loved their romance story.
No. 32309
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Did anyone else like Yua as a villain? I thought the drops from the pool going upwards was brilliant.
No. 32313
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Thanks a lot OP! Now I've been searching, found this cover and want to pick up reading where I left.
No. 32346
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>>32343 Here you go!
I re-read most of the comics last year, couldn’t get into the New Powers arc though so I stopped there. Will was my favorite when I was young but now I really like Orube.
No. 32359
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Didn't know there was a manga version
No. 32643
>>32332Anon please, the french novels were great. I stole them from my sister all the time.
I have a tendency to read any printed material I can get my hands on, and I enjoyed the series enough to sneak into her room and read all the volumes she bought.
I can't even remember much besides feelings from the romance bits, and OMG IS THAT A SNAKE GUY.
Speaking of which, I wish I could read more romance / feelings, but I don't come across these very often and apparently it's wrong to ask or something.
>be highschool senior self in 2009>classmates are talking about Twilight>one of her gets back the volume she lent to a friend>get curious about what it's about and walk up to her"Hey, could I borrow your book for a couple days to check it out ?"
>"wow Anon, sorry, that's girl stuff you can't read that!""It's ok I don't mind."
>"No really, sorry.">>32367I just assumed it was shitty merchandising when I saw it, I never knew the comic was the actual original material.
>>32346Fantastic, there goes my free time for the next week.
No. 32648
>>32643From what you said, I'm gonna assume you're a guy…
Haha the girl was probably too embarassed about lending Twilight to a guy.
And there's nothing wrong with guys who like romance/feelings stuff, people just don't expect it I guess? When I'm with my guy friends and we listen to my playlist and some sappy song comes up, I always get embarassed, turn it off and say "whoop sorry, girl music"
No. 33014
>>32689Skydoll is really good but I don't see any resemblance with w.i.t.c.h.
It's very adult themed too, lots of nakedness.
You're right about it originating from France.
No. 33027
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Damn, dat coincidence…
A few days ago I've discovered the comic through old "Minnie Mags" of my cousin and I liked it alot ! Cornelia and Elyon are my baes. Is the show that shitty ?
No. 33050
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>reading W.I.T.C.H.
>not reading Sky Doll
No. 33080
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Omg! I read thow comic back in 2002-2005! Loved it, and Will was my favorite :D
Hated the animation series tho…
No. 33081
>>33050wtf!? If I knew this existed I would have read the shit out of it.
Is it online anywhere?
>>32689Is it really french? I thought it was italian.
Anyway W.I.T.C.H. was my jam when I was a kid. It used to be in a kids magazine in my country where they'd have a few pages of it included every week/biweek.
I remember discovering it had an animation on JETIX and I was really sad we didn't have foxtel or w/e.
But w.i.t.c.h. is definitely what got me into drawing and even inspired my style a bit.
No. 33092
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>>33081I was going to tell you to torrent it but it appears that most if not all of the Sky Doll torrents have vanished and it's very difficult to get a copy online now…
Special lolcow service, I'll dump what I have on HDD from vol.1-3.
INB4 it's not W.I.T.C.H, it's the same artist and writer you cucks.
No. 33137
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>>33136Don't read it then.
No. 33145
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>>33144Last page.
It's late so I'll upload volume 02 tomorrow if anybody is still interested.
No. 33148
You used to be able to get it on Marvel's website, but they took it down.'ve seen it in my local comic shop for 25 bucks. Which is annoying as hell seeing it only cost $6 to begin with.
No. 33150
>>33050Sky Doll is amazing! Shame it's taken so long between issues.
The colorist, Barbara Canepa, has a comic called "end: elisabeth" that's the most beautiful thing ive ever seen, but it's only in french and i can't find a translation =(
No. 33180
>>32367God are you me anon ? I threw (or donated, don't remember) all of them because I thought it was too childish for my age. Even the mags were nice to read at the time, I remember when they gave a heart necklace, I lost it and bought another issue just to have it.
A few years ago I tried to check if there was anything on ebay to buy it again but no luck :(
This is the comics that I loved the most when I was a kid/tween, I'm so happy to see the thread and the scans.
>>33150I bought it a while ago. Really beautiful but the dialogues are a bit "eh" for me. I could try to help you translate if you got scans. The books is really big so the artwork stands out.
No. 33224
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Hey, Sky Doll dumper here.
My torrent of the 2nd and 3rd volumes ended up peetering out due to lack of seeders.
Anyway, here's a link I found from /co/ where somebody has already dumped vol 01-03. these are not the official Marvel translations but old fan translations from back from when it was first released so the text is really hard to read compared to the Marvel version I dumped in this thread.
Sky Doll hasn't actually been updated since 2006 although it's still listed as being in production. Volume 04 has been released since however it is an uncoloured version so it's up to you whether you want to read it.
No. 33283
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>>33224There have also been two short story series released called Space Ship and Lacrima Christi. The former is about Noa's previous jobs and Lacrima Christi follows a few tales in relation to Lodovica and Agape. Both do reveal things in relation to the main storyline, so I would recommend them (if you can find them). My only gripe with them is that most of the stories are done with guest artists and some of them aren't great.
No. 47467
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>>31979Anyone find the comic transformation pedo-rific? any parent outrage over this?
No. 47474
>>47469If you're talking about the DiC dub then yes, because DiC removed lines from the boobs and butts during the transformations. Those actually look about as detailed as they originally were.
W.I.T.C.H. is also European right? French? They have different censorship rules over there and the girls are in their teens.
No. 47475
>>47467No because in Europe we don't look at any semblance of nudity and start screaming "PAEDOPHILE, PAEDOPHILE".
I mean they're young, they're naked because they're transforming; what is the problem? There is literally nothing sexual about this. What is sexual about this in your eyes?
This is why we have such a problem with sexual assaults and rape in the West where man are unable to control themselves when they glimpse an inch of skin, because you American's have your culture seep into every other surrounding neighbors and poison our own, in this case any case of nudity is instantly sexual, even in cases of innocent children bathing.
Why do you belive the naked form instantly equates to sex?
Americans are mentally ill.
No. 47572
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>>31979I remember W.I.T.C.H, my friend loved that show. I liked the Winx Club better. I think they came out around the same time. I remember having huge arguments with her about what show was better. I think I was 9.
No. 47574
>>47571That's fucking weird.
I'm in Britain and I remember when I was a kid my mother would take my sisters and I to a local park that had an outdoor shallow pool and neither we nor any of the other kids brought swimwear, we'd just all strip off completely naked and go splash in the water whilst the parents would settle on benches near the edge chatting and keeping an eye on us and everything was fine, it was not considered lewd by any measure.
I can't imagine that happening today in the UK.
Thanks America.
No. 47606
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>>47572>techna's fucking outfittop kek every fucking time
No. 47616
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>tfw you google winx for the nostalgic and this shows up
Does this really look as horrible as I think it does or am I being bitter?
No. 47679
>>47671>>47671I glanced at season 6 (well part of it, as it was for nostalgic feels), and saw that they did both. They were 2D in their world and 3D in the Imaginary World (or at least the gate). So I guess they're just…Transitioning?
>>47643Nah, I don't think it's sad. Musa was topfave, then Flora and Layla/Aisha were seconds. Now that I'm glancing at old shows and watching them for nostolgia sake, Techna/Roxy is growing on me too. Bloom was and still is my least favorite though…
W.I.T.C.H related, I can't recall too many episodes as it didn't catch my interest too much, but I could happily recite the theme song though!
No. 47705
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This series. I remember forum drama revolving around this series. Stolen comic scans, art theft, rival sites, broken sites, expired domains, migrations and eventual death, rebirth and inevitable bot infestation. Only a handful of long time, veteran diehards still post with the occasional nostalgic straggler finding their way to the last remaining english site that I could find (all the rest are either hidden, broken or infested by bots, if not dead.) Pic related, a swedish mod that still posts till this very day. She works for a jgame import store, has a husband and kid. Still collects WITCH memorabilia. I remember talking to her. lol, I still have my little collection of comics and novelisation that never sold on ebay.
Oh and Elyon was the best. I hated most of the rest with the exception of Irma, haylin and sometimes Will. As for winx, I hated mostly everything about the series and storyline, but I loved techna.
No. 47706
>>47616The image looks really bad but in action the CGI isn't that horrible to me. It works fairly well with their face designs.
I never liked W.I.T.C.H. but Winx Club was pretty nice, I guess it's because W.I.T.C.H. was too much of a highschool drama instead of an adventure series like Winx was and I was never much into soap opera kind of settings. The Witch girls weren't that interesting either and neither are the Winx characters, but for some reason I found the Winx fairies to be a lot more pleasant than the Witches. Design-wise I guess because the witch girls were really ugly compared to the beautiful design fairy clothes and flowing hair the Winxes had from the third season and up.
Idk, the winx villains vere painfully 1-dimensional and badly written but there's a certain charm to that series and I guess it's exactly because it's not as heavy as W.I.T.C.H. The latter one was heavy but not enough to stay interesting while the Winx Club was a lighthearted series you could chow down like junk food.
No. 47714
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I remember having a plushie that looked like Blooms Rabbit thing.
Memories Man
No. 47716
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>>47710Why does she look like a recoloured Tecna?
No. 47777
>>47708Bloom is a a waste of space. She's just a cardboard cutout marysue and really fucking annoying which is surprising considering how she has almost no personality. Like try describing Bloom, you'll find out that she doesn't have a character, she never does anything to define herself and is mostly just a boring plot device despite being the main character. I could hate Stella because she's a bitch but at least she has a defined character so compared to Bloom he's a success.
Flora and Musa were my favourites though. They were a lot more interesting.
No. 47795
Witch has a much better art and backstory (in the beginning) than Winx, the art is choppy and weird.
The problem with witch is they had to rotate illustrator and people who would ink the comics and it was sometimes well drawn and sometimes simply horrendeous. Plus the storyline got really weak (the ending is so wtf)
>>47777Fucking hated Bloom since forever and obviously she had to be this special snowflake fairy from earth but also adopted and secretly a Princess.
Techna really got the short end of the stick at first with her terrible outfit and lame boyfriend. I really liked their colorful outfit in the last seasons at least.
No. 47876
>>47777I fucking loved Flora, she's always been my favourite, and had the cutest outfit of them all.
As for Bloom, she always struck me like a side-character due to her bland and boring personality.
No. 47889
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>>47876Flora was my favorite as well. I loved her gentle personality, as well as her love of plants/flowers. She was so pretty and had the nicest voice also imo.
No. 47913
>>47890I can't understand why they decided to create her so boring and perfect, even as kid I hated it. They didn't even try to give her a single flaw. Oh her bf is the prince's best friend no wait nvmd he's the real prince. But it's ok because she's secretly a princess too so it's all cool. Also she's the most powerful, the others can go fuck themselves, only Bloom matters.
Even within the Trix group, Icy didn't bother me as much even though she was clearly the leader.
No. 47917
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>>47913Believe me or not, but when I was a kid I always wanted to be Bloom because she was perfect (she had the prettiest clothing and was the main point of the story for what two whole seasons?). That's why Mary Sue's are a thing. Kids want someone to look up to, someone who has a perfect life. But yeah, rewatching Winx now I can clearly see why ppl think Bloom sucks.
No. 47918
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Also apparently Daphne (Blooms older sister who died or some shit) is alive now?
She kinda looks like that girl from The Last Unicorn, I like it
No. 48029
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>>47917Even when I was a little girl I couldn't stand these marysue carbon copies in girl's tv shows (probably why I never got into these shows.) Evidently, other people shared similar sentiments judging by these threads. I can't even stand most anime (shoujo or otherwise) for the same reason.