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No. 321972
>>321960If you’re in an extremely liberal city like Los Angeles, you’re not going to come across gun owners as often as other places in the states. Then again, a place like LA has its own set of issues such as the fairly high cost of living and horrendous traffic.
The states really are just so varied in their character though. You can’t really generalize America entirely for that reason.
No. 321978
>>321964Same anon. A lot of gun violence is in areas that people don’t necessarily choose to move to. If you’re a suburban-fag then you’re fine for the most part.
And idk why people go on about bigots and racists, for every racist old lady at Walmart theres some pink haired sjw spoiting their nonsense. Its a pretty even playing field. Sure there are trashy people, but thats universal.
If anything the US is just boring AF to live if you arent from a major city. And even then its just alright. This is coming from someone who lives aborad and is currently back home to visit for a few months. I dont have a valid license or a car that I can use. My rural-suburban neighborhood doesn’t have sidewalks or any decent lanes to bike in. People get married and pop out babies starting at like 19 amd have no real view of the world outside of their hometowns, but that can be said for small town folk in places like the UK or Australia as well.
I also think a lot of housing and apartments can look gross and ugly when you get into newly built suburban areas. At least down here in Texas.
No. 322010
I'm American and live in a Midwest state. I'm from a suburb of a larger city so I've never experienced half the problems people shit on the midwest for. Everytime I go back to visit it feels so nice. I've been to smaller cities and really hate them just because there isn't a lot to do but I think that can be said for any small town anywhere in the world so eh. I find people who needlessly shit on the country as a whole to be really cringe and ignorant since, as has been said in the thread already, America is large enough you really can't generalize it. I see Americans who live abroad do this a lot and all it does is make them seem like they think they're "not like the other Americans". Obviously, not all are that far up their own ass but there are a lot like that.
My hometown is perfect for the type of lifestyle I want and all in all, the reasons people shit on it are just stereotypes so it really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. America of course has its own problems and different parts have different issues as well but I actually like living here since it has to be far better than in certain places in the Middle East.
>>322001I hate this too tbh. My hometown has a good public transit system but realized they could do better so they're finally expanding it. I'm in a small college town atm though and the public transit is abysmal. You either hope there's a bus that goes somewhere you need(there normally isn't), or you just call an Uber if you don't have a car.
>>322000Same anon. It's honestly sad.
No. 322011
>>322001This is my main issue with America. i love my country but we are built to support cars and there are hardly any walkways here or public metros outside a big city. I live outside DC and far away enough where it takes a long time to get there. I like walking and i'm sick of how much the cars get priority over people walking. I can't afford a car right now, so it's extra shit.
Also, uber is expensive
No. 322015
>>321960Shootings aren't actually a huge problem once you cut out gang violence. Gang members target rivals, usually.
You can stay safer, if you're still worried, by staying in places with less violence. But mostly, just don't go into shitty neighborhoods. No. 322021
>>322011This. I hate the whole culture of “look at that perfectly average well dressed guy WALKING and waiting at the crosswalk! He must be a crackhead or a drunk who lost his license” No Betty, maybe he doesnt feel the need to get in car and drive 2 minutes away for his lunch break.
I wish crosswalks worked better near my town. You have to wait super long for a chance to cross but the light goes back to red after 5 seconds.
No. 322031
>>322021i used to walk to work and the grocery store because at most it was a 30 minute trip. i didnt feel the need to buy a $30k vehicle just to make those short trips. people really do look at you like youre poor or have a drug problem. and forbid you tell someone you dont have a car or license because the idea of willingly not wanting to drive is so far removed from people that its weird to prefer to walk.
but i imagine it was only so weird where i was because its not built for pedestrian accessibility.
No. 322044
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>>322011I live in the PNW, and I love it. Mass transit here is normal, and a good majority of people bike everywhere (including me). I feel really fortunate, because I don’t need to drive or even have a license to get anywhere. I couldn’t imagine living in any other part of the country because of this. Also, no sales tax is amazing. Always a shock whenever I go to another state because I forget that it’s the norm most places kek. Move here guys, it’s s piece of heaven.
No. 322046
>>322031Same anon you replied to, my family members literally bring up my lack of driving ability every time they see me as if its a fucking intervention lmfao and I’m here
for three months at most every year or 2.
“Anon we REALLY need to get you a license” 99% of the time they say it because they reached out to me to do some favor for them like babysit or house sit and got pissed because they had to pick me up or drive me home. Or because I can’t do school drop offs for their kids while they go off on vacation. Just whenever they want something basically kek
No. 322066
>>321959I would ideally like to attend grad school in America as a Canadian. I think you guys get more funding than us.
Also, damn your strong dollars!! I remember when CAD and US were relatively balanced
No. 322097
>>322069Honestly, I hated SF. I couldn’t put my finger on why exactly but something just didn’t click for me.
For reference, I live in NYC. It is also a shithold. Come visit but don’t bother attempting to live here alone unless you’re pulling $80k+/yr in salary.
No. 322186
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>>321996there was literally another mass-shooting today
No. 322216
>>322183I'm in NOVA, so I'm pretty close to DC (35 mins away)
It's expensive, but fairly nice. It's like NYC, but way smaller knit and the areas you want to avoid at night are pretty obvious.
Dupont circle is great though, which good bars and night clubs.
No. 322234
>>322183I grew up in Northern VA (Fairfax county) and I'll be honest, getting around without a car is hard. It can be done, but it's not as easy as in a lot of other metropolitan areas. The Metro is not great. BUT your experience can differ dramatically depending on where you are specifically.
My experience of growing up here was weird because as an adult, I see why my parents chose it–it's got a lot of job and shopping options, it's got good infrastructure, etc. But I found it really fucking boring to grow up in. It felt like a place without a history–restaurants and shops that exist everywhere, people (including my family) from all over the world, no one with roots more than 10 years old. I have good memories, but it was never a place I remotely considered living in as an adult and the traffic makes it hard to explore. But the city itself is fun and the museums and culture of it are amazing.
No. 322263
>>322077I visited a friend in SF and found it pretty ridiculous that despite having a decent job, he's stuck in a miserable shack of an apartment.
Idk how people do it if they're not engineers. Even Oakland is stupid expensive now. I guess you share an apartment with 2 or 3 roommates and hope for the best, or uber any extra hour you get.
No. 322507
>>321968it's hard to find art jobs ANYWHERE in the world unless you have connections.
not us related, but art schools are, in my opinion, a great place to make connections (more than a great place to actually learn art).
No. 322511
>>322499It's not racist if the plot just so happens to be an american guy battling the mafia of another country. That's pretty racist of you to assume. Also the italian mob is italian-american, you dipshit.
It's funny you're referring to retarded 80s movies like Samurai Cop, there's no politic motive behind goofy movies these.
No. 322523
>>3224993 out of your 5 examples is whites against whites KEK.
Are you trying to say nationalist?
Most movies like this that release now do poorly, they used to be big over a decade ago. But who am I to say I haven't been to the movie theater in 8 years lol
No. 322536
>>322499Not even that, the odd foreigner is usually the punching bag or butt monkey of the film unless they're Jackie Chan.
See: Beni Gabor in The Mummy, Indiana Jones' sidekick Short Round, every laundry service operator in every movie ever
No. 322558
>>322523So you think you Americans are allowed to say and do whatever you want to foreigners as long as they're white?
KEKI'm not american, I'm not as obsessed with race as you are; if you look down on people from another county - no matter what they look like - then you are a racist in my book.
>>322511>That's pretty racist of you to assume.According to the anon above you I can't be racist against you, since afterall the US is a country and not a race…
>>322514>>322536This is exactly what I mean; the criminals (or the dumb loser-like guys who're only there to be made fun of) are living in the US (so no good "american guy battling the mafia of another country") but they constantly do have foreign accents etc.
No. 323404
>>322499Because the avg American citizen is just trying to get by. Plus, Hollyweird is run by American Jews. Take it up with them!
>>322069Inland is full of conservative farm people and coast is full of degenerate shitlibs
I really can't understand why everyone is so obsessed with Californians saying they wish we would burn to death lol.
No. 323419
>>322558>if you look down on people from another county - no matter what they look like - then you are a racist in my book.hmm so israelis looking down on palestinians and palestinians looking down on israelis are automaticly racists ? Kurds looking down on turks are also racists ? bosnian people looking down on serbs are racist ?
great analysis there, anon
No. 323428
>>323402We just need an electable Democratic candidate next election.
People who shilled Clinton last time are responsible for giving this current idiot in chief a spot in government.
No. 323436
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>>322076Ok so people are on the verge of racebaiting again but nobody answered my question.
No. 324881
>>323510When people start talking about politics more than their daily lives and real world interests, it's never a good sign, no matter what those politics are.
I also hate it when people profess to 'know' that they're right. People who believe that shit are dangerous, whether they're political or not. They stop being objective.
No. 326067
>>325912>I also lived in Normandy for a bit and visit Rhone Alpes regularly which are way more ruralIn Rhone Alpes it depends on where you go, you should try to visit Annecy and Lyon. And if you're rich enough or can find nice deals maybe you should try to go to the mountains there on winter holidays if you like skiing.
>>325918I'm French but not white, and I find it funny because I visited Paris for a few days for holidays some months ago with some relatives and in some relatively touristic places and employees everywhere would immediately start talking English to us. Same thing with an Asian friend when we visited the south of France together. It was really awkward.
>>323464I didn't see your reply, sorry. I see that Washington DC is small, maybe in the case of a long trip I should visit bigger places like New York or Florida and then end the trip with Washington DC?
No. 326829
>>325912baguette fag here AND from Normandy ! Which part of Normandy did you visit ? Haute or Basse ?
Well to be fair if you go further into the countryside it'd be the same as what you described, just as any country that is similarly developped. A lot of train lines are closing due to too few people taking them and a shit ton of towns become more and more isolated because of it, and the result is the same as where you're from, no car = no life.
But France's countryside is beautiful and underrated.
I'm very glad to see someone enjoying France, as Paris often gets bashed for being filthy and filled with assholes (which is true, ngl).
How long are you staying there ?
No. 437528
>>437518I think the US was probably really neat pre 9 11
Everyone I know from the US tells me that, and ngl even the atmosphere in the post 9 11 2000s was better
No. 437538
>>437534Have you ever lived in another country or are you talking out of your ass?
If America is so awful then I don't see why more people don't immigrate like my parents did. Especially when most Americans face far fewer restrictions than my parents had to.
No. 437543
>>437536I mean insane side lol
It was in regards to the left vs right dichotomy
Also many right wingers aka conservatives in the US arent even actual conservatives, they are pretty much circa 2000s liberals who got shamed for being too edgy and not pc I guess enough and larp as conservatives
Conservatives in the 2000s and 90s used to at least try to care about shit like pedophilia and child abuse if anything at all but since the average conservative is aligned with meme tard shit and even weeb shit they cant even be assed to care at all
So then the only people who care about black, women, or childrens issues are fucking liberals who think turning your thirteen year old son into a daughter is normal. At least back then people tried not to appear outwardly sexist or racist but now its cool not to give a fuck at all and be as vulgar and disgusting as possible.
Like, in another issue, think about how easily Americans are extremely easily manipulated into changing their temperament and political beliefs over the years. Lefties used to defend communism and russia and Righties used to screech about russia and the ussr invading the USA now ever since Trump is in office Right wingers dont give a fuck anymore all of a sudden and see it as normal. Just thinking about it and how quickly it flipped flopped in many different parts for no reason is insanity.
It makes me feel like this country is literally insane and just a joke with no actual scruples or consistent values and attitudes about anything at all. We seem to change our face every decade or so. Theres a lot more to highlight but I am not explaining things too well atm. Sorry for being confusing
No. 437551
>>437543i think the big issue with that is that there is no money in being a moderate in the US and whether you're left/liberal/right/conservative, that is always the driving force behind policies in both directions.
the hugboxes and echo chambers via the internet and especially websites like reddit have definitely drawn more distinct lines in the sand as well.
the US is also very diverse in not only cultures and ethnicities but there are also huge disparities in wealth in even small areas. that ends up forcing the political cycles into a race for the most voters and whoever can be the most vocal about "x oppressed group" will be the ones getting the most attention and shifting the views of those incapable of forming their own.
as far as politics are concerned, and whether or not this is actually a US-only problem or not is debatable, the biggest problem is virtue-signalling and i don't see that changing any time soon.
No. 437554
>>437548I have, and I am living internationally at the moment, but it still doesnt change my opinion.
It is deeper than the issue of populism.
No. 437556
>>437551Yeah, internet culture hasnt been helping with this issue at all.
I see more people realizing how regressive its been for all of us but I also doubt theres progression to be made ahead of time soon.
But who knows, maybe the US can become something worthwhile again. My friend is really sure that in the 2020s the US will go through a fantastic change, but then again his family owns land and he makes a living off of bitcoin, so that is already a different perspective from the average American.
No. 437584
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>>437568The most likely scenario
No. 437596
>>437568>>437588The fact people kept whining about Trump yet there were only half assed protests and barely any attempts to get anything done despite Twitter fingers made me lose all hope for this country
Like, even if you like Trump zoomers and milennials who grew up with progressive attitudes that cried about how Trump was ruining their country and then you see them not do shit and barely make any real fight its STILL a shameful display
No. 437637
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>>437623yeah, a lot of it is perception, but seems like a regular ass president in the overall balance of what he did or didn´t do and the lives of Americans are not that much different from 4 years ago.
i think getting over the Trump derangenment syndrome is a first step into making strategies and start making proposals that actually make sense and can get people on board. Screaming "orange man bad" for another 4 years won´t do anyone any good. They could have learned that already from the first election.
No. 437862
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>>437859Samefag, nvm, my state covers emergencies. Nice. So I won't die?
No. 438459
Any thoughts about Andrew Yang? He's a 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate with the slogans "Not Left, Not Right, Forward" and "MATH - Make America Think Harder". He got a BA in economics at Brown University and a law degree at Columbia Law School. Most notably he created a nonprofit called Venture for America, which was about recruiting young people into start-ups in developing cities in the middle of the country instead of them all heading to work in California or New York.
His biggest policy is the Freedom Dividend (a Universal Basic Income plan) of $1000 dollars a month to every US citizen over the age of 18. It would mostly be paid by a 10% Value Added Tax and re-purposing money from certain welfare programs (people would have to choose between food stamps and UBI for example, but SSDI and Medicare would stack). He also wants to implement a financial transaction tax and a carbon fee.
The reason why he wants UBI is because he believes that in the next 12 years 1/3 of American workers are at risk of losing their jobs (retail workers, truck drivers, call centers workers) and that these people won't be able to find another low skilled job or retrain for a new job right away. This would lead to drug overdoses, suicides and a major destabilization of society.
His second major policy proposal is Medicare for All. He says that there's plenty of money in the system to create a better functioning healthcare system for all citizens. It would also help employees who are currently tired to their jobs because of the healthcare benefits.
His third biggest policy is Human Centered Capitalism. The idea is to make our economy serve people rather than the other way around. Basically the government would measure and invest in human welfare, to try to raise the standard of living in this country.
He has 100+ other policies on his page. One example being Democracy Dollars. Every American gets $100 a year to give to candidates, use it or lose it. These Democracy Dollars would, by the sheer volume of the US population, drown out the influence of mega-donors.
He gets attacked for being a communist (giving everyone free money), a libertarian Trojan horse (he's going to gut welfare), alt-right (NEETS like free money) and mainstream media ignores him as much as possible. Currently he's 6th in polling among Democrats. He has broad appeal with Republicans and Independents so he could win the general election if he became the nominee. His biggest problem at the moment is name recognition.
Also I'm not a shill I just like the guy and want people to know about him.
No. 438463
>>438459The UBI stuff is something I'm really sympathetic to, but I just see it as a bandaid solution. People just living off of the state in a state of not satisfying desire for anything other than drugs/sex/video games seems like a dystopia.
I'm more a fan of the Butlerian Jihad solution myself.
He's also too soft on immigration and I'm not sure if a Chinese president would be prepared to protect US interests against China.
No. 438465
>>437556The big problem with the US is that there's no real left-wing. There's just two liberal parties (liberal in different ways).
There's also no national unity since the country has become so polarized. I saw Donald Trump Jr. post something on Twitter the other day about China's influence in Hollywood and American entertainment in general (basically turning it into an environment where all criticism of China, or even anything that made China look slightly bad, would be purged by threat of investment withdrawal) and all the replies were just people shouting at him and claiming it wasn't an issue compared to Russia.
You would think that something like that should be a proper cross-party consensus issue that all Americans could come together on. Stopping China buying out and holding our entertainment industry hostage. But it isn't.
No. 438483
>>438463UBI isn't supposed to be like welfare where if you make more money you lose your benefits. Most people would still work, help their community or study instead of living off the bare minimum of 12k a year indefinitely. There's always going to be people that can't contribute to society though.
He's Taiwanese, they don't really like China over there. He thinks it's a priority to beat them in AI research.
>>438465Yang's trying to depolarize the country, which doesn't work that well in short form formats since it's hard to get his platform across in 2 min. Some people find his attitude weak.
No. 438522
>>438485It seems unlikely to me that his parents would have been spies considering that (from wikipedia) "his parents met while they were both in graduate school at the University of California, Berkeley. His father graduated with a Ph.D. in physics and worked in the research labs of IBM and General Electric, generating over 69 patents in his career. His mother graduated with a master's degree in statistics and later became an artist." They seem like successful people that left Taiwan early in their lives for better opportunities in the US. Andrew Yang worked as a corporate lawyer for 5 months before quitting because he didn't like what it was doing to him ethically/morally. Also why would a Chinese spy run for president on such an unusual platform… it would make more sense to run for something more low-key I think? Anyway if he gains any more traction people will investigate any possible ties to China…
The media already tried to call him an alt-right white nationalist because he tweeted out a statistic saying white people deaths outnumber births in half the states mostly because of low birth rates and white men dying from substance abuse and suicide. Obviously he doesn't look like a white supremacist.
>>438487How is he Diet Bernie? He was for Bernie in 2016 and is currently running for President because he wants to bring up the topic of automation and he doesn't think Bernie's solutions go far enough. UBI + M4A is MORE progressive than Bernie's policies. Here's an article explaining why it's progressive, it's a cash transfer from the top 6% to the bottom 94%: No. 441067
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How come in the US this can be tweeted but if it was the reversed side people would cry about it being race baiting and starting mess? Why isnt Trump and shit like this considered race baiting and divisive garbage, by Americans? Its just seen as racist man bad instead of actually being RACEBAITING like it would if it was Obama tweeting it.
No. 441591
>>438459I like Yang a lot. I love that he is the only real futurist who is thinking about the next step rather than stewing in the same smokescreen policies that other candidates are pushing. Disappearing jobs is a reality and it will only get worse. Someone has to start the conversation about how we move forward with that, rather than band-aid style avoidance. Love that he is clear on his policies and he will be the person to open up the conversations on tech-facing issues.
Think about that Facebook debacle regarding user privacy. Think about how retarded and tech-ignorant the representatives were in questioning Zuckerberg.
We need politicians that understand issues that tech brings and their solutions should not be to revert to fucking… coal and shit. Yang is a step in the right direction. We need more futurists.
No. 455749
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Why Ilhan ?
No. 455763
>>455761You cannot date a person who does that and be ok. Despite their actions being their responsibility, this reflects on you for being with such a person.
That's like dating a criminal. Yes, technically you are not guilty of his crimes, but you are actively dating someone who is hurting people, that also reflects on you.
No. 455764
>>455749this should be overlooked like conservatives overlooked trump's philandering, admitted sexual assaults, and disgusting comments.
they made their bed, so they can lie in it
No. 456005
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>>455907>aoc's fire clapback to this white man about heteronormativityTheir were/are so many women like this on Tumblr and r/TrollXChromosomes,women who make jokes about straight white men,who say say they hate men but If you go to their Instagram or faebook accounts you'll learn 9/10 times they're dating a conventionally attractive white dude
No. 456019
>>456005I mean misogynistic dudes are often in relationships with women (except most the time they're unattractive)
it's kinda scrottish to believe pink pilled women should leave men while misogynistic dudes just load up on women
No. 456045
>>456036because it pisses men off women can hate men and still have men chase them, not to mention it gives men an incentive to not treat women like shit because of the fact there's desperate men out there who worship women no matter how much they hate men
it also hurts them because they love going on about their revenge fantasies about how the bitter roasties will hit the wall and become lonely
if they realize even beckies who hate men can get chads it will force them to die bitter and lonely or force them to start respecting women and working on themselves
like I said, if misogynists from hell can have wives and girlfriends and it doesn't invalidate their misogyny I don't see why women can't be pink pilled and have husbands or boyfriends, if anything I believe more pink pilled women should own boyfriends and husbands as look as if the woman is in charge
No. 456052
>>456048>That sounds sorta controlling.good
>>456050exactly what I mean, give men a taste of their own medicine
No. 456064
>>456052>>456059alright lets change the topic.what type of men would ever willingly date pink pilled women ?
the only two types of men I can think of are the dreaded "Male Feminist" or guys who are truly apolitical and don't use that Internet much
No. 456074
>>456064men who know their place
>>456059>stop trying to take the place of men.failing to see the issue, at least we aren't the ones killing men and putting them in the hospital when we're the doms
>we have enough shitty men without shitty women trying to be like's only fair, if misogynistic men can have girlfriends pink pilled women should have boyfriends
No. 456078
>>456074again, these are just reasons why you're retarded. maybe instead of trying to get back at men like vindictive children, you'd focus on helping your fellow women fix their clearly low self-esteem.
these "REEE MEN!" "MEN ARE MEANIES SO WOMEN SHOULD BE TOO!" posts and anons are killing the board. i'm for political lesbianism just so you crazy retards don't breed.
No. 456085
>>456080>dentistry is for the first worldOmg, hahahaha.
There's tons of bad shit that can happen to teeth that aren't cleft lips and cavities caused by sugar. People with no access to a dentist even with low sugar diets have horrid teeth.
No. 456089
>>456085Dying of an infected tooth never happened before modern western dentistry, and never happens in the third world now apparently.
Galaxy brains abound itt.
No. 456094
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>>456091Anon..hold up. Are you trying to say that because some people who ate a low sugar tribal diet do t have bad teeth, nobody ever gets cavities,infections,enamel erosion, wisdom teeth, or misaligned teeth?
Cause I guess that means this photo of ancient Egyptian dentistry means every single ancient Egyptian had bad teeth.
No. 456105
>>456096yes could you imagine that changes in food consumption based on preservation, availability and advances in food technology (whether for good or bad) would seem off compared to people who did not have such available to them?
i hate that we compare modern life to tribal and expect that to be the discussion ender. they didnt have access to the things that we have now and dont realize we take advantage of. if you want to vie for tribal life so hard, get rid of the things that you have that they didnt. goddamn, its on par with the fags who praise the 1950s for being wholesome without knowing what really went down then
No. 456134
>>456078>you'd focus on helping your fellow women fix their clearly low self-esteem.maybe stop accusing all women of having low self-esteem if they're beliefs are different from yours
>REEE MEN!" "MEN ARE MEANIES SO WOMEN SHOULD BE TOO!I mean, straw-manning and mocking an argument could work for anything, maybe have a
valid argument instead of just mocking and insulting
>i'm for political lesbianism just so you crazy retards don't breed.there's little of us but plenty of alt-right men abusing women in worse ways outside of just being slightly controlling, maybe, since you're so for "crazy retards not breeding" you should spend your time attacking the ones actually sending women to the hospital and brainwashing other men for their cult, instead of ranting about the very few women like me who want men to be controlled
No. 456140
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>>456135put them in their place and allow them to face consequences for their actions, stop allowing them to be coddled. I'm tired of being nice, being nice doesn't work, look at all the tumblr feminists who defend men yet still get bashed and hated
No. 456192
File: 1567246432061.jpg (86.41 KB, 584x358, 1537365639740.jpg) White wife/Black husband marriages show twice the divorce rate of White wife/White husband couples,whereas Black wife/White husband marriages are 44% less likely to end in divorce than White wife/White husband couples
can any black anons explain this ?
No. 456197
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Some old Anti-Irish American political cartoons I found
No. 456198
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No. 456199
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No. 456200
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No. 456201
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No. 456228
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>>456225>The English also had a terrible attitude to Irish people back then. Which is crazy because they're basically the same people.I'm not Irish but even I know that's not true.the original Inhabitants of the British Isles were various divided Celtic peoples and tribes,however in the Early Middle Ages there was a huge migration/Invasion of various Germanic People's in the whole of Great Britain especially in what is now England and these people ended becoming the dominant ethnic groups,hell English is a Germanic language but Ireland remained prominently Celtic in linguistics and culture
No. 456232
>>456228Wait, so they're not even natives to their own homeland? Wow.
And why are they so ugly compared to European people?? I always thought they had been inbreeding on their island since the dawn of time separated from everyone else and that's why they look the way they do
No. 456234
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>>456232That's just how they look anon
No. 456235
>>456232Is this your first time discovering how often the UK has been invaded and settled?
Hint: It's a lot.
No. 456281
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Submission Statement: The Finders Cult - In February 1987, police arrested two men traveling with six children in Tallahassee, Florida. The men were well-dressed but the children appeared dirty, unkempt, and disoriented. Washington, D.C. based "cult" that conducted "brainwashing" and used children "in rituals."
The Finders Cult - CIA admitted front company. A cult of well-dressed men in Washington, D.C. Police seized photographs of naked children and children in chains. Found pictures of robed men and children at goat bloodletting ceremonies. Group kidnaps children and brainwashes them. Altar in warehouse.
D.C. police, who searched a Northeast Washington warehouse linked to the group, removed large plastic bags filled with color slides, photographs and photographic contact sheets. Some photos visible through a bag carried from the warehouse at 1307 Fourth St. NE were wallet-sized pictures of children, similar to school photos, and some were of naked children.
D.C. police sources said some of the items seized yesterday showed pictures of children engaged in what appeared to be "cult rituals." Officials of the U.S. Customs Service, called in to aid in the investigation, said that the material seized yesterday includes photos showing children involved in bloodletting ceremonies of animals and one photograph of a child in chains.
A source told investigators details of being recruited by the Finders with promises of "financial reward and sexual gratification" and of being invited by one member to "explore" satanism with them, according to the documents.
A D.C. police detective observed a clearing in the rear of the 3900 block of W Street NW where "several round stones had been gathered" near a circle, as well as evidence that people had gathered there, according to the document, which stated that "this practice is sometimes used in satanic rituals."
Police found a photo album entitled “The Execution of Henrietta and Igor,” a series of snapshots depicting berobed adults and children slaughtering goats in a wintry woodscape. One photo depicted giggling toddlers pulling dead kids from a womb (“Baby goats!” ran the caption); another showed a grinning adult presenting a goat’s head to a startled child.
Undoubtedly one of the most chilling conspiracies out there - The Finders Cult. Really disturbing to imagine what all went on here, and if this cult us still operating in Washington, D.C. Well dressed men kidnapping children and trafficking them. Brainwashing them with disturbing videos and making them perform occult rituals involving blood.
The Official United States Customs Service documents on the Finders Cult
"…the investigation into the activity of the FINDERS had become a CIA internal matter…I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation…No further action will be taken."
"The warehouse contained a large library, two kitchens, a sauna, hot-tub, and a "video room." The video room seemed to be set up as an indoctrination center. It also appeared that the organization had the capability to produce its own videos. There were what appeared to be training areas for the children and what appeared to be an altar set up in the residential area of the warehouse. Many jars of urine and feces were located in this area."
"A later Customs report says the CIA ″admitted to owning the Finders organization as a front for a domestic computer training operation but that it had ’gone bad,‴ the newspaper said." No. 456284
>>456281>>456282I feel like this might've belonged more in the General Tinfoil thread, but on the other hand: Finally, some good content in this shit thread full of stupid arguing and racebait.
>"A later Customs report says the CIA ″admitted to owning the Finders organization as a front for a domestic computer training operation but that it had ’gone bad,‴ the newspaper said."What the fuck? This is some MK-ULTRA shit.
No. 456306
>>456281In 1987 the New York Times ran a story about a little known cult called “The Finders”. The first paragraph reads:
“Police officials here said today that six disheveled children found in Tallahassee, Fla., might be the offspring of members of a little known cult, but the officials said they had not ruled out the possibility of kidnapping.”^1
Who are these suspicious men, and what were they doing with 6 undocumented children, transporting them across the country? Two children who were with the Tallahassee men were found to show signs of sexual abuse.^2 The Finders had long been a topic of discussion for locals, who were naturally fascinated with the cult that lived amongst them. The Washington City Paper once described the Finders as such:
“In appearance, the Finders—mostly middle-aged men, always in dark suits—wouldn’t be out of place managing a local funeral home. But the behavior of the handful of adherents has people wondering whether they arrived by flying saucer. Townspeople say the Finders constantly walk the streets, following people home and taking extensive notes and pictures. They often appear at local council meetings, never saying a word but simply observing the scene. At other times, they plunder the visitor’s center of brochures, maps, and local travel guides. And they haunt the courthouse, scouring land deeds to find out who owns the local real estate,” -Washington City Paper^3
The Washington City Paper goes on to address the shocking specter of the alleged Satanist practices of the cult, with the startling revelation:
“But among all the cryptic inventory, cops found a photo album entitled “The Execution of Henrietta and Igor,” a series of snapshots depicting berobed adults and children slaughtering goats in a wintry woodscape. One photo depicted giggling toddlers pulling dead kids from a womb (“Baby goats!” ran the caption); another showed a grinning adult presenting a goat’s head to a startled child.”^4
One US News and World Report article states:
“The more the police learned about the Finders, the more bizarre they seemed: There were suggestions of child abuse, Satanism, dealing in pornography and ritualistic animal slaughter. None of the allegations was ever proved, however. The child abuse charges against the two men in Tallahassee were dropped.”^5
The children were apparently en route to Mexico, to what the children described as a school for 'smart kids'. It was noted in a Customs Report that the children were unable to accurately identify themselves or their custodians, could not identify the purpose of telephones, toilets or televisions, and were only given food 'as a reward'.^6
These shocking developments led to a raid on the Finders compound by the U.S. Customs Service. The report produced after the raid is astounding:
“During the execution of the warrant at 3918/20 W Street., I was able to observe and access the entire building. I saw large quantities of childrens clothing and toys. The clothing consisted of diapers and clothes in the toddler to preschool range. No children were found on the premises.”
“Cursory examination of the documents revealed detailed instructions for obtaining children for unspecified purposes. The instructions included the impregnation of female members of the community known as the Finders, purchasing children, trading and kidnapping.”
“One such telex specifically ordered the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be arranged through a contact in the Chinese Embassy there. Another telex expressed interest in 'bank secrecy' situations. Other documents identified interests in high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under control of the Finders, a keen interest in terrorism, explosives and evasion of authorities.”
“There was also a set of instructions which appeared to be broadcast via a computer network which advised participants to move 'the children' and to keep them moving through different jurisdictions, and instructions on how to avoid police attention.”
“I was able to observe numerous documents which described explicit sexual conduct between members of the community known as Finders. I also saw a large collection of photographs of unidentified persons. Some of the photographs were nudes, believed to be members of Finders. There were numerous photos of children, some nude, at least one of which was a child 'on display' and appearing to accent the childs genitals.”
“One of the officers presented me with a photo album for review. The album contained a series of photos of adults and children dressed in white sheets participating in a 'blood ritual'. The ritual centered around the execution of at least two goats. The photos portrayed the execution, disembowelment and dismemberment of the goats at the hands of the children. This included the removal of the testes of the male goat, the discovery of the female goats 'womb' and the 'baby goats' inside the womb, and the presentation of the goat head to one of the children.”
“The warehouse contained a large library, two kitchens, a sauna, hot tub, and a 'video room'. The video room seemed to be set up as an indoctrination center. It also appeared that the organization had the capability to produce its own videos. There were what appeared to be training areas for the children and what appeared to be an altar set up in a residential area of the warehouse. Many jars of feces and urine were located in this area.” - USCS Report of Investigation Continuation, filed by Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez, March 2, 1987^7
A follow up report revealed the most shocking detail of the entire Finders case:
“I was advised that all of the passport data had been turned over to the State Department for their investigation. The State Department in turn advised MPD (D.C. Metropolitan Police Department) that all travel and use of passports by the holders of the passports was within the law and no action would be taken. This included travel to Moscow, North Korea and North Vietnam from the late 1950's to the early 1970's.
The individual further advised me of circumstances which indicated that the investigation into the Finders had become a CIA internal matter. The MPD report has been classified and is not available for review. I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation several weeks prior and that the FBI Foreign Counter Intelligence Division had directed the MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired.”^8 (Emphasis mine).
After the Finders investigation became a 'CIA internal matter', no action against the Finders was ever taken, and the case has largely faded from public memory. Not everyone was content with the investigation simply 'ending'. Florida congressman Tom Lewis was quoted as saying:
“'Could our own government have something to do with this Finders organization and turned their backs on these children? That's what all the evidence points to," says Lewis. "And there's a lot of evidence. I can tell you this: We've got a lot of people scrambling, and that wouldn't be happening if there was nothing here.'”^9
Digging by the media could only produce one confirmed connection: A firm which operated as a 'front organization' for the CIA providing officers with computer training employed several members of the Finders. The Washington Times reported:
“Other Customs Service documents and records from the FBI and Metropolitan Police provide indications that the CIA had links to the Finders or at least to some of the group’s members. A Metropolitan Police document dated Feb. 19, 1987, quotes a CIA agent as confirming that his agency was sending its personnel to "a Finders Corp., Future Enterprises, for training in computer operations."And a later Customs Service report says that the CIA "admitted to owning the Finders organization as a front for a domestic computer training operation but that it had ’gone bad.’”^10
The CIA, of course, has denied any connection to the Finders
So, what does all of this information mean to you? How could they get away with it, why was the case closed, and how deep does the rabbit hole go?
Sources (sorry for the lazy formatting. I'm on mobile. All these sources can be found on Google. Ibid means ive already listed the source.)
1New York Times, “Inquiry Spreads on 6 Children and Cult,” February 8, 1987
2Chicago Tribune, “2 Cult Children Show Signs Of Sex Abuse,” February 9, 1987
3Washington City Paper, “Finders Keeper,” May 24, 1996
5US News and World Report, “Through a Glass, Very Darkly,” December 19, 1993
6USCS report available here.
9US News and World Report, “Through a Glass, Very Darkly,” December 19, 1993
10The Washington Times, “CIA tied to cult accused of abuse ; Justice probes links to Finders,” December 17, 1993 No. 456314
>>456306How could this have gone ignored for so long, and the government to have protected those involved? What the actual fuck?
Wasn't Satanic ritual abuse supposed to be fake and made up by overzealous Christians?
No. 456323
>>456322Woman who accused John of God cult leader of rape mysteriously kills herself at Spanish home
Eldest son Gabriel Baum confirmed her death, writing on Facebook: “She took the last step so that we could live. They killed my mother.”
More than 600 women have accused John of God - real name Joao Teixeira de Faria - of sexually abusing them during so-called healing sessions.
He was arrested in his homeland of Brazil in December and remanded in prison before being charged with rape and sexual assault.
The cult leader gained international fame in 2010 when US TV star Oprah Winfrey visited his retreat to interview him for her talk show.
She wrote she left feeling “an overwhelming sense of peace”, although she later deleted the comments and has since said she hopes justice is done.
Teixeira de Faria’s claims of healing powers brought people from around the world to his compounds in the small town of Abadiania.
Bill Clinton and supermodel Naomi Campbell are rumoured to be among the high-profile celebrities to have visited the 77-year-old.
Mrs Bittencourt, 38, who was "living under the protection" after receiving death threats, claimed Teixeira de Faria ran a “sex slave farm.”
The mum-of-three claimed young girls were held captive to produce babies to be sold on the black market before being murdered.
She was quoted as saying: “Hundreds of girls were enslaved over years, lived on farms in Goias, served as wombs to get pregnant, for their babies to be sold.”
Mrs Bittencourt said she had received reports of the newborns being sold for up to £40,000 in Europe, USA and Australia.
She added: “These girls were murdered after 10 years of giving birth. We have got a number of testimonies.”
Announcing her death Vitimas Unidas said: "(The) group announces with regret the death of Sabrina Bittencourt, which occurred around 9pm on Saturday in Barcelona.
“The activist committed suicide and left a farewell note explaining the reasons why she took her own life.
“We ask you all not to try to contact her relatives. Two of her three children are still not aware of what happened and their father, Rafael Velasco, is trying to protect them.” No. 456343
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>>456325There are children living there. Why is that allowed, in any capacity?
No. 456466
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>>456192Domestic abuse also goes way down when you compare blackMale/blackFemale with whiteMale/BlackFemale
Both BlackMale/BlackFemale and BlackMale/whitefemale have the worst domestic abuse rates of them all, even compared to hispanics and asians. Black males are the determining factor here.
(necessaryspeed4) No. 456467
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>>456466And we are back to murica posting
No. 456481
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>>456467Sarcastic responses don't make
problematic issues become less real you know.
(necessaryspeed4) No. 456507
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and if you look at the statistics the perpetrators of the deadliest shootings are mostly white so what's your point? if some retarded outcast shoots up a place it's their fault, stop using it as a reason to generalize races.
No. 456512
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i just wish we could stop shooting each other up. whats the point of going anywhere or doing anything if some faggot with an arsenal wants people to die because life is hard?
No. 456518
>>456513Gun laws. Of course gun freaks are all like "Well, it's proven a lot of these guns are stolen, they don't follow the law, that's what makes them criminals! What makes you think laws are gonna fix everything?" Well first of all dummy, how did they steal the gun in the first place? Which vendor / owner wasn't careful enough with storage? There's got to be extra layers of protection.
Like, it's not that easy to steal a car without an alarm going off and windows being broken and no ignition key if it's locked. You can use a car as a weapon too. It's also not absurd for the government to come out with new laws and regulations regarding a car, which is a privilege not a right, but when they try to discuss new gun laws, people get so butthurt about it.
No. 456535
>>456531>literal hundreds of civilians who died because of socially retarded men who had an easy access to gunsBy socially retarded men you mean urban criminals fighting drug wars with illegal weapons? How come Venezuela and Mexico are the most violent place on earth if the population can't legally arm themselves? crazy right, criminals buying illegal guns but law abiding citizens cant.
How about the thousands of women that get raped and kidnapped because they can't protect themselves against an agressor that overpowers them physically?
You sound like a spoiled kid taking the safety of the suburbs for granted. People need to protect themselves from criminals and people who act against their personal safety. Hope you are never in such a situation and your bubble never explodes.
No. 456542
>>456535these urban criminals in drug wars kill each other and usually get caught after a few murders. i was referring to columbine influencees shooting up schools, elliot rodger and the alikes, racists who shoot up places of worship, shootings like that. they are the ones who commited the deadliest shootings in america.
>>456507is it women's responsibility to carry a gun and be ready to use it any time or is it the local security's responsibility to create a safe environment for citizens anon?
No. 456543
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>>456542That wasn't a normal school shooting it was a terrorist attack committed by the Taliban
No. 456546
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>>456539And yet we seem to control our gun-toting maniacs a lot better than the Land of the Free, have four religions under one roof that somehow don't kill each other every day because we used to be commiepilled until recently, house refugees from the Middle-East who stay put and don't cause incidents, and women can walk around at night without getting molested.
>>456520In Serbia civilians are not allowed to own firearms without a permit and proper training (which is expensive), and guns aren't available at every Walmart equivalent. The only place you can actually get a gun as a civilian is a hunting shop, for which you need a hunter's permit.
No. 456547
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>>456546>somehow don't kill each other every day are you really forgetting the Break up of Yugoslavia where you all tried to kill each other
No. 456551
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>>456543so I know this is super inappropriate but am I the only the one who finds guy on the left kinda cute
No. 456552
>>456546Not only that but Serbia has about 1 million registered weapons and 500,000 to 1.5 million unregistered weapons yet has only 0.61 deaths
caused by guns
No. 456553
>>456547First off, it's 2019, not 1989. Things are different.
Second, those conflicts were politically charged and had nothing to do with religion in itself, plus you had a lot of criminal paramilitary organisations involved who were doing it for power and profit and were paid by corrupt authorities to cause unrest. You can't go from people living peacefully for 50-some years to going at each other's throats in one year out of the blue. The conflicts were caused by external and internal forces and have little to do with the common folk.
People are still using religion as a political statement in some parts of the Western Balkans (especially in Bosnia where Bosniak Muslims consider themselves a separate ethnic group, for some reason), but this rhetoric has been changed more times than I've changed my socks since the 90s. It used to be that you couldn't be a Croat unless you were Catholic but they changed their minds recently.
In Serbia there are several religious denominations within the country who all sort of do their own thing. There's a strong Jewish community in Vojvodina and Belgrade, right next to the Jewish cultural centre in Belgrade is the Bajrakli mosque, the Sandžak region has a strong Muslim population, the Hungarian minority and Bunjevci Croats are predominantly Catholic, and the biggest religion in the country is Eastern/Greek Orthodoxy. A large number of the population also identify as atheist "Yugoslavs". Mixed marriages are also common and not frowned upon.
Bosnia is even more mixed in terms of religion but their entire political system is a clusterfuck I don't know much about.
But go off, tell me more about my country.
No. 456554
>>456542>they are the ones who committed the deadliest shootings in America. Those don't even account for 0.1% of gun related deaths that happen in America every year. One of the deadliest mass shootings happened in Norway, a country with strict gun laws, wonder what happened there.
>>>456542or is it the local security's responsibility to create a safe environment for citizens anon?
Yeah, you tell yourself that when you walk home at night by yourself. Like i said before, you sound extremely sheltered and spoiled kid from the suburbs.
I live by myself, i am a legal gun owner and open carrier, like hell i am giving it up and make myself more vulnerable because it hurts your feelings. Fuck that. That's exactly what these incel rapist want, vulnerable women and people shitting themselves.
>and usually get caught after a few murdersPhew! thats so reasuring anon! (some) rapist and murderes get caught eventually! while you, the
victim, become another statistic to be forgotten. Leave it to the Superman! he will show up when you need it.
No. 456555
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>>456553>Second, those conflicts were politically charged How does that invalidate that you tried to kill each other?
No. 456556
>>456555>have four religions under one roof that somehow don't kill each other every day>religions>not criminals and corrupt politicians paid by Western authoritiesReligion and politics were separate in Yugoslavia.
Also that happened 20 years ago, I will repeat. I am talking about today, Year of Our Lord 2019, in which the US had ~28 school shootings to date.
No. 456563
>>456557That's probably requires complex answers, but making guns illegal is not it.
Some are making up to be like every american is running from bullets and shootings everyday everywhere, except much more people have been killed in Europe by islamist extremists than americans by mass shooter. Why don't you deal with that shit instead of being smug and memeing about america eurofags? aren't you supposed to be like, super safe from terrorists because you have gun control?
As far as deaths go the biggest threat by far is still regular ass crime and even that is very localized. And America has a ton of cities that are safe af despite high gun ownership.
Chicago is proof that strict gun laws don't help with underlying issues in a community and criminals would still be shooting themselves. Socioeconomic factors, education and mental health are a good start for finding solutions to gun violence rather than taking guns away from law abiding citizens, the overwhelming majority of which will never use them for anything other than defending themselves.
No. 456566
>>456563it's almost like three shootings happened within the span of one week just last month.
>someone criticizes america's gun laws>"b-but people die in europe too!!"how does this dismiss anything?
No. 456567
>>456564And the Balkans all consist of one singular territory and culture, is what you're implying?
Would you rather be compared to Australia then?
>>456562It's alright, I'm used to explaining to people that I'm not from Siberia and my neighbourhood is not Chernobyl
No. 456580
>>456576>it's not so much about them going and buying news onesOh, so its ok when they don't buy the guns, just when the state gives them the guns for free and they are all still armed.
When you put it like that.
No. 456591
>>456537>>456580>People who've been convicted of a crime or have an alcohol or drug addiction aren't allowed to buy guns in Switzerland.
>The law also states that anyone who "expresses a violent or dangerous attitude" won't be permitted to own a gun.
>Switzerland still has one of the highest rates of gun violence in Europe, and most gun deaths in the country are suicides.
>Around the world, stronger gun laws have been linked to fewer gun deaths. That has been the case in Switzerland too.
>After hundreds of years of letting local cantons determine gun rules, Switzerland passed its first federal regulations on guns in 1999, after the country's crime rate increased during the 1990s.
>Since then, more provisions have been added to keep the country on par with EU gun laws, and gun deaths, including suicides, have continued to drop.
>As of 2015, the Swiss estimated that only about 11% of citizens kept their military-issued gun at home.>The ammunition for the weaponry is kept in a government arsenal. (Swiss men used to be able to keep up to 50 rounds at home and the government did a periodic inventory to make sure it wasn't being used, but that changed in 2007 when the country tightened its rules.)
>Ammunition purchased at shooting ranges – which are very popular in Switzerland – is supposed to be used there.
>Overall, "they have fewer guns per capita than we do and far stricter gun laws in terms of private ownership," Everett said. "If the U.S. ever attempted to implement gun laws like Switzerland's, the NRA would fight it tooth and nail.">2. Across high-income nations, more guns = more homicide
>We analyzed the relationship between homicide and gun availability using data from 26 developed countries from the early 1990s. We found that across developed countries, where guns are more available, there are more homicides. These results often hold even when the United States is excluded. No. 456603
>>456519Cause it’s easy to import them or get your hands on them when the police are horrifically corrupt?
How come Australia and New Zealand have fuck all shootings and stricter gun laws?
No. 456604
Cause it’s easy to import them or get your hands on them when the police are horrifically corrupt?
So you agree gun laws mean jack shit. All they do in those places is dis empower the citizen against the criminals and their corrupt as fuck governments.
>How come Australia and New Zealand have fuck all shootings and stricter gun laws?>>456570 No. 456607
>>456528The really hardcore gunfags say they need them to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. As if a pile of very very tough guys are gonna take on the army and save America. Might as well be plastic katanas since they’re props for a fantasy.
>>456604When police and government are horrifically corrupt. America’s are retarded, racist, and absurdly nationalistic, but the White House isn’t holding hands under the table with the local coke cartel either.
No. 456613
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>>456609>homogeneous country lol,Switzerland is a culturally and linguistically diverse country dumbass
No. 456619
>>456613So, which of those swiss regions have more the Maras, bloods and crips?
>Storm the presidents residence and kill him?You say that like its a joke. It would have been over years ago have the population being armed and able to defend themselves from armed thugs rather than relying on flags and cooking pots.
No. 456652
>>456641are u sure bc their name says admin lmao
saged for obvious sarcasm
No. 458191
>>458179this was a promo short film made for radiohead, if you watch the whole thing you can see the costumes more closely.
it's called Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief directed by Richard Ayoade.