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No. 321237
is that the response you wanted
No. 321279
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No. 321374
>>321357Yeah, I voted for the incumbent R the past two cycles but I don't believe in career politicians and the other candidate seems really promising.
That and I've gotten no less than 12 flyers in the mail from GOP pacs telling me if I don't vote republican Antifa will burn down my house and Nancy Pelosi will personally cannibalize my unborn child. That's hyperbole, but not by much. These ads are seriously ridiculous.
No. 321381
I don't care if you're voting R or D. If you don't vote you're a lazy, pathetic, useless retard. Voting by mail is not hard you lazy fucks. And same with OSEV. Being required to work IS an accepted excuse for requesting absentee ballots.
>>321272>>321323>>321318>>321338>>321377 (you're probably a troll, but if not, especially you, you retarded fucking autist)
No. 321382
>>321377Fellow swamp person–there's basically only 10 people at early voting stations (especially in the mornings) and they're always old people in sandals and socks so who are they to judge you, so that might help out your anxiety for the next election. breaks down a lot of amendments (especially the confusing ones mentioned ITT which
are meant to be confusing) and if you look at local news sites, you'll occasionally see op-eds from different political stances discussing what they're likely to vote for the amendments. I'd recommend Ballotpedia the most, though, since they also show you nominees' stances and prior votes and stuff like that.
Some people's approaches to bundled amendments are just to vote no, since it retains the status-quo, so that could be an alternative.
And remember, you can always skip voting on stuff, so if you just plain-out don't understand an amendment or don't know anything about a judge listed, just vote for governor or senator or even just local school board seats.
No. 321384
>>321381My friend’s little sister doesn’t vote because she doesn’t want to pay taxes. My friend gives her shit for it, so that’s something at least.
But yeah. People who don’t vote are idiots. Especially if they’re black or female, considering that people have often have risk their lives in the past to make sure every adult citizen can vote, regardless of race or gender
No. 321389
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Anyone else find libertarians really annoying and edgy about not voting
Not voting is ok but why be so proud of it lmao
No. 321391
>>321384In my opinion voting should be compulsory. I'm sick of people saying that voting doesn't matter and that Democrats and Republicans are the same. Midterm elections are honestly more important than presidential elections because they're direct elections, not electoral college. State and local politicians probably have more of a measurable effect on your day-to-day life than the president does. Not to mention voting is a habit developed over time (one of the reasons older people vote more) so it's important to vote every year. I've voted in every single election since I turned 18, even in primaries and odd-year elections with only local candidates.
Disappointing news in FL in particular, but great to see Dems take the house. Didn't expect Beto to win, although it would've been great to see. Hoping Beto will run in 2020, only Dem I could see possibly winning against Trump (although I'm fairly certain nothing will keep Trump from winning).
Sry to sperg politics is my job and I'm not allowed to have a partisan Twitter account lol
No. 321406
>>321391Australia has compulsory voting, right? Sometimes I think the U.S should have it too but I really don’t trust a lot of Americans to vote responsibly or intelligently lol.
>>321401Where do you live, if you don’t mind me asking? Sometimes I think about moving to a different country but I can’t think of any place other than Australia (and even then, it’s only for like a year).
No. 321411
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>>321406>Australia has compulsory voting, right? Yes and ngl I was shocked when I found out it's not compulsory elsewhere and that people support that because they don't want to be forced to choose. The thing is, nobody actually has to VOTE. You are forced to turn up and sign yourself in, but it's confidential so you can draw a dick on the ballot paper for all they know.
No. 321438
>>321389Most libertarians are annoying and edgy 24/7 it's not that surprising tbh. They act like their decision is the galaxy brain choice. Of course, voting is a right that people may or may not take advantage of. I almost didn't vote, but I decided to since I got to vote by mail. But even then there's legitimate libertarians who run for office and end up on the ballot so these guys bragging about how they didn't vote fucked up their chance at getting their party more recognition KEK.
Overall, vote or don't vote. But don't brag about it, you just sound like a sperg.
No. 321531
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So convicted rapists will be able to vote in Florida's next election.
No. 321535
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>>321531Get your fucking shit together Florida
No. 321538
>>321531c'mon anon, you know rapist make a tiny percentage of felons. Rapist almost never get caught.
Forbidding felons to vote is also a getaway to political prisonners/
No. 321550
>>321338Can't mail in if you're working all day. You don't even know what their job is.
>>321381You sound batshit. Lots of people don't give a shit about voting and that's fine.
No. 321564
>>321272wow that sucks
In Belgium we are obligated to vote but they always do it on a sunday so that most people can go. If you're still unavailable (for a good reason and proof is required), you can let someone you trust vote for you.
Yes the obligated part gets a lot of critique but the reason for that is so that no one would be forced not to go. (for example women being forced to stay home by their men on election day)
No. 321579
>>321561Anon, shut up with the guilt tripping you sound fucking autistic.
I fortunately live in a state where they allow early voting, but I work security. I watch an area all by myself and cannot leave my post until I'm relieved. I worked a 12 hour shift yesterday from 6am to 6pm. I live an hour away from work as well so that's 14 hours away from home. If I lived in a state where early voting isn't implemented, I wouldn't have been able to vote. It happens. Get off your high horse.
No. 321674
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>>321381this lazy pathetic retard is doing a semester overseas and forgot to do the absentee ballot thing so whoops one less vote. maybe not voting means that the us will burn to the ground and I won't ever have to go back
No. 321729
>>321667America sucks but you’re still a retard for not voting.
Besides I much rather live here than Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea or any place were you’re treated lower than dog shit for being a woman.
No. 321937
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>>321925What? I don't understand this? I consider America, a third world shithole.
No. 321941
>>321925From my point of view, the quality of life in America is a lot lower than the country I live now. I have free health care, 4 weeks paid leave granted automatically, and maternity leave. I have chronic illnesses and pay far less in both medication and doctor's visits than I did in the states, and don't pay out the ass for having pre-existing conditions. I can take leave whenever I don't get guilt tripped by my superiors for it. I make almost twice as much money. I don't have politicians constantly debating whether to take away my right to birth control or abortion because muh christianity. I don't have to worry about my kid getting shot up in school. In general, I feel much safer and more taken care of than I ever did in the states.
I don't hate America. I'm glad I was lucky enough to be born there instead of like, the middle east. But I like living overseas way more, and by the standards I live now, America isn't good. And I think it's something you won't realize unless you move to a really good country, just how backwards it is in comparison.